Bait for bream in winter. What to catch bream with - the best baits and lures

Bream is a very cautious fish and at the slightest danger it goes to the depths of the reservoir, so catching it is not so easy. If you want to bring home a good catch, you must meet at least two conditions - silence and good bait for bream. The bait must be prepared in advance - buy or make it yourself. The second option is more practical: it will allow you to save money and choose the right complementary feeding recipe.

Given the capricious nature of the fish, it is better to take with you several options for bait and bait. After a day of successful fishing with one bait, the bream may stop going to it, and then it will be possible to replace both the bait and the bait.

It’s impossible to say for sure which recipe for homemade bait for bream and bream is the best. Rather, it does not exist, but there are classical proportions that should be followed:

It is better to use silt and sand from the bottom of the reservoir as a dye. This will give the bait a natural color..

When making bait for bream with your own hands, you need to consider:

  • current speed in a body of water;
  • water temperature;
  • season;
  • desired fish size.

If the current in the reservoir is weak, the bait should not be very viscous so that it quickly disintegrates into small particles. It is better to use a loose filler, for example, grain bran. In case of strong currents, it is necessary to keep the feeding components in place for as long as possible, using heavier and more viscous products - barley, clay, flour. Do-it-yourself bait for the feeder is prepared in the same way.

When the water is cold, bream prefers to feed on animal food, so bloodworms, worms or maggots should be added to the bait. They will also be good bait in the cold season. In the summer, bream's tastes change and they switch to plant foods, so in the warmer months they will be attracted to sweet peas and canned corn. On a rainy day, bream will bite on the smell of garlic and dill, and on a clear, warm day it is better to add honey and vanilla to the bait.

When hunting for large fish, you need to choose larger fractions for the base of your bait. These can be whole grains of corn or pasta, and it is better to cut the worm into pieces of 1.5-2 centimeters. You should not add to the mixture products that easily float to the surface: sunflower and hemp seed cake, coconut flakes. Small particles floating on the surface of the water will attract small fish.

The bait must contain that component that will be the bait on the hook. For example, if you fish with corn, then you need to add it to the complementary food, but in crushed form.

Closer to winter, bream lives in the depths and does not leave the chosen feeding area, so the fisherman should find this place and lure fish there. In spring, on the contrary, bream becomes mobile and swims over a wide area, therefore, complementary feeding can be provided anywhere.

There are several methods describing how to make bait for bream with your own hands. Recipes need to be selected depending on the season in which you plan to catch this fish.

For summer fishing

During summer baiting you will need the following ingredients:

  • cereal bran;
  • sunflower cake;
  • corn sticks;
  • canned peas;
  • vanilla sugar.

Mix the ingredients in one container, add clay and let stand for 10 minutes. Then form balls and throw them into the water. This feeding is also suitable for the feeder, but it is better to replace the bran with flour.

Bait for bream in spring

For the spring period, a different recipe is suitable. Do-it-yourself bait for bream in the spring should include the following components:

First cook the oatmeal in a water bath or low heat, stirring continuously. Do not allow the porridge to burn, as the fish do not like the burning smell. Boil the millet without letting it completely steam. If there is water left, there is no need to drain it: after an hour it will be absorbed into the cereal. The porridge can be mixed and placed in one container, the remaining ingredients are added at the place of spring fishing.

In order to form balls from the mixture, you need to add silt, sand or clay from the bottom of the reservoir to the porridge, mix everything and add fillers: breadcrumbs, sunflower seeds, maggots or worms, vanilla sugar. Stir again, and if the mixture does not stick together, add water, form small lumps and throw them into the river.

Recipe for autumn and winter feeding

The same option is suitable for these seasons. Do-it-yourself feeding for bream for autumn and winter should be made from the following ingredients:

Cook the peas over low heat, using twice as much water. You can make your own breadcrumbs by grinding dried bread in a meat grinder or blender. Grind oatmeal and roasted seeds in the same way. They shouldn't be burnt. Mix the dry ingredients, add pea porridge and ground coriander. Already on the shore, add bloodworms to the composition in a ratio of 1 part to 10 parts of the mixture. Form into balls and throw into the holes.

Do-it-yourself bait for bream for the feeder can be made according to a recipe that is well suited for fishing in places with fast currents in hot weather


  • sprouted peas - 2 cups;
  • boiled oatmeal - 2 cups;
  • crushed rye crackers - 1 cup;
  • crushed sunflower cake - 2 cups;
  • ground coriander - 3 teaspoons.

Mix all the components, add clay and water to form a thick viscous mixture, and fill the feeder with it.

Catching bream is not the most difficult thing. Rather, it's even interesting. And if you use the appropriate recipes - you can bring home a rich catch.

