Location of the monitor at the workplace. Correct posture of a computer operator

In our world it is impossible to do without a computer: this indispensable assistant at work, during leisure, in communicating with loved ones and friends, it is also a reliable means of communication on the road and much more.

We are so accustomed to the computer that we are not always aware of its impact on our health. The younger generation is especially guilty of this.

If from early childhood it is not taught the rules of communication with an electronic “friend,” then it quickly becomes dependent on it, suffering morally and physically.

What are the harms of a computer and how to avoid its harmful effects on health?

What organs and systems of the body are subject to stress when working at a computer?

Improper use of an electronic assistant causes damage to many human systems and organs. Due to increased loads on some, their functionality decreases, and chronic diseases. Others, not working at full capacity, atrophy.

It is useful to remember which organs take the brunt of the impact in order to protect them:

  1. Vision. The flickering of the monitor overloads the eye muscles and reduces visual acuity. Due to constant “communication” with the computer it dries out protective film from tear fluid and “dry eye syndrome” occurs. It affects at least half of the people who work on a PC for a long time. This is a common occupational disease among office workers. But children’s eyes suffer the most if they spend hours uncontrollably “hanging” on all kinds of mobile devices. A dark keyboard with slightly contrasting colored letters gradually spoils the eyesight of those who do not master touch typing. And a non-backlit keyboard with the habit of sitting at the computer in low light can provoke false blindness.
  2. Spine. From prolonged sitting in a constant position, some muscles become overstrained, while others atrophy. This provokes destruction of intervertebral discs and osteochondrosis. When there is excessive stress on the discs (due to a sitting position), hernias, pain in the limbs and headaches appear. And a fragile child's spine is at risk of curvature - scoliosis.
  3. Joints. The joints of the hands and fingers suffer from constant tension. Cases of injury to their pads are not uncommon. Spurs may appear on the inside of your wrists. To avoid this, you need special softening keyboard stands.
  4. Side effects of prolonged sitting include: thermal effect or excessive heat body PC user due to close “contact” with stool, resulting in stagnation of blood in the organs of the genitourinary system. And these are various pathologies, hemorrhoids, prostatitis and others.
  5. The computer has a special impact on mental health and brain. This is computer addiction, and the replacement of normal communication with computer communication, and the replacement real life virtual and other pathologies. The fragile child's psyche suffers most from this. Children, who are poorly controlled by adults, mistake computer gaming situations for real life, avoid social adaptation, and isolate themselves in the virtual world.

In order for the computer to remain only an assistant and not become a scourge of health, it is necessary to take it into account as much as possible negative impact, rationally organize workplace. This includes proper sitting, choosing a chair, table, mouse, keyboard, efficient lighting and other elements.

It is important not to exceed the maximum time spent working at the computer, to alternate it with physical exercise and the prevention of vision pathologies, poor posture, and others.

How to sit correctly

  1. Hand position. The elbows should not be tense, it is convenient to bend them at a right angle and hold them freely on the table. The fingers are slightly bent and gently touch the keyboard only with the pads. When typing, only your fingers should move, not your wrist joints. And at this time your palms do not need to be lowered onto the table and keyboard. Hands should be free to reach the keyboard, and it is not advisable to place the screen further arm's length.
  2. When working on a laptop, it is better to use an external keyboard and mouse. This will protect your back, neck and arms from overexertion. You can't hold him on your lap for long. There are special holders for this. As a last resort, you can put something under the laptop.
  3. When working, it is better to place your feet on the floor at a right angle, you can’t put them one on top of the other.
  4. Back straight and leans lightly on the back of the chair.
  5. Sitting at a computer for more than two hours at a time is not recommended.. You should take ten-minute breaks to walk around and stretch. The total duration of sedentary work is 6 hours a day. And for children, this figure decreases depending on age by 3-6 times.

Video: "How to sit at the computer correctly?"

For the convenience of the user's eyes, you need to know how best to install the computer. It means that:

  • No glare should fall on it. If the PC is located near the window, then it needs to be moved to another place or the curtains drawn. To regulate the brightness of lighting, dimmers, an anti-glare screen filter or desk lamp, providing uniform illumination of the workplace. For children best place for PC games there will be a separate corner in the room where there is enough light.
  • The optimal position for the center of the monitor is at eye level., and the distance between it and the eyes should be at least 50 cm, and with a maximum screen diagonal - up to 80 cm. Then the angle between the eyes and the screen will be 30 degrees. In this case, neither the neck nor the eyes will be too strained. If the text is difficult to see in this position, then the font should be enlarged.
  • When working with printed materials, a special stand for them installed next to the screen will help ease the strain on your eyes.
  • When working with glasses, you should choose comfortable angle monitor tilt.
  • The keyboard should also be directly in front of your eyes, and the mouse should be 20 cm from it.

