Finishing of slopes of plastic windows. Do-it-yourself finishing of slopes of plastic windows

Today we will talk about finishing window slopes. Many people do not attach much importance to this most important component of finishing, but in vain.
Probably many people have encountered this problem: old wooden windows were removed and new plastic ones were installed in their place. At first everything was just wonderful, the windows are beautiful, easy to open and close, do not require annual sealing, and fit well into the interior.

But a short period of time passes, and you notice that mold begins to form on the slopes, especially in the corners.

Purchasing and using various modern household chemicals does not produce results. After a short period of time, mold appears again.
So what is the reason?
And it is quite banal: the finishing of the internal slopes of the plastic windows was done incorrectly, with gross violations. In this case, the appearance of mold is not a cause, but a consequence.

Consequences – visible and invisible

Understanding that many are concerned about the issue of eliminating this problem with their own hands, today we will look at it in detail and here’s why. Solving the question of how to get rid of mold on the slopes of plastic windows will help you understand at the same time that the technology for finishing slopes for plastic windows differs from finishing for wooden windows.
This understanding will allow you to avoid mistakes in the future. It is always easier to prevent than to correct.
First, let's touch on the issue of mold formation itself.

Our information: Mold is a widespread microorganism in nature. Its second name is fungus.
Being actually microscopic fungi, mold, like all fungi, has spores. While mold itself can only spoil the appearance of a room, its spores are very harmful to the human body.
Settling indoors, they multiply and can cause: eczema, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, thrush, allergies and a large number of other diseases.

Ventilation is one of the components

The reason for its occurrence is moisture and poor ventilation.
Many may have a question: before installing plastic windows, everything was fine, and problems arose only after their installation. What does ventilation have to do with it? We didn’t touch ventilation?
In this case, the problem may just be in ventilation. Your old wooden windows were far from ideal.
Various microcracks allowed air to freely ventilate the room. Even seasonal sealing allowed enough air to penetrate it.
Unlike wooden ones, plastic windows are sealed. This means that the way out of this situation is to constantly ventilate the room.
We could also draw your attention to the window sills. As you probably know, in old panel houses they were quite small in width and this is no coincidence.
Their size allowed warm air from the heating radiators to circulate freely.

Window sills - deceptive beauty

When installing plastic windows, many people also install new window sills. As a rule, they try to install as wide a size as possible.
Of course, it’s beautiful and you can decorate the window by placing pots of flowers or other interior attributes on them. In this case, to restore ventilation it is enough to drill several holes in the window sill.
Thus, ventilation will be restored.

Slit valves are half the solution

Another solution is to install special slot valves on windows. They are widely available on the market and have manual or automatic control.
We could consider this issue in more detail, but the topic of our today’s article is slopes, let’s talk about them.

Moisture is the second term

The second factor causing mold is moisture. This is the topic for our article.
The formation of moisture in the corners of the slopes of plastic windows can only occur in one case - the technology for finishing the slopes of plastic windows is carried out incorrectly.

Correct slopes - we solve the problem radically

  • Let's take a specific case: A panel multi-storey building, after replacing wooden windows with plastic ones, mold began to form on the slopes.
  • Attempts to remove it did not solve the problem; it formed again and again, gradually spreading to the walls.

Cold bridges - “hammering nails with a computer”

Moisture can form on slopes only in the presence of cold bridges. Cold air, colliding with warm room air, forms condensation and moisture.
It becomes clear that the whole reason is the cold slopes. Many resources give “good advice” - install a vapor barrier, sheathe slopes not just with plasterboard, but with sandwich, etc. and so on.
What can you say to this? On the one hand, some advice can solve the problem, but another question arises: why “fence the garden”?
It is clear that if someone advises installing a heating system in the slopes, using a heated floor as an example, this solution will save you from mold. But you need to understand that the price of individual materials is quite high, which brings to mind the saying about hammering nails with a computer - it’s possible, but expensive!

Determining the cause - stage one

But to the point:

  • First we need to determine how our plastic window is installed.
  • Everyone knows that a simple wooden window is much wider than a plastic one.
  • It is important to understand that the formation of condensation on slopes is greatly influenced by the thermal conductivity of the building wall.
  • The thicker the wall and wall slope, the higher the thermal conductivity.

Any window has two slopes, internal and external. It is important to know that the window frame of a wooden window is much thicker than a plastic one.
The window itself is installed based on the thickness of the building wall. The middle of the thickness of the window and wall should coincide.
Thus, the window is installed strictly in the middle, this is not accidental.

This installation allows you to position the center of the window axis at the same distance from the outer and inner parts of the wall.

Accordingly, slopes are made on both sides of the window.

First inspection - first mistakes

What do plastic window installers do?
They remove the internal slopes, leaving the external ones, and then insert a plastic window right next to them. But we already know that the window frame of a plastic window is much thinner than a wooden one.

Thus, the center of the box axis and the center of the wall axis do not coincide. If previously the center of the wall axis was in the center of the window axis, now it is inside the room.

  • The first mistake leads to the second
  • Slopes are made inside.
  • If we assume that the center of the wall axis is the freezing point, then it becomes clear that now it is located just under the internal slopes.
  • Accordingly, the slope simply cannot be warm.

