Radial cutting of wood. Types and application of materials produced on a sawmill

Building materials made from hardwood and softwood have a wide range of applications; they are used for the construction and cladding of houses, paving paths, interior design building. The lumber on the market is divided according to the cutting method; it can be tangential, radial, longitudinal, disk or mixed. Depending on the presence of edges, boards are classified into edged, semi-edged and unedged.

Mechanical processing of logs can be carried out using special machines or electrical appliances by cutting or splitting. There are the following methods of cutting wood: planing, turning, drilling, grinding, all of which involve removing chips. There are three types of cutting - longitudinal, transverse and straight. The first involves cutting along the fibers, the second and third – perpendicularly. Sawing is the main stage in the manufacture of all lumber; the operational and aesthetic characteristics of the finished product depend on the quality of the procedure.

Tangential sawing

This method of processing logs is considered one of the most popular. With a tangential cut, the plane of the cutter passes at a certain distance from the core of the trunk, tangentially to the growth rings. The result is practical and durable boards resistant to shrinkage and swelling. Such lumber has an attractive texture - the graceful wave-like pattern of annual rings is clearly visible on them. Boards obtained by tangential cutting can be used for exterior decoration of buildings and creating a cozy interior.

High-quality parquet is also produced in this way. When cut perpendicularly, a natural pattern is visible on the boards - rings, arches, waves, curls. If the parquet is made from Siberian larch, it can be used for laying flooring in rooms with high humidity, since products made from this rock, upon contact with water and steam, not only do not collapse, but also become stronger. A wooden floor covering created as a result of tangential sawing will last for many years without needing repair or renewal.

It is customary to call a radial cut of a log, carried out perpendicular to the annual layers. Lumber produced by this method has a uniform texture and is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance, practically not subject to deformation. Radial cut boards have minimal shrinkage and swelling coefficients, so they do not collapse due to negative influence environment and are great for external cladding buildings. With this processing method, lumber has virtually no flaws. Defects may be caused by a violation of sawing technology (displaced core, incorrect size).

Radial sawing is used for the production of edged boards, a sought-after lumber used for finishing houses, summer houses and cottages. If the cladding is made of Siberian larch, it is perfectly would be better suited for decoration of baths, saunas and bathrooms. Products from this coniferous do not require additional processing, have an attractive texture and have a long service life. Edged board Widely used by interior designers, it can be used to create a cozy atmosphere in a room. Lumber from Siberian larch contains resin, when released, it spreads a pleasant aroma.

Mixed wood cutting

Semi-radial sawing is a common method of producing lumber. It involves cutting logs at an angle of 45°. This technology allows you to save raw material and reduce the cost of the finished product. The only drawback this method cutting is that the resulting board may be subject to deformation due to proper drying. Therefore, special attention must be paid to preparing wood for processing.

Semi-radial sawn timber can be made from both hardwood and softwood. Products made from Siberian larch are especially popular today; their demand is due to their strength, resistance to mechanical damage and aesthetics. Coniferous cladding reliably protects the building from the effects of atmospheric phenomena, helps retain heat and create a comfortable microclimate indoors.

Equipment for cutting wood

For the production of lumber, modern high-tech equipment should be used, only in this case the finished product will have a minimum of defects. The amount of waste generated when cutting wood also depends on the characteristics of the special equipment. Today, angle sawing machines are used for the production of boards, beams, and parquet; due to their special design, they make it possible to produce high-quality products and reduce the amount of waste. Using equipment for radial sawing, you can produce not only radial, but also edged lumber. The basis for creating molded products is a log - a tree trunk freed from branches. Wood cutting can be done in various ways:

  • at the sawmill;
  • manually (using special sawing tools);
  • on woodworking machines.

In order to use existing logs rationally, the master needs to carefully study the sawing pattern (tangential, radial, longitudinal, mixed). Knowing how to distribute raw materials can reduce waste and significantly increase profits. Suitable for the production of wooden building materials at home manual method, which involves the use of chainsaws and hacksaws. However homemade boards and beams, as a rule, have defects and look unaesthetic. It is advisable to buy attractive lumber from specialized companies. Large enterprises carefully control the quality of their products.

