Parquet board diagonally or straight. Laying parquet boards - avoiding obstacles

Today, the procedure for laying parquet of the format in question can be carried out using various methods: horizontal or vertical installation, diagonal flooring. When it comes to creating an aesthetic flooring in narrow and long rooms, as well as rooms with non-standard layout, the last installation method - laying the boards diagonally - becomes the optimal solution.

As a result, the visual perception of space changes in better side, and the impression of the non-standard geometry of the walls is smoothed out. Trust professional styling flooring to the specialists of the Service Parquet company!

Features and types of flooring

Specifics and technological features installation work is determined taking into account real factors. In order to provide a result that not only meets, but also exceeds the customer’s expectations, our specialists take into account:

  • Floor area. Company employees will help you calculate required amount material, including stock, to save you from wasting money and time. When working with laying boards diagonally, the required margin is 15-20 percent of the total amount of material. This is due to natural defects due to cuts during installation.
  • The need for aesthetic joining with other materials. Combination parquet board with, for example, floor tiles is a common practice when necessary visual zoning space or realization individual design project. In case of using other materials for finishing the floor, our employees will take care of correct location parquet board to match the seams.
  • Parameters of the angle of the parquet board. The optimal angle when working with parquet boards by laying them in the “Diagonal” direction is 45 degrees. It is when this condition is met finished coating looks as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Using special tools, we carefully calculate the parameters for the location of parquet boards, avoiding errors and unevenness.

Installation methods

Please note that our company’s employees are capable of laying boards diagonally using any modern methods:

  • Floating. The most popular method of laying parquet flooring. Laying boards diagonally in a floating manner does not require the use of glue for fixation individual elements coverings. Wooden crafts are connected to each other using a special lock. This method is in consistently high demand when working with rooms up to 60 square meters.
  • Glue. Unlike the previous method, installation is performed using special glue. This technology installation is characterized by greater labor intensity. However this the only way laying a high-quality and beautiful floor with a high service life indoors large area. Diagonal adhesive laying technology involves applying glue to both sides of the groove for the most durable fixation.

If you don't know which method styling will suit for solutions specific task in a specific room, take advantage of the advice of our specialists. Contact us with any in a convenient way, and company employees will be happy to help you choose the best way installation of flooring in an apartment, house, office or any other facility.

Why is cooperation with us a profitable solution?

By offering you a full range of services related to diagonal laying of parquet, we guarantee the creation of a floor that is significantly different from the usual coating options:

  1. When laying parquet boards with a diagonal as a direction, the volume of the room visually increases. While horizontal installation helps to increase the width, and vertical installation increases the length of the room, with diagonal installations the space visually expands in all directions. The board seems to push the walls apart to create the impression of spaciousness for users and guests of the room.
  2. This technology allows you to lay the board to create the center of the interior composition. Corner placement allows for correct placement accents in the area where the narrow part of the parquet meets. So you get more more possibilities For original design rooms within the most attractive design solutions.
  3. The flooring method under consideration makes it possible to combine the floor covering of two or more rooms without a clear transition. When working with this installation method, there is no need to use special thresholds. The corner layout provides an almost identical arrangement of flooring elements for easy joining between separate rooms.

In order to clarify the cost of services, terms and method of performing related work, take advantage of the company’s technologist visiting the client’s home. Our specialist will arrive at the specified address at a convenient time to assess the scope of the upcoming work and answer any questions you may have.

I see the floor diagonally...

Laminate and parquet boards are good not only for the color and texture of the wood, which gives the interior a special coziness. This coating allows you to influence the perception of the room, which is especially important for long panels with a longitudinal pattern. Probably many people have noted this visual effect at home: if similar coating laid, for example, along a corridor, its length visually increases. Plates lying across the room, on the contrary, shorten it but add width.

Another method of laying is much more neutral in this regard - diagonal. Visually it adds volume, but does not steal any length or width. A floor with laminated or natural boards lying diagonally looks stylish and interesting.

Let's talk about the features of the diagonal arrangement of parquet and laminate in the interior.

Diagonal laying of parquet and laminate in the interior: what do you need to know?

