Modern frame house projects. Wooden houses in Art Nouveau style

Do you want a house whose façade would combine the already established traditions of the classics and at the same time something modern? It's possible! Art Nouveau houses are an amazing combination of simplicity, modernity, beauty and lightness. And also - maximum functionality and nothing extra.

Motherland architectural style Art Nouveau - beautiful France. It originated and spread widely throughout Europe at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, around 1980-1910. It was at this time that global changes were noted that affected all aspects of human life, including the design of house facades. By the way, the word “modern”, if translated into Russian from French, means precisely “new art”.

On a note! In Russia, only the term “modern” is used, but abroad the style has other names. This is Art Nouveau, Art Nouveau, Liberty, Tiffany, etc. And because of large quantities There was some confusion about the names. Some may imagine cubism, minimalism, European style. Therefore, before developing a project, it is important to clarify with the architect what he understands by the term.

The main features of modernism are a minimum of sharp straight lines. They were replaced by more natural, smooth, natural ones. There are practically no right angles.

Differences between houses decorated in the Art Nouveau style from others:

  • graceful curves and shapes of buildings;
  • asymmetrical buildings;
  • delicate colors of facade and interior decoration;
  • usage natural materials for finishing;
  • a combination of smooth planes and a beautiful, discreet ornament.

Modern is the optimal combination of beauty and functionality. And, perhaps, that’s why such houses are popular and in great demand. Buildings should not only be discreet, but at the same time perfectly decorated externally, as well Special attention is paid to interior decoration and interior design - furniture with smooth lines, mosaics, various planes are surprisingly harmoniously combined in this style. Balconies, door and window openings, and various architectural elements must be designed and processed separately.

At the same time, buildings in the Art Nouveau style look quite expressive and do not get lost against the background of other buildings and nature. Such a house will look good on a city or rural street, and surrounded by fields and forests. The style is ideal for mansions, modest country houses and urban high-rise buildings - each has its own design option for the building.

View from the main entrance - light elegant House with beautiful porch and balconies

Project Lara - Finnish cottage in Art Nouveau style
Art Nouveau garden - landscape design


The main feature of all houses in the Art Nouveau style is the lack of symmetry, a peculiar flow of forms. Also, a floral motif can often be seen in the decoration.

On a note! It is imperative that houses in the Art Nouveau style must be in harmony with their surroundings, be it urban or rural. They and everything that surrounds them are a single composition.

Both the interior of the house and its appearance are the personification of chic and luxury, but in moderation. In this case, the house can be made using either straight lines, and with various bends, arches, irregular shape decorative elements. By the way, doorways and exits to the balcony are often decorated with arches, and the balcony itself can also bend or have a polygon shape.

Windows, layout

Windows in houses usually have quite big sizes. Often there are buildings with resembling shop windows and shopping centers. However, there may be small window openings, but they usually have an arched top or are decorated with floral designs.

Often, a house in a modern style can be not just a living space, but a real complex that combines other buildings (for example, a garage) under one roof. In this case, all additional premises will have the same external finishing and harmonize with each other. Various terraces, verandas, and balconies, often with glazing, also look nice and modern.

Architectural styles typical of Western countries are now very popular among domestic developers. In elite Russian villages you can increasingly see houses stylized as French Provence, English classics, luxurious baroque or trendy high-tech. But it evokes special sympathy among ordinary homeowners.

Materials for creation

Simplicity and at the same time elegance can be given to Art Nouveau houses through the use for their decoration/construction of both natural materials or their imitations, as well as modern ones obtained from the latest technologies production. Innovative construction methods are also often used. Such buildings are usually built from timber and are used in large quantities metal, glass, reinforced concrete, stone.

On a note! You can often find houses in the Art Nouveau style, made using frame technology. They have a durable steel base.

At the same time, modern houses can be divided into two categories:

  • eco houses, where wood is used for construction (often it is timber) or is used frame technology buildings;
  • durable reinforced concrete or metal structures, the walls of which the owners are in no hurry to hide under a layer of decorative finishing materials. And the building acquires a harmonious appearance thanks to panoramic windows.

