Decoration of baths in the old Russian style. Bathhouse interior in different styles

In this article we will offer several options for decorating the interior of a bathhouse and sauna - a conservative steam room, a comfortable washroom and a waiting room conducive to a pleasant rest, while we will consider the design styles that are best suited for such premises.

Bathhouse, whether free-standing on summer cottage modest building or part of a large one country house- this is not just a place where you can “steam the bones” and take water procedures, but also a great place to relax and have a good time with friends.

Just before you invite guests to your new bathhouse or sauna, you should make sure that its interior looks attractive. Interior design of a bathhouse - a most exciting activity. Firstly, this is where you can quite afford unusual experiments with design, and secondly, you don’t have to adhere to general style decoration of the house, and thirdly, the bathhouse itself is very interesting place, providing an exceptionally pleasant stay.

Bathhouse... Hot steam, delicious hot tea, cool water from the pool or shower. And also - original interior conducive to relaxation and communication

1. Russian bathhouse - Russian interior

Russian style - practically perfect option design exactly wooden bath, built from rounded logs or beams and does not pretend to be particularly ostentatious or urban.

The beauty of this interior design is that it does not require significant expenses and can be decorated with your own hands. Moreover, in such a bathhouse, equipped according to the national traditions of our country, it will always be homely and at the same time beautiful in its own way.

Russian style in a bathhouse is necessarily wooden walls that do not need additional decoration and finishing, a plank floor, a heater or Russian stove, simple, rough benches and a large, welcoming table made of natural wood in the recreation area. The stove is usually lined with tiles or simply plastered and whitewashed.

An embroidered tablecloth, bath brooms hung on the walls, wicker paths and rugs on benches, as well as all sorts of little things that are dear to the owners’ hearts and, preferably, inherited from their grandmother, will help decorate such an interior.

The Russian style is perfect for those bathhouse owners who are in no hurry to throw away old things, for example, a massive sideboard made of Karelian birch, out of place in a modern living room, a real Tula samovar and a water ladle carved from solid wood. It is precisely such objects “with history” that will become the basis of the Russian style of bathhouse interior.

Of course, the Russian stove is not such a common attribute of a bathhouse today, but in terms of its functions, a more modern and compact heater will completely replace it

The best decoration for a bathhouse in the Russian style will be traditional birch, oak, fir, alder, pine and linden brooms, rough wooden benches and a beautiful embroidered tablecloth on a massive table

A striking example of how easy it is to create a real Russian interior. For this, all you need is a samovar on the table, an icon framed with an embroidered towel, popular prints, round seats on benches and a set of dishes that matches the style.

2. Variations on a country theme

This style, like the previous one, is perfect for decorating a wooden bathhouse, suggesting the creation of a “rustic” interior, without any special frills or ceremonial pomp that would be inappropriate in this case.

In general, Russian style and country music are very similar. However, country music will bring the traditions of other countries into the interior of the bathhouse. Thus, designers highlight American and French country, which will differ in traditional textile colors and use individual elements interior

French country is more sophisticated than American country, which is considered one of the simplest. But the main features of this design direction are preserved regardless of the country of origin. So, the interior of a country-style bathhouse is:

  1. Wooden furniture, usually light colors, perhaps artificially aged and simply varnished. The furniture is decorated with light carvings and polished, making it look somewhat more elegant than in the Russian style.
  2. Bright dishes that will serve as a highlight in an otherwise very simple interior. Ceramics, blue-white or pale yellow plates, cups depicting rural landscapes, as well as dishes from natural wood.
  3. Natural fabrics- cotton and linen in variegated colors.
  4. Walls made of timber or logs.
  5. Mandatory beams on the ceiling.
  6. Ceramic tile or boards on the floor.

A real ethnic corner, located in the relaxation area of ​​the bathhouse. In country music you can use not only wood, but also leather, wicker, and forged furniture.

Everything is simple and tasteful - this is the basic principle of country music. This option, rather similar to the French “rustic” style than to the American one, which took a lot from the national traditions of Indian tribes

3. We combine the eastern traditions of the Turkish hamam and the Russian bath

Oriental style in the interior always involves the use of bright colors, lush textiles, exotic design elements and special furniture. How to combine in one room a traditional Russian bathhouse, seemingly completely different in style, and a Turkish hammam, exotic for our country?

