Example of a letter of recommendation: key points, nuances, samples. How can a teacher write a letter of recommendation to a student?

A letter of recommendation is a document that is perceived in two ways. In some companies it is treated as a relic from the past, in others (mostly in the West) it is a “start in life”, for example, for a student. One way or another, this application to your resume will not be superfluous.


A document written on behalf of the teacher might look something like this:

I, associate professor Alexey Petrovich Petrov, am a teacher of Alexander Dmitrievich Alekseev in the period 2009-2013. in the disciplines "International Tourism", "Ethics", "New Directions of Russian Tourism". During the training, I noted the high level of knowledge of Alexander Dmitrievich: written and oral exams passed with “excellent” marks; participation in city student conferences with reports: “Prospects for the development of tourism in Murmansk”, “Bringing regional tourism to the international level”, “Development of extreme tourism in the region”; successful completion of educational and practical training in the travel agencies "Russia Tour", "Around the World" as a manager.

Alexander Dmitrievich is my graduate student, his project “Rural tourism in the Murmansk region: development prospects” was awarded a unanimous rating of “5”. The student conducted his research on the basis of personally collected data and surveys, which gives his work great value.

I am confident that Alexander Dmitrievich Petrov will prove himself in his future workplace as an proactive, responsible, creative employee.

  • The high status of the referent, as well as mention of his personal acquaintance with the bearer.
  • Inclusion of opinions “from the outside”: the student’s classmates, teachers, dean’s office.
  • Specific examples of a student's achievements are a minimum of unfounded laudatory characteristics.
  • The mentioned successes should resonate with the specifics of the position being sought.
  • Description of both professional, business and personal qualities.

A letter of recommendation is a document that can help an applicant, especially abroad. Its substantive, stylistically correct, well-founded content often serves as the main factor for the employer’s decision-making.

Letter No. 1

Ksenia Aleksandrovna Vorontsova graduated from Moscow State University in 2014 with a degree in International Journalism. Over the years of study, Ksenia Vorontsova has proven herself to be a responsible and purposeful student who strives not only to accumulate knowledge, but also to apply it in practice.

Ksenia studied excellently and at the same time took an active part in the life of the university. From her third year onwards, she headed the student union of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, organized concert events, did charity work and blogged on the university website.

We would also like to note Ksenia’s wide range of interests. In addition to the main lectures, the student attended electives in Spanish and Polish, and achieved good results in their study.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 2

Aleksey Sergeevich Belousov graduated from Voronezh National University in 2014 and received a bachelor’s degree in “Urban Environment and Interior Design.”

Teachers who gave lectures and conducted practical classes with Alexey noted his determination and great creative potential. Alexey chose the right profession and will undoubtedly achieve good results in it.

Alexey was responsible for his studies, received good grades and stood out among his classmates during practical classes.


Alexander Viktorovich

Imagine the situation: you are a student and you urgently need a letter of recommendation for some occasion ( Letter of Recommendation or Recommendation Letter). How to start this, where to start? Introduced? Great! In this article you will learn how to write a letter of recommendation to a student in English.

What is a letter of recommendation?

The task is not simple, but not the most difficult either. Having familiarized yourself with the main points of writing a letter of recommendation, with examples of its writing, very soon you will be able to write as many letters of recommendation as you need. The main thing is to be careful and follow our advice.

Thus, the letter of recommendation is written by the recommender. For a graduate, a person without work experience, a professor or dean of the faculty can act as a recommender. The letter of recommendation may contain a brief description of the person’s educational skills and qualities, achievements, his main successes during his studies, and strengths.

If you decide to help your student and write a letter of recommendation for him, then ask him to provide some information in writing:

  • His interests, extracurricular activities, hobbies and his achievements in this (for example, he is the captain of a sports team);
  • Information about why he wants to apply for a particular job, why he is interested in this area, whether he is ready for this;
  • Recipient's address and stamped envelope.

We bring to your attention a number of main points, following which you can easily cope with a letter of recommendation for a student.

  • Introduction

In this part we write about who and where exactly we recommend. How well we know a given student, how he manifests himself in and outside of school. If you are a teacher, then it is appropriate to indicate your academic degree, etc. here.

  • Characteristics of activities

At this point, it is important to write not only about studies. Perhaps your student proved himself in some other way: worked as a laboratory assistant, secretary, substituted for you at lectures, or other options. More details and specifics. But do not exaggerately praise the student; the admissions committee will not accept this.

