Common mistakes in interior design. Ignore the location of the house

Apartment design is important detail for every owner. The comfort of the people living in the house depends, first of all, on how competent and harmonious the interior design is.

Small rooms, in addition to beauty and coherence, also require proper organization of the space: so that everything is at hand, and at the same time nothing gets in the way. To achieve perfect results when organizing renovations, let's look at all the mistakes that you need to learn from before designing and selecting the interior for your apartment.

1. Insufficient storage space

The big problem with small apartments is that sometimes there is absolutely nowhere to put things. Therefore, from the very beginning, think about the layout of the storage sections. Imagine, or even sketch, where you will have a dressing room, where cabinets for dishes and linen will be located, and where to hang bookshelf. It is very important to think about how to occupy every free corner and play with the space. Do not place bulky and useless racks and cabinets in your rooms, which will cause everyone to bump and trip over them. It’s better to build a separate dressing room that will hide all your things from view.

2. Lack of functionality

The apartment should have all the necessary spaces according to the logic of things: a kitchen, a bathroom, a personal area, a place to sleep. Disruption of such a system can cause disharmony. Don't deprive yourself of the full sleeping place by replacing the bed with a narrow couch, or dining area, crowded around the coffee table. Manufacturers modern furniture provide a lot of functional and convenient solutions for small spaces.

3. “Space for space’s sake”

Despite the first rule, don't be afraid large sofas and long cabinets. When choosing them, look not at volume, but at functionality. A large shelving unit will allow you to bring order to the room. With him, all things will be in their places. A large sofa will help create coziness in small hall. Leaving space just because it needs to be left is not worth it, especially if you don’t have to be at home all the time. However, of course, don’t overdo it. A lot of bulky things in the interior will make the apartment even smaller.
Strive for balance in everything.

4. Excessive clutter

Things tend to constantly add up. As needed, we buy equipment, dishes, books, souvenirs, clothes and much more. But we don’t intend to get rid of unnecessary things, thinking to ourselves: “What if it comes in handy!” However, things remain the same. If you have small apartment, then you will have to get rid of excess junk. Don't be afraid to get rid of old and unnecessary things. Post them on websites - they may be useful to someone.

5. Interior in dark colors

Everyone knows that dark shades have a bad effect on the perception of the scale of spaces, reducing them. Do not be afraid light colors, use a beige, milky, blue, yellow color palette. This way you will visually increase the space, make the rooms brighter and more comfortable.

6. Fragmentation of space

A small apartment does not tolerate being divided into even smaller rooms. Screens, dividing racks, blind doors, and other partitions - all this is not for a small room. Use the space wisely, expand it visually! Ideal option the apartment will be finished in one style decision, and smooth transition rooms, accommodation glass partitions without the formation of small closed spaces.

Not everyone wants to hire a designer when renovating and furnishing an apartment. At independent design may turn out to be individual and comfortable interior, however, no one is immune from mistakes. We have collected the most typical of them: forewarned is forearmed!

Decorative excesses

This is something that can be difficult to resist. Too many accessories not only make cleaning difficult, but also make the room feel heavy, cluttered and uncomfortable. If you have to rake away the pillows before sitting on the sofa, and you can take museum tours around the apartment, think about whether your space is furnished harmoniously.

Furniture on the wall

Furniture that seems to stick to the walls will be a necessary measure in very small rooms. Moreover, if there is a lot left in the middle empty space, this may be a warning sign: the arrangement of elements is not optimal. You can move the sofa a little away from the wall or even place it in the middle of the room, fence off functional areas with a shelving unit, or place desk behind the head of the bed. This will add air and originality to the room.

Too much furniture

A large amount of furniture will visually clutter the room and, with high probability, interfere with moving along it. If you are afraid that there will be nowhere to seat rare guests, it will be more economical to buy folding table and folding chairs or bean bags for the living room. Also give preference to multifunctional items and vertical storage: for example, choose a coffee table-chest or a desk with shelves above it. If there is not much furniture, even a large one corner sofa It can look harmonious and not bulky in the apartment.

