Features of street lamps for home. Photo ideas for lighting the facade of a country house House lighting for a private house

A country house attracts solitude with nature, a break from the frantic pace of life and city noise. But comfortable living is unthinkable without an effective lighting system, both external and internal. With the help of properly selected lamps, you can place bright accents in the interior and area of ​​the cottage. Correct lighting home allows you to create beauty and comfort indoors and harmoniously fit the building into the surrounding landscape.

Street lighting country house occupies a significant niche in the design of the facade of the building and the surrounding area. This is one of the most important elements that ensures the effectiveness of security and safety of movement around the territory at night. In addition, it is much more pleasant to go out into the garden, shimmering with soft light, to enjoy the wonderful atmosphere and clean air.

Lighting a country house is not limited only to the choice of shape, design and functions of lamps. Modern technologies allow you to implement the most daring and creative design solutions, combine different models of appliances to achieve unexpected results and create a cozy atmosphere in your home.

Street (external) lighting of a country house: a combination of facade lighting and lighting fixtures along the paths

A rich arsenal of lighting design solutions is based on several basic techniques, the choice of which depends on individual preferences and functions performed.

Flood lighting, how it works

The flood lighting effect is the most common. It is used to illuminate the main part of the facade. Thanks to lamps installed, for example, from below and directed at a certain angle, there is an amazing opportunity to highlight or emphasize certain areas of the building, to add a certain amount of mystery. Diode lighting at home easily copes with this task. The placement of LED lamps depends on the specific lighting design tasks, allowing you to draw attention to the texture of a country house and create an expressive volume in the evening.

External lighting creates a non-standard ambience, makes the building stand out from other buildings, and ensures safe movement

Thanks to the colorful LED backlight you can create a variety of color schemes for the facade and even control lighting changes using the remote control remote control. Of course, the exterior lighting of the house must successfully interact with the color palette of the facade.

So, for example, when illuminating a yellow facade with blue spotlights, a green tint is obtained. And there are quite a lot of such amazing transformations, which allows you to experiment with color.

Dramatic accent lighting

Accent lighting of a residential building is used to highlight certain fragments of the facade. With the help of such a system, you can focus on individual architectural elements: statues, columns, stucco molding, and also focus on the entire facade. In addition, combining different color solutions allows you to realize the creative ideas of designers.

Accent lighting allows you to highlight the most interesting architectural elements

What is contour lighting?

This building lighting system consists of LED tubes that perfectly surround the appearance of a country house. Contour lighting helps to outline the facade of the building and highlight its individual elements, such as: balcony railings, columns, staircase railings, roofing elements and others.

Contour lighting “outlines” the configuration of the house, creating an unusual effect

How does hidden lighting work?

Hidden backlight is a type of street lighting that highlights the protruding elements of a building, emphasizes the volume of the architecture and does not illuminate the entire surface. This technique allows you to illuminate the cornice, the lower part of the balcony and other elements by installing LED tubes or flexible neon.

Hidden lighting does not illuminate the entire building; it focuses attention on individual elements

Street lighting is necessary to increase the level of security, which becomes possible thanks to lamps and spotlights installed at the entrance to the site. Just two spotlights are enough to illuminate the gate and the area where the car will enter. In addition, if desired, you can install an automatic lighting system that turns on when the car approaches the gate.

Landscape lamps are used to illuminate the surrounding area. They are widely used in landscape design, providing excellent illumination for paths and plants. One of the main requirements for garden lighting is safety for surrounding plants. In addition, the lamps should be invisible.

The illumination of the pool and pond on the site looks very impressive. Naturally, the lighting of these objects is technologically complex, but it looks unusual and very beautiful. The most important point when lighting elements related to water is electrical safety.

Interior lighting and its options

Interior lighting of a country house not only creates a comfortable atmosphere, but also allows you to emphasize the style of the room, adding the final touch to the design solution. Properly selected light sources can become real interior decorations. The choice of lighting depends on the style and your taste. For example, lighting in a wooden house, made in country style, will be in perfect harmony with naturalness. natural materials.

Acquaintance with the house begins with the hall; it is this room that gives the first impression of the style and tastes of the owners. It is better to create warm and bright lighting by adding a touch of solemnity through small sconces on the walls.

