Ground cover rose "Fairy": description, cultivation. Ground cover variety of pink roses “The Fairy” Ground cover of the fairies

Rose "The Fairy"

(Rosa "The Fairy")

General characteristics

The leaves are small and shiny. Shoots drooping, creeping. Medium-sized bush 60-70 cm high. Resistant to diseases.

The flowers are pink, 2-3 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences. The most revered variety in this group of roses is known for its abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Optimal growing conditions

A healthy frost-resistant variety, not particularly demanding on soil conditions. During drought, watering is recommended. Responds well to feeding.

Reproduction methods and planting rules

Planting density: 5-6 pcs/m2
Roses can be propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush, layering - such bushes are called self-rooted.
In case of death of the above-ground part, new shoots of the same variety are formed from the root collar.
In this case, grafted roses grow rosehip shoots. As a result, the bush goes wild.
Self-rooted roses have a shorter lifespan, they develop more slowly than grafted roses, and are less resistant to adverse environmental factors and frost.
To prepare cuttings, use the middle part of semi-lignified shoots at the flowering stage.

Three buds are left, the length of the cutting should not be more than 7-10 cm. To avoid excessive evaporation of moisture, the leaves are cut to 1/3 or 2/3 of their length, and the bottom leaf is completely removed. The upper cut of the cutting is made straight above the bud by 0.5-1 cm, the lower cut is made oblique (at an angle of 45°), under the bud itself. Before planting, it is advisable to soak the cuttings in a Heteroauxin solution for 48 hours. The cuttings are planted on the bed at an angle of 45° and sprayed generously with water several times a day.

To retain moisture, cover the top with plastic film or glass. It is advisable to leave rooted cuttings for overwintering, covering them with a small layer of insulating material. In two years they become developed seedlings.

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Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

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The Fairy - pink fairy!

Originator: Bentall 1932.
Polyanthus rose, about 70 cm high, up to 1.2 m wide.

Magical, fairy-tale fairy... the translation of the name of this rose speaks for itself! Clouds of flowers of this rose are visible from afar, as if a flock of small fairy fairies in elegant pink dresses are circling over a green meadow. A real pink fireworks and flower festival! It is clear that such a rose needs to be planted in groups, occupying a certain area, in order to achieve maximum effect. Powerful flowering is observed until late autumn and this quality sets The Fairy apart from its other brethren.


The rose produces large clusters with 10-40 buds on each! The color of the roses, 3-4 cm in diameter, is soft pink, with a lilac tint. The rose blooms quite late, but blooms in full color for a very long time - right up to frost. Individual flowers do not stand out - the brushes look like a mass, therefore, the rose goes well with bushes of the same variety. It is good to plant The Fairy several bushes nearby.

The best flowering is observed in cool weather; on hot days it can quickly lose its petals, becoming untidy.


The bush itself is not tall - about 70 cm in height, but it grows more than a meter wide, easily produces side shoots and literally spreads along the ground. The bush is spreading.

The foliage of the rose is light green, shiny, the greenery may have a bluish tint. During the rainy season, there is a chance of getting black spot. The rose is not very resistant to typical diseases, so it is necessary to carry out preventive work in a timely manner - treat it with appropriate preparations to protect the rose.

The Fairy is good in front of any composition, it creates a wonderful background for bright hybrid tea varieties, and looks great in its own group, separately from other roses. It goes well with low conifers, as well as beautifully flowering tall herbaceous plants.

The variety can also be classified as ground cover and miniature roses.

The rose is perhaps the only flower that can hardly leave anyone indifferent. This flower attracts the attention of both flower growers and breeders who are successfully experimenting with the development of new, original varieties. In the article we will talk about the most popular variety - “The Fairy” (“Fairy”, “The Fairy”). You will learn how to plant and care for it, as well as in what compositions to use it in landscape design.

Appearance and biological features

To begin with, we suggest you get to know the rose “The Fairy” better. Let us immediately note that you can recognize it by its abundant flowering - it, as a rule, produces so many buds that the entire green part, and at the same time the soil, is hidden behind them. It is interesting that despite the apparent trepidation and whimsicality, the flower, on the contrary, is distinguished by its endurance and requires minimal care.

This rose is usually grown in two ways - ground cover and shrub.

Did you know? Variety« The Fairy» in America it was awarded the title “Best Polyanthus Rose” 70 times. It consistently ranked first in this category from 1997 to 2012. Today it is one of the 10 best polyanthus (multi-flowered) roses in the world.

Bush height

The bush is characterized by splendor and branching. The older the plant becomes, the more the bush spreads out. It grows up to 70 cm in height and up to 1.2 m in width. The shoots of “Fairy” are powerful, strong, and drooping. Thanks to this, the rose can be used to develop standard forms. The growth rate of shoots is average. Due to the fact that the plant tolerates pruning well, its growth in height and width can be perfectly controlled and restrained, forming beautiful shapes from the bush.


