DIY flat tesla coil. The principle of operation of a tesla coil

Many of us admire the genius of Nikola Tesla, who made such discoveries back in the 19th century that not all of his scientific heritage has yet been studied and understood. One of his inventions was called the Tesla coil or Tesla transformer. You can read more about it. And here we will look at how to make a simple Tesla coil at home.

What is needed to make a Tesla coil?

To make a Tesla coil at home, at our desk or even in the kitchen, we first need to stock up on everything we need.
So, first we must find or purchase the following.
The tools we need are:

  • Soldering iron
  • Glue gun
  • Drill with thin drill bit
  • Hacksaw
  • Scissors
  • Insulating tape
  • Marker

To assemble the Tesla coil itself, you need to prepare the following:

  • A piece of thick polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 20 mm.
  • Copper wire with a diameter of 0.08-0.3 mm.
  • A piece of thick wire
  • Transistor type KT31117B or 2N2222A (can be KT805, KT815, KT817)
  • Resistor 22 kOhm (you can take resistors from 20 to 60 kOhm)
  • Power supply (Krona)
  • Ping pong ball
  • A piece of food foil
  • The base on which the product will be mounted is a piece of board or plastic
  • Wires for connecting our circuit

Having prepared everything you need, we begin to manufacture the Tesla coil.

Instructions for making a Tesla coil

The most labor-intensive process for making a Tesla coil at home will be winding the secondary winding L2. This is the most significant element in the Tesla transformer. And winding is a labor-intensive process that requires care and attention.

Let's prepare the base. For this we will need PVC pipe with a diameter of 2 cm.

Mark the required length on the pipe - approximately from 9 to 20 cm. It is advisable to maintain a proportion of 4-5:1. Those. if you have a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm, then its length will be from 8 to 10 cm.

Then we cut off with a hacksaw along the mark left by the marker. The cut must be even and perpendicular to the pipe, since we will then glue this pipe to the board, and a ball will be glued on top.

The end of the pipe must be sanded sandpaper on both sides. It is necessary to remove the shavings remaining from sawing off a piece of pipe, and also level the surface for gluing it to the base.

One hole must be drilled at both ends of the pipe. The diameter of these holes should be such that the wire that we will use when winding can pass through there freely. Those. these should be small holes. If you do not have such a thin drill, you can solder the pipe using a thin nail, heating it on the stove.

We pass the end of the wire for winding into the pipe.

We fix this end of the wire with glue gun. We fix it from the inside of the pipe.

We begin winding the wire. For this you can use copper wire with insulation with a diameter of 0.08 to 0.3 mm. The winding should be tight and neat. Avoid overlaps. The number of turns is from 300 to 1000, depending on your pipe and wire diameter. In our version, 0.08 mm wire is used. diameter and 300 turns of winding.

After winding is finished, cut the wire, leaving a piece of 10 centimeters.

Pass the wire through the hole and secure with inside with a drop of glue.

Now you need to glue the manufactured coil to the base. As a base, you can take a small board or a piece of plastic 15-20 cm in size. To glue the coil, you need to carefully coat its end.

Then we attach the secondary winding of the coil to its place on the base.

Then we glue the transistor, switch and resistor to the base. Thus, we fix all the elements on the board.

We make coil L1. For this we need thick wire. Diameter - from 1 mm. and more, depending on your reel. In our case, the thickness is 1 mm. the wire will be enough. We take the rest of the pipe and wind 3 turns of thick insulated wire around it.

Then we put the coil L1 on L2.

We assemble all the elements of the Tesla coil according to this diagram.

Circuit diagram of a simple Tesla coil

We attach all elements and wires to the base using a glue gun. We also glue the Krona battery so that nothing dangles.

Now we have to make the last element of the Tesla transformer - the emitter. It can be made from a tennis ball wrapped in food foil. To do this, take a piece of foil and simply wrap the ball in it. We trim off the excess so that the ball is evenly wrapped in foil and nothing sticks out.

We attach the ball in the foil to the upper wire of the L2 coil, pushing the wire inside the foil. We secure the attachment point with a piece of electrical tape and glue the ball to the top of L2.

That's it! We made our own Tesla coil! This is what this device looks like.

Now all that remains is to check the performance of the Tesla transformer we made. To do this, you need to turn on the device, pick up a fluorescent lamp and bring it to the coil. We must see how the lamp brought to us lights up and burns right in our hands!