Since time immemorial people have known about high technological and decorative qualities that wood has. Indeed, nature has truly rewarded us valuable material, available for processing by the most simple tools(for example, with a knife or saw).

Talking about positive properties of this material, primarily focus on its low thermal conductivity. In addition, wood is distinguished from many other materials by its fairly high strength and resistance to various substances, ease of processing.

Wood is a “breathing” material. If it is impregnated with a protective solution, it can be protected from rotting. For finishing works wood material is also of interest because it has a unique texture pattern that decorates finished goods and giving them an attractive appearance. Characteristics and properties of wood of various species as building material simply invaluable. For example, it can be noted that timber lumber, as well as round wood withstand the loads that fall on the entire structure of the house. The only difficulty you may have to face is initial stage, is to decide on the choice of wood suitable breed for making beams, rafters, various kinds racks and joists, trusses. In addition, select suitable material will be necessary before you begin making stairs, windows and doors. Should be prepared in advance wooden boards for covering the ceiling and floor, constructing partitions.

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The tree trunk provides a source of material for making basic building elements such as beams and boards. All other parts of the tree - branches and roots - can be used, but to a limited extent due to the complexity of their shape and the difficulties that arise during processing (for example, in the manufacture of fittings, small household items).

Types of wood cutting

In order to obtain high-quality boards and beams, it is necessary to perform the sawing correctly. There are 3 types of cuts: radial, transverse and tangential. Types of wood cuts are shown in the figure.

On a cross cut you can see concentric circles, on a radial cut - longitudinal stripes, a tangential cut is presented in the form of cone-shaped winding lines. Identify the growth rings on different types cuts, as we see, do not seem difficult.

Wood is valuable natural material which was created by nature itself. People have been using this wonderful raw material for many centuries to build houses, create furniture, decorative interior items, and also use it for industrial purposes. For these reasons, proper processing of a felled trunk is an extremely important task. Sawing and planing wood are the most important operations with wood. In this article we will talk about what wood sawing is and what types of sawing exist.

Log sawing is the process of converting valuable natural raw materials into lumber. When sawing wood various methods lumber can be obtained in various sizes. To obtain high-quality products, you need to choose high-quality, even logs that are not damaged by pests.

Types of wood cutting

The quality of the final product depends on large number factors - type of wood and quality of raw materials, professionalism of workers, proper drying. However, there is another important aspect - this is the method of cutting timber.

There are the following cutting methods:

  • tangential
  • radial
  • rustic
  • longitudinal
  • transverse.

Rustic is a cut that is performed under acute angle to the direction of the fibers. This method is used in the production of lumber for rustic flooring, which can be called the most heterogeneous and original in pattern and shade.

During tangential cutting, the cutting plane lies tangentially to the annual layers of the material at a certain distance from the core. Since wood fibers are most often located in different directions, a natural pattern in the form of fancy “arches”, “curls”, “rings” is obtained on the surface. The structure of the board with this cutting option is heterogeneous; wood pores may be present. At the end of the tangential cut, the boards are characterized by an increased coefficient of shrinkage and swelling. Also, this log sawing scheme makes it possible to increase the useful yield coefficient, which causes a reduction in the cost of the final product.

Sawing wood blanks using the radial method is carried out perpendicular to the annual rings. Thus, a homogeneous board is obtained with the smallest gaps between annual layers. This creates an attractive pattern and also increases the strength of the lumber. Radial materials are characterized by high resistance to deformation and wear resistance. Also, such boards have lower rates of shrinkage and swelling compared to tangentially cut lumber. Therefore, finished products, for example, parquet boards, batten, block house, lining, practically do not crack on the front part, but tangential sawing materials are susceptible to such phenomena. Glued laminated timber is created only from boards of radial and semi-radial cuts, because mechanical and geometric parameters are directly dependent on the resistance of the fibers. This resistance increases during gluing of layers with multidirectional annual rings at an inclination angle of no more than 45°.

Only 10-15% of radial boards can be obtained from a single log. Therefore they have a high cost. The most best performance demonstrates material having an angle between the growth layers and the cutting plane from 80 to 90 degrees.

