Heating a house with a heat pump by hand. Technology for assembling a water-to-water heat pump with heat extraction from a well

In recent decades, home owners have had quite a big choice heating systems. It is no longer necessary to connect to centralized networks and use traditional sources. You can select equipment that runs on alternative energy, but its main drawback is its high cost. Do you agree?

However, if you build a heat pump with your own hands from an old refrigerator, the system can be significantly cheaper. And we will tell you how to do it.

In this article we have selected the most simple solutions and provided them with detailed drawings and diagrams. Therefore, it will not be difficult for a home craftsman to understand them. In addition, here you will find step by step instructions on production heating equipment. And the posted videos will tell about design features heat pump and the features of its connection.

Theoretically, any person has a large choice of energy sources. Besides natural gas, electricity, coal, it is also wind, sun, temperature difference between land and air, land and water.

In practice, the choice is limited, because it all depends on the cost of the equipment and its maintenance, as well as the stability of operation and the payback period of the installations.

Each energy source has both advantages and serious disadvantages that limit its use.

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Installation heating system with a heat pump - this is beneficial from the point of view of ease of use. During operation of the equipment there is no noise, no foreign odors, no installation of chimneys or other auxiliary structures is required.

The system is energy dependent, but the heat pump requires a minimal amount of electricity to operate.

Heat pump – good alternative conventional heating systems. To reduce the initial cost of equipment, you can assemble it yourself

Sami thermal installations extremely economical and does not require special costs for maintenance, but their initial cost is very high.

Not every home or cottage owner can afford to purchase such expensive equipment. If you assemble it yourself and use parts from an old refrigerator, you can save a lot.

Heat pumps industrial production roads. It is believed that their installation pays off in an average of 5-7 years of operation, but this period depends on the initial price of the structure and can be much longer

Homemade installations cost literally pennies, and their use allows you to save significantly.

The only caveat: the productivity of homemade products is low, and they cannot be a full replacement traditional systems heating. Therefore, they are often used as additional or alternative options heating.

5 main benefits for plant owners

The advantages of heating systems with heat pumps include the following:

  1. Economic efficiency. At a cost of 1 kW electrical energy you can get 3-4 kW thermal. These are average indicators, because The heat conversion coefficient depends on the type of equipment and design features.
  2. Environmental Safety. When the thermal unit operates, combustion products or other potentially hazardous substances do not enter the environment. The equipment is ozone safe. Its use allows you to obtain heat without the slightest harm to the environment.
  3. Versatility of use. When installing heating systems powered by traditional energy sources, the home owner becomes dependent on monopolists. Solar panels and are not always profitable. But heat pumps can be installed anywhere. The main thing is to choose the right type of system.
  4. Multifunctionality. In the cold season, the installations heat the house, and in the summer heat they can operate in air conditioning mode. The equipment is used in hot water supply systems and is connected to underfloor heating circuits.
  5. Operational safety. Heat pumps do not require fuel, their operation does not emit toxic substances, and the maximum temperature of equipment components does not exceed 90 degrees. These heating systems are no more dangerous than refrigerators.

There are no ideal devices. Heat pumps are reliable, durable and safe, but their cost directly depends on their power.

High-quality equipment for complete heating and hot water supply to a house of 80 sq. m. will cost approximately 8000-10000 euros. Homemade products are low-power, they can be used for heating individual rooms or utility rooms.

The efficiency of the installation depends on the heat loss of the house. It makes sense to install equipment only in those buildings where high level insulation, and heat loss indicators are not higher than 100 W/m2.

Heat pumps can last 30 years or more. Their use is especially cost-effective for hot water supply, as well as in combined heating systems that include heated floors.

The equipment is reliable and rarely breaks down. If it is homemade, then it is important to choose a high-quality compressor, preferably from a refrigerator or air conditioner of a trusted brand.

Types of heat pumps for home heating

There are compression and absorption heat pumps. Installations of the first type are the most common, and this is the type of heat pump that can be assembled from a refrigerator or an old air conditioner using a ready-made compressor.

