Plan for the structure of a brick garage with a log bathhouse. Projects of houses with a bathhouse and a garage - design features

When drawing up projects such outbuildings, like a bathhouse and a garage, it is necessary to consider a number of nuances and construction features that will allow the construction of the most convenient and comfortable buildings that meet all the necessary conditions.

Most profitable option in economic terms, as well as in terms of functionality, it is the construction of a bathhouse combined with a garage. The construction of such a building will help reduce costs associated with the use of fewer materials, as well as the cost of providing heating in these premises during operation. You may also be interested in information about what types of

Advantages of planning a garage with a bathhouse under one roof

The construction of a bathhouse and a garage under one roof has a number of main advantages:

  1. Reducing financial costs. Combining the foundations of the bathhouse and garage into one, as well as the combined wall of these buildings, will significantly reduce the amount of materials used in construction, which, accordingly, will reduce the amount of funds invested in construction.
  2. Possibility of conducting a single line of a number of communications, such as: electricity, water supply, sewerage system, simultaneously in two rooms: a bathhouse and a garage.
  3. Possibility of heating two rooms simultaneously.


To ensure maximum comfortable conditions recreation, it is quite possible to build a spacious veranda combining a garage and a bathhouse.

Bathhouse under the garage (two floors)

When building a room such as a bathhouse and a two-story garage, you should take into account following features construction:

  1. IN in this case the bathhouse will be a semi-basement type room to provide access for a car to enter the garage. Accordingly, during construction the drainage system should be carefully thought out Wastewater to avoid stagnation and dampness. There is also a danger of flooding in a room of this kind.
  2. It is also necessary to thoroughly insulate the bathhouse by laying concrete blocks and additional layers thermal insulation material.
  3. As for the stove, in this case it is possible to install only electric oven, due to the impossibility of constructing a full-fledged chimney, which is fraught with a fire hazard.
  4. When building a bathhouse under the garage need to create effective system ventilation to avoid stagnation of air and the accumulation of hazardous substances in it.

Bathhouse from the garage

When converting a garage into a bathhouse, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Thermal insulation. To avoid heat loss, the walls of the building must be insulated with two layers of some material. The best option would be mineral or glass wool. This material is the most environmentally friendly, resistant to dampness and moisture, and does not emit into the air harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures
  2. When converting a garage into a bathhouse, you must carefully approach the structure sewer system. Most simple option there will be a pipe running to a nearby sewer branch. However, if there is none, the drainage system must be made so that cesspool was outside the walls of the garage.
  3. Heating system. When buying a stove, or when building it, you need to decide which option will be the best: an iron stove retains heat for a small amount of time, but heating it and warming up the room well takes a few minutes.

A stone stove takes several hours to heat, but can retain heat for a long time.

Under no circumstances should you install an electric stove in a bathhouse due to high level humidity and temperature changes, as this can provoke a fire hazard.

Calculation of approximate costs

The amount of money that will need to be invested in the construction of a project such as a combined bathhouse and garage depends on the type of materials used.

For example, an iron or brick stove will cost from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. In the case of constructing a bathhouse and a garage from timber, the cost of this lumber will be approximately 70-80 thousand rubles. Cost finishing works will cost about 60 thousand.

These figures are given on the condition that all work will be carried out independently without the involvement of any contractor construction organization or civilian workers.

The total cost of the bathhouse and garage will be about 160-300 thousand rubles.

Construction technology

The construction of a bathhouse has several main stages:

    1. Laying the foundation. The depth of the foundation depends on climatic features terrain, that is, from soil freezing in winter period, but it should not be less than 70 centimeters in depth. Regardless of what exactly the foundation will be, a layer of thermal insulation material must be laid between it and the floor. The finished foundation is shown in the video:

    1. Construction of building walls. When building walls from timber, the building is assembled directly on the foundation. The main point in this case is laying the first crown; it depends on it whether the walls will be perfectly smooth. Also in the case of using bricks, concrete or foam blocks.

A slightly different technology is used when using logs in the construction. It is assembled separately and placed on the foundation, already being completely ready.

If wooden building materials are used, the building must be allowed to stand for one year, as it will shrink significantly.