No curtains on the windows

It seems that the curtains can be eaten free place and block light even when open. But in practice, living without them is difficult, especially if the windows face south. Curtains will at least allow you to get a better night's sleep, comfortably watch TV during the day and shelter from the heat in the summer, not to mention pleasant isolation from neighbors in the house opposite. If you want to avoid the massiveness of curtains, buy a laconic roller blind.

Poor lighting

By the way, the perception of colors will also depend on the light - for example, from warm spectrum lamps, red will appear brighter and blue will appear darker. Take these features into account when choosing Decoration Materials. Designers bring samples into the interior and see how they behave in different lighting, try to do the same.

Ill-designed sockets and switches

Sockets and switches are the first on the list of reasons why you should think about the location in the room functional zones even before the renovation began. Then there will be no extension cords nested around the desktop, and the switch will not be behind the cabinet.


You should not buy items for the interior, focusing only on their appearance. You still have to sit in this chair, this mirror surface- wipe... what happens to the permanent upholstery of the sofa if you spill something on it? Perfect comfort You won’t be able to create it right away, but if you find yourself constantly tripping over a chair leg or squeezing past a chest of drawers, rearranging them is quite easy. If an item is so inconvenient that you stop using it, feel free to get rid of it.

Fear of experimentation and change

If you feel insecure as a designer, this may affect the interior: it will turn out monochromatic, uninteresting and overly standard due to your fear of making mistakes. The same thing happens if you blindly follow fashion when choosing a style, or copy an interior from a picture that was not created for you. Try to take a risk! Add bright colors, combine different styles and pieces of furniture from different sets. The interior is easier to change than it seems if you are dissatisfied with the results of your experience.

In this article we will present mistakes in interior design that are more common than others and can cause disappointment for home owners who were expecting a completely different effect. We hope that our article will help you avoid remodeling and create a harmonious interior.

Agree that often the results of repairs and seemingly well-thought-out design techniques for some reason they are not happy. And you chose newfangled wallpaper, and you bought an expensive chandelier, and you put a lot of effort into it, but as a result, the room looks completely different from what you expected. And it’s uncomfortable to live here; it turns out that the room cannot perform all its functions.

How to avoid this? Of course if you do major renovation for the first time, independently, without the help of specialists and a pre-compiled design project, minor errors will still occur. However, you can always use the experience of others and listen to the advice of professionals to minimize such risk. In this article, we have collected the mistakes that designers call the most common and critical to help you avoid “stepping on other people’s mistakes” and get the desired result.

How many times, looking at beautiful interiors in the photo, you said to yourself: “Well, yes, a master worked here, and the room is huge, and the furniture is expensive, we can’t live like that.” This kind of skepticism will not help you decorate your home beautifully, so just give it a try! As a result, your kitchen can look no less attractive than this Hollywood version

The first mistake is to try to leave everything as it is

A major overhaul is too expensive and time-consuming, we’ll just re-glue the wallpaper, tint the floor and that’s enough. And let the furniture stay where it was. This is exactly what many homeowners think, acting on the principle “it will do.” Why bother with redevelopment, tear down walls and build new partitions - we lived here before and nothing was wrong, it’s quite familiar and even convenient in places! Meanwhile competent planning even in a small one-room apartment, it allows you to select several areas for relaxation and receiving guests, and during the redevelopment you can completely turn two-room apartment into a full-fledged three-room apartment.

Designers strongly advise paying Special attention functionality and space planning, and leave beauty in the background. In fact, you will always have time to repaint the wall, but it is unlikely to expand the bathtub at the expense of the corridor. So start with redevelopment, don’t be afraid to radically change the location separate zones, and leave the choice of wallpaper and curtains for later.

If you prefer to dine in the living room, then big kitchen you just don't need it. Why not combine these two rooms, creating a single space? Or how in this case to arrange the kitchen work area behind light partition or column

Mistake two - too colorful or boring

When choosing color range In interior design, inexperienced designers most often make one of two main mistakes - either they strictly adhere to one shade, creating a boring and inexpressive design, or they get too carried away, decorating the room with all the colors of the rainbow. Both options are the wrong solution. If you have beige walls, the floor is a slightly darker shade, the same ceiling and furniture - all this will blend in and the room will just be boring, banal. At the same time use bright red, and even in combination with yellow or dark blue, it will be too flashy and will begin to irritate over time.