For ease of use of things necessary for work, it is better to place them at arm's length. At the same time, you should not clutter working space extra items.

Along with the location of the computer great importance to optimize and ensure maximum convenience workspace has the right choice of chair and table. What should you pay attention to when choosing them?

About the computer chair:

  • It is important that it provides for adjustment of the seat height and backrest tilt.
  • And if, in addition to this, special seals are built into them, helping to evenly distribute the load on the muscles, then you don’t have to worry about squeezing the blood vessels in your legs.
  • It is advisable to have convenient stand footrest and headrest.
  • Particularly comfortable for the back are models where the backrest is curved at three points at different angles.
  • Special casters help you move the chair easily without scratching the floor.
  • For its upholstery it is preferable natural fabrics. If you have to get up from the chair often, it is better that it is moderately soft.

When choosing a table, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • It is desirable that the cut of the tabletop on the user's side be beveled, and that the tabletop be high enough.
  • It seems that the most convenient option for the desk – a retractable keyboard. But that's not true. Elbows that hang while typing get tired faster. It is better that the table is wide and deep, then your hands will feel comfortable on it.
  • There should be enough space for your legs under the table and nothing should interfere with them.
  • The stability of the desktop is a prerequisite for comfortable and safe work.
  • For correct posture, the correct ratio of the height of the table and chair is also important. Your feet should easily reach the floor and be at a right angle.
  • If the furniture has wheels, it is important that they are equipped with a stopper.
  • The ideal coating for the work surface should be moisture and heat resistant.

Video: "10 life hacks for working on a computer"

Exercises to prevent diseases when working at a computer

Did you know that...

Next fact

Several exercises that (with regular training) will prevent the development of dry eye syndrome. It is better to do them on the balcony or with the window open.

  1. Rub your palms until they become warm. Place them crosswise on your eyelids and sit quietly for a minute. Then tap the eyelids of your closed eyes with your fingertips 20 times. Also do this under the eyes.
  2. Massage internal corners eye index fingers clockwise and counterclockwise. Do the same for the outer corners.
  3. Go through tapping movements, alternating fingers with your left and right hand, from the forehead to the back of the head. After this, sharply close and open your eyes twice. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. With your eyes closed, gently rotate your eyeballs clockwise and then counterclockwise. Repeat several times three times a day.
  5. Relax and then blink for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise as often as possible.
  6. Squeeze your eyelids tightly and sit there for a few seconds. This helps keep the eyes moist.
  7. Look at a distant object outside the window, then inhale and look at the tip of your nose. As you exhale, look again at the distant object. On the next inhalation, raise your eyes upward, and on the exhale, return to the previous distant object. Repeat the sequence of actions three times. Due to prolonged concentration on the screen, at first there will be a feeling of discomfort due to loss of orientation in space.
  8. At closed eyes draw a figure eight with your eyeballs following diagram: diagonal line, vertical and horizontal. Finish the figure in this order. It turns out rectangular. The main thing in this case is smooth and unhurried eye movements. Otherwise, dizziness may occur.
  9. In conclusion, make movements with your eyes that resemble a sine wave or accordion in the pattern, from right to left, and then in the opposite direction.

To avoid pain in the neck, shoulders and osteochondrosis, it is useful to massage them, which includes:

It is useful to supplement it with such exercises:

  • While sitting in a chair with your palms and elbows pressed to your body, squeeze your shoulder blades up to 10 times. Repeat three times a day
  • Slowly tilt your head forward, chin resting on your chest. Then smoothly turn your head to the right and left. Repeat up to 8 times three times a day.
  • Stand up and raise your arms with outstretched fingers, slowly bend to the right and left, without lowering your arms. Do this 3 times in each direction several times a day.


  • The computer has firmly entered our lives, and it is impossible to do without it.
  • But it is necessary to prevent its harmful effects on vision, spine and other organs and systems with the help rational organization workplace, choice comfortable furniture for working on a PC, good lighting and correct landing.
  • Not the least role in the prevention of unwanted side effects from electronic devices the regulars play special exercises and massage.
  • It is also important not to stay up late at the PC unless absolutely necessary, especially for children.

Orthopedic surgeon

Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of fractures, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, gout, scoliosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. He is the author of more than 70 works published in domestic and foreign journals.

At the end of a busy day at the computer, do you get up from your desk with a feeling of stiffness in your neck, back and shoulders and a “heavy” head? And you involuntarily think about buying “that same” ergonomic chair that promises comfort at work?

