Pumping of sewer wells. Cleaning sewer wells Cleaning sewer pipes in wells

When building a country cottage, its owner has a choice of three types of sewerage. Regardless of the modification, all three options are based on the construction and arrangement of storage wells, which will have to be cleaned from time to time.

A rational choice of location for a storage well in a private house is an integral part of the functionality of the structure. When designing sewage wells, cesspools, and septic tanks, it is necessary to comply not only with regulatory rules governing the distance of wastewater facilities from sources of drinking water, but also with the requirements of common sense.

The septic tank should be located near the driveway, near the fence near the road; next to it there should be a maneuvering area, free from valuable varieties of shrubs and trees. Pumping of sewer wells is carried out using automobile equipment, so it is necessary to provide in advance the possibility of access by a three-axle sewage disposal truck. Work on pumping wells, depending on the urgency, is divided into planned and emergency.

In the first case, cleaning of sewer wells is carried out according to a certain schedule: once every six months or when the septic tank is filled to ¾ of its volume with wastewater. Periodic pumping at a given interval is the key to long-term operation of sewer wells and drainage systems in a private house.

Emergency work has to be carried out in desperate situations, when the well is filled “to the top”, household waste is compressed with sewage; pipes become clogged, drains overflow and flood the yard. In this case, as usual, eliminating emergency situations requires taking emergency, expensive measures.

The capacity of pipes and the storage capacity of wells is limited not only by overflowing the system with wastewater, but also by sediments that accumulate over a long period of time on the elements of the drainage system.

Blockages can form in sewer pipes and wells for domestic purposes, caused by deposits of acidic residues of magnesium, calcium, and iron. The longer the system is operated without preventive flushing, the thicker the deposit of salts on the walls of the structure.

Another reason for the loss of wastewater flow is fatty deposits. Fats in solutions and suspensions continuously enter the sewer system: these substances are contained in food waste, in water flowing down after bath procedures, and from washing dishes. Fat suspensions, mixing with other compounds, settle on the walls of pipes, fittings, and wells. At some point, a complete blockage of the system occurs, provoking an emergency situation.

An important point in minimizing the possible deposition of fat emulsions is the technically competent design of water supply systems in a private home: maintaining a slope of 1% when laying the sewer system ensures its long-term trouble-free operation.

Methods for cleaning wells

Clogging of sewer systems, which is inevitable in emergency situations, requires an integrated approach to solving the problem: it is necessary to pump out the wastewater from the well, clean the sewer system inside and outside the house, and carry out (in the most severe cases) chemical cleaning of the surface.

Vacuum installations

Modern technologies make it possible to pump wastewater out of storage systems and clean pipes in three ways. The most productive and convenient is the vacuum one. Its essence lies in the fact that a sewage disposal machine equipped with a vacuum pump pumps out the contents of the well for subsequent disposal outside the site.

Pumping technology does not require special preliminary and related work or the use of complex equipment. Modern vacuum installations allow you to complete the work of cleaning a well in the shortest possible time. The power of the equipment allows you to pump waste not only from the septic tank shaft, but also from sewer pipes.

Sludge suckers

The predecessor of vacuum devices is the suction pump. The convenience of technology for cleaning domestic sewer systems in a private home has been time-tested. The method is the most common: you can order a sludge pump from the utility company through the local government.

The advantage of suction pumps is that they are all-season: pumping can be done at any time of the year. Disadvantage of the technology: it can only be used to fulfill the planned regulations: the power of the equipment and the equipment of the team is insufficient to perform complex emergency work.

Hydrodynamic methods

Cleaning of sewer wells using the hydrodynamic method is carried out with the aim of comprehensive flushing of the entire system in the house. The essence of the method: water is supplied through a high-pressure hose to a multi-channel hydraulic nozzle. The worker sequentially flushes the elements of the entire sewer system. The jet pressure is so high that it allows you to wash not only organic seals accumulated in hard-to-reach places, but also clean out deposits of inorganic minerals - sand, cement. After cleaning closed cavities and pipes, additional cleaning is performed: using a vacuum or manually, debris is removed from the bottom of the well and from adjacent surfaces.