In addition to this, a wide window sill is installed in the resulting deep opening. That's it, condensation on the slopes is guaranteed.

It would be correct to install the window as shown in the figure below.

Whether the window is installed correctly or not, in any case it is necessary to completely remove the internal slopes.

Our advice is that if you find that the window is installed misaligned, we recommend that you make the correct installation. In this case, the guarantee against moisture and condensation will be complete.

But what to do if it is not possible to dismantle and subsequently install a plastic window?

Let's pay attention to how the slopes of the plastic windows are finished on the outside. Let us repeat, installers usually do not touch the external slopes when dismantling the old window.
Regardless of the accuracy of dismantling, cracks and chips will form on them.

  • By inserting a new plastic window, the existing gap between the wall and the window is foamed.
  • A small amount of foam protrudes from the outside through cracks and chips.
  • The slope is not made from the outside, but only from the inside.

The owners of the upper floors are especially guilty of this. It's not visible from a distance and it's good.

The slope is intact. Foam is visible - this is wrong

But you need to know that under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the foam begins to collapse. Over time, pores are formed in it sufficient for the penetration of moisture and cold.

Freezing in winter, moisture getting inside further aggravates the situation.
As a result, the internal slope itself becomes the main protection from the cold. Hence the cold, condensation, moisture.

Correcting the situation - external slopes


  • We removed the entire internal slopes.
  • The same should be done in areas outside where foam is visible.
  • We remove areas of damaged foam and re-foam.

Our advice is to remove all existing paint from the slopes before starting work.

  • Don't forget to remove the tides. Most likely there are also enough pores and cracks there. Everything needs to be foamed.
  • Purchase tile adhesive from a hardware store. With its help it is very good to seal all cracks and chips on the outside.

When should the putty work be completed?

  • The rule should be this: no open area of ​​foam should be visible anywhere outside. This is the basic technology for finishing slopes on plastic windows.
    Nothing extra, just quality and compliance with basic rules for using materials.

Our advice is to use a special gun when filling gaps with foam. Foam for pistols is of higher quality and thus it is much more convenient to work.

Completion - interior work

After this, you can tackle the internal slopes.
Everything is simpler here. We trim off the excess foam and perform the slope according to all the rules.
Today we will not touch on how to make slopes, but in this case, this is not particularly important, we have completed the main task.
If you have installed plastic windows, the technology for finishing the slopes cannot be carried out without following the above tips.

Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided.

Are you replacing windows? – Do it right

  • Let's summarize all of the above:

Our information - this advice does not apply to buildings with exterior finishing made using various insulation materials.

  • After installing windows, pay special attention to the external slopes.
  • Foam protruding from the outside is the very first sign of future troubles.

You can get acquainted with the different types of finishing of windows and slopes by reading the relevant articles on our resource or watching the corresponding video.
Good luck to you!

Surely the window slopes caused a lot of trouble for more than one home handyman. The installation of plastic windows has been completed, and the craftsmen left behind terrible-looking slopes that now need repairs.
In fact, finishing it yourself is not such a difficult matter; the main thing is to figure out which option is better and more reliable based on the individual characteristics of the room and general repairs.
In this article I will describe the three most popular and accessible methods of finishing slopes, each of which can be done with your own hands without the help of specialists.

Surely window slopes have caused a lot of trouble for more than one home craftsman


This is probably the first thing that comes to mind. No repair is complete without plaster, a huge number of articles have been written about this, so we will not dwell in detail on how to plaster slopes with our own hands, but will simply talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this material.


  • Relatively low cost of work and materials.
  • If the windows are installed close to the walls, this is the only possible finishing method.

Finishing slopes with plaster


  • Plaster is not a final finish, which means it will need puttying and painting, which greatly affects the price and speed of work.
  • After working with plaster, a huge amount of debris and dirt remains, which will be difficult to remove, especially if comprehensive repairs are not carried out.
  • It is not possible to install additional insulation made of foam plastic or mineral wool.
  • To perform plastering work, you will need at least some skill in construction and finishing.
  • Plastered window slopes have an unattractive appearance and require expensive paint.
  • Short service life. Over time, the plaster begins to crumble and leaves behind a lot of dust.

As you can see, there are much more negative qualities, so it is better to consider other options.


It is difficult to imagine a more popular finishing material. Today almost everything is made from drywall, and window slopes are no exception. Of course, a beginner may encounter a number of difficulties, but unlike plastering, there will be much fewer of them here.


  1. Relatively low cost of the material and its components.
  2. Minimum waste after work.
  3. You can make slopes on windows without involving specialists and completely with your own hands, which also affects the final cost.
  4. If the opening allows, you can make additional insulation from foam plastic.
  5. Mechanical damage to a plasterboard slope can be easily repaired yourself; you only need paint and, in extreme cases, putty.
  6. Properly installed window slopes will last for many years without additional restoration or repair.

Drywall is a popular building material

Drywall also has its disadvantages that cannot be ignored.


  1. A large number of additional materials, such as paint, decorative corners, and wooden blocks.
  2. All types of drywall are sensitive to high humidity, so it is better not to use this material in rooms with an aggressive environment.
  3. Foam insulation is necessary; without it, condensation will be created under the surface, which will eventually destroy the plasterboard slopes.
  4. Do-it-yourself installation requires the presence of a certain tool, which is not found in every home.

