Beekeeping products wax moth have medicinal properties. Purpose and treatment with moth moth extract

The pest butterfly lays eggs on honeycombs and larvae hatch from them and feed on wax. They make an effective and harmless drug. Alcohol tincture of larvae wax moth leads to relief of most diseases.

How wax moth larvae appeared in medicine

Mentions of the medicinal properties of wax moths are found in records from antiquity. Ancient Greek, Egyptian and Mesopotamian healers used miraculous powers in the fight against consumption, potency and infertility. Japanese and Chinese healers recommended taking the larvae with meals. Thanks to I. Mechnikov, this drug was recognized in medical circles already in the nineteenth century.

There is an opinion that the preparation of the tincture on wax moth larvae was decided by a beekeeper who wanted to make money from the pest. And when reviews of the tincture turned into advertising, the bright minds of the medical world decided to justify its use scientifically.

Wax moth larvae were used to treat tuberculosis back in the 17th century. It was noticed that the walls of tuberculosis are destroyed by the digestive enzymes of moths - cerrases.

Beneficial features

The following were observed in the chemical composition of wax moths:

  • squirrels
  • enzymes
  • peptides
  • nucleosides
  • nucleotides
  • hypoxanthine
  • xanthine
  • serotonins
  • stereotide hormones
  • amino acids, vitamins
  • minerals
  • lipids
  • fatty acid.

Thanks to these characteristics, the tincture on wax moth larvae has a wide range of application: it acts to improve metabolism in cells. Moth components affect primarily metabolic processes human body: the values ​​of sugar, cholesterol, and fat deposits on the walls of the liver decrease.

The tincture is made as follows: fresh larvae are collected, filled with alcohol and, after infusion in a cool place, used as the most powerful antibacterial and antiviral agent. Therefore, it is recommended to take the extract during outbreaks of GRVI, especially in autumn and winter.

Application and dosage

The use of wax moth extract stimulates blood purification in the bone marrow and increases hemoglobin concentration. The extract contains substances that help the growth and renewal of cells and have anti-cholesterolemic effects.

This extract reduces shortness of breath and improves the cardiogram in patients with angina pectoris. Accelerates the healing of scars after a heart attack, changes in cerebral vessels during strokes. Arterial blood counts decrease, slowing down the development of atherosclerosis. The manifestations of age-related changes are slowed down.

A tincture based on wax moth extract gives a chance to cure thrombophlebitis and blockage of veins, reduce swelling and their blue tint.

In addition to amino acids, the alcoholic extract from wax moth larvae also contains disaccharides, monosaccharides and many other macro- and microelements, magnesium and zinc.

The use of tincture of wax moth larvae is also used to cure Koch bacillus bacteria, pneumonia and bronchitis. Normalizes the immune system. In pediatrics it is used as an asthmatic component for bronchial obstruction. When using the tincture, there is a noticeable improvement in breathing, bronchospasms and wheezing disappear, and a general blood test returns to normal.

There are practically no side effects from this extract, unlike medications. Another important quality is the non-toxicity of the extract and the storage of all useful elements in tincture up to 5 years.

Gynecologists have long offered a tincture of wax moth larvae in the fight against infertility, also beneficial features the drug helps to reduce the obvious manifestations of menopause (normalizes mental condition, sleep, state of endometrial cells). In case of miscarriage, placental insufficiency, blood creology disorders are controlled, and microcirculation is improved. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend the tincture to anyone who has problems with reproductive function.

This medicine plays an equally important function for men: the quality of sperm increases, the risk of infertility decreases, the prostate and impotence are treated, and desire increases.

Advice! Treatment of female and male problems is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Only a very experienced doctor can take responsibility for the consequences of treatment.

Among other things, the tincture relieves insomnia, normalizes the body after an illness, helps improve memory, and tones the body.

High effectiveness was found in the treatment of fungal infections of the lungs, which is a complication after chemotherapy. For pathologies of bones, joints, intestines and many other human organs.

The amino acids that make up the wax moth tincture have a beneficial effect on protein synthesis in all tissues of the human body.

This tincture is also used in sports medicine. Amino acids (tyrosine, tryptophan, stearine protease) contained in wax moth are taken to restore muscle fibers from microtraumas during large physical training. The extract increases the pain threshold, increases attention and stress resistance, normalizes body weight, strength, and glycogen in the heart muscle.

