Build a flat roof. How to make a flat roof with your own hands

Architects built arched openings in ancient times. Even 6 thousand years ago in Mesopotamia, or Mesopotamia, a brick arch was one of the features of irrigation structures, as well as residential buildings. Today the arches have become characteristic feature many palaces, especially Italian palazzos, places of worship, commercial and residential buildings.

Arched openings will look very attractive in any room.

During the period of Khrushchev's minimalism, there were no excesses in buildings, whether civil structures or housing. During the boom individual construction again we remembered the arched openings. An arch made of brick or other building material gives the interior of a house or apartment sophistication, a feeling of spaciousness, open space.

Types of arches and their functions

Arched openings that replace doors allow you to visually expand the space and make the interior of the room non-standard. Their main function is to zone the space, while visually enlarging it.

Arch in romantic style used when the opening is large.

The arched structure in architecture has many types, shapes and design features. Depending on the shape, it can be round, lancet, horseshoe-shaped, elliptical, Tudor or Arabian, a design common in Spanish-Moorish architecture.

Today, 4 main types of arches are used in residential architecture:

  1. Arch in classic style. It has a clear shape of a circle segment. Usually this segment is close to a semicircle. This is the most widely used in modern housing construction arch. It is easier to calculate and has a very impressive appearance.
  2. The design in a romantic style is a rectangular opening with rounded corners. It is used when the opening is wide enough. Otherwise, the appearance of the structure will be unattractive.
  3. An elliptical arched opening is much more difficult to calculate than a classic semicircular opening. This is probably why they build it much less often than the “classics”.
  4. Opening in modernist style. This is a slightly elongated semicircle. This shape visually narrows the opening in the wall, while simultaneously increasing the height of the room.

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Building materials for arched openings

An Art Nouveau arch narrows the opening in the wall, thereby increasing the height of the room.

The most common material for such openings today is drywall. It is very easy to process, putty, and paint. The design made from this material acquires perfect shape and has after processing perfect surface. Using drywall, you can easily build round structures around a finished rectangular door or interior window opening. However, this popular building material can be used to make structural elements only for internal parts premises. External entrance or window openings on the outside of the building cannot be made from it.

Natural stone is used as a building material for the construction of arched entrances different shapes to a private home. It could be a gate or even a gate. But the latter should not have a large width, since such a structure is bulky in appearance and very heavy. A strong foundation needs to be laid under it.

The optimal building material for creating external entrance structures of a round shape or window openings is a brick.

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Arched brick openings

How to make an arch out of brick? The answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you need to have theoretical knowledge in the field of design and considerable practical skills in construction. similar designs. Therefore, it is better not to take on this work with your own hands, but to entrust the entire process of designing and constructing brick arches to the hands of professionals.

It is worth noting that you can make brick arches only where the walls are made of identical building materials. Usually interior partitions made of plasterboard with soundproofing filler or aerated concrete. This is especially true apartment buildings. Therefore, it is better to construct rounded interior openings from plasterboard. In private construction, it is also used for this purpose. brickwork.

If you have sufficient construction experience, time and the opportunity to build the entire house, including openings in the form of arches, with your own hands, there are several points to consider.

It is better to make round-shaped masonry from special patterned bricks.

It has different end thicknesses. This will not only make the laying easier, but also make it more beautiful and even. This is important when constructing external arches.

To lay a rounded opening, you need to make formwork, the basis of which is the so-called circle (a pattern made of boards in the shape of a semicircle). The masonry will rest on it, and supports will be placed under it until the mortar on which the brick is placed is completely dry.

Arched opening is an architectural element that is made in the form of a curved connection above a door or window opening in a wall or is a span connecting supports building structures. A brick arch can effectively decorate the facade of a house or complement the interior of an apartment.

Of course, it is better to leave the construction of such a structure to professionals, but let’s try to figure out whether it is realistic to build a brick arch with your own hands.

Variety of arch shapes

1 - pointed arch, 2 - equilateral; 3 - high pointed; 4 — rounded trefoil; 5 - pointed

There are several types of structures that correspond to a specific architectural style. Before you make a brick arch, you first need to decide on the style of the overall decor of the facade or apartment design.

