Order in the country: ways to store garden tools and other things (26 photos). Storage of garden tools: devices that make life and work easier for gardeners Stand for gardening tools by hand

Searching for anything is always a waste of time. A mess in a barn, in a pantry, or, as you know, causes a lot of inconvenience - everyone who has at least once truly stepped on their own favorite rake knows about this. We suggest starting general cleaning and putting things in perfect order with a rack for garden tools, which you can easily make with your own hands.

And just now, when the dacha season is already over, it’s probably time to start building such garden tool storage rack. If we were talking about storing a rake, a shovel and a pair of scissors, there would be no need to worry about clutter. All problems would be solved by hanging a couple of hooks on the wall. But gardening tools, fortunately, are not limited to just these items. Fortunately - because the large variety of special garden tools turns most garden work into pleasure. That is why we often cannot resist buying one or another expensive, but so necessary tool.

As a rule, these tools are used quite rarely and, as a result, often “disappear” somewhere. And at the most inopportune moment - exactly when they are so needed. Now, if each of them had their own, strictly designated place...

We bring to your attention several different hangers, holders and racks for storing garden tools.

Or just a rack for storing all garden tools and tools. Some of them are designed to store tools with different types of handles, others were invented to store a strictly specific tool. All holders for such a rack can be easily made from planks and scraps of boards. A solid board hanger can be mounted horizontally along the wall. The width of the board should not exceed 15 cm, so as not to visually clutter the room.

Surely in a box with scraps you can find a board 10 cm wide. Let's make a hanger for tools from it. Using a hacksaw, make U-shaped cuts with a diameter of 35 mm in it. A practical distance between the cutouts is 15 cm. A third of the width of the board is left empty in order to glue the overlay strip underneath it. This strip is screwed directly to the wall.

There are many ways to prevent tools from falling out. To the left and right of the grooves, you can screw in screws and tighten the rubber strip (left), attach a hook (center), or attach a rotating bar between the grooves (right). In a horizontal position it secures the tools, and in a vertical position it releases them.

Wood can withstand anything

Everything ingenious is simple! Wooden pegs are a great solution for our hanger. They can be used to store a shovel with a T-shaped handle, an electrical extension cord and garden shears for trimming branches. The diameter of the pegs is 15 mm. It is better to slightly round their edges with sandpaper.

The base is a support for tools with long shafts - shovels, forks, rakes, etc.

Mount for secateurs and scissors

This holder fits tools with a wide base. The board is secured with two screws. The width of the board and the distance to the wall are determined based on the size of the equipment. The mount for the pruning shears is made in a similar way. In this case, the board to be attached is wider and is secured with four screws, which guarantees that the scissors are held firmly.

A rail with hooks is always useful

It is convenient to hang small items, as well as tools with handles, on hooks. The railing for this purpose is made from the handle of a shovel and two wooden blocks. The edges of the pads need to be beveled and sanded. Then one blind hole of the appropriate diameter is drilled from the inside, the handle is glued in and the rail is screwed into place.

Ax in a case

The third option for making a tool holder from scrap boards is a place for an ax. The intermediate board has a triangular shape to securely secure the ax.

Each handle has a pipe

Thoughtful holders free up space and create order. This holder consists of boards and pipes.

Holes for pipes (40 mm) are cut at a distance of 25 cm from each other using a hacksaw, and recesses in the main board are made with a Forstner drill. The planks located below are glued, and the boards are screwed to the wall - first the bottom, then the top.

Everything is at your fingertips on your desktop

A couple of boards are enough for your desktop to have shelves. If the wood is impregnated with a protective compound, the table can remain outside throughout the year.

It only takes half a day to make. True, for successful work you simply need an assistant.

First, the boards are screwed onto opposite sides of the table, after which it will stand stable. Then install the remaining four boards to form a right angle. Holes for tools are cut in advance. For equipment with long handles, it is necessary to provide individual, more spacious places. Think about their location in advance.

