Pig from a 5 liter bottle. Pig from a plastic bottle: step-by-step instructions with video

We bring to your attention an article in which we will tell you. Everyone has several in their home. plastic bottles. Most of them are simply thrown away or used for household needs. But few people know that they can be used in a more unusual way. Products made from plastic bottles will be an excellent addition to garden decoration or will entertain children on the playground. The following is one of the options for making a pig from a plastic bottle. Its production does not take large quantity time, and the result will look very unusual and beautiful. You can decorate your lawn with it, and then you will get a unique flowerbed for vegetation.

What you need to create piglets from plastic bottles

To do this you need to prepare:

  1. Plastic bottle with a volume of 5-6 liters
  2. A plastic bottle with a volume of one liter or one and a half, if you don’t have one, then maybe two liters.
  3. 4 plastic boxes or 500 ml plastic bottles
  4. Black marker
  5. Scissors
  6. Paper knife
  7. Glue "Moment"

Step by step execution:

  1. We take a 6 liter bottle and remove the stickers and everything else from it. Take a marker and mark the hole for the flower bed. An CD marker is perfect for this. We cut it out using regular scissors, but it is important to first make a cut with a paper knife to make the job easier. Preliminary preparation has been completed.
  2. Let's start cutting out the remaining parts. On the body of a two-liter bottle, draw an eye, then mark about a centimeter for fixation. Carefully cut out. Then we take and circle the ear so that the second one is the same size. Cut it out. Next we cut out the tail and cut the strip with scissors. To make the ponytail more natural, you need to twist it, take a regular hair elastic, roll it into a ring and secure it with an elastic band.
  3. To paint an animal, it is best to take paint for street work. Paint small parts separately, and paint the legs on the pig itself. Once everything is painted, wait a while until the parts dry.
  4. It is not necessary to make pig legs; you can use wooden supports for this. If paws are necessary, then mark their location in advance. Glue the paws using Moment glue and wait for them to dry completely. To make the legs, you can use the necks of half-liter bottles.
  5. As soon as the pig's legs are glued, you need to put it down and mark the places where the ears will be located. To do this, you need to attach them vertically and draw a line for the cut. Carefully make a slot and insert the eyelet into it. The plastic should hold the ear perfectly, so no additional fixation is needed. We also attach the tail to the back of the back in the same way.
  6. Next comes the most crucial moment - painting the parts. It’s good if you have a can or spray paint available. If you don't have one, use a simple brush. To begin with, it is better to paint the bottom of the leg, and only then move on to the top. At the same time, it is very convenient to hold the piglet by the nose, so there is no need to screw the snout in advance. Now all you have to do is wait for the product to dry. Ideally, if left undisturbed for about 8-10 hours.
  7. As soon as it passed set time, you can start decorating the pig. We secure the patch, and then use a marker to draw the nostrils. You can either draw eyes or glue pre-purchased ones; they can be purchased at any craft store. Draw the eyelashes and mouth and you're done. You can continue to decorate the products at your discretion. Add a bow to the ponytail or glue a few artificial flowers.
  8. Next, we turn the cool little animal into a functional item for garden plot. There is a pierce in the bottom of the pig a small amount of holes. It’s easier to do this if you heat a screwdriver or other metal object over a fire. Then we pour drainage, and on top part We are starting to plant vegetation. The piglet is ready for the garden.

For those who try and make a few more piglets from plastic bottles, the lawn will turn out to be very picturesque and funny. Products can be painted in different color shades, so they will become even more interesting. That's all it takes to making a pig from a plastic bottle. Read our website

Plastic bottles are an invention of civilization. The invention is convenient, but at the same time, these bottles accumulate a lot and quickly. Craftsmen We learned how to make different interesting things from them, useful and beautiful. For example, five- and six-liter bottles have won primacy as a material for garden decor. They create real masterpieces from them, they even build gazebos and utility rooms, as well as various animals that will decorate any area. This master class will tell you how to turn an unnecessary six-liter bottle into a cute pig.