The types of curved openings differ in the execution of the masonry:

  • Wedge– the brick is laid in the form of a wedge, and is fixed at the top point with a locking element. Such elements are often found in Gothic architecture;
  • Onion-represent a truncated cone. This architecture is characteristic of the oriental style;
  • Full semicircle or “classic”– the height of the semicircle should be half the width of the door or window opening;

  • Modern– brick arches have an arc in the shape of a truncated cone;
  • Romanticism– a rectangular opening with slightly rounded corners;
  • Ellipse– when calculating the structure, a regular or irregular ellipse shape is performed, depending on the design style. Most often used in new wave or post-modern style decor;
  • Portal– rectangular design.

But each of these designs has both its advantages and disadvantages. Brick arch laying in gothic style implies a ceiling height of at least three meters. And the ellipsoidal shape requires a large wall area free from windows and other architectural elements.

Having decided on the type of structure, it is necessary to prepare tools and building materials.

Design calculations and work sequence

Laying brick arches consists of several stages.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Sketch calculation and drawing of a template for the future design;
  • Installing the template on the wall;
  • Laying an arched lintel;
  • Fixing and securing the arch;
  • Delete a template;
  • Decorative finishing cladding masonry

Advice. Before starting work, prepare all the necessary materials.
And also decide on the shape of the bend, which should harmoniously combine with the architecture of the facade or with the design style of the room.

Calculation and production of a template

When starting to calculate the structure, it is necessary to measure the wall thickness, height ceilings and the expected width of the opening.

Calculation brick arch start with a preliminary sketch made on paper at a scale of 1:50.

  • Determine the radius of the circle and the width of the opening;
  • Using a compass along the axis of symmetry, as shown in the drawing, we select the optimal radius of the arc;

If the project requires construction arched design in Gothic style - with curly bend along the edges or the presence of several arcs of different radii, then each element must be calculated separately. Let's consider the simplest design option that a do-it-yourself brick arch can have.

Using the Pythagorean theorem in the calculations, we calculate the dimensions of the arch using the following formula:

where R is the radius of the circle, L is half the chord, H is the height of the arch rise

After the calculations, we enlarge the drawing and make a template from chipboard, on which the arched ceiling will be laid.

Important. When making a template from chipboard, it must be taken into account that the width of the opening on the template should be two to three centimeters less in height.
This is necessary in order to easily remove the chipboard after installing the brickwork.

The procedure for carrying out construction work

Knowing the dimensions of our arched lintel, you can begin directly installing the template and laying bricks:

  • Brickwork of arches involves first installing a supporting structure made of chipboard, 10 millimeters thick. The circles are cut out according to a template according to preliminary calculations.

Advice. In some cases, when a more durable and stable structure is required, chipboard is replaced with a frame made of reinforcement.
The frame is also made according to the dimensions of the arch and fastened together by welding.

  • The chipboard template is attached using self-tapping screws and wooden spacers to the door or window opening;
  • Fines are installed on the sides of the opening;
  • Brickwork is done from bottom to top, alternately on both sides of the opening;

The main mistakes made when constructing arches

There are several common mistakes that almost everyone makes when building arches. How to make a brick arch reliable and beautiful, and also prevent destruction and cracking of the structure?

It is worth considering the following advice from professionals:

  • The height of the arch should correspond to the width of the opening, this contributes to the uniform distribution of loads;
  • If you use metal as a frame, then during operation the walls will naturally shrink and the masonry may crack. Therefore, it is better to use chipboard as a frame;
  • Avoid getting wet and swollen wooden frame and protect the arch from moisture with polyethylene. The template must be dismantled immediately after drying. masonry mortar;

Important. In old buildings, it is necessary to further strengthen the foundation.
Since additional loads on the walls can lead to deformation of walls and openings.


It’s easy to build a simple arch yourself, but more complex ones architectural forms It is better to entrust it to professionals. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Making an arch out of brick is not an easy task even for an experienced one. home handyman. This action requires certain skills and knowledge. And if skills need to be acquired in practice, then knowledge can be obtained by reading the recommendations and instructions on how to make a brick arch. For clarity, we provide photo and video materials.