We have already written about how to create a harmonious color palette, which combinations look especially impressive and beautiful, so we will not repeat ourselves. Remember, even if red or green are your favorite colors, you shouldn't use them throughout the entire room. The golden mean is what you should strive for when choosing shades for your interior.

It is immediately obvious that the owner of this bedroom loves pink color. Why mistress? Imagine a man like this gentle bedroom It's hard enough. There is too much pink here, which makes the room faded and uninteresting

In this living room, on the contrary, bright colors too much: orange, lush green, red. Of course, it looks original, but over time the feeling of novelty will pass, and irritation from such a bright combination will appear

Mistake three - poor lighting

A chandelier in the center of a room is still one of the most common lighting options. However, if you think about it, what will it illuminate? Carpet on the floor? Lamps must fulfill their main function - to illuminate individual functional areas. It is better to place several spotlights above work area kitchens and a lamp with a lampshade above the table, rather than hanging one single chandelier, albeit a beautiful and expensive one.

One of fashion trends Today there are built-in, hidden lamps, when it is simply unclear where the light is coming from. Designers are sure that, for example, there should be several light sources in the bedroom - near the bed for reading before bed, near the closet and mirror. But it’s better to completely abandon the chandelier in the center of the ceiling.

If you have two lamps on either side of the head of the bed, spotlights near the mirror and closet, will you also use a chandelier in the center of the ceiling? In this case, it becomes completely redundant.

Error four - too few sockets and inconveniently located switches

This mistake again concerns not the interior design as such, but its functionality. Today, every apartment has a huge amount of electrical household appliances, each of which will have to be connected to the network somehow. In this regard, professionals are confident that only careful planning will ensure required quantity sockets

Just walk through the rooms and decide where the refrigerator will stand, the air conditioner will hang, the computer will take its place, the floor lamp and washing machine will be located. Only in the bathroom there should be at least two sockets: for washing machine, as well as at the mirror - for connecting an electric razor and hair dryer. At the same time, they must be located exactly where needed.

Agree, it will be very inconvenient if there are only two sockets in the room, both are occupied, for example, by a TV and a laptop, and there is simply nowhere to charge the phone. And extension cords on the floor will look out of place.

When choosing a location for switches, think about which direction it will open. interior door and stand closet. By the way, today there are so-called pass-through switches - you can turn on the light at one end long corridor, and turn it off in another.

It is better to place at least three sockets above the work surface in the kitchen. What if you have to turn on the electric kettle, mixer and bread maker at the same time?

Mistake #5: Too much furniture

Wardrobes traditionally take up the most space in a room. These massive structures They can take up half the room and will definitely not add beauty to the interior. What about storage space, you ask? Things need to be stored somewhere! Of course, but it's better to arrange one dressing room, for example, on the site of a former pantry, rather than putting a closet with mezzanines in each room.

An alternative is to install one spacious wardrobe along the entire wall of the bedroom or disguise the cabinets under the walls so that they are not conspicuous.

By the way, do you know that a massive wall in the living room is bad manners? Choose a lighter one modern version with a variety of open and closed shelves, and the TV panel can even be hung on the wall, eliminating the need to buy a cabinet for it.

Since the times of the USSR, when buying a wall was the dream of many homeowners, this piece of furniture remains very popular. But modern living room sets don’t look so massive at all, while still allowing you to organize the required amount of storage space

In this living room, the storage spaces are almost invisible, as they are successfully hidden in the wall behind the sofa. At the same time, there is clearly a lot of space in these cabinets!

Mistake #6: Sticking to the traditional furniture arrangement

Where is the furniture in your house? Along the walls, as our parents used to? Try to refuse such a banal decision. For example, the center of the kitchen can be given over to an island, which will become dining table, and a work surface, and a bar counter.

A sofa in the middle of the living room can be an excellent separator for different functional areas. Experiment, most likely, the new arrangement of furniture will pleasantly surprise you with its functionality and convenience, and the room will look completely different.