This means that everything worked out and everything works! You have become the owner of a Tesla coil made by yourself. If problems suddenly arise, check the voltage on the battery. Often, if a battery has been lying somewhere for a long time, it no longer works as expected.
But we hope everything worked out for you! You can try changing the number of turns on the secondary winding of coil L2, as well as the number of turns and thickness of the wire on coil L1. The power supply can also vary from 6 to 15 V for such small coils. Try it, experiment! And you will succeed!

A Tesla coil is a flat spiral that, along with inductance, has a large intrinsic capacitance. The patent for the invention was filed in January 1894. The author, naturally, was Nikola Tesla. A transformer is widely known under this name; the operating principle of the device is based on oscillatory circuits.

War of Currents

Today it reads like a scientific novel, but at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries there really was a war of currents. It all started when the company did not pay young Tesla a penny to set up a generator in Europe. Although the reward was promised to be substantial. Without thinking twice, Tesla leaves his homeland and sails to the USA. The explorer was plagued by setbacks along the way, but in the end the journey ended successfully. Take the episode when all the money is lost on the road. Refuse? No!

Tesla miraculously makes his way onto the ship and spends half of the journey under the auspices of the ship's captain, who feeds the traveler in his own dining room. Relations cooled a little when young Tesla was noticed in the center of a scuffle that arose on the deck, where he dealt with right and left, thanks to his impressive height (with low weight). As a result, Tesla arrived ashore and on the first day managed to help a local merchant repair a generator, earning a small reward.

Having in hand letters of recommendation, Nikola goes to get a job at a company where she works day and night, spending her sleep time on a couch in the laboratory. Edison played a bad joke on his young future counterpart: he promised a substantial reward for improvements in work electrical equipment. The difficulty was quickly resolved, and the inventor of the thread for the light bulb base referred to a commercial hoax. Tesla had already mentally distributed the promised reward for conducting experiments, and the joke did not evoke a warm emotional response from the inventor. A young immigrant leaves a company to start his own.

At the same time, Tesla is harboring ideas about how to fight the prankster. While walking with a friend, he suddenly understands how to implement Arago's rotating field theory: two phases are required AC. At the time of the 80s of the 19th century, the idea was considered truly revolutionary. Previously, engines, incandescent light bulbs (in the process of being perfected), and most laboratory experiments were made without DC. This is what Georg Ohm did.

Tesla takes out a patent for a two-phase motor and claims that both are possible. complex systems. Westinghouse is interested in ideas, it begins long history about being right. Edison, as usual, did not skimp on funds. There are stories that he took an alternator and tortured animals to death with it. Allegedly, the electric chair was invented by Edison in collaboration with an unknown person. Moreover, the first designer accidentally or intentionally made a mistake, so much so that the convict suffered for a long time, to top it off, literally exploded, spilling out the internal organs.

Westinghouse's lawyers managed to save the second poor fellow by replacing the execution with life imprisonment. Salvation did not stop Edison, who set out to invent a table in addition to the chair. Tesla tried to demonstrate a response move, putting forward a number of arguments:

Enterprising American businessmen even released playing cards featuring the aforementioned war of currents. For example, the image of the joker shows the famous Wardenclyffe Tower; science fiction writers and directors of similar films were guided by the structure. Historical facts They clarify how intense the struggle turned out to be - the reason for the brilliance of the inventive genius. The Tesla coil, twisted from 50 turns of thick cable, was structurally part of the Wardenclyffe tower...

Tesla coil design

This is an amazing opportunity in a special way laying down the turns copper wire, save on capacitor units. If readers are in the know, then they have heard about phase correctors to reduce energy costs. These are capacitor units that compensate for the inductive reactance of the consumer. Especially relevant for transformers and motors. Only the reactive power meter shows extra expenses. This is imaginary energy useful work the consumer does not perform. Circulating back and forth, it heats up the active resistance of the conductors. In an area where full power is metered (for example, an enterprise), this significantly increases bills for payment to electricity suppliers.

Now it is easy to understand how Tesla's invention was planned to be used in industry. The inventor in US patent 512340 lists two similar coil designs:

  • The first drawing shows a flat spiral. One terminal of the Tesla coil is located on the periphery, the second is taken from the middle. The design is easy to use. With a potential difference between the terminals of 100 V and a number of turns per thousand, on average, 0.1 V drops between adjacent points of the spiral. To calculate the figure, divide 100 by 1000. The self-capacitance is proportional to the square of 0.1 and will not be too large.
  • Then Tesla suggests looking at the second drawing, which shows a bifilar coil. It's a flat spiral, but the two wires wind side by side. Moreover, the ends of the second circuit are short-circuited and connected to the output of the first. It turns out that the alternative thread exhibits the same potential along its length. If we imagine that 100 V is applied to the structure, the result will change. Indeed, now there are wires of two different threads running nearby, and the only one along the length is exclusively zero. As a result, on average, the potential difference is 50 V, and the Tesla coil’s own capacity is 250,000 times greater than that of the previous circuit. This is a significant difference, and it is obviously possible to find favorable network parameters. For example, Tesla worked at frequencies of 200 - 300 kHz.

