Moving to another apartment. my repeated experience of moving (packing things and furniture) to another apartment, city, country

Moving to new apartment- this is always an exciting event, associated with both joy and troubles, with excitement and anticipation of a new life.

Of course, when moving to new home there's a lot to consider important nuances, such as solving household, housing and utility issues. But, in addition, there is a mystical aspect that is no less important - and the signs associated with moving to a new home will help you make new life happy, comfortable and carefree.

These signs and traditions go back many centuries, and have passed down to us in modern times without changes. They are used, so it makes sense.

What do you need to know when moving?

When moving to a new home, do not be lazy to perform and observe a few very simple rituals and signs, and your life in the new place will be bright and joyful, and troubles will bypass your home and family.

1. First of all, you need to leave your old apartment in the right way. There are signs associated with saying goodbye to an old home in which you have lived for a long time.

Before leaving the apartment, it is worth cleaning it properly, washing the floors, throwing out garbage and trash. Nothing should be left: take what you need, throw away or donate unnecessary things, dishes, bed linen, and so on.

Check that nothing is lying under the beds, behind cabinets, or inside dressers if you are leaving furniture. Ventilate the apartment and thank it for its comfort and protection. Mentally wish the new residents a happy life - and then leave.

2. There are also signs associated with farewell - for example, a farewell cake. It must be prepared and eaten entirely in the old place, without taking it with you.

If life in the house was difficult, the pie should be salty. If, on the contrary, you had a good life, bake sweet pie. Share with your household, and let this ritual farewell dinner and good omen become an important transition into a new life.

3. When moving to a new house, you need to take the brownie with you - the spirit of the house, protector and guardian hearth and home. There are different signs associated with this, the most common one: you need to old apartment sweep the floors and take the old broom to your new home. Then your new home will be protected by the brownie, and everything will be good and calm in it.

4. The first thing you need to do is to ceremonially let the cat, cat or kitten into your new apartment. If you don't have cats, let your dog in - she's also a guard.

In general, it is very advisable to have a pet in your home. Families who don't have animals are usually not as happy. Even a hamster or a fish is already good.

5. When you enter your new home, light a church candle and slowly walk around all the rooms and corners, reading the “Our Father.” This way you will cleanse the space and sanctify it.

6. Incense cleanses the house very well from negative energies. Light it up incense sticks in every room - even in the toilet, let them raise the smoke. Their smoke attracts positive energy and drives away stagnant, bad energy.

7. Be sure to spend general cleaning immediately upon moving, this is the main ritual and sign for a good life in a new place. Open all the windows even in winter, at least for a short time, turn on the lights everywhere and turn on the water.

This, of course, is very contrary to the rules of saving, but at least for a few minutes, do it. Such a ritual will cleanse the house, bring new energy into it, and drive away evil forces.

8. Everyone knows the sign that when moving, it would be useful to hang a horseshoe over the threshold - protective amulet, attracting good luck to the apartment. Of course, it must be hung with the ends up, and securely - so that it does not fall if the front door slams. The horseshoe must be periodically wiped from dust.

9. After you have brought a cat or dog into your new apartment, do not rush to enter - throw a few coins over the threshold into the room. Then in your new home you will always have prosperity, and poverty will disappear from your home.

10. It is important that the move takes place in the right time. Definitely in the morning, and the earlier, the better and more successful it is. Wake up at the crack of dawn on moving day to ensure you can move in early.

11. The ideal day for moving, as the signs promise, is Saturday. If the move takes place on Saturday, then there will be no hassle, moving in will be calm, easy and pleasant, and life will be successful and prosperous.

12. It’s great if the move takes place in snow or rain! This is a great omen, a blessing higher powers and a symbol that life will be happy in the new place.

13. After check-in, check your belongings. In no case should the new home contain cracked or broken dishes, torn bed linen, curtains or towels.

It’s better, of course, to update everything, or at least partially. And throw away cracked dishes - they will bring misfortune.

14. Be sure to buy something new for your home. A set of pots, a lamp, a rug - as long as it’s new thing. She will bring good luck.

15. Check doors and windows. If the windows are old, they need to be replaced – especially if they squeak. Squeaky doors need to be, if not replaced, then lubricated, if necessary, painted.

Be sure to install new locks on your front door. This is not only a sign, but also prudence.

16. Housewarming has become commonplace, but it turns out that this is also an important ritual. It is believed that the first housewarming party should be held on the very first weekend after moving in, even if you have not yet laid out all your things.

Only your closest and beloved people, preferably relatives, should be present at the holiday in your new home. The more children there are in the house, the better - their voices and laughter will charge your new home with happy and bright energy.