  • Personal qualities

It is important to mention what qualities are inherent in this person: attentiveness, hard work, etc. Again, details and specifics are welcome. It is necessary to write the truth; you should not reward a student with traits that he does not possess.

Summarize the letter by highlighting the most important characteristics and give a verdict, draw a conclusion.

So, you already know the basic rules, let's move on to writing the letter itself!
Sample of writing a letter of recommendation to a student in English

Mr. Anders!
John Fonteyn was a student of our college since the 2000 semester. He was always an outstanding student.
Mr. Fonteyn demonstrated his full grasp of the subject matter in his class performance as well as in written work. His assignments were always executed with punctuality and talent. Moreover, he was an enthusiastic participant in class discussions and helped to make the courses rewarding experiences for everyone. He is a hard-working, patient and responsible man.
Therefore, I can recommend Mr. Fonteyn, surely and without any hesitation, for the position of assistant in your travel agency.
Yours truly, Mr. Johns, Boston College

And here is this example with translation:

Mister Anders!
John Fontaine has been a student at our college since 2000. He was always an outstanding student.
Mr. Fontaine demonstrated complete mastery of subject material, both in class and in written work. His work has always been distinguished by punctuality and talent. Moreover, he was an active participant in class discussions and helped make the course an enriching experience for everyone. He is a hardworking, patient and responsible person.
Therefore, I can recommend Mr. Fontaine, confidently and without any hesitation, as an assistant in your travel agency.
Sincerely, Mr. Jones, Boston College

Use this example as a tracing paper and try to write your own.

As you can already see, writing a letter of recommendation in English is not that difficult. Go for it, friends, and you will succeed!

At some point in your life, you may need to write a letter of recommendation to an aspiring employee, colleague, student, or someone you know very well. Fulfilling a request of this nature for another person imposes a very serious responsibility and should be taken as seriously as possible.

This is a letter that gives positive feedback, recommendations to the person about whom it is written, and also advises the person to someone else. If you write a letter of recommendation to someone, then in a way you vouch, trust, give a guarantee for the person about whom you are writing it.

A letter of recommendation is usually requested for a student applying for programs of study from their most recent place of study or work, and a letter of recommendation may also be required for people applying for jobs. For example, those applying to business and management schools need two or three letters of recommendation explaining why the person is the best candidate for the position. A letter of recommendation for admission may explain why a student has leadership potential or what previous academic or business success they have had. Such letters are often requested from deans.

Some study or research fellowship programs require applicants to verify a letter of recommendation to a student in order to have their application accepted.

Job seekers also sometimes need recommendations that answer the question of why the applicant is the best candidate for a certain job or company. These letters mainly focus on the candidate's professional qualities and skills. Very often, a letter of recommendation may be asked for several days or weeks later, after the candidate’s application and resume have been confirmed.

Before you start writing

Before agreeing to this, clarify the purpose of the letter: who will receive it and who will read it. By defining your audience, it will be easier for you to write. Also determine the type of information required from you. For example, someone needs a letter highlighting the leadership qualities of that person, and you do not have any information about the person's leadership capabilities, you may face serious writing difficulties. Or if you need a letter about work ethic qualities, but you write a letter about the candidate's teamwork skills, then the letter will not make sense.

If you don't have time or enough information to write a letter, you can ask the candidate to sign a letter he has prepared in advance. This practice is used very often and is beneficial for both parties. But before you sign anything written by someone else, make sure the letter honestly expresses your opinions and the candidate's skills. And be sure to keep a copy of the letter for your records.

A paragraph or sentence describing how you know the person and how long you have known the person.

Assessment of a person and his qualities. If possible, offer specific examples specific to this person that can reflect the positive aspects. Examples should be short but precise. A summary of why you recommend this person, and to what extent.

What can be included

  • potential (for example, leadership);
  • qualities/skills;
  • endurance;
  • motivation;
  • character;
  • contribution (to an institution or society);
  • achievements.


Never copy text from another letter of recommendation, the letter you write must be new and original. A template letter of recommendation example can help you understand and focus on the topic and determine the type of letter of recommendation you need, and nothing more.

Why write a letter of recommendation if you are not the one getting the job or scholarship?

If you need to write a letter of recommendation from the company to an employee, then by fulfilling the request, you will thank him for all his contributions to the company and reward him for his efforts. This is a very good professional skill and a nice feeling that you helped someone get a job, as very often it depends on a recommendation.

Start with the address and greeting. Use your company letterhead to make the letter appear more formal. Write the date you wrote the letter on the first line, then write the recipient's name, position, and work address.