    1. Roof. When constructing the roof of a building, it is necessary to give it such a shape as to ensure maximum convenience when installing a system for draining melt and rainwater, as well as when removing snow and ice from its surface. Initially, rafters are laid on the walls of the building.

They determine the height and final shape of the future roof. Next, the selected roofing material. The most acceptable option when building a bathhouse is slate. It has a fairly low price and high quality. When exposed to high temperatures, it prevents the room from overheating.

Interior finishing and insulation

Most the best material When insulating the walls and ceiling of a bathhouse, glass wool or mineral wool is used. This material has the following invaluable qualities:

  1. High level of fire safety.
  2. Environmentally friendly.
  3. Acceptable price.
  4. Ease of use.
  5. High resistance to dampness.

This material must be used to insulate both internal and external walls buildings, as well as the ceiling to ensure a minimum level of heat loss. For interior decoration of baths, you should only select natural materials made from the following types of wood: alder, aspen, oak, pine.

These breeds have qualities such as: resistance to wet environments, long term operation, environmental friendliness.

The construction of a bathhouse and a garage combined into one room is quite complex and voluminous work. However, if all the rules and nuances are observed, it is quite possible to build a comfortable and functional building that meets all the necessary conditions.

Drawing with dimensions and layout of a garage with a bathhouse

After all, here a bathhouse, which must be easily accessed from the house, and a garage, which must be entered by car, are combined under one vehicle from the street side. Based on this, it is necessary to choose the correct orientation of this complex building on summer cottage.

Before talking about the intricacies of combining these, at first glance, incompatible buildings, I would like to dwell on the advantages of this combination in order to finally dispel the reader’s doubts about the appropriateness of this measure.

So, the “advantages” of the proximity of a garage and a bathhouse include:

These are the main advantages of combining a garage and a bathhouse, but there are also a number of less significant ones. For example, combining these two rooms will allow you to take a shower after dirty work in the garage without moving along the street, which is especially convenient in inclement weather.

What you should pay special attention to when combining a garage and a bathhouse

So, if you have already decided to build a bath-garage complex, then when drawing up the project you should take into account the following subtleties:

Project of a garage and bathhouse with a veranda measuring 15x12 meters

Selecting material for the construction of a complex structure

Before developing a project for a bathhouse with a garage, you need to decide on the material from which this structure will be built. For this, all known building materials can be used: brick, stone, foam and gas blocks. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail.


The “advantages” of wood include the following:

  1. environmental friendliness;
  2. ease;
  3. ease of processing.

Project of a garage with a wooden bathhouse

Thanks to these advantages, they do not require a strong, solid foundation, can be easily erected with their own hands, and they also create a favorable microclimate that has a positive effect on human health and well-being, which is very important for bath room. However, wood also has significant disadvantages, the main one of which is a high fire hazard.

This fact is not acceptable both for a bathhouse and for a garage, and therefore when building wooden complex Special attention attention should be paid to ensuring fire safety using special impregnations.

The second disadvantage is the fact that the wood requires ongoing care, which consists of treating wood with special water-repellent, antifungal, and insecticidal impregnations to extend the life of the building.

Layout option wooden garage with sauna and relaxation room

However, if you are ready to take these measures to ensure the safety of wood, then timber complex building projects are the ideal solution for you.


Brick is classic quality material for the construction of private buildings. It has a high degree of fire safety, heat capacity, strength and reliability. will last long years faithfully and truly without any constant care.

However, brick is enough heavy material, which entails the need to pour a solid foundation. And this will increase construction costs. And the brick itself is a fairly expensive material, so building a bathhouse and garage complex using it will be costly.

Among other things, a brick building requires additional external and interior decoration in accordance with functional purpose premises.

Ready-made project of a brick garage with a sauna

Foam and aerated concrete blocks

These are fairly inexpensive building materials that have a high degree of fire safety, durability, and practicality. Foam and aerated concrete blocks very light, so they do not require a powerful foundation. They have good heat and sound insulation parameters.