The buds of “Fairy” are rosette-shaped, which makes them seem light and airy. Each of them reaches 3-5 cm in diameter. The buds are collected in brushes in the form of bunches. One brush can contain from 10 to 20 buds. The petals of this rose are double and colored pink. There are about 40 of them in one bud. With age and under the influence of sunlight, the flowers fade to pale pink, sometimes even white.


The variety is also interesting because it blooms much later than others, which can be an advantage when creating landscape compositions. The first roses appear in July, and the last ones fade in October. All this time, the plant blooms continuously, without pauses, and very abundantly - each shoot produces up to 25 inflorescences. Record holders with 40 buds blooming simultaneously have also been recorded.


Despite all the beauty and splendor of the variety, it has one drawback - the lack of smell. The delicate aroma can be detected only by getting close to the buds.

Winter hardiness and disease resistance

A characteristic feature of the variety “The Fairy” is its high winter hardiness. It can be grown in the middle zone. Frost resistance zone - 5b.
Rose has a strong immune system. However, when planted in the shade, its resistance to disease may decrease somewhat. The variety has a high degree of resistance to powdery mildew. Can be affected by black spot, but extremely rarely.

Did you know? The variety “The Fairy” was introduced to rose growers by Anne Bentall, a student of the famous British gardener Joseph Pemberton, in 1932. The new rose was developed by crossing two varieties - "Paul Crampel" and "Lady Gay".

Use in landscape design

Rose "Fairy" is known as one of the best flowers for landscaping garden plots and public places. Its application is universal. The plant can be grown, excluding pruning, as a shrub, ground cover or border species. If its owner prefers to do regular pruning, then the rose will turn out to be an excellent dwarf shrub or weeping standard species. When forming a trunk, the bush looks great as a weeping species.
The variety can be used for planting as a low hedge. When placed in the foreground it will make a great border decoration. Can also be used in container planting.

The best neighbors of this pink bush will be low-growing bushes, perennials, and climbing crops. Delicate pink buds are in perfect harmony with horned violet, bluebells, lavender, white lobularia, ornamental grasses, and other types of roses.

Important! Compositions with yellow or orange flowers should be avoided. Against their background, the “Fairy” inflorescences look faded and unattractive.

Growing conditions

When choosing a place for a rose bush, you should know that “Fairy” grows well in well-lit and slightly shaded areas. Planting in the shade will lead to the loss of the plant's decorative properties (stretching of shoots, reduction in the number of flowers) and weakening of its immune system. Since flowers tend to fade in the sun and become less attractive, it is advisable to choose an area where the sun's rays do not fall at midday. It is also necessary to avoid hot places and southern sides. Since the rose's petals are quite delicate, the area where it will grow should be protected from drafts.

This variety of rose prefers loose, light soil that is quite fertile. However, gardeners have noticed that it can grow on depleted soils, although, of course, it will produce fewer buds. The soil should be moist and well-drained - the rose cannot tolerate stagnant water. Optimal soil acidity is 5.6-7.3 pH.

Determination of soil acidity using special devices

How to plant a rose on a plot

The rose can be planted in the spring, after the soil has warmed up - around the beginning of May, and also in the fall - no later than the beginning of October. Autumn planting should not be too late, since the plant will not have time to adapt to winter and, in a weakened state, may die or be severely damaged by frost.

Important! When purchasing rose seedlings, you should give preference to those with an open root system. The roots should look healthy, strong, and branched. You need to choose a seedling consisting of one powerful shoot and many smaller ones. There should be no blossoming or yellowed leaves on the branches.

When planting, you should maintain a distance of 0.5 m from other plants. 5-6 bushes of the same variety can be placed on 1 square meter.
The planting hole must be prepared in advance by adding organic fertilizers and drainage. The depth of the pit should be at least 50 cm. A layer of sand, gravel or crushed stone is placed at the bottom, which will remove excess moisture. The planting mixture is prepared from the following components:

  • manure - 3 parts;
  • garden soil - 2 parts;
  • sand - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part.

Immediately before planting, the root system of the seedling must be placed in water for 4-6 hours.(If the seedling was purchased in a container, then the entire pot is placed in water). The roots should be carefully inspected for damage. Weak branches need to be cut off. For planting it is necessary to leave only strong, powerful roots. This way the plant will take root faster and grow. The shoots need to be trimmed, leaving 10-15 cm.
After carrying out all the above procedures, the seedling is placed in the prepared planting hole, the roots are carefully straightened and sprinkled with soil mixture. The root collar should be located 3-4 cm below the soil level. The soil is lightly compacted and watered abundantly.

In order for the plant to adapt faster after planting, it needs to be watered regularly for 2-3 weeks. In the future, watering can be carried out only during dry periods - once a week. Moreover, you should not neglect moisture, since representatives of the “Fairy” variety do not tolerate long-term droughts, which significantly reduces the number of buds during flowering.