If you don’t have time or find it difficult to make a rack for storing tools, then, of course, you can always buy ready-made mounts for tools, of which there are quite a few in gardening and construction stores. Here are some examples.

Often people simply store things in the garage, in some room, in a shed. You can find everything there: garden tools, old furniture, spare parts. If you leave it like this, you will need to spend a lot of time each time to find the right thing. Therefore, summer residents have come up with special storage methods that make life easier. This article talks about storing shovels and rakes in the country.

Wall mounting system

This is one of the best options for storing tools, as it allows you to place a large number of tools in a small area. It is distinguished by its simplicity, low cost, and great versatility. The wall-mounted device can be attached to the shed for shovels and rakes. The system consists of a net (sold on the regular market) and hooks on which equipment is hung. You can also make wooden holders and attach them to the wall.

Wall mount for tools

Garden tool toilet

Since the room is high, it is well suited for rakes, shovels, and hoes. You can also nail hooks to the toilet door, hang shelves on the wall, and put tool boxes. Household blocks are often used for these purposes.

If there are a lot of garden tools, then it is better to use the traditional method - storing shovels and rakes in a shed, where you can build storage cabinets, put baskets for small items or special metal structures for heavier things.

How to store gardening tools

Storage lockers

If the option with a garden toilet is not suitable, then you can make the cabinets yourself. The advantage of this option is that you can choose the number of shelves, their height, the presence or absence of hooks.

You can also make a cabinet on wheels, which will allow you to change its location without much difficulty. Everything you need to create a cabinet is purchased in specialized stores.

A rack for shovels, forks, rakes, cuttings is another storage option. The sequence of its manufacture:

  1. Nail the crossbars to two boards: one on top, the other on the bottom (the boards should be in the center of the crossbars).
  2. Make a bottom box to stabilize the tools in the cells.
  3. Nail supports from the ends to the frame and boards.

This stand for shovels and rakes takes up little space.

Tool cabinet

Baskets for small items

You can use drawers that are made from a single piece of metal. Nothing will fall out of such boxes, and if you add an inscription, it will be easy to find the necessary equipment. Mesh baskets are used for rags and gloves. Storage for small items can be a container for something (for example, a coffee can).

Advice! Tools and containers must be washed, cleaned and disinfected.

Durable metal structures

Heavy tools are stored on metal shelves, so it is best to use welding to secure them.

The sequence of creating a metal structure:

  1. Make drawings.
  2. Take care of the frame elements - ordinary corners.
  3. Cut out the frame elements using a grinder and then weld them. Don’t forget to check the right angles between the fasteners and posts.
  4. Make shelves from perforated or rolled steel (thickness - 1-5 mm).
  5. At the end of the work, clean the rack from rust and paint it.

It is better to place such a structure next to a solid wall, which would serve as a support and carry part of the load. Often, a metal structure is combined with wooden materials to make it lighter.

To prevent outdoor furniture from taking up much space, it is attached to the wall using brackets.

Note! Metal products do not rot or ignite, are most protected from chemicals, and humidity and temperature do not affect them.

Preparing a garage for a lawn mower and walk-behind tractor

The room should be at room temperature (approximately +22 °C), humidity - no more than 70%. The device must be positioned so that the wheels do not touch the floor. The equipment must be stored in the working position, i.e. horizontally, otherwise the air filter may be flooded or an oil leak may occur.

It will be good if you cover the lawn mower (walk-behind tractor) with a cover made of soft fabric. There should be no cleaning chemicals nearby, as their aggressive compositions can cause severe damage to parts. Old rakes and shovels need to be removed so that they do not fall on the walk-behind tractor.

Advice! A garage for a lawnmower can be made from a doghouse.

How to store shovels at the dacha

Tips for storing shovels and other similar gardening tools in winter:

  1. Clean off dirt.
  2. Dry in the sun.
  3. Sharpen the shovels and then place them in a bucket of sand.
  4. Lubricate cutting tools with oil.