In fact, there may be two reasons for your discomfort.
One of them is inadequate vision correction. Trying to get a better look at the image on the screen, you lean forward with your whole body, stretch your neck or throw your head back, trying to look through the bottom of the glasses. In such an uncomfortable position, the muscles of the neck, back and shoulders are tense, which leads to pain.
Another cause of muscle pain is improper organization of the workplace.

Dear computer sitters and monitor watchers, I continue to remind everyone (including myself;) the rules of ergonomics when working at a computer.
It is also useful to pass on this information from the older generation to help the younger generation, so that our shift does not have sagging chests, vision deterioration, or cramped fingers.
In short, so that communication with your iron friend is as safe as possible for your health.

General provisions

The main health hazards when working at a computer, as with any sedentary work, are the following nonspecific (i.e., not specifically related to working at a computer) factors:

  1. Prolonged physical inactivity. Any position with prolonged fixation is harmful to the musculoskeletal system, in addition, it leads to stagnation of blood in the internal organs and capillaries.
  2. Non-physiological position various parts bodies.

The physiological position for humans is the so-called fetal position, which can easily be experienced by yourself if you completely relax in salt water. When the muscles are relaxed and only the natural resting tone affects them, the body comes to a certain position.
It is recommended to try it and remember it, especially for the limbs.

For the back and neck in an upright position, it is physiologically different - when the lumbar and cervical curves of the spine are clearly expressed, with a straight vertical line passing through the back of the head, shoulder blades and tailbone.
Correct posture it is necessary to learn the “body” by controlling it for some time, and then it will be supported automatically.
The easiest way is to get up flat wall and press your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades, elbows and back of your head tightly against it. Achieving an ideal is not easy in general, especially during work, but we must strive for this - at least for individual parts bodies.

  1. Long-term repeated monotonous movements. Here, not only the fatigue of those muscle groups that perform these movements is harmful, but also the psychological fixation on them (the formation of stable foci of excitation of the central nervous system with compensatory inhibition of its other areas). Although it is the repeated monotonous loads that are most harmful. Through fatigue they can lead to physical damage joints and tendons. The most well-known among MS users is tenosynovitis of the carpal tendons, associated with entering information using a mouse and keyboard.
  2. And, finally, a long stay in a closed, and even worse, stuffy and smoky room.
  3. Light, electromagnetic and other radiation mainly from the monitor - but this is a specific damaging factor when working with a computer.

To combat 1, 3 and 4 damaging factors, the recommendations are simple - you need to take breaks at least once an hour, walk around, and warm up.
If you smoke, go to another room to smoke - this is both a warm-up and less harmful to health and the safety of equipment.

It's even better to do a couple physical exercise to your liking. It’s very good to create a set of exercises for yourself to independently unlock the spine, for example, Office gymnastics: How to relieve back tension

If any problems have already arisen, it is better to contact a specialist, fortunately there are enough of them now. They usually call themselves chiropractors.
Well, you can do it yourself Prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome: a set of wrist exercises

Don't forget - your eyes also need rest and warm-up!!!

If due to attention strain (especially during an online fight) you begin to blink rarely, blink consciously, every 5 seconds somewhere, or actively “blink” when the tactical situation becomes less tense. ;)
This not only helps to moisturize the cornea and remove dead cells, but also massages the eyeballs, which is also useful.

Additionally, you can massage the eyeballs with your fingers, from external corner to the inner, then in a circular motion in and out.
The eyelids should be closed. It is also useful to roll your eyes with your eyelids closed.

Warm-up for the muscles of accommodation (sharpening the lens) is as follows: stand in front of a window from which you can see the distance, and alternately focus your gaze on the frame, then on the horizon.

Correct ergonomics of the computer workplace

How to work efficiently, without harm to health, with comfort and pleasure? Ergonomics is designed to answer these questions.

  • Place the monitor directly opposite you, at a distance of 60-75 cm, but no closer than 50 cm.
    Eye level should be at the top third of the screen.
  • Choose a desk with a work surface height of 68-80 cm and sufficient legroom.
  • The work chair should be height adjustable. And the back tilted forward corresponds to the physiological curves of the spine.
  • While working, your arms and legs should be parallel to the floor. Armrests provide comfortable hand position. Use a footrest if necessary.
  • Place the keyboard at a distance of 10-30 cm from the edges of the table.
  • It is advisable to use a music stand or document clip.