Attention, TODAY only!

Here is a guide to preparing the most catchable bait for bream with your own hands for each season - spring, summer, autumn and winter. Our recipes are well suited for fishing with a ring from a boat, using a feeder from the shore, and for ice fishing in winter fishing with a float or jig. In addition to homemade ingredients, we also recommend using store-bought mixtures in addition to our recipes; they will add an additional smell and fine fraction to your composition, which quickly spread in the current and additionally attract large and small bream.

Bream never refuses good bait and actively reacts to it.

If we are talking about baits that are made independently, then you should adhere to some rules:

  1. Peas have always been considered the main ingredient for baits that bream loves. He always reacts actively to the smell of peas. If you add it to complementary foods, the fish will only be happy about it.
  2. Proportions must be observed when adding peas to complementary foods. You should not overcook it, although the smell and taste remain, but after adding it, the mixture may become blurry, especially when flowing. So there is no need to puree the peas; the whole halves should remain in it.
  3. If you plan to add barley to the bait, then before cooking it must be thoroughly washed to remove viscosity. It is recommended that even after the cereal is cooked, you also rinse it. This process also applies to wheat.
  4. Millet must be cooked with caution. Under no circumstances should it be overcooked, as it can ruin the entire bait. Bream does not disdain wheat, which must be kept soaked for about two days.
  5. Maggot added to the bait has a good effect. It can be added live or pre-scalded. Bloodworms are also used, which attracts the attention of bream and small fish.

The best and most catchy bait is a mixture that can attract bream even in the absence of a current, not only on a lake or pond, but also on a river. This happens even on the Volga River, when the flow is turned off by a hydroelectric power station. Purchased mixtures that have proven to be the best from the company are Chernaya Dunaev and Fadeev Bream, Dunaev Premium, sports Sensas Bream, Traper Bream, Minenko Bream. From the budget: Aqua Master, homemade bait with the addition of peas, chocolate and dark garlic. The basis for bait for the lazy can be ordinary millet, pearl barley, or even better, check out Salapinka’s recipe; this is a popular bait used for catching not only bream, but also crucian carp, roach, ide, and carp.

Also, during the winter seasons of first ice and deep winter 2016-2018, Pelican spices with a nutty smell and Fishbat humidifiers, which make it possible to better combine the entire medium and large fraction into single lumps, which is important for winter fishing when fishing from ice, have proven well.

Winter December In the winter months, in cold water, homemade bait with the addition of bloodworms and maggots is good. Key cereals – pearl barley, millet. As for color, in winter the darker the bait, the better.
Spring March Garlic flavors and attractants work well. From store-bought baits
April It is better to fish with bait mixtures from Traper and Sensas. They are based on a lot of bloodworms and small loose fraction, which is suitable for catching bream both in currents and in still water. In the spring months, the brighter the color of the bait, the better.
Summer June In summer, the main secret in feeding bream is sweet tastes. Anise, sugar, vanilla are excellent flavors for your store-bought or homemade bait. The working purchased formulations are still the same - Sensas, Traper, Minenko, Dunaev Premium. Homemade - recipes from the article and salapinka.
Autumn September Mix homemade bait with a mixer according to one of the recipes in this article, add garlic extract. Try moistened Fishbat groundbait. The closer to winter, the deeper you will have to look for bream. In November we recommend trying the carp fishing method. It works well on large bream.


If we are talking about self-prepared complementary foods, then you should remember that it must contain large fractions of the product. Since bream is a large fish, reaching over 1 kilogram of weight, complementary feeding should be appropriate.

The list of ingredients is quite long, but the preferences of the fish should be taken into account.

This is what is included in the standard bait for bream:

  • pea grains;
  • porridge from barley, millet, oatmeal, wheat;
  • dry oat flakes;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • corn flour;
  • cake and bran;
  • peanut;
  • roasted sunflower seeds;
  • cornflakes;
  • bloodworms, maggots, dung worms;
  • canned corn and peas;

This list has been tested for years. It can even be called a kind of old-fashioned composition for a guaranteed result. But let's figure out what proportions and what additives need to be used in order to make the most catchable bait.

Watch the video, this is good practice for preparing groundbait.


To make the bait have a more pronounced smell, various flavorings are added to it. They are usually purchased at the store, and they are not too expensive. When using them, you must follow the instructions.

If attractants are added in small quantities, then the fish will not smell them, but if you add too much, you can completely scare away both bream and other individuals. The correct ratio of complementary foods with flavoring increases the catch efficiency by 80%.