You will also need an expander, evaporator, and condenser. For the operation of absorption units, an absorbent refrigerant is required.

Heat pumps are most often assembled from units of air conditioners and refrigerators. Such homemade designs are simple, effective, and if the master has the skills to do such work, they can be made in just a few days

Depending on the type of heat source, installations can be air-based or those using secondary heat (for example, waste water, etc.).

One or two different coolants are used in the input and output circuits, and depending on this, the following types of equipment are distinguished:

  • water-air;
  • soil-water;
  • ice-water.

A system can only be efficient if it consumes less energy than it produces. This difference is called the conversion factor. It depends on many factors, but the most significant is the temperature of the coolant in the input and output circuits. The greater the difference, the better the system works.

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Air-to-water heat pump

Ice-water heat pump

There are no reliable formulas for calculating the performance of heat pumps, because... their work depends on many factors.

At self-assembly thermal installation cannot be expected to be as efficient as industrial equipment, but it is quite sufficient to create an economical additional system heating.

Step-by-step instructions for making equipment

Before you figure out how to make a heat pump from a refrigerator, you should decide on the heat source and how the device operates. In addition to the refrigerator compressor, other components will be required. You will also have to purchase or rent some tools.

This homemade product can be connected to warm floor, DHW system or water heating if low-temperature radiators are used

Even if you have to buy a compressor and other components, homemade installation will cost much less than ready-made industrial equipment.

Stage #1. Preparation of diagrams and drawings

The energy source must be located underground. To install a heat pump, you will have to drill a well or at least dig a trench to a depth where the ground temperature does not drop below 5 degrees. You can also use reservoirs of natural or artificial origin.

The proposed scheme is suitable for any heat source. To assemble a homemade product, you should adapt the circuit itself to the operating conditions of the future equipment and develop a drawing

Regardless of the heat source, heat pump designs are similar, so almost any design that can be found online will do.

After selecting it, detailed drawings should be prepared, which will indicate exact dimensions, distances and connection points of installation nodes.

To make a heat pump, you will have to disassemble the refrigerator and remove the compressor. This main element designs. It will pump water and freon through the laid pipeline, ensuring heating operation

Although calculating the power of the installation is difficult, you can focus on averages. So, for a house with increased thermal efficiency, a heating system with a capacity of 25 W/m2 is needed. This perfect option, if heat loss is minimal.

For a well-insulated house this figure is 45 W/sq.m., and for a building with relatively large heat losses - 70 W/sq.m.

Stage #2. Selection of necessary parts

The compressor can be removed from the old refrigerator. If it is defective, it is better to buy a new one. It is not worth repairing: it is unprofitable, and the performance of the homemade product will be in question.

To assemble the structure, you will also need a thermostatic valve. It is desirable that all components come from the same system and are easily combined.

To install the heat pump, you will need 30 cm L-shaped brackets.

You will also have to purchase some parts:

  • high quality sealed container of stainless steel volume 120 l;
  • big plastic tank volume 90 l;
  • 3 copper pipes of various diameters;
  • polymer (preferably metal-plastic) pipes.

To assemble the system, you will need a standard set of tools, and for cutting and joining metal parts– grinder and welding machine.

Stage #3. Installation of system components

The compressor is installed on the wall using brackets, after which they begin to manufacture the condenser. To do this, cut the metal tank in half with a grinder. A copper coil is installed in one part, after which the container is welded and threaded holes are prepared in it.

The heat exchanger for a heat pump is practically no different from the same unit that is made for sauna stove. A 2.5mm thick stainless steel container is best.

To make a heat exchanger, a long copper pipe is wound onto a 120-liter steel tank, securing the ends of the turns with slats. Plumbing transitions are connected to the terminals.

A coil is also attached to a plastic tank and used as an evaporator. It does not overheat, so it is not necessary to take metal container. The finished evaporator is attached to the wall using brackets.