Almost everything is made from plasterboard today, and window slopes are no exception.

Installation of plasterboard window slopes

Below are detailed instructions on how to make slopes on the windows, but first of all, you need to prepare everything you might need. This applies to both materials and a set of tools.


  • Drywall sheet.
  • Wooden bars.
  • Decorative corners, both internal and external.
  • Putty and paint.
  • Dowels for attaching wooden blocks to the wall and self-tapping screws for attaching drywall.
  • A sheet of polystyrene foam of the required thickness.
  • Glue for fixing corners and other materials that cannot be drilled or are difficult to drill.

Installation of drywall and finished structure


  • A utility or construction knife with snap-off blades for cutting drywall and foam.
  • Hacksaw for sawing wooden blocks.
  • Simple scissors to adjust the corners.
  • Hammer or drill with impact mode.
  • Hammer, tape measure, pencil for measuring and marking the material.
  • A screwdriver or drill attachment for tightening screws.
  • Rollers, brushes, spatulas with which paint will be applied.
  • Grout with sandpaper to level the surface after puttying.

Now that everything you need is at hand, you can start finishing.
First of all, it is necessary to secure wooden blocks around the perimeter of the window and flush with the wall. They are fastened using dowels with a plastic base.

Advice! Before fixing wooden blocks with your own hands, it is better to treat them with special impregnations that protect against mold. After which, they need to be thoroughly dried for several hours in the open air.

Installation diagram of plasterboard slopes

Next, use a utility knife to cut a sheet of drywall and foam plastic. The insulation is placed between the bars and pressed against the finished slope segment. Drywall is screwed into wooden blocks in increments of 10-20 cm around the entire perimeter.
After all the slopes on the windows are fixed, we proceed to puttying. The mixture is applied in a thin layer to the sheet and covers the screw heads and possible irregularities. It is better to apply several layers, this will create additional protection from mechanical stress.
The next stage after the coating has dried is painting. This coating does not require any special effort or skill; the most important thing is not to stain the plastic windows. To do this, they can be pre-sealed with masking tape, which can then be easily removed.
Now the paint should dry thoroughly, after which you can proceed to decorating the corners. Plastic corners are cut to the required length and fixed to the surface with glue.

Important! When making repairs with your own hands, the main thing is not to pour glue onto the corners, since excess glue will later be very difficult to remove.

The window slopes are ready and you can immediately notice how your plastic windows have changed. But don’t rush to start work, there is another way to seal unflattering slopes and, perhaps, it will suit you better.

Gluing drywall to slopes


Plastic panels are no less popular material than drywall, and moreover, their set of positive qualities is even greater than that of their competitor.


  1. Plastic window slopes are completely resistant to moisture, which means they can be installed in rooms with an aggressive environment.
  2. After installation, this material does not require paint or putty.
  3. A huge variety of colors and textures.
  4. Since no paint is applied to the surface, plastic panels do not require regular updating and restoration.

Plastic slopes for windows

Add here also all the items from the list related to gypsum sheets, except for the fifth, since this is rather a minus.


  1. Installation without foam plastic will lead to freezing and destruction of the slopes.
  2. If you use special profiles rather than corners for decoration, the process will become much more complicated, since the panel will have to be inserted into the profile, and this is often very difficult.
  3. Any damage cannot be restored, and you will have to completely replace the panel, and with it all the corners.

The predominance of positive qualities is obvious, which means you can move on to repairs.

Plastic slopes for windows

Installation of plastic window slopes

Let’s not waste time on another list of tools, since it differs little from the one above, but rather let’s immediately move on to installation and how to do it correctly and with our own hands.
As in the first case, we start with the installation of bars and foam. After this, we attach the starting profile to the window frame using glue; for reliability, it can be fixed to the block with construction staples.
Next, we attach the F-profile to the block that runs along the wall, and now comes the most difficult stage - installing the panels.
Since the profiles we fixed are plastic, they bend easily, this will help to fit the panel into the F-profile. But first, we insert one edge of our slope into the starting element and push it all the way.

To complete the installation of the front door or windows, you need to finish the slopes. A door or window slope can be made using plaster, drywall, and plastic panels.

The most common option for facing slopes is plastic panels. Because finishing window slopes inside with plastic is a universal solution. It should be noted that this building material is used for interior and exterior work.

Advantages of plastic

To cover the slopes of a house, the plaster method was previously used, then plasterboard, which was widely used for cladding. But with the advent of PVC windows, plaster and drywall faded into the background. Since finishing slopes using the plaster method has significant disadvantages. The main disadvantages include:

  • If you plaster the slopes yourself, it takes quite a lot of time.
  • This type of finishing creates a lot of construction waste.
  • Due to shrinkage and temperature changes, cracks may appear on the surface.
  • The component elements do not form the required adhesion to the plastic, as a result of which the slopes peel off from the window.

To properly plaster the window opening, you should use a perforated corner and beacons. The perforated corner is installed on the outer corners of the slope. To do this, you need to cut off a corner of the required size, apply putty to the slopes and press the perforated corner. The plaster beacon is installed vertically along the window frame. To do this, cut the beacon to the required size, apply putty along the box and attach the prepared parts. After 40 minutes, you can plaster the slopes.