Art Nouveau house - original project

Doesn't have to be used for façade finishing expensive materials– in this regard, modernism as a style is very democratic and invites owners to use technologies for decorating the exterior of the house, on which large amounts of money will not be spent, and most of the work can be done independently.


The color scheme used to decorate both the facade and interior of Art Nouveau houses is shades that reflect purity and freshness, mutedness, monotony, and, less often, some harmonious contrast; So, the following colors can be used:

  • brown chocolate;
  • sand beige;
  • olive;
  • range of gray shades;
  • soft lilac or muted red;
  • blue;
  • white.

At the same time, the colors in which the building itself is decorated, its interior, and everything else that is associated with the buildings should have similar shades and be in harmony with each other.


It is interesting that the “modern” style in the design of houses is very diverse and multifaceted. One of the first to actively develop building projects in this direction was the Belgian architect Victor Horta, who focused on the use of metal and glass. Buildings built according to his designs often had such an unusual shape that they resembled some kind of plants brought from another world. Also a great contribution to the development of this architectural direction The Frenchman Hector Guimard also contributed, including the design of entrances to the metro in Paris. And the buildings, built according to the designs of the Spaniard Antonio Gaudi, fit so optimally into the environment that they seemed truly created by nature itself. And so another branch of style development appeared. Thus, one can only be surprised at how diverse and unusual the Art Nouveau style is.

Table. Subtypes of Art Nouveau style in architecture.


The house looks like the home of a real fighter for the cleanliness of the environment and one’s health. It resembles a kind of tropical hut, made using the latest technologies and using modern, but natural materials (mainly wood). Houses in this style look harmonious in suburban areas.

The difference between houses made in this style is that they are large panoramic windows, even sooner glass walls and real shop windows. The building looks stylish, modern, reminiscent of high-tech style. At the same time, the inside of the house turns out to be light and spacious. The color scheme is represented by white and beige.

Such houses are often built from SIP panels, which is why they are often considered primitive and unsuitable for comfortable and cozy living. The buildings often resemble an office rather than a residential building. Neomodern is the complete absence of unnecessary details and even some sterility.

A rather harsh and rough style direction. Such houses are often built where the climate is capricious, difficult and moderately cool. The buildings have bay windows, polygonal windows, and pointed roofs.

Oddly enough, there is also a peculiar Russian type of modernity. It was formed on the basis of classicism and is distinguished by proportionality, precision and clarity of lines, as well as an optimally thought-out composition.

Decorating the facade of a house in the Art Nouveau style

In addition to the shape of the building, its style is largely determined by its decoration. Modern facades are characterized by the presence of smooth and monochromatic plastered or wooden surfaces, finishing of the base with stone (wild or decorative - it doesn’t matter), mosaic patterns in small quantities, and finishing of windows with patterned floral ornaments. Various columns, moldings, and cornices, alternating with smooth plastered walls, are popular among designers.

Most types of facade finishing can be done with your own hands, without the help of specialists. At the same time, almost any building can be decorated as modern.

Surface preparation

To begin finishing the facade of the house and stylizing its appearance as modern, it is necessary to carry out various preparatory work. So, wooden facade it is inspected for damage, repaired if necessary, and then the darkened surface of the wood is treated with special bleaching agents. From window frames using a sander or sandpaper old paint is removed.

Peeled layers of plaster are removed from the concrete surface and the surface is leveled. This is especially important if the house will be plastered again. In the area of ​​the base, which will be covered with stone, only the completely falling off plaster is removed; the rest can remain. All deep cracks must be sealed with cement mortar.

Next, any concrete or wooden surface, as well as the base area, are primed (the choice of primer depends on the specific material). In this case, priming should be done in at least two layers, the walls should be thoroughly dried after each application.

Decoration of the facade

There are many ways to decorate the facade of a house in a modern style. For example, wooden - just paint. Another method that is suitable for concrete surfaces– plastering. In this case, the plaster is applied to the previously prepared surface in an even layer. It is important to work quickly and accurately, because mortars usually dry quickly in the open air.

