Presentation for students rose plant. Presentation for primary school on the topic "Are there roses without thorns"

  1. 1. Completed by Alexandra Nikolaeva, 1st year undergraduate student of the educational program “Primary Education” at the FEFU School of Pedagogy Roza
  2. 2. Contents: Description Habitat Image of flowering Meaning for humans
  3. 3. Rose and rose hips Rose is a separate genus of the Rosaceae family, which unites cultivated (roses) and wild (rose hips) species.
  4. 4. Roses are erect, multi-stemmed shrubs, ranging in height from 0.5 to 2.5 m, and some evergreen climbing species reach 10 m. The leaves are compound, odd-pinnate, in most species they consist of 5–7, sometimes 9–11 leaflets . Description
  5. 5. Replanting a rose ● Prepare a larger pot (5-6 cm in height and 5 cm in width). ● Arrange drainage using pebbles and gravel at the bottom of the pot. ● Lightly sprinkle with soil, plant the rose there and water it with settled water. ● On the hottest days, move the rose to a cooler room, away from the sun.
  6. 6. Image of flowering Roses for storage should be dug up in dry weather, when there is slight frost at night - this way the plant will be better preserved. Before storage, each rose bush must be carefully checked and prepared: if necessary, the stems are shortened so that 8-10 buds remain, the tops and leaves are removed, the roots are trimmed, 3-4 shoots are left on the bush, the rest are cut off. After this, the roses are laid out by variety, the bushes are tied together and sent for storage.
  7. 7. Meaning for humans Roses are considered the most beautiful and wonderful flowers, so the importance of roses in our lives cannot be overestimated. If a rose is given along with an unopened white rose, it means: “I love you, but you are still very young.” As in the good old days, it is customary to give each other roses (it doesn’t matter what city you live in: Moscow, or Paris, or Astana) to express your feelings. Roses will say more than a thousand words. Roses can justify us, they can bring joy, they can express sorrow on the day of the funeral. We can increase our vocabulary by sending affectionate messages in the form of beautiful roses to our loved ones. Roses - red, white...these beautiful flowers that can say a lot for us.
  8. 8. Conclusion Rose is the collective name for species and varieties of representatives of the Rosehip genus grown by humans. Most varieties of roses were obtained as a result of long-term selection through repeated repeated crossings and selection. Some varieties are forms of wild species.
  9. List of sources 1. Rose the prickly queen! // – 2. Planting and caring for roses. Things to remember // Your fertility –

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What is the purpose of a rose?

Blooming indoor roses are probably the best decoration for a room, where they are kept from autumn until the onset of warm spring weather.

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Rose care

Miniature copies of their larger garden relatives, house roses, are becoming increasingly popular. How to care for these capricious beauties, what can be done to make them feel good and please the eye for as long as possible?

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In autumn and winter, the rose is dormant, so reduce watering and spraying to once every 3 days. When replanting the plant, be careful not to destroy the lump or disturb the roots. If you see gray or white granules on the roots, do not be alarmed and do not remove them - this is how it should be.

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At the beginning of Spring...

In early spring, you can propagate roses from stem cuttings. For autumn propagation of roses, you can use branches that you cut for the winter. In this case, the branches are pruned, leaving 3-4 live buds on them. Prepared cuttings should be no longer than 15 cm. In order for roots to appear on the cuttings, they should be placed in water for a couple of weeks. When well-branched roots form on them, they can be planted in the ground.

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    Caring for a home rose

    • House roses love moist air, so it is recommended to spray the plants if the humidity in your apartment is too low. In this case, it is advisable to spray roses from the bottom of the leaf. You can spray roses up to twice a day.
    • For good flowering and growth, indoor roses will require a large amount of sunlight. All roses are light-loving plants, so they need to be provided with sufficiently long daylight hours. Since the rose begins to actively grow in spring, short daylight hours will not be enough for it, so additional illumination with fluorescent lamps may be necessary.
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    In the classic image, the rose has 32 petals, hence the name compass rose. For the ancient Romans, the rose symbolized mystery. There was an expression that became a proverb - “Sub rosa dictum” (“Under the rose it is said”), that is, it must be kept secret. A rose blooming on a cross is the emblem of the Rosicrucians. The symbolism of a rose depends on its color (scarlet rose - passion, yellow rose - separation or betrayal in love, white rose - tenderness, etc.). The rose is a symbol of the War of the Scarlet and White Roses (1455-1485). The scarlet rose is a symbol of the Lancaster dynasty, and the white rose is the symbol of the York dynasty. Rose in history and symbolism

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    Application 1. In perfumery 2. In cosmetics 3. In medicine 4. In cooking 5. In floral design

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    In perfumery, Rose is used in perfumery both independently (rose oil) and to create perfume compositions. Rose oil (mostly synthetic) is found in 46% of men's and 98% of women's perfumes. French perfumers most highly value roses growing near the city of Grasse, as well as on plantations in Bulgaria in the Valley of Roses near the city of Kazanlak.