Interesting! Wax moth larvae extract large quantities is not produced, since they are not bred due to their harmfulness to beekeeping.

Pharmaceutical companies offer medicine in varying degrees of saturation: 10, 20 or 25%.

The process of making an alcohol tincture from wax moths is a cold extraction of moth larvae against ethanol. This liquid is subsequently infused in a dark, cold place. This method saves everything medicinal properties in the finished extract, since cold processing does not destroy biological components. When manufactured this way, the shelf life useful substances is prolonged several times, in contrast to tincture prepared at home. But pharmacists are in no hurry to officially publish their data on wax moth-based drugs. This is due to the difficult, costly method of collecting larvae, because when they reproduce, an entire population of bees dies.

Taking a drug with biologically active substances - treatment according to the rules

  1. Take thirty minutes before meals or an hour after - this improves the absorption of the medicine
  2. For ten kilograms of body weight, count three drops of extract; for children under 14 years of age, one drop per twelve kilograms of body weight is enough.
  3. For prevention it is taken once a day, and for the treatment of diseases daily dose divided in half
  4. The tincture is diluted with water, milk, juice, tea in small (up to 30 ml) quantities
  5. You should first hold the drops in your mouth and then swallow. Greater effect can be achieved by keeping the drops under your tongue.
  6. Do not take before bed, as the drug tones the body.

If you haven't taken it before alcohol tincture based on wax moths, then you must adhere to the following scheme:

  • 1st day. Drink one fourth of the required dose and observe the sensations in the body. If there is no burning sensation in the throat, irritation or swelling of the mucous membranes, then everything is fine.
  • 2nd day. After you are convinced that there are no contraindications for the use of the tincture, double the dose and again monitor tolerance.
  • 3rd day. The rest of the dose is taken, and in the following days you can take full amounts of the medicine.

Miracle ointment

Most often, larvae are used externally. An ointment made from wax moth components promotes the healing of burns, healing of wounds, and scars. To prepare, you need to take 50 g of larvae, which are fully formed, pour in alcohol so as to completely cover the larvae. Let it brew for five days. Then in ceramic dishes with 400 g of St. John's wort and calendula oil, 100 g of propolis and beeswax stir to an ointment consistency. Leave in a water bath for two hours. Cool the finished ointment, rub through a fine sieve and transfer to sterilized jars.

Advice!The larger the specimens of larvae used to prepare the drug, the fewer of them will be needed.


Contraindications when using wax moth tincture include only a few points:

  • children under 14 years of age
  • pregnant and lactating women

The main and most serious contraindication is an individual acute allergy to bee products.

When using wax moths in one form or another, be very careful and attentive. After all, there is no official medical evidence of its medicinal properties. If such evidence existed, the components of wax moth would have long been used in medical institutions as the main medicinal drug.

Wax moth is a hive pest well known to every beekeeper. The butterfly itself is practically harmless and does not feed on anything, but wax moth larvae eat honey, bee bread, wax, garbage in the hive, and sometimes even bee larvae and more small caterpillars of its own kind. They entangle the honeycombs with silk, preventing the bees from caring for the larvae and leading to the death of part of the brood.

Wax moth larvae are used to treat various diseases - small (up to 20 mm) light yellow caterpillars, inactive and very voracious. Tinctures are prepared from them at home, which are taken orally when consumed.

This is interesting

It is not known who and when first came up with the idea of ​​making a tincture from wax moth larvae. Perhaps this was a way for beekeepers to extract at least some benefit from a hated pest. And only then, patients who preferred to be treated with unconventional drugs actively spread the word about the miraculousness of the medicine.

There is little evidence for the effectiveness of wax moth tincture in treating diseases. Among them:

  • several scientific works devoted to the study of the composition of the larvae themselves. Substances that improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the body were found in them, but in such modest quantities that wax moth tincture is inferior in its properties to various herbal preparations, and treatment of wax moth diseases based only on these substances is irrational.
  • Research by “professors” unknown in scientific circles who discovered the enzyme cerrase (still unknown to chemists) in larvae, which effectively destroys bacterial cells in the body.

It is officially believed that wax moth tincture is a placebo, the feasibility of prescribing it for the treatment of any diseases is ensured by the patient’s conviction in successful outcome(the person believes that the remedy will help him heal). However, this does not prevent thousands of traditional healers from prescribing a tincture of wax moth larvae to gullible patients, regardless of the severity of the disease, and the patients themselves from drinking this remedy instead of proven and truly effective medicines that have been proven by many years of medical practice.