What smells can attract bream:

  • vanilla extract;
  • anise oil;
  • cinnamon and coriander;
  • fennel and dill;
  • garlic;
  • strawberries, banana, pear (they are used to make boilies);

It is worth noting that bream like sweet, fruity aromas. Vanilla is effective and also attracts other fish. In any case, you should always experiment, both with baits and flavors.

Homemade bait recipes

For bream you need to prepare a lot of bait. You should always have some supply with you, since fishing can be activated and you will have to feed the future trophy with something.

In specialized stores, ready-made bait is sold, but it is not cheap, and given the fact that you need a lot of it, the pleasure can hit your pocket. The simplest and cheapest option is to prepare bait at home.

This requires inexpensive products and a little time.

Recipe No. 1:

  1. Simmer you need to boil oatmeal and millet. During cooking, you need to make sure that the mixture does not burn, as there will be an unpleasant smell.
  2. Further preparation continues at the fishing spot.
  3. Clay or sand is added to the porridge, so that the cereal keeps its shape.
  4. Into the finished mixture Add crackers, sunflower and hemp seeds, vanilla extract, and your choice of bloodworm or maggot.
  5. From the resulting mixture small balls are molded - 5-6 pieces and thrown into the water.

Recipe No. 2:

  1. The bait is done just before fishing.
  2. Bran mixed in a bowl, sunflower cake, corn sticks or flakes, coffee drink, bloodworms and maggots.
  3. Water from the reservoir is added to this mixture. and clay, mix everything until it becomes a thick dough. You can let the bait sit for a few minutes.
  4. Then the balls are molded and thrown into the water. While fishing, you can make very small balls and throw them into the water to keep the fish in place.

Recipe No. 3:

  1. On the shore of the reservoir, the following ingredients are mixed in one bowl: steamed peas, bran, flax seeds (roasted), egg powder, fresh grated beets, worms, maggots, clay.
  2. After kneading Balls are made and sent into the water.

Experienced fishermen always experiment with bream food. But there are universal mixtures that work under almost any conditions.


  1. In a saucepan you need to boil 3 -3.3 glasses of water.
  2. Into boiling water, add 2.5 cups of pearl barley. It must be cooked until half cooked.
  3. After that As the pearl barley swells, millet is added.
  4. To add flavor Vanilla and sunflower oil (unrefined) are used.
  5. The porridge must be cooked until most of the water has evaporated.
  6. After that turn the pan off and cover with a lid and leave for 40-45 minutes so that the remaining water is absorbed into the cereal.
  7. After this time The porridge must be transferred to another container.
  8. Into warm mixture add 3 cups of barley and corn grits.
  9. At the fishing spot You can already add clay and water for better mixing.


  1. Barley and millet groats nothing can be replaced.
  2. Instead of barley and corn grits You can use crackers, cake, store-bought bait.

When fishing from a boat, for example, using a ring, use regular feeder bait. It has all the necessary elements so that the bait balls do not fall apart before they reach the bottom.

How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. .
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Bait according to the season

Ingredients for bait should be selected taking into account the time of year, since bream’s tastes and food needs change:
  1. The following recipe is suitable for the summer period: Mix in equal proportions cake, breadcrumbs, oatmeal, peas (sprouted) and 2 teaspoons of ground coriander. Clay can be added to the finished mixture for better viscosity. After this, balls are made and thrown into the places where fishing is planned.
  2. For the summer period in standing water. Millet boiled until half cooked is mixed with bran. Next, breadcrumbs and sunflower seeds (preferably fried to add flavor), cinnamon and coriander in small quantities are added. On the shore of the reservoir, the mixture is mixed with the addition of clay. After which the complementary foods are ready to be added.
  3. For early and late autumn. Mix breadcrumbs, boiled rice, cake, bran (rye or wheat), ground coriander, finely chopped lard, worms or maggots in a bowl. Then everything is done according to the previous kneading scheme.
  4. For the winter period when ice fishing. Peas, corn, hemp grains, peanuts, and buckwheat are fried in a frying pan. During frying, the food must be stirred constantly so as not to burn. After this, all ingredients must be ground in a meat grinder. To this mixture you need to add crackers, bran, coconut flakes, a little cinnamon, cocoa, a pinch of salt and dried dill. As a result, you should get up to 1 kilogram of dry mixture. Once in place, it should be moistened with water and formed into small balls.
  5. For the spring period. Sunflower cake, boiled millet, fried bran, coriander and bloodworms (you need to take more of it) are suitable for preparing complementary foods - the fish at this time needs animal feed.

Lure for bream on the feeder

Large specimens, as a rule, are found at depth and it is very problematic to catch trophy bream from the shore. In this case, a feeder comes to the aid of the angler, with which you can make long casts.