Effects. When we find ourselves in a room, the eye instantly catches any lines in it. It is they who lead our gaze and allow us to form a first impression of the size and shape of an object. If the lines on the floor are located lengthwise, the room seems longer to us. If across - wide. And if diagonally...

When laying laminate and parquet diagonally, our gaze slides to the corner - to where the lines of the coating are directed. The corners seem to move away from each other, making the room seem more spacious in all directions. This effect gains double strength if used light material with clearly visible stripes. During installation dark coating I can alternate strips of different saturation - this will add expressiveness to the floor.

Diagonal laying of flooring is well suited for narrow and very narrow rooms, also for rooms with irregular layout. The fact is that the tiles running parallel to the walls focus attention on them. Laminate and parquet, located diagonally, on the contrary, distract it from the walls. The diagonal layout seems to redraw the room.

Focus point. Since this arrangement of boards accentuates the corners, one of them can be made the compositional center. For example, install a fireplace in the corner to which strips of flooring lead. The compositional center will draw attention to itself, due to which the size and shape of the room will be “in the shadow”. Instead of a fireplace in this focal angle you can place a stand with a TV, a large floor mirror, dinner table, showcase or corner sofa.

Docking. When combining diagonally oriented boards with tiles, it is advisable to place both materials at the same angle. Typically, tiles are laid so that the direction of its “seams” coincides with the position of the laminate or parquet joints. This avoids "chaos" on the floor when different coatings conflict with each other. Otherwise, the interior can turn into “a perfectionist’s hell.”

Joining with tiles

The angle of the boards. It is advisable to place the dies at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the walls or close to it. If the angle significantly deviates from 45 degrees, the floors look ugly or at least unnatural. There is that same feeling of chaos and irregularity.

How do you like the angle?

Parquet boards and laminate diagonally: one important plus and one significant minus

Plus. Many people prefer that the covering in the rooms be laid solidly, without joints or joints. Often in such situations, owners find themselves faced with difficult choice. For example: if you install laminate flooring across a corridor, then in a room perpendicular to the corridor it will lie lengthwise. And vice versa: if it is across the room, then in the corridor it is parallel to the walls, which is not what we would like at all. What to choose? By giving preference to diagonal laying, the owners will save themselves from this dilemma. The board will lie approximately the same everywhere.

No joints!

Minus. When positioning parquet boards and laminate flooring diagonally, there is always more waste. Accordingly, floors are more expensive. Moreover, masters also rate such work a little higher. Whether these expenses are justified is up to you to decide.

About the features diagonal laying- in our .

Parquet and laminate diagonally in the interior

In order to lay parquet diagonally with your own hands, you need to take into account several important points. Let's look at all the stages of laying herringbone parquet boards.


In order to lay piece parquet First you need to fulfill several conditions:

  1. Everything should be included heating systems before installation and maintain a temperature of 16-25 degrees above zero for at least a week.
  2. Relative humidity should be between 45-60 percent.
  3. The moisture level of the subfloor should not be higher than 12 percent.
  4. Block parquet must be acclimatized for at least one week.

Block parquet

Piece parquet is also historically called “herringbone” and can be laid in a simple “herringbone”, “diagonal herringbone” and double “diagonal” herringbone.

Herringbone laying began to be used in Europe and Russia back in the 17th century and it is still relevant to this day. Very important is the minimal deformation of the parquet during this installation; the boards are laid at an angle of 90 degrees to each other and at an angle of 45 degrees to the walls.

Before laying the parquet itself, you should draw up a flooring plan for each room separately. Then you should prepare the base and dry lay out a snake of parquet boards on it so that each plank corresponds to a row of parquet.

Parquet boards are laid in two ways: traditional deck laying or diagonally. In this case, the wooden floor on the joists is first dismantled, if it was previously used in the room.

Parquet boards are laid in two ways: traditional deck laying or diagonally. At the same time, the wooden floor on joists must first be dismantled if it was previously used indoors, since experts do not recommend diagonal laying on joists. The subfloor must be carefully prepared, leveled and meet the requirements for floor levelness.

You must understand that diagonal parquet boards, although they look more beautiful, at the same time lead to greater consumption of material, since the boards have to be trimmed. In general, if during normal installation the waste of parquet boards is usually about 2%, when the boards are positioned at an angle to main wall waste reaches 20%.