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    In cosmetics Rose extract is widely used in cosmetics. It effectively moisturizes the skin, promotes its regeneration, has a tonic effect, soothes and rejuvenates the skin, restores the natural color and elasticity of the skin, making it soft and tender.

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    In medicine The healing properties of roses have been known since ancient times. However, at present, Western medicine uses rose little, while in the East the attitude towards it has not changed. In the Middle Ages, roses were used to treat a huge number of diseases: menstrual irregularities, headaches, stomach disorders, liver congestion, fever (plague), eye infections and skin diseases.

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    Roses are often used in cooking as a flavoring agent. Rose petal jam is also popular.

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    In floral design, Roses are one of the most popular flowers for creating bouquets.

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    Type of plant: shrub Attitude to light: light-loving Attitude to moisture: moisture-loving Flowering dates: spring, summer, autumn Height: average (50-100 cm), low (10-50 cm) Cultural value: beautifully flowering, decorative foliage, edible, aromatic

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    Rose is the oldest flower that accompanies a person. The scent of a rose is probably the most famous of the scents of love. Rose is a difficult flower to grow, but if you succeed, it will bring peace, comfort and harmony to your home.

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    The energy of a rose is characterized by rotational vibrations directed outward. The energy moves in a spiral from the center of the plant in ever-widening circles. It has a stimulating effect and gives strength, so plants with such energy should not be combined with plants that emit cloud-like vibrations.

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    It should be remembered that for all its beauty, a rose is a vampire and is not suitable for every home. Giving you its splendor, the rose will require you to give back your energy and spiritual strength. If you and a rose have found a common language, with its beauty and perfection it will certainly harmonize the bioenergetic environment in your home.

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    According to the flower horoscope, the rose is Leo, and, like all Leos, it is expansive, proud, and full of self-esteem. Rose-Leo easily gets along in the same house with Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, Libra. It is strictly contraindicated for her to live together with Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Leo. She is indifferent to other signs.

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    The most famous essential oil is rose. It is believed that only pink and red varieties of roses have the typical scent of this oil. Rose oil in its pure form or in cosmetics (it is included in many perfumes) gives a woman sensuality and a touch of tenderness.

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    In ancient India, a person who brought a rose to the king could ask for whatever he wanted. According to one ancient Greek legend, the Earth, seeing the wondrous beauty Aphrodite emerging from the sea foam, decided to create something no less beautiful. And she created a rose. Since then, the rose has been dedicated to Aphrodite. But the roses remained white until a misfortune happened to her beloved Adonis. Having learned that he was mortally wounded, the goddess rushed in search of him. Sharp thorns and stones injured her legs. Drops of divine blood fell on the roses, turning them from white to red.

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    According to other sources, the rose was created by the goddess of flowers Flora. In many folk rituals, the rose was given a place of honor. A wedding, a declaration of love, a meeting of warriors - roses were present everywhere. The Greeks not only enjoyed roses, but also studied them as a culture. Theophrastus described the types of roses that existed in Greece and how to care for them. Even then, he wrote how to propagate roses using cuttings, how to prune in order to improve flowering, and how to choose the right place for planting.

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    Indian puranas (myths) tell that from a blossoming rosebud, the most beautiful of women was born - Lakshmi, the goddess of beauty, who became the wife of Vishnu. The rose that covered her turned into a symbol of divine mystery and since those ancient times has been considered sacred by all eastern peoples.

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    In Greece they also treated the rose as a gift from the gods. One of the prominent Greek lyricists, Anacreon, believed that she arose from the snow-white foam of the sea that covered the body of Aphrodite when the goddess stepped onto land. The gods sprinkled the magnificent white rose with nectar, and it began to smell wonderfully fragrant. The complex path of the rose led it to medieval Europe. There, in later times, the image of a rose arose - the protector of good deeds, for example, the legend of St. Nicholas has survived to this day. He took bread from the monastery to feed the freezing poor during the cold winter, but on the way he was stopped by the strict abbot of the monastery. And then the bread suddenly turned into roses - this was a sign from above that God was on the side of the saint performing this good deed.

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    Presentation to represent and protect the flower - ROSE. The presentation was used at the autumn festival: “The flowers smiled tenderly at us.” The presentation is divided into 3 parts, you need to combine it into one. In addition, the third part needs to be converted from PDF to PPT format. Download everything into one folder and unzip.