A variation of the hydrodynamic method is thermal hydrotreating. The method is used when servicing sewer systems of public catering establishments and food industry factories. Hot water under pressure removes grease and debris. For thermal hydrotreating, technical means are used that allow high-pressure equipment to be controlled safely: the water temperature in the system reaches 160°C. To clean household household systems, this technology is used in exceptional cases. In industrial conditions, it is often combined with a chemical method.

Chemical treatment

Chemical cleaning of sewer wells is an effective addition to wastewater pumping technology. With the help of active reagents, we achieve the elimination of those deposits and formations that cannot be removed mechanically. The method has its drawbacks, the main one being cost. The strengths of the method include the ability to process well walls that are at a negative angle, as well as closed pockets and cavities of sewer systems. In addition, chemicals neutralize wastewater spilled on the soil surface.

For chemical cleaning, foamed emulsions are used, which have good adhesion and penetrating ability. Chemical processing requires time and often multiple treatments. As a result, the sewer system becomes sterile. In most cases, after treatment with chemicals, the system is mechanically cleaned.


Maintenance of autonomous sewer systems - domestic and industrial - requires periodic manual cleaning. This method is universal for carrying out post-treatment and eliminating small local contaminants that block the normal movement of wastewater, as well as for monitoring the quality of work carried out to maintain the functionality of sewer systems in a private home.

Services list Price in rub. Notes
Emergency clearing of sewerage blockage inside the building or at the outlet of the building From 8,000 rub. Average cost - 10,000 rubles.
Cleaning of storm/domestic sewers inside the building (scheduled) From 180 rub. per linear meter
From 4,000 rub.
Pumping out and cleaning the basement of the building. Elimination of unpleasant odors. Price is negotiable Visit of a specialist for assessment - free of charge

External sewer cleaning

Services list Price in rub. Notes
Emergency clearing of clogged sewer pipes with a diameter of up to 250 mm (between wells) From 12,000 rub. Emergency vehicle up to 3.5 tons (GAZelle type)
Emergency removal of blockages in sewer pipes with a diameter of 300 mm to 500 mm (between wells) From 15,000 rub. Emergency vehicle over 3.5 tons (KAMAZ type)
Emergency clearing of clogged sewer pipes with a diameter of more than 600 mm (between wells) Price is negotiable
Cleaning of external (yard) sewerage (scheduled) with a diameter of up to 250 mm From 200 rub. per linear meter Minimum order from RUB 12,000.
Cleaning of external (yard) sewerage (scheduled) with a diameter of 300 mm to 500 mm From 300 rub. per linear meter
External (yard) sewer cleaning (scheduled) with a diameter of more than 600 mm From 500 rub. per linear meter Minimum order from RUB 25,000.
Cleaning of wells, grease traps, septic tanks with a suction pump (with sediment removal) From 1500 rub. for 1 cubic meter Minimum order from RUB 12,000.
Manual cleaning of wells, grease traps, septic tanks From 3000 rub. for 1 cubic meter Minimum order from 15,000 rubles.
Pumping of contaminated water from settling tanks, tanks, pits (without removal) From 500 rub. for 1 cubic meter Minimum order from RUB 12,000.
Diagnostics of sewer pipelines (with digital recording of video and photographic materials) From 5,000 rub. It is possible to provide a technical report

Cleaning and disinfection of ventilation

Services list Price in rub. Notes
Cleaning ventilation ducts using a dry method (dust removal) from 400 rub. for 1 sq. meter Minimum order from 15,000 rubles.
Cleaning grease and industrial ventilation wet (with chemicals) from 650 rub. for 1 sq. meter Minimum order from 15,000 rubles.
Cleaning and disinfection of ventilation devices and ducts from 500 rub. for 1 sq. meter Minimum order from 15,000 rubles.
Diagnostics of the ventilation system with provision of a technical report Price is negotiable Important technical details need clarification

Are you interested in prices for scheduled or emergency cleaning of sewer pipes? Do you want to know exactly how much you will have to pay for diagnostics of pipelines or ventilation systems, manual cleaning of septic tanks, or regular maintenance of storm drains? If you have not found answers to your questions on our website, we are ready to answer right now - by telephone. But first, let's tell you...