Bait for catching bream on a feeder can be purchased at the store, but experienced fishermen have learned to prepare it themselves at home. Traditional mixtures must contain large feed particles.

This is necessary so that when casting the feeder the mixture does not get carried away with the current. Usually, pearl barley, corn, peas, worms, maggots or bloodworms are added to the bait.

This is done to ensure that the bream remains in the same place. After all, in a matter of minutes he eats the dusty food and goes on in search of food. And if there is real food at the bottom, it will hold it.

Rules for preparing and using bait

The set of ingredients and the amount of bait are usually determined on the pond. Fishermen prepare all the components for bait at home and mix them before starting fishing. The composition and preparation of complementary food for bream depends on the weather and current.

For reservoirs with large or moderate currents, complementary foods with sufficient density are used. To do this, use heavy bait with the addition of soil fillers. For viscosity, you can use eggs, flour, bread, clay. During the current, complementary foods are given in small portions.

If you plan to fish for large fish, then there should be a lot of complementary food, since small fish always accumulate in the casting areas in search of food.

With a weak current. The food balls should erode within 30-45 seconds after casting. Heavier baits are thrown onto the fishing site in advance to keep the aquatic inhabitants in place.

Before casting, you can do a small test to determine the density of the ball. To do this, throw complementary food at a visible distance and observe how long it takes to wash out. The main components are sunflower cake and crackers. They are combined with egg or milk powder.

Weather conditions also affect fish behavior and bait choice. On hot days, bream goes out in search of food in the evening or at dawn. On cloudy warm days it is active throughout the day.

On such days it is better to use bitter baits; for this, it is advisable to add dill or garlic. In warm weather, bream's favorite bait is mixtures with honey, vanilla and other sweet ingredients.

  1. Bream is a very cautious and timid fish., so you need to be quiet on the shore.
  2. You should always experiment with food and flavors and find the best option.
  3. Large specimens, as a rule, are located at the bottom of the reservoir and away from the shore, so to catch it it is better to use a feeder with a feeder.
  4. Complementary food preparations you need to do it at home, and mix all the ingredients directly while fishing.
  5. For each period of the year Different baits are prepared as the tastes and needs of the bream change.

Write your reviews about the bait for bream that you use in each season. What are your results?

It is almost impossible to catch bream without bait. In order to lure fish to a hook with bait, you need cunning and an understanding of the gastronomic preferences of bream. There is no recipe for ideal bait, because the tastes and preferences of this fish depend on many factors: the time of year, weather conditions, the availability of food in the reservoir, etc.

In order to prepare bait with your own hands, you need to follow the basic principles:

The best flavors for bream

In order to catch a large fish, you need to properly scent the bait, because bream smells very well at certain periods.

The best flavors for homemade groundbait:

  • Roasted flax. It is the favorite scent of bream.
  • Coriander. It has a sharp but pleasant smell for fish. You need to grind it immediately before you start fishing.
  • Caraway. It is better to grind it in a coffee grinder.
  • Dill seeds in powder form. It is necessary to add in the amount of 3 teaspoons per 1 kg of complementary foods.
  • Fruit aromas (apricot, banana, strawberry, vanilla). You can use both natural scent carriers and purchased flavors.
  • Cinnamon, anise, caramel.
  • Sunflower oil, sea buckthorn oil, anise oil, hemp oil.
  • Honey, cocoa, chocolate.
  • Fennel, garlic.
  • The smell of worms and bloodworms. Bream likes it in late autumn, winter and early spring.

The main ingredients of high-quality homemade bait

Also, when preparing bait for a feeder feeder, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the current in the intended fishing location. The stronger the current in the reservoir, the more moist the bait should be. By the way, you can simply, conveniently and without extra costs, make a feeder from a plastic bottle, in which you need to drill holes, and attach a weight to the side using wire so that the feeder does not get carried away by the current.

Recipes for preparing bait for bream at home

There are many different recipes for making your own complementary food for bream. But the taste preferences of this fish vary greatly depending on the time of year. For example, in hot summer weather, bream will prefer complementary foods containing more plant components. And in the cold season, fish, on the contrary, will like bloodworms, worms and maggots. In sunny weather, fish should be lured with a sweet mixture with the addition of honey or vanilla, and on cloudy days, fish prefer the aroma of garlic or dill.

Examples of recipes for preparing bait for bream with your own hands:

1. The recipe for inexpensive and effective bait is universal.:

  • Pearl barley 2 cups;
  • Millet 1 cup;
  • Unrefined sunflower oil 2 tablespoons;
  • Vanillin 1 sachet;
  • Barley groats 2 cups;
  • Corn grits 2 cups;
  • Semolina 1 cup.