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    Why do roses smell so sweet, bringing confusion to hearts? The aroma of flowers gives birth to dreams, excites the soul endlessly. How much charm, charm, sophistication, How much power there is in a royal flower! Only the thorns - protecting the risk zone - leave their mark on the hand. Beautiful fresh pink bouquet Delights and excites the blood. Only a floral, delicate aroma Only in the garden is ready to give love. About roses 8th grade presentation

    Rose is one of the most beloved ornamental crops. With its beauty, grace, variety of flower shapes and extraordinary aroma, it conquered the whole world. Since ancient times it has occupied the most honorable place. She was loved, she was worshiped, she was deified, she served as a symbol of grace in poetry and painting. It has retained such well-deserved popularity to this day. So many legends and tales have been created about the rose that it is rightly called the queen of flowers.

    The very first information about this plant appeared 5 thousand years BC. e. in China, India, Japan. Temples and royal chambers were decorated with roses, and tribute was paid with them. Then the rose found refuge in Ancient Iran, the country of the Persians. From Persia the rose migrated to Ancient Greece. The Greeks considered the rose a gift from the gods. She was known as a symbol of love, an expression of joy and sadness. The path of the warriors was strewn with roses, and brides were decorated with wreaths of roses. Then roses appeared in Rome. Among the Romans, this wonderful flower became a symbol of strict morality and a reward for great deeds. Not a single celebration or sad event was complete without roses. Roses were depicted on medals, orders and coats of arms. In Western Europe, the rose appeared only in the 5th-6th centuries. The French especially revered roses. It was in France that Empress Josephine created the first rose garden in the park of her castle. And it was in France in 1812 that the director of the Royal Luxembourg Garden in Paris, Count Lellier, received the first variety of rose - ‘Rose Lellier’. France became the center for the development of rose culture in Europe.


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    During the cultivation of roses, more than 15,000 garden forms and varieties were obtained. Among their diversity, there are deciduous and evergreen forms that differ in height (from 10-15 cm to 3-5 m) and the nature of stem growth (erect, spreading, climbing). The shoots are covered with thorns of unequal shape and size. The pubescence of flowers varies in color and density. The fruits are false, of various sizes (from 5 mm to 4 cm in diameter), red, orange; brown color.

    Due to the large species and varietal diversity in gardening practice, roses are divided into garden classes or groups that unite varieties that are similar in morphological and biological characteristics. Park roses. Repair roses. Hybrid tea roses. M multifloral, roses. Hybrid polyanthus roses. Floribunda roses. Grandiflora roses Miniature roses. Climbing or climbing roses.

    Growing roses that would retain not only their decorative qualities, but also varietal characteristics from year to year, is not an easy and labor-intensive task. However, roses are the most popular flowers in the world. They grow in almost ALL climates and on ALL continents. You can see beautifully blooming roses in the garden and on balconies, and even indoor roses. You can use them to create flower beds, flower beds, borders, borders, flowering arches, pergolas and hedges. Breeders are constantly developing new varieties and types of roses that are resistant to diseases and unfavorable climatic conditions.

    In ancient times, the rose was a rather rare flower. Only the richest people could afford to enjoy its beauty and aroma. In Ancient Rome, roses were used to decorate homes and baths. There was a belief that rose petals in the pool gave youth and beauty to people swimming in it. The petals were also used as a cosmetic to combat wrinkles. The healing properties of rose petals were discovered in ancient times. In China, for example, they learned how to prepare rose oil. This remedy was used to treat eye diseases, nosebleeds, headaches, and stomach diseases. In addition to oil, rose honey and preserved rose petals were also used. These remedies were used to treat liver disease, consumption, and ear pain.

    And in the modern world, the rose has found its use in everything: in heraldry, fine arts, literature and even cooking. Recipes for desserts, salads and even some main dishes include the addition of rose petals in one modification or another. A separate point of discussion is the decoration of ready-made dishes. How are cakes most often decorated? That's right, cream roses. Rose is used in medicine and cosmetology. Being itself short-lived, the rose prolongs the youth of human skin. For this, rose extract or rose oil is used. The rose occupies a special place in aromatherapy. Practitioners claim that it helps to clear the head, relieve tension and fear and, as a result, prevent or cure depression. Rose eliminates envy and anger, heals heart wounds and disappointment in people.

    The autumn rose has showered the forest with its tops, the garden has exposed its brow, September has breathed, and the dahlias have been scorched by the breath of the night. But in the breath of frost, there is only one among the dead, Only you, the queen rose, Fragrant and lush. In spite of the cruel trials And the malice of the fading day, You blow on me with the outline and breath of Spring. A. Fet


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