Craft clock of the future. DIY wall clock - step-by-step instructions with photo examples

Hello! Remember, as you taught your kids about time, that it can be measured using seconds, minutes, etc.; and that there is a special device for this. Or perhaps you still have to tell your little ones about all this? Then I will suggest one very effective method. Together we need to make a clock with our own hands for children from cardboard. You can devote your working time to telling a story about short seconds, minutes rushing forward, and such huge watch, which seem to last forever, especially in babies. Yes and creative work will not remain without a trace, the little ones develop by doing it.


What to hide for modern man no matter how big or how small, the wrapper is important. Even the same candy may seem tastier if it is wrapped in a candy wrapper with your favorite movie character, rather than in parchment. Therefore, the learning process should be packaged in a beautiful wrapper: use your favorite Lego men, cars, stickers, prints of super heroes, everything that your child likes, that he is willing to look at for hours, and that he is even willing to sleep with.

Or even make it in the form of a wrist bracelet; I think kids will also appreciate this option.

Regarding the teaching system, choose the one that you think is more understandable to your child and which you can teach “without stuttering.” Some people make watches like real ones without minutes, others hide the minutes under a leaf so they can “peep.” Someone, on the contrary, makes a double dial, where both the hours and minutes are clearly visible, and even the hands move in their own circle, clearly pointing to the number. And someone makes a clock with the task of sticking the corresponding number of minutes on Velcro, and even below you can put in separate numbers what happened (for example, 10:30). Of course, it is more convenient to make such watches with Velcro from felt, although Velcro can also be glued onto cardboard. The main idea!

Or you can improve your regular home clock by sticking minutes in a circle for quick learning.

In a word, what are we still talking about? It's time to get down to business! We have a universal, basic master class coming up that you can take as a basis for your idea.

Step-by-step instructions for making a clock from cardboard

Now we will try together do under the tree. But first, just a few words about the tools we will use to make, and the children’s possible help.

A few important points:

  • We have to cut out blanks from paper, and for this we will need sharp scissors. If you have scissors with rounded edges, then this part of the work can be entrusted to the baby. Otherwise, it’s better, or rather safer, to do it yourself.
  • To fasten the arrows on the structure, we again need a sharp object: either nail scissors with sharp edges, or a nail. Only 3 holes. But safety is more important. If the baby asks, of course, you can entrust the work, but only with your safety net.
  • Decide how strong the structure you plan to make. Perhaps one sheet of cardboard will not be enough. Then use a base. A layer of thick packaging cardboard, or a few additional regular balls, will serve as the base.
  • The last thing is how you will draw, or rather, with what. If you use a compass, then you already have the middle marked, and that’s good. But it's dangerous because sharp edge. You can draw it by tracing a plate, cup or bowl around the counter. In this case, we determine the middle using two perpendicular lines. Or, even simpler, bend one of the circles (preferably not the very first one, in order to maintain its attractive appearance) in half twice. The bend point is the middle.

Now we are completely ready! Forward!

Hours and minutes - MK

A cork round hot stand was chosen as the basis for the watch. But you can get by with corrugated cardboard.

Step-by-step photos of production:

Printable templates - enlarge by click

Various types of watches accompany us everywhere. Wall, floor, wrist. It is simply impossible to do without them. They are used not only for practical purposes, to tell the time, but also for interior decoration. It is quite possible to make a watch with your own hands from scrap materials.

Interesting options for wall clocks

In fact, there are a lot of options for creating wall clocks at home, but I would like to consider the most popular ones.

From vinyl records or discs

Detailed instructions will tell you how to make a wall clock from vinyl records or disks with your own hands:

Prepare a vinyl record or disk, remove all stickers and dirt from its surface. If you are using a disc, choose one with a white core. Prepare the clock mechanism in advance, purchase or use it from an old clock.

Apply primer to the surface using a special spray bottle and cover with acrylic, if necessary. Leave it to dry for a while. Make the background of the clock more saturated with acrylic bright color or gold.

Using vinyl record, it is better to decorate its surface using decoupage. To do this, prepare a paper picture or a napkin, apply a layer of glue to the surface of the dial, moisten the picture and attach it to the adhesive base. Apply a layer of glue on top, carefully smoothing the surface to prevent bubbles from forming, and dry.

Cover the drawing acrylic varnish in three layers. Make suitable numbers and fix them on the dial in the right places.

Make a hole in the center of the plate and secure the mechanism with arrows, which can be a different color as you wish. Install the battery, put right time and hang the clock on the wall in the right place.