In fact, if you do not go into the specifics of the bath procedure, but consider the issue from a design point of view, then the main difference between an ordinary steam room in a Russian bath and the hottest room Turkish hamam- in finishing. In the first case, wood is always used, and in the second, mosaic.

Yes, mosaic is much more expensive than simple wooden shelves. But the steam room will also look more original, formal and expensive. If your plans do not include a radical change in the appearance of the steam room, elements oriental style It can be used in a room with a shower and a swimming pool - this is where bright mosaics and oriental patterns on the tiles will be more appropriate than ever.

In addition, in the relaxation room at the bathhouse, you can set up a full-fledged hookah bar by hanging bright curtains, installing a low table on curved legs and scattering colorful pillows. The result will be bright, inexpensive, and original.

Mosaic seats are the main stylistic difference between the Turkish hammam and the usual Russian steam room

Even the smallest dressing room can be turned into a cozy and lush oriental hookah room. Bright covers on the sofas, colorful pillows, a low carved table, light, multi-layer curtains and, of course, the hookah itself - that’s all you need for this. Yes, and you can drink tea not from an ordinary cup, but from a bowl, to emphasize the original style of the recreation area

4. Scandinavian style is a great option for a sauna

Another interior design style that strives for simplicity and naturalness, and therefore is ideally suited for a bathhouse or sauna. Scandinavian interior It is not for nothing that it is considered the predecessor of the eco-style that is relevant today. It is here that the simplicity and deliberate roughness of country are combined with the strict forms and proportions of the classics, ethnic trends find their modern continuation, and the naturalness of wood is adjacent to more technologically advanced materials.

IN Scandinavian style can be issued not only wooden sauna or a sauna, but also a brick building, as well as a relaxation room, which will become an integral part of the house. In this case, plastered and painted walls in neutral tones will emphasize simple shapes wooden or forged furniture.

A Scandinavian-style bath or sauna is distinguished by its laconicism, functionality, light colors and simple decoration. It is important not to overload the room with details, while creating a few bright accents - for example, hanging a lamp with a rich red lampshade above the table in the rest room or decorating the wall with an unusual painting.

In the Scandinavian style, there can also be a lot of natural wood, as in country style. However, in general, this style is more “urban”, versatile and allows you to combine wood with artificial stone and other modern materials

The steam room always remains the most conservative room in a bath or sauna. It is difficult to offer something new and original here. And yet, a Scandinavian-style steam room will definitely be distinguished by the lightness of light wood - most often linden, aspen and African abashi wood are used for this purpose, which is not afraid of either heat or moisture. Experts advise installing shelves with gaps of 1 to 2 centimeters

5. Exotic option - Japanese bath

If you prefer the Japanese style in the interior, you can build not just a bathhouse, but a Japanese-style bathhouse. The main difference between this option is the absence of a steam room as such - it is replaced by a barrel with hot water(furako) and a rectangular barrel with flavored sawdust or pebbles heated to 60 degrees (ofuro).

The room in which the furaco and ofuro will be installed should also be decorated in the style accepted in the Land of the Rising Sun. Bamboo screens, a large Japanese fan on the wall, natural shades in the decoration of walls and ceilings - laconic Japanese interior tends towards natural simplicity.

If you do not intend to give up the steam room and the purchase of furaco and ofuro is not included in your plans, you can apply for Japanese style only a room for rest. Tatami, a low table, a drawing of a sakura branch on the wall - decorating such an interior is not as difficult as it seems.

Light bamboo screens can serve not only as a partition, but also as a decoration for an otherwise ordinary wall, helping to create a Japanese interior in a relaxation room or washroom

A podium with scattered pillows and a low table can easily replace it in a relaxation room traditional table with chairs

Furaco is a barrel with a height of 1.2 meters and a diameter of 1.2-1.8 meters. You can also purchase larger copies. Furaco must be equipped with a water heater, a small ladder or a side chair, and the drain below must be connected to the sewer system

6. Modern classics

Most often used in fairly large relaxation rooms in a sauna or bathhouse. It assumes the presence of such classical elements as columns that serve as a space divider and decoration of walls, as well as arches, stucco molding and multi-level ceilings.