What is the cost of drain cleaning?

Currently, there are 2 main ways of announcing a particular price for the complete removal of any blockages and cleaning of various types of sewers:

  • already established price, formed according to the principle of “all inclusive”,
  • an option when the final cost for clearing a sewer blockage is detailed in the price list.

Moreover, it consists of various elements of the future technical process.

We can safely say that the price of sewer cleaning from IPK MegaService LLC consists of several important factors:

  • location of the blockage and its complexity,
  • the total amount of work required, the complexity of the blockages (they can be external or internal), etc.,
  • cleaning method. Mechanical cleaning is the most affordable. Hydrodynamic cleaning will cost you a little more. Using chemicals will cost more.

The cost of drain cleaning, of course, can make a significant difference, but in any case, this factor should not be the determining factor when choosing a company. There are situations when, flattered by low prices, customers turn to “private plumbers”, and they come only with a cable for breaking through blockages and do not have any technical capabilities to troubleshoot problems. IPK MegaService LLC employs real specialists who have not only impressive experience, but also all the necessary equipment and equipment.

Regular cleaning of sewer wells is a must. It is recommended to carry it out either as needed, in particular after the end of the winter period, or at intervals of six months. Modern technical capabilities make it possible to quickly and economically carry out not only preventive, but also emergency cleaning of wells. And in this article we will take a closer look at how to clean a sewer well.

Cleaning Frequency

The required number of cleaning measures is determined taking into account local conditions. In one case, it is enough to carry them out once every few years, in another - 2-3 times a year. For example, if in rain networks precipitation accumulates mainly in low-rainy seasons, then in public sewers this happens almost always. Due to prolonged rainfall or spring snowmelt, precipitation may be partially or completely washed away.

This recommendation is dictated by purely practical considerations. Due to the accumulated debris, it not only becomes dirty, but can also become clogged. This can lead to a significant disruption in the operation of the sewer system. In addition, with irregular cleaning, various microbial organisms accumulate in wells. If they are not removed in a timely manner, they can provoke the development of mold and rotting processes inside engineering structures, not to mention the possible occurrence of various infectious diseases.

Methods for cleaning wells using equipment

The following cleaning methods are currently used:

  • cleaning with a suction pump;
  • vacuum pumping;
  • hydrodynamic cleaning;
  • chemical washing;
  • thermal washing.

Cleaning with a suction pump

From the point of view of convenience and efficiency, the most optimal option is to use a suction pump. This equipment is intended for sewerage work. Its design includes a tank and a vacuum pump. One of the advantages of this method is the ability to use it in any season. Sludge suckers are widely used for various types of cleaning and preventive work, including for removing sludge from concrete and networks, settling tanks of treatment facilities, septic tanks, as well as for transporting liquid waste.

Vacuum pumping

This method involves cleaning the well and pumping out wastewater using a powerful vacuum pump. After this, the waste is collected and disposed of. This type complies with environmental safety standards and is an effective way to maintain optimal sanitary conditions.

Pro tip:

To ensure stable operation of the sewer system, prevent emergency situations, and maintain the required level of sanitation, it is necessary that sewer wells be pumped out regularly.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

The operating principle of hydrodynamic cleaning is to wash away waste from the internal walls of a sewer well with strong water pressure. In this way, you can eliminate any blockages of organic and inorganic origin. After flushing is completed, the waste is collected and disposed of.