But the plaster may not look like itself at all. There are ways that will allow you to turn a concrete house into a wooden one using special materials and tools. And the base can be sealed with stones.

Decorative plastering “wood-like”

Step 1. First of all, prepare a plaster solution for finishing surfaces according to the instructions given on the packaging (for example, facade plaster KNAUF Unterputz is used as follows: pour the contents of the bag (25 kg) into a container with 4.5–5.0 liters of clean cold water and mix with a construction mixer until a homogeneous, lump-free mass is obtained, stand for 5 minutes and mix again. If necessary, add water or dry mixture and mix again).

KNAUF-Unterputz, cement facade plaster. Technical sheet. Downloadable file (click the link to open the PDF in a new window).

So, you should get a mass of homogeneous consistency. In order to ultimately obtain a wood-like pattern on the surface of the finishing material, a special mixture and matrix with a pattern are purchased.

Step 2. The plaster is applied to the prepared wall surface using a smooth trowel, which should be held at a slight angle to the surface.

Step 4. After this, the plaster layer is leveled to approximately 4 mm thick.

Step 5. As soon as the plaster dries slightly, the formation of a “wood-like” surface structure begins. For this, a silicone matrix is ​​used, treated with a special lubricant that prevents adhesion.

Step 6 The lubricant is evenly applied to the matrix using a brush. Next, the latter is rolled into a neat roll with the pattern facing outward.

Step 7 The “wood” pattern is made like this: the matrix is ​​applied with an impression to the dried plaster, and compacting movements are carefully made along the surface with a roller.

Advice! To prevent the pattern from repeating itself, the matrix is ​​periodically turned over or shifted.

Step 8 Seams are formed between the “boards” immediately after applying the pattern using a long strip.

Step 9 After the plaster has dried, everything sharp corners and the edges are removed using sandpaper.

Step 10 Before the colored impregnation is applied, which gives the “wood” color, the plastered surface is cleaned of dust with a brush. The impregnation is mixed before use and then applied with a brush to the surface of the facade. The drug must be applied in two layers. The wall is painted a second time 24 hours after applying the first layer.

Step 11 Using a sponge to treat the newly painted surface will help emphasize the naturalness of the wood. The sponge should be moved with stroking movements along the “wooden board”.

Video - Decorating plaster “like wood”

Stone laying (decoration of the basement part)

Wild stone is a beautiful and popular type of decoration for the façade of a building. Due to its high cost, it is rarely used to decorate entire walls, but it is quite often used for the basement of a building. Wild stone is a material created by nature itself and working with it is simple and pleasant.

Step 1. The mortar is applied to the prepared surface of the base part using a spatula.

Step 2. The solution is also applied in a thick layer to the surface of the wildest stone.

Step 3. The stone is applied to the wall in its lower part with the applied mortar and pressed against it.

Step 4. Using a small spatula, the solution is applied to the edges of the laid stone.

Step 5. A second stone is prepared and pressed against the wall close to the first.

Step 6 Repeating steps 1-5, the entire basement part is drawn up. Excess protruding solution is removed. After drying, the seams are cleaned with a brush.

Video - Decorating the base with wild stone

Using simple methods you can turn a nondescript residential building into a building in the Art Nouveau style. The main thing is to put a little effort and effort into it and take into account the main design features. After the walls are finished, you can begin decorating the window and door openings. And here modernism also gives you the opportunity to show your imagination and try yourself as a designer.

Houses in the Art Nouveau style appeared at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Many were interested in the use of new materials and forms. In a word, there was a desire to escape from the classics. Architecture developed under the influence of these factors. 20th century modernism is expressive. It is characterized by the use of advanced technical means and the latest materials.

General information

House designs in the Art Nouveau style are distinguished by the absence of right angles and lines. This style also implies the presence of rounded shapes. The main distinguishing feature of a house in the Art Nouveau style (photo will be presented below) are plant motifs. In each country this style is called differently. However, it has taken root in Russia precisely under this name.