The classics are easily applicable in the interior of a bathhouse built of brick or cinder block, however, in some cases, elements of this timeless style can also be used in recreation rooms with walls made of timber.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to turn a small dressing room into an analogue of an antique hall. Sometimes it's enough to arrange doorways in the shape of an arch, decorate ceiling cornices molded elements made of polyurethane, lay the floor with matte tiles and purchase furniture with straight, laconic shapes.

A good example of a bathhouse interior with elements classic design. Arched vaults, multi-level ceiling, walls painted in pastel shades, And simple tiles on the floor they turned the dressing room into a very attractive and cozy room. At the same time, simple wooden benches, more appropriate in a country style, harmoniously fit into a rather austere interior

If finances allow, then an ordinary room relaxation in the bathhouse can be turned into a hall with all the attributes of a classic style

Even if your bathhouse is wooden structure and you don’t plan to decorate the walls with plaster, you can create classic interior using simple straight-shaped furniture, paintings in simple frames, traditional lamps for this style and light curtains with numerous folds

7. Art Nouveau sauna

Let us immediately warn you that modernism is not used very often in the interior of a bathhouse. If you compare it with previous versions, then he is the complete opposite of “rustic” country and adheres to folk traditions Russian style.

And this is not surprising, because modernism involves the arrangement of a modern interior, the rejection of straight lines and strict forms in favor of abstract, bright colors, whimsical curved lines decor, large images of flowers and floral ornament- all this does not at all evoke associations with a traditional bathhouse.

However, if you are ready to experiment and are not limited in finances, modernism can be used as the main style of the bathhouse interior. This extraordinary approach will ultimately allow you to get an unusual and bright room, amazingly beautiful room to relax and really “have a blast”, experimenting with colors and shapes.

It’s convenient that modernity places virtually no restrictions on choice color range or finishing materials. This feature allows you not to limit the design impulses of sauna owners and make full use of modern technologies and the latest trends.

Bright mosaic is a must-have attribute of a washroom in the Art Nouveau style. Try to avoid strict straight lines, be sure to use bright lighting and at least a slight hint of plant patterns - only in this case the style of your sauna will be easily recognizable

Glass, leather, shiny chrome are quite appropriate in a modern style lounge. But the traditional ones for the bath log walls will spoil the overall impression of modern and original design

Too bright? Well, the walls could have been painted in a less saturated color and without large images. But a round sofa with bright pillows in the sauna relaxation room will immediately tell your guests that it was Art Nouveau that inspired you to create such an unusual interior

And finally, a few tips:

  1. You should not mix several styles when decorating such a small room as a dressing room or steam room. It is better to stick to the pre-selected direction and not turn the bathhouse interior into a chaotic collection of elements you like.
  2. The steam room is a modest-sized room that performs a utilitarian function, so you shouldn’t overload it with decor. But the use of several types of wood different shades or mosaics of two or three colors - quite appropriate.
  3. The interior style should be chosen based on the material used to build the bathhouse - timber, logs, brick - to each their own best option decor.

Even the most modest bathhouse, built according to the principle “from what was there” on a summer cottage, can be equipped in such a way as to spend time here not only usefully, but also with great pleasure.

Building a bathhouse is a responsible undertaking. It is widely believed that her architectural solution It should be laconic, and the interior should be as functional and simple as possible. However, well-calibrated ergonomics can easily coexist with bright decor. This is what the designer who proposed unusual option: firstly, decorate the bathhouse in the Russian style, secondly, expand the number of rooms, including not only the most necessary ones - steam room, shower room, bathroom and dressing room, but also a living room combined with a kitchen-dining room, and large room recreation. And thirdly, build a pool next to the bathhouse.

The location of the bathhouse was verified to the nearest centimeter. And it was not only that on this site there was already a large wooden house, but also the presence of centuries-old pine trees on it, which needed to be preserved. The pool bowl was placed in close proximity to the boundaries of the existing pond, thereby creating the illusion of swimming in a natural body of water.

Design bath complex defined by a single concept based on the Russian style. The walls are decorated with birch cuts, dry birch brooms and bast shoes, the shelves are lined with birch bark cabinets and clay jars, massive furniture (tables, chairs, shelves, cabinets) is adjacent to leather chairs and soft pillows.