A finishing material such as drywall provides the opportunity to make slopes faster and warmer. But even the moisture-resistant version of this material cannot withstand temperature changes and the influence of condensation. PVC window slopes have a more interesting appearance.

But beauty is not their only advantage; positive characteristics include:

  • The panels are made of the same material as the window frame, hence the window space P The premises acquire a monolithic structure.
  • It is enough to simply install the insulation. It should be noted that with proper insulation, condensation is impossible.
  • Installation of plastic panels creates virtually no debris or noise.
  • This kind of building material can be used externally and internally, since polyvinyl chloride does not emit harmful substances.
  • Insensitive to moisture.
  • Duration of use.
  • Tolerates temperature changes perfectly.
  • Easy to use.
  • The building material has an excellent pricing policy, therefore, it is available to anyone who wants to install plastic window slopes with their own hands.

The disadvantages of plastic include the impracticability of fragmentary restoration.

Do-it-yourself plastic slopes for windows (video)

Selection of building materials

Before you think about how to make plastic slopes yourself, you need to consider possible variations in materials. There are 2 types of plastic panels:

  1. Decorative.
  2. Sandwich panels.

Decorative slopes can be used:

  • For the formation of partitions.
  • As a facing building material for balconies.

For all other purposes, preference should be given to sandwich panels. This kind of material differs in that it has 2 protective layers and a facing layer of insulation. This structure allows you to avoid additional insulation. Key points for selecting panels:

  1. Preference should be given to building materials made from virgin plastic. Since the correct material is chosen, it will not change color, and the composition will not cause damage to health.
  2. It is better to choose a material with a significant plastic cover. Panels with thin PVC sheet covering are not durable. Over time, the plastic peels off the surface.

Finishing window slopes with plastic requires the following materials:

  • Profile.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Dowels.
  • Wooden slats.
  • Gypsum insulation wool.
  • Liquid Nails.

Preparatory moments

To finish the inside of window slopes with plastic in a high-quality manner with your own hands, you need to clean the walls and prepare all the necessary equipment and building materials. To form slopes, the thickness of the plastic strip should be 8 mm. The width and duration of the plastic must correspond to the size of the opening. You should prepare and clean the walls step by step:

  1. Remove excess foam.
  2. The shipping tape must be removed from the window profile.
  3. Seal the internal seams.
  4. The upper reaches and side sections of the hole must be freed from whitewash and leveled with putty.
  5. It is recommended to wipe the prepared area and apply 1-2 layers of primer.

Technologists I formation and installation

After preparing the opening around the circumference, a vapor barrier film should be glued. At the combination points, sections of the film should be laid with an excess of 5-7 cm and glued along the seam. The tape must be glued so that the edges do not extend beyond the window frame. After this, you can proceed to the formation of slopes using the following instructions:

  • Fastening timber material. For these purposes, wooden slats with a thickness of 15 mm and a width of 40 mm are taken. The slats should be trimmed to the width and height of the outer edge of the opening. The slats need to be secured with dowels around the circumference of the opening. If the walls of the hole are wavy, then it is recommended to place wedges under the planks.
  • Take the necessary measurements carefully . It should be understood that all measurements must be taken from the frame, and not from the edge of the special profile.
  • Open the slopes. The length and width of the walls of the hole should be correctly measured, and attention should also be paid to the angle of inclination on each side. You should mark the cutting points on the slab and cut out the workpieces. The resulting elements should be attached to the wall and their location and angular fit should be checked.
  • Special profile fastening. A special profile should be attached along the outer edge of the opening with short screws. When joining the bars together, the special profile should be secured in the corners so that no gaps are formed. Installation of slopes begins with the manufacture of edging. This structural component is made from an F-shaped profile. All manipulations should begin from the top element. The profile must be cut to the size of the external opening and the corners must be filed at 45 degrees. The prepared special profile should be attached to the block so that it can be covered with plastic, but without blocking the groove for fixing the slope.

  • The profile is fixed to the beam with staples. The remaining sections are mounted in a similar way. The prepared slope element must be placed in a special profile, pre-coated with sealant. The resulting gap between the plastic and the wall must be sealed with insulation. It should be noted that the layer of insulation material should not be excessively massive or have vacuums. The outer edge of the slope must be inserted into the groove of the special profile and pressed to align the panel. Next, you should sew up the side slopes, while carefully distributing the thermal insulation. If the external walls are insulated, then such manipulations with the slopes do not need to be performed. In such a situation, the gaps between the panels and the base of the slopes should be sealed with polyurethane foam.
  • The final period involves attaching decorative corners, which should be glued with glue. The contact points between the panels must be degreased and all cracks must be sealed with acrylic sealant. Acrylic should be squeezed directly into the gap, rubbed and leveled, and any excess should be removed with a damp cloth. All manipulations should be done in small areas and wiped carefully clean. Because while the acrylic has not hardened, it can be removed quite easily. The area of ​​the opening under the window sill is being plastered.

PVC slope cladding

Advice! You can veneer window slopes in another way, which differs significantly from the previous one. This method allows you to cover a window slope using any PVC material. It should be noted that this option is used when the installation seam has a small interval, that is, the distance from the frame to the wall is minimal.