Name Patronymic name

Head of HR Department, Company Name LLC

Since this is a formal letter, it should begin with the address “Dear” and continue with the name and patronymic. In some industries, recruiters are very strict about professional etiquette, so avoid informal greetings such as “Hi.”

Write the correct introduction. Writing the first paragraph is very simple as you highlight the main details of your working relationship with the person you are recommending.


  • your position in the company;
  • the name of the person you recommend;
  • his position;
  • your relationship: boss or colleague;
  • duration of cooperation.

“As a Project Coordinator for Company Name, I was a supervisor for (Recommended Name) from 2015 to 2018. We worked closely together on several startups, and I enjoyed working on a team with such an outstanding business analyst.”

Write quality text. The body of the text includes details of the skills, knowledge and achievements of the person you are recommending.

To keep the body of the letter concise, start with an area in which the person recommended is an expert, describing situations that demonstrate the qualities demonstrated in solving problems on the job. You can then select two or three traits that will make the candidate valuable as a potential employee.

Write your opinion about the candidate's qualities in the last paragraph of the letter. Employers hire candidates based not only on their technical skills, but also on qualities such as independence, initiative, honesty, etc. If you think these descriptions do not apply to your situation, try choosing from the following list:

  1. Good quality of communication.
  2. Leadership.
  3. Creativity.
  4. Analytical thinking.
  5. Teamwork.

“(name)’s knowledge of child nutrition and child psychology gives her an advantage over other candidates for the position of nanny. She not only monitors children, but also works with them, performing various psychological tests with children, and applies an individual approach to each child. She is also an honest and trusted person who you can safely leave alone with children and not worry about their safety."

  • attentive;
  • responsible;
  • punctual;
  • honest.

“(Name) has excellent knowledge not only in the field of accounting, but also in the legal field, which helps reduce time in resolving controversial issues during the project, which is an excellent quality. (Name) is also a very loyal person, resolves all issues within his competence without reservations.”

“(Name) is very knowledgeable about banking transactions and accounting and we have entrusted him with the cash desk of our bank. Not a single inconsistency was found in the final reports. Thanks to his sociability, he spoke confidently and was polite to regular clients, and they made investments in the bank’s projects.”

In your summary paragraph, you can write why you would hire this person again, but only if you actually did it. If not, you can simply write the closing paragraph on a positive note, noting how valuable the employee's contribution was to the company. Invite the recipient to contact you for additional guidance or questions.

For example:

“Based on all the reasons described above, I give (name) the highest recommendation for the position of Head of Information Technology. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions."

“(Name) is one of those employees that I would rehire without hesitation. I am confident that she is an excellent graphic designer and will be a great member of your team. Please contact me if you have any questions.”

End with your own signature.

Don't just write "Yours Sincerely" preceding your name. Add your position, office mailing address, work phone number to provide the recipient with options to contact you.

We hope that the article was able to answer all your questions and clarified the topic completely. Use the examples for a letter of recommendation from the article, adding your own words.

When a student's years of study are coming to an end, and receiving a diploma is already close, it is worth thinking about finding a decent job. A letter of recommendation from a teacher or other representative of the educational institution where the student studied will help speed up employment. A sample letter of recommendation can be downloaded below.

Employers are often afraid to hire a young specialist without work experience, a student who does not apply their knowledge in practice. Only a diploma of education can tell about his qualities. Recommendations from the university will help a potential employer more clearly imagine the professional qualities and skills of a candidate for a vacant position.

A letter of recommendation from a teacher can also be useful to a student when transferring to another educational institution. Traditionally, this paper is popular when transferring to foreign institutions.

Recommendations are made by a person who is able to make an objective description of the student, give an analysis of his inclinations, abilities and prescribe recommendations in a specific direction, for example, a teacher, a supervisor.

The letter is a kind of characteristic, written in free form and reflecting the main qualities of a potential employee or student.

The document is drawn up in the form of a business letter. The address format is “student”, “you”, “colleague”. Artistic expressions are not used. Drawing up a letter on company letterhead will be an additional advantage for the recommended one.

The most difficult part is choosing the right recommender. For a student, you should choose not just a teacher who gives a course of lectures and has seen him several times, but a person with whom you have worked for a long time and who is able to provide complete information about the student.

As a rule, you should start with the title. Next, the period of acquaintance between the recommender and the recommended is indicated.

  • Full Name;
  • place and period of study;
  • acquired specialty;
  • moral qualities;
  • personal achievements (participation in olympiads, competitions, competitions);
  • Availability of honorary diplomas received during studies.

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