I dreamed of a beautiful watch. Interpretations of various dream books about why watches are dreamed of

Is it good to dream? The Dream Interpretation will definitely help you find the answer to this question if a person remembers his dream in the smallest detail. Often such night dreams disturb people who are on the verge of change. Also, a dream about a wall clock may indicate unpleasant memories. So, what do the guidebooks to the world of dreams say?

Wall clock: Miller's dream book

What interpretation does the famous psychologist offer? What does it mean if a woman dreams of a wall clock? Miller's dream book claims that such a dream indicates problems in his personal life. The lady needs to concentrate on solving them before it is too late.

What does a dream with a wall clock mean if a man sees it? For the stronger sex, such night dreams warn of the imminent occurrence of an unforeseen situation. The dreamer will have to call upon his composure to help, otherwise he will not be able to avoid losses.

It is very bad if a person tries to break a watch in his dreams. In this case, a streak of failure awaits him in reality. Those who in reality will suffer from the machinations of competitors can look closely at them in a dream. Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent this.

Change of world view

Why do you dream of a wall clock? Denniz Lynn's dream book also offers dreamers her own version of interpretation. The clock that appears in night dreams calls on a person to stop and think. It is possible that the ideal time has come to reconsider your position in life and abandon false values.

Seeing a lot of wall clocks in a dream - what does it mean? Such a dream warns that a person is in limbo. The dreamer too often allows himself to live one day at a time and does not make plans for the future. Such a life position can soon become a source of serious trouble.

The sorceress Medea also expresses her opinion. If you believe the words of the soothsayer, wall clocks are dreamed of by people who think about the inexorably passing time. It is possible that a person sets his priorities incorrectly, and this prevents him from achieving what he planned.

Change is coming

Is it good to dream about wall clocks? The Wanderer's Dream Book does not give a clear answer to this question. The dreamer will have the opportunity to influence his future, but he risks missing it. Actions committed in the near future can determine a person’s entire future life, so you should refrain from rash actions.

Should you worry if you dreamed about the frantic ringing of chimes? In this case, the Wanderer's Dream Book promises global changes that will affect not only the dreamer, but the entire state. Time will tell whether they will be positive or negative.

Hour of Reckoning

Many dream books believe that a person who is troubled by remorse can see a watch in a dream. An ugly act was committed in the past, which the dreamer is unable to forget. This is especially true if the dreamer in his dreams watches the movement of the clock hands.

Vanga’s dream book offers people a negative interpretation. The famous seer states that such a dream often worries people who are wasters who do not value their time. Subconsciously, the dreamer understands that he is scattered over trifles, and this makes him suffer. Also, a dream may indicate a person’s ingratitude, his habit of complaining about his lot. One should finally thank fate for the benefits it has bestowed on the dreamer.

What does it mean to dream in which a person gives a wall clock to a dead person? Such a plot may warn that the dreamer is making obviously impossible plans. It is also possible that his intentions are not destined to come true due to his penchant for vices and entertainment.

Hot streak

What else could such a dream mean? A wall clock and the time on it is a dream that can have a positive interpretation. If a person watches the clock tick, this may indicate his ability to competently manage his own time. This is especially true when you dream of a big watch.

Sometimes people dream that they are winding a watch. Such a plot indicates that the sleeper is ready to change for the better, to part with bad habits that prevent him from achieving success. Electronic clocks predict disputes in which the truth is born.

Buy watches

A person can not only see a watch in a dream, but also buy one. Such night dreams warn that the sleeper is not able to extricate himself from a difficult situation in which he finds himself through his own fault. It is possible that the time has come to turn to loved ones for support.

What does a dream mean if a representative of the fair sex sees it? Buying a watch in a dream indicates carelessness and frivolity. If a girl does not learn to take her affairs more responsibly, she will soon have serious problems.

Clock stopped

What other options does the dream book consider? The clock has stopped - such a plot is not uncommon. Unfortunately, the dream suggests that the person has chosen the wrong path to achieve his goal. All his attempts to get what he wants will be fruitless if he does not change his tactics. It will also be useful to work on mistakes and analyze mistakes made in order to avoid their repetition in the future.

People can not only see a clock in a dream, but also hear the chimes. It is very bad if the clock mechanism is faulty. Soon a person will be involved in a whirlpool of unpleasant events, as a result of which his financial situation will significantly suffer.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Should I be concerned about the clock? Nostradamus gives a positive answer to this question. It’s time for the dreamer to repent and admit unseemly actions committed in the past. People whose friends and relatives indulge in unsightly acts can also experience remorse.