The initial stage should be carried out in stages:

  • Cleaning.
  • Elimination of defects.
  • Applying primer.

Sheathing slopes should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Remove excess foam, making sure that the cut is placed flush with the surface of the frame.
  2. Facing slopes with plastic plates involves treating the surface with a primer. Preference should be given to penetrating formulations with the addition of antiseptic components.
  3. Fixing slats.
  4. An important point is trimming the polyurethane foam. The cutting is done in such a way that a groove is formed for fixing the plastic. Trimming is done in close proximity to the frame to ensure maximum adherence of the material.
  5. Reveal the details.

After the manipulations have been performed, a number of actions should be performed:

  • Using a jigsaw you need to cut plastic. As a rule, burrs may remain along the edges, which can be removed with sandpaper.
  • Performing preliminary installation. This manipulation will allow you to determine the presence of defects. If double-sided plastic is used for cladding slopes, then one side needs to be sanded a little, thereby indicating the wrong side of the material. Carrying out such manipulation promotes better adhesion. Since PVC panels are fixed using polyurethane foam.
  • The prepared elements are placed in the right place. They need to be installed in the prepared groove. Using a level, the structure is leveled.
  • The outer edge of the part is moved back and foam is poured into spots.
  • All structural parts are attached to each other using masking tape. Fixation is carried out along the circumference of the structure and at the joining points.

Important! Beginning craftsmen have a question: how long will it take for complete drying? As a rule, it will take a day for thorough drying. After which additional finishing activities are carried out. It should be remembered that external slopes also require attention.

Quite often, siding is used for such purposes. Working with building materials does not cause any particular difficulties due to the characteristics of the material. But if difficulties arise, then on the RuNet there are many videos and photos with detailed instructions regarding the installation of siding. The simplicity of installation work will allow you to do the cladding yourself.

Photo gallery of finished works

No window will look complete if it does not have slopes. Therefore, when changing a window structure or installing a new one, home owners invariably face the question of how to finish window slopes with plastic, and why this material is better than others.

What are the advantages of plastic finishing

Undoubtedly, plastic is not the only material used to produce. You can use regular plaster followed by putty and painting with various compounds, or drywall, which also requires further work on applying putty and painting. Regarding plaster slopes, we can say that not everyone can make them on their own. This also requires professional skill and skill.

But the plastic used is good because it combines a perfectly flat surface, like drywall, and the absence of painting or pasting work. In addition, slopes finished with plastic once do not require further repairs or periodic painting. All care involves wiping with a damp cloth. Therefore, recently finishing window slopes with plastic has gained wide popularity.

In just one day you can cover all the slopes in the house, which is much faster if you plaster them or finish them with plasterboard. In addition, the use of plastic panels makes it possible to insulate slopes if a layer of heat-insulating material is laid under them. A wide selection of panels in color and texture will help to harmoniously fit them into the existing interior of the room. And the cost of plastic products is affordable to almost all segments of the population. With careful use, their lifespan can be more than tens of years.

Technical characteristics of PVC panels and sandwich panels

To carry out such work, PVC panels or plastic sandwich panels are used. Both of them can be used for cladding window slopes inside the house. Their difference is that ordinary PVC panels have stiffening ribs inside that are not filled with anything, while a sandwich panel is a three-layer structure, where a layer of insulation is located between two layers of plastic. Polyurethane foam is often used as the material that best meets all the requirements - safety, heat preservation and environmental friendliness.

If you don’t know how to trim window slopes with plastic and at the same time provide insulation, then you should use PVC sandwich panels.

Plastic products create a perfectly flat and smooth surface. They are produced in panels with lengths ranging from 2700 mm to 6000 mm. The width of standard products varies from 100 mm to 370 mm. However, now panels of greater width have appeared on sale, reaching up to 50 cm. Such plastic panels have sufficient strength, which is provided by stiffening ribs located vertically in relation to the front sides of the product. The air channels formed in this way create reliable protection from cold and noise.

The plastic used in the production of these panels can withstand temperature changes with a difference of ± 20℃. But there are also products for which this limit reaches ±50℃. The upper, front side of the panel is decorated with various patterns (using offset or thermal printing, lamination) and covered with a protective film of a special varnish that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, wear, static electricity and other negative influences.

How to trim window slopes with plastic - preparatory work

Before you start installing, you need to clear the work site of construction debris and cut off the mounds of polyurethane foam. After this, it is necessary to carry out work to prevent the formation of mold and fungi under the plastic panels using special products that coat all elements that fall under the plastic - walls, frame elements, window sills.

After this, we proceed to constructing a frame for attaching future plastic panels. The frame, of course, is said loudly; our design will be a wooden slatted frame along the outer perimeter of the window opening. The lath should be chosen with a thickness of 8–10 mm and a width of 25–30 mm.

When choosing, you need to carefully look at the quality of the slats and wood themselves. It should be dry, not damaged by insects, and the product should be even along its entire length, without crimps or bluish spots, which indicate the beginning of the rotting process. To attach the slats to the structures framing the window, you will need dowels and wood screws.