Pour three glasses of water into a saucepan, boil, add pearl barley, stir and cook until swollen. Add millet, oil and vanillin. Cook this porridge until the millet has absorbed most of the water (holes will appear on the surface in which boiling water will bubble). Then turn off the stove and cover the porridge with a lid for half an hour until the millet absorbs the remaining water. Next, you need to transfer the porridge into a clean, dry container, add barley, corn and semolina and mix well.

2. Another recipe for fishing at any time of the year:

  • Sunflower seed cake 300 g;
  • Rye bran 100 g;
  • Rye crackers for breading 200 g;
  • Garlic shoots 1 sprout;
  • Rice porridge 300 g;
  • Maggots 2 matches. box;

3. Recipe for attracting bream from a long distance:

  • Breadcrumbs 300 g;
  • Oatmeal porridge 300 g;
  • Pumpkin seed cake 300 g;
  • Banana flavoring: no more than three drops;
  • Maggot 2 matches. box;
  • Roasted chopped peanuts 100 g;
  • Bran 200 g;
  • The required amount of sand and clay.

4. Recipe for spring fishing:

  • Millet porridge 100 g;
  • Sunflower seed cake 100 g;
  • Rye bran 100 g;
  • Bloodworm 3 matches. box;
  • River sand and clay in the right quantity.

​5. Recipe for the start of summer:

  • Oatmeal porridge 500 g;
  • Sunflower seed cake 300 g;
  • Bran 300 g;
  • Bloodworm 5 matches. boxes;
  • Maggot 3 matches. box;
  • Chopped coriander 2 teaspoons;
  • Breadcrumbs 100 g;
  • The right amount of clay and sand.

6. Recipe for fishing in June - July:

  • Breadcrumbs 200 g;
  • Bran 200 g;
  • Millet porridge 200 g;
  • Sunflower seeds, roasted and crushed 10 g;
  • Chopped coriander ½ teaspoon;

7. Recipe for summer fishing in still water:

  • Breadcrumbs 300 g;
  • Roasted crushed sunflower seeds 200 g;
  • Bran 300 g;
  • Millet porridge 300 g;
  • Chopped coriander 2/3 teaspoon;
  • Clay in the required quantity.

8. Recipe for fishing in summer on a pond with a current:

  • Sunflower seed cake 200 g;
  • Breadcrumbs 100 g;
  • Sprouted peas 200 g;
  • Oatmeal porridge 200 g;
  • Chopped coriander 3 teaspoons;
  • Clay in the required quantity.

9. Recipe for hot summer days:

  • Millet porridge 100 g;
  • Bloodworm 3 matches. box;
  • Horsetail in shoots 10 g;
  • Sunflower seed cake 100 g;
  • Bran 100 g;
  • The required amount of sand and clay.

With this complementary feeding, only horsetail shoots should be used as bait.

10. Another recipe for hot summer days:

  • Rye crackers for breading 100 g;
  • Millet porridge 50 g;
  • Chopped cumin 1 teaspoon;
  • Bran 100 g;
  • Sunflower seed cake 100 g;
  • The right amount of clay.

11. Recipe for cool summer days:

  • Millet porridge 300 g;
  • Bloodworm 5 matches. boxes;
  • Sunflower seed cake 300 g;
  • Bran 200 g;
  • The required amount of clay and sand.

12. Another recipe for fishing on cool summer days:

  • Sunflower seed cake 300 g;
  • Rye bran 100 g;
  • Breadcrumbs 300 g;
  • Millet porridge 300 g;
  • Bloodworm (can be maggot or chopped worm) 2 matches. box;
  • Clay in the required quantity.

13. Recipe for autumn fishing on the river:

  • Wheat breadcrumbs 100 g;
  • Fresh lard, cut into cubes 5 x 5 millimeters 55 g;
  • Sunflower seed cake 100 g;
  • Rice porridge 100 g;
  • Rye bran 100 g;
  • Bloodworm (maybe maggot) 2 matches. box;
  • Chopped coriander 1 teaspoon.
  • Clay in the right amount.

Making bait for bream at home is not difficult if you know the necessary ingredients and subtleties of preparation. Each fisherman creates his own secret recipe, which is developed as a result of long-term experiments. The variety of available recipes is explained by the fact that each reservoir has its own specific food supply for bream. An effectively working bait, made by yourself, is the key to a good catch.

Until recently, there was an opinion among fishermen that catching bream in the summer was a futile undertaking. But today everything has changed. Fishing equipment has become so perfect that, rather, on the contrary, it is in the summer heat, starting in July, that the best time for fishing this fish comes, when you can catch even a six-kilogram trophy specimen, up to eighty centimeters in length. In most cases, fishermen are content with kilogram catches.