Key Features

When building a house in the Art Nouveau style, craftsmen strive to create a unified subject and spatial environment. For this, arcuate lines are used. It seems that they begin to flow into themselves.

Features of facades

When building a house in the Art Nouveau style, in most cases, architects use reinforced concrete and metal. They don't hide under the plaster. Their direct aesthetic purpose comes to the fore. There are also many glass elements. We are talking about mosaics on as well as stained glass windows in window and door openings.

Main design features

How is modern different? The houses look very interesting. Their main highlight is the depiction of the inside from the outside. Accordingly, the appearance indicates the aesthetics of the layout and functionality of the building as a whole. Regarding asymmetrical facades and artistic treatment, then they personify the expediency and comfort of the premises. Very often there are houses in the Art Nouveau style made of wood. They are usually decorated with the following elements:

  1. Rough balconies.
  2. Stairs.
  3. Terraces.
  4. Loggias.
  5. Galleries.

They are distinguished by the presence of a number of doors and windows of different shapes and sizes.

Other directions

A separate branch of the style is northern modern. Houses built in accordance with his canons are distinguished by their severity. This indicates the individuality of the climate. Also distinctive features of this style include bay windows, hexagonal windows and pointed roofs.

Special current

There are layouts that are completely different from the designs of houses in the Art Nouveau style. In the 80s, the direction began to revive, but only with a new name. Of course, we are talking about neomodernism. The new style got rid of complex details and unnecessary frills. The architecture of these buildings is more reminiscent of office options than residential premises.

Features of wooden buildings

Beautiful houses in the Art Nouveau style become so thanks to a kind of harmony. Sometimes the “wooden” direction is called mannered. This is the pinnacle of architectural creativity. It is distinguished by a smooth ornament and grace of individual lines. All this seems to have been created by nature. The exterior and interior form a single whole. Every detail is chosen with taste bordering on the grotesque. The entire non-residential space is covered by a figurative-symbolic concept and a single ornamental rhythm. The style grew out of the ruins of what was once Stalin's nomenklatura classicism. Domestic wooden modernism is a cross between styles and eras. As for the dynamics of the building, it goes into stained glass windows and walls that are filled inner beauty and impeccable proportions.

Modern realities

What, in essence, is modernity? We are talking about complex compositions from different materials and textures, curved lines, ornaments and filigree plastic. As a rule, these are handmade or original works that are made to order. Some elements are made in a single copy. In particular, this applies to decorative panels, wall and ceiling paintings, as well as forged fences. In accordance with this, the implementation of the project becomes many times more complicated and becomes significantly more expensive. As for completing house projects in this style, it is incredibly difficult. It requires close attention to all details and sophisticated drawing techniques. Each element needs careful consideration.

Design creation

And plant motifs are found everywhere. In particular, this applies to furniture colors, wallpaper patterns and a certain semblance of branches formed by woven flexible strips. In the decoration of the walls you can see interesting shades of lilac, olive and silver. Thanks to such combinations, the illusion of the presence of living nature is created. This is a kind of basis for inspiration for artists.

Interior features

Furniture in houses designed in the Art Nouveau style is functional and decorative at the same time. Its upholstery is necessarily decorated with irises, thistles and tulips. Appearance armchairs, couches and sofas are also distinguished by the presence of plant features. The stems are depicted as curved smooth lines. Currently, artificial aging of elements is very popular. It is used when decorating accessories and furniture. As for houses in the modern house style, there are glass vases and lamps. They contain images of figures. You rarely see the main ceiling lighting. The most commonly used are floor lamps and lamps. The interior of such houses is characterized by ease and lightness. This illusion can be achieved using forged elements and transparent flowing fabrics. As for the modern manifestations of this style, fancy accessories and ornate patterns come to the fore. Handmade looks very original. In this case, the use of its expensive imitation is allowed. Steps and podiums are very common in rooms.