The disadvantages include the fact that buildings made from these blocks require external and internal finishing to ensure high-quality waterproofing, since the porous structure of the material easily absorbs moisture from the atmosphere.

Often, when combining a garage with a bathhouse, a combination of materials is used. For example, projects are quite popular where the bathhouse part of the building is made of wood, and the garage part is made of bricks or blocks. includes availability double wall between the bathhouse and the garage, which allows you to increase the level of hydro- and thermal insulation between them.

A private bathhouse is a place for comfortable rest and healing of the body. If there is no free plot or suitable area for development, the best option- bathhouse in the garage.

For such purposes, it is recommended to use a structure made of foam concrete or brick, in extreme cases - metal containers. Projects homemade baths in garage premises can be implemented even with minimal knowledge of private construction.

A bathhouse and a garage under one roof can be equipped in one of two available ways:

  • The garage building is divided into two functional areas : for storage vehicle and under the bathhouse. This solution is quite popular due to its affordable implementation.
  • The garage is in full use. In this case, you can equip a full-fledged steam room, washing room and dressing room.

Important! A brick garage with a bathhouse requires internal waterproofing and external insulation. This will provide protection from dampness and damage to the structure.

The garage can have a permanent structure made of foam concrete, brick or cinder block, as well as a portable one made of metal. If desired, the detailed design of the bathhouse can be implemented in any type of building.

Before converting a garage space, the first developed project must be approved by the relevant authorities.

The working documentation must contain information about all functional rooms baths:

  • steam room;
  • washing room;
  • rest rooms;
  • sanitary unit;
  • locker rooms or dressing room.

After preparing the project, a scheme for supplying communications is drawn up - water supply, sewerage, hot water supply and electricity.

Insulation of a garage structure: walls, ceiling, floor and gate

A self-equipped bathhouse in a garage requires careful preparation of the room - insulation and waterproofing. The building is insulated from the inside and outside. Polystyrene foam is used as reliable and practical insulation.

External insulation is carried out in the following order:

  • Foam blocks 5 cm thick are mounted on wall surface staggered garage. At the same time, the joints between separate elements should not match.
  • On installed blocks reinforced mesh is glued.
  • Apply on top of the mesh putty mixture from cement and sand in proportions 1:3 (1 part cement 3 parts sand).
  • After completion of the thermal insulation work, the walls of the building are painted with wear-resistant facade paint water based.

For internal insulation Styrofoam will do or mineral wool.

Important! Bath from iron garage requires enhanced thermal insulation, so it is recommended to sheathe wall structures with a double layer of thermal insulation.

No less important is insulation ceiling surface, which is a critical place in the finished structure. If missing attic space, the ceiling quickly freezes, and this can lead to an increase in heat loss during operation of the bathhouse.

The ceiling is insulated with a double layer of insulation. For these purposes, foam blocks with a thickness of 5 to 10 cm are used and mineral wool up to 15 cm thick. A technological gap of 3–5 cm is maintained between the first and second layers of thermal insulation.

The final stage is floor insulation. Concrete base thoroughly cleaned of debris and treated with a penetrating primer mixture.

Next, mineral wool is laid, which is covered with high-density construction film. It provides the insulation with the necessary protection from high humidity. Upper layer flooring made from boards installed on logs.

Iron Garage Doors also require high-quality insulation. All work on insulating the structure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The door structure is covered with foam plastic in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Existing cracks and gaps are filled with mineral wool.
  • Foil material on a paper base is glued.
  • Fixed wooden slats(thickness up to 2.5 cm) as lathing.
  • Sheet plywood or lining is installed on the sheathing.
  • Sheathing being processed protective varnish or paint.

Drainage system for a bathhouse

An important step before building a bathhouse in the garage is installing a drain. This is due to the fact that a separate sewerage supply is not provided for the garage building.

An available solution is supply drain pipe To sewer system located near the garage. Otherwise, it is necessary to install a simple underground septic tank equipped with a drainage system outside the building.

To make a simple septic tank, a plastic container with a volume of up to 250 liters is suitable. All work on drainage installation is carried out as follows:

  • Preparing a pit up to 100 cm deep.
  • Arrangement of a protective cushion made of coarse crushed stone up to 25 cm high.
  • Installation plastic container with perforated bottom.
  • Protection of the inlet with a cover.
  • Filling the voids between the pit and the container with soil.

