Why do the ends of palm leaves dry out? Why do indoor palm leaves turn yellow and fall off?

Many gardeners are wondering. “Why do palm tree leaves dry up?” Let's try to figure it out.

In short, drying out of the leaf tips of palm trees most often occurs from too dry air or insufficient watering.

But they die entirely, if they are very old, from rotting of the roots during overwatering or from damage various pests and pathogens.

Much depends on what light and temperature conditions where your plants are located, how you care for them, because some fan palms need coolness in winter.

  • Palm trees warm rooms - areca, coconut, caryota, chamedorea, acanthophoenix, phoenix Robelini - require high room temperature and air humidity.
  • Temperate Palms- howei (Belmora, Forstera), coconut Bonneti, geonoma, clinostigma, rapalostylis, rapis, sabal, etc.
  • Palm trees for cool rooms- Hamerops, Brachea, Washingtonia, Trachycarpus, etc.

IN room conditions palm trees need regular spraying, proper watering, in which the earthen ball should be evenly moistened, which is determined by tapping the pot with clicks from bottom to top. A dull sound appears if the soil is wet, a sharp sound when it is dry. After watering, water should be poured into the pan, which will be absorbed into the ground within an hour. It must be drained or removed with a clean rag. Water should be watered with settled water after the soil on top of the pot dries.

Palm trees of tropical origin require moderately warm or warm rooms in winter. Palm trees, which are native to the subtropics, are best kept in cool rooms in winter. All palm trees do not tolerate drafts well; you especially need to be wary of cold air when ventilating a room through a window in winter. Palm roots are very sensitive to cold, so pots of palm trees should not be placed on a cold windowsill or marble floor slabs.

Plants need regular (twice a month in summer and once in winter) feeding with special liquid fertilizer for palm trees. Inspect the bottom of your palm flowerpots: have their roots come out and are the roots pushing the soil out of the pot from above? Then they need to be transplanted into larger flowerpots with fresh soil mixture recommended specifically for palm trees.

The yellowed tips of the leaves should be cut off. However, this should be done without affecting the living green tissue of the leaf and leaving a thin strip of dry tissue, otherwise the drying out will proceed even faster, and the leaf can be lost. Only completely dry leaves are removed, otherwise others will begin to dry out.


  • On a frosty day, do not open the windows wide in the room with plants. Please also note that in most cases frosty air is dry. Therefore, ventilation does not increase the humidity in the room. It is best to ventilate more often, but little by little.
    • Advice: At a temperature of about 0 degrees. It is enough to open the windows for 10 minutes every 2-3 hours.
  • Optimal temperature values: in the living room 20°C, in the kitchen and bedroom 16-18°C.
    • Advice: If possible, regulate the temperature in your home using a thermostat instead of ventilation.

Natural evaporation of moisture

  • Hang wet towels over the radiators or place bowls and other open containers filled with water next to them. Tropical aquatic plants in miniature vases and bowls they will additionally humidify the air.
    • Advice: Wash often glass vases so that algae does not appear on their walls.
  • Indoor fountain - more than just decorative item situation. The sound of gently splashing water is soothing nervous system and relieves stress. At the same time, moving, slowly evaporating water has a positive effect on the condition of the air. The smallest dust particles become moistened, become heavier and gradually fall to the floor.
    • Advice: Fountains with containers for planting plants are available for sale. You can add essential oil to the fountain water.
  • Do something nice for plants that need high air humidity, for example arrowroot: place it on constantly moistened expanded clay or small pebbles. Evaporating moisture will rise directly to the leaves.
    • Advice: Place a water level indicator in the pots, then the roots will not suffer from dampness, and the above-ground part of the plant will not suffer from dryness.