However, owners of apartments, houses, cottages and other premises often spend extra money to get a beautiful result and radically change the appearance of the room. It’s good if the work is carried out by a professional who, thanks to his experience, can seriously reduce technological waste.

Of course, before laying the parquet boards diagonally, the floor surface must be carefully prepared. The direction and angle of installation are selected based on the geometry of the room. In most cases, the laying angle is from 30 to 40 degrees, but no one bothers you to realize your personal design idea.

Particular attention is paid to the adjustment of the first boards, which are measured and cut to the corner of the room. Next, the orientation is carefully thought out and the boards are installed. It is done so that the end joints of adjacent parquet boards do not coincide, but are staggered. Regardless of the installation method, it is necessary to maintain technological gaps near the walls and at the junction with other materials. So, there must be a gap of 10-15 mm near the wall, which is necessary to compensate for the expansion of the material when the microclimate changes.

When installing a parquet board, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its design from a particular manufacturer, since, for example, the design of the lock may differ slightly, as well as the requirements for the displacement of the planks relative to each other or installation. In addition, the manufacturer may require strict adherence to the rows of boards. In this case, you must first align the parquet boards along the short lock, and then along the long lock. In most cases, floating installation is now used as the most economical and quick way installation

Experts strongly advise using a small tool when laying diagonally. Structurally, it is a simple square device in which the ruler and the block are connected at a hinge. Malka allows you to quickly measure angles and transfer them to workpieces. In general, you should definitely read the operating instructions. The manufacturer usually gives comprehensive recommendations for correct installation floor, indicating all the tools necessary for the work.

There are several options for laying parquet boards: horizontal, vertical and diagonal. If the first two methods are relatively simple to implement, then diagonal laying of parquet boards has its own nuances and features. However, with careful adherence to the technology, the result of this method will exceed all expectations. Indeed, thanks to laying the parquet boards at an angle, the room looks aesthetically more attractive. In addition, this method allows you to visually increase the size of the room, while simultaneously adding length and width to it.

Features of laying parquet boards

When choosing diagonal laying of parquet boards, it is important to take into account all the technological features of working using this method.

  • Quantity of material.

After the required amount of material has been calculated, it is necessary to add a reserve of 15-20% to it. This is due to the fact that when cutting diagonally, the percentage of defects usually increases.

  • Principles of joining with other materials.

In order to visually divide a room into several zones, as well as to create individual design projects, it is possible to combine parquet with other materials. Most often, tiles are used for this purpose. In this case, it is advisable to place both materials at the same angle so that the “seam” of the parquet board coincides with the “seams” of the tile. This will allow you not to disturb the harmony of the interior.

  • The size of the laying angle.

Laying parquet boards at 45 degrees is what you should strive for. It is in this case that the floors look harmonious. In order to calculate the correct laying angle, you must use special tool- malku. Malka is a device that looks like a square, but has a moving part.

Choosing a method for laying parquet boards at an angle

Depending on the type of panel, there are several methods for laying parquet boards:

  • Floating

This method is the most popular. It involves glueless connection of locks on wood. It is ideal for rooms whose area does not exceed 60 m².

  • Adhesive

This method uses glue to attach the locks to the wood. This method more difficult and expensive, but it is excellent for laying floors in large rooms. When laying out diagonally, it is important to apply adhesive to both the top and bottom of the groove.

Advantages of laying parquet boards diagonally

  • Increasing the volume of the room. At horizontal laying the room visually expands, but loses in length, and when laid vertically, it lengthens, but loses in width. But when laid diagonally, the room increases in all directions. Visually, the walls seem to move apart different sides, which is especially noticeable when laying material in light shades.
  • Possibility of creating a compositional center of the room. Thanks to the angular arrangement of parquet boards, in the part of the room where their narrow part is directed, it is possible to install an interior accent. This expands design possibilities, which is an advantage for those who value stylish design solutions.
  • When choosing this method installation, there is no need to install thresholds between rooms. When laying diagonally, the parquet boards will be located approximately equally, which facilitates the process of joining them between rooms.

Disadvantages of laying parquet boards at an angle

  • More waste compared to other methods.
  • Due to the complexity, the price for such work will be higher than for horizontal or vertical installation.

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