A brick arch with your own hands can be created in a variety of shapes, taking into account the necessary architectural style. Types of openings, taking into account the masonry:

  • classic – the height of the semicircle is half the width of the opening;
  • bow - a trimmed cone, characteristic of the oriental style;

  • wedge-shaped - in the form of a wedge, secured at the top with a locking element, which is characteristic of the Gothic style;
  • modern - an arc like a truncated cone;
  • romanticism – rectangular shape with slightly rounded corners;
  • ellipse – used in postmodern or new wave;
  • the portal is rectangular in shape.

This or that brickwork of arches is characterized by features that need to be taken into account, especially harmony with a certain style.


In general, the procedure is different for all types of arches, but the main stages of this event can be identified:

  • creating a project;
  • building a template element;
  • its installation;

  • masonry;
  • removing the template;
  • finishing.

It is worth noting that the template element can be made either from wooden blocks or from chipboard. Dimensions are determined in advance. And the attractiveness of the brickwork depends on the quality of the template.

What is needed?

To lay an arch out of brick, you will need a formwork template, which is made from boards and two racks for support.

The laying is done without gaps using wedge bricks. The thickness of the joints is allowed up to 1 cm. When using cement-sand mortar, the template can be removed only after two weeks.

If there is no wedge brick, you can remake a rectangular one. For a stove arch this parameter should be small. In addition, it is not recommended to use the solution for such a case, otherwise destruction is likely.

Create a template

The template is quite difficult to create. We can say that this stage of construction is the most difficult. After all, the result will be responsible for the form, and at the same time play a role load-bearing structure. The template is created from a semicircle of chipboard and a piece of board. They should be nailed together, and then the hardboard is fixed.

Installation of support pillars

Side supports are made from boards for installation with inside columns. A template is installed at the end of these elements. Next we are engaged in marking, determining the location of each brick.


Making masonry with your own hands is easy if you follow certain recommendations. The bricks are laid from the edges to the middle. They should be placed according to the marks on the template. You can control the quality of the arch when there are three bricks left for laying.

The solution should be applied in a wedge shape. To maintain the symmetry of the second row, a cord is used.

It is worth cleaning the solution after it has set. To do this, use a damp brush.

Design features for the garage

You can give a sufficient number of photos of brick arches that are used in garages. To ensure its durability, it is recommended to take into account several features.

For example, many strive to make the arc minimal, but this only reduces the reliability of the design. It is also recommended to compare the strength of the template and the weight of the arch.

The posts must fit tightly so that the arch does not sag. Before starting the process, you should determine the required amount of bricks. If the arch is large, thick seams should be avoided. The thickness of the bottom seam should be 3-6 mm. Laying is done from the edges to the center. We lay the central brick last.

If the arch is made for a garage, the distance in the opening will be greater. To increase the strength of the wall above the arch, it is worth laying reinforcement.

Design features for stoves and fireplaces

In this case, the bricks are fitted tightly so that they touch at the bottom. When the masonry is dry, the template may be difficult to remove. Then there is an alternative - to burn it during the combustion process.

Cleaning from solution

Since when laying with your own hands, the solution cannot always be perfectly distributed, it can end up on the front part. Then you will have to clean it with a dry cloth. If there is not enough mortar in the seam, it must be filled from the bottom up.

Causes of destruction

There are special circumstances that may cause the arch to burst:

  • Small radius with large width. Due to the uneven distribution of significant loads, cracks and destruction may appear;

  • If metal bases or corners are used as a template. Despite the desire to use them to strengthen the structure, the result may be the opposite. After all, a metal base, unlike a wooden template, does not allow the arch to shrink. This may cause cracks to appear.
  • The template was not retrieved in time. While the template is in the structure, it absorbs moisture, the wood swells, as a result of which the masonry cannot withstand stress. Therefore, if you cannot immediately pull out the template, you should cover the arch with polyethylene.
  • The cause of destruction may be subsidence of the foundation, in which case it will need to be strengthened.

Having prevented possible causes, we build a reliable structure

It will take several hours to create a brick arch with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in the procedure, it is only important to follow the technologies and recommendations, then the result will be successful. top level– finishing the arch with brick will not only look beautiful, but also serve for many years.

An arch is a curved lintel that serves architectural element wall opening or span between supports. Lateral spread vaulted design ensures its strength. Brick arches differ in types:

  • arched arches - bricks are laid in them along a guide in the form of a truncated arc;
  • wedge arches - bricks are laid in a wedge with a locking “lock” device;
  • full arches - brickwork is done in a semicircle and has a height of 1/2 the width of the opening.