Green humidifiers

  • Cyperus is unrivaled among indoor plants: depending on its size, it releases from 500 ml to 2 liters of moisture into the air per day. For such records, place a bowl filled with water next to it and spray its leaves daily.
    • Advice: Even better is to place several plants nearby.
  • Soft, velvet-like, light green leaves indoor sticky, or sparmannia, which is in suitable conditions grows to the ceiling, evaporates moisture all year round. Spray the sparmannia from above and below with settled water every day. In winter, water very sparingly, after making sure that the plant needs watering.
    • Advice: Be careful if you have allergies. In this case, try not to touch the Sparmannia leaves.

Electric humidifier

  • The most available for sale different models with a wide range of prices. They evaporate, spray and spray moisture or distribute it evenly throughout the room through ventilation.

Spraying plants

  • In a heated room, spray the leaves of green plants every morning. It doesn't take much time but brings wonderful results. A gentle shower refreshes the plants, allowing their cells to work at full capacity, and in addition increases the humidity in the room.
    • Advice: For spraying, boil water in a large saucepan and store it in reserve in large plastic bottles.

Humidity measurement

  • A hygrometer installed in every room of the house will allow you to know exactly how humid or dry the air is. Digital thermo-hygrometers also show air temperature and time.
    • Advice: It is very easy to check the degree of air humidity using pine cone. When the air is too dry, its scales open, and when the air is too humid, they close.

Yellow leaves may be a sign of disease

Main Factors

Palm tree is a tropical plant. To keep it in an apartment, the owner needs to make an effort and create conditions in which it will be comfortable. Otherwise, the foliage turns yellow, turns brown or dries out, and the plant itself may even die.

Palm leaves may fall off due to natural reasons. In progress natural decay Usually plants shed the lower part of their foliage. However, the leaves turn yellow due to other reasons that gardeners should be aware of.

Dry air

Many people who have houseplants, may be perplexed why the leaves of a palm tree turn yellow. Intensive heating in apartments in winter causes dry air. They feel uncomfortable in such conditions. Optimal temperature during cold periods should not exceed 15-20 °C.

To optimize living conditions, the air is humidified. Flower growers also spray their plants with a spray bottle and moisten upper layer earthen coma, in which a palm tree is planted. It's worth remembering that frequent watering not required.


Statement that at home palm tree should be kept in the south is incorrect.

Direct sun rays do not bring him any benefit; they have a detrimental effect. The best solution would be to place the container with the plant at a short distance from the window opening.

Drafts are a phenomenon that is contraindicated for palm trees. Winter drafts are especially harmful. Cold air causes damage, due to which the leaves change their color (turn yellow, turn brown or turn black) or even fall off, and the plant itself withers and dries.

It is worth remembering what needs to be done with the plant while the room is being ventilated. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to cover the palm tree with a cloth or take it out of the room. Do not block the flow of fresh air flow, otherwise the growth process will slow down.

Frequent and incorrect transplantation

Another common reason why palm leaves turn yellow is improper replanting. Many gardeners may make the mistake of replacing the pot in which they grow. indoor palm tree, too often.

Moving from one pot to another is necessary when root system grows so much that the old container becomes small. For young plants, this frequency is no more than once a year. Older trees are usually replanted once every three years.

Sometimes replacing the top layer of the earthen clod will be a sufficient measure to prevent problems and save the plant from withering and death. It's also worth remembering that new pot, in which the indoor palm tree will be planted, should be taller and wider than the previous one.

Malicious organisms

The reason why palm leaves turn yellow does not always lie in the conditions under which the plant is kept. The answer to a question that worries many gardeners may be somewhat unexpected, but natural.


Scale insects are the most common insects, due to which the palm tree dries out and the foliage changes its color or falls off altogether. Scale insects are homoptera brown insects with a rounded body. Females have a so-called scute. Pests attach themselves to the young shoots of the plant, sucking out the juices.

Among the many options for combating scale insects, a grower can choose the one that he considers most effective. If the choice falls on insecticides, it is recommended to use Actellik. This drug has proven to be the most effective.

Spider mites

These insects are difficult to see and notice. The peculiarity of their activity is not only that the leaves on the palm tree turn yellow, but also that they begin to become covered with cobwebs.