Plastic panels are a fairly rigid material and cannot close all the smallest cracks at the window-wall joints, through which cold air will subsequently penetrate. To prevent this from happening, finishing window slopes with plastic involves laying insulating materials between the wall and the finishing material. This could be: a thin layer of mineral wool, isolon, polystyrene foam or any other insulation. Such a gasket will reliably protect the interior of the house from drafts and street noise. It is important that the thickness of the insulation is not greater than the thickness of the frame rail. To attach it, any adhesive is used; it is important for us to fix the insulation in a vertical position until it is pressed against the plastic panel.

Do-it-yourself finishing of slopes with plastic

After checking the level of correctness of the installed wooden slats relative to the vertical and horizontal, we proceed to installing the starting profile. This is a special U-shaped element into which a plastic panel is inserted. The profile along the inner perimeter of the window opening is attached directly to the window frame with small self-tapping screws (bugs), which are screwed into the inner lower part of the profile. Horizontal elements are attached to the window sill. The upper horizontal sections of the U-shaped profile are sewn to a wooden batten with one edge, and inserted into the vertical element with the other. Special care is required when joining all the elements so that everything looks smooth and beautiful.. In this case, the insulation layer remains between the profile and the wall with a minimum gap.

An F-shaped profile is installed along the outer edge of the window opening, so that its wide shelf extends onto the wall (like a corner). Now you just need to insert the plastic panels into the profiles, inside of which you should first apply a certain amount of acrylic sealant, and then glue the outer framing element to the wall using liquid nails. You need to carefully bend the shelf, insert the spout of the glue can and carefully apply the compound along the entire length of the slope, then firmly press the previously bent F-shaped shelf and hold it in this state until the glue sets.

If the width of the plastic panels is greater than the width of the vertical slope, the panel is reduced using a regular stationery knife. The connection between the vertical panels and the horizontal top part is closed with a special plastic corner of the same color as the main finishing material. For greater reliability, the corners are glued with liquid plastic. You can camouflage the wooden slats at the top of the window opening by gluing a plastic trim on the outside.

Hello everyone! Today we will discuss a topic that is interesting to everyone, finishing internal slopes with plastic. This is especially interesting for those who have just installed new windows.

After installing windows in my house, I had the same question: “How to finish the internal slopes?” There are many finishing methods.

One of the methods is plastering the slopes. But this method has many disadvantages: over time they crack, sometimes freeze, and mold may develop. Also, plastering slopes takes a lot of time and is very dusty.

I didn’t want to finish the slopes with plaster and found another way - finishing with plastic. This method is faster, dust-free and reliable. It also provides us with a choice of colors and patterns that we can match to the design of the room. Plastic is durable, unlike plaster.

For myself, I definitely found a reliable finishing method - plastic finishing. I want to talk about how to do this correctly and avoid making any mistakes in this article.

Slopes for plastic windows. Choosing a method for finishing window slopes: my practical experience

Today I would like to talk about what methods exist for finishing slopes for plastic windows. I will describe to you the pros and cons of this or that method, give you some important tips, and also tell you which window slopes I chose.

Just recently, many of our fellow citizens preferred to decorate plastic windows with plaster slopes the old fashioned way. It has now become quite obvious that this method has a number of serious shortcomings. The plaster mixture does not have a reliable connection with the PVC frame, which ultimately leads to the appearance of gaps between the surfaces of the slope and the frame.

Due to the composition of the material used, cracks appear on the surface of the slopes. This is facilitated by seasonal changes in air temperature. At low temperatures, there is a possibility of freezing of the slope due to the weak thermal insulating properties of the plaster, which leads to the formation of condensation and mold.

Another disadvantage of plastering slopes is the long duration of the work performed. After all, the plaster is applied in several layers, and each layer takes up to 5 hours to dry. This method is also characterized by high contamination, high labor intensity and, accordingly, high cost. Conclusion: this method is one of the most undesirable.

Slopes for windows made of panelite - cellular plastic

The disadvantages of this method are that the color of the panel changes over time. This becomes especially noticeable on the front surface of the stiffener. In addition, the maximum width of cellular plastic is 25 centimeters. And, if the depth of the opening to be sealed is more than 25 centimeters, then the panels have to be joined together. And this leads to a clear deterioration in the appearance of the slopes.

Glue slope

This is when thin plastic is glued to the surface of the slope. Despite its simplicity, this method has serious drawbacks. Namely, unreliability due to thermal expansion or contraction of the material used. And, as a result, the plastic peels off. Moreover, there is the formation of condensation and freezing of slopes, since they are not insulated due to the specifics of this method.

Since this article discusses the finishing of window slopes using all existing methods, it is impossible not to mention this. Thin plastic is glued to a sheet of drywall. The disadvantages are that the adhesive connection is not particularly reliable due to the high labor intensity of the work performed. And the notoriously weak resistance of drywall to dampness and moisture.

Some friends of mine developed cracks on their plasterboard slopes after some time. Now they really regret that they didn’t immediately install plastic slopes. So we will not consider plasterboard slopes due to the high probability of their destruction in the near future.

Plastic slopes made from single-sided sandwich panels and double-sided sandwich panels

The first option will not suit us, since it does not have the necessary rigidity. Wide slopes made of this material can sag, although they look good. The second method is good and in appearance no worse than all-sheet slopes 10 millimeters thick. It has good characteristics - reliability, rigidity, easy to wash, color fastness.