The use of authentic things is one of the trends in modern interior design, which is characterized by the use of natural materials - different types of wood, ceramics, stone and natural fabrics. The uniqueness of the interior is emphasized by the decor. In the living room, one of the walls is decorated with a copy of the painting “Away” by Russian artist Abram Arkhipov. The plot and composition of the canvas not only stylistically support the image of the room, but also visually expand the space, creating a feeling of its continuation in another - artistic - dimension.

The steam room is organized according to classical rules: the number of items in the interior is minimized and functional, everything wooden surfaces perfectly polished, coated special impregnations from organic components, and the corners are rounded. Wooden shelves The steam room has a clearance of 3 cm, which ensures excellent air circulation.

The floors in the bathhouse are laid with porcelain tiles imitating crushed stone, and in the relaxation room and living room they are covered with carpets. All structural elements in the bathhouse there are wooden windows and doors, which allows for better heat retention in the room. Electrical accessories are moisture-resistant, electrical wiring elements are protected from moisture. The fabric decor is made in a single style. Pavlovo Posad shawls have a non-trivial function - window decoration.

In our projects we harmoniously combine advanced technologies and age-old traditions of Russian bathhouse construction.

Project catalog in PDF

Design p Russian bathhouse

Construction of a bathhouse in the Russian style is one of the main activities of the Bankov company

Many people would like to have a real Russian bathhouse at their summer cottage. But the area does not always allow for the construction of a full-fledged building. The latest construction developments make it possible to build a bathhouse even inside the house. A Russian bathhouse, the design of which you can find in catalogs or entrust the development to specialists, is not only convenient, but also allows you to reduce the cost of construction work.

For the construction of a real Russian bathhouse, only environmentally friendly building materials are used. For work, only reliable and modern equipment. This affects the durability of the building and the practicality of its use.

All work carried out by our company is licensed, and its activities are subject to modern building regulations. We also adhere to sanitary and epidemiological standards and fire safety requirements.

The specialists of our company are truly professionals, therefore short time will be able to build a bathhouse that you could only dream of before.

The turnkey construction of a Russian bathhouse, carried out by our company, will please you not only with the end result, but also with the quality of cooperation.

Russian bathhouse turnkey

Standard Premium Elite
from 100,000 rub./m2 from 160,000 rub./m2 from 250,000 rub./m2
The price is valid for premises from 6 m2
Lining Linden Cedar Imitation of Canadian cedar timber
shelves Abash Abash Cedar
Wood stove Production Russia Made in Finland Made in Finland. Cladding from natural stone.
Chimney Sandwich. Production Russia Sandwich. Made in Germany Ceramics. Made in Germany
Furnace area Stainless steel Soapstone tiles, coil Himalayan salt
Glass door Production Russia Made in Finland Made in Sweden
Lighting Production Russia Made in Germany Made in Finland. Option - Light therapy.
Construction materials
Thermal insulation materials
Turnkey installation


Customer review

Since "Bankov" is mainly engaged in the construction of baths and saunas, but, in my opinion, they can build anything. For the terrace in front of my house, I want to express gratitude to all the employees of the Bankov company from my entire family. All our guests appreciated it! We hardly noticed the small construction in front of our house. It’s very pleasant that this did not affect the quality in any way - everything is excellent!...


Review from our second client

I would like to express my gratitude to all the specialists of the Bankov company for their creativity, professionalism and approach to the client. Individual approach to the client - not just words for them. I recommended this company to all my friends - both to those who are already planning to build a bathhouse or sauna on their property, and even to those who have not thought about it yet....


Feedback from our client

Before I contacted Bankov, it always seemed to me that a shower room was not the kind of object where a designer’s imagination could unfold. It turned out that a real professional could even make a shower in an original way. Everything was built on time, very high quality. I recommend it to everyone! ...

Alexey Yu.

Another customer review

Thank you very much!!! It's pleasure to work with you! You are professionals in your field! I will definitely recommend it to all my friends

Bathhouse in Russian style

The arrangement of the bathhouse should be carried out in accordance with the original traditions of a particular style. Only this will allow you to create a place for relaxation, relaxation, and rest for yourself, your family and your friends. The Bankov company will preserve ancient traditions and implement any Russian bathhouse project in Moscow in accordance with your requirements and wishes.