Healthy Habits

Straight back. It's worth paying close attention to the old advice: sit up straight and don't slouch! This needs to be constantly monitored.
But a properly selected chair or armchair, which can be adjusted according to your figure and the location of the keyboard and monitor, is very helpful in maintaining good posture. the back of the chair should support the lower half of the back, but tilt so as not to impede movement during work.
It is better to remove your wallet and other items from the back pockets of your trousers. Nothing should interfere with hip flexion.
Your posture at the computer should not cause pain from straining the muscles of your back and hips.

Shoulders relaxed, elbows bent at right angles. When you place your fingers on the keyboard, your shoulders should not be tense and your arms should be bent at approximately 90 degrees. This ensures good blood circulation.
If your chair has armrests, make sure they don't rest on your elbows or force your shoulders up too high, putting pressure on your neck.

Head position. The head should be straight with a slight tilt forward. Try to position your monitor and work documents so that you don’t have to constantly turn your head from side to side. This may cause pain in the neck, shoulders and back.

Vision. Oddly enough, the size of the monitor does not matter. In most cases for home use A 15" monitor is sufficient, although a 17" screen is usually much easier to see small parts.

The brightness of the monitor should be selected so that it is minimal. This not only extends the life of the monitor, but also reduces visual fatigue. However, so that when the screen brightness is low, you do not have to look closely at the dim image.
The room lighting should be dim and subdued.
It is best to sit sideways by the window.

It is better to close curtains or blinds, and it is better to turn off general lighting or keep it minimal. It is best to leave only dim local lighting, aimed at the book or document you are working with.


Mastering touch typing is a very useful keyboard skill.

Optimal table height or pull-out shelf for keyboard 68 - 73 cm above the floor. The height of the chair and table should be chosen so as to minimize strain on the muscles of the shoulders, arms and wrists. Wrists may touch the table in front of the keyboard. But under no circumstances should you transfer at least part of your body weight to them.

The keyboard is height adjustable. Choose the most convenient angle of inclination for yourself. Some keyboards, such as Microsoft Natural Keyboard 9cm. photo above), have great opportunities for adjustment.
These keyboards have a split in the middle of the letter section and a special shape designed to allow the wrists to rest more naturally over the keys. However, it makes sense to have such a keyboard only if you write a lot and master the ten-finger touch typing method. In other cases, there is no ergonomic gain from such a keyboard.

In computer stores you can find special supports and pillows for installation in front of the keyboard, designed to rest your wrists and prevent tunnel syndrome- acute pain due to overload and damage to the tendons of the wrists. These devices aren't much use unless you get used to using them correctly. But taking regular short breaks from typing can really help. So it’s better to get into this habit than to clutter your desk with unnecessary tools.


Even when working with a mouse, you should develop good habits.

To many people the mouse seems completely a simple device: know, roll it and click the buttons. However, there are rules in this that should be strictly followed:

Main areas

What you should pay attention to Special attention to make your office workplace comfortable? I present to your attention four main zones:

Zone 1. Back and legs. Pain and discomfort in the lower back occurs due to incorrect back position, stooping, incorrect leg position - or, in a word, due to violation of the ergonomic requirements of the computer workplace.
Back pillows and footrests will help solve the problem. The combination of a supportive pillow and footrest will relieve muscle tension, which will help prevent discomfort and lower back pain.
Zone 2. Wrist. Poor hand positioning on a keyboard or mouse can cause serious injury to your hands, wrists, and forearms. The most common disease is carpal tunnel syndrome.
Supporting pads for the keyboard and mouse will help solve the problem. With their help, the load on the central carpal nerve is reduced, preventing the development of CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) in office employees.
Zone 3. Neck, shoulders, eyes. If you, working in an office, have to bend your back and neck when working with a monitor and documents, this leads to increased loads and muscle tension, which causes pain and discomfort in the muscles of the back, neck and shoulder part of the body.
Laptop and monitor stands, as well as document holders, will help solve the problem. They reduce strain on your shoulders, neck, and eyes by ensuring the screen and documents are aligned correctly with your eyes.
Zone 4. Organization of the workplace space. If the ergonomics of the computer workstation in the office is not organized correctly, then we are constantly spinning around, rearranging things from place to place, and at the same time spending work time in vain, and we also risk losing an important document.
Accessories and cleaning products will help solve the problem. A well-organized office workspace and each workplace guarantees order, and, as a result, increased productivity.