To carry out such cleaning, one or two machines can be used, depending on the amount of deposits:

  • the first is a sewer cleaning machine;
  • the second is a silt sucker.

The use of the latter is advisable for large volumes of sludge. To illustrate the need to use a suction pump, consider two examples:

  • Example No. 1: a pipe with a diameter of 500 mm and a length of 100 m is heavily clogged. The volume of precipitation averages 200 cubic meters. m. To eliminate them, a suction pump is required.
  • Example No. 2: a pipe with a diameter of 150 mm and a length of 100 m contains 2 cubic meters. m of precipitation. Naturally, in this case you can remove the blockage manually.

Pro tip:

Hydrodynamic cleaning is universal, but its effectiveness is achieved only if cleaning work is carried out regularly. This allows you to ensure uninterrupted operation of the system and prevent emergency situations.

Chemical washing

This method involves the use of potent chemical reagents. With their help, it is possible to soften and transform condensate deposits of various origins, including salt deposits, into a dissolved state. The process is carried out using special equipment and foamed chemical composition. The latter makes it possible to effectively treat surfaces with a negative plumb and specifically concentrate the impact of reagents. In addition, the foam also creates a mechanical effect.

Chemical cleaning of sewer wells is very effective and environmentally friendly, but due to its high cost it is rarely used.

Thermal wash

In its principle of operation, this method resembles hydrodynamic cleaning. But its fundamental feature is the use of hot water pressure. The water temperature can range from 120 to 160 degrees. An indispensable condition for the effectiveness of this method is its regular implementation. It is noteworthy that in combination with thermal and chemical washing it is possible to increase the efficiency of the latter several times.

Water flushing of household network

In some cases, when there are small deposits in the household network, it is enough to rinse it with waste water. To do this, the hole in the inspection well is closed with a plug, and a certain amount of water is poured from above. In this way, the necessary pressure is created and after the plug is pulled out, the water flow rushes into the well at high speed, washing it.

Regardless of how any cleaning was carried out, plastic or, the final stage is always manual processing. Its necessity is due to the fact that any equipment performs only general work, without concentrating on specifics, therefore, to ensure maximum efficiency, manual control cleaning is required.

In conclusion, it must be added that often preventive measures to prevent blockages are either ignored or there are simply not enough funds for them. As a result, this leads to emergency situations. Various deposits accumulate in the pipeline, gradually reducing throughput. This leads to a decrease in its functioning and in some cases to its complete failure. It follows from this that timely cleaning of sewer wells is a mandatory and indispensable condition for ensuring the stable operation of the entire system.

Sewage wells are a means of draining wastewater from houses and their further disposal. Modern structures are made from the simplest elements; reinforced concrete rings and other materials can withstand prolonged use.

But during use, a number of problems arise with this equipment. To eliminate them, you will have to clean and pump out accumulated waste and dirt using additional equipment. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of wells in order to promptly eliminate emergencies and unpleasant phenomena.

We list the main problems that arise during operation:

  1. Accumulation of a large amount of waste.
  2. The appearance of silt at the bottom.
  3. An unpleasant odor characteristic of many wells.

The most common problem is water in the sewer well. It accumulates in case of clogging or the amount of incoming waste exceeds the capacity of the system.

If measures are not taken, the level in the well will continue to rise and the wastewater will come to the surface. An unpleasant odor appears that cannot be eliminated, and it spreads throughout the adjacent area.

To solve this problem, you will need to perform drain cleaning. There are three ways to do this:

  1. Vacuum.
  2. Hydrodynamic.
  3. Sludge sucker.

Vacuum pumping

Vacuum pumping is carried out using a tanker truck with a pump on board. A large diameter hose is lowered into the well and pumps water out of it. After collection, the tank transports the wastewater to the place of further discharge. This is the easiest cleaning method today; all liquid is removed from the area, and you don’t have to worry about unpleasant odors.