The inventor indicates that he has tried various shapes and configurations. In terms of usefulness, a square is no different from the circle or rectangle shown in the pictures. The designer is free to choose the form. Tesla coils are not widely used today. Entrepreneurs opposed the inventor. The conversation that took place between businessmen and Edison is unknown, but, being listed as shareholders of the new hydroelectric power station, the tycoons heard that the Wardenclyffe tower, built on convenient location, is capable of becoming the first bird in transmitting energy over distances without wires.

The sponsor of the construction was the owner of copper factories and just wanted to sell the metal. The wireless method of energy transfer is unprofitable. If J.P. Morgan had known that today most cables are made of aluminum, he might have reacted differently, but it turned out that Nikola Tesla completed the tower in splendid isolation, and the design did not take on the intended scope.

According to the second version, Nikola Tesla decided to create energy from thin air, as people gossip about on YouTube. A certain inventor proves that the energy of the ether is drawn into the core of a magnet, at an equal distance from the poles, and it is necessary to be able to convert it into electricity. Tesla's idea is briefly outlined. A self-taught master who dared to present a generator at an exhibition free energy at 13 kW, disappeared in an unknown direction along with his family. Such facts suggest that Wardenclyffe's tower had many more opponents than is commonly thought.

According to Tesla's plan, there were 30 factories in the world. They would produce and receive energy and broadcast widely. Apparently, they thought that this would be a collapse of the local economy, although Bedini engines are still being built today using Tesal theories. So, the coils formed the basis of the transmitting and receiving devices: the design is identical. But today these curious inventions are reliably forgotten, except for microstrip technologies, where square and round spiral inductors of a similar kind are found.

Tesla Transformer

It was said above that the transmitting devices were based on Tesla coils, which can be called resonant transformers. Through transformer coupling, a high potential is pumped into the Tesla coil. The charge continues until the spark gap breaks down, then oscillations begin at the resonant frequency. If one transformer connection through a coil with a large number turns transmits high voltage to the emitter or spark gap.

Anyone can see that the structure of Wardenclyffe Tower resembles a mushroom, but at the base lies a flat Tesla coil. A large-volume toroid with capacitive reactance is used as an emitter. IN modern form The intermediate circuit contains conventional capacitors, adjusted to the “donut” parameters. The great advantage of the design is the absence of ferromagnetic materials.

A Tesla coil is a resonant transformer that produces high voltage at high frequency. Invented by Tesla in 1896. The operation of this device causes very beautiful effects, similar to controlled lightning, and their size and strength depend on the supplied voltage and electrical circuit.

It is not difficult to make a Tesla coil at home, and its effects are very beautiful. Ready-made and powerful such devices are sold in this Chinese store.

Without using wires, using the proposed high-frequency transformer, you can maintain the glow of gas-filled lamps (for example, fluorescent lamps). In addition, a beautiful high-voltage spark is formed at the end of the winding, which can be touched with your hands. Due to the fact that input voltage on the presented generator will be low, it is relatively safe.

Safety precautions when operating the presented Tesla coil circuit

Remember not to turn this device on near phones, computers and other electronic devices, as they may be damaged by its radiation.

A simple Tesla generator circuit

To assemble the circuit you need:

1. Enameled copper wire 0.1-0.3 mm thick, 200 m long.

2. Plastic pipe diameter 4-7 cm, length 15 cm for the secondary winding frame.

3. Plastic pipe with a diameter of 7-10 cm, a length of 3-5 cm for the primary winding frame.

4. Radio components: transistor D13007 and cooling radiator for it; variable resistor at 50 kOhm; fixed resistor 75 Ohm and 0.25 W; power supply with an output voltage of 12-18 volts and a current of 0.5 amperes;
5. Soldering iron, tin solder and rosin.

Having selected the necessary parts, start by winding the coil. You should wind the frame turn to turn without overlaps or noticeable gaps, approximately 1000 turns, but not less than 600. After this, you need to provide insulation and secure the winding; it is best to use varnish for this, which is used to cover the winding in several layers.