If a crust appears on the surface soon after moistening, it will need to be loosened.
The first application of fertilizer will be required in the spring, when the winter shelter is removed. The rose is fed with special mineral supplements and organic matter. The second feeding is carried out in the bud formation phase. This time, phosphorus-potassium supplements are added or again fertilizers specifically designed for rose bushes.

Mandatory pruning is done in the spring, removing damaged and diseased branches. If required, a shaping haircut is also done at the same time.

Mandatory procedures for caring for “The Fairy” rose also include weeding to remove weeds in the trunk area and preparation for winter. If it is not possible to weed the soil, you can mulch the ground around the trunk - this will retain moisture and prevent weeds from growing.

Flowering - continuous, abundant;

Bush height - about 75 cm;

Flower diameter - about 5 cm;

Resistance to diseases and frosts is above average;

The aroma is light.

Anne Bentall worked under Joseph Pemberton, remaining in his shadow. After Pemberton's death, Anne continued her work as a teacher and leader. In 1932, she presented a wonderful rose called “TheFairy", which duringFor almost eight decades, it has not disappointed rose growers, but only confirmed the trust placed in it, and to this day remains one of the best roses for landscaping. By the way,TheFairybelongs to the polyanthus roses, but since this group has faded into the background these days, more and more often in nurseries it is offered as ground cover or miniature. It really has no equal for landscaping. First of all, when spring arrives, Ze Fairies brighten up the garden with their glossy, rich, green foliage. Over time, her bushes (about 70 cm in height and width) are covered with delightful, pink, double (about 40 petals) flowers, reaching 5 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences of 10-40 pieces. Such abundant flowering that a cute rose rewards us withTheFairy, not many varieties can “boast” of, and it is these stunning decorative qualities, coupled with absolute unpretentiousness, that will captivate most rose growers. Thanks to its resilience and abundant, continuous flowering, this variety remains indispensable for landscaping public spaces. In almost every book about roses that has descriptions of varieties, a place is reserved for a description of Ze Fairy, and in the description of each author one can feel the love for this variety and sincere admiration for its beauty and sustainability. Peter Schneider notes thatTheFairy“blooms constantly, all season long, until frost hits: there is no pause between the initial and re-blooming.” L.I. Bumbeeva in the book “Roses” from the “Advice from Experts” series calls Ze Feri a “popular” variety, and also notes high winter hardiness along with “abundant, repeated flowering.” In her book “Roses” published by Kladez-Books, she emphasizes the durability of flowers. V.V. Vorontsov and V.I. Korobov call this rose “the currently most popular polyanthus rose,” just like previous authorsnoting “abundant, long-lasting flowering” and adding that the variety “is recommended by the GBS RAS. N.V. Cicina is for cultivation in the middle zone, and according to our recommendations, it is widely used in decoration on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.” Evgeny Pisarev writes thatTheFairy"the most popular ground cover rose in the world, among both amateurs and professionals." This author also notes that this variety is widely used in the selection of new varieties, and a lot of varieties in the Ze Fairy style have been obtained. At the end of his description, Pisarev adds that “the variety grows well and is unpretentious.” Alexandra Ivanovna Teorina notes that “the variety is very decorative and looks good in standard culture.” D.G. Hessayon ​​emphasizes not only the beauty of the flowers, but also “the attractiveness of the shiny leaves, similar to boxwood leaves.” And John Mattock notes thatTheFairy“With light pruning, it grows into a large, spreading and dense bush with hanging branches and small green leaves. He also notes only a slight aroma. In fact, this rose has deservedly won the recognition of rose growers around the world, and has received more than 70 awards at various competitions only due to its decorative qualities and sustainability. This rose was bred in Great Britain by Anne Bentall(Bentall) when crossing Paul Crampel × Lady Gay. Today we can meet it under the synonymous names Perle Rose, Fairy, Feérie.

Materials used:

1. “The best roses of the world”, Schneider, St. Petersburg, Moscow, JSC “BMM”, 2011.

2. “Roses”, Bumbeeva L.I., Moscow, SME Publishing House, 2009.

3. “All about roses”, Vorontsov V.V., Korobov V.I., Moscow, “Fiton+”, 2007.

4. “Roses. Encyclopedia”, Pisarev E.A., Moscow, Eksmo, 2009.

5. “Roses”, Bumbeeva L.I., Moscow, Kladez-Books, 2010.

6. “Roses”, Teorina A.I., Moscow, JSC “Fiton+”, 2010.

7. “Shrub roses”, Bumbeeva L.I. Moscow, Kladez-Books, 2009.

8. “All about roses”, D.G. Hessayon, Moscow, Kladez-Books, 2009.

9. “Encyclopedia of growing roses”, John Mattock, Moscow, Art-Rodnik, 2003.

Lafazan N.D., 2010

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