In addition, our pig will not only be a decoration, but also a mini-flower bed or flower pot.

To make a pig you will need:

- five or six liter plastic bottle;
- liter, one and a half or two liter plastic bottle;
— 4 plastic boxes or half-liter plastic bottles;
— paint for street work;
- black marker;
- scissors;
- paper knife;
- “Moment” glue or any similar one.

So let's get started.
1. Take a six-liter bottle, remove the stickers and holder from it.

Now let's cut it out. Plastic cuts well with scissors, but first make a cut with a paper knife - this will simplify the work. Here is the preparation for the pig is ready.

2. The next stage is to cut out additional parts. On the body of two liter bottle draw the ear, then mark a centimeter somewhere to secure it.

Let's cut it out. Then we trace the finished ear on the bottle with a marker so that the second one turns out the same. Let's cut that out too.

The ears are ready. Cut out a strip - this will be the tail. To make it look twisted, roll it into a ring and secure it with an elastic band, and leave it for a while.

3. You can paint the ears, tail and snout separately, or on the product itself. Based on experience, it is better to paint small parts separately, but the legs - on the product. If your pig will “live” on the street, then it is better to use paint for street work. I used the enamel that was used to paint the swings on the playground. Small parts painted. We leave them to dry.

4. In principle, you don’t have to make legs for the pig, but put it on wooden supports in the flowerbed. If you decide to attach the pig’s hooves, then first mark the place where they will be located.

In this case, instead of legs, I used unnecessary jars of gouache paints. We glue them with Moment glue, press them down, and leave them to dry.

The legs can also be made from the necks of half-liter plastic bottles, simply cutting them off with a margin, and about a centimeter - cut into fringes so that they stick better. Tall plastic lids, like those from fabric softener or liquid laundry detergent, are also suitable.

5. When the legs are glued, put the pig on them and mark the places where the ears will be. To do this, place the ear vertically and draw a cut line.

We cut it carefully and insert the ear into the slot. The plastic will hold the workpiece tightly, so no additional fixation is required.

In the same way we attach the tail to the back of the pig.

6. One of the most important stages is painting. If you have a can or spray paint, use it. If not, the plastic can be painted well with a regular brush. It is better to paint the bottom and legs first, and then the top. It is very convenient to hold the pig by the nose, so it is better not to screw the snout in ahead of time. Now the pink pig is ready to go dry.

7. When our pig has dried, it’s time to start decorating. We screw the “patch” on, and then draw nostrils on it with a marker. You can also draw eyes, or you can glue ready-made ones, which are sold in any craft store. We finish drawing the eyelashes and mouth - our pig is ready.

Of course, at this stage you don’t have to stop the decor, but for example, attach a funny bow to the pig, draw rosy cheeks on her, and spots or flowers on her sides. Here you can give free rein to your imagination.

7. Now let's transform funny toy into a functional piece of garden decor. We pierce several holes in the bottom. It is very convenient to do this with a screwdriver heated over a fire or other hot metal object. Now we pour drainage on the bottom, earth on top - and plant the plants. The piggy flowerbed is ready.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

For now she will live on the balcony, and over time she will move to permanent residence in the country.

We hope that the master class will help you easily get such a cute resident on your property.

If you don't like the idea of ​​throwing away plastic drink bottles, then switch to glass ones or start making crafts from plastic bottles. Real craftsmen can see at first glance the “hidden potential” of candidates for the trash bin. These containers will make excellent piglets from plastic bottles, and from fragments of plates - a wall mosaic panel. As you can see, there are so many ideas that you must first set yourself a movement vector, and then look for everything possible materials on a topic of interest. So if you liked the idea of ​​cute pink or striped pigs guarding carrots or roses in the yard, then take note of the tutorial below.

Plastic pigs are very popular crafts that can be found on local area, and in kindergartens, and even in dachas. They are able to amuse the owners both in the flower beds in the front garden and in the vegetable garden. Initially, they were created as funny pots for indoor plants on the balcony. The main thing you need to create such a craft from a plastic bottle is creative inspiration. Well, and also scissors, a container and paint.