“When my daughter was diagnosed with asthma, we decided to go first of all to the local grandmother, a traditional healer. She advised us to start treatment with wax moths and said that this was the most reliable remedy. At first we were confused by the price of pleasure - for full course it was necessary to pay 3,000 rubles - and then the fact that after two months of treatment the child’s condition only worsened. The cough became constant, and the daughter began to choke at night. We went to the hospital, where they told us that it was still time, otherwise everything could have ended very badly.”

Olesya, Almaty

Wax moth tincture as a treatment

Initially, wax moth tincture was intended to treat tuberculosis. There were even attempts to scientifically explain its effectiveness - supposedly, the same enzyme cerrase, which breaks down fats and allows the larvae to feed on wax, also safely breaks down the lipid membranes of Koch's bacillus and leads to the death of the tuberculosis causative agent itself.

Even despite the absence of the “cerrase” enzyme in nature (there is no scientific evidence of its existence), there are questions about its penetration into the lungs themselves and its selective effect on Koch’s bacillus. Why, for example, does the enzyme not destroy the phospholipid walls of other cells as effectively: for example, E. coli cells, brain cells or heart cells, finally.

However, soon after the success of the remedy in patients, wax moth began to be used not only to treat tuberculosis, but also to combat diseases not at all related to bacterial infections. For example, with the product they carry out:

  • cancer treatment
  • treatment of varicose veins
  • treatment of prostatitis
  • treatment of atherosclerosis
  • fight against nervous disorders
  • treatment of impotence and infertility in men

…and many many others.

It is obvious that one remedy cannot effectively treat such various diseases- traditional healers simply exploit famous name drug and faith in it. At the same time, patients themselves willingly test the medicinal properties of wax moths on themselves and their relatives, which creates scope for the actions of charlatans.

No certified physician or licensed clinic prescribes wax moth tincture, even as a maintenance or preventive treatment.

It is useful to draw a conclusion for yourself: treatment with wax moth larvae is possible only as an additional measure to the main treatment. It is impossible to refuse treatment with recognized methods in favor, especially when fighting such serious diseases as oncology and tuberculosis.

But even when deciding to use the product, it is necessary to consult a doctor who is ready to take responsibility for the result of using the product.

“I never knew what it was and what wax moths treated. My son was treated with it for tuberculosis, as it turned out, and I was prescribed it for varicose veins on my legs. At the same time, leeches three times a month and warming with mustard plasters. It's very tiring. I’m doing this for the second month and there’s no living space on my legs. But something has to work out.”

Tatyana, Volgodonsk

Indications and method of use of the tincture

There are some theoretical premises to say that treatment with wax moth tincture may be indicated in the following cases:

  • for atherosclerosis
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • with low blood pressure.

It was the substances useful for these diseases that were reliably found in the larvae themselves. All other indications are exclusively the initiative of traditional healers:

  • tuberculosis
  • bronchitis
  • migraine
  • impotence
  • premature ejaculation
  • phlebeurysm
  • thrombophlebitis
  • nervous system disorders
  • allergy
  • premenstrual syndrome
  • cardiac ischemia.

The treatment of varicose veins with wax moths is especially questionable - neither the larvae nor the alcohol in the tincture have anything to do with varicose veins.

You must also be sure that the tincture will not cause an allergic reaction when used, which is typical for many beekeeping products.

Judging by reviews online, folk healers prescribe medicine from wax moth larvae even when viral infections- influenza or polio. Following such recommendations can be dangerous, since the tincture will not have any effect on the virus itself, and without proper treatment, the clinical condition may worsen.

The dosage for treatment with wax moth extract is usually prescribed depending on the strength of the tincture itself. Drink 25% tincture 6-8 drops three times a day, diluting them with any amount of water. The 10% remedy is consumed 10-15 drops three times a day. The dosage usually does not change depending on the specifics of the disease itself.

“There is no equal in the treatment of wax moth tuberculosis. I myself was cured with it and recommend it to everyone. I had tuberculosis in both lungs in the upper lobes. I could neither breathe nor move normally. They prescribed so many medications that there was simply no money to buy them. I drank wax moth for two months without a single tablet; an x-ray showed that there was a small lesion in the upper lobe of the right lung. This remedy really works, a few more months and I will be a healthy person.”