The insect known as mealybug, are the most dangerous for trees; their appearance can also be the reason why a palm tree turns yellow. It's a louse white and large size. When attacked by this pest, the foliage turns yellow, the plant becomes as if sprinkled with flour, and all parts of the tree are covered with mucus.

Olive oil helps in the fight against mealybugs

Blackening of foliage

The tips of the leaves may turn black. The causes of this problem most often lie in the conditions in which the indoor palm tree is kept.

Today, the following factors are known to cause blackening of foliage in palm plants:

  1. Dry air predominates in the room.
  2. The palm tree is not watered properly.
  3. The influence of cold air currents.
  4. A compacted earthen lump.

To help the plant, you don’t need to do anything special, just eliminate the cause of the problem. Flower growers recommend fertilizing with fertilizers.

If you had to think about the question of why the leaves of a palm tree dry out, or other unhealthy metamorphoses are observed, then you should think about whether the basic recommendations for the maintenance of the plant have been violated. Knowing how to properly care for a palm tree, you can avoid the need to save it from problems with leaves and from possible death.

In order not to rack your brains over why the palm tree dries out, you should not lose sight of the following points:

  1. Support optimal humidity air.
  2. Ventilate the room in which the palm tree is kept.
  3. Provide natural process moisture evaporation.

Not forgetting that palm leaves turn yellow mostly due to violations optimal conditions, you can avoid many problems. By adhering to basic rules, a florist can for a long time rejoice that a healthy and beautiful palm tree grows in his house.


The answer to the question of why a palm tree dries out lies in how the grower cares for his plant.

By reviewing the conditions under which the tree is kept and taking fairly simple measures, you can eliminate all existing problems and prevent their occurrence for a long time.

Without a doubt, the palm tree is the most popular exotic plant in our homes. Moreover, this culture is incredibly popular in office spaces. The palm tree is truly considered a wonderful solution that can easily bring comfort, greenery to almost any room and pleasantly change the overall atmosphere. But there is one problem - even with seemingly careful care, many palm trees inevitably begin to turn yellow. Today we’ll talk about solving this problem.

Palm tree is a sign of prosperity

Just a couple of decades ago, a palm tree was perceived as a sign of prosperity and wealth. IN Soviet time palm trees could only be found in the houses of very wealthy people. Now this culture is perceived as the standard for many institutions. For some reason, the plant was considered ideal for business premises - tree care is minimal, and the crop brings some exotic, overseas tranquility and variety to the busy and routine work.

There are a huge number of types of palm trees. There are reed, fan, pinnate, and sago palms. They vary in size, not all of them can grow indoors, but the vast majority of these plants have one thing in common: leaf shape. As a rule, these are long and narrow “feathers”. It is the tips of these “feathers” that cause flower growers a lot of trouble. They turn yellow, followed by the whole leaf turning yellow, and then the whole branch. After this, if nothing is done in time, the rest of the plant, all the leaves, will begin to turn yellow.

What can cause a palm tree to turn yellow? There are a lot of reasons, but they have one thing in common - the plant is uncomfortable. It is possible that the air in the room is too dry, it may be that the palm tree is placed in the sun all day, or the crop is in a draft. In any case, the most common cause is yellowing of the leaves, which spoils the whole appearance plants, it is not poor watering or lack of fertilizing, but the conditions surrounding the tree. If you change them, then all the health of the crop can return to its place quite quickly.

Saving palm trees from yellowing

First, adjust the room temperature as much as possible. It is believed that palm trees grow best at high temperatures. This is true, but if you raise it artificially, the air will become too dry. It is best if the room temperature is slightly above average. Still, to create acceptable conditions, do not forget to increase the air humidity from time to time. Spray the leaves of the plant, water it more often, you can place a bowl or jug ​​of water nearby, from which the moisture will evaporate.