17. The second housewarming party should be held after all things are in their places, on the second weekend. Now you can invite your acquaintances, colleagues, friends.

18. Be sure to prepare more food for housewarming - the richer and more generous the table is, the richer and more satisfying your life in the future. At housewarmings, according to signs, it is customary to give things for the home, but you cannot give money - warn guests about this.

Moving is a joyful event, it is always a transition to a new life milestone, and the person himself changes and is renewed a little with a change of home. Take this event seriously, do everything slowly and wisely, do not miss important details.

And let simple ritual actions help you live harmoniously, happily and richly in a new place!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Anecdote on topic

I hung a talisman over the door against all evil spirits, then decided to run to the store, came back... the key in the door broke... now I can’t get in...

Buying a home is a joyful and long-awaited matter. Even if the apartment was not purchased, but rented or inherited, it is still an event. New settlers dream of making their personal “heaven in a hut” cozy and comfortable. But figure out exactly what things you need to buy first, so as not to suffer from minor inconveniences at the most inopportune moment, quite difficult. I’ll try to help you and tell you what you need to bring to your new apartment, so to speak, outline a list priority purchases for new housing.

Minimum set for a new apartment

The first thing you need to bring into your new apartment is furniture and household appliances. True, after purchasing real estate or renting for a long period of time, the owner usually has the bare minimum of money left. What to do in this case? Give preference to multifunctional ones household devices.
For example, let's take sleeping place. You can consider the option with a sofa. When guests arrive, you can fold it, this will be enough to turn the bedroom into a living room in a few minutes.
You can also choose a table that can be moved apart if necessary, and instead of classic chairs that take up a lot of space, buy folding stools. This will not only free up extra space in the apartment, but will also help save a significant amount that would have to be spent on purchasing furniture for the living room.
To increase your living space, you don’t have to transport old chests of drawers and bulky cabinets to your new living space - instead, order sliding wardrobes. Now this element of home infrastructure is not as expensive as it was a couple of years ago.
Now about household appliances - what to buy first if you don’t have money for everything? In my opinion, the following set is sufficient for the first time:

  • gas or electric stove;
  • fridge;
  • washing machine;
  • boiler if housing is in the private sector.
  • In the second stage:
  • TV;
  • microwave;
  • vacuum cleaner.

Both at first and later, you will need small equipment.
Here are the items you can’t live without in a new apartment:

  1. special bucket and cleaning products;
  2. saucepan, kettle, frying pan, plates, knives and forks;
  3. construction tools for minor repairs;
  4. first aid kit with medicines.

By the way, it’s better to take the most ordinary kettle. Electric is more expensive in itself, and even more so in operation. And it won't last that long. Moreover, gas is practically free.


Before moving into a new apartment, make sure that the front door is secure. If there is any doubt about this, immediately replace it with a new one that meets safety requirements.
Also for a new apartment you need:

  • buy a fire extinguisher;
  • check the functionality of the water shut-off valves and the insulation of the electrical wiring.

Working plumbing fixtures will protect you from flooding, and checking the insulation resistance will protect you from short circuits.
By the way, you can install a gas leak detector with an alarm in the kitchen - now it is at the level good blender or electric meat grinders.
If you are planning to buy an apartment on the secondary market, find out if the former owners have utility debts and whether meters have been installed.

Personal space

Who doesn’t dream of creating their own in a new home? unique interior? It's almost like starting to live from scratch - you decide where and what and how. Coziness can be created with the help of minor details. Even simple curtains can transform appearance premises. If the funds for cosmetic repairs and there is no wallpaper left to replace, you can refresh your apartment with indoor plants, LED backlight, decorative items interior
You don't have to buy everything necessary items everyday life - there are ways to get some of them for free or for mere pennies:

  • make furniture with your own hands;
  • buy used furniture at flea market, Internet flea market, according to advertisements in the newspaper, and then repair and restore, even just paint;
  • find an advertisement for furniture exchange and exchange what you need: a bed, a sofa, a table.

Such necessary little things

When moving to a new apartment, people very often forget about small details, and when it turns out that something is missing, then every time they rush to the store (if there is still money left) or they freak out and suffer.
You can try to list these little things, although the list is unlikely to be complete:

  • garbage bags;
  • toilet paper;
  • needles and threads;
  • scotch tape and insulating tape;
  • scissors;
  • rubber gloves;
  • corkscrew and bottle opener;
  • wall clock;
  • extension cords and Euro adapters;
  • umbrella.