Material made from double-sided sandwich panels can easily be used when installing slopes of plastic windows in panel houses, where the width of the slope is from 12 cm. They are no less successful when carrying out work in brick houses with a slope width of up to 60 cm.

And the last of the methods we are considering is the installation of window slopes made of sheet plastic, having a thickness of 8 to 10 millimeters. A very high-quality slope with a thickness of 10 mm, which has high thermal insulation properties. Insulated with mineral wool. The disadvantages include the high cost of the material compared to all previous methods. Although the price, as I found out, is approximately at the same level as that of double-sided sandwich panels.

I chose for myself the finishing of the slopes from sheet Belgian (the highest quality) plastic 10 mm thick. The fact is that a year ago I had slopes installed for plastic windows made of this very material in the kitchen and living room (with a balcony). And I was very pleased. Therefore, when I now replaced the windows in two bedrooms, I settled on a similar method. Having previously considered everything else. Finishing the slopes with plastic cost me about $190 for two windows. I didn't think it was appropriate to save $40 when there was a noticeable difference in quality.

The price included all the necessary materials and work for installing plastic slopes, namely: removing the old plaster layer; leveling and finishing potholes that appeared after dismantling the old window frame; filling the external assembly seam with plaster, as well as the seam under the window sill and ebb; thermal insulation of plastic slopes with mineral wool and alignment of the window opening; installation of plastic slopes itself; sealing all seams formed at the junctions of plastic materials and slopes with waterproof sealant; Well, and garbage collection, respectively.

And finally, what else I would like to draw your attention to. A very important point is the qualifications of the craftsmen whose hands will install the slopes on plastic windows. Here it makes sense to pay a little more, but in the end you will save on nerves and decent quality.

Talk to different craftsmen from different companies or private individuals. From a conversation with them, you can already get, if not 100 percent, then a completely adequate idea of ​​their professionalism. True, in this case you should also be more or less savvy, at least within the framework of this article.

Look with your friends at the quality of plastic slopes in their houses and apartments, listen to reviews. One of my friends, for example, had plastic that bent outward and became convex and wavy. The so-called “masters” “thought of” covering construction foam under sheets of plastic slopes during the work. And the plastic itself was cheap and thin.

In general, they damaged the guy’s windows. And he, the modest fellow, didn’t even call them to account. When I saw the “quality” of the slopes of some of my friends, I immediately became concerned that this would not happen to me. He approached the choice of craftsmen very carefully, which saved himself from unnecessary headaches. After all, it is known that it is better to prevent than to treat) As a result, this article appeared, based on personal experience.

And you can judge the quality and aesthetic properties of my plastic slopes from the photographs. I'm happy.


The fashion for plastic windows is not decreasing. On the contrary, such designs are gradually gaining more and more popularity. However, such an installation is usually accompanied by the need to make window slopes, without which the windows will be ventilated and the room will not please you with its appearance.

As usual, the owners are faced with the question of choosing materials for slopes. It must be said that the choice ahead is quite limited, since a natural selection of the materials most suitable for these purposes has already occurred. In the article we will list what you will have to choose from, and also talk about the pros and cons of these materials.

Contrary to popular belief about the dangers of plastic, we dare to assure you that modern plastic panels intended for indoor use are completely harmless to humans. You use a lot of things made of acrylic, silicone, and leatherette, right?

Helpful advice!

Plastic does not emit absolutely any toxins or fumes around itself, therefore it is also environmentally friendly. And don’t let the fact that it allows air to pass through should bother you. Plastered and painted drywall does not let it through either.

A huge advantage of plastic slopes is their practicality. Plastic does not get dirty, does not lose its color, and caring for it is extremely easy. The work on installing the slopes is completed in record time. Slopes throughout the entire apartment are usually made in 1 day. This is the cleanest method of making slopes of all those listed.

The only “dirty” moment is the filling of wooden blocks inside on the walls from the side of the window or doorway. As a minus, it is worth paying attention to the relatively high cost of such slopes. Consider the cost of the plastic itself, profiles for plastic, wooden beams and hardware.


Finishing slopes of plastic windows

Anyone who has at least once replaced old windows with new ones, or installed them in a new building, knows what slopes are. This is the internal and external part of the window opening, which is damaged when dismantling the old window and requires immediate repair after installing a new one.

You should not leave this stage “for later”: while you are rocking, the polyurethane foam that was used when installing windows under the influence of ultraviolet radiation will become unusable and lose its properties. Moreover, in the solidified state, when heated/cooled, it changes in volume by 5-10% and is quite capable of “crushing” itself.

As a result, a gap forms over time between the frame and the foam, negating all sealing efforts. Secondly, foam is not a waterproofing material, so it will constantly collect moisture, which, when frozen, will destroy the foam itself. In general, the slopes need to be put in order even if the aesthetic side of the matter does not bother you much.

Plastic slopes (PVC slopes)

This is a method that involves quickly transforming unpresentable slopes into ideal ones.
Plastic slopes come in several varieties. These are slopes made of plastic panels, universal plastic slopes and slopes made of sandwich panels.