Despite various ways piece stone masonry, sequence and general principle The work involved in the manufacture of such arches is not particularly different. If you have experience in construction, any of them can be laid out with your own hands.

Materials for masonry

When installing arches, trapezoidal wedge bricks are used. The shape of such materials allows the arch structure to be securely fixed. Wedge bricks can be bought in the store building materials or make it yourself by machining ordinary products until they are given the desired shape.

As binder material used for masonry arches cement-sand mortar or its special types. For example, to decorate stoves or fireplaces with your own hands, the solution is prepared from clay with the addition of fine gravel with a fraction of less than 8 mm and fireclay sand.

Cladding of lined arches is often done using decorative stone. This finishing material comfortable, fits perfectly into the interior of almost any room, giving it solidity.

Making a brick arch

The technology for making a brick arch with your own hands is influenced by the choice of its type and design features. The vault installation process consists of several stages:

  • calculation and production of an arched template;
  • installing a template in the opening or between support pillars;
  • brickwork of the vault;
  • crimping and securing the finished structure;
  • template disassembly;
  • arch finishing.

Each of these stages of construction requires careful execution. Therefore, let's look at them in more detail.

Making an arched template

The laying of a brick arch is carried out using a special template that follows the contour of the future opening. In addition to form-building, the arched template performs a load-bearing function during the main work. Therefore, it is important to accurately calculate and manufacture this auxiliary element with your own hands. When calculating it, it must be taken into account that the height of the arch must correspond to its rounding radius and be equal to 1/2 the width of the opening.

The material for making the template is boards and sheets of particleboard (chipboard). On a sheet of chipboard, use a pencil to mark the center of the arch structure, its lower and upper points. Then they need to be connected with an arc until a truncated semicircle is obtained. According to the markings made, two circles are cut out, the bases of which are nailed along the long ends of the board. The length of the board section should correspond to the width of the opening, and its transverse size should correspond to the thickness of the future arch. Starting from the base of the structure, a 6mm strip of hardboard is nailed to the arc-shaped part of the circle, on which the brickwork will be made. The template is ready.

Installing a template

Installation of a self-made template is carried out using side supports. They are made of boards and installed on the inside of the opening, then they are spaced apart with beams of the required length or other boards. Then a template is installed on the upper end of the supports.

For correct placement You need to mark the masonry stone on it. To do this, a brick is installed in the middle of the template. Then the compass is moved apart to a width equal to the thickness of the brick plus 0.5 cm of the thickness of the masonry seam. From the laid brick, fixed distances are laid along the edge of the template with marks applied. This needs to be done on both sides of the template.

Execution of arch masonry

Arched masonry is carried out evenly on both sides of the template, moving gradually towards its middle. The position of each laid stone must correspond to its mark. Applying the mortar to the brick bed should be wedge-shaped - this will improve the fixation of the materials. Masonry joints should not expand by more than 25mm. After completion of the main work, the castle brick is installed vertically in the middle of the arch. It is hammered tightly and fixes the entire structure.

Correctness of masonry and direction radial seams are checked by markings and a cord, the end of which is tied to a nail driven into the center of the supporting part of the template.

The formwork can be removed after 2-3 weeks; this period is affected by air temperature and the quality of the masonry mortar. To remove the template, you need to remove the spacers and support boards, and then carefully lower it down.

Arch finishing

An impressive result can be obtained by finishing a brick arch with your own hands using decorative stone. For this process, its narrow plates are used - this makes it easier to mount them on arched curves. The order of further actions is as follows:

  1. The surface of the arch is cleaned along with part of the adjacent walls and treated with a primer. For smooth surfaces, notches are made on them.
  2. A solution consisting of glue, sand and lime is prepared. Its composition may vary depending on the type of decorative stone.
  3. Usually, in addition to the arch, the adjacent parts of the walls are covered. The first row of stone is laid from below at the joints of the arch and the wall.
  4. Laying the next row of stone also starts from the bottom, but the outermost stone should protrude slightly beyond the joint. All other stones are laid overlapping.
  5. The finishing elements of the rounded edges of the arch are pre-cut along the arc using a construction knife and pliers.
  6. The inner part of the arch is lined with elements of decorative stone, also by laying them overlapping.
  7. After finishing, the resulting seams are sealed with a special solution, which is applied with a spatula.