Ergonomic experts emphasize the importance of taking short but frequent breaks from using the computer. Frequent change of occupation - The best way avoid possible troubles. Moving more is the most important skill.
based on materials from www.ixbt.com, www.vseozrenii.ru[, digrim.ru, diyjina.narod.ru

A properly organized workplace and correct posture when working will minimize harmful effects computer for health. Most computer users pay little attention to their workspace. If money becomes available, a Russian user would rather buy a modern processor than new table or a monitor stand. Often the workplace is not organized correctly. The monitor is installed low, poorly relative to the light sources, the hands are uncomfortable on the keyboard... As a result, over time, users begin to complain about health problems and increased fatigue. Don't skimp on your workplace - this will result in saving on your health.

How to reduce the unpleasant consequences of working at a computer for a long time?

You are sitting at a computer with good monitor. Will yours get tired? eyes? The location of the monitor relative to the eyes, light sources, and the height of the chair are important.

  • Lighting when working with a computer should not be too bright, but not completely absent, perfect option - subdued diffused light.
  • Place the table so that the window was not in front of you. If it's unavoidable, buy blackout curtains or blinds that will cut off the light. If the window is on the side, the solution is the same - curtains, blinds. You can buy a visor that fits over the monitor (some professional monitors come with such visors, and they sell them separately) or make it yourself: take cardboard box, cut a corner out of it and put it on the monitor. The visor screens out light, image contrast increases, color rendition becomes more natural, and eyes get less tired.
  • The monitor screen must be absolutely clean; if you wear glasses, they must also be absolutely clean. Wipe your monitor screen (preferably with special wipes and/or liquid for cleaning monitors) at least once a week, and make sure your glasses are crystal clear every day.
  • Place your monitor and keyboard directly on your desk, in no case obliquely.
  • The center of the screen should be approximately at your eye level or a little lower. Keep your head straight, without leaning forward. Periodically close your eyelids for a few seconds and allow your eye muscles to rest and relax.
    Sometimes there are recommendations to use special glasses and filters. They are indeed capable of raising some of the video system’s indicators, but only to the detriment of another indicator. And is it reasonable to pay 200 USD? for glasses (good ones don’t cost less), instead of buying a decent monitor for the same money?
  • Monitor screen it should be away from eyes at least 50-60 centimeters. If you have trouble seeing the image at this distance, choose a larger font size for your work.
  • If myopia exceeds 2-4 units, you need to have two pairs of glasses for work “near” and “for distance”.

Level electromagnetic radiation the sides and back of the monitor are higher than the front. Place the computer in a corner of the room or so that non-users are not to the side or behind the monitor. Be aware of those in the next room - walls and partitions are not a hindrance to radiation.

Monitors are often too low. A person hardly notices this, but in order to look at the monitor comfortably, you have to bend your head and slide slightly in your chair. At the same time, the neck becomes tense, the brain is less well supplied with blood, headaches occur, and other unpleasant consequences. If you “slide” in a chair, your back becomes tense and, spending several hours every day in this position, a person then feels a variety of ailments. Adjust your monitor position. The center of the screen should be approximately at eye level or slightly lower so that you can sit comfortably in the chair without bending your head or twisting your spine.

Correct posture of a computer operator

The back is tilted a few degrees back. This pose allows you to unload the spine and improve blood circulation in the area between the torso and thighs, which is especially important for men in the prime of life (see sections on prostatitis and hemorrhoids). Hands are freely placed on the armrests of the chair. Elbows and wrists are relaxed. The hands have a common axis with the forearms: they do not bend or extend. Only the fingers work. The hips are at right angles to the body, the knees are at right angles to the hips. Feet stand firmly on the floor or on a special stand.

Buy something convenient work chair, which will allow you to effortlessly maintain the correct posture at the computer. It is desirable that you can adjust the height of the seat and the tilt of the backrest, and move on casters. The ideal back of the chair follows the curves of the spine and serves as support for the lower back. The seat is tilted slightly forward, which transfers some pressure from the spine to the hips and legs. The edge of the seat is slightly curved - this reduces pressure on the hips. The chair (chair) should be hard or semi-rigid, this will improve blood circulation in the pelvis.

The location of other frequently used things should not force you to remain in a crooked position for a long time, or bend to the side, especially to lift heavy objects (with such a tilt, there is a high probability of damaging the intervertebral disc).

If you work a lot with keyboard, purchase a special wrist rest. Keyboards are sold in which the panel is divided in half with the ability to rotate the halves relative to each other and tilt them. This keyboard is more expensive and takes some getting used to, but for those who type a lot, it will be a good purchase.

Important factor ergonomics - noise at work. System units are noticeably noisy, and hard drives, especially older models, “howl.” If you work with such a computer for a long time, this will become a factor in increased fatigue. Options to solve the problem:

  • buy a special one computer desk, in which the system unit is retracted into a box with a door
  • place the computer on the floor (under the table)
  • make noise barrier separating the workplace from the system unit, place a noise-proof pad under the system unit.
    Just remember to ensure normal ventilation of the system unit: should be enough free space before ventilation holes(these are usually small holes or slits on the side walls of the system unit) and near the fan (its hole is usually located on the back wall).