Also determine a more suitable location for the palm tree. It is possible that the tree is standing too much in the shade. Less often - culture, on the contrary, spends more time on direct lines sun rays. remember, that the best place for plants - near the northern windows. And in the warm season, don’t be lazy to take your overseas guest out onto the balcony. Let him breathe a little fresh air. Water the palm tree occasionally with rainwater. They say that such water is the purest and healthiest for plants. It's not at all difficult to assemble. During a heavy rainfall, this can be done directly with a large vessel, which you place on the balcony, under running water. If there is little precipitation, then you can use oilcloth to make a device that concentrates precipitation from large area straight into a bowl or jar. All that remains is to use the resulting natural moisture sparingly.

Yellowed tips spoil the appearance of the palm tree and, even if you find the cause of this problem, they will no longer turn green. What to do with them? They should be trimmed, but so as not to affect the “living” tissue. You need to wait until the tips become brown and dry, and only then begin to bring the palm tree back to normal. The palm tree, despite its exoticism, is difficult to call capricious plant. It is very responsive to care and requires very little: spraying, watering, fertilizing and the right location.

V. Kostenko

Howea is a small Australian Lord Howe Island located in the Tasman Sea. The most common ones in our country are Foster's and Belmore's hoveys. They are easy to maintain and have gained popularity among designers.

However, this plant often presents owners with unpleasant surprises: the howea’s leaves dry out, and if proper measures are not taken, it will die. Symptoms may vary. What is the cause of sudden “illnesses” of the Howea, and how to avoid them - let’s try to figure it out.

Did you know? Experts believe that this palm fills office space positive energy, increases optimism and increases performance.

The leaves are turning yellow

The Australian palm is considered. However, if you do not maintain humidity and temperature conditions, its crown suddenly begins to turn yellow.

Howea Fostera grows in the subtropical zone. However, when creating artificial conditions subtropics in your room, you can destroy the plant: its leaves begin to turn yellow, the howea does not grow, begins to quickly wither and dies.

Yellow crown - an alarm bell that indicates a change comfortable environment a habitat. Owners, trying to warm it up, place the hovea closer to the radiator or other heat sources. Loss of moisture leads to yellowing of the crown.

Experienced flower growers use a spray bottle, place containers of water next to them, and if the budget allows, buy decorative fountain, and the flower regains green color. The air humidity in the room should be 60-65%.

The tips of the leaves dry out

The palm tree is sensitive to the cleanliness of indoor air. She can't stand the smoke. The green crown of the flower begins to dry out.
Reasons for drying out there may be several:

  1. The tips of the leaves of a subtropical palm begin to dry when the air temperature drops below 18 degrees Celsius.
  2. Chlorosis (drying out) of the fan crown can begin due to a lack of phosphorus or an excess of fluoride-containing preparations in the universal nutritional product, which is offered in stores. It is necessary to ask the seller about the compatibility of the fertilizer with palm plants.
  3. AND last reason drying - excessive. IN winter period It is recommended to water the palm tree only when the top layer of soil dries 1.5–2 centimeters.

Causes of blanching of the hovea

The fan crown of the palm tree is losing bright green color and begins to turn pale only when standing on draft. IN natural conditions a wind of the same humidity and temperature blows across the air.

When the leaves turn pale, the plant must be moved away from drafts.

Black spots on the plant

Black dots on the leaves are an alarming symptom for plant owners. Blackening of leaves occurs when there is excessive temperature in the room and insufficient watering flower. If the palm tree is not moved in time to a cool place and enlarged, the plant will die.

The second reason for the appearance of blackness on leaves is the other extreme. Many owners literally flood the flower and place the howea in a cool place in a draft.
The result is the same: blackening of individual leaves, then the entire crown, which will lead to the death of the plant.

To avoid this, it is necessary to provide stationary temperature from 20 to 24 degrees Celsius and humidity 60–65%.

White spots: what to do

Sometimes white spots appear on the leaves of Howea's fan crown. This is the first sign excess chlorine in water for irrigation. Not settled tap water affects the development of the phytoplasmic structure of the leaf and disrupts the natural synthesis of the plant.