If you dreamed about a clock striking, Nostradamus advises paying attention to loved ones. Someone from the dreamer’s inner circle needs his help, material or moral support.

Freud's Dream Book

A famous psychologist offers his own interpretation of dreams. A wall clock, if you rely on his opinion, is dreamed of by someone who is about to have pleasant discoveries. First of all, this concerns the intimate sphere. It's time to take a closer look at your partner, find out his desires and needs, as this will have a positive impact on the dreamer's sex life.

Tower clocks, according to Freud, dream of important news. In the coming days, the dreamer will receive news that he has been waiting for a long time.

The worst dream is the one in which a broken watch appears. Freud has no doubt that such night dreams indicate people's sexual problems. There is a possibility that the dreamer is too conservative in matters of intimate relationships, which does not suit his more liberated partner. The time has come for a frank conversation, with the help of which a compromise can be reached.

Clock chime

The English dream book does not give a clear answer to the question of whether a dream about striking a clock is good. If a person simply hears this sound, there is a high probability that happiness will await him in his personal life. Single people will soon meet their soulmate and get married.

If in a dream a sleeper is counting blows, in reality he is in danger of great trouble. If there is only one blow, such a dream can warn of deteriorating health. Even if a person feels great and does not notice any alarming symptoms, he needs to undergo a medical examination.

The modern dream book believes that the clock striking in a dream is seen by those who find themselves on the threshold of a fateful decision. The soothsayer Vanga insists that this sound is a dream about the approach of serious trials.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What do night dreams in which broken watches appear warn about? Tsvetkov’s dream book insists that they symbolize rash actions. Representatives of the fair sex who have such a dream should take a closer look at their chosen one. This man may turn out to be the hero of someone else's novel, and this suggests that she is wasting her time on a hopeless relationship.

Should you be wary if the clock is fast in your sleep? The interpreter believes that the dream warns of a person’s excessive haste. It's time to stop and think about what to do next. Lagging clocks, on the contrary, are dreams of people who do not have time to do anything. Slowness may cause them to miss out on something important in life.


What other meaning could a dream have? Cuckoo clocks appear in night dreams for good. Almost all guides to the world of dreams are unanimous that such a plot predicts a long and prosperous life for the dreamer. If a sick person sees such a dream, he can count on recovery in the near future.

Why do you dream about an old cuckoo clock? The dream also promises people a long life and recovery from illnesses.

Dream interpretation wrist watch

People have long come to the conclusion that symbols appear in dreams for a reason. The same symbols lead, in principle, to the same consequences.

Sometimes we dream about something out of the ordinary, sometimes about completely ordinary things. It cannot be said unequivocally that the former will lead to large-scale, unique events in life, and the latter to small ones. At times, between what happens in dreams and reality, everything happens the other way around.

Keepers of time

A wristwatch in a dream symbolizes time, the past, present and future, our life.

This observation made it possible to systematize information from dreams and create a dream book. But many people in different countries have dealt with this issue, and for centuries, many dream books have accumulated.

Dream Interpreters

If you dreamed of a wristwatch

Of course, the main interpretation is time, but each author brings his own unique interpretation, highlighting certain points.

Dream book of noblewoman Grishina

Grishina examined the wristwatch from the perspective of the dreamer’s actions:

  • looking at it on your hand means wasting your life;
  • break - to quarrels, family troubles, divorce;
  • start - you are overly impatient;
  • broken - lose a thing, moment or person;
  • lose - you will literally lose a person, a meeting, an event;
  • to see a watch on your hand without hands - your time has already passed, retire, let people go.

Miller's Dream Book

The appearance of a wristwatch in a dream means good luck on the stock exchange. You dreamed of a watch that you carefully examine, Miller’s opinion is a pointless waste of time, and at this time your enemies are taking concrete steps.

Broken - you behave inappropriately, you don’t think about the consequences, while your environment is not very favorable to you.

Male, for a woman, female for a man - put your loved one under attack, and wonder how this could happen.

Freud's Dream Book

I dream about constantly wearing a watch on my hand - a reward for work and labor.

You dream for many hours - you want to do absolutely everything, you grab onto any job, thereby wasting both your energy and your time.