Historical information

Modernity showed up in Moscow at the right time. At that time, the fashion for building turnkey houses began to spread. In this regard, freedom of creativity opened up for architects. This style has been very popular for two decades. Thus, many metropolitan architects continually turned to its elements. Many Moscow buildings were built using them. Examples include the following:

  1. Yaroslavsky railway station.
  2. Quick printing of the Levinson Partnership.
  3. Hotel "Metropol".
  4. The building of the insurance company "Russia".

Outstanding buildings

There are two main ones in particular estate projects. William Walcott, a famous British architect, took part in them. He also made a significant contribution to the design of the estates adjacent to each other on Prechistensky Lane. This is a special order from MTSAO. At one time it was considered the main “developer” of the capital. Thanks to this company, the construction of several objects was initiated, which later turned into monuments of Art Nouveau. We are talking about house number 10. It is made in accordance with the canons of laconic English modernism. The house was purchased by Maria Fedorovna Yakunchikova, who was the wife of the owner of a textile factory and brick factories. Karl Gutheil became the owner of another building. This refers to house No. 8. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Karzinkin merchant family began to own the mansion. Several years ago the building was restored. Currently, the Moroccan embassy is located there. It is worth noting that such a symmetrical façade is not entirely characteristic of Art Nouveau. There is a clear contrast between this house and the Yakunchikova mansion.

Construction modern buildings can be carried out using a variety of technologies and styles. For this purpose they are used various materials. The most original and unusual houses are considered to be in the Art Nouveau style.

House project in Art Nouveau style

The interior was first decorated in Art Nouveau style in the second half of the 21st century. This direction in space design has its own specific features:

  • rejection of clear lines;
  • right angles;
  • a combination of simple and at the same time elegant forms;
  • geometrically correct useful areas and vast in scope.

The principle of modernity is equality of content and form.

Everything is more natural. The outlines are artistic and flexible. If you previously created interior decoration in this style, now the time has come to construction. Country houses unique with this technology.

Important. Modernism is broad in its perception and implementation. In it, experts quite often observe not only the curved lines of the east, but also elements of other stylistic trends.

Materials for building a building in this stylistic direction

Projects of houses in the Art Nouveau style are quite diverse.

One of the options for a house project in the Art Nouveau style

You can compose them yourself using a special software. Can you order development services? terms of reference for the construction of the structure from specialists. They will definitely not make mistakes in calculating the material.

Today there is a huge amount of building materials that can be used to build a house in this unusual stylistic direction:

Concrete, stone and brick are considered the most durable and reliable. They have almost similar properties and characteristics.

Advantages of stone in building a house

This construction material was used by our ancestors. They preferred it not only in construction, but also in improving the interior and exterior of the building.

Original interior Art Nouveau houses

The most popular was and is to this day – natural stone. Walls were built from it, some decorative designs. Nowadays it is expensive, so it is not often used in construction.

More practical and affordable - brick. Although, due to its standard and insignificant parameters, large amounts of money may be spent on building a house.

Shell rock is a building material with numerous pores. It is not fragile, but under heavy loads it is capable of reacting by deforming its structure. The most important advantage of these environmentally friendly stones is that they can be used to build any house of various shapes.

In addition, they:

  • moisture resistant;
  • durable;
  • practical;
  • fire resistant;
  • frost-resistant.

They are also resistant to temperature changes.

project of a shell rock house in Art Nouveau style

Note. If natural stone and brick do not require additional finishing, then experts do not recommend leaving shell rock on long time without cladding. As a result of moisture penetration into the pores of the material structure, it can become deformed and lose its technical properties.

Read also

Houses for seasonal living

Concrete in construction

Previously, this tool was used only for constructing the foundation of a building. Now it is effectively used to build walls. Concrete is made from sand, water and cement. In some cases, crushed stone or gravel is added.

Note. The main advantage of concrete is that it can take on any shape and size.

And this is very important in building a house in the Art Nouveau style. Initially, special forms are made from wood or metal, which are poured during the construction process concrete mortar. Each structure is pre-reinforced.