When choosing a compressor and evaporator, you should calculate the power with a margin of 20%, otherwise the power of the finished heating system will be lower than desired

When the main components are prepared, a suitable thermostatic valve is selected, the structure is assembled and R-22 or R-422 freon is pumped into the system. If you don’t have the appropriate skills, it makes sense to invite a specialist, because... the procedure is unsafe.

Stage #4. Connection to the intake device

The type of intake device and the features of connecting the heat pump to it depend on the circuit:

  • "Water-earth". The collector is installed below the soil freezing level. The system pipes must be located at the same depth.
  • "Water-air". Systems of this type are relatively easy to install, because not required excavation. Suitable for installing the collector comfortable spot near the house or on the roof.
  • "Water-water". The collector structure is assembled from polymer pipes, and then lowered into the center of the reservoir.

It is possible to install a combined (bivalent) heating system. In this case, the heat pump is connected in parallel with an electric boiler. It performs the function of additional heating.

Installing a bivalent heating system allows you to achieve optimal temperature in the house even in severe frosts, and its energy consumption will be minimal.

During the process of assembling, installing and connecting the heat pump, you need to carefully monitor the quality of welds, joints and connections. The system must be completely sealed

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Heating schemes with heat pumps are not always cost-effective or convenient, so be sure to weigh the pros and cons of this type of heating.

If you come to the conclusion that such a system is suitable for your home, do not rush to spend huge sums on ready installation and assemble the structure yourself. It's not that difficult, it requires much less cash investments, and the effect can exceed all expectations.

Do-it-yourself heat pump is quite possible. People who have a small country house or cottage often successfully develop and install heat pumps of their own making.

How to make a heat pump with your own hands

It is worth noting that the operation of a heat pump in heating a house does not always fully satisfy all the requirements of the owners. Typically, this is a consequence of the thermodynamic calculations being performed incorrectly. The result of such an error is the system low power, or the system turns out to be too powerful, and this is due to excessive energy consumption.

To select a system with suitable power, you should calculate the heat loss of the building, and many other calculations. This calculation should be performed by an experienced design engineer.

DIY heat pump video

Heating pumps or heat pumps

Traditional energy sources have one drawback - large financial expenses Besides this, they are almost exhausted. Humanity has no choice but to search alternative sources energy. One of these sources today are heating pumps or heat pumps. A heat pump is an environmentally friendly and economical way to provide heating in your home.

Because cleanliness environment Recently coming to the fore, heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular across the planet. Rough estimates show that there are 100 million heating pumps in the world. Heat pumps are most actively used by people in countries such as the USA, Japan and European countries.

These states even have special building codes, according to which heat pumps must be installed in new houses.

Some countries, for example, Sweden, can boast a 70 to 30 percentage ratio of heat pumps to other heating systems.
All heat pumps are divided into the following subtypes:

When planning the heating organization country house The question may arise about how to make a heat pump with your own hands. The design of a heating system should begin with the choice of coolant. This problem can be easily solved if there is a gas pipeline near the house, just get permitting documentation. However, there are many areas in the country where gas can only be purchased in cylinders. Heating a stove is tedious and unsafe, and using electric heaters too expensive. Other energy sources can solve this problem. They allow you to extract heat from water, air and earth. These include a homemade heat pump.

Types of heat pumps

There are 3 types of alternative devices used when planning the heating of private houses. They are classified according to the type of heat source. A ground-to-water device extracts thermal energy from the soil using a probe and a collector. The coolant carries it to the pump, from where it is sent to the heating system. If your site has a large area, it is advisable to build collectors below the freezing level. Probes are ideal for small areas. The air-to-water device allows you to extract heat from the air using condensers and fans.

A water-to-water heat pump takes heat from groundwater. If there is a pond on the site, heat can be obtained from it. The device processes the energy, and the cold liquid is sent back. An air-to-air heat pump contains a refrigerant, a substance that has a negative boiling point. Most often, freon is used from an old refrigerator or split system. If in air conditioners this substance takes heat and releases it to the environment, then in a pump it extracts heat from the air outside, heating the air in the house.

