Advantages of a house made of timber. House made of profiled solid timber


100% solid wood. The basis is timber made of dense-fiber pine/spruce, cedar or Siberian larch, processed using modern imported equipment.

0% glue. Environmentally friendly wood.

Has smooth surfaces on the sides. A house made of such timber has a neat and attractive appearance.

Warm. The profiled beam, due to its fit with a gap of 3 mm under the self-expanding tape and seal, a wide cold bridge, and a complex “labyrinth” (that is, offset) lock in two planes, is significantly superior to a rounded log in terms of heat conservation. Thus, a profiled beam with a cross-section of 190x190 mm is equivalent to a log with a diameter of 320 mm and 240x190 mm - 420 mm.

Economical. To achieve the same heat saving indicator, profiled timber on the walls of a house uses up to 40% less volume than rounded logs, and it is almost 2 times cheaper than laminated veneer lumber, which makes profiled timber the most profitable building material.

Minimum timber shrinkage natural humidity. In production, timber with natural moisture is used. In accordance with GOST, the shrinkage of timber with natural moisture to operational humidity (16-18%) is only 3.5% for pine/spruce and cedar and 4.5% for larch. Eg, laminated veneer lumber shrinks up to 3%. Almost identical indicators.

No caulking required after shrinkage. Unlike rounded logs, where after shrinkage it is necessary to caulk the entire house, and especially the cracks in the cups, the design of the lock in the timber and the use of a special German self-expanding tape and seal eliminates blowing, which provides additional cost savings.

Water does not flow into the walls. The profile shape is designed so that rainwater does not fall between the beams, which in turn protects the walls from rotting.

Fewer cracks on the sides. There is no tree without cracks, but in houses made of profiled timber the possibility of cracks appearing is much less, since the timber has been relieved of tension on four sides.

Possibility of impregnation of timber (at the factory) in an autoclave (under pressure) fire retardants- a much better (much more durable) option compared to impregnation from sprayers.


Houses made from solid, undried timber require a lot of time to shrink, which significantly lengthens the construction period [you can wait a year and a half - no big deal].

Practice shows that despite modern technologies preparation of a rounded log, the cracks in it will eventually be wider than those of a debarked log. Okay, along the body of the log. And in the castle? Plus, cutting leaves the pores of the wood open, creating a gateway for microorganisms, mold and insects to penetrate into it [impregnation with fire retardants in a pressure autoclave minimizes the risk of fungal diseases].

Do houses made of timber often warp due to natural moisture?
Do you need highly qualified builders when assembling a house from profiled timber?
Is a house made of profiled timber worse in terms of performance compared to a house made of laminated veneer lumber?

If you decide to build a house from timber, you should first study the reviews. After all, it is consumers who are most accurately able to assess the quality characteristics of this material.

Advantages of building from timber

Most often, a modern buyer chooses a home made of timber for the reason that they can move into it immediately after completion of construction. Among other things, you shouldn’t burden yourself with repairs in the first months of living in such a house, since it’s impossible to do it anyway, because the walls will continue to shrink for some time. This also applies to exterior decoration. It should not be done until the complete shrinkage of the building is completed. If you decide to buy a house made of timber, reviews will help you make right choice. One more advantage of building from timber can be highlighted, which is expressed in the fact that the absence of the need for finishing allows for significant savings. This is also appreciated because most often wooden houses are chosen by those people who want to save money, because such buildings turn out to be much cheaper compared to those built from other materials such as brick. If you are considering a housing option such as a log house, you need to read the reviews in advance. By studying them, you can also be convinced that insulation of the house can be done only after some time, which allows you to save not only cash, but also your strength.

It is also worth noting that the internal and external finishing may not be produced at all, since the timber looks quite attractive. Over time, the material can be coated with tinting, which will extend the life of the walls and also make the structure of the wood more expressive.

The ability of walls to breathe

If you have long dreamed of buying a house made of timber, you need to consider reviews about it in advance. According to them, another advantage wooden houses From the material described it appears that the walls are able to breathe. This allows you to obtain a favorable indoor microclimate, thanks to which living in such a building is not only pleasant and comfortable, but also beneficial for health. Fresh air will penetrate through the timber from the outside, which will allow for air exchange, which is so necessary for humans. In other buildings, the wall materials of which do not breathe, expensive ventilation systems, the operation of which costs an impressive amount. The ability of the material to breathe allows moisture to escape from the room to the outside, which eliminates the formation of fungus and mold on the walls.