The lighting in the living room can already be more pompous and pretentious. Massive crystal chandeliers will add special solemnity to the reception room. It should be noted that rooms in country houses differ high ceilings, which allows you to successfully fit large lighting fixtures into the interior. A chandelier is not only a source of intense light, but also an indicator of your status, an object on which the attention of guests is concentrated. To add a bit of coziness and privacy in the living room, you can place stylish sconces that will become great solution for lighting in Everyday life.

Living room lighting in a country house: a combination of a central large chandelier and spotlights provides the ability to vary lighting

Lighting in the kitchen needs to be taken seriously. Special attention is given to work areas that require bright, intense lighting. A good option would be to place spotlights above the sink, table, or stove. A kitchen chandelier should be modern and discreet. A pompous chandelier will not suit this room due to its stylistic design.

Kitchen lighting performs several important functions: it provides convenience of work, divides the space into zones

Lighting for a children's room must meet more stringent requirements. It should be safe for children's eyes, so frosted lamps are recommended. They do not create glare that has an impact Negative influence on the eyes. The children's room should be bright enough so that there is no need to strain your eyesight.

The bedroom in the house is a place to relax, which should immerse you in a relaxing, cozy atmosphere. A good option would be to use diffused light, a beautiful lamp with a lampshade and an interesting night light. The environment in the bedroom, including lighting, should promote quiet rest and relaxation.

Bedroom lighting creates a calm, cozy environment that matches the atmosphere of relaxation

The use of colored lighting solutions makes it possible to emphasize the overall tone of the interior by adding colors. Interior lighting of a country house can highlight individual elements of the interior, placing bright accents.

Video: DIY smart lighting

Those who want to know how to make an intelligent lighting control system with their own hands autonomous house, watching the video will bring a lot of useful information:

In conclusion, it can be noted that a properly organized lighting system has a tangible impact on the mood of all inhabitants of a country house. It allows you to create a favorable atmosphere for a comfortable and pleasant pastime. Competent and professional lighting design will emphasize individuality stylistic decision and will place colorful accents in the interior.

When darkness falls, move around garden plot becomes more complex, and all its decorative elements, created with such trepidation and love by the owner, lose their clear outlines. Moreover, at night the area becomes more vulnerable to intruders. Properly organized lighting of the area helps to solve all these problems at once.

No. 1. Basic requirements for site lighting

On the diagram it is necessary to note where the lamps will be located, how many there will be, and what function will be assigned to them; you can also indicate the size and style of execution. Now being compiled electrical diagram connections: for those who know at least a little about electrics, this easy task. It is better to entrust the installation of the entire lighting system, since, first of all, it should be as safe as possible for the owners of the site.

When drawing up a lighting plan, you must remember that The entrance to the house must be illuminated, gate or gate, the perimeter of the site, as well as the most dangerous places on the territory, incl. steps and bridges. It is not recommended to illuminate the house with, as this creates a blinding effect. When preparing a lighting scheme, it is important not to forget about the climatic characteristics of the region. For example, the height of the lamps should be such that they perform their functions under the maximum possible layer of snow.

No. 3. Types of site lighting

Lighting a suburban area performs several functions at once, and for each of them it is better to provide a separate type of lamps.

Main types of garden lighting:

  • general or functional lighting is necessary for safe movement around the territory after dark, for performing certain work and for proper rest in the evening. Lamps general lighting, first of all, are installed at the entrance to the site, in parking lots, near the entrance to the building. They are also necessary for lighting garden paths and;
  • marking of site elements- This special case general lighting. The main function of the marking light is to indicate certain objects, for example, the boundaries of a parking lot, the location of gates, steps, etc. IN in this case you can use small lamps and even “luminous” stones;
  • automatic lighting systems, increasing the security of the territory. Thanks to the presence of time relays or motion sensors, one or more lighting elements can be turned on when it gets dark or when intruders appear at the dacha. Such elements can also be used to scare away animals and birds by creating the effect of presence;
  • decorative lighting. This includes lamps that are designed to decorate and draw attention to interesting elements landscape rather than providing full light. This kind of lighting is installed alpine coaster, ponds, tree crowns, recreation areas, and for this they use lanterns, garden figures with built-in lamps, lamps that can shine different colors, and other elements.