Did you know? Industrial chlorine, which does not have an additional electron of natural valence, enters into intracellular interaction with the atoms of the released ozone and “quenches” the process of photosynthesis. As a result, the final function of the plant - the release of oxygen - atrophies. White spots on howea leaves are dead areas of chlorophyll.

In order to avoid disease, it is necessary to water the palm tree with settled, or even better, melt water.
Experienced flower growers freeze in refrigeration chamber nylon with ordinary water and then use it to water the hovea.

Why does Howea have brown spots?

Brown spots are the most common disease in unpretentious palm. The first sign is that the howea is not growing, the second is that the green leaves suddenly begin to acquire brown lacunae.

Why do date palm Are the tips of the leaves drying out? Why do spots appear? Date palm diseases may be related both with diseases and with illiterate care.

Fungal and viral diseases

Responsible for date palm diseases various pathogens:

  1. Fungi.
  2. Viruses.
  3. Bacteria.

The most common fungal disease is gray spot. Signs of the disease are spots gray on leaves, more on older ones. As the disease progresses, black spots appear - these are fungal spores.

For treatment It is necessary to remove all infected parts before the disease affects the entire plant. Next, the palm tree is treated with fungicides - special antifungal drugs. The same means are applicable for another, no less common fungal disease- pink rot.

Bacteria lead to putrefactive processes. They are characterized by soft stems and leaves, which also become discolored and fall off. The appearance of bacteria is promoted high humidity soil and keeping in a cold room.

If a picture appears on the leaves mosaic type, this signals a viral infection. Most often the plant insects infect, which must be destroyed indoors in a timely manner. They may be:

  • flies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • moths.

And other insects that can enter the room. For protection, mosquito nets should be installed on windows.

Once every six months it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment special plants chemicals.

Reasons for the loss of decorative appearance

Soil oversaturated with moisture can lead to the appearance of brown spots . Watering with cold water also leads to the same result.

Softening the trunk, combined with a putrid odor, also signals excess moisture that threatens the life of the plant.

To check, you need to remove it from the pot and inspect it. If dead roots are found, you need to separate them from living ones and thoroughly clean them. Replant into another pot and into drier soil.

Date palm leaves are drying up, what should I do? If watering is insufficient, the leaves begin to wither and turn yellow. This may also be due to poor quality water - too hard or low in essential microelements.

But the same symptoms can also indicate too dense soil and associated moisture stagnation. The best solution in such a situation there will be a transplant into looser soil.

Brown coloration of leaf tips- result insufficient humidity air. The same symptom is characteristic of hypothermia.

Diseases and pests

Red spider mite is one of the main enemies of not only the date palm, but also many other indoor plants.

The size of the insect is only half a millimeter. It is diluted in rooms with extremely low humidity and high temperature. It starts first in the stem, gradually spreading to the leaves.

Symptoms are gray or yellow spots and cracks. If no measures are taken, the green pet will die, completely covered in cobwebs. Special attention should be given in the spring, this is the time of the most likely infection.

Shchitovka also feeds on plant sap and spreads very quickly. Insects gradually cover the entire palm tree, its surface becomes similar to the smallest scales. As a result of loss of juice, the foliage withers and turns yellow, and the shoots may dry out.


Date palm diseases: photos show how your plant can suffer from improper care or pests.

  • phosphamide;
  • fitoverm;
  • actellik;
  • pyrethrum.

The proportion of the chemical solution is 2 g per 1 liter. water. It is advisable to spray once a week.

Traditional disinfection is also suitable: wipe the infected areas with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and spray the rest of the plant.

For health and freshness

How to rejuvenate a date palm? Renewal of the date palm consists of constant renewal of leaves that appear from above and die from below. Needs to be deleted wilting or dried lower branches.

Upper branches can't be trimmed! This can lead to the death of the plant. Drying of the upper branch is an unnatural process and signals a disease.

Proper care is a panacea for many diseases

Weakened plants that lack proper care are most susceptible to disease. Compliance with all rules:

  • glaze;
  • feeding;
  • temperature;
  • light mode;

can prevent many diseases.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the plant, and if pests are found, destroy them immediately.

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