Painting of industrial (production) facilities and premises at a competitive price! Painting the premises.

You can order wall painting in Moscow and the Moscow region. What sets us apart from our competitors in the service market is affordable low prices, free measurements, preliminary estimates and a professional approach to any construction issue. We formulate profitable proposals and control the implementation process at each stage of the work. If you contact us for painting walls, ceilings, pipes and other services, you can be sure of responsible, prompt and quality solution in the middle price segment.

It would seem that it could be easier to paint walls? I took the enamel, a roller, and off I went. This is where the difficulties begin: the paint does not adhere well to the new surface, peels off or turns out to be thicker than necessary; smudges form in place of the straight strip just applied with a roller; splashes and drops multiply on the floor. As a result, instead of the expected pleasure, extra costs and the need to do repairs in a new way. To avoid damage to the premises and your psychological state, seek the services of professionals immediately. By using special equipment and proven coating technologies, they will quickly cope with the tasks.

Price list for wall painting services at Remont Profi

Painting walls, ceilings, pipes is not a problem for us. Before ordering the services of Remont Profi employees, you can call a specialist to assess the cost of the work and prepare an estimate. Based on your request, we will select the type of coating for you (water-based, oil-based, powder paint, enamel, etc.) and determine the required volume of paint by calculating the area of ​​the entire surface to be painted.

Before starting work, Remont Profi specialists carefully inspect the surface to be painted to make sure that it is completely ready for work. If not, then the necessary procedures are carried out.

  • When painting a wall surface for the first time plastering, drying of the walls, priming, puttying, sanding with a sanding mesh or sandpaper, removing dust and priming again are carried out special paint, which will allow the finishing to better adhere to the surface.
  • When painting a previously painted surface The peeling paint is removed, the wall is washed to remove dirt and grease, all irregularities and cracks are filled, the putty is sanded, dust is removed and the surface is primed before applying the main coat of paint.
  • When painting a wall that was previously covered with wallpaper. Wallpaper is removed completely or poorly glued strips are removed, traces of wallpaper glue are removed, dirt and dust are removed from the surface, alkyd primer paint is applied, then the wall is leveled with fine-grained putty, sanded and primed again before applying the main color.

Before starting work, all furniture is wrapped in polyethylene, the floor surface is protected from unwanted splashes and drops. After painting the walls, a demonstration of the completed work is carried out to the customer and consultation on further operation and care of the coating.

Renew the interior, make the room cozy and aesthetically pleasing appearance V short time Painting the walls and ceiling will help. Painting a room requires the performer to have experience, knowledge and use special tools. A professional painter can paint the walls and ceilings in a room efficiently and quickly. But if you decide to paint the room yourself, recommendations for painting rooms from the specialists of the Home Craftsmen company will help you avoid mistakes when preparing the surface and applying paint coating.

Paint selection

Modern market building materials offers a wide range
paint and varnish coatings for painting premises. When choosing a coating for painting walls and ceilings, you should consider:

  • humidity and temperature regime premises;
  • composition and characteristics of paint (matte, gloss, tone, resistance to abrasion and moisture);
  • material and preparation of painted surfaces.

On preparatory stage you should determine the area of ​​the room to purchase a sufficient amount of coloring composition. Not enough paint can result in uneven paint, layering of the finish at the joint, or areas with different shades of paint.

Required Tools

The quality of painting and the durability of the paintwork directly depend on the tools used. Scroll necessary tools and accessories for painting walls and ceilings is wide and includes:

  • a ladder, stepladder, scaffold or painting table for painting surfaces above head level;
  • brushes, brushes and rollers of different widths and lengths;
  • spatula, scraper and fine-grained sanding paper for cleaning surfaces;
  • container for paint (cuvette);
  • masking tape;
  • individual protection means.

Preparing the room for painting

Before painting, empty the room of furniture, decorative elements and appliances. Move large furniture away from the walls and cover with polyethylene. The floor must be covered with paper, newspapers or film. Windows, window sills, radiators, baseboards, sockets and switches should be covered with construction tape.

Preparing surfaces before painting

The paintwork will lie smoothly, beautifully and without defects if you carefully prepare the surfaces. Preparing walls and ceilings for painting consists of:

  • removal old decoration(plaster, wallpaper, paint, whitewash);
  • surface treatment with an antiseptic;
  • puttying, sanding and dust removal;
  • applying primer.

Painting the room

Mechanized painting of walls and premises in Moscow and the Moscow region

Today, mechanized painting services are in great demand among construction organizations and individuals. This approach allows you to speed up the implementation time finishing works several times, while ensuring high quality.

Application paint and varnish materials indoors only by mechanized means, using equipment high pressure. This guarantees speed, low price and quality of work. We will come out for inspection and take measurements free of charge.

Only Russian, qualified specialists work.

The price of painting a room and walls is from 50 rubles per square meter.

We are waiting for calls on toll free phone 8 800 222 5 110

A set of measures is carried out using specialized equipment that sprays paint under high pressure. The use of modern professional equipment helps prevent the formation of fog and ensure the highest possible performance. Mechanical painting is often used when working with large areas, but is also used when carrying out such work as painting walls and ceilings. Painting the walls in an apartment using a mechanized method will not take much time and will help complete the repair issue faster.

Using modern high-tech equipment for repairs and finishing of new buildings, it is possible to reduce the time required to complete the work many times and improve the quality. Work is carried out using modern equipment ensuring uniform application of paint layers. Modern construction companies successfully use all the latest innovations in the field of work industrial technologies. Automation of painting jobs allows you to reduce costs, reduce labor costs, which ultimately leads to good savings. In addition, it is not always necessary to purchase your own equipment, but rather use the services of professionals. True professionals in their field will not keep you waiting long and proper organization work will complete the order as quickly as possible.