Sawing wood across the grain

The technology of sawing wood across the grain is the most common method of processing timber in carpentry. At the same time, such sawing can be called the simplest. Longitudinal sawing wood requires much more effort and certain skills.

Tools for cross-cutting timber are selected depending on the required accuracy, the amount of work and the conditions available in each individual workshop. You can use:

  • electric circular saw. She makes neat and fast cuts. For household use Great suitable model with a 1000 W motor and a disk cross-section of 180 mm. Most of circular saws have a combined blade included, which can be used to implement the most various works. The teeth of this blade are something between the teeth of a transverse and longitudinal saw. For long work It is better to take a blade that is coated with carbide. Its cost is higher, but it takes 10 times longer to dull
  • miter box and tenon saw. They are used for finishing. These tools can be used to make the most precise cuts.
  • circular saw
  • cross saw. When purchasing, please note that the teeth of such a tool should be alternately positioned to the left and to the right of the blade itself. They must be well sharpened and beveled. The most popular is a saw with 10 teeth per 25 mm blade. With 8 teeth, the saw will cut faster, but will create rough cuts.

Wood is a valuable natural product created by nature and it is very important to learn how to use it correctly. After all, just as no person has the same fingerprint, there is no similar tree in a forest area. For many centuries in a row, humanity has been using wood for various needs: building houses, assembling furniture, skillfully creating decorative items interior design and uses it for industrial purposes. That's why correct processing cutting down a tree is a very important task facing the masters of their craft. As they say: “If you cut down a tree, then only to create a masterpiece!”

What is wood sawing? In a nutshell: it is the transformation of a valuable natural resource into lumber, i.e. sawing - processing a tree trunk in any way to obtain material suitable for economic, technical and industrial needs.

To get out quality product, the raw materials for its manufacture must also be good. If trees of the required and correct sizes, then cutting a large amount of highly productive material from it will not be difficult. The main thing to remember are three fundamental factors: resource quality, shape and volume of wood And correctly selected types of wood sawing.

A good resource is a fresh resource. It is best to start working with wood immediately after the tree has been cut down. The more knotty and curved the trunk, the harder it is to obtain good lumber from it; therefore, before starting sawing, you need to sort the logs according to their quality characteristics, and only then use equipment for sawing wood.

There are no perfectly round trunks, so it is believed that a log has 4 sides, each of them consists of a quarter of a circle and occupies its full length. These 4 faces do not overlap one another. There is such a thing as a “clean edge”; the higher it is, the greater the value of the wood. This edge is free from various defects: cracks, scars, branches, chips, rot and damage.

Wood sawing technology

  • On an industrial scale, complex and expensive equipment is used to process trunks, and sawing wood at home takes place with a minimum set of tools: it is manual and electric saw, jigsaw. In order for the products to look neat, you need to know some features of the process.
  1. You can start with sharpening the saw and bending its teeth. Sharpen it with a file. The teeth are set apart different sides so that the saw blade does not jam in the cut. To do this, use pliers, and bend the teeth alternately, then in one direction, then in the other.
  2. Before starting any woodworking you need make markings. To do this, rulers, tape measures, squares and other devices are used, and the line is drawn with a pencil, felt-tip pen, pen or marker. When marking the workpiece, it is necessary to ensure that areas with defects do not fall into the sawing zone.
  3. Sawing wood with your own hands involves fixing the workpiece any of the mounting methods. This can be a clamp or a miter box, when the workpiece is sawed at a certain angle.
  4. The next stage is Sawing It is best to start cutting the workpiece in the longitudinal direction, and only then in the transverse direction. All movements when working with hand saw done in jerks and swings. If the saw is electric, the process will happen faster. For sawing at home, you can use a jigsaw; it is usually used for hardwood or large workpieces to facilitate the worker’s efforts.
  • Modern woodworking machines allow you to speed up the processing process both at home and in small and medium-sized businesses. A band sawmill is one of the mechanized methods for preparing lumber. Sawing wood for band sawmill occurs along the trunk, so any log can be used to make a beam, board, veneer or gun carriage. Such a machine can work with any type of wood: soft and hard, as well as highly resinous, producing edged and unedged board. The entire process of work on such a sawmill consists of only 3 steps:
  1. Preparatory stage, when the workpiece is given the required shape and also adjusted to one size.
  2. Actually processing stage, when the operator configures the operating parameters and then presses “start”.
  3. The final stage when a specialist manually corrects minor errors left after the machine’s operation.