For the primary winding (L1), a thicker wire with a diameter of 0.6 mm or more is used, the winding is 5-12 turns, the frame for it is selected at least 5 mm thicker than the secondary winding.

Next, assemble the circuit as in the figure above. Any NPN transistor is suitable, PNP is also possible, but in this case it is necessary to change the polarity of the power supply, the author of the circuit used BUT11AF, from domestic ones, which are in no way inferior, KT819, KT805 are well suited.
To power the camera - any 12-30V power supply with a current of 0.3 A.

Parameters of the original Tesla winding

Secondary - 700 turns of wire 0.15 mm thick on a 4 cm frame.
Primary – 5 turns of 1.5 mm wire on a 5 cm frame.
Power supply – 12-24 V with current up to 1 A.

Video of the “How-todo” channel.

One of Nikola Tesla's famous inventions was the Tesla Coil. This invention is a resonant transformer that produces high-frequency increased voltage. In 1896, a patent was issued for the invention, which was called an apparatus for education electric current high potential and frequency.

Design and operation

An elementary Tesla transformer includes two coils, a toroid, a capacitor, a spark gap, a protective ring and .

The toroid performs several functions:

  • Reducing the resonance frequency, especially for the type of Tesla coil with semiconductor switches. perform poorly at higher frequencies.
  • Accumulation of energy before occurrence electric arc. The larger the toroid, the more energy is stored. At the moment of air breakdown, the toroid releases this accumulated energy into an electric arc, thereby increasing it.
  • The formation of an electrostatic field that repels the arc from the secondary winding. Part of this function is performed by the secondary winding. However, the toroid helps her with this. Therefore, the electric arc does not hit the secondary winding along the shortest path.

Usually O.D. the toroid is twice the diameter of the secondary winding. Toroids are made from aluminum corrugation and other materials.

Secondary winding The Tesla transformer is the main design element. Typically, the length of the winding refers to its diameter 5:1. The diameter of the conductor for the coil is chosen to accommodate about 1000 turns, which should be located tightly together. The winding turns are coated with several layers of varnish or epoxy resin. PVC pipes, which can be purchased at a hardware store, are chosen as the frame.

Protective ring serves to protect against failure of electronic elements in the event of an electric arc entering the primary winding. A protective ring is installed if the size of the streamer (electric arc) is greater than the length of the secondary coil. This ring is made in the form of an open copper conductor, grounded by a separate wire to a common ground.

Primary winding most often performed from copper tube used in air conditioners. The resistance of the primary winding should be small, since it will pass through great strength current The tube most often chosen is 6 mm thick. Large cross-section conductors can also be used for winding. The primary winding is a kind of tuning element in Tesla coils in which the first circuit is resonant. Therefore, the location of the power connection is made taking into account its movement, with the help of which the resonance frequency of the primary circuit is changed.

The shape of the primary winding can be different: conical, flat or cylindrical.

The Tesla coil must have grounding. If it is not there, then the streamers will hit the coil itself to close the current.

The oscillatory circuit is formed by a capacitor together with the primary winding. A spark gap, which is a nonlinear element, is also connected to this circuit. An oscillation circuit is also formed in the secondary winding, in which the toroid capacitance and the interturn capacitance of the coil act as a capacitor. Most often, to protect against electrical breakdown, the secondary winding is coated with varnish or epoxy resin.

As a result, a Tesla coil, or in other words a transformer, consists of two oscillation circuits connected to each other. This is what gives the Tesla transformer unusual properties, and is the main distinguishing quality from conventional transformers.

When the breakdown voltage is reached between the electrodes of the spark gap, an electrical avalanche-like breakdown of the gas is formed. In this case, the capacitor is discharged onto the coil through a spark gap. As a result, the circuit of the oscillation circuit, which consists of a capacitor and the primary winding, remains closed to the spark gap. High frequency oscillations occur in this circuit. Resonant oscillations are formed in the secondary circuit, resulting in high voltage.

In all types of Tesla coils, the main element is the circuits: primary and secondary. However, the high frequency oscillator may differ in design.

A Tesla coil essentially consists of two coils that do not have a metal core. The transformation coefficient of a Tesla coil is several tens of times higher than the ratio of the number of turns of both windings. Therefore, the output voltage of the transformer reaches several million volts, which provides powerful electrical discharges several meters long. An important condition is the formation of an oscillation circuit by the primary winding and a capacitor, and the resonance of this circuit with the secondary winding.