Brick arches can be made by hand in different styles, but laying any of them will give your home original look and a great atmosphere.

The construction of the house is completed and the last stage before finishing The only thing left to do is install the roof. Most often used for small private houses and garages pitched roof, since this particular type of roofing is considered the simplest and most practical.

When installing such a structure, free space remains, which is often used as an attic or attic. Monolithic pitched roof has a slope in one direction. Polycarbonate materials are most often used for roofing because they have many advantages. Let's consider monolithic polycarbonate- the most common and universal look roofs.

Advantages of monolithic polycarbonate

Monolithic - solid, without voids, without honeycombs and porous structure, polycarbonate is often compared with silicate glass. Using this material you get:

  • Resistant to temperature changes. Withstands a range from -40 to +100 degrees. This allows the use of polycarbonate in regions with large temperature fluctuations.
  • Resistance to various damages. Scratches, chips and cracks will not appear on the surface from a fallen branch or stone.
  • Ease. The sheets are lightweight, which greatly facilitates installation.
  • Color scheme. A wide range of shades allows you to choose monolithic polycarbonate for roof For a house built in any style, you can choose the roof to match the color of the walls or any other decor in the yard.
  • Pass sunlight. Translucent sheets allow light to pass through perfectly; in addition to roofing a house, they can be used for canopies, balconies, terraces or gazebos. It is not uncommon to see a swimming pool covered with polycarbonate.
  • Resistant to rust and moisture. Corrosion and deformation from water ingress will not harm the roof.
  • Long term of use. You can do without replacement for 20 years.

The only disadvantage of the coating is its instability to UV rays. Protective film, which covers each sheet of material. Should be removed only after all work has been completed. Also, consider the possibility of expansion of the material during prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

When installing, use specially designed self-tapping screws, and the diameter of the hole for them should be slightly larger than the self-tapping screw. If this is overlooked, the material can become severely deformed over time.

Roof installation. Stages

  • Drawing

If you decide to install a polycarbonate roof yourself, prepare an accurate drawing. You can develop it yourself, or turn to professionals. Based on the drawing, you can begin purchasing materials.

  • Frame

For the frame, steel or wooden elements (rafter system from beams). We choose the level of inclination: usually from 18-20 to 30-35 degrees. It is better to place the lower part of the roof on the leeward side; the angle of inclination is determined based on precipitation in the region: the more precipitation, the higher the angle.

Prepare necessary tools. We need:

  1. Hammer
  2. Axe
  3. Pencil
  4. Roulette
  5. Fine-tooth hacksaw
  6. Staples and stapler
  7. Knife (sharp)

The beams need to be installed at a distance of about 70 m. From each other, always on the base (seismic belt or Mauerlat). The joint between the polycarbonate sheets should be exactly in the middle of the rafters. Calculate the number of rafters according to the number of beams. In the end you should succeed right triangle, one side of which is a beam, the other is a vertical rafter. Then install the inclined beams. They must be secured to the concrete belt using anchors. If you use a Mauerlat as a base, use nails (100) as fasteners.

  • Roofing

We fasten the mounting connecting and end profiles. After that, using rivets, we fix the limiters. At 20 mm. we retreat from the edge of the profiles. Carbonate sheets must be fixed in a pointwise manner, at a distance of about 30 cm, or with special profiles. If you need to cut polycarbonate, it is better to use electric jigsaw. If vibration occurs during cutting, the sheet may crack. Watch your cutting speed. At high temperatures, the material will begin to melt; at low temperatures, chips may appear.

  • Finishing work

After installing the sheets, it is necessary to cover the resulting seams with special mastic. After this, install the plugs and secure the profile covers.

  • Material care

To make the coating last a long time, remember a few simple rules in handling it. Do not light an open fire near or under the roof (if it is a gazebo), as this may cause the sheets to melt. Do not clear snow with metal shovels. Do not use for washing aromatics, they can damage the surface structure. Avoid abrasive products. They may cause scratches.

Overall, polycarbonate is a simple material that, with proper care, will last you for many years. Its practicality has been proven, its advantages are obvious, which means it best option for installing a roof in a private house, garage or small gazebo.

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