"Sound design" of the workplace important for long term efficient work. Eliminate extraneous noise: turn off the TV, isolate yourself from your neighbors... Most people are able to do only one thing well, if the brain receives information from several sources (for example, a computer + radio), fatigue increases. On the other hand, pleasant music and specially selected sound design can increase work efficiency. If you work in a noisy office, try using headphones (most CD drives make them easy to plug in) and listening to recordings of music or nature sounds.

Air saturation will help improve working conditions at the computer negative ions using an air ionizer (otherwise called “aeroionizers”, “Chizhevsky Chandeliers”).

When working on a computer, take a ten-minute break every hour, during which you look into the distance, get up from your chair, do a set of exercises, or just walk around. It’s a good idea to put on holey glasses every two to three hours, which relieve spasm of the eye muscles.

The fact that you are reading this article allows me to assume that your workplace at least sometimes (and maybe often) is at the computer. From proper organization Your workplace depends not only on the success of doing things at the computer, but also on your health. Moreover, we are talking not only about vision and eyes. If not properly organized and planted, it suffers

Most people, unfortunately, pay little attention to their workplace, convenience computer desk, as well as a chair. Often the basic proportions that must be adhered to for physical comfort are not observed.

How to reduce unpleasant consequences long work at computer? How to properly organize your workplace?

The location of the monitor relative to the eyes, light sources, as well as the height and shape of the chair are extremely important.

So, point by point:

Correct posture at the computer.

The back is tilted a few degrees back. This position allows you to unload the spine, improve blood circulation in the area between the torso and hips, which is especially important for men in the prime of life (think from a young age so that prostatitis and hemorrhoids do not appear). Hands are freely placed on the armrests of the chair. Elbows and wrists are relaxed. The hands have a common axis with the forearms: they do not bend or extend. Only the fingers work. The hips are at right angles to the body, the knees are at right angles to the hips. Feet stand firmly on the floor or on a special stand.

Buy something convenient work chair, which will allow you to effortlessly maintain the correct posture at the computer. It is desirable that you can adjust the height of the seat and the tilt of the backrest, and move on casters. The ideal back of the chair follows the curves of the spine and serves as support for the lower back. The seat is tilted slightly forward, which transfers some pressure from the spine to the hips and legs. The edge of the seat is slightly curved - this reduces pressure on the hips. The chair (chair) should be hard or semi-rigid, this will improve blood circulation in the pelvis.

When working on a computer, take a ten-minute break every hour, during which you look into the distance, get up from your chair, do a set of exercises, or just walk around. It’s a good idea to put on holey glasses every two to three hours, which relieve spasm of the eye muscles. These are the first recommendations. Stay tuned for more.

"HR service and personnel management of the enterprise", 2008, N 5

Computer standards

When you read the sanitary rules and regulations when organizing a workplace equipped with a computer, you are horrified: how can all this be observed?! And the source of natural light (that is, the window) should be on the north-east side of the room, and the distances between workplaces should be such that the average employer renting an office would simply go broke on the rent of the “standard” space. On the other hand, what to do? It’s not for nothing that all these standards and regulations are approved at the state level, people come to check their compliance and punish the negligent? This means they are still needed. And first of all - for the health of employees who work in your office on computers, and not just for the sake of replenishing the budget with further fines. Therefore, read and remember.

So, for workplaces equipped with computers (PC or PC), state Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules) have been developed, which are the main document for the operation of PCs. The exact name of this document is “SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work.” It was approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation dated 03.06.2003 N 118.

Sanitary rules apply throughout the Russian Federation and must be applied as individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities that operate PCs.

Primary requirements Sanitary rules are aimed at preventing or reducing harmful and dangerous factors for people when working with computers, which can be divided into the following types:

Electromagnetic and electrostatic fields;

Negative effects on vision that occur when perceiving and displaying information from a display screen;

Insufficient or uneven lighting of the workplace;

Excessive noise and vibration;

Inconsistency of microclimate parameters at workplaces (temperature, relative humidity, air speed) to current sanitary standards;

Inconsistency of the workplace with the anthropometric data of the employee on the PC;

The monotony of work.

All these factors cause the worker increased fatigue, memory loss, headaches, trophic diseases, eye diseases, sleep disorders, pain in the wrists and fingers, diseases of the spine, central nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, internal organs and etc.