Since the time of Nikola Tesla, many various types Tesla transformers. Let's consider the common main types of transformers such as the Tesla coil.

SGTC– a coil operating on a spark discharge has classic device, used by Tesla himself. In this design, the switching element is a spark gap. For low-power devices, the arrester is made in the form of two sections of thick conductor located at a certain distance. Higher power devices use rotating arresters complex design using electric motors. Such transformers are produced when it is necessary to obtain a streamer long length, without any effects.

VTTC– a coil based on an electron tube, which is a switching element. Such transformers are capable of operating in constant mode and delivering discharges of large thickness. This type of power supply is usually used to create high frequency coils. They create a streamer effect in the form of a torch.

SSTC- a coil in the design of which a semiconductor element in the form of a powerful one is used as a key. This type of transformer is also capable of operating in continuous mode. External form streamers from such a device can be very different. Control with a semiconductor key is simpler; there are Tesla coils that can play music.

DRSSTC– a transformer having two resonance circuits. Semiconductor components also play the role of keys. This is the most difficult transformer to set up and control, however, it is used to create impressive effects. In this case, a large resonance is obtained in the primary circuit. In the second circuit, the brightest thick and long streamers in the form of lightning are formed.

Types of effects from a Tesla coil

  • Arc discharge – occurs in many cases. It is typical for tube transformers.
  • Corona discharge is the glow of air ions in electric field increased voltage, forms a beautiful bluish glow around the elements of the device with high voltage, and also having a large surface curvature.
  • Spark otherwise called spark discharge. It flows from the terminal to the ground, or to a grounded object, in the form of a bunch of bright branched stripes that quickly disappear or change.
  • Streamers – these are thin, weakly luminous branching channels containing ionized gas atoms and free electrons. They do not go into the ground, but flow into the air. A streamer is the ionization of air generated by the field of a transformer high voltage.

The action of a Tesla coil is accompanied by a crackling sound of electric current. Streamers can turn into spark channels. This is accompanied by a large increase in current and energy. The streamer channel rapidly expands, the pressure rises sharply, and therefore a shock wave is formed. The combination of such waves is like the crackle of sparks.

Little-Known Effects of the Tesla Coil

Some people consider the Tesla transformer to be some special device with exceptional properties. There is also an opinion that such a device can become an energy generator and perpetual motion machine.

Sometimes they say that with the help of such a transformer it is possible to transmit electrical energy over considerable distances without using wires, and also create anti-gravity. Such properties have not been confirmed or tested by science, but Tesla spoke about the imminent availability of such abilities for humans.

In medicine, with prolonged exposure to high frequency currents and voltages, chronic diseases and other negative phenomena. Also, a person’s presence in a high voltage field negatively affects his health. You can be poisoned by the gases released when the transformer operates without ventilation.


  • The voltage at the output of a Tesla coil sometimes reaches millions of volts, which forms significant airborne electrical discharges several meters long. Therefore, such effects are used to create demonstration shows.
  • The Tesla coil found application in medicine at the beginning of the last century. The patients were treated with low-power, high-frequency currents. Such currents flow across the surface of the skin, have a healing and tonic effect, without causing any harm to the human body. However, powerful high frequency currents have a negative effect.
  • The Tesla coil is used in military equipment for the rapid destruction of electronic equipment in a building, on a ship, or in a tank. This creates a powerful impulse for a short period of time. electromagnetic waves. As a result, transistors, microcircuits and other electronic components burn out within a radius of several tens of meters. This device operates absolutely silently. There is evidence that the current frequency during operation of such a device can reach 1 THz.
  • Sometimes such a transformer is used for ignition gas discharge lamps, as well as searching for leaks in a vacuum.

Tesla coil effects are sometimes used in film productions, computer games. Currently, the Tesla coil has not found widespread practical use in everyday life.

Tesla coil on future

At present, the issues that the scientist Tesla dealt with remain relevant. Consideration of these problematic issues provides an opportunity for students and engineers of institutes to look at scientific problems more broadly, to structure and generalize the material, and to abandon stereotyped thoughts.

Tesla's views are relevant today not only in technology and science, but also for work on new inventions and the use of new technologies in production. Our future will provide an explanation for the phenomena and effects discovered by Tesla. He laid the foundations of modern civilization for the third millennium.