The ability of timber to retain heat

If you are considering purchasing a log home, owner reviews will serve you well. While highlighting the positive aspects of this material, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that solid wood has a unique heat capacity, which makes it possible to smooth out temperature changes outside. In addition, thanks to this, wooden houses have unique features, which consist in the ability of the walls to retain heat inside the premises, even when the temperature outside the window reaches extremely low levels. In summer, the quality of wood is also excellent. Reviews indicate that the heat does not pass through the walls, and the rooms are always cool.

Disadvantages of timber buildings

There are also disadvantages to houses made of timber. Reviews also let you know about them. The most important disadvantage of wood is that it burns. For private houses this risk is highest. However this feature material can be considered relative, because stone houses, or rather their contents, also burn quite often. It is only necessary to remember that wood easily catches fire, but manufacturers have provided for this feature: at the stage of manufacturing the timber, they treat it with fire retardants, which reduce the risk of the material igniting.

Safety rules in a wooden house

If you decide to purchase a house made of timber, the pros and cons (you should carefully study the reviews in advance) of such a building must be carefully weighed. Another disadvantage of the described structures is that the installation of wiring requires compliance with strict rules. This is due to the fact that wiring is the main source of ignition. Thus, hidden wiring, laid in the ceiling, floor, and also boxes, must be protected with iron pipes, which is very often a rather difficult task to implement. Among other things, it is quite expensive. Most often, the wiring is laid in an iron corrugation. However, this approach is unacceptable in some cases. If you do not have enough experience and knowledge in this field, then you will have to take the help of professionals, which involves additional costs. This can be considered a disadvantage of wooden houses.

It is worth mentioning that styling electrical wires inside timber walls it is considered quite challenging task. To do this, it will be necessary to drill channels during the construction of the house, and then install pipes in them, taking into account the future shrinkage of the building. The average person can't handle this House master. Therefore, the construction of a wooden structure is most often entrusted to professional builders. If you decide to buy a house made of timber, reviews and price, of course, interest you. As for the cost, it can be equal to 400 thousand rubles. If you want to reduce the cost of construction, you can build the foundation yourself. Returning to the issue of electrical wiring, we can highlight another disadvantage, which is expressed in the fact that the wiring to sockets and switches is most often open in wooden houses. This provides a not very aesthetic appearance walls indoors.

The unattractive appearance obtained after laying the wiring can be corrected by installing a plasterboard false wall. However, it must be taken into account that in in this case effective area at home will be somewhat reduced, which quite often does not please the modern consumer. However, in this case it will be possible to hide the wiring between the drywall and the timber.

The need to protect wood

If you are interested in houses made of timber (Pestovo), reviews will help you study all the shortcomings of the material; for this you only need to read them in this article. It is important to take into account another disadvantage of wood, which is that it is undesirable to expose this material to excessive moisture, in which case the walls will begin to rot, bugs and all sorts of harmful microorganisms may appear in them. Manufacturers, however, have taken this feature of the timber into account; they treat it with antiseptics during the production process. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews of the owners of which you will read in the article, are also treated with special substances. The consumer must take into account the need proper ventilation walls so that they do not become saturated with moisture. The disadvantage of wood treated with antiseptics is that such substances are not very beneficial to health.

The downside is the shrinkage

When choosing a wooden house, you need to remember that it will shrink. This may lead to some consequences. One of them is that the house will become lower. However, this circumstance is taken into account by builders when designing. But the formation of cracks between the beams cannot be avoided; you will have to get rid of them before the onset of winter, since such grooves can cause condensation and subsequent destruction of the wood. After the house settles, which will happen in about 2 years, the walls will still continue to move, absorbing and releasing moisture, swelling and drying out. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews of which are often positive, dry out less. But in ordinary timber houses, shrinkage significantly complicates finishing. It will be necessary to insulate the walls using the caulking method; this will be especially difficult to achieve in the corners. Using tow, you attract birds to the walls, which will steal the insulating material, destroying the thermal insulation layer.

Using natural moisture timber

Depending on the production technology, the timber can be dried under natural or forced preparation conditions. In the first case, the material is cheaper, but during operation it will dry unevenly, which means it will become covered with cracks. This not only looks unsightly, but also leads to faster deterioration of the material. In this case, you will have to finish the inside.

Advantages of a house made of laminated laminated timber

If you are considering purchasing a house made of profiled timber, reviews from the owners will no doubt be important information. Thus, among the advantages we can highlight the fact that such houses are almost not deformed during operation; although the wood dries out, it geometric dimensions remain the same. Thanks to the manufacturing method, profiled glued material has excellent thermal insulation properties. The product has special grooves. If you are interested in houses made of profiled timber, reviews from the owners should help you make the right choice. Such material has correct form, and the presence of grooves makes assembly quite simple. Another one follows from this positive feature, expressed in minimum terms carrying out construction. Such products are more resistant to fire, as they are treated with synthetic impregnations at the production stage. If you have chosen a house made of profiled timber, customer reviews will provide you with invaluable help. They say that such buildings practically do not require additional finishing, and the cost of the foundation is very low.