In this living room, a sofa corner divided the room into a dining and relaxation area, taking pride of place in the center

Mistake seven - making a mistake in choosing a style

If we have already dealt with the functional side of the interior, it is worth paying attention to the style of home decoration. The choice of design style depends primarily on the wishes of the homeowners, but should also be combined with the characteristics of the home itself.

For example, you visited a historical estate or were visiting a friend who lives in country house, and were delighted with the lush baroque style in which the interior was decorated. But, believe me, an attempt to transfer all the ceremonial beauty of this historical style in an ordinary “kopeck piece” will end in tears.

Like the design wooden house in high-tech style. Remember that if you decide to decorate a room in a certain style, you will have to “play by the rules” and strictly adhere to the principles of the chosen direction. So think again before you decide - classic or modern.

This kitchen-dining room is clearly decorated in a retro style. If you are also a fan of mid-century interiors - great option. Otherwise, you will quickly get tired of such a vintage look, and you will have to change the entire furnishings completely.

Mistake eight - trying to fit a random thing into the existing interior

Many homeowners just can't pass it up. beautiful picture, a charming vase or an elegant console in the Louis XVI style. However, it can be problematic to fit such randomly acquired items into the already existing interior of the room.

Firstly, a large painting or statue in itself is very original and self-sufficient, so it will not be tolerated in proximity to other decorative elements. And secondly, the item may turn out to be completely unnecessary, non-functional or take up too much space.

Before you buy this cute chair with fluffy upholstery, imagine how it will look in your minimalist room! This mistake is especially often made in relation to retro items that the owners value and do not intend to throw away. At the same time, you can fit retro things into a modern interior quite harmoniously if you adhere to simple rules, which we have already talked about.

An ultra-modern lamp plays the role of a highlight of the interior in this living room. However, it should be noted that against the background of the rest calm interior both he and the massage leather chair look alien

Mistake nine - too delicate or too brutal interior

The struggle between the masculine and feminine principles in the interior can lead to the design ending up either sugary-sweet, or deliberately strict and too cold. We have already written about what features a man’s interior has. A striking example of a feminine approach to room design is, of course, shabby chic.

Choose golden mean, a true “interior unisex”. Or leave the owner of the house one of the rooms, for example, an office or a billiard room, which he will turn into his male kingdom.

Can a man feel comfortable in such a pretty pink living room? Hardly. Likewise, a beautiful lady will feel uncomfortable in a room with a lot of chrome, glass and a complete lack of decoration.

Mistake ten - artificial flowers

Of course, the use of artificial flowers in the interior cannot be called a critical mistake. At the same time, designers all over the world are so vehemently opposed to this type of decor that we could not help but include this mistake in our list. Indeed, it is better to place one modest pot of violets, decorative rose or dracaena, than hang plastic garlands around the room in the form wild grapes. Such a “decoration” will immediately turn into a dust collector and will look like a dull fake.

Only fresh, real flowers are worthy of decorating your home! Leave the plastic knockoffs to people who don't know anything about design.

Mistake eleven - trying to save money

But this error can really become critical. Of course, there is such a thing as “ reasonable savings", so no one is stopping you from choosing the best offer from a construction hypermarket, taking advantage of a discount or favorable conditions stock.

But you can’t save on the services of a master! Do you consider yourself a specialist and are confident that you can install plumbing yourself, arrange multi-level ceiling from plasterboard or change the wiring? Think again! Not enough high quality repair work In the end, it can result in additional costs, so it is very difficult to call such savings reasonable.

The interior should not only be beautiful, but also durable. It will be very unpleasant if cracks appear on your wall within a few months, the faucet in the bathroom begins to leak, and the seams between parquet boards will disperse. So don’t skimp on the services of professionals; it’s better to do it once and “forever” than to fix problems later

Of course, this is far from full list mistakes that can await inexperienced designers and homeowners. Almost every person, after completing a renovation, has the feeling that something is wrong, but this should have been done differently... Well, don’t be afraid to take risks, listen to our advice, think through each stage of the remodel again and believe me, everything is all right for you it will work!

There are two things connected with the carpet: important points. Firstly, if we are talking about the living room and other common spaces, then it serves as a base and must accommodate all the furniture in the room. A small carpet on which it is impossible to squeeze a sofa and a couple of armchairs looks ridiculous.