If you dreamed about broken ones - be softer, straightforwardness repels people.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Women's or men's watches

According to this dream book, seeing a clock in a dream is a reminder that time is running out, use it rationally.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dream of a clock, you are doing everything right, and most importantly, on time.

A broken watch has a negative interpretation; if you try to fix it, it means you are busy with the wrong thing.

Russian dream book

If you dream of a watch, no matter how simple or gold it is, you spend too much time creating. You keep track of time, which is passing without a trace.

Family dream book

Seeing a watch is good luck in business. You dream that you are checking the time for a long time; luck will slip out of your hands because of enterprising enemies.

If you dream of a watch that you are going to give to someone, or if it is broken, start preparing for obstacles in your path.

If you dream of a watch that was stolen, your reputation is at risk; your enemies will try to denigrate you.

Losing a woman's watch means disappointment in the family circle.

Aesop's Dream Book

If the clock was broken

Aesop believed that seeing a wristwatch in a dream reminds you that regardless of your actions, the passage of time cannot be stopped, everything has its ending.

  • Seeing a broken, stopped clock is a bad event that will affect all household members.
  • Buy - your carelessness will lead to collapse.
  • Repair - in reality you are making attempts to make amends for past mistakes.

Esoteric dream book

Wearing a watch on your hand means you are using your time and opportunities very wisely. If they are broken, you can’t make it on time, you’re always late, and don’t finish things.

If you dream that you have lost your watch, you are wasting your time on little things, missing out on the most important thing.

Seeing an expensive watch but not paying much attention to it means your life is stable, but this is temporary.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Gold wristwatch - beware of your family and friends, they can rob you.
  • To see a watch being received as a gift - don’t lie to yourself.
  • Find a watch - try to learn to be punctual; your tardiness makes others very angry. This is bad for your reputation.
  • I just dreamed of a wrist watch - a measured life, peace in the family.

Where is the watch from?

An important point - how did you get a watch in a dream? Was it given to you, did you buy it, did you steal it, did you find it? To solve such dreams, every detail that you manage to remember is important.


If you gave a watch

If you dream of receiving a watch as a gift, you will meet a new person. The watch is beautiful, which means the person you meet will be pleasant. Not pleasant, ugly - the person will only cause you trouble, you will suffer from his tediousness.

Receiving an expensive watch with a precious bracelet means a successful marriage. But if you dream that you have lost them, it means that all your hopes will collapse like a house of cards.

The interpretation of the dream is that if a stranger gives you a watch, it means that you will connect your life with some person. If you’re an acquaintance, it’s likely to lead to separation. It is also important to remember the emotions from the dream; positive ones will mean that separation or acquaintance will benefit you. Negative coloring of the dream - you will be very burdened and worry about this.

Buy time

Why did you dream that you were going to buy a watch - you have never learned to take control of a difficult situation, you are too careless, too trusting.

Why dream of buying a wristwatch - take life more seriously, don’t waste it, it’s already short.

Buying a wristwatch is often the dream of insecure people. At the same time, the more expensive the accessory, for example gold, the more self-doubt.

Sometimes the dream book gives such an interpretation of such dreams. Why choose to try on a watch in a store - you will soon receive a valuable gift.

Perhaps such a dream reflects your too high demands, despite the fact that you make a minimum of effort.

Nice find

  • Why did you dream about a wristwatch that you first lost and then found - complete understanding with your spouse.
  • Why find a gold watch in a dream - means deception by loved ones.
  • Why find ordinary ones - mutual understanding in marriage.
  • Why see how someone you know managed to find a watch - to a good relationship with this person.
  • Why find many watches - luck in everything. But some dream books give a slightly different interpretation. This may be evidence that you want to be good to absolutely everyone, but that doesn’t happen.

All that glitters is not gold

If it was a gold watch

It would seem that finding a gold watch in a dream is a symbol of good luck and wealth. Unfortunately, after such dreams, where golden things appeared, you face the threat of being deceived or abandoned by your closest and dearest people. The symbolism is that you believe that they are your gold, your wealth.


There are many dreams about clock mechanisms, and accordingly there are also dream scenarios. You can see broken ones, gold ones, white ones, green ones, too big ones. You can also see how they were stolen.

Why did you dream about a stolen watch? Such accessories mean that your enemies are not asleep, they at least form a plan for your collapse.

Seeing the loss of hours means that you are not striving for your goal, scattering yourself around everything around, you are losing the most important thing.