Characteristic features of a Russian-style bathhouse

A Russian-style bathhouse is characterized by an abundance of natural wood. Interior decoration usually made from clapboard. If the customer wishes to build the entire structure of the bathhouse from a log house, then the internal or exterior finishing not required. The tree is natural material, which has high-quality thermal conductivity. This ensures uniform temperature distribution throughout the room. The humidity level in a Russian bath is quite high, and the temperature reaches 80-90 degrees Celsius.

The design of such a structure is carried out based on the requirements, allocated budget, and required area. Some people want to order a similar recreation room right next to a private house, as a separate extension. Today you can even custom-make a bathhouse in your apartment. Of course, it will not be wood-fired, but will be made from logs (usually treated boards). Therefore, our company “Bankov” carries out work of any complexity in accordance with the allocated budget.

The design of the Russian bathhouse is based on the ancestral traditions of our ancestors. If everything is clear with wood, then the stove can be built from natural stone or metal. Materials for the furnace must be good heat conductors. At the same time, the cost of the project does not change significantly from the choice of one type of furnace or another.

The interior of a bathhouse in the Russian style can be supplemented various decor. An integral part of such a room is lighting, protected from high temperature, areas for sitting in the steam room, a dressing room, a place for showering and dousing with cold water. Our specialists are ready to carry out a project on the site with any design from timber, brick, aerated concrete, followed by wood finishing.

The service is provided on a turnkey basis, with the selection of a stove, lighting, decor, plumbing connection, and installation of bath doors and windows. You can choose the design yourself based on the sketches provided, drawings from the Internet, or examples of the work of our specialists.

Features of arranging a Russian bath from “Bankov”

If you need a sauna in a private house(to the dacha or cottage permanent residence), order a project with implementation in “Bankov”. During the work process, everything is taken into account operating conditions. The team selects the material in accordance with the requirements and wishes, working from scratch on a turnkey basis or starting with an already partially erected structure.

Price for construction and design work accessible to everyone! Experience allows us to carry out projects of any complexity, in an area from 20 to 150 square meters with a dressing room, bar, swimming pool, relaxation area and any other areas.

After the bathhouse is built, there is one more very important task left - this is the arrangement of the interior. The design of each room has its own nuances and features that you definitely need to know. Ahead we will consider the most common options that will help create comfort and beauty in bath room.

A bathhouse is built primarily for relaxation, because today there are many more ways to wash yourself than before. Most often people relax in the baths with a group, so it’s best to stick to the classic style so that guests don’t get scared individual characteristics and owner preferences.

IN classic version, bathhouses are built from log houses, and in most cases, both inside and outside, clapboard is used for cladding. When arranging the interior, it is best to give preference to one type of wood and color, and you should not make the room too bright. Baths with natural woody colors are best perceived.

Figure 1 – Example of a wooden bathhouse

When decorating, it is best to use less plastic and varnished products, since under the influence of temperature and moisture they can release toxins.

The heart of the Russian bath is the steam room

It’s not for nothing that the steam room is called the heart of the Russian bath. After all, the main sacrament of the ancient Russian procedure is performed here. Therefore, in this room the interior should be as living and breathing as possible. No synthetics or panels. Everything must be made of natural wood. After all, it is here that temperatures rise to certain very high limits and what we are used to using at home can simply melt and lose its shape.

The combination of the most natural materials looks the most beautiful: wood, stone, brick, salt and granite slabs. Using two or three combinations you can create a truly cozy and beautiful room.

Figure 2 – An example of a successful combination of stone and wood when decorating

Another task that the owner faces when decorating a steam room is to ensure complete safety. Therefore, it is very important to provide for all safety requirements, namely:

  • Distance to oven;
  • The quality of the walls behind the stove;
  • Protection of lamps from moisture;

At first glance, it may seem that the designer has limitations everywhere and will not be able to express himself. But this is far from true. It is precisely because of such high requirements that more effort has to be made to make modern Russian baths look much more interesting. Many people use furniture with original curves when creating an interior; others place lamps under the shelves. The uniqueness of interior design is made up of such small moments. You can also add sophistication if you use tinted glass with an intricate pattern in the door.