Cutting tool for sawing wood V in this case- This band-saw 60 mm wide. The principle of its operation is based on sawing a stationary object fixed between two guides with fixed movable stops and a horizontally moving saw blade. The thickness of the resulting material is set at your discretion. If different types of wood are processed at the sawmill, then you need to carefully monitor the settings for a specific material. It is necessary to monitor correct installation feed speed of the workpiece so as not to break the saw. A system for regulating the supply of lubricating fluid is necessary to ensure that waste from sawing wood (sawdust) does not stick to the saw teeth and saw pulleys. This significantly extends the life of the equipment.

  • Laser cutting when sawing wood increasingly used for reasons of economy, increased productivity and increased processing accuracy. Thanks to precision cutting, this processing quantitatively reduces waste and minimizes leftovers. Laser cutting of wood produces and heat treatment cutting, so the material can last longer due to the protective layer formed. This industrial processing of the barrel does not require any special effort To perform the operation, you can cut material of almost any thickness. Due to the fact that wood is a flammable element, the laser cutting area must be cooled to prevent fire.
  • Wood sawing machine used only on an industrial scale. These are large bulky units with high labor productivity, allowing them to work continuously (in shifts) under heavy loads. These machines include:
  1. Circular saw - it is designed for cross-cutting, longitudinal cutting, and angled sawing, with a circular saw as the cutting tool.
  2. Multi saw machine - it is used for sawing and cutting wood materials, several saws are involved in the cutting process sequentially or simultaneously.
  • Wood sawing line– already a whole complex, which can consist of one or several machines. This is expensive equipment that can only be used if available large quantity raw materials. There are several representatives of this class of machines:
  1. Splitter sawing line allows you to saw and split logs of any type of tree. The work is performed by a disk or chain Saw. This line is distinguished by its ease of operation and Maintenance, well suited for thin gauges and large logs.
  2. Round timber processing line designed for processing timber into the output of edged round timber, sawdust and chips, timbering and processing of boards. They have two saw modules and a pneumatic system for removing sawdust.
  3. Log sorting line designed for sorting logs in order to optimize sawmilling and obtain maximum yield, as well as cutting productivity and in monitoring the volume of purchased logs.
  4. Optimization line automates the supply of timber at the input, replacing completely manual labor when feeding trunks.

If you decide to start your own wood sawing business, then first you should decide on the volume of lumber production, and then you will decide what method and equipment to choose for this.

Wood sawing services

How much does it cost to cut wood?– the question is rather rhetorical, it all depends on who will carry out the work and how it will be done.

Such services can be provided by organizations for the removal of unnecessary green spaces, immediately after the removal of the tree. If the plant was small or there are a number of defects in the trunk, then such wood is used in economic activities or the trunk and large branches are sawed for firewood. When more than one object is removed, for example, for planned construction, and the tree stands are of industrial attractiveness, then we can already talk about the value of such lumber.

In order to start cooperation with a company, sometimes it is necessary to conclude a contract for sawing wood, where all technical points, the timing of the work and the cost of this process. You can draw up an estimate - this is a document that indicates how the work will be carried out and in what way, and also indicates the type of wood, because different types of wood are also cut and processed differently.

There are a great many types and classifications of wood: hard, very hard, soft, seasoned, resinous, with and without knots, etc. It is clear that the harder it is, the more difficult it is to process, and the more knots it contains, the more waste there will be.