There are quite a few options for storing country tools. It is not necessary to call a specialist; you can do everything yourself. If you try, these structures will last a long time. Tips on how to properly store shovels and rakes will help save time and money and preserve the appearance of your tools.

It is impossible to do without gardening tools in a gardening farm. It will be needed to cultivate and loosen the soil, care for plants, and harvest crops. Proper care and storage of garden tools in compliance with certain rules is a guarantee that the devices will serve you for a long time and will not become unusable in the winter.

Meanwhile, very few people devote time and effort to special care of equipment. In the best case, after work it is put away in a barn or under a shed. And sometimes they are simply abandoned in the garden beds. Obviously, it will last at the dacha for a maximum season.

Remember the main thing - every time after work, the equipment must be thoroughly cleaned. First remove visible dirt, clay, grass, dust, etc. Then you can go over the work surface with a stiff brush or metal scraper.

After this, pitchforks, rakes, shovels, hoes are filled with water until the cutting begins, left for 20-30 minutes and washed with a washcloth or hard sponge. If there are heavily soiled areas or stubborn stains, add finely ground laundry soap or dishwashing liquid to the water. After wiping with a clean rag, everything is left to dry outside for 2-3 hours.

Before storing items in a specially designated area, a dull metal edge is sharpened if necessary, and a thin layer of lubricant is applied to the cutting edges to prevent the development of rust. The excess is washed off.

Before putting away complex equipment such as pruning shears, they disassemble and lubricate each part separately. Store assembled.

Wooden cuttings also require care. Especially often they become loose at the place where the metal part is attached due to heavy loads. Minor loosening can be eliminated by lowering the handle into a deep container of water or placing the object flat in the water. If this does not help, strengthen the structure with a small wedge, change the nails, and wrap the handle with a rag.

Before winter, to prevent the shaft from drying out, additional cleaning, sanding and varnishing are recommended. Varnish can be replaced with any vegetable oil. In addition, this procedure will allow you to avoid splinters in the future.

All tools such as scissors, saws, secateurs, hacksaws are stored in special cases, securely closing the cutting edge. You can make your own covers from any thick fabric, old winter clothes or soft rubber. As a last resort, wrap them in several sheets of newspaper.

The best place to store gardening tools at the dacha is a shed. You can build a small utility room with your own hands. If only it was dry and dark there. Ventilation is also desirable.

Place the largest items that are constantly needed at the entrance. Otherwise, it will be very inconvenient to take them out every time. Do not place shovels, rakes, pitchforks, hoes and other equipment directly on the floor - hang them on special holders with the handle down. In this position, they will not become damp from condensation, which accumulates mainly at the bottom.

Holders can be purchased at any hardware store or made with your own hands from ordinary wooden blocks, nailing them to the wall at a slight angle. Another option is to cut holes of the appropriate diameter in a strip of plywood. A few thick nails driven into the wall at a distance sufficient to hold the handle will also work.

Attach the same holders, tin cans or small pieces of plastic pipe to the edges of regular shelves or racks in the barn. Or nail a block with drilled holes of a suitable diameter. Then the inventory can be stored horizontally.

For those who have little space in the shed, you can build a hanging shelf under the ceiling for small tools that are not used daily. Pay special attention to the fastenings.

There is no need to mix all items into one pile. Store gardening equipment separately from tools, spare parts for cars and equipment such as chainsaws, electric jigsaws, sanders, and so on. Select a place to store such electrical appliances based on what is indicated in the operating instructions.

If there is no shed or other utility room at the dacha, a garage is also suitable for storing tools in winter. It is advisable that it be dry and equipped with ventilation. If there are windows, choose a place where it will not be exposed to sunlight.

Take care that the equipment does not damage the vehicle. Don't place it too high - it will cause more damage if it falls. Move it away from the vehicle as far as possible - at least a meter.

For those who do not want to spoil the appearance of their dacha or plot of land with an unpresentable shed, there are interesting ideas on the topic of “storing garden tools.” You can implement most of them yourself with minimal construction skills.