Where to fish

Those who are tempted by bream fishing in the summer must not only have the right equipment, but also be well aware of the habits of the prey. And first of all, you need to choose the right fishing area. Being a schooling fish, bream constantly moves around the reservoir from one feeding place to another. It is most often found in rivers where the current is weak, as well as in large ponds and lakes with sandy and clay bottoms.

Bream loves sloping holes, settling somewhere in the middle of the slopes. The most accurate way to find the place where this fish is hiding is only with the help of an echo sounder, but if such a device is not at hand, the bottom can be measured using a cord and sinker, going deep into the reservoir on a boat. At the same time, you can feed the prey so that it remains in the discovered place. Sometimes at dawn this fish itself floats to the surface and, showing its back, with a blow of its tail goes to the depths, blowing bubbles.


Catching bream in July-August using a spinning rod from the shore requires the mandatory use of a feeder with a large mesh. Complementary feeding is carried out as follows: first, a landmark is selected. Then an empty feeder is delivered to the fishing site, and the line is locked on the spool. After this, five or six casts with bait are made. At the same time, it does not need to be compacted too much. After allowing the feeder to reach the bottom, a hook is made so that the complementary food remains at the bottom.

At the same time, you need to know when to stop, because if you overdo it, you can ruin everything. After all, the purpose of bait is not to feed the prey, but only to attract it. Today, stores offer a huge selection of bream mixtures. Since this fish is a representative of the Carp family, it is necessary that the bait include all the ingredients familiar to bream, and that it itself be light yellowish in color.

Do-it-yourself porridge for bait

If someone is inconvenient to buy the mixture in a store, then he can make it himself, at home. The main ingredients of this “dish,” which fishermen call porridge among themselves, are finely ground corn grits and millet, which are poured into boiling water. In this case, there should be twice as much water as cereal. Then the mixture is boiled until half cooked, so that the millet does not become overcooked. The porridge must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. At the reservoir, immediately before fishing, a handful of bait is added to it. It could be a bloodworm or maggot. Sometimes anglers add chopped earthworms or dung worms. You only need to mix the top layer of bait, adding bait as you use it.


To catch bream in the summer, if reservoir conditions permit, it is better to use a float option with a blind rig. This tackle has maximum sensitivity and simplicity. However, it must meet two very important requirements: to be light and durable. The fishing line on a float tackle for catching bream in summer should have a thickness of no more than 0.2-0.25 millimeters. The leash should be 0.15 mm thick. Avid fishermen say that for this fish, not a drop-shaped, but an elongated leash is better suited.

All these characteristics of the gear are needed in order to better see the rather careful bites of this representative of the cyprinids. It is better to balance the float with several weights at once: three or four pellets and a small one - on a leash, ten centimeters from the hook.

No less common is catching bream on the bottom. The fishing technique with this type of gear is no different from similar fishing for other carp.


A wide variety of fishing rods are used for summer bream. The choice depends, first of all, on the fishing conditions. This fish is fished with almost all existing float rods - plug types, match or simple Bolognese rods. Fishing for bream on a river with a weak current is best done with wiring.
Hooks are selected depending on the nozzle. For a bunch of earthworms or bloodworms, it is better to use black or red options with a long shank. Today, bream hooks are produced by many well-known manufacturers. The size should not be chosen too small: this often leads to mismatch.

What to fish with

Fishing for bream in July-August involves using bait of animal origin. These are worms, maggots or bloodworms. If we talk about vegetable baits, then it is worth noting pearl barley, mastyrka, peas and corn. Combined baits also work well: a worm plus a mixture. Experienced fishermen often add aromatic dough to them, which performs two functions: it creates a cloud and a smell.

Fishing from a boat

Very often it is not possible to find good places for fishing from the shore. For example, on many lakes the most promising areas for catching large fish are those located one hundred meters deep. In this case, the most optimal way is to catch bream from a boat. The main feature of such fishing is the correct positioning of the craft. It is better if the boat is turned sideways towards the fishing point. In this case, the wind should blow at your back so that there are no problems when holding the equipment in this place.

Catching bream from a boat involves using two anchors spread out. In this case, the length of the rope should be at least one and a half times greater than the depth at the fishing spot. Experienced professionals do not recommend using a nylon twisted version, since it stretches greatly, and therefore the boat will dangle and move to the sides. A parachute sling is best suited for fishing bream from a watercraft.

Fishing for bream in summer is very effective from a boat using a ring. It is especially successful in bodies of water with little current. Although, in the opinion of professionals, ring fishing is superior in its effectiveness to all other fishing methods, many people do not like this method, if only because the prey sits on the hook on its own, without requiring hooking. The success of this method depends on three factors: the viscosity of the bait, as well as the location of the boat and the length of the leash.