To summarize the plot of your dreams, you can derive several formulas.

In such a dream, about a clock mechanism, it doesn’t matter what it was, manual, wall-mounted, cheap, expensive. The message of such dreams is to show you that time is not eternal, it is running out.

Details of the dream, for example, where you managed to lose or find your watch. The appearance, for example, gold, iron and rubber, already indicates the very essence of your wrong actions in life.

The main thing in a dream is to be attentive, try to get all the possible information.

If in a dream you got rid of your watch, threw it away, you got rid of internal taboos that constantly held you back and did not allow you to develop normally.

Depending on the plot, a clock in a dream can either rush the sleeper to do something or keep him from making a hasty decision or action.

A dream in which a wristwatch is present always has something to do with the sleeper himself, with something that concerns him.

Receiving a wristwatch as a gift in a dream is an opportunity to realize your own potential in reality at someone else’s expense.

If you didn’t like the wristwatch you received as a gift, it didn’t match your taste or style, you will be forced to do something that in reality you don’t have a heart for, however, it will later turn out that it brought you considerable benefit.

Every now and then looking at the watch on your hand in a dream, not understanding why you are doing this and why you need to know the time, means losing a good chance in the area of ​​interest to you.

The striking of a clock in a dream foretells trouble.

Breaking a wristwatch is a signal of carelessness and poor life orientation.

A gold watch symbolizes a successful endeavor, a great start.

To find them is to catch them in reality, an extremely rare chance of luck.

To dream that different clocks show different times means unfair accusations or life uncertainty. You should make sure that what you are doing is correct and legal.

If you were given a watch in a dream, it means that in life you will receive help or an impetus for some actions, new beginnings. If you are given a wristwatch, this can also warn of an attempt to interfere in reality with your personal life and even turn it in a different direction. Pay attention to the personality of the donor and the feelings experienced; did you like the watch you received as a gift? Have you ever found yourself having to wear something you don't like?

If you dreamed of stealing a watch, in real life someone abuses you in the most unceremonious way, taking away your time intended for something else.

If you happen to steal a watch from someone, the same can be said about you. There is a person in your environment to whom you are simply disturbing.

Pay attention to the readings of the clock dial, try to remember the numbers that the minute and hour hands pointed to. To decipher them, refer to the appropriate interpretation.

If you dreamed of a clock according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

In general, a watch seen in a dream is a call for self-control and a reminder of the rapid passage of time.

A watch on your hand symbolizes a significant event in your personal life.

Towers - something significant is coming in the life of society. Most likely - a negative meaning.

I dream of buying a watch as advice to distribute my time more wisely, introduce a routine or make a plan so as not to mark time and not return to the same thing several times.

Winding the clock ahead of the time at which you need to wake up or do something - such a dream suggests that you are used to playing it safe in everything, thereby creating inconvenience for yourself. Live more simply.

A gold watch in a dream is a sign that a fruitful period is coming or a time that you will remember as the best in your life.

Also, you dream of a gold watch as a reminder that time is precious and you take it lightly.

If you happen to find a watch in a dream, a period of active, vigorous activity begins; if you try, you can successfully start a new project, master a new type of activity.

If a young unmarried girl found a watch in a dream, this is a reminder that time does not work for her in terms of organizing her personal life.

If you saw an electronic watch in a dream - you are too conservative. What you spend time doing the old fashioned way can be done much faster and more productively using modern technology.

If you dreamed about a broken watch - you will waste your time on something.

If you received a wristwatch as a gift, you will receive help in some matter, a hint or advice. In any case, this will greatly advance your business or get it off the ground.

If you dreamed that they were giving you a gold watch, this help or advice would be truly invaluable to you.

Steal them - such a dream says that you will steal someone’s time or idea, use the results of other people’s work.

If your watch was stolen from you in a dream, you yourself will suffer through someone else’s fault. If you are engaged in creative activities, you may become a victim of plagiarism.

Dreaming of repairing watches represents an attempt to systematize or improve something in your life.

The meaning of sleep clock - Hasse's dream book

A gold watch is dreamed of as a sign of the value of the time allotted to a person for earthly life.

Finding them in a dream is a good sign, promising successful use of the presented opportunity.

If the sleeper found a watch lying in a hidden, hard-to-reach place (in the grass, hollow of a tree, etc.), then he will be able to take advantage of a chance, the probability of which was very small.