Alexander, Tyumen

DIY wax moth tincture: recipes and preparation rules

Wax moth tincture is usually prepared by beekeepers themselves or private beekeeping companies. You can usually buy wax moth directly from them for treatment.

To prepare wax moth tincture, fairly large caterpillars of the penultimate age are used. The age of the larvae has virtually no effect on the medicinal properties of the tincture (you cannot use only the oldest larvae that have stopped feeding and are ready to pupate), but the larger each individual larva is, the fewer of them will be needed to prepare the medicine.

Wax moth larvae are simply doused with alcohol (sometimes vodka) in a mass ratio of 1:10 for a 10% tincture or 1:4 for a 25% tincture. The container with the tincture is tightly and hermetically sealed and placed in a dark, cool room for infusion for 2-3 months.

Possible side effects and contraindications

To date, it is not known about side effects when treating large wax moth. Healers usually warn patients that during treatment they may sometimes experience allergic reactions and your health will worsen. In these cases, taking the tincture should be stopped.

“Even when I was tormented by my heart, I found out that wax moth tincture cures. It turned out to be good for preventing heart attack and stroke. I tried drinking it, drank three bottles according to the instructions, but didn’t feel any special results. Although the pain began to occur less frequently, my health did not improve.”

Ekaterina, Ekaterinburg

Clear contraindications to the use of wax moth tincture are pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood- up to 14 years old.

Also, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not use the tincture.

Manufacturers of tincture and prices for it

Not a single pharmaceutical company produces wax moth tincture or extract. All products on sale are exclusively privately produced; only a few are produced by private companies without registration and obtaining a license. You can buy wax moth tincture either directly from the manufacturer, or via the Internet, in specialized online stores. Moreover, when purchasing online, the product can be delivered to almost any country in the world (which affects the cost of delivery). If an advance payment is required, you should only buy the product from sellers who have good feedback

. This will help avoid being scammed.

The price of a 100 ml bottle of 25% tincture is about 700-800 rubles, and a 10% tincture is about 350-400 rubles. In general, we can say that wax moth tincture is one of those remedies that you can try for fun, but you should not place all your hopes on it under any circumstances. After all, there is a risk of missing the moment to truly necessary treatment when even effective means

It will be too late to apply...

Be healthy!

Making a tincture of wax moth larvae with your own hands

The larvae hatch from tiny eggs after a week-long developmental stage. They are already millimeters long and have eight tiny legs on a white body with a yellowish head. As they feed, their size increases to almost twenty figures! And upon reaching the age of one month, the moth larvae turn into dolls, approximately one and a half centimeters in length. However, from such pests they make useful extracts that have no less healing power

than bee products.

Photo of moth larvae on honeycombs

Photo of three wax moth larvae


But even such an unpleasant pest as the larva of the well-known wax moth can be beneficial.


The extract of these insects is extremely harmful when used on Koch's bacilli, also known as the primary source of tuberculosis. Special enzymes contained in the bodies of the larvae effectively destroy the bacterial membrane. They also actively fight fungal lung diseases, even asthma.

They are used for preventive purposes. An annual course significantly strengthens the circulatory system, thereby reducing the likelihood of myocardial infarction, arrhythmia and atherosclerosis. The extract is very popular after suffering from such diseases. It restores tissue circulatory system, dissolving scars, if there were any. In addition, the wax moth larva in a special state cleanses the veins well, eliminating blockages in the vessels. Consequently, the number of blood clots is rapidly reduced in the body.

Determine the exact chemical composition It's not that simple. It is diverse and extremely complex, but consists of many proteins, nucleotides, pesticides, vitamins, hormones and other elements. Just like the extract, it contains two dozen of the twenty-eight known free amino acids, among which are nine essential ones. At high concentrations, serine, lysine, valine, and a lot of organic acids can be found in the composition. But besides this, there are lipids with higher fatty acids, and such rare ones as linolenic and linoleic.

The broad spectrum also includes antiviral and antibacterial properties. They are caused by special amino acids.

Homemade tincture recipe

  1. It is enough to place the collected pests in an alcohol base and leave for half a month.
  2. Periodic shaking will only help speed up the readiness of the tincture for use.
  3. The place for infusion should be cool, since in such conditions the product acquires maximum beneficial substances from wax moth.


Not always traditional ways treatments bring the desired result. Sometimes medical therapy needs to be supported by alternative or traditional healing remedies, one of which is wax moth tincture.

What it is?