Professionals say that while fishing you need to constantly monitor the dynamics of the bite. If after three or four caught bream the bite stops, you should throw in a few balls of bait. This trick can again attract the attention of the prey. Bream fishing in the summer for many ends with the catch of fairly large specimens. But for this you need to know some secrets, without which you can return home with an empty fish tank. Firstly, having hooked a fish, you need to immediately drag it away from the feeding area, otherwise it will overwhelm the whole flock, and there will be no next bite. And even numerous bait balls, even the most aromatic ones, will not return the joint to its previous position.

It is known that bream is one of the most cautious inhabitants of water bodies. Therefore, you need to be extremely quiet when fishing. You only need to hook when the float lies on its side. In addition, in order for fishing to be effective, it is necessary to take into account the weather. Bream does not like rain or strong wind.

With the onset of winter, the activity of bream noticeably drops, it becomes lethargic, and less and less often moves away from its stopping places and usual routes. It is for this reason that the issue of attracting bream using bait is especially relevant in winter.

What does bream like?

Despite the fact that bream is a fairly omnivorous fish, in winter the basis of its diet, according to scientific data, are living organisms that live on the bottom, in bottom silt, on vegetation and in bottom layers of water.

These are various crustaceans, crustacean plankton, larvae, aquatic insects and, of course, bloodworms.
They should form the basis of winter baits. Despite this, many plant components, cereals, cake, bran, crackers, etc. are used to attach bream. This is due to several reasons.

Firstly, there are a number of reservoirs where local fishermen have simply accustomed bream to such food. Secondly, vegetable baits are used with various flavors, both natural and industrially produced. In addition, the components used in the mixtures are ground very finely, and when they get into the water, they form a kind of cloudy cloud that spreads odors that are attractive to fish.

Groundbaits of animal origin

So, what animal baits can be used in winter:

  • bloodworms, the main food and basis of the winter diet of bream;
  • mormysh is a small amphipod crustacean;
  • earthworm, there are many ways to preserve it for winter fishing;
  • maggot – stores well in the refrigerator;
  • aquatic mollusks, they are collected with special nets, their shells are broken, crushed and used in bait;
  • larvae of dragonflies and some other insects.

In general, there are not many varieties of live bait that can be obtained in winter, so most people use bloodworms because of its availability and versatility.

Groundbaits of plant origin

Unlike animals, there are much more components of plant origin used in bait.

The most common components are:

  • breadcrumbs, breadcrumbs or regular;
  • millet;
  • peas, shelled (polished), crushed;
  • cake (makuha) of sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, etc.;
  • cereals;
  • bran;
  • pearl barley;
  • semolina and other cereals;
  • plain and corn flour, etc.

In addition to store-bought flavorings, the following are used:

  • sunflower seeds, roasted;
  • roasted hemp seeds;
  • sunflower oil;
  • coriander;
  • anise;
  • cocoa;
  • garlic;
  • vanilla;
  • cinnamon, etc.

These components are added to baits in smaller proportions to lure bream precisely by smell.

Winter bait recipe

If we talk directly about the baits themselves, then when preparing them there are several basic rules:

  • Winter bait must contain bloodworms, jigs or other animal components in a proportion of 25 - 50 g per 500 g of plant components;
  • All plant components must be thoroughly crushed so that they spread as far as possible, attracting fish, and do not allow the fish to get enough of them;
  • Flavors should be added in reasonable quantities so that they attract and not repel fish;
  • In different bodies of water, the smells that attract fish are different, you need to try;
  • The calorie content of the feed should correspond to the activity of the fish in a given period;
  • The soil is placed if it contains bloodworms and similar animal additives;
  • The main difference between winter baits is that most of them do not contain binding components.
  • The winter baits themselves are quite varied; let’s look at some of the most common, “folk” recipes.

Groundbait based on peas

As you know, peas are one of the favorite baits of bream.


  • breadcrumbs (ordinary grated ones can be used) – 500 g;
  • roasted sunflower seeds – 75 g;
  • oat flakes – 100 g;
  • crushed polished peas – 250 g;
  • bloodworm 50 – 100 g.

Pour water into the pan in the proportion of two glasses of water per glass of peas. When the water boils, add the peas and cook over low heat until they are cooked into a homogeneous mass. Finely grind crackers, oatmeal and seeds in a meat grinder or coffee grinder.

Mix the ground seeds, crackers and flakes in a bowl, and then pour them with boiled pea porridge.

Knead the resulting mixture with your hands until smooth and transfer it to a plastic bag. The resulting bait should form a lump and disintegrate easily; when it gets into the water, it gives a good cloud of turbidity that attracts fish.