These hand-made watches can be given to friends and family, or they can be used to decorate the interior of any room. Many options for DIY watches using the decoupage technique are presented in the photo.

Coffee theme

A clock decorated with coffee beans is suitable for the kitchen. And the creative process will give you a lot of pleasure:

  • prepare the clock mechanism and the base in the shape of a circle;
  • for a beautiful decoupage of a watch with your own hands, choose a suitable picture with fragments related to coffee;
  • Apply primer to the surface and paint one side White color, the other – in brown. Leave the product to dry;
  • cover with adhesive (glue diluted with water – 1:1);
  • lay the picture evenly so that no bubbles form and dry it;
  • schematically depict the location of the grains;
  • Place the coffee beans in the picture according to the diagram. Place the grains close to each other, securing them with stained glass paint;
  • leave the product to dry, then apply the numbers and install the clock mechanism;
  • secure the decorated surface of the dial with clear acrylic varnish.

Wood clock

Original and stylish wooden clock for ethnic interior styles it’s even easier to do:

  • take a cut of wood of a suitable shape and size, no more than 3 cm thick;
  • peel off the bark and unnecessary parts, if necessary, adjust the shape of the future dial;
  • make a hole in the center to install the hands and clock mechanism;
  • Apply varnish to the surface and let it dry;
  • install the mechanism and secure the numbers.


A clock made from a plate will also decorate kitchen interior, and they are easy to make. You just need to drill a hole in the center of the plate, install a mechanism with arrows and decorate it as you wish.

And master classes on watches with their own hands will tell you and show you a more detailed procedure for working.

With cutlery

Continuing the kitchen theme, I would like to consider another option for a DIY clock using cutlery: forks and spoons.

  • take the disc box, cut out a circle and paint it in the desired color;
  • drill a hole in the center;
  • wash the cutlery thoroughly, dry it and degrease it;
  • secure them to back side circle at equal intervals, alternating with each other;
  • paint them in different colors;
  • mount mechanical device and hands, set the time and decorate your kitchen interior with a clock.

Even more best ideas You can find decorative frames for watches with your own hands on the corresponding websites.

DIY watch photo

Hello dear friends and readers! Today I want to show you how to make a watch with your own hands for a child.

All parents know how important it is to teach their children to correctly tell time using a clock. Especially if the baby is going to school.

Many children have difficulty counting minutes. Some people cannot understand what 13, 14, 15, etc. hours mean.

To easily explain how a clock works and how to correctly determine the time using it, you can make a model of a clock with your own hands at home. Moreover, it is not at all difficult.

How to make a watch with your own hands

For the craft we will need:

1. A sheet of colored or white cardboard

2. Sheet of colored paper

3. Low box or box lid

5. Ruler, pencil, compass

6. Markers

7. A piece of foam

8. Needle with a tip at the end

9. Scissors

Execution sequence step by step with photo

♦ Take the box and turn it upside down.

♦ Cut a square out of cardboard to the size of the box and glue it, this will be the case for the watch.

♦Cut out a circle from colored paper. We draw it using a compass; you can also circle a round object, such as a plate.

> First, we divide our circle into equal 12 parts, in each part we write numbers with a felt-tip pen from 1 to 12, like on a clock.

> Below, opposite each digit indicating the hour, we write the minutes in a different color.

> We draw lines from the edge between the numbers, 3 cm long, and cut along them with scissors.

♦ Then we draw and cut out arrows from cardboard:

>Make the hour hand 6 cm long and 1.5 cm wide.

>Minute hand - 8 cm long, 1 cm wide.

♦ Glue the circle with the dial to the center of our body, leaving the edges free.

♦ We bend each edge in order, starting from 1 and write 13 under it, under 2-14, under 3-15 and so on until 12.

♦ Attach the hands to the center of the clock using a needle with a tip.

♦ To prevent the sharp end of the needle from sticking out from below, you can attach a piece of foam plastic or cork to it.

Now you know how to make a clock with your own hands from cardboard and paper for a child.

With their help, it will be much easier for your baby to learn to tell time.

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When a child turns 4-5 years old, he begins to take an active interest in the lives of adults and ask various questions. This is the most suitable age to teach your baby the concept of time. ? Children's watches are a great way to master it, especially if you make them together with mom or dad, explaining to the baby their purpose and rules of use during the manufacturing process. We invite you to familiarize yourself with several simple master classes about how to make a children's clock out of cardboard with your own hands.