The required size of the water container depends on which option you choose, vegetable oil, beer, liquid soap, dishwashing detergent, etc. The more bottles you choose, the more significant the craft will be. Particularly large exhibits will be able to claim the title garden sculptures. It makes sense to use containers of 6 liters or more: too small piglets will simply get lost in the tall summer grass, despite the bright pink tint of the “skin”. All selected bottles must be washed and removed from labels, and degreased before painting so that the paint adheres better. By the way, it is best to choose acrylic paint for painting plastic, otherwise the pig will quickly peel off and take on a lichen-like appearance.

There is one more point that novice lovers of crafts made from plastic bottles often forget about. For the safety of you, children and animals, before final assembly of the structure, melt the edges of all cut out parts. Plastic changes shape well when heated; this can also be used to create curved contours of ears, tails, etc. For more accurate work, you need to use a candle flame.

Master class for beginner needlewomen: piglets made from plastic bottles with legs

First, let's make a list of everything that might be needed in the process of working on such a craft:

  • plastic bottles (1 large from 6 liters for the body and 4 small ones for legs, 0.5 liters each);
  • black buttons (2 large for forming the eyes and 2 small for the nose);
  • scissors / stationery knife;
  • acrylic paint (can/spray can)
  • glue for PVC.

If you don't want to put your pig on plastic legs, then replace them with wooden pegs or even lay her to rest on soft ground.

Work order:

1. Depending on whether the pig will be purely decorative or will serve as a pot for a plant, there will be a hole on its back or not. It can be 15x20 in size or occupy half the side surface of the container - it all depends on your design vision.

2. To glue the legs evenly, first mark their location with a marker from the inside of the bottle. Then cut off the top third of the small containers and glue the cut side to the piglet's body.

3. From the remaining upper thirds of the small bottles, you need to cut out triangular ears with a small protrusion at the bottom for attaching to the “head” of the product. Narrow slits are also made in a large container into which the ears will then be inserted.

4. Needs to be painted acrylic paint the body and ears of your favorite pink color twice to get an opaque craft without unpainted stains.

5. You need to insert two piglet ears into the slits, bend the fastener and additionally glue it in the main part. The same PVC glue will help to glue a nice tail, cut from an extra piece and curled with a hot nail. If the tail does not work, you can replace it with garden wire in white PVC insulation. All this must be done after the paint on the can has dried.

6. Now only the finishing touches remain: you need to glue the buttons to create the eyes and holes for the nose. If there is no glue, then all parts can be secured by tightening the parts with wire through small holes. You can simply paint your eyes with black paint, adding flirty eyelashes to them. If desired, fashionable piglets can be decorated with artificial flowers, bows, or have ornaments painted on them.

If you decide to practice on a small bottle, and the option turned out to be very successful, then such a baby can be used as a flowerpot on the veranda or front garden. To avoid excess moisture, it is necessary to fill a quarter of the height of this pot with expanded clay, which will absorb excess moisture. And then - the earth and the plant. Although the composition will also look interesting - a sow surrounded by piglets, and they should be real dandies: with glasses, earrings, bows, hairstyles on their heads, etc.

Master class for advanced needlewomen

If you know how to work with clay, then this option will help you create a very interesting specimen that you wouldn’t be ashamed to put in your kitchen. Choose a bottle (up to 2 liters) whose neck and cap size will allow you to make a cute face. Do not pay attention to the length, in any case, piglets are not dachshunds, and any water containers must be shortened. To do this, you need to mark the location of the cut, stick a ring of tape on top and cut along the middle with scissors. From the remaining part you need to cut off the bottom so that it can be placed on the top of the bottle. After this, the entire bottle is wrapped in clay. Ears and legs are formed from it. To securely hold the clay parts together, just a few drops of water are enough. After the clay has dried, you need to paint the pig and draw eyes, nostrils, and mouth.