A transformer that increases voltage and frequency many times is called a Tesla transformer. Energy saving and fluorescent lamps, picture tubes of old TVs, charging batteries from a distance and much more were created thanks to the operating principle of this device. Let’s not exclude its use for entertainment purposes, because the “Tesla transformer” is capable of creating beautiful purple discharges - streamers reminiscent of lightning (Fig. 1). During operation, an electromagnetic field is generated that can affect electronic devices and even on the human body, and during discharges in the air occurs chemical process with the release of ozone. To make a Tesla transformer with your own hands, you do not need to have extensive knowledge in the field of electronics, just follow this article.

Components and operating principle

All Tesla transformers, due to a similar operating principle, consist of the same blocks:

  1. Power supply.
  2. Primary circuit.

The power supply provides the primary circuit with voltage of the required magnitude and type. The primary circuit creates high-frequency oscillations that generate resonant oscillations in the secondary circuit. As a result, a current of high voltage and frequency is formed on the secondary winding, which tends to create an electrical circuit through the air - a streamer is formed.

The choice of primary circuit determines the type of Tesla coil, power source and size of the streamer. Let's focus on the semiconductor type. It features a simple circuit with available parts, and low supply voltage.

Selection of materials and parts

We will search and select parts for each of the above structural units:

After winding, we insulate the secondary coil with paint, varnish or other dielectric. This will prevent the streamer from getting into it.

Terminal – additional capacity of the secondary circuit, connected in series. For small streamers it is not necessary. It is enough to bring the end of the coil up 0.5–5 cm.

After we have collected all the necessary parts for the Tesla coil, we begin to assemble the structure with our own hands.

Design and assembly

We do the assembly according to the simplest scheme in Figure 4.

We install the power supply separately. The parts can be assembled by hanging installation, the main thing is to avoid short circuits between the contacts.

When connecting a transistor, it is important not to mix up the contacts (Fig. 5).

To do this, we check the diagram. We tightly screw the radiator to the transistor body.

Assemble the circuit on a dielectric substrate: a piece of plywood, a plastic tray, wooden box etc. We separate the circuit from the coils with a dielectric plate or board, with a miniature hole for the wires.

We secure the primary winding so as to prevent it from falling and touching the secondary winding. In the center of the primary winding we leave space for the secondary coil, taking into account the fact that the optimal distance between them is 1 cm. It is not necessary to use a frame - a reliable fastening is enough.

We install and secure the secondary winding. We make the necessary connections according to the diagram. You can see the operation of the manufactured Tesla transformer in the video below.

Switching on, checking and adjusting

Remove before turning on electronic devices away from the test site to prevent their damage. Remember electrical safety! To launch successfully, perform the following steps in order:

  1. We set the variable resistor to the middle position. When applying power, make sure there is no damage.
  2. Visually check the presence of the streamer. If it is missing, we bring a fluorescent light bulb or incandescent lamp to the secondary coil. The glow of the lamp confirms the functionality of the “Tesla transformer” and the presence of an electromagnetic field.
  3. If the device does not work, first of all we swap the leads of the primary coil, and only then we check the transistor for breakdown.
  4. When you turn it on for the first time, monitor the temperature of the transistor; if necessary, connect additional cooling.

Distinctive features of the powerful Tesla transformer are high voltage, large dimensions of the device and the method of producing resonant oscillations. Let's talk a little about how it works and how to make a Tesla spark-type transformer.

The primary circuit operates on alternating voltage. When turned on, the capacitor charges. As soon as the capacitor is charged to the maximum, a breakdown of the spark gap occurs - a device of two conductors with a spark gap filled with air or gas. After the breakdown, a series circuit of a capacitor and a primary coil is formed, called an LC circuit. It is this circuit that creates high-frequency oscillations, which create resonant oscillations and enormous voltage in the secondary circuit (Fig. 6).

Subject to availability necessary details, a powerful Tesla transformer can be assembled with your own hands, even at home. To do this, it is enough to make changes to the low-power circuit:

  1. Increase the diameters of the coils and the cross-section of the wire by 1.1 - 2.5 times.
  2. Add a toroid-shaped terminal.
  3. Change the DC voltage source to an alternating one with a high boost factor that produces a voltage of 3–5 kV.
  4. Change the primary circuit according to the diagram in Figure 6.
  5. Add reliable grounding.

Tesla spark transformers can reach power up to 4.5 kW, therefore creating streamers large sizes. Best effect is obtained when the same frequencies of both circuits are achieved. This can be realized by calculating the details in special programs– vsTesla, inca and others. You can download one of the Russian-language programs from the link:

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