Wax moth, moth, shawl, moth - all these are the names of an inconspicuous-looking nocturnal butterfly of a grayish color with a silvery tint, which can become an indispensable medicine for many ailments. Being so useful in medicine, this moth is worst enemy beekeepers who constantly put a lot of effort into fighting it.

The fact is that Bee hive - perfect place for laying wax moth eggs, the larvae of which, after birth, continue to live in the monastery of honey plants. Therefore, their main food becomes honey, bee bread, pollen, and then wax, royal jelly, propolis, and the remains of bee cocoons full of chitin. Having gained everything necessary for your life biologically active ingredients, at 30 days of age the larvae turn into pupae. The moths that have already emerged from them reach from 1 to 3.5 cm in length, but their body no longer requires food - the reserves accumulated in the larval stage are quite enough for them.

What is so valuable about wax moth larvae?

All medical properties wax moth - a consequence of its consumption of the above-mentioned beekeeping products, the biological reserve of which is stored in the body of the unformed butterfly, and then is included in the composition of the medicine known as tincture of wax moth larvae.

The main value of this moth is the production of cerrase in its body - a special enzyme that helps digest wax. Judging by the results of scientific research, the presence of this component in the alcoholic extract of larvae helps to dissolve the shell of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. This is because it consists mainly of fat and wax and, under the influence of cerrase, loses its protection and becomes more vulnerable to the action of antibiotics.

Experience of the Ancients

Mentions of healing properties of this moth were found in the records of antiquity. Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Mesopotamian healers already noticed

the miraculous power possessed by the wax moth extract, and they actively used it to combat consumption, now called tuberculosis, as well as ailments associated with potency in men and infertility in women.

Japanese, Chinese and Kenyan healing masters knew about the benefits of wax moths many years ago, so they recommended that patients eat the larvae of this insect. Dishes with this seemingly exotic component were served in many restaurants at that time.

This drug received official recognition in medical and scientific circles already in the 19th century thanks to the great Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov. Having conducted a lot of research, as well as turning to traditional methods of treatment, he scientifically presented and confirmed the long-existing theory of the healing phenomenon of wax moth extract.


Wax moth, the treatment of which has a long history, was used for the treatment and prevention of many ailments. Among them:

This is not the entire list of indications. In general, this drug perfectly improves the functioning of the immune system, mental and physical activity person.

Wax moth - treatment, reviews from sports doctors

An equally important aspect of the health-improving effect of moth larvae is the positive effect on muscle mass body. It is mainly the result of action organic matter(peptides, nucleotides), which, when combined advantageously with amino acids (histidine, valine), significantly reduce the recovery time of muscle tissue after heavy physical activity. Such components also contribute to the growth of the athlete’s endurance, faster muscle growth, activation of the processes of calcium absorption and hemoglobin synthesis, and bone tissue regeneration.

This drug is also indispensable in sports medicine for the speedy recovery of an athlete after an injury or surgery. In general, the complex of biologically active substances, which contains the extract of wax moth larvae, supplies the body with energy, helping to distribute it beneficially throughout the body.

Research shows that the drug is a useful alternative to harmful anabolic steroids that negatively affect the central nervous system. Therefore, it can be used not only to build muscle, but also to get out of the state that steroid use leads to.

Wax moth. Treatment of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is the most common cause of death among adults

population, when compared with other bacterial infectious
diseases. The reason for this is the evolution of the tuberculosis bacillus, which over the many years of its existence has acquired immunity to modern antibiotics. Therefore, in many cases traditional medical treatment does not give proper results. Then they come to the rescue traditional methods and alternative medicine.

The causative agent of tuberculosis is Koch's bacillus, which has a waxy membrane. As mentioned earlier, the enzymes that wax moth tincture possesses can break it down. The treatment is more effective, since the shell of the pathogen is destroyed after using the drug and becomes more vulnerable to the action of antibiotics.

Post-tuberculosis treatment

In addition to the above capabilities, the extract stimulates the development and reproduction of healthy cells in the body, and perfectly heals tuberculosis cavities that form in the lungs when suffering from this disease.

This tincture is no less effective for fungal diseases. respiratory tract, which often occur after chemotherapy prescribed by a doctor to treat the disease.

It is known that tuberculosis can occur not only in the lungs, but also in bones, joints, lymph nodes, kidneys, skin, intestines, etc. And in these cases, wax moth tincture is successfully used. Treatment with this drug increases the effectiveness of antibiotics prescribed to the patient, but does not contribute to the occurrence of any forms of allergies, and also does not allow the infection to spread further throughout the human body.