Internal arrangement of the steam room

A sauna in a garage must be equipped with a device for heating the premises - sauna stove. For heating metal garage It is recommended to use a compact electric heater with a sauna. It can be purchased at finished form or design it yourself, selecting a photo and drawing in advance suitable model devices.

For self-made suitable for the oven steel sheet 3.5 mm thick and a heating element. The stones are laid out on metal grill installed in the furnace housing. All live wires of the device must be properly insulated to reduce the risk of electric shock.

For installation wood stove preliminary arrangement of a smoke exhaust shaft will be required.

The finished stove should be installed in suitable place to ensure uniform heating of the bath.

An important functional element of the steam room is wooden benches. The issue of installing benches is relevant for a full-fledged bathhouse in a garage that is not combined with other rooms. They are made from moisture resistant wood, inert to high temperatures. The design of the benches can be stationary or folding.

Some garage owners are wondering: is it possible to install a bathhouse on the second floor? The answer is simple: it is possible if the building capital structure with 2 floors. In this case, it is necessary to provide not only thermal insulation of wall and ceiling structures, but also waterproofing the floor base.

No less interesting and affordable option is located in the garage. The more labor-intensive process of arranging a steam room will allow you to successfully use the free space of the garage cellar with minimal costs.

A private bathhouse in a garage is a functional building that can be equipped with your own hands in the shortest possible time.

At the right approach the garage can be turned into a cozy bathhouse or sauna for wellness treatments.

The owner of the dacha has already improved it with his own hands personal plot, built a house. Now it's time to think about building a bathhouse.

Having assessed the territory of the property, it becomes clear that it will not be possible to construct a separate building for this without disturbing the landscape or there is simply not enough free space. Therefore, we have to use various engineering tricks. Projects for garages with a bathhouse developed by specialists will help with this.

Features of combining a garage and a bathhouse

During any construction, will it be a residential building (see), summer cuisine or a bathhouse with a garage, the project is necessary to solve some important problems:

  • Have an accurate idea of ​​what the future design will look like.
  • Calculate accurately required amount materials, and during construction control their consumption.
  • In the absence of a project, the owners will subsequently have to experience difficulties with registering real estate in the event of selling the site.

Advice: Project documentation should be prepared at the time of application for a building permit.

Some owners are hesitant to consider bathhouse projects with a garage.

This is due to the fact that if there is a violation sanitary standards During construction, the following may appear in the room adjacent to the bathhouse:

  • Dampness (see).
  • Mold on the walls.
  • Musty air.
  • Unpleasant odors.

Despite this, combining the two buildings has a number of advantages.

These include:

  • Saving space in the local area.
  • Convenience in using both rooms.
  • The possibility of unification appears.
  • The delivery of fuel to the stove for heating the bath is simplified.

The purposes of the structures combined under one roof are completely different, therefore the requirements that are placed on them are different, which has to be taken into account already at initial stage design.

These include:

  • Garage is a dry room, excluding the presence of high humidity. The bathhouse, on the contrary, is humid and must withstand high temperatures. Therefore, the presence between them common wall not advisable due to possible condensation formation. This means that the layout of the future structure must be carried out in such a way that these are two different buildings under one roof. To do this, you can use one of two methods:
  1. arrange a room that will be a locker room and a dressing room with two doors, one leading to the bathhouse, the other to the garage;
  2. equip each room with a separate entrance.
  • Thoroughly thought out and conscientiously executed waterproofing and drainage systems for the installation of a bathhouse.
  • Availability of high-quality insulation. This is necessary both for the garage and for the bathhouse.
  • Proper organization drainage system . It is necessary for the entire structure.

Step-by-step project development plan for a bathhouse with a garage

Work on drawing up a plan can be done either with the help of specialists or by yourself, with minimal design skills. The second option will help save money and time on project development, and spend the money on purchasing building materials. In order to have a more complete understanding of the sequence of work, you can already consider ready-made projects garage with bathhouse.