Another mistake concerns the bedroom. Remember: the rug should be placed perpendicular to the bed, not lengthwise.

It should appear as if from under the bed and together with it create a T-shaped composition. If the carpet just lies nearby, the interior looks awkward.

Caitlin Murray, founder and CEO of Black Lacquer Design

“When you create, for example, in the form of shelves or racks, think about what will be there. After all, this will become the design of your room,” says Murray about the second popular mistake.

The gist of it comes down to this: there is a big difference between an eclectic mix of things and a chaotic mess. And on open surfaces you should have the former, not the latter. Therefore, make sure that the accessories are correctly placed and create a coherent, harmonious picture.

The time for headsets is over. Now, if the furniture is perfectly matched to each other, this rather indicates not the owner’s excellent taste, but rather his lack of imagination. So save identical items for catalogs, and choose furniture for your home that doesn't look like identical twins.

Best rooms- those that look like they have been furnished over time.

Max Humphrey, interior designer

Another design technique that has sunk into the past is one single chandelier per room. The chandelier itself, of course, can be, but it is necessary to add to it additional lighting. It improves visibility and adds dynamics to the space.

Designer Holly Hickey Moore recommends using, in addition to overhead lighting, floor lamps and table lamps.

5. Lack of decor

Objects of art and clothing accessories complete the look. IN in this case image of the room.

They are just as important as the rest of the interior elements: furniture, carpets, TV and everything else you want to have in your home.

Holly Hickey Moore, interior designer

If you don’t dream of living in a boring and faceless space, dilute it with bright details: paintings, posters, vases or candles. With them, the apartment will immediately acquire individuality and become more comfortable.

In this article we will present mistakes in interior design that are more common than others and can cause disappointment for home owners who were expecting a completely different effect. We hope that our article will help you avoid remodeling and create a harmonious interior.

Agree that often the results of repairs and seemingly well-thought-out design techniques are for some reason not pleasing. And you chose newfangled wallpaper, and you bought an expensive chandelier, and you put a lot of effort into it, but as a result, the room looks completely different from what you expected. And it’s uncomfortable to live here; it turns out that the room cannot perform all its functions.

How to avoid this? Of course, if you are doing a major renovation for the first time, on your own, without the help of specialists and a pre-compiled design project, there will still be minor errors. However, you can always use the experience of others and listen to the advice of professionals to minimize such risk. In this article, we have collected the mistakes that designers call the most common and critical to help you avoid “stepping on other people’s mistakes” and get the desired result.

How many times, looking at the beautiful interiors in the photo, have you said to yourself: “Well, yes, a master worked here, and the room is huge, and the furniture is expensive, we can’t live like that.” This kind of skepticism will not help you decorate your home beautifully, so just give it a try! As a result, your kitchen can look no less attractive than this Hollywood version

The first mistake is to try to leave everything as it is

A major overhaul is too expensive and time-consuming, we’ll just re-glue the wallpaper, tint the floor and that’s enough. And let the furniture stay where it was. This is exactly what many homeowners think, acting on the principle “it will do.” Why bother with redevelopment, tear down walls and build new partitions - we lived here before and nothing was wrong, it’s quite familiar and even convenient in places! Meanwhile, competent planning allows even in a small one-room apartment to allocate several areas for relaxation and receiving guests, and during the redevelopment, you can even turn a two-room apartment into a full-fledged three-room apartment.

Designers strongly advise paying special attention to functionality and space planning, and leaving beauty in the background. In fact, you will always have time to repaint the wall, but it is unlikely to expand the bathtub at the expense of the corridor. So start with redevelopment, don’t be afraid to radically change the location of individual zones, and leave the choice of wallpaper and curtains for later.

If you prefer to dine in the living room, then you simply do not need a large kitchen. Why not combine these two rooms, creating a single space? Or how in this case to place the kitchen work area behind a light partition or column

Mistake two - too colorful or boring

When choosing interior colors, inexperienced designers most often make one of two main mistakes - either they strictly adhere to one shade, creating a boring and inexpressive design, or they get too carried away, decorating the room with all the colors of the rainbow. Both options are the wrong solution. If you have beige walls, the floor is a slightly darker shade, the same ceiling and furniture - all this will blend in and the room will just be boring, banal. At the same time, using a bright red color, and even in combination with yellow or dark blue, will be too flashy and will begin to irritate over time.