Ilosos - the solution to the problem

Sludge pump is another type of sewer truck. It is equipped with a high-power vacuum pump; the equipment is capable of removing not only water, but also various contaminants from the bottom. The main advantage is higher efficiency and the ability to prevent future waste accumulation.

Hydraulic method

The most modern method is hydraulic engineering. Using a special device, pressure is injected into the well, it acts on organic and mechanical blockages, completely destroying them. The main advantage of the method is its high efficiency; the equipment not only pumps out water, but also eliminates the cause of its accumulation. The likelihood of the problem reoccurring after using the hydraulic method is extremely low.

To carry out water pumping and cleaning work, specialized equipment and extensive experience of specialists are required. Therefore, seek help from professionals.

Sludge accumulation at the bottom

Sludge accumulation is one of the main problems for all sewer wells. Sediment at the bottom of the well is formed from mechanical impurities in sewage, soil that can get inside, etc.

Sludge accumulates gradually; this process is almost impossible to prevent during the construction of the system and its operation. There are several signs that indicate the need for cleaning:

  • The water drains slowly in the bathtub and toilet.
  • A strong unpleasant odor appeared.
  • Water accumulates in the well.

It is necessary to quickly solve this problem, otherwise it will become impossible to fully use the toilet and shower in the house. There will be an accumulation of a large amount of water in the well, with its further release to the surface.

If the sewer well has silted up, it should be urgently cleaned. Today there are two ways:

  • Mechanical.
  • Chemical.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning is a standard solution using a suction pump. This machine is equipped with a tank, pump, waste destruction equipment and other accessories, depending on the model.

Initially, specialists pump out most of the accumulated liquid and get to the silt deposits. They often acquire a hard structure and are difficult to remove immediately. Using a gun, the sludge is washed away and it is sucked out by a pump.

Chemical method

With the chemical method, most of the liquid is pumped out of the cavity. Special preparations based on nitrate oxidizing agents are introduced into the remaining water. They are completely safe to use and non-toxic.

The substances lead to the gradual destruction of mechanical deposits and their natural removal from the well. Note that the drugs will cost buyers a significant amount. Therefore, you will have to make a choice between relatively cheap and “dirty” mechanical cleaning, and expensive chemical cleaning.


The sewer well contains wastewater containing organic waste. When decomposed, they release hydrogen sulfide, which has an unpleasant and characteristic odor. This is a completely natural process; it is almost impossible to completely get rid of this problem.

But if the smell from the sewer becomes increasingly stronger and spreads throughout the area, then there may be several reasons for this:

To eliminate odor, it is necessary to clean it every 1 to 2 years. Particular attention should be paid to the walls, rinse off silt and deposits. They are the ones that most often cause a strong and unpleasant odor from the well.

If the water level rises sharply, cleaning should be carried out as necessary. If there is no maintenance, it will be impossible to use the sewerage system, the drainage may flood the surrounding area, and a strong odor will appear in the area.

These are the main problems that arise during the operation of sewer wells. Carry out maintenance and cleaning in a timely manner, then the system will last for many years.

A city or private wastewater disposal system will not function properly unless the sewer wells are cleaned regularly. Over time, dirt accumulates there, which can lead to complete inoperability of the entire system. Technological progress has made it possible to simplify this task as much as possible and make it more efficient; you just need to choose the correct location of the well, ensuring free access for equipment.

How often should wells be cleaned?

The frequency of cleaning wells is influenced by many factors. Sometimes once a year is enough, and sometimes every few months. It is recommended to do this every spring, since when the snow melts, a large volume of mud flows along with debris.

There are two categories of sewer well cleaning - planned and emergency. The first involves periodically filling the system volume by 75% and flushing with this liquid. The second is carried out with a complete or partial reduction in the throughput of wells. In most cases, due to the desire to save money, scheduled cleaning is neglected, which ultimately leads to the need for emergency cleaning.

Today the following types of well cleaning are used:

  • vacuum pumping;
  • hydrodynamic flushing;
  • cleaning with chemical reagents;
  • manual.