To independently draw up a project, the following instructions must be followed:

  • A sketch or drawing of the structure plan is developed, taking into account the size of the car and the required area of ​​the premises for the bathhouse, including:
  1. shower;
  2. sauna;
  3. vestibule;
  4. bathroom;
  5. rest room.

Their dimensions, as a rule, are selected individually for each owner of the future building. The projects below show rough plans placement of a garage and a bathhouse.

  • It is determined what material the walls will be built from. Best for a bath suitable option wood, but it is not recommended to build a garage from it. Some nuances when constructing wooden buildings:
  1. wood can ignite quickly, so before starting construction, all wooden elements needs to be processed special compounds, protecting them from burning;
  2. the interior of the room quickly becomes covered with dust and soot from exhaust gases, which spoils its appearance;
  3. The relatively small mass of the walls of such structures allows the construction of a strip-type foundation.

When constructing a brick building, the structure acquires:

  1. greater reliability;
  2. practicality;
  3. the possibility of constructing a structure of any shape and size;
  4. durability, service life more than 150 years;
  5. greater fire safety;
  6. usage facing bricks does not require external finishing.

During construction, you will need to take into account and eliminate the shortcomings of building a brick bathhouse. These include:

  1. high cost of the building;
  2. high heat capacity of the material, which requires the creation of additional thermal insulation;
  3. a more powerful foundation is required, which will increase the cost of the structure;
  4. When exposed to moisture, brick tends to quickly become damp and then collapse, which is due to low vapor conductivity. The device allows you to correct this shortcoming high-quality ventilation and vapor barriers.

Tip: Choosing construction material When building a combined bathhouse and garage, it is necessary to find a compromise solution.

  • The type of future foundation is selected. The most common type is tape (see). He:
  1. lasting;
  2. has enough simple technology manufacturing;
  3. economical;
  4. makes it possible to make an inspection hole.

Another option for a load-bearing support is columnar foundation. Peculiarities:

  1. piles different lengths allow you to place the garage on uneven areas of the ground;
  2. its construction does not require much time - the concrete does not cure for a month.
  1. slate;
  2. ondulin;
  3. metal tiles;
  4. soft roof.
  • We are thinking about how the floors in the garage and bathhouse will be arranged. You need to know that the floor in a bathhouse can be poured with concrete only in the shower and steam room; in other rooms the flooring must be wooden. Garage flooring can be done in several ways:
  1. concrete, preferably with insulation;
  2. post paving slabs or porcelain tiles.
  • A place is selected for the location of the stove in the bathhouse, which is the main item and therefore, where and how to place it is one of the main tasks. Bathhouse projects with a garage must take into account the following requirements:
  1. the oven may have big sizes and weight, so there is a need to create a foundation for it;
  2. holes for ventilation and air flow into the steam room must be located next to the stove;
  3. During operation of the stove, harmful combustion products are released. Therefore, it is necessary to consider a way to remove them from the premises;
  4. materials that are resistant to high temperatures are used for the wall next to the stove;
  5. the place where the furnace connects to exhaust pipe, is made collapsible;
  6. insulation of the part of the chimney that goes outside is ensured.

Tip: The thickness of the insulation should be at least five centimeters.

How to install the stove correctly can be seen in the photo:

  • The required amount of materials for finishing the bathhouse inside is selected and calculated. For safe, long-term preservation and effective use heat in the room materials must meet the following requirements:
  1. environmental friendliness At high temperatures in the steam room, toxic substances should not be released from them;
  2. withstand high temperature and changes in humidity in the room, do not deform or crack.
  1. larch;
  2. aspen;
  3. linden
  1. oak or walnut. These materials accumulate and retain heat well. It will be difficult to breathe indoors, and if you touch the surface of the wood, you can get burned;
  2. pine or spruce. Gets very hot and sticks to the body, secretes a large number of resin.

It is best to use larch. However, its price is very high, so it is not worth finishing the entire bathhouse with it. It is enough to make a bench out of it.

For the rest room, you can use pine lining. It has a pleasant aroma and releases flavonoids that are not harmful to the human body.