Craft “Clock made of cardboard”

A preschooler can make a homemade toy clock out of cardboard with the ability to move the hands himself. By studying them during the game, he will easily learn this science.

  1. Cut out of thick cardboard different colors two circles. You can use compasses or large plates for this.
  2. Now you need to cut out the clock hands (use cardboard contrasting color) and, if desired, a border for the base sheet on which the watch will be glued. The base is needed for the strength of the product.
  3. Place the smaller circle in the center of the larger one.
  4. Then stick the watch blank onto White list cardboard (it is advisable to take thicker material).
  5. Secure the clock hands with a bolt in the center of the circle so that both of them move well around the center.
  6. Glue on the border.
  7. Indicate the time on the clock with numbers. To begin with, you can introduce your child only to the clock (from 1 to 12), and when he masters this, then to the minutes. The inscriptions should be made along the edge of the outer, large circle.
  8. Let your child decorate his first watch with stickers or other decorative elements.

Cardboard clock for children

  1. This kind of clock can be made from cardboard, bright colored lids and a clock mechanism.
  2. Prepare a sheet of corrugated cardboard (for example, from a box or crate).
  3. Place 13 multi-colored caps from vitamins, yogurt, etc. (you can replace them with large buttons) in a circle. Estimate what the diameter of the future watch should be.
  4. Cut out a circle from cardboard - the base of the clock and, using a corner ruler, mark on it the locations of the covers.
  5. Using hot glue gun, glue the lids at an equal distance from the center and from each other.
  6. Use a black marker to trace and color the edges of the circle.
  7. Now make a hole exactly in the center of the circle (corrugated cardboard can be easily pierced with a pencil).
  8. Install the clock mechanism and screw in the hands. Glue a cardboard circle with a number in the center of each cap.
  9. Insert the battery into the clock and set the time.

You don’t need to know the clock mechanism at all to make original ones. DIY wall clock. In any home there will be broken clocks and inexpensive alarm clocks made in China. From all this wealth you can create original and useful decorations for the interior with your own hands.


Clocks are a kind of conductor of the mysterious invisible, but felt by everyone energy called Time. Therefore, in the human mind, watches also carry a charge of something mystical. Clocks have an interesting, inexplicable property of speeding up or slowing down as they please. People will always be partial to watches and the Time they personify.

How to make a wall clock with your own hands?

Check out these interesting design solutions. The photo shows that creating an original wall clock with your own hands is quite possible for a simple housewife. As design solutions, such handmade watches will be the brightest and most attractive place in your interior!

Here we should assume that the dial can be anything. The main thing is that such watches must be beautiful and, like design objects, must convey some idea.

Creative thought, given direction, is very fruitful. Once you feel like a designer, you will feel like a designer forever. And such a beneficial direction as creating original wall clocks with your own hands is simply inexhaustible.

Here is a photo of a dial made from the lid of a large wooden reel on which cables used to be wound. Here the designer saw precisely the interesting texture of the lid as a circle, without paying attention to the main purpose of the item. Stenciled inscriptions and a metal overlay on the bobbin hole perfectly emphasize the idea of ​​​​a dial made of wooden strips.

A clock made from halves of a globe requires quite a lot of space, but looks amazing. Such composition watches are suitable for and will give the spirit of travel. By the way, such a watch may be well suited for a travel agency.

Wall Clock they create something homey, similar to grandma’s chest...

And a ball clock with rounded hands is real car time.

Wall clock-picture and the following image, a clock made of draped unusual material flat surface may be suitable for the living room and hall...

Interesting color scheme visually hides the hands on the clock, and the clock-map will allow you to travel around some country. Additionally, you can specify a lot of different data and check the boxes of the places where you have been. Very original design solution for a DIY wall clock.

But these laconic watches in the form chessboard fit well into the strict style of a living room, office or library.

Hours from tin can- this is of course for the kitchen. The following photos clearly show that even such an abstract thing as a clock spring can be a decorative item.

Very interesting solution make the dial from a cut of wood, and the hands from twigs.

Figures cut from old gramophone records can be distinguished in separate species creativity. They themselves are very creative and have the right to life. But combined with the idea of ​​time indicators it’s just great!

DIY wall clock design

People very often, having become accustomed to a certain environment, do not dare to make even the slightest changes to it. And this static nature is so contrary to the creative spirit sitting in each of us. Try to change this static, start with an original handmade wall clock.

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