Operating principle of heat pumps

The system includes devices for receiving and distributing heat and the pump itself. The internal circuit of the device consists of an electrically powered compressor, a condenser, a throttle valve and an evaporator. The operating principle of such devices is as follows: non-freezing liquid enters the collector, the evaporator releases energy to the refrigerant, causing it to boil and turn into a gaseous state. The compressor increases its pressure, which leads to heating. The resulting thermal energy is transferred to the heating system using a condenser. Freon cools and turns into a liquid state. Speaking in simple language, the operating principle of the device is the opposite of the operating principle of a split system or refrigerator.

Heat pumps consume much less electricity than electric boilers. However, installing such a device will cost the home owner a tidy sum. Here the question arises: is it worth installing air pump in the house? When installing such a system in a house large area costs are recouped in 1-2 years. In addition, the device can be used as an air conditioner in hot weather, in which case hot air It is removed from the house via a heat exchanger to the outside.

The power of the device is calculated depending on the heat loss of the building. Before installing the heat pump, it is necessary to insulate the roof, walls and floor. For space heating old building requires a device with a power of 75 W/m², for more modern houses- 50 W/m², for houses built using the latest heat-saving technologies - 30 W/m². Such installations should be included in the design of buildings under construction. The most environmentally friendly heat pump is considered to be a ground-to-air heat pump, which does not emit hazardous substances such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, lead compounds. There is virtually no risk of fire if the wires are properly insulated. The design of heat pumps involves protection against overheating of parts, leading to ignition. How to make a heat pump for heating a house with your own hands?

Instructions for building a heat pump

Not every home owner has enough money to purchase and connect thermal equipment amount. However, you can make a home heating device yourself. It can be built from existing parts or purchased used parts. Before installing such a heating system in an old house, you should check the condition of the electrical wiring. Purchase a compressor from a repair shop household appliances. It is mounted on the wall using a bracket. Let's move on to building the capacitor. It can be made from a steel barrel with a volume of at least 100 liters. It is cut into 2 parts, a coil of copper tube refrigerator. It is not recommended to use thin-walled tubes for these purposes: they can become the main cause of device breakdowns during operation.

To give the pipe the required shape copper pipe wrap the oxygen cylinder, fix the position of the part using construction angles. After installing the coil, parts of the barrel are welded, creating threaded connections. To make an evaporator you can take plastic container volume 70-100 l with a coil built into it. Water can be supplied to the device through ordinary pipes. The system is secured using a bracket.

To pump coolant into the pump from the air conditioner, you must invite a refrigerator repairman. It is impossible to do this yourself without the necessary skills.

After completing this stage, heat pumps are connected to devices for receiving and discharging thermal energy. The process of connecting a heat generation device depends on the type of pump.

Final points

When connecting ground-to-water devices, you cannot do without drilling a well. It is necessary to drill a hole 100-150 m deep. A special probe is immersed in it, which is connected to the pump. A water-to-water heat pump is connected like this: all pipes are immersed in water, then carefully moved to the center of the reservoir. In an air-to-water device, heat is extracted from the air, which means that complex excavation work is not required when installing it. It is enough to determine the location for the collector on the site and connect the device to the heating system.

In order to connect an air-to-air heat pump, you will need a high-power fan. Air ducts are located along the walls, warm air enters through supply openings located near the windows. The system can be equipped with thermostats that allow you to automatically select comfortable temperature in the room. To organize heating using such a system, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • air ducts;
  • supply grilles;
  • fasteners;
  • reinforced tape;
  • scissors for cutting steel.

To transfer heated air, you can purchase air ducts of any type. To install rigid ones, you will need bends that regulate the direction air flow. If the installation of the pump is planned before the construction of the house begins, the entire system can be hidden under suspended ceiling. In other cases, they are hidden using decorative elements.

When installing a low-power pump, it may be necessary to use an additional heating device - electric boiler. This way you can raise the room temperature on frosty days.