Directly while fishing, add bloodworms to the mixture.

Classic bait

The second recipe contains, classic for bream, millet and crackers.


  • millet – 500 g;
  • bread crumbs, regular or bread crumbs - 300 g;
  • fried sunflower seeds – 100 g;
  • sunflower oil – 50 g;
  • bloodworm - 150 - 200 g.

Cook the millet in a 1:2 ratio with water until the water has completely boiled away. We pass the crackers through a meat grinder, and then fry the resulting crumbs in sunflower oil. We also pass the seeds through a meat grinder. Mix all ingredients in a bowl or immediately in a thick plastic bag. Already while fishing, we add small or chopped large bloodworms to the mixture.

Video recipe: Bait made from pearl barley and millet

Fragrant bait

The flavor components that will play an important role in this recipe are hemp, coriander and anise.

  • crackers (they can be replaced with biscuits) – 400 g;
  • semolina – 100 g;
  • bran or birdseed – 350 g;
  • hemp seeds - 50 g;
  • a little anise or coriander
  • bloodworms or maggots – 30 – 70 g.

We prepare all the ingredients at home. We fry hemp seeds, add them to crackers or cookies and grind them in a meat grinder along with bran or birdseed. Grind the semolina in a blender. Mix it all dry, adding anise or coriander. The final preparation of the mixture is done while fishing. Add a little water to the bait until you get a consistency that matches the fishing conditions. At the very end, add bloodworms.

Universal bait

This bait is notable because it is suitable not only for bream, but also for roach and other white fish.


  • corn flour – 200 g
  • breadcrumbs or regular crackers - 250 g;
  • peas – 150 g;
  • buckwheat – 150 g;
  • pearl barley – 100 g;
  • hemp grains – 50 g.

Hemp grains, as well as buckwheat and pearl barley, are fried and passed through a meat grinder a couple of times along with breadcrumbs. The peas are boiled until smooth or steamed for 6 - 8 hours, and then passed through a meat grinder. Then all the components are mixed and allowed for about an hour for the bait to gain moisture. While fishing, add a little more water and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Before use, add 25 - 50 g of bloodworms.

Chocolate groundbait

This mixture can be used both in winter and summer, just add flour in the summer version.


  • semolina – 300 g;
  • oat flakes – 150 g;
  • peas – 300 g;
  • cocoa – 100 g;
  • vanilla – 10 g;
  • ground coriander – 20 g;
  • ground cinnamon – 20 g.

Oatmeal is finely ground in a blender. Peas are ground in a meat grinder or blender, but not into flour. All components are mixed dry. When you come fishing, pour the mixture with a small amount of water and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Just before use, add 50–100 g of bloodworms.

A good way to simultaneously store bloodworms and the like, and feed them to fish, especially during the current.

There are only two components:

  • bloodworms (mormysh, earthworm);
  • sand.

Wet sand is mixed with bloodworms in a volume ratio of 3:1 or 2:1, and packaged in small molds, about 5 x 5 cm. All this is frozen and stored in the freezer. In this form, bloodworms can persist for up to a year.

Before fishing, frozen briquettes are transferred to plastic bags. When fishing, such a briquette is thrown into the hole. The fish sees the bloodworm and eats it as it thaws, but cannot eat it all at once and sticks to the bait. This works especially well in currents, where an ordinary, thrown bloodworm is immediately washed away over a large space from the hole.


Yes, stones. Ordinary pebbles or river pebbles of medium size, about 5 cm. They operate as follows. If fishing is carried out in a place with a relatively flat, uniform bottom, 5-10 stones are thrown into the hole at the very beginning. Having fallen, firstly, they raise turbidity, and most importantly, they create a conspicuous object on a homogeneous bottom, which the bream will definitely be interested in in search of food. Well, then you can use regular bait.

How to feed properly

When feeding bream during winter fishing, you should remember several conditions. The main thing is that the earlier the bait is introduced, the better. In winter, the fish are less active, and accordingly, they react to food longer.

Taking this into account, experts advise that for fishing at dawn, feed while it is still dark; for night fishing, start feeding an hour or two before sunset.

During the day, the bite begins approximately an hour after feeding the hole.

The bait is thrown using special feeders. Sometimes the main and supplementary feeders are separated, the latter being smaller in size.

It is believed that bream requires a lot of food, but here we need to take into account what we feed and at what period. The more active the fish, the more bait you need. It is most practical to initially use a vegetable bait, with a small amount of bloodworms, and then keep the fish at the hole in small (3 - 5 g) portions. When supplementary feeding, the feeder should be opened not at the bottom, but a couple of meters higher, so as not to scare away the fish gathered below. Share with your friends!