If you have a high porch leading to your house or deck, the space underneath is almost certainly wasted. A height of at least 50 cm from the ground means that you have solved the storage problem. The wider the porch, the wider your options. Each step can be turned into a kind of box. Cut out a small door on the side, slightly refine the interior space, and the tool storage is ready. Some folk craftsmen manage to place in such a place not only equipment, but also a bicycle, and even a boat. By the way, this design will give the porch additional strength.

There is almost certainly at least one bench on the site. You can place a tool box underneath. The advantages are obvious - firstly, you no longer need to mow the grass under the bench (which is quite inconvenient), and secondly, you benefit in overall aesthetics. This bench looks more like a stylish sofa.

Special multifunctional box. First, think about how much inventory you need to store and based on this, estimate the size of the box. If you make drawers or side-opening doors, the upper plane remains unused. Turn it into an outdoor dining table or ping pong table. You can plant seedlings on it, prepare fertilizing, trim flowers, and so on, so as not to drag dirt into the house. In addition, you don’t have to constantly run from the garden to the house and back. Place a mattress on top to create a comfortable lounger.

Those who have special trellises entwined with creeping roses, wild grapes, and other climbing plants can be recommended to attach some hooks to the back side. Buy them at any hardware store or make them yourself from thick wire. Dense greenery will hide the inventory from prying eyes. This method is especially suitable where it is dry and hot in summer.

Your brownie.

Each owner of his summer cottage has many different tools and household supplies that are difficult to keep in order. The article contains interesting ideas for organizing and storing garden tools in a shed, allowing you to create the most convenient access to the necessary things at minimal cost.

Source dizbook.com

Getting the room in order

In every outbuilding you can find many items and little things that you cannot do without in your dacha. However, in order to find the necessary tool or screw, sometimes you have to spend a tremendous amount of time searching. To ensure easy access to the necessary things, you should start putting things in order in the room.

The ideal option is to start not just with putting things in order, but to choose the right ideas for organizing the space, take all the things out of the shed, arrange storage areas and only then sort everything into places.

A selection of useful ideas

Proper storage of garden tools and other tools and things in the shed will not only give them easy access, but will also extend their service life.

Racks and shelves

It is shed racks that play a very important role in organizing inventory. With proper placement of shelves, you can store many important things on them. For example, on the upper tiers you can place items that are rarely used, and on the middle and lower ones - essential items.

To make shelves, you can use scrap materials that were left over after construction, or order structures of the required sizes separately. These can be racks welded from metal or wooden shelves.

Source uk.aviarydecor.com

Space for shovels and rakes

To care for a vegetable garden, you need equipment that needs to be stored in a dry room. Therefore, a device for rakes and shovels in the shed is simply necessary.

If you have plastic pipes at home, then the issue of a high inventory organizer is resolved in a matter of minutes. A wooden plank is attached to the wall of the shed with a screwdriver. The length depends on the number of garden utensils. Next, we cut the pipe into cylinders 30 cm high and attach them to the bar. A shovel or rake holder is inserted into the cylinder and the equipment is in place.

Source in.pinterest.com

Country wardrobe, storage in a barn

Every summer resident knows how dirty and dusty things become after work. And to preserve your everyday wardrobe, the surest way is to store things in a barn at the dacha.

To do this, you can attach hooks to the door or wall or select a space and place a separate cabinet there.

An ordinary wooden pallet will also help in creating order in the barn. It can be fixed on the wall and various hooks and shelves for things can be attached.

Rake hanger

Decluttering your shed can reveal many old and forgotten gardening tools. There is no need to rush to say goodbye to them. For example, an old rake can be useful for storing small gardening supplies. This will be a great organizer for storing pliers, garden shears and gloves.