Advice: Additional funds it is necessary to allocate for the purchase of funds required to protect the skin from rotting interior space made of wood.

  1. rolled mineral insulation;
  2. wooden sheathing;
  3. vapor barrier film;
  4. aluminium foil.

When developing projects when combining a garage with a bathhouse, you need to take into account the amount of materials for insulation and waterproofing interior wall garage, which is shared with the bathhouse. You can find out how to properly insulate a bathhouse by watching the video.

By combining a garage with a bathhouse under one roof, the owners act very rationally, but bringing such an idea to life is quite difficult. Carrying out work requires a set of specific knowledge and certain skills, as well as careful development of the project and selection of its optimal option, taking into account all the materials necessary for construction.

With his own hands, the owner of the dacha has already improved the garden plot and erected a house. Now it's time to think about building a bathhouse.

Having assessed the territory of the property, it becomes clear that it will not be possible to construct a separate building for this without disturbing the landscape or there is simply not enough free space. Therefore, we have to use various engineering tricks. Projects for garages with a bathhouse developed by specialists will help with this.

Features of combining a garage and a bathhouse

For any construction, whether it is a residential building (see), a summer kitchen or a bathhouse with a garage, the project is necessary to solve some important problems:

  • Have an accurate idea of ​​what the future design will look like.
  • Accurately calculate the required amount of materials, and control their consumption during construction.
  • In the absence of a project, the owners will subsequently have to experience difficulties with registering real estate in the event of selling the site.

Advice: Design documentation should be prepared at the time of filing an application for a building permit.

Some owners are hesitant to consider bathhouse projects with a garage.

This is due to the fact that if sanitary standards are violated during construction, the following may appear in the room adjacent to the bathhouse:

  • Dampness (see).
  • Mold on the walls.
  • Musty air.
  • Unpleasant odors.

Despite this, combining the two buildings has a number of advantages.

These include:

  • Saving space in the local area.
  • Convenience in using both rooms.
  • The possibility of unification appears.
  • The delivery of fuel to the stove for heating the bath is simplified.

The purposes of the structures combined under one roof are completely different, therefore the requirements placed on them are different, which has to be taken into account already at the initial design stage.

These include:

  • Garage is a dry room, excluding the presence of high humidity. The bathhouse, on the contrary, is humid and must withstand high temperatures. Therefore, the presence of a common wall between them is not desirable due to the possible formation of condensation. This means that the layout of the future structure must be carried out in such a way that these are two different buildings under one roof. To do this, you can use one of two methods:
  1. arrange a room that will be a locker room and a dressing room with two doors, one leading to the bathhouse, the other to the garage;
  2. equip each room with a separate entrance.
  • Thoroughly thought out and conscientiously executed waterproofing and drainage systems for the installation of a bathhouse.
  • Availability of high-quality insulation. This is necessary both for the garage and for the bathhouse.
  • Proper organization of the drainage system. It is necessary for the entire structure.

Step-by-step project development plan for a bathhouse with a garage

Work on drawing up a plan can be done either with the help of specialists or by yourself, with minimal design skills. The second option will help save money and time on project development, and spend the money on purchasing building materials. In order to have a more complete understanding of the sequence of work, you can consider ready-made projects for a garage with a bathhouse.

To independently draw up a project, the following instructions must be followed:

  • A sketch or drawing of the structure plan is developed, taking into account the size of the car and the required area of ​​the premises for the bathhouse, including:
  1. shower;
  2. sauna;
  3. vestibule;
  4. bathroom;
  5. rest room.

Their dimensions, as a rule, are selected individually for each owner of the future building. The projects presented below provide approximate plans for the placement of a garage and a bathhouse.

  • It is determined what material the walls will be built from. Wood is the most suitable option for a bathhouse, but it is not recommended to build a garage from it. Some nuances when constructing wooden buildings:
  1. wood can quickly ignite, so before starting construction, all wooden elements must be treated with special compounds that protect them from burning;
  2. the interior of the room quickly becomes covered with dust and soot from exhaust gases, which spoils its appearance;
  3. The relatively small mass of the walls of such structures allows the construction of a strip-type foundation.