Disadvantages of houses made of glued profiled timber

A house made of profiled timber, reviews of which we are reviewing, may also have certain disadvantages. One of them is that all kinds of resins are used in production, which can be toxic. It's important to choose quality material, as some manufacturers use treatments that release phenol.

If you are considering houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews from owners should not be ignored. After all, it is important to know the disadvantages of this material. Many consumers say that if you do not take care of such a building, it will begin to rot over time. In addition, by purchasing untreated profiled glued material, you expose your home to a fire hazard.


Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews of which you had the opportunity to read in this article, have a lot of advantages and some disadvantages. Each of them must be studied before construction begins.

The interacting components are compressed and ultimately turned into timber of any length, cross-section 250 x 150 mm and density 1000-1800 kg/m 3. Moreover, it has a tongue and groove design.

The undoubted advantages of this material are the following:

  • it is fireproof and frost-resistant (withstands 35 freezing and thawing cycles);
  • the timber is not subject to putrefactive processes and damage by harmful microorganisms and rodents;
  • walls made of pressed timber are lightweight and have no architectural restrictions. In addition, they do not require a deep foundation, which allows you to save on this;
  • thanks to optimal profile walls made of timber are assembled without any problems, for example, a house with an area of ​​36 m2 can be assembled during a working day and without the involvement of specialists. The crest of the beam is covered either with a solution of bischofite and magnesite, or with ordinary cement, after which the next element is placed on it. After hardening, the wall becomes monolithic;
  • since the pressed timber has a leveled, smooth surface, you can save on plastering works, immediately starting finishing;
  • walls made of such timber are classified as “breathable”;
  • the cost of pressed timber is not too high if you compare it with the prices of laminated veneer lumber, rounded logs, etc. In addition to the advantages that pressed timber provides, it is not without its disadvantages, in particular:
  • the binder in the timber requires high-quality waterproofing, since it is not characterized by increased moisture resistance;
  • By thermal insulation characteristics pressed timber cannot compete with sandwich panels, although it is superior to brick in this parameter, i.e. has approximately the same indicators as cellular concrete;
  • unlike the latter, pressed timber is somewhat more difficult to process, which, however, can be called a disadvantage with a certain degree of doubt, especially if you have modern power tools.

Such material as wooden “brick” has recently appeared on the domestic market, so in practice country house construction it is not very common, but we believe that the reader and the hypothetical developer will be interested in obtaining information about it, especially since construction from it can be carried out in record time.

The name wooden “brick” is quite arbitrary, since this material is wooden beam and only in shape it resembles a brick, but differs from it in size, which can be different. The limitation concerns only the length - it cannot be less than 315 mm. Distinctive feature"brick" (actually timber) is a special four-sided castle design, thanks to which individual elements They fit together without the slightest gap, which allows you to save on seals and sealants. A wall made of such material turns out to be almost monolithic and looks more like furniture board, than on the enclosing structure that is familiar to us. But the advantages of wooden “bricks” are not limited to this. Let's list its other advantages.

  1. First of all, the material retains all the positive aspects of wood, which there is no need to name, since they were discussed above.
  2. In the manufacturing process, exclusively dry wood is used, which is sanded and brought to almost perfect condition. In addition, it is applied to the front sides special composition Tikurila, which not only performs a protective function, but also emphasizes the texture of the wood. Thanks to such high-quality processing, a wall made of such material does not need finishing, i.e. there is real opportunity save.
  3. A variety of sizes allows you to implement different architectural solutions, change the layout, dimensions of the premises.

A country house (however, this applies not only to it) must correspond to your inner essence, be its spatial and material reflection. Only when given condition you, being in such a house, will feel comfortable and free.

4. The walls and the house itself made of wooden “bricks” are lightweight, so there is no need to lay a reinforced foundation, which significantly saves materials and costs.

5. Walls made of such material are not prone to deformation and are mounted with high speed- approximately 2-8 weeks.

6. A house built from wooden “bricks” does not require a technological break and can be immediately occupied and equipped with doors and windows.

7. Not less important dignity of this material also consists in its attractive price- 2.5-3 times cheaper than laminated timber.

Houses made of timber have always been popular in countries with a northern climate. Special aesthetics and atmosphere, warmth and environmental friendliness, minimum requirements to finishing - these are the main advantages of timber buildings. However, despite all the advantages, such houses have several disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing the material from which the house will be built. With proper design and adherence to construction technology, the disadvantages of houses made of timber can be eliminated, while others can be minimized.