When cutting a log, the location of the fibers is also taken into account. Hence, three types of sawing are distinguished:

  • Radial sawing of wood(with a chainsaw or using longitudinal sawing machines) is a method of processing a trunk in which the fibers in the resulting board run along the direction of the growth rings. This type of sawing gives large quantity The resulting product is superior in strength and hardness to all other types of wood processing. Such lumber is uniform in texture and color, and the inter-ring dimensions are minimal. The resulting radial cut boards are practically not subject to deformation, are more wear-resistant and have a lower percentage of shrinkage.
  • Longitudinal sawing of wood performed by machines or on a sawmill. With this processing of raw materials, veneer, carriage, edged and unshaped boards, thin gauge, ordinary timber. Small trunks and thin logs are used.
  • Tangential sawing– this is the processing of material in which the cut plane passes at a distance from the core tangentially to the annual rings of the trunk. This product has a pronounced texture, and the pattern of annual rings is wavy. This type of sawing has a higher shrinkage coefficient, but the price is more affordable than radial sawing.

Home sawing and planing of wood– a manual method of processing wood. It is used to produce single copies of products and decorative items of artistic value.

Sawing frozen wood

This type of sawing is highlighted in separate category not by chance, since the processing of this type of raw material is quite common, and in terms of quality characteristics it differs significantly from ordinary dry and fresh raw materials. Logging areas are often developed in the cold season, so the flow of frozen wood to processing points practically never dries up.

Manufacturers cutting tool produce saws specifically for working in winter conditions, accordingly, the equipment used for sawing must be configured for frozen raw materials. The fact is that such sawing of wood (price and terms are specified separately) has different physical and mechanical properties than usual. Freezing moisture affects the increase in the strength of frozen trunks, therefore the design of the cutting tool must correspond to the processing mode. There may also be a decrease in machine productivity, but the resulting material is more durable, so improving processing mechanisms is the only solution to the problem.

"Arborist" offers a service such as sawing of wood with on-site visits to the customer. This is very convenient way, allowing you to solve your problems without even leaving your site. We can also buy and transport firewood, taking up space near your home. You make a profit and get rid of unnecessary wood. In addition, our specialists can carry out any work on removing unnecessary trees, as well as crowning and trimming dangerous elements using special equipment. All equipment that our specialists work with is certified and adjusted, and our employees are equipped with a license for their services. By contacting our company, you will first receive advice and answers to all questions.

Sawing wood video

Interested in the rules for industrial cutting of wood, as well as the differences and characteristics of wood in different ways sawing. So, if anyone is interested, read on. The knowledge will be useful when purchasing building materials and building a country house.

There is a radial cut, in which the cutting plane passes through the core of the trunk. The wood of such boards is quite uniform in color and texture, the inter-ring dimensions are minimal. Radial cut boards-2 are resistant to external influences, are practically not subject to deformation and have high wear resistance. The radial cut board has a shrinkage coefficient = 0.19% and a swelling coefficient = 0.2%. These indicators for radially cut lumber are twice as good as for tangentially cut boards. For a radial cut board, the process of shrinkage and swelling occurs along the width of the fibers - the thickness of the board, and for a tangential cut along the width of the board, because the fibers at the "tangent" are located along the width. Accordingly, at the floorboard, parquet board, imitation timber, block house, lining - radial cut - there are practically no gaps compared to similar tangential cut products. design features:

Since the yield of radial cut boards is 10–15% of the total volume, their cost is quite high. Sawing scheme for maximum production of radial-2 and semi-radial-3 boards.

Tangential-1 is a cut in which the cutting plane passes at a distance from the core, tangentially to the annual layer of the trunk. Such boards have a pronounced texture and a rich wave-like pattern of annual rings. Tangential cut boards - 1 have higher shrinkage and swelling coefficients, but are more affordable.

Radial sawing-2 wood is a method of cutting a log in which all the fibers in the board run along the direction of the annual rings. At radial sawing lumber has the best physical and mechanical properties. The strength and hardness of wood with radial cutting is higher than with tangential cutting.

The yield of radial saw-2 boards is usually small (does not exceed 30%). On the UP-700 longitudinal sawing machines, the yield of radial cut boards reaches 60%. This high rate is achieved thanks to the cutting optimization system. By choosing among the optimization criteria the maximum yield of a radial cut board, the conditions of radial and semi-radial-3 cuts, the technologist determines the percentage of yield of the radial board.

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