How to prepare extract at home?

For self-made It is better to use tinctures already completely

developed, but in no case yet pupated butterfly larvae. 5 g of wax moth must be filled with 50 g of ethyl alcohol of 70% concentration. Leave this mixture for about a week, after which you can start taking it, limiting yourself to 20 drops per day. It is better to divide this dosage into two doses, and dilute the extract with water before use.

For children, the dosage is slightly different, it all depends on age: 5 year old child you can give no more than 5 drops per day, a 6-year-old - no more than 6, etc.

Home-infused wax moth, the use of which is welcomed by everyone traditional healers, undoubtedly brings benefits, because it has been tested for many years. But an extract prepared according to medical standards is a little different.

Pharmacy drugs

The wax moth medicine offered to us by professional pharmacists may have varying degrees of concentration. Most often it is 10, 20 or 25 percent. The essence of the process of making such a tincture is to use the method of cold extraction of moth larvae based on ethanol. The resulting liquid is infused in a place protected from light at a temperature of about 20 degrees.

This manufacturing method allows you to preserve the maximum of useful substances in the final extract, since low temperature processing of larvae does not allow destruction of even biological components that are not particularly stable. Moreover, preparations made in this way have a longer shelf life, during which the chemical composition of the product does not undergo changes. The same cannot be said about homemade tinctures.

General rules for taking medication

Taking a drug based on biological active substances, which wax moths are full of, is a treatment that requires compliance with certain rules. Better

consume it 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after a meal - this way it will be absorbed much better. It is not difficult to determine the dosage: for every 10 kilograms of body weight, 3 drops of extract are needed. If you use the tincture for the purpose of prevention, then taking it once a day will be enough. For the treatment of certain diseases, it is better to divide the daily dosage into two times.

For children under 14 years of age, 1 drop per 12 kg of body weight will be sufficient. The tincture can be diluted with water, milk, juice, tea in small quantities(up to 30 ml).

Before swallowing the drops, try to keep them in your mouth for a while. And the effect will be even greater if you keep them under your tongue. It is advisable not to use the extract before bedtime, since it has, although small, a tonic effect.

Familiarize your body with the drug

If your body is not yet familiar with the drug, which is based on wax moth, treatment must begin according to a special scheme. The first day of taking the extract will show your body’s reaction to the components of the product. To do this, in the morning, drink ¼ of the dose that you calculated according to the above rules. If you do not feel any discomfort (burning in the throat, swelling or irritation of the mucous membranes), then everything is in order and you can continue the course of treatment or prevention. The next day, double the dose and again check yourself for symptoms of intolerance. On the third day, you are allowed to drink ¾ of the calculated volume, and only then switch to the full dose of the drug. After a few days it can be consumed twice a day.

Regimen for taking the extract for tuberculosis

Wax moth has long been considered one of the means to combat this disease. Reviews from doctors and cured patients indicate that positive results with therapy of this disease can only be achieved with regular use of the tincture. It must be used twice a day, starting with 15 drops. If you did not have any problems or intolerance when taking the drug for the first time, then after a few days you can slightly increase the dose to 30 drops in the morning and the same amount in the evening. After 7 days, you need to start using the drug three times a day, without changing the number of drops.

The full course of treatment consists of using 300 ml of extract, after which you need to rest for a week or two, and then, if necessary, treatment can be continued. Although positive changes are usually visible after the first course of therapy, that is, after 12-15 weeks.

Wax moth larvae ointment

Treatment severe burns, quick healing of wounds, elimination of unwanted scars - all this is possible with an ointment consisting of useful components, which contains

wax moth. Reviews from satisfied patients speak for themselves.

To prepare a miracle ointment, take 50 g of already fully formed larvae and fill them with alcohol. A lot of liquid is not required here, the main thing is that it completely covers all the larvae. Leave this mixture for at least 5 days. Then place everything in a ceramic vessel and add 200 g of St. John's wort and calendula oils, 50 g of propolis and After this, your mixture should have the consistency of an ointment. Cover it with a lid and dissolve it in a water bath for about 2 hours. Ready drug cool, rub through a sieve or cheesecloth and place in sterilized jars. Cover everything with lids and uncork as needed.