Cleaning with a vacuum pump

The most common way to clean drains. It is produced using special equipment equipped with a vacuum pump, hose and tank for collecting and transporting wastewater.

Sewage is pumped into the tank due to the pressure difference resulting from the operation of the vacuum pump. The pumped out liquid is taken to a specially designated place and drained. Sometimes, in order to avoid equipment clogging, vacuum pumps are equipped with grinders, which crush large inclusions using metal blades.

The high power of the vacuum pump ensures high efficiency of this method of cleaning sewer wells. This method meets all environmental safety and sanitary standards.

Cleaning with a hydrodynamic unit

A simple and effective method that involves applying a high-pressure jet of water to deposits that have formed in the well. At the same time, the formations are crushed into small parts that cannot be removed with a vacuum pump.

Attention! In particularly difficult cases, to achieve the desired result, it is recommended to combine cleaning with a vacuum pump and hydrodynamic washing.

The required pressure is created using a compact unit operating autonomously or equipment installed on the platform of a special machine. The advantage of this method over a vacuum pump is undoubtedly - a jet of water under high pressure can remove up to 99% of deposits on the bottom and walls of the well. At the same time, the hydrodynamic installation not only cleans sewer wells, it is successfully used to remove blockages in pipelines.

To enhance the effect of the hydrodynamic method, in some cases thermal cleaning is used using water heated to a temperature of 120-160°C, supplied under high pressure. This makes it possible to effectively combat particularly stubborn hard deposits.

Hydrodynamic cleaning is an environmentally friendly method because it does not involve the use of any harmful chemicals. Deposits are removed using ordinary water.

Chemical method for cleaning wells

The essence of this method is to treat deposits formed in the sewer system with potent chemical reagents that perfectly remove even old fat and salt formations.

Cleaning of wells is carried out with reagents in a foamed state, which allows you to treat not only the bottom, but also the vertical walls of the structure. The final stage of the chemical method is manual cleaning, which allows you to achieve a better result.

In terms of quality, this is the most effective way to get rid of organic and inorganic deposits, but it is not widely used due to the high cost of the reagents used. Despite the use of chemicals, this is a safe way to clean sewer wells for humans and the environment, since all substances used are tested for compliance with sanitary standards.

Manual cleaning

Regardless of which method was used to clean the well, at the end manual processing is carried out to ensure complete cleaning of the formations. This is due to the fact that any technique produces general work and cannot concentrate on a specific area, as a person does.

You can begin manual cleaning when a small amount of sediment remains at the bottom of the well - approximately 1 m³. Sludge is removed by any convenient means, most often a bucket and a small shovel are used for this.

Attention! Sewage drains tend to emit harmful gases, which makes working in a well a dangerous undertaking. It is prohibited to go down into the tank without breathing protection, special equipment and at least two people on the surface for safety net.

How to reduce the frequency of cleaning wells

Any sewer cleaning method requires financial investment. There are several ways to reduce the frequency of cleaning while maintaining the normal functioning of the sewer system:

  1. Increasing the volume of the tank. The size of the sewer well is calculated taking into account the number of people living in the house. If there are more residents, the septic tank will fill faster, which will lead to frequent calls for pumping equipment. In this case, installing an additional tank connected to the main overflow pipe will help.
  2. Use of activated sludge. Activated sludge is bacteria capable of absorbing harmful substances, thereby significantly stimulating the processes occurring in sewage. Activated sludge helps process heavy particles and helps quickly purify water.
  3. Biological treatment station. The purchase of such a station makes it possible to reuse waste water for irrigation of the site. A high degree of liquid purification is achieved through the use of aerobic bacteria capable of removing most harmful substances. The disadvantage of the station is its high cost.

Remember that you should never neglect preventive measures. By contacting specialists in a timely manner, you can avoid the occurrence of congestion, thereby saving money on renting expensive equipment.

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