Bath stones: what are they?

When choosing stones for a bath, you should keep in mind that this is not a simple decoration, but the main consumer of steam. After all, it is when they come into contact with water that special bath spirit is formed.

To provide yourself good steam, you should approach the choice of stones responsibly. After all, a lot depends on them in the steam room, so the stones must meet the following requirements:

  • Good heat resistance;
  • High-quality heat capacity;
  • Uniformity;
  • Smooth and round shape.

It’s easy to check the quality of the stone at home. It should be heated and then thrown into the water. If it doesn't crumble or give off bubbles, you can safely use them.

To obtain sufficient steam, the number of stones must be correctly calculated. To do this, you should use the following calculation: for each square of the steam room you will need to prepare 6 kg of stones. It is worth noting that it is better to stack stones, starting with the largest, then medium and last layer the smallest.

Over time, the quality of the stones may deteriorate as they are subjected to repeated heating and cooling. It is for this reason that experts recommend replacing them once a year.

Features of the waiting room

Compared to a steam room, this place is quite cool, so there is more scope for imagination and materials to use. If the bathhouse is made entirely of wood, then it is best to use coniferous wood. She's perfect for this temperature regime, and will release a pleasant aroma.

If the room is not too large, then the rest room and dressing room are made from the dressing room, but when the space allows, the rest room can be moved to the attached gazebo. This way it will be much more convenient to combine a Russian bath and, for example, family holiday with kebabs.

For a dressing room, everything is simple: cozy light, comfortable benches and places for clothes; with a little imagination, you can make unique things from simple accessories and furniture. For example, if you decorate the walls with herbal brooms, you will get wonderful aromatherapy for visitors.

Figure 3 – Beautifully decorated dressing room in Russian style

How to choose the right accessories?

Various accessories will help complete any interior, especially a Russian bathhouse. These could be bast shoes and spoons on the walls, or a samovar instead of the usual modern man teapot. Also, paintings on a bathhouse theme, figurines and curtains in the old Russian style will not be superfluous. Many people order beautiful wooden signs with Russian sayings and proverbs.

Figure 4 – The most common bath accessories

But everyone will have a question about where to get all this. After all, now there is little that is sold in stores. Today, for lovers of the bath ritual, many supermarkets and private stores have special departments where you can find any bath accessory. Starting from washcloths with soap and ending with various herbal brooms that will provide an old Russian aroma. Everyone will be able to choose the most attractive attributes for their have a cozy holiday in the lap of nature. By the way, things that were inherited from grandparents will also come in handy. After all, very often in a modern furnished apartment they do not fit into the interior, but in a bathhouse they will help maintain the old Russian atmosphere.

Figure 5 – Using bath accessories when decorating a relaxation room

The interior of a bathhouse in the Russian style should be conducive to peace, tranquility and comfort. Such an atmosphere can be achieved through a harmonious relationship between all interior elements, from doors to lighting. Everything in it should be organic, functional and at the same time elegant.

Of course, the design of the steam room can always be made in accordance with individual preferences, however, most likely, you will visit it in the company of friends. Therefore, it is much more expedient to design the bathhouse in a more classic style, which will surely please all guests.

Therefore, the inside of the steam room should not be bright; the walls and ceiling should be wood-colored. In addition, there are a number of other rules that we will discuss below.

Steam room interior

The interior of a Russian bath, undoubtedly, begins with a steam room - the main attraction of the entire building. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider the design of all its elements, including the most insignificant details..

First of all, the interior of the bathhouse, including the steam room, is determined by the material - this is, of course, wood. It is best when the finishing is done with clapboard. But for the floor you can use tiles.

Concerning small parts, then the interior of the steam room must include a ladle and a bucket. This important elements, without which the steam room will be imperfect.

In addition, the classic elements of a bathhouse are:

  • Brooms;
  • Samovar;
  • Hats, etc.

Therefore, the interior should be diluted with these items, which will definitely be needed while relaxing in the bathhouse. If some kind of this instruction, then the steam room will look interesting and stylish.

Glossy and plastic decorations and objects should not be used in the steam room, as they will release harmful substances when heated.


The main advantage of the steam room is the heater stove. A classic stove made of refractory red brick will look best. In combination with wooden walls, it looks natural and very harmonious, so it does not need any additional finishing.