We have already written about how to create a harmonious color palette, which combinations look especially impressive and beautiful, so we will not repeat ourselves. Remember, even if red or green are your favorite colors, you shouldn't use them throughout the entire room. The golden mean is what you should strive for when choosing shades for your interior.

It is immediately obvious that the owner of this bedroom loves the color pink. Why mistress? It is quite difficult to imagine a man in such a gentle bedroom. There is too much pink here, which makes the room faded and uninteresting

In this living room, on the contrary, there are too many bright colors: orange, lush green, red. Of course, it looks original, but over time the feeling of novelty will pass, and irritation from such a bright combination will appear

Mistake three - poor lighting

A chandelier in the center of a room is still one of the most common lighting options. However, if you think about it, what will it illuminate? Carpet on the floor? Lamps must fulfill their main function - to illuminate individual functional areas. It is better to place several spotlights above the kitchen work area and a lamp with a lampshade above the table than to hang one single chandelier, even a beautiful and expensive one.

One of the fashionable trends today is built-in, hidden lamps, when it is simply not clear where the light is coming from. Designers are sure that, for example, there should be several light sources in the bedroom - near the bed for reading before bed, near the closet and mirror. But it’s better to completely abandon the chandelier in the center of the ceiling.

If you have two lamps on either side of the head of the bed, spotlights near the mirror and closet, will you also use a chandelier in the center of the ceiling? In this case, it becomes completely redundant.

Error four - too few sockets and inconveniently located switches

This mistake again concerns not the interior design as such, but its functionality. Today, every apartment has a huge number of electrical household appliances, each of which will have to be somehow connected to the network. In this regard, professionals are confident that only careful planning will ensure the required number of sockets.

Just walk through the rooms and decide where the refrigerator will be, the air conditioner will be hung, the computer will take its place, the floor lamp and washing machine will be. Only in the bathroom there should be at least two sockets: for the washing machine, and also at the mirror - for connecting an electric razor and hair dryer. At the same time, they must be located exactly where needed.

Agree, it will be very inconvenient if there are only two sockets in the room, both are occupied, for example, by a TV and a laptop, and there is simply nowhere to charge the phone. And extension cords on the floor will look out of place.

When choosing a place for switches, think about which direction the interior door will open and the closet will stand. By the way, today there are so-called walk-through switches - you can turn on the light at one end of a long corridor, and turn it off at the other.

It is better to place at least three sockets above the work surface in the kitchen. What if you have to turn on the electric kettle, mixer and bread maker at the same time?

Mistake #5: Too much furniture

Wardrobes traditionally take up the most space in a room. These massive structures can take up half the room and will definitely not add beauty to the interior. What about storage space, you ask? Things need to be stored somewhere! Of course, but it’s better to equip one dressing room, for example, on the site of a former storage room, than to put a closet with mezzanines in each room.

An alternative is to install one spacious wardrobe along the entire wall of the bedroom or disguise the cabinets under the walls so that they are not conspicuous.

By the way, do you know that a massive wall in the living room is bad manners? Choose a lighter, modern option with a variety of open and closed shelves, and the TV panel can be hung on the wall, eliminating the need to buy a cabinet for it.

Since the times of the USSR, when buying a wall was the dream of many homeowners, this piece of furniture remains very popular. But modern living room sets don’t look so massive at all, while still allowing you to organize the required amount of storage space

In this living room, the storage spaces are almost invisible, as they are successfully hidden in the wall behind the sofa. At the same time, there is clearly a lot of space in these cabinets!

Mistake #6: Sticking to the traditional furniture arrangement

Where is the furniture in your house? Along the walls, as our parents used to? Try to refuse such a banal decision. For example, the center of the kitchen can be given over to an island, which will become a dining table, a work surface, and a bar counter.

A sofa in the middle of the living room can be an excellent separator for different functional areas. Experiment, most likely, the new arrangement of furniture will pleasantly surprise you with its functionality and convenience, and the room will look completely different.