A watch on your hand symbolizes changes in your personal life.

If they were broken or broken, these changes will be of a negative nature.

Buying a wristwatch in a dream means good changes. You can expect a favorable period in life, a new beginning, the implementation of your plans - everything that will turn your destiny for the better.

A dream in which you happened to buy a gold wristwatch is especially favorable.

But if you came to a watch store and couldn’t find anything for yourself, in reality you will make a mistake in choosing.

If you dreamed that your wristwatch stopped, you will get into trouble. If you do not take the dream into account and do not exercise caution, death may overtake you.

If the wall cuckoo clock stops, one of your family members may die.

Dreaming of broken glass in a watch that continues to run is an indication that you are overdramatizing what is happening. Life goes on as usual, it has not stopped, and your current troubles will soon be forgotten.

If you dreamed that you were given a wristwatch, you will spend an unforgettable time thanks to the person who gave you this gift.

If you didn't like the watch you were given, you will appreciate this person and what he does for you much later.

A dream in which a dead man gives you a watch suggests that you should be grateful to him for something and pay off this lifetime debt with prayers for him.

Why do you dream about watches - esoteric dream book

Having your own wrist or pocket watch, which is in good condition, dreams of coordinated actions, successful work and positive changes occurring against this background.

If you dreamed that your watch stopped or started going wrong - everything will go wrong and may even end tragically.

Expensive wristwatches in a dream remind you of how precious our time is, and right now you have the opportunity to do something towards future prosperity.

Seeing an hourglass in a dream is an indication that you may be late to do something. You put something off for too long, or perhaps you simply forgot about it.

A tower clock dreams of impending danger. This may concern not only you, but also the people around you and even an entire locality.

Breaking a watch in a dream means a missed opportunity; someone else will take your place.

Hearing the chimes in a dream is a stern warning, danger, a fateful moment in the life of the country, which will invariably be reflected in your personal destiny.

The wall clock has stopped or broken - such a dream warns that trouble may come to your home.

If you dream that all the clocks in your apartment have different times, then there will be discord in the family, divergence of interests, and a breakdown in mutual understanding.

An unnaturally large clock in a dream indicates that you lack the willpower and spirit to bring at least some semblance of order and self-control into your life.

If you received a watch as a gift in a dream, fate will be merciful to you, but you should not waste time so as not to lose Fortune’s favor.

If they are given by a loved one, you will go through life together.

You dream of a dead man and he gives you a watch - during his lifetime he did something, the fruits of which you will be able to take advantage of under a successful set of circumstances.

Buying a watch in a dream means achieving happiness with your own hands and labor. You won’t get anything in life for nothing, but you won’t miss yours.

If in a dream you tried to repair a watch, you can talk about the action of the maternal matrix, which strives to restore mechanical repeatability.

In some cases, a dream about a broken watch indicates mental instability, an obsessive state, or the presence of an irreversible program in the operation of the deviation monitor.

Why do you dream about watches, Longo’s dream book

If you dreamed of a watch on your hand, expect quick changes.

If they were expensive, the kind that you cannot afford in real life, something joyful, very good will happen in your personal life.

You dream of an old wristwatch as a reminder of something undone, for example, an unpaid debt.

Finding such a clock in a dream is a hint that the solution to the issue that worries you at the moment can be found in your own past, since something similar has already happened to you.

If a woman dreams that she has found a watch, she should pay more attention in reality to her own appearance and state of health, because both of them will very soon begin to give her not the most pleasant sensations.

Buying a wristwatch or choosing it in a store in a dream means admitting old mistakes, revising principles and routines, and putting current affairs in order.

If you were given a watch in a dream, someone will pay the necessary attention, help you with something, or just have a pleasant time with you.

A dream in which a woman sees a man’s watch on her hand suggests that she has a masculine mindset and is quite capable of achieving a lot on her own, but partly this is what repels the stronger sex from her.

A woman's watch on a man's hand indicates to the dreamer that he is used to being guided in his real life by feelings, although for a man it would be more logical to listen to the voice of reason.

Clock, English dream book

You dream of a beautiful watch on your hand as evidence that you devote a lot of time to hobbies and fun, and also devote a lot of effort and money in reality to furnishing yourself with beautiful things. To some extent, this comes at the expense of everything else.

To receive a wristwatch as a gift - such a dream promises you another chance to achieve what you want. If you recognize the person who gave them to you, somehow this will happen thanks to this person.