There is a certain amount of heat in any environment surrounding us, but provided that its temperature is above zero degrees Celsius. The question arises: why not use this heat to heat your own home? This is quite feasible, but it requires a heat pump.

Types of Heat Pumps

The operating principle of the pump is as follows: a heat source, the energy potential of which is quite low, transfers its heat to a carrier with a higher temperature. How this works in practice can be seen in the figure. By the way, refrigeration devices work on the same principle, so in the summer a heat pump can successfully function as an air conditioner.

There may be several classifications of pumps, but it would be correct to divide them according to the type of coolant, which can be:

  • Water;
  • Priming;
  • Air.

The energy obtained using such a system can be used for various purposes: space heating, air conditioning, water heating. The combination of coolant types and functions performed may also be different. Based on this, pumps are divided into three groups.

  1. Water-to-water equipment. Very effective method obtaining heat, because at a significant depth, water can remain in a permanent state for quite a long time, maintaining the required temperature. IN in this case The source of thermal energy is open reservoirs, underground or wastewater, and the coolant is a special environmental substance.

    It is worth noting that it will be easier to build a pump for use in lakes and rivers (reservoirs open type), while underground ones will require additional work and costs. The design of the device will be complicated; a special tank will be required to concentrate moisture from the heat exchanger. For the contour are used plastic pipes, which can be installed both vertically and horizontally underground. A vertical collector is more efficient because wells 100-150 meters deep are drilled for it, and there the temperature can last longer.

    Important! Horizontal collectors are prohibited from being used for economic purposes, only for planting plants and lawns. One kilowatt of device power may require approximately 20-50 square meters.

  2. Ground-to-water equipment are the most convenient, because already at a depth of 5 m you can observe a constant soil temperature, and weather changes have practically no effect on it. The design of these pumps is almost the same as in previous version.

  3. water-to-air class less efficient because in winter their power drops significantly. But there are no difficulties during installation - neither deep wells nor excavation work is required. All you need to do is install the equipment in appropriate place. This could be, for example, the roof of a house. The advantage of such a system is that the used thermal energy can be reused and will leave the building in the form of gas, smoke, air or even water. But it cannot provide full heating of the house due to its low power, so winter time you need to take care of alternative heating.

Operating principle - generalized diagram

To understand the principle of operation of a heat pump, let us first familiarize ourselves with a general diagram of its design. Thanks to this, we will have the opportunity to move from simple to complex.

You should start with a closed loop. Gas moves in this circuit and circulates thanks to the compressor. Agree, now this design has practically no functions, but if you equip it with some components, you can get a functioning heat pump.

First of all, we add an expansion valve to our circuit.

Now in our circuit there are two areas - high and low pressure. At the same time, we can observe an important physical effect: the compressed gas heats up, and when the pressure decreases, on the contrary, its temperature decreases.

The maximum temperature in this case is observed at the point where the gas leaves the compressor.

The lowest temperature is observed at the outlet of the expansion valve.

A gas that has a high temperature will transfer most of its heat to an external consumer when passing through a heat exchanger. At the same time, gas, whose temperature is low, when passing through the heat exchanger, on the contrary, will absorb thermal energy from an external source.

The design we have achieved has all the functions that a heat pump should have. But for it to be complete, it is necessary to equip it with a source of low-temperature heat, as well as connect it to the heating system.

The most optimal option for our region is the use of geothermal probes, which will serve as sources of the low-temperature heat mentioned above.

As for heating devices, then radiators and heated floors/walls can be used as such.

Costs and required power

A heat pump is expensive, on average 4000-6500 euros, depending on the quality of the product. But practice shows that such significant expenses will pay off in about one and a half to two years, and if you do it yourself, as planned, then even faster.

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Regarding the power of the device, it may vary. For buildings with poor thermal insulation, the power should be approximately 75 watts per square meter, but if the house is more modern and materials were used for insulation good quality, then 50 watts will be enough. And when using special insulation technologies, you can get by with 30 watts. It is advisable that the heat pump becomes part of the house design during the construction phase.