In this living room, a sofa corner divided the room into a dining and relaxation area, taking pride of place in the center

Mistake seven - making a mistake in choosing a style

If we have already dealt with the functional side of the interior, it is worth paying attention to the style of home decoration. The choice of design style depends primarily on the wishes of the homeowners, but should also be combined with the characteristics of the home itself.

For example, you visited a historical estate or were visiting a friend who lives in a country house, and you were delighted with the lush baroque style in which the interior was decorated. But, believe me, an attempt to transfer all the ceremonial beauty of this historical style into an ordinary “kopeck piece” will end in failure.

Just like the design of a wooden house in the high-tech style. Remember that if you decide to decorate a room in a certain style, you will have to “play by the rules” and strictly adhere to the principles of the chosen direction. So think again before you decide - classic or modern.

This kitchen-dining room is clearly decorated in a retro style. If you are also a fan of mid-century interiors, this is a great option. Otherwise, you will quickly get tired of such a vintage look, and you will have to change the entire furnishings completely.

Mistake eight - trying to fit a random thing into the existing interior

Many homeowners simply cannot pass up a beautiful painting, a charming vase or an elegant console in the Louis XVI style. However, it can be problematic to fit such randomly acquired items into the already existing interior of the room.

Firstly, a large painting or statue in itself is very original and self-sufficient, so it will not be tolerated in proximity to other decorative elements. And secondly, the item may turn out to be completely unnecessary, non-functional or take up too much space.

Before you buy this cute chair with fluffy upholstery, imagine how it will look in your minimalist room! This mistake is especially often made in relation to retro items that the owners value and do not intend to throw away. At the same time, you can fit retro things into a modern interior quite harmoniously if you adhere to the simple rules that we have already talked about.

An ultra-modern lamp plays the role of a highlight of the interior in this living room. However, it should be noted that against the backdrop of an otherwise calm interior, both it and the leather massage chair look alien

Mistake nine - too delicate or too brutal interior

The struggle between the masculine and feminine principles in the interior can lead to the design ending up either sugary-sweet, or deliberately strict and too cold. We have already written about what features a man’s interior has. A striking example of a feminine approach to room design is, of course, shabby chic.

Choose the golden mean, a real “interior unisex”. Or leave the owner of the house one of the rooms, for example, an office or a billiard room, which he will turn into his male kingdom.

Can a man feel comfortable in such a pretty pink living room? Hardly. Likewise, a beautiful lady will feel uncomfortable in a room with a lot of chrome, glass and a complete lack of decoration.

Mistake ten - artificial flowers

Of course, the use of artificial flowers in the interior cannot be called a critical mistake. At the same time, designers all over the world are so vehemently opposed to this type of decor that we could not help but include this mistake in our list. In fact, it is better to place one modest pot of violet, decorative rose or dracaena than to hang plastic garlands in the shape of wild grapes around the room. Such a “decoration” will immediately turn into a dust collector and will look like a dull fake.

Only fresh, real flowers are worthy of decorating your home! Leave the plastic knockoffs to people who don't know anything about design.

Mistake eleven - trying to save money

But this error can really become critical. Of course, there is such a thing as “reasonable savings,” so no one is stopping you from choosing the best offer from a construction hypermarket, taking advantage of a discount or favorable promotional conditions.

But you can’t save on the services of a master! Do you consider yourself a specialist and are confident that you can install plumbing yourself, install a multi-level plasterboard ceiling or change the wiring? Think again! Insufficient quality of repair work can ultimately result in additional costs, so it is very difficult to call such savings reasonable.

The interior should not only be beautiful, but also durable. It will be very unpleasant if, within a few months, cracks appear on your wall, the faucet in the bathroom begins to leak, and the seams between the parquet boards come apart. So don’t skimp on the services of professionals; it’s better to do it once and “forever” than to fix problems later

Of course, this is not a complete list of mistakes that can await inexperienced designers and homeowners. Almost every person, after completing a renovation, has the feeling that something is wrong, but this should have been done differently... Well, don’t be afraid to take risks, listen to our advice, think through each stage of the remodel again and believe me, everything is all right for you it will work!

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