If you dreamed that your wristwatch broke, you will suffer a loss.

Selling watches in a dream means a long-awaited vacation that you have earned.

Starting it up means routine, monotonous work.

Buying a watch for your home - such a dream promises a peaceful and harmonious family life.

Choose a wristwatch - your self-esteem will increase, and there will be reasons for this.

It's unfortunate to dream of a watch without a dial.

Why do you dream of a watch - a modern dream book

Finding a wristwatch in a dream is a warning that your life can hardly be called orderly and stable. It's time to wake up and pull yourself together.

If a sleeping person finds a watch that turns out to be faulty, in the coming days you should not make life-changing decisions or go on long journeys.

Losing hours in a dream is an undignified or simply meaningless activity.

If you dreamed that you started looking for them, you will fight a bad habit. How successful depends on the search results.

Buy a watch as a gift - such a dream plot suggests that you will try to re-educate someone or warn someone against erroneous behavior.

Trying on a watch in a store in a dream is a reason to look at what is happening differently, from a different angle. Perhaps this will change something in your life for the better.

To break - to a nervous breakdown, emotional shock.

Dreams suggest what to do in a given situation, warn and help find answers to important questions. Many people will be interested to know why they dream of a wristwatch, what such a dream means, and what details of the dream they should pay special attention to.

Dream Interpretation: Why do women dream about watches?

Dreams about watches are considered especially important in most dream books. They often indicate dramatic changes in a person's life. Such a decoration on a woman’s hand may indicate an important event that will happen in her life in the near future. Moving, changing activities, another job, new relationships, pregnancy - there are many options.

The interpretation of sleep with a wristwatch also depends on certain criteria:

  • appearance of decoration;
  • the material from which the chronometer is made;
  • serviceability of the mechanism;
  • Where are they located;
  • who dreamed;
  • sensations during sleep.

Some dream books warn: you should waste less time on trifles and unnecessary worries and get down to business.

This is precisely the warning indicated by a hand-held chronometer.

Find a wristwatch in a dream

Every thing found in a dream always has contradictory interpretations.

If a woman found a wristwatch in her dream, this can be interpreted in different interpretations:

  • warning of troubles;
  • success in business;
  • profitable proposition.

Inattention and lack of discipline can cause events for which a woman is not entirely prepared. This is exactly what a watch found in a dream warns about. “Pay attention to the passage of time!” they say.

Or you can perceive such a find as a good sign, promising the successful completion of a previously started business. A dream is considered especially favorable when the chronometer is found in the dirt, but still remains working and shows the time correctly. This suggests that no obstacles will stop the dreamer on the path to success.

A watch is a very complex symbol; it is often a key point in a dream and requires detailed analysis.

To dream of a watch means that it is time for you to analyze the influence of your past on the present and the future.

Let's try to figure out why we dream of a wristwatch. This dream suggests that you have a catastrophic lack of time to implement your plans.

To dream of a watch with a missing dial foreshadows troubles, extraordinary events that will happen to you in the near future and will cause severe distress.

The sound of a clock in a dream indicates that someone from your inner circle needs your immediate help, and the sooner you provide it to a person in need, the better it will be for both of you.

Dream book of Nostradamus. Why do you dream of a watch on your hand? This symbol in a dream can be considered a sign that you will receive a quick reward for a job well done. It should be borne in mind that this remuneration will not necessarily be of a material nature.

Hands and palms seen in a dream mean that these symbols are signs of fate. For a woman, dreaming of hands means a loved one.

Washing your hands means liberation from current problems, and having hairy hands means success in commercial affairs and improvement in your financial condition.

You should also pay attention to which hand you dreamed about: the right hand in a dream is a symbol of liberation, while the left hand foreshadows new problems.

Losing an arm in a dream means the loss of someone close to you or a relative, as well as death near you.

To correctly interpret dreams in which a hand is present, you should remember: the right hand symbolizes a friend, assistant, the left hand symbolizes a person close to the heart.

Dreaming of children's hands means and marks positive events in your life, future happiness and a love affair.

Hands covered in blood (injuring your hand) means an imminent quarrel, separation from loved ones.

It is quite difficult to understand, since in all popular dream books this symbol is presented in completely different ways, so it is recommended to associate these interpretations of dreams with events accompanying this symbol and with other objects you dreamed about.

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