Cute piglets made from plastic bottles will look good anywhere: from the veranda, alpine slide and to the kitchen window sill or balcony. They are simply created to improve your mood and be bright accent surrounding space.

Many people throw away empty plastic bottles, considering them trash. But don’t rush, because they can be found in more worthy uses. Products made from plastic bottles attract with their unusualness and originality.

If you have a garden or land plot, you will definitely like it plastic piglets, which will become the highlight of landscape design.

Their production does not require special skills or expensive materials; you only need patience and a sufficient number of bottles.

Read also:

So, how to make a pig out of a plastic bottle?

Step-by-step production of a piglet

Plastic pigs are very popular as they look very realistic and immediately attract attention.

You will need five-liter plastic bottle, which usually sells water. A bottle with a hole made, which will have the shape of an oval or square, is used as a body. Cut off the handle of the bottle, and only then cut out a rectangle measuring approximately 12 centimeters.

It is more advisable to first draw the ear pattern on paper. Using the blank, cut out the pig's ears and insert them into the cuts, which can be made with a sharp knife.

In the case when you paint the pig using a spray can, the ears can be left in place. And if painting is carried out with a brush, then each part is coated separately and fixed in place only after complete drying. It is best to use paints with a dense structure.

Painting the piggy

Everyone who has taken on this task is concerned about how to make a pig out of a plastic bottle so that it looked like he was alive. To do this, you need to draw a snout, eyes and funny tassels on the ears of a little pig. A dark plastic bottle is suitable for this purpose. As a material for stencils, take plain paper. For all marks that will need to be made on the craft blank, prepare a thin black marker.

You can pour earth inside the body, and then you can plant there beautiful flowers , and the piglet will perform not only an aesthetic function, but also serve as a flower bed.

More interesting:

Now you know how to make a pig from a plastic bottle. It can be used in different ways: as decoration, flower beds or for zoning an area. A plastic pig can be placed on the balcony by planting flowers there.

After all, we all know well that the most The best way child learning and development occurs in game form. Educational toys help us form thinking, develop speech, fine motor skills, etc.
Toys very well develop hand motor skills, coordination of movements, etc. Today we will make a cute pig from a plastic bottle, the author of this work is Irina. Irina covered a plastic bottle with pink fabric and made ears, legs and a tail. I also painted my heels pink color and drew two dots. Your children will definitely like this pig and they will be happy to play with it. Take the beans and let the child feed the pig.

Another pig from a plastic bottle:

To make a pig you will need:
* Plastic bottle, as round as possible, 1 liter.
* 5 single-color plastic bottle caps.
* Pink foamiran.
* 2 buttons (for making eyes.
* a piece of electrical tape or adhesive tape.
* Thermal gun.

Method of making a pig:
We take a plastic bottle and pink foamiran, the bottle must first be washed and dried. We wrap the bottle with foamiran and glue it with a hot glue gun or “Moment”. If you glue it with a hot glue gun, then make sure that the plastic is not deformed by the hot glue. It is best if the glue is not very hot. We cut out the ears from pink foamiran, you can use this template.

Glue them in Right place. This is how it should turn out.

We make a ponytail, cut out a strip from pink foamiran and twist it in half. Glue it in the right place.

We take four identical plastic bottle caps and glue them to the piglet’s belly. These are the legs we got.

All that remains is to make the eyes and nose. We take ready-made eyes or identical buttons and glue them on the piglet’s head. Wrap the nose with red electrical tape or tape. Firstly, this is necessary so that the goal (“where to feed”) can be seen more clearly, and secondly, to seal the thread - so that when the spout-mouth is closed with a lid-pocket, it is difficult to screw it on yourself and get to the contents without adult supervision.

That's it, the pig from plastic bottles is ready, your child can feed it.

Do not leave children under 3 years of age to play without adult supervision, especially when playing with small objects! We thank the author for his work and interesting material.

In conclusion, I want to show you a video master class on making a piglet from a plastic bottle.

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