No. 4. Features of functional site lighting

The tasks of functional lighting are simple and clear. If decorative lighting cannot be used in every summer cottage, then It is impossible to do without general lighting. Illuminating everything important elements In order to increase the safety of movement around the territory, it is worth remembering that accents in lighting it is necessary to display it on a patio, house and other buildings - they should not be flooded with too bright light, otherwise those walking on them will experience great discomfort. The most illuminated place on the site is this and: it will be more comfortable to move from less illuminated areas to brighter ones. It is important that even in the dead of night, functional lighting allows see the boundaries of the site.

It is also necessary to highlight stairs, bridges and other most dangerous objects. Lamps must be spaced evenly along paths. Lanterns, floor lamps with diffusers made of frosted glass, bright spotlights, spherical lamps and other elements.

No. 5. Decorative lighting

Decorative lighting is essential for recreation areas and objects that you want to admire even after dark. Usually additional lighting is provided , trees, shrubs, fountains, ponds, alpine slides, garden sculptures, as well as gazebos, patios, etc. Decorative lighting complements the main lighting and provides dim light, creating a romantic and slightly mysterious atmosphere. There are a lot of ways to organize it - it all depends on the style of the site and the imagination of the owner.

To Don’t go wrong with choosing the style of lamps for the site, you can use simple rule. The more elaborate and diverse the landscape design of the garden, the more simple and concise the lighting items should be. If the style of the site is close to minimalism, then you can use the most fancy and non-standard forms, placing the emphasis on them in decorating the garden.

No. 7. Types of street lamps by installation location

All huge variety lamps intended for illumination of suburban and summer cottage, can be divided into several groups:

  • floor lamps, which include lanterns of different heights;
  • wall lanterns used to illuminate the house or, they can be hung on the wall at any height;
  • pendant lamps include lanterns and garlands that can be hung from tree branches or ceilings in gazebos;

    When purchasing, you should check whether the inside of the lamp mount is painted. If not, then you shouldn’t count on much durability. Lamps from of stainless steel and aluminum alloys. Don't forget to find out about the warranty period and also ask the seller certificate of safety, where the degree of protection should be indicated.

Proper organization of lighting in the courtyard of a private house is the key not only to safety, but also to the attractiveness of the site. If you want to illuminate the area with your own hands, the first thing you need to do is study some of the nuances associated with the choice of street lamps, as well as the option of yard lighting. Below we will present to your attention several practical advice with photo ideas for street lighting at home.

Deciding on the purpose of the lights

The first thing you need to decide is why you want to install light in the courtyard of a private house. Lighting of the site can be decorative, security, functional or even festive.

The most important is functional lighting, which is responsible for the safety of movement around the yard. This category includes steps and porches. Most often, owners of private houses illuminate such objects with lamps on short legs, which complement the landscape design of the site during the daytime, and effectively perform their function at night. To save money on yard lighting, it is also recommended to use solar-powered lights (in the last photo):

The next, no less important option for illuminating the courtyard of a private house is security lighting. In this case, lamps on supports are used, aimed at the perimeter of the entire site, parking lot and front entrance. In order to save on electricity and understand in time that there is a stranger in your area, it is recommended to use LED floodlights with a motion sensor. Such lamps turn on the light only when movement occurs in the sensor detection area. You can see what the security yard lighting of a residential building looks like in the following photo examples:

As for the decorative lighting of the yard, it is used precisely to highlight the most important objects of the garden. An original solution there will be installation of lamps in ponds, recreation areas, inside fountains and garden sculptures. Special requirements in this case, it is not required for lamps, the main thing is that they do not contradict the overall landscape design and illuminate all elements of the yard in a balanced manner.

Festive lighting of a courtyard area, just like decorative lighting, consists of decorating trees in the garden, a residential building, fencing and garden buildings. The most popular lamps in this case are street garlands and hanging lanterns. Most often, this lighting option is used for birthdays and New Years, when you need to create a themed atmosphere. Best ideas Yard decorations for the holiday are provided below:

The best options for lighting a garden plot

Choosing suitable lamps

To make safe and durable lighting in a private yard with your own hands, you need to pay special attention to lamps. Firstly, they must be outdoors - dust- and moisture-proof. Secondly, they must be economical - consume as little electricity as possible and at the same time provide good illumination of the yard area. We recommend that you choose floodlights with LED lamps, which are several times more economical than other light sources. A good solution would be to use motion sensors and photo relays. You can also separately buy a suitable flashlight for it.

Otherwise, lamps are selected based on design and, of course, cost. The