Plastic panels

Plastic panels are the simplest, cheapest and not the highest quality slopes. These panels are made of lightweight plastic that is hollow inside. This slope is not very strong; they are most often used in industrial premises and offices.

Their popularity is growing year by year. What are the advantages of plastic slopes compared to traditional plasterboard slopes?

The fact is that RTD plastic slopes are easy to install, which ensures ease and speed of installation. The slopes are assembled from plastic, like from construction parts, with virtually no dust.

If you decide to replace the windows, but do not plan to do any renovations indoors, then we would recommend you plastic slopes; they will suit you best.

Plastic slopes look modern and stylish. They are best suited to VEKA plastic windows. The joints between slopes and walls will be securely and neatly hidden with a special edging. Plastic slopes are very convenient to use, in particular because if they become dirty, they can be washed with water and soapy water.

RTD slopes:

  • Length 6000 mm
  • Width 600 mm
  • Thickness 10 mm
  • Ribs thickness 0.52 mm

Advantages of RTD plastic slopes:

  1. The plastic slope panel is made of high quality rigid PVC;
  2. does not require varnishing, additional painting or special care;
  3. environmentally friendly, non-toxic material ensures the safety of human health and the environment;
  4. retains its color under the influence of ultraviolet rays for a long time;
  5. goes well with finishing materials such as: PVC corners, F-profile, slope casing + casing cover and other materials for interior finishing of slopes;
  6. Ideally matches the color shade with products made from white PVC profiles;
  7. allows for convenient and easy installation.


Options for finishing window slopes

A plastic window installed in accordance with all the rules will not be able to fully perform its functions if the finishing of the slopes is done poorly. This is due to the fact that the window opening is the main source of moisture, extraneous sounds and drafts entering the room.

This finishing method also includes a number of finishing works that need to be done for a more aesthetic appearance.

Main types of slopes:

Slopes can be placed both inside and outside the building. The presence of both is very important to protect the premises from the effects of various factors. Finishing is done by plastering, using plasterboard or plastic.

Plastering and finishing with plasterboard is quite labor-intensive and not always effective. To completely complete these works, even a professional will need, in addition to certain experience and knowledge, at least a week. These two methods have a number of significant disadvantages that can affect the qualities required for the entire structure.

Finishing slopes with plastering

The building materials market offers a large number of plasters that have thermal insulation, waterproofing, and antimicrobial effects. Despite this, over time, plaster slopes tend to lose color and become covered with cracks. Insufficient thermal insulation capacity contributes to glass fogging. The plastering process itself takes place in several stages. Each layer must not only be applied evenly, but also wait until completely dry.

Finishing slopes with plasterboard

Finishing with plasterboard can increase the level of thermal insulation. To do this, it is necessary to carry out preliminary insulation using special materials, for example, cotton wool. In addition, the surface is repeatedly primed and painted. This may take more than a week.

Finishing slopes with plastic

Currently, specialists in the field of PVC structures use exclusively plastic slopes. This is explained by the advantageous features of the material, which allow achieving maximum thermal insulation, waterproofing, sound insulation, practicality and aesthetic appearance of the room.
Modern plastic finishing of window openings occurs through the installation of sandwich panels.

Plastic slopes as the optimal solution for maintaining heat in a room.

Slopes produced using this technology can indeed be called warm. This is achieved due to the design features of the sandwich panels themselves. They consist of several plastic plates and polystyrene foam, polyurethane or mineral wool.


Thanks to the inner layer, thermal conductivity indicators are minimal. External plastic panels are responsible for protection from various external factors. They are constantly exposed to temperature changes, climatic precipitation and sunlight.

The joint work of all layers of sandwich panels gives the slopes such advantages as:

  1. Beneficial effect on creating an optimal indoor climate
  2. Resistance to mechanical and chemical stress
  3. Sound and heat insulation
  4. Resistance to precipitation and ultraviolet radiation
  5. Long service life - more than 35 years
  6. Ease of installation
  7. Easy care and easy cleaning of surfaces from dirt

You can install sandwich panels in a short period of time by contacting specialists or yourself. To carry out the installation yourself, a small set of tools and the availability of special installation materials are enough. By using plastic as a material for slopes, it is possible not only to avoid up to 40% of heat loss, but also to additionally protect installation seams and prevent the occurrence of condensation.

Using plastic slopes, you can make the window not only functional, but also aesthetic. There are various color and texture solutions for sandwich panels. They can be made to resemble wood, have a classic white color, matte or glossy. How diverse the choice of models will be depends on the manufacturer.

Depending on the basic requirements, warm slopes with a thickness of 10 to 24 mm can be used. Installation is carried out at right angles or at dawn. For the convenience of subsequent repairs, platbands are installed. They allow you to change the wallpaper at any time and make the joints invisible.

The decision on what method will be used to create warm and functional slopes must be made before the main installation of the window. In the event that the finishing will be done by plastering or using drywall, you need to thoroughly prepare for lengthy construction work and purchase auxiliary materials. Companies that install plastic windows very rarely use these methods.

Therefore, you will need to look for masters yourself. If you have chosen plastic sandwich panels, then they must be ordered together with the entire PVC structure. In this case, the installation of sandwich panels can be carried out together with the window.

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