Such buildings are considered monolithic; in terms of their strength, they are significantly superior to simple conventional stone buildings. There is only one drawback. It cannot be left unfinished. They do not have an attractive appearance.

Wooden houses in Art Nouveau style

These buildings sometimes amaze with their originality. They can combine several similar materials in their properties:

  • boards.

Modern designers are developing projects of quite massive structures. These houses can be either multi-story or multi-story. The most important thing is to determine functional space on a suburban area, which will make it possible to initially estimate the amount of internal usable space.

There are frame wooden houses in Art Nouveau style. They can be executed entirely from natural material, or maybe a variety of decorative cladding products can be used in their construction.

Scheme of cladding a wooden house

The interior in this building is more unique. It is based on naturalness and sophistication. You can combine both natural material itself and decorative stone, plaster and much more.

Additional building materials

To build beautiful houses in the Art Nouveau style, it is necessary to use not only standard materials, but also additional ones.

These include:

  • glass;
  • tree;
  • polycarbonate;
  • plastic and much more.

As a rule, there is nothing bulky about this stylistic direction. It is observed in everything. Only in most cases, instead of interior partitions use the above materials. Replace bearing structures you can't do it on them. They will not be able to withstand the load of the roof structure.

We present to your attention a spectacular country mansion in the Northern Modern style.

Country mansion in the Northern Modern style

The history of the emergence of “Northern Modern”

The source of inspiration for the creation of this project was the architectural motifs of “Northern Art Nouveau”, the development of which in St. Petersburg took place in the first years of the 20th century under the influence of Swedish and Finnish neo-romantic architecture. In these countries, the main direction in art was national romanticism, which widely used subjects from fairy tales and epics. Distinctive features emerging trend, this is the use of images of birds, plants, ornaments based on northern folklore to enliven the facades. Mutually beneficial combination of artificial and natural materials. The base, as a rule, is lined with Finnish granite, with rough processing, and in some places hewn with the use of sculptural elements. At the top of the building there is finishing brick or textured plaster under the "fur coat".

One of the legislators of the principles of the style, which became the main direction in the architecture of our city in the 1900s of the 20th century, was Fedor (Friedrich) Lidval, a representative of the Swedish diaspora of St. Petersburg. He drew inspiration for his work from the works of such major representatives of neo-romanticism in Sweden as F. Boberg and G. Klasson.

The buildings built according to Lidval's designs from 1901 to 1907 showed the possibilities of a new branch of Art Nouveau, significantly different from the version of German and Austrian Art Nouveau that existed at that time.

It is probably now impossible to imagine Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt without the facades and deep courtyard of the apartment building of the Lidval family. This residential complex largely shaped and enriched the appearance of the city on the Petrograd side.

Another hallmark of the “Northern Modern” of St. Petersburg is, of course, the Kshesinskaya Mansion, architect A.I. von Gauguin. The mansion amazes with its original solutions, exquisite proportions, and masterly drawing of details.

In the Kshesinskaya Mansion, almost all the main features“Northern Art Nouveau”: wings of different heights and configurations, windows of different shapes and heights, rounded bay windows, smooth curved lines, graphic decor, forged sculptural elements. And, contrasting combination facade finishing materials - lined brick, granite and majolica.

It is not without reason that to this day, every architect, walking along the Petrograd side and observing the spectacular prospects of the Kshesinskaya Mansion, involuntarily wants to create something similar, touching the architectural heritage great master. Moreover, work on a private cottage, in the best possible way, opens up opportunities for implementation creative possibilities architect for the use of stylistic motifs of “Northern Art Nouveau”.

For a modern architect, such an object is probably the ABC of style, a reference book for study and use in his practice architectural elements and techniques.

Another masterpiece of “Northern Art Nouveau”, which combines in its architecture the main features and innovative principles of the style - the Mansion of S. N. Chaev by architect V.P. Apyshkova. The building is a vivid illustration of already established techniques. This is a combination of materials of different colors and textures - brick, “torn” granite, plaster and majolica tiles. Bas-reliefs with antique themes were skillfully used on the facades. Window lintels and window sills made of granite gray different textures, give the building the necessary contrast. When looking at the mansion, one notices the similarity with the mansion of M.F. Kshesinskaya.