Here is once again confirmation that the PC user’s workplace and the computer itself must comply with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.

Standards for computers

Already during production, each type of PC is subject to sanitary and epidemiological examination in accredited testing laboratories. Therefore, employers who have purchased high-quality and certified equipment should not worry: compliance with all rules and regulations will be checked beforehand.

It is only important for the employer to remember that the computer design must be able to rotate the body in different planes (horizontal, vertical) with fixation in a given position. PC cases should be painted soft calm tones, that is, the case, keyboard and other blocks and devices of the computer must have a matte surface, shiny parts should not be used so as not to create glare. The monitor must have brightness and contrast control (as a rule, all modern monitors have this capability).

Workplace requirements

Now let's talk about the basic requirements for workstations equipped with a PC. We will not dwell on such conditions, the implementation of which the employer cannot independently control (for example, standards for the level of electromagnetic fields, noise, vibration, etc.). Instrumental control over such indicators is carried out by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision bodies or accredited testing laboratories (centers).

In turn, employers will be able to ensure compliance with sanitary requirements:

To the premises;

To lighting;

To the organization of workplaces;

To organize medical care for PC users;

To carry out state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and production control.

We will tell you about them in more detail.

Premises requirements

For one computer user with a cathode ray monitor and auxiliary equipment (printer, scanner, etc.), the room area must be at least 6 square meters. m. Without auxiliary devices, the area may be less than 4.5 square meters. m. There are no separate standards established for PC users with LCD monitors. Therefore, we advise their lucky owners to adhere to the generally established standards and wait for legislative updates.

At designer finishing In rooms where PC users work, diffusely reflective materials should be used to eliminate the glare, glare and discomfort of light reflection from walls and ceilings.

For creating safe conditions when working on a computer, the premises must be equipped protective grounding(zeroing). Do not place the PC close to power cables, high voltage transformers, technological equipment which may interfere with computer operation.

Workplace lighting requirements

The room in which workstations equipped with PCs are located must be sufficiently well lit: that is, it is necessary to daylight, and artificial. Window openings should face north and northeast. In this case, the windows must be equipped with adjustable devices (blinds, curtains, etc.).

Reference. Other lighting requirements are specified in the current standards for natural and artificial lighting, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2003 N 34 “On the implementation of SanPin 2.2.1/”.

Artificial lighting in rooms with PCs should be uniform. At workplaces where there is a constant flow of documents, a system is used combined lighting: that is to general lighting add a lamp local lighting, which must have a non-transparent reflector with a protective angle of at least 40°.

The desktop is installed so that the side of the monitor is facing the light openings. Then natural light will fall from the left.

The lighting should not create glare on the screen surface and should be no more than 300 lux, and the illumination of the table surface in the working document area should be 300 - 500 lux. Of course, measuring this value yourself is problematic. But if we consider the usual watts, then on average you need 18 - 25 W per 1 sq. m of premises. We repeat that these are very rough calculations, since not only the number of light bulbs plays a role in lighting a space, but also the color of the walls, the height of the ceiling, the materials used to decorate the room (matte or shiny), and many other factors.

For artificial lighting, it is recommended to use fluorescent lamps type LB or compact fluorescent lamps (CFL). The use of metal halide lamps is allowed. Can be used in local lighting fixtures ordinary lamps incandescent, including halogen.

For rooms where PCs are used, luminaires with mirror parabolic grilles, which are equipped with electronic ballasts (EPG), can also be used. But the use of lamps without diffusers and shielding grilles is not allowed.

To maintain normal lighting parameters in rooms where computers are used, glass is cleaned and washed window frames and lamps at least twice a year. And, of course, burnt out lamps are replaced in a timely manner.

General requirements for workplace organization

PC users

When placing workstations where computers are located, the distance between desktops with monitors (towards the rear of the surface of one monitor and the screen of another monitor) must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of the monitors - 1.2 m.

If there are sources of harmful production factors in a room with computers, then the workplaces of PC users should be located in isolated booths with organized air exchange. Workplaces equipped with computers, when performing creative work, must be isolated by partitions 1.5 - 2.0 m high.

The monitor screen should be located from the user's eyes at a distance of 600 - 700 mm, but not closer than 500 mm.

And now - about the design of furniture and its ergonomics for a PC user.

The design of the desktop should provide optimal placement on the working surface of the equipment used. The height of the working surface of the table for adult users should be adjusted within the range of 680 - 800 mm. The modular dimensions of the working surface of a PC table should be considered: width - 800, 1000, 1200, 1400 mm and depth - 800, 1000 mm. The work desk must have legroom at least 600 mm high, at least 500 mm wide, at least 450 mm deep at knee level and at outstretched legs not less than 650 mm.