Making a heat pump with your own hands

Yes, heat pumps are really expensive, even if you make them yourself, so not everyone can afford such a purchase. But you can make it yourself, using used parts or those that you have on the farm.

If you plan to install it in an old building, then first you need to check the condition of the meter and electrical wiring. The order of work is as follows.

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Step 1. The first thing you need to do is buy a compressor. More cheap option– find a compressor from an old air conditioner. It is ideal for making a pump. The part should be secured to the wall surface using fasteners-brackets (model L 300).

Step 2. Then you need to make a capacitor, which will require a steel container V=100 liters. It must be cut in half, and a copper coil of suitable diameter with a wall thickness of more than one millimeter placed inside.

Coil manufacturing

Step 3. When you secure the coil, the halves of the container need to be welded back.

Step 4. Next, make the evaporator. It will require another plastic container, 70 liters. A coil is also mounted in it, but the diameter of the pipe should be smaller. Mount the evaporator to the wall using the same “L” type brackets of the required size.

Step 5. The next stage is to attract a specialist. The fact is that it is not easy to weld pipes and pump in freon yourself, especially in the absence necessary knowledge. A refrigerator repair expert can handle this very well.

Step 6 So, the “core” of the system is already ready, all that remains is to connect it to the distributor and heat intake. And if there are no problems with the distributor, then you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on the intake. Of course, it’s better to turn to a specialist again, but let’s try to figure out how to do everything ourselves.

Installation features are different for each type of heating unit.

In this case, waste is inevitable, since you need to drill a well, and it is impossible to do this without a drilling rig. The depth of the well should be a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 150 meters. You lower a geothermal probe into the finished well, which is subsequently connected to the pump.

For horizontal systems you will need a manifold made of pipes. Such a collector must be located below the ground freezing level, which depends on climatic features terrain, but often does not exceed 1.5 meters.

To install the collector, remove upper layer soil. You can use special equipment for this or do everything with a shovel, which is much cheaper. After laying the pipes, fill the soil back.

There is another technology for laying pipes - digging a separate ditch for each. There should be several such ditches and they should all be located below the soil freezing level. We place pipes in them and fill them up.

Connect the collector on land using HDPE pipes. After this, fill the system with coolant and move it to the water. It is advisable to immerse the collector in the central part of the reservoir or simply to the desired depth.

As mentioned above, for this type of pumps no large-scale work is required, because the heat is extracted from the air. You just need to choose a place - the roof of a building, for example - and install the collector. Next, the latter is connected to the heating system.

This completes the manufacture and installation of the heat pump. We hope that the article was really useful for you!

Video - Homemade water-to-water heat pump

Hosts country houses We have always been sensitive to the issue of hot water supply and heating.

Installing a gas, electric or diesel boiler makes it possible to heat a country house and supply it with hot water and heat, but now there are alternatives to the heating we are used to.

One of these alternatives is . This is quite an expensive pleasure, but you can make it yourself. We'll talk about how to do this in this article.

Operating principle of the heat pump

The peculiarity of heat pumps is that they operate from natural sources energy. To release thermal energy, the pump does not require diesel fuel, electricity or solid fuel.

Water, atmosphere and soil are used as energy sources. Pumps do not emit heat, but simply transfer it into the building. In this case it is used a small amount of electricity.

In order to provide heat to your home, you only need a heat pump and a heat source. The principle of operation of the system resembles the operation of a conventional refrigerator, only in reverse. In this case, heat is taken from outside and transported into the house.

Important point: the main element in alternative system heating is precisely the heat pump, so its construction must be approached very carefully.

The pump consists of the following elements:
  • a compressor, which is an intermediate element of the system;
  • evaporator. It is where low-potential energy is transferred;
  • a throttle valve through which the refrigerant (freon) returns to the evaporator;
  • condenser, where freon is cooled and thermal energy is released.