Only high-quality wood is used for the construction of brownstone houses coniferous species. The timber processing technology has crucial. The modern woodworking industry offers consumers two options: solid and laminated veneer lumber. A solid one is made from a tree trunk by sawing, and a glued one is made from separate wooden planks. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages:

Solid timber

Environmental friendliness, absence of adhesives;

Wood uniformity;

Low cost.

high humidity;

– requires more serious finishing;

– complex installation.

Glued laminated timber

Antiseptic treatment;

Low humidity and minimal shrinkage;

Reduced fire hazard.

– the composition may contain hazardous resins;

– made from different types of wood;

- high price.

Comparative characteristics of regular and laminated timber
Regular timber Glued laminated timber
Shrinkage 6-8% 0,4%
Warping due to uneven evaporation of moisture (violation of geometry - screw, bend) Maybe excluded
Cracks width up to 1 cm, depth up to 15 cm, length up to 1.5 m descend along the length. Does not affect strength
Loss of aesthetics due to fungal diseases Maybe excluded
Blackness, rotten Maybe excluded
Surface characteristics there is no perfectly flat surface, there are dead and fallen knots and cracks smooth surface, does not require further processing
Temperature fluctuations wood deformation no leashes
Thermal insulation properties additional thermal insulation required complies with the Requirements of SNiP 3-79 “Construction Heat Engineering”

When choosing timber, it is necessary to take into account not only the technology of its manufacture, but also individual characteristics: density, humidity, thermal conductivity, etc. It is better to give preference to seasoned dry timber, and you need to buy the material from a reliable supplier. It is better if the timber is dried in a natural way without the use of drying ovens.

Long-term shrinkage

Even when using the most the best timber the structure shrinks 5-10%. This indicator is considered normal and is taken into account by designers at the project development stage. When building a cottage from low-quality timber, shrinkage can be critical and reach 25%. In this case, there is a high probability of cracks, distortions and other defects. Owners of timber houses, whose reviews can be found on the Internet, most often talk about the following problems associated with timber shrinkage:

  • distortion of walls and roof;
  • cracks in floors;
  • the appearance of drafts and cold;
  • “sliding” of windows and doorways.

It is quite difficult to eliminate these shortcomings, so it is better not to save at the stage of purchasing materials, but to entrust the design of a house made of timber to professionals who will take into account natural shrinkage when making calculations.

Fire Hazard

In 90% of cases, the cause of the fire is timber houses is faulty wiring. A house made of timber, the disadvantages of which are indeed a high fire hazard, requires high-quality electrical wiring. It is also advisable to install an emergency fire extinguishing system and smoke extractors in the house. To reduce the fire hazard, the timber must be treated with special substances - fire retardants.

Fire retardants reduce the fire hazard of dry timber by 50-70%. When a fire occurs, fire retardant substances release gases that prevent the flow of oxygen to the fire site and self-extinguishing occurs. The fire retardant for processing timber should change minimally natural properties wood and comply with environmental standards.

Susceptibility to rot and mold

Beam – perfect place habitat of fungus and mold. In addition, many tree species are attractive to rodents and insects as homes. To create a reliable biological protection the material must be treated with antiseptic agents. Antiseptics should not contain phenol and formaldehyde. In the absence of finishing antiseptic treatment can be carried out for a finished building every 2-3 years of operation. Such measures will reliably protect a house made of timber from rot and mold.

The need for caulking walls

All houses made of timber, the disadvantages of which are shrinkage, require caulking of the walls. Caulking is necessary to eliminate cracks between logs and seal gaps. This is a labor-intensive process that requires not only financial costs, but also special knowledge and skills. If your house is built from timber by professionals, then caulking will be done during the construction process, but this does not guarantee that the same work will not have to be done in a few years, because It is impossible to predict exactly how much the walls will shrink.

Heating specifics

In addition to the fact that the heating systems of houses made of timber are subject to the most stringent requirements for electrical and fire safety, operation heating devices must be done according to certain rules. The most important thing is to ensure uniform heating of the structure. At first heating season the house cannot be heated above +20-22 C. In this case, the temperature should rise gradually. If you immediately warm up a log house too much, condensation will appear on the walls, which will lead to the formation of mold. It is also important to ensure effective ventilation in all rooms.


It is impossible to say unequivocally that the sound insulation of a timber house is a minus. This parameter largely depends on external factors: location of the house, infrastructure and even climate. Many owners of timber cottages talk about excellent sound insulation without special insulating work, others note that creaks, gusts of wind, and the sounds of rain are heard in the house.

In any case, sound insulation can be installed at any time before installation finishing. The cost of soundproofing work is small.

What material do you like the house from most?

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House made of timber

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House using Canadian technology

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