These works are just some of the representatives of a remarkable artistic era, forever imprinted in the stone facades of our city.

The fundamentals of the style, formed in the 1900s of the 20th century, are to this day a rich topic for the work of modern architects, especially in cottage construction. Therefore, it is not surprising that as a result of frequent walks along the main highways and alleys of the Petrograd side, the architect, inspired by the intricate views of mansions and apartment buildings of the early 20th century, began work on modern cottage in the “Northern Art Nouveau” style.

Techniques of “Northern Modern” in modern design

Basis planning solutions served as an asymmetrical scheme. The idea of ​​symmetry can be seen only on the main facade - the main entrance with a translucent canopy covering is located along the axis of the building. On the steel facades, two-story high risalits appear in different orders. The shape of the facades is quite simple and straightforward. The overall composition is complicated by the covered terrace on powerful columns adjacent to the side façade. Thanks to large protruding elements, a picturesque multi-level silhouette is created, so characteristic of mansions of the Art Nouveau era.

The expressive significance of the building is given by a massive five-step high plinth, lined, in accordance with tradition, with torn natural stone dark tone. Between the plinth and the plane of the facades there is a wide dividing belt made of smooth stone. The unifying background for all elements was facing brick light sand color, thanks to which the horizontal inserts, emitting blue majolica tiles, look impressive. The inserts are located in the form of friezes framing the top of the building under a profiled cornice. At the corners of the building, the mosaic frieze is visually broken by wide, slightly protruding pilasters made of facing brick. At the top, the pilasters are accented with forged openwork decorative elements. The plasticity of facades was revealed in best traditions style - slightly sunken or protruding elements of the facing brickwork.

A bright decorative accent on all facades is a lintel recessed into the masonry of the wall above the window opening, in the form of a painted metal channel - a technique given to us by the Art Nouveau era. IN modern design this node required development multilayer construction walls with installation of insulation to eliminate cold bridges.

The structure is crowned with an actively protruding flat roof. The plane of the roof overhangs is decorated with wooden caissons painted to match the color of the window frames. All window fillings have an upper end in the form of transoms with small characteristic glazing.

The noble appearance of the building is complemented by elegant accents in the form of metal openwork fences of the terraces and canopy structures, painted in the same color as the drainage system.

The interior of a cottage in the Art Nouveau style

The layout of the cottage is designed in the spirit of the Art Nouveau era - a free layout that meets the functions of the building and the asymmetry of the main and secondary volumes.

The ground floor is dominated by a combined kitchen-dining room space, connected to the staircase hall and hallway. Adjacent to the hallway is a vestibule with a wardrobe and food pantry. The spacious living room in the form of a fireplace room, with a wide arched entrance, is isolated from the rest of the rooms. From the living room you can access the covered terrace. There is an exit to the same terrace from the owners' parents' bedroom. The bedroom has its own bathroom and wardrobe. The parents’ private area is quite autonomous from the main premises, which will create comfortable conditions for them to live and relax.

The space on the second floor is organized in such a way that, thanks to the minimum number of load-bearing walls, if necessary, you can modify the relationship and number of rooms. In the proposed version, there is a hall with natural light, a utility block with a laundry and ironing room, and two children's bedrooms, which share one bathroom. And also a whole wing dedicated to the owners of the house - large bedroom, which is assigned an office, a wardrobe and a spacious bathroom.

In our opinion, such a cottage, with carefully crafted details and elements imbued with the artistic spirit of the Art Nouveau era, may decorate not only suburban area, but also the urban landscape, without disturbing the historical appearance, but possibly complementing it with dignity and respect.

If you are attracted to the image " Northern Modern"and you have a desire to discuss options for designing your future home in this style, we invite you to a meeting with our leading architects at the office of the ABC Construction company.

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