The pump works according to a certain principle. It looks something like this:

The operating principle of the heat pump. (Click to enlarge)

  1. Low-grade heat, which is released from external energy sources, is transferred through pipes to the evaporator - the first element in the pump design. Heat is transferred by coolants that can withstand low temperatures and not freeze at the same time.
  2. Here, heat is transferred to the refrigerant, which circulates through a closed circuit of the system. Freon is often used as a refrigerant.
  3. Freon acts on the compressor high pressure, which significantly increases its temperature.
  4. At the next stage, the refrigerant enters the condenser, where heat is transferred to the heating system circuit. As a result, heat goes into the room, and freon, cooling, returns to a liquid state.
  5. Through the pressure reducing valve, freon flows back into the evaporator, where the process is repeated.

Based on the operating principle of the pump, electricity is spent only on the operation of the compressor. As a result, this makes the heat pump the most economical method of heat transfer.

Using an old refrigerator

Refrigerator heat pump device

So, to assemble the heating system in country house, you must have a heat pump.

Today such units are not cheap, this is explained by high technical characteristics and the painstaking work of assembling them. But, if you wish, you can assemble the heat pump yourself.

You can build a simple heat pump from household refrigerator. The peculiarity of the technique is that it has two main components of a heat pump - a condenser and a compressor. This will significantly speed up the assembly of the heat pump with your own hands.

So, assembling a pump from an old refrigerator is as follows:

  1. Capacitor assembly. The element is made in the form of a coil. In refrigerators it is most often installed at the back. This well-known grille is the condenser through which heat is transferred from the refrigerant.
  2. The capacitor is installed in a container that is highly durable and can withstand high temperatures. To avoid damaging the coil during installation, experts recommend cutting the container and installing a capacitor in it. After this, the container is welded.
  3. Next, a compressor is attached to the container. It is almost impossible to make a unit at home. Therefore, it is better to take it from an old refrigerator. At the same time, you should pay attention to ensure that it is in good condition.
  4. You can use a regular plastic barrel as an evaporator.
  5. After all elements of the system are ready, they are connected to each other. Plastic pipes are used to connect the unit to the heating system.

Thus, you can build a heat pump from an old household refrigerator. If you need to pump freon into the system, you need to call a specialist. This kind of work can only be done with the help of special equipment.

Take note: Refrigerator heat pumps are often used for heating small rooms and buildings for domestic purposes. This could be a garage or a small shed.

The refrigerator can also be used as a heat source. That is, it will play the role of a radiator for the heating system. You just need to install two air ducts through which air will flow into and out of the equipment.

The first channel will let air into the freezer, and the second will release it. In this case, physical processes occur that cause the capacitor to heat up.

Application of air conditioner

Diagram of a heat pump from an air conditioner

The point is that its operating principle is similar to that of a heat pump.

But, there are some differences. First of all, it is worth noting temperature regime work climate control technology. It is not advisable to use split systems at low temperatures.

To make a heat pump from an air conditioner, it is necessary to carry out a number of modifications and alterations:

  1. The first way to assemble the pump is to remake the air conditioner. In this case, the outdoor and indoor units are swapped. In indoor unit there is an evaporator, which is needed to transfer low-grade heat. A capacitor is installed in the external unit, which transfers thermal energy. Both air and water can be used as a heating medium. In the second case, the capacitor is mounted in a special tank where heat transfer will take place.
  2. The second method is to install a four-way changeover valve into the system. Only professionals can do this kind of work. This is especially true for installing a heat probe.
  3. The third option is to completely disassemble the climate control equipment. The parts are used to assemble the heat pump according to the usual scheme: evaporator – compressor – condenser.

You should approach the assembly of a heat pump based on an air conditioner very carefully and it is better to involve a professional. The productivity of the unit will depend on the correct assembly.

Before you start assembling the heat pump, you should think about insulating the house. If the building has low thermal insulation properties, then the efficiency of using the pump and other heat sources will decrease significantly.

Such pumps are best used in low-temperature heating systems. In this case the best option the floor will be warm. Taking into account all the assembly features, it is quite possible to build a heat pump with your own hands.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains in detail how to use a heat pump made from an air conditioner with his own hands:

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