In the photo - a heater stove

You should not experiment with its shapes and materials, since simplicity and naturalness always remain in fashion. If you decide to change, it is better to give preference glass inserts or natural stone.


When designing shelves, you should take into account that the more spacious the steam room, the more comfortable it is. Therefore, it is best when done in several steps. It is advisable to exclude sharp corners altogether, since they show the real dimensions of the room, and it is usually 4-6 square meters.

For their flooring, narrow boards should be used, with a clearance of several centimeters. Under no circumstances should shelves be monolithic, i.e. from a solid board, as this will impair air circulation and uniformity of lighting. For the same reasons, they should not be sutured from the side.

Shelves cannot be made of pine, as when heated the wood releases resin that can burn.
It is best to use linden or larch.

You can hang them on the side walls. In this case, there will be more light and space in the room. This solution will make the steam room even more comfortable and “lighter”.


The classic option is wooden solid doors, but more modern interior The bathhouse allows glass doors. They can be made from tempered glass 8 mm thick. It should open outwards, which will save free space.


Often, bathhouse owners try to make wooden floors in the steam room so that the interior of the bathhouse is completely “homogeneous.” However, such a solution will only be aesthetically pleasing at first, since the coating quickly becomes dirty, even if you walk on it barefoot or in slippers.

It is impossible to varnish the floor in the steam room, since when the temperature rises it will release harmful substances.

Besides, wood covering takes a long time to dry and is a source of fungus and dampness. Therefore, a tiled floor is much more preferable, as it will always remain warm and clean.


It is better to make the lighting uniform and soft in order to achieve a calm atmosphere and minimize the shock that a person is exposed to through the organs of touch when entering the steam room. Great option The placement of lamps is to install them under the top shelf.

A small steam room can be illuminated with two 40-60W lamps. It should not be forgotten that several lamps are used for uniformity of illumination, and not for brightness. Another good option is to use LED lamps for a bath.

Decoration of the second floor

The interior of the second floor of the bathhouse, on which the relaxation room is usually located, does not have any strict restrictions in design. The main thing is that it corresponds to the classical Russian style. Therefore, it is best to cover the walls with clapboard.

Since there is no heating in the recreation room, it is best to use pine for decoration. Firstly, its price is lower than other types of wood, and secondly, pine gives off a pleasant smell, making your vacation more comfortable.

When the interiors of bathhouses are decorated in an antique style, the relaxation room places emphasis on forged elements, as well as on hand-made products. These may include carved spoons, embroideries, etc.

Be sure to have a large table in the rest room, which can be covered with a linen tablecloth, as well as benches or armchairs. Moreover, all furniture should be wooden, since as a result high humidity other products will quickly become unusable.

Also, a shelf on which you can place aroma oils, tea and other items necessary for the bath. Windows can be covered with curtains made of cotton or bamboo. A small fireplace can be an excellent addition to such an interior.

The interiors of the bathhouse, including the rest room, should not contain synthetic decorations, as they do not fit into the Russian style at all.

We have looked at the main points of how the interior of a bathhouse is designed, but we should also pay attention to less significant points that will also help create a specific bathhouse design:

  • When decorating a steam room, it is advisable to give preference to one tone of wood, so that the room will look organic.
  • If you decide to make a wooden floor, then it is best to choose edged or tongue and groove boards.
  • The bathroom does not have to be decorated with wood. The floor and its walls can be tiled with wood-look tiles. This will match the interior of the bathhouse, and at the same time, maintaining the room will be easier.
  • Multimedia equipment does not quite fit into the interiors of the bathhouse, however, during relaxation it is an indispensable assistant. Therefore, using a TV, DVD player or music center is completely acceptable.
  • You can decorate the walls in the bathhouse using picturesque bath brooms.
  • Using some country style elements will help add some zest to the design.
  • A bathhouse can be given a special flavor by all sorts of interesting antique things that can be found, for example, at a grandmother’s in the village. They can be restored, resulting in items that are as good as those found in high-end stores.


Despite the fact that the decoration and interior of Russian-style bathhouses can be different - from vintage to more modern, the design is always based on wooden elements. At the same time, designing a Russian bath does not require large expenses.

For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

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