The result obtained directly depends on the quality of the equipment used during the work. Using not professional equipment It will not be possible to achieve a perfectly even application of layers and avoid smudges that will greatly spoil the appearance of the room or facade. Not everyone can afford expensive professional equipment for carrying out work such as mechanical painting. But today there is no need to purchase expensive devices for high-quality painting. By contacting a specialized company that provides painting services, you can resolve the issue of automated painting quite simply. In addition, the cost of workers’ services is not much higher than conventional painting methods.

For services such as mechanical painting of walls, the price depends on the volume and complexity of the work. The cost of work can be most accurately calculated based on the parameters of a specific object. Cost of painting square meter large industrial or commercial facility will be significantly lower than small room. In addition, many companies are ready to make concessions to customers and provide good discounts when ordering large areas to be painted.

Advantages of the mechanical method:

  • The use of special equipment to perform such work as painting walls in a country house or apartment allows you to reduce the repair time by several times.
  • Carrying out work using modern technologies ensures the highest quality fulfillment of all customer requirements than using a roller manually.
  • The use of special equipment for the work allows you to use paint sparingly and apply a thin layer.
  • After painting, the surface becomes uniform, smooth, without streaks or smudges, which gives the room the most attractive appearance and completeness.
  • With the help of mechanized painting, it is easy to paint metal structures without leaving smudges, but traces of brushes and various rollers used for manual painting.
  • The cost of painting walls per square meter is not much different from manual method and is accessible to everyone.

On Russian market There are many companies providing the public with services such as mechanized wall painting. For services such as painting a square meter of wall in Moscow, the cost depends on many different factors. First of all, there is a distinction between interior and exterior wall painting, which differs both in the degree of complexity of the work and in the timing of the order. A specialist can most accurately calculate the cost of painting walls per square meter on site. TO interior painting This includes such work as painting walls in an apartment, ceilings, slopes, floors, painting walls in a country house. When contacting companies specializing in painting using mechanized methods, you need to pay attention not only to the cost of the work, but also to the quality, as well as the timing of fulfillment of contractual obligations. There are companies that only verbally promise to do everything efficiently and on time, but in reality the process drags on for a long time. To avoid all unforeseen situations and pitfalls, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing a contractor.

The MSK Stroy Group company provides the population with such services as maintenance and painting of apartments and metal structures, including the use of industrial climbing. We present wide choose painting services and the most optimal cost of painting walls in Moscow along with competitors. We are ready to offer clients the following types services:

  • Painting work to improve the facades of buildings in shopping malls, houses and other objects in need of repair.
  • Painting using industrial mountaineering methods for work at high altitudes.
  • Painting walls, wallpaper, ceilings, in apartments, houses, commercial premises using a mechanized method, which allows you to paint the surface with the highest quality without leaving streaks. For such services, painting walls in an apartment, the price per meter is calculated based on the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceilings.

By contacting MSK Stroy Group, you will not have to worry about the quality of work and deadlines. The company’s employees always try to fulfill their obligations for painting walls, structures and other objects in need of high-quality painting as accurately and on time as possible.

The most popular service among the population is painting walls in an apartment; the price per meter offered by our organization is the most affordable and optimal. The use of modern equipment and paints allows for uniform application of the layer without leaving smudges or streaks. By mechanical means you can easily paint the most hard to reach places and paint the ceiling directly from the floor. Implementation this method Our specialists have made it possible to increase the company’s productivity several times, which allows us to accept many orders simultaneously. Our clients appreciate the speed of order fulfillment combined with unsurpassed quality and optimal cost of services. We strive to match international standards quality, improve technology, introduce new developments, thereby increasing the prestige of the company.

Advantages of MSK Stroy Group:

  • We offer our clients the lowest prices for mechanized painting services compared to similar offers on the market.
  • Painting of walls and ceilings is carried out using modern high-quality equipment to ensure uniform application of paint without drips.
  • The work is carried out in compliance with all safety measures and regulations, which guarantees the safety of your property.
  • Painting is done using modern, quick-drying, non-harmful paints environment and people's health.
  • We carry out work as quickly as possible without making customers wait long for orders to be completed.
  • We employ only professional craftsmen with extensive experience in the field of mechanized painting.
  • The company has many positive feedback from clients who are satisfied with the quality of work and deadlines.
  • We provide good discounts for painting large areas, which allows customers to save on painting work.
  • We offer the lowest cost for services such as painting a square meter of wall in Moscow.

The main advantage of our company is the honesty and integrity of our employees, as well as a responsible attitude to work. We never deceive our clients, we do not violate technology, we do not steal paint, as some companies do who believe that they are smarter than everyone else. There are many ways that “dark companies” use: they do not add paint, they dilute the paint water based to such an extent that the result is terrible. The principle of our company, on the contrary, is to do everything as efficiently as possible and in accordance with all norms and standards. In this way, we do not make enemies for ourselves, but rather show our clients our sincerity and integrity. Today, quite often people encounter various difficulties when contacting various construction companies.

By contacting our company for help, you will be able to appreciate the quality of the work and be convinced in practice that we are telling the truth. Hundreds of our clients cannot say anything against or doubt the professionalism of the company’s employees. We are always happy to provide assistance to our new clients in completing repairs quickly and efficiently.

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