Before we talk about it, it must be said that it is contraindicated for people with allergies to bee products. This should be given Special attention, since in " best case scenario“A person may develop a rash, and in the worst case, it can trigger the development of anaphylactic shock. For everyone else, this is the maximum safe drug, what does it mean that It is allowed to be given even to small children. Indications for the use of this product will be as follows:

  • tuberculosis;
  • heart disease– the tincture has a cardiotonic effect, helps prevent the development of myocardial infarction;
  • gynecology– with the help of moth preparations, you can cure infertility, alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis and menopause;
  • andrology– long-term use of the medicine helps to activate sperm activity, increase sexual desire and reduce symptoms of prostatitis;
  • reduction of cough, restoration of the immune system and drainage function lungs - wax moth extract has this effect, the use of this remedy is permissible even in the treatment of bronchitis in children;
  • surgery– moth contains lysine, so all medicines based on it have a powerful lysing effect (prevents the formation of scars), which allows them to be used during the recovery period after surgery;
  • gerontology– reviews from doctors about wax moths prove that the drug protects human body from premature aging(prevents the development of diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach, and so on), protects the body from atypical (cancerous) cells.

How to take wax moth tincture correctly?

Particular attention should be paid to how to take wax moth correctly, because it is still a medicine (albeit a folk one), and the medicine must be taken in accordance with the regimen. As a rule, all infusions and extracts based on this moth are taken orally about 30 minutes before meals, the number of doses depends on what the person wants to cure (when treating diseases, the dose of the drug will be much higher than for prevention). The minimum course of treatment is three full month.

The dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight of the person who will take it; all information on this matter is contained in the instructions for using wax moth. It is attached to each bottle of this product (at least, responsible manufacturers, such as the family apiary “Vesely Hornet”, do just that) so that the patient can always have it at hand. The instructions describe all the diseases that are possible, as well as the doses and recommended duration of use.

Anti-tuberculosis, stimulating, restorative (after illness), adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory - these are the main effects that it has; the instructions for the drug were compiled on the basis of its medicinal properties and biological activity. It was compiled by doctors who found out that:

  1. for the treatment of tuberculosis, the drug is taken 2 times a day, at the rate of: 40 drops in the morning (in severe forms, the dose can be increased to 45 drops, but it must be increased gradually) and 40 drops in the evening in combination with propolis tincture 20% half an hour before meals;
  2. for the treatment of heart diseases, 30 drops 2 times a day for a month will be enough;
  3. for recovery after a heart attack or stroke, wax moth tincture according to standard scheme, alternating it with ;
  4. to lift a person out of depression, it will be enough to take 20 drops 2 times a day for a month;
  5. during periods of exacerbation of respiratory infections, it is recommended to take 30 drops in the morning, before leaving the house, and 30 drops in the evening, half an hour before meals.
  6. carried out according to the scheme - 1 drop for 1 year of life, applied 2 times a day for a month.
Full and more detailed diagram use of wax moth for various diseases included with the bottle at the time of purchase is MANDATORY!

You can order wax moth by phone:


Scientists have found that. For example, maximum effect benefits can be obtained from its use by sublingual administration, that is, the drug must be placed under the tongue. If sublingual administration is not available for any reason, then required amount the drug is diluted in a tablespoon clean water. However, before swallowing the diluted medicine, you still need to hold it in your mouth, this will ensure the greatest absorption of beneficial substances.

To give it small child, you can dilute the medicine in milk or juice, these liquids will hide its taste, and the child will not even realize that he is being treated with something. The main thing is to remember that fireweed has a tonic effect, so it should not be used before bed. In addition, so before you give it to your baby, you need to look at the instructions again.

Alena Yurievna: “I am a doctor by profession, I work in a tuberculosis clinic, so I can say that the moth is a truly unique moth. I recommend taking medications based on it to all my patients (and my grandfather told me about it, who in his old age decided to take up bees). Unfortunately, I can only recommend her, because she is not medicine, but those who listened to my recommendations have already been able to recover. I myself take it for prevention, due to constant communication with sick people.”

Oleg: “I’ve been taking this remedy for three years. A few ice ago suffered a heart attack due to constant stress and lack of sleep. A friend brought me the first bottle to the hospital (as a gift) and it was this that helped me quickly get on my feet, and, most importantly, become healthier than before the disease. By the way, in three years I have never had a cold and I feel just great.”

Sincerely, the family apiary "Veselyi Hornet"

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