Source spatiulconstruit.ro

Small Item Storage

There are always many small items in the shed that are rarely used, but take up invaluable space. In this case, you can use plastic containers and hang them on ceiling rails. But this method is possible if the barn has high ceilings.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer construction services for small architectural forms. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Organizer for nails, screws and nuts

Various hardware always necessary in every household. However, their small size always causes storage difficulties. Therefore, you can purchase small plastic containers with a screw-on lid at a hardware store. Screw the lids to the rack, and then screw the filled jars. This is a great way to keep everything at hand while taking up minimal space.

Or you can use plastic bottles, cut them and attach them to the countertop.

Source co.pinterest.com
On a note! Hardware (acronym for " meth allic from deliya") is a generalized name for a wide range of metal products, including various types of fasteners: self-tapping screws, nails, screws, bolts, screws, dowels, anchors, studs, nuts; washers, rivets; lanyards, thimbles, etc.

Working surface

Any utility room needs a surface where you can transplant flowers or arrange something. To do this, you can build a table according to your individual size and using available materials.

Stack the pallets one on top of the other, covering them with a sheet of chipboard on top. Afterwards it can be decorated with various colors. In addition, the space between the trays will also serve as an excellent way to store small items and tools.

Source makemone.ru
On our website you can get acquainted with the most . In the filters you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

Organizer for small tools

An old shoe organizer is perfect for this. You just need to attach it to the wall and store all the necessary things. These could be gloves, garden shears, pruning shears, or your favorite vegetable seeds.

Source pinterest.com

Correct zoning

To prevent the order in speed from being reversed, during cleaning you should divide the space into several zones. For example, an area for storing carpentry equipment, electrical tools, household equipment, items for recreation and entertainment.

This method will help you easily get to what you need without disturbing the order.

Source sohu.com

Video description

From the video you can learn how to store garden tools compactly and conveniently


Using these simple tips, every owner will be able to create ideal order in his barn, where every little thing will lie in its place and serve for a long time.

Over the years, every gardener accumulates a whole arsenal of all kinds of tools. And the question inevitably arises - how to store garden tools? And there are a lot of them - bayonet and shovel shovels, rakes, hoes, scythes, pitchforks, flat cutters... And all this is often more than one copy. And there are also plenty of small tools, such as pruners, all kinds of rippers, and spatulas.

We would like to offer to your attention a few ideas on how to organize the storage of all this inventory. The pictures clearly show how the storage devices are arranged, so there is no need for detailed explanations.

Conventionally, the approach to storing garden tools can be divided into two types - vertically or horizontally. But here everyone chooses according to their own taste.

Devices for storing garden tools horizontally

So, let's start with options for storing tools horizontally. The main structure resembles a Swedish wall.

Vertical bars with supports are attached to the wall, on which the tool is placed. The convenience of this design is obvious - everything is in sight, access to any equipment is very easy. The downside is that in the end the entire wall is occupied, that is, quite a large area is used for storage.

As a horizontal option storage of garden tools You can also offer this option (photo below).

Storage under the ceiling is convenient and saves useful space.

Storing garden tools vertically

The device for vertical placement of garden tools looks somewhat simpler. You can also use a wall.

There are many mounting options. From simple hanging to using tubes. The pros and cons here are the same as on the Swedish wall above. Everything is in sight, good access, but it takes up a lot of wall space.

The option of storing garden tools in a special device that resembles a box, divided from the inside into sections, looks more economical in terms of space occupied.

The design can be different, it can be clearly seen in the photographs below.

One of the disadvantages of this design is difficult access to the tools located in the center. You will have to pull it out from many neighboring ones, which may not always be convenient and can be fraught with injury.

Storage of small garden tools

So far we have been talking about organizing the storage of large garden tools, such as shovels, forks, rakes, etc.

But there are also small spades, pruning shears and other “trifles”. You can make small shelves and holders for them (photo below).

For longer storage, it is recommended to use a container filled with sand with a small addition of vegetable oil. It is better not to use machine oil, since there is a risk of introducing it into the soil, and we do not want this. It is better to use linseed oil. Did you like the article?