Supporting items

Our grandmothers and even mothers easily managed without these household items, but we consider them irreplaceable. In addition, inventors continue to fantasize and create devices that make our life easier and improve.
These are the useful things:

  1. Clothes dryer. It takes up little storage space and can be installed in any room.
  2. Batteries. If you buy them instead of regular batteries, you will save a significant amount of money. In addition, it is very convenient - a dead battery does not charge for long, and there is no need to go to the store for a new one at the most inopportune time.
  3. A food processor can replace most household appliances.
  4. Organizers free up space in rooms. Small items such as linen, towels, cosmetics, and tools are hidden out of sight.
  5. Charger and cable with adapters for various ports, plus charger on a solar battery.

Like it or not, a lot of time is spent on cleaning the apartment, washing and cleaning clothes. So I prepared another list. These are the most necessary items that you can’t do without.
To keep clothes in good condition you will need:

  • cleaning brush;
  • washing powder or washing gel;
  • iron;
  • shoe polish
  • For indoor cleaning, buy:
  • broom and dustpan;
  • rags and sponges;
  • disinfectants;
  • stain liquid.
  • As for personal hygiene, the range of products depends on personal preferences, but there is a certain minimum:
  • soap - regular and liquid;
  • body washcloths;
  • hair products – shampoo and conditioner;
  • shower gel;
  • brush and toothpaste.

If you can afford pets in your new place, then buy everything you need for them in advance.
Moving is a tedious task that takes a lot of energy. But if you draw up an action plan in advance and a list of everything you need for your new apartment, then the period of “settling into” your new living space will pass quickly and painlessly!

Organize yourself. A move cannot be planned over a weekend. Always plan ahead and don't leave packing until the last day as you will have a lot of things you forgot to think about. Make sure all boxes are labeled correctly - this will save you a lot of time and stress during unpacking.

Get rid of old and unnecessary things. As you pack, you'll realize that you have a lot of things you don't need or don't have room for. Don't throw them away, give them to those in need. This way, you will not only get rid of unnecessary things, but also help someone. You can always sell something, too.

Rent a van or truck. A nice empty apartment awaits you, but there is a problem - you need to somehow transport all your things there. If you or your friends don't have a van, you'll have to rent one. The demand for such services is quite high, so take care of this in advance. If you wait until the last minute, there is a chance that you simply won’t find a free car.

Get help. You should recruit an army of friends and family to help you move in exchange for pizza. But what to do if everyone is busy or away on business? If you don't like the idea of ​​manually moving a bunch of boxes for an entire weekend, hire movers from a moving company. Transport companies offer the services of qualified and trained movers who will move your belongings quickly and without unnecessary fuss. Review the company's insurance policy. Different companies have different insurance coverage. You may want to consider taking advantage of insurance services, especially if you have a lot of valuable and breakable items that could be damaged during transportation.

Reserve the elevator. Regardless of the floor you live on, moving things, especially furniture, won't be easy. Luckily, some homes have large service elevators that can be used for just this. However, sometimes these elevators are occupied by others. Therefore, you should reserve the elevator in advance. If you don't do this, you may have to wait a very long time for the elevator to become free. Also, sometimes service elevators only operate at certain times of the day. This also needs to be clarified in advance. Gather all the information you can in advance and plan your move accordingly.

Forward your email. It is possible that you forgot to tell someone that you changed your address. There are services for forwarding mail from an old address to a new one. This will give you the opportunity to make sure that you do not lose any contacts and that any important message does not reach you.

Moving to a new apartment is not only a pleasant change in life, but also a lot of hassle associated, first of all, with transporting things. On the eve of a move, it usually turns out that there are too many things, but you not only need to collect them, but also take them to your new home safe and sound.

To avoid chaos and random rushing around the apartment trying to decide what to pack first and how, you need to approach the problem as systematically as possible.

What you will need

First of all, you need to stock up on everything necessary for transporting goods. You will need cardboard boxes different sizes(there are probably packages from the household appliances, which for one reason or another have not yet been thrown away), a lot of paper and old newspapers to protect things from damage, bubble wrap, and also duct tape.

If you have a lot of heavy things in your luggage, and you are afraid that simple tape will not be the most reliable method of fastening, then pay attention to a special packaging plastic tape made from propylene. She has increased strength, and it is often used to transport goods.

If for some reason there are no boxes at home, or there are too few of them, then you will have to buy the boxes. This can be done both in specialized stores and in the well-known OBI or IKEA. If you don't want to spend money, you can simply approach the manager of a large supermarket and ask if you can borrow the boxes from them. In most cases, stores will gladly agree to give them to you for free.