When constructing a brick building, the structure acquires:

  1. greater reliability;
  2. practicality;
  3. the possibility of constructing a structure of any shape and size;
  4. durability, service life more than 150 years;
  5. greater fire safety;
  6. the use of facing bricks does not require external finishing.

During construction, you will need to take into account and eliminate the shortcomings of building a brick bathhouse. These include:

  1. high cost of the building;
  2. high heat capacity of the material, which requires the creation of additional thermal insulation;
  3. a more powerful foundation is required, which will increase the cost of the structure;
  4. When exposed to moisture, brick tends to quickly become damp and then collapse, which is due to low vapor conductivity. The device of high-quality ventilation and vapor barrier can correct this deficiency.

Advice: When choosing a building material when building a combined bathhouse and garage, you need to find a compromise solution.

  • The type of future foundation is selected. The most common type is tape (see). He:
  1. lasting;
  2. has a fairly simple manufacturing technology;
  3. economical;
  4. makes it possible to make an inspection hole.

Another option for load-bearing support is a columnar foundation. Peculiarities:

  1. piles of different lengths allow you to place the garage on uneven areas of the ground;
  2. its construction does not require much time - the concrete does not cure for a month.
  • A rafter system is selected; it is preferable to choose a gable roof. The roofing covering is selected depending on the taste of the owners. It could be:
  1. slate;
  2. ondulin;
  3. metal tiles;
  4. soft roof.
  • We are thinking about how the floors in the garage and bathhouse will be arranged. You need to know that the floor in a bathhouse can be poured with concrete only in the shower and steam room; in other rooms the flooring must be wooden. Garage flooring can be done in several ways:
  1. concrete, preferably with insulation;
  2. lay out paving slabs or porcelain tiles.
  • A place is selected for the location of the stove in the bathhouse, which is the main item and therefore, where and how to place it is one of the main tasks. Bathhouse projects with a garage must take into account the following requirements:
  1. the furnace can be large in size and weight, so it becomes necessary to create a foundation for it;
  2. holes for ventilation and air flow into the steam room must be located next to the stove;
  3. During operation of the stove, harmful combustion products are released. Therefore, it is necessary to consider a way to remove them from the premises;
  4. materials that are resistant to high temperatures are used for the wall next to the stove;
  5. the place where the stove connects to the exhaust pipe is dismountable;
  6. insulation of the part of the chimney that goes outside is ensured.

Tip: The thickness of the insulation should be at least five centimeters.

How to install the stove correctly can be seen in the photo:

  • The required amount of materials for finishing the bathhouse inside is selected and calculated. For safe, long-term preservation and efficient use of heat indoors, materials must meet the following requirements:
  1. environmental friendliness At high temperatures in the steam room, toxic substances should not be released from them;
  2. withstand high temperatures and changes in humidity in the room, without deforming or cracking.
  1. larch;
  2. aspen;
  3. linden
  1. oak or walnut. These materials accumulate and retain heat well. It will be difficult to breathe indoors, and if you touch the surface of the wood, you can get burned;
  2. pine or spruce. It gets very hot and sticks to the body, releasing a large amount of resin.

It is best to use larch. However, its price is very high, so it is not worth finishing the entire bathhouse with it. It is enough to make a bench out of it.

For the rest room, you can use pine lining. It has a pleasant aroma and releases flavonoids that are not harmful to the human body.

Advice: Additional funds must be allocated to purchase the products required to protect the interior wood lining from rotting.

  • The required amount of waterproofing materials and insulation for the bathhouse is calculated. This includes:
  1. rolled mineral insulation;
  2. wooden sheathing;
  3. vapor barrier film;
  4. aluminium foil.

When developing projects when combining a garage with a bathhouse, you need to take into account the amount of materials for insulation and waterproofing of the inner wall of the garage, which is common with the bathhouse. You can find out how to properly insulate a bath by watching the video.

By combining a garage with a bathhouse under one roof, the owners act very rationally, but bringing such an idea to life is quite difficult. Carrying out work requires a set of specific knowledge and certain skills, as well as careful development of the project and selection of its optimal option, taking into account all the materials necessary for construction.

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