The design of a work chair or armchair should ensure that the PC user maintains a rational posture so that it is possible to change the posture to prevent fatigue. The type of chair or armchair must be selected taking into account the user’s height, nature and duration of work with the PC.

The work chair (chair) must have:

The width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm;

Seat surface with rounded front edge;

Adjustment of the height of the seat surface within the range of 400 - 550 mm and tilt angles forward up to 15° and backward up to 5°;

The tilt angle of the backrest in the vertical plane is within +30°;

Adjustable armrests in height above the seat. The keyboard should be located on the table surface at a distance of 100 - 300 mm from the edge facing the user, or on special surface, separated from the tabletop.

Medical care for PC users

Professional users, that is, persons who work on a computer more than 50% of their working time, must undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations in the prescribed manner.

Persons who do not have medical contraindications are allowed to work with computers.

From the time pregnancy is established, women are transferred to jobs that do not involve using a PC, or their time working on a computer is limited (no more than 3 hours per work shift), subject to hygiene requirements established by the Sanitary Rules.

Work with PCs is organized depending on the type and category labor activity.

Types of work activities are divided into three groups:

Group A - work on reading information from the monitor screen;

Group B - work on entering information;

Group B - creative work in dialogue mode with a PC.

In addition, for types of work activities, three categories of severity and intensity of work with a PC were established:

Group A - based on the total number of characters read per work shift (but not more than 60,000 characters per shift);

Group B - based on the total number of characters read or entered per shift (but not more than 40,000 characters per shift);

Group B - based on the total time of direct work with a PC per work shift (but not more than 6 hours per shift).

Therefore, depending on the category of work activity and the level of load during the work shift when working with a PC, the total time of regulated breaks is established. Table 1 shows the recommended times for regulated breaks.

Table 1

Total time of regulated breaks depending on

on the duration of work, type and category of labor

activities with a PC

To reduce user fatigue, work shifts are organized by alternating work on a PC with other work. If it is not possible to alternate types of work activity, then it is recommended to take breaks of 10 to 15 minutes every 45-60 minutes of work.

The duration of continuous work on the computer without regulated breaks should not exceed 1 hour.

On the night shift (that is, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), regardless of the category and type of work activity, the duration of regulated breaks should increase by 30%.

In order to reduce neuro-emotional stress, fatigue of the visual analyzer, and to eliminate physical inactivity, it is advisable to perform sets of physical exercises (see example 1).

1. Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, for a count of 1 - 4, then open your eyes, relaxing your eye muscles, look into the distance for a count of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

2. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze for the count of 1 - 4. Do not let your eyes get tired. Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the count of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

3. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze on the count 1 - 4, then look straight into the distance on the count 1 - 6. Exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with your gaze fixed to the left, up and down. Repeat 3 - 4 times.

4. Shift your gaze quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance on a count of 1 - 6; then go up to the left - down to the right and look into the distance at the count of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

Example 2. Let us give an example of the correct organization of the workplace when working with a computer for accountant I.P. Sazonova.

1. Room and lighting.

This room has both natural and artificial lighting. The window faces north. The premises are equipped heating devices and air conditioning system. Walls and ceilings are painted matte paint. The premises are wet cleaned daily. Workplace area of ​​Sazonova I.P. is 6 sq. m. The table stands on the side of the window, the light falls from the left. The window has adjustable blinds. Artificial lighting is uniform. Additionally, the desk is equipped with a table lamp.

2. Desk.

The desktop can freely accommodate a monitor, keyboard, mouse, as well as documents, books, and papers. The table is located in a row with other tables at a distance of 2 meters, and the distance between the rows is 1.2 m.

3. Chair (armchair).

The chair allows you not only to maintain the correct posture, taking into account the characteristics of I.P. Sazonova’s figure, but also to change it to reduce static tension in the muscles of the cervico-brachial region and back. The chair is adjustable in height, seat and back angles, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat. The surface of the seat, back and armrests is semi-soft, with a coating that does not slip, does not electrify and allows air to pass through.

4. Monitor.

The monitor is placed on the table directly in front of I.P. Sazonova. at a distance of approximately 600 mm.

5. Keyboard and mouse.

The keyboard and mouse are positioned so that the elbows are parallel to the surface of the table and at right angles to the shoulder. Wrists are not bent. The keyboard is located 10 - 15 cm from the edge of the table.

In the process of working with a PC, accountant Sazonova I.P. has regulated breaks, which she uses for gymnastics.


Leading HSE engineer

LLC "Troika-logisticcenter"

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