Sorting process

The motto of your move should be the words “Systematic, systematic and once again systematic!” Before you start putting things in boxes, decide which things you won't need anytime soon and which ones you will need on a regular basis. For example, if it’s summer outside, you can safely pack winter clothes: You won’t need it very soon.

To avoid getting confused in numerous packages, label what is in each of them. Another option is to number the boxes, and in a separate notebook write down what items are hidden under the numbers.

Start the packing process with things that are on the far shelves and mezzanines: if in usual time If you don't keep them on hand, you're unlikely to need them urgently. Then you can stack the books, leaving one or two that you are currently reading. The next step will be to collect clothes, and finally put away dishes and household appliances.

Place essential items in separate boxes: they may always be needed, so keep track of their location personally.

If you are not confident in your abilities or are very busy, then many moving companies are ready to sort things out for you. Professionals will not only carefully arrange items in boxes, but will also disassemble the furniture to make it easier to transport.

Subtleties of packaging

So we move on to a very important point in sorting things: proper packaging. Of course, fragile objects or furniture parts are the first to be at risk. To avoid chips and cracks, take the time to pack each item in several layers of newspaper and wrap it in bubble wrap on top.

Fragile items should be placed in a box in tight rows so that a vase or mirror does not dangle around the box during travel, risking turning into a pile of broken pieces.

It is better to place heavy and fairly strong objects in small groups in small boxes: ultimately, all this will have to be carried in your hands, so do not create unbearable loads.

Furniture, if it is collapsible, must be disassembled and all parts carefully packed. Special attention Focus on surfaces that can easily be scratched or even broken.

Getting rid of unnecessary things

Moving is an excellent reason to audit your supplies, finally throwing out all unnecessary things. Unnecessary gifts, unsuitable clothes in size or style, and unnecessary papers that have been accumulating on the mezzanine for years can finally rid you of their presence.

By sorting out the trash, you will, first of all, make the moving process easier for yourself. Just imagine how many boxes of stuff you won't have to transport!

Staged fees

Since there will most likely be a lot of things and the sorting process will take a long time, start sorting things out at least two weeks before departure. At this time, first of all, buy everything you need for packaging and draw up a clear packing plan.

About a week in advance, you can begin to disassemble the furniture - naturally, not the bed, but tables, chests of drawers and cabinets, the things with which are already put in boxes. Agree with the movers: of course, you can call them urgently, but it is better to compare the offers of different companies in advance and select the ones that suit you.

The day before the movers arrive, slowly turn off your household appliances, starting with the refrigerator. The main thing is to remember to completely free him from food.

This way, on moving day, all you have to do is pack the essentials without rushing around the room in a panic. Usually, in a rush, things go wrong and you might actually forget something important.

From personal experience

Besides universal advice, it is very important to also find out the opinions of people who have recently experienced a move. That’s why we decided to talk to Yasha, whose family changed their apartment a few months ago.

“We sorted things very simply,” says Yasha. - Clothes for clothes, books for books. Many things, including furniture, were left in the old apartment: at first they wanted to just throw it away, but then they found friends who found all this useful.”

When asked how expensive the move was, Yasha says that they managed to save on movers. “We were very lucky: our friends had a truck, and we quickly transported all the things in one go, although there was a lot of them. We only paid for gasoline.”

“It would be better to spend this money on renovations in a new apartment,” our interlocutor notes.


So that later you won’t be “excruciatingly painful” for your carelessness.
Take all things apart. Think about whether it’s worth taking everything “acquired by back-breaking labor” with you to the new happy life. Usually, ¼ of all belongings can be safely thrown away or donated to those more in need.

Pack the items remaining after the audit into boxes. Number each one and make a register - a list of contents on paper or in Excel: box number - list of things. Do not write anything on the container itself other than the number. This is very inconvenient.

Start packing your things 3-4 days before the scheduled move. Pack them as tightly as possible. Clothes and shoes can be placed in suitcases and travel bags. Place everything else in boxes and pack it properly. Put the ones you'll need the least first, and the essentials last. These include - 2-3 pots, a frying pan, cutlery, towels, bed and underwear, toiletries.

Put the furniture and carpets in order - clean, vacuum, wash. Don't bring old dirt to a new place.

Prepare your new apartment for moving. Install locks (if required) on the front door, check the operation of plumbing, windows, ventilation, and electrical wiring. Think about how you will place furniture, boxes, where you will determine sleeping places for all family members. This is especially important if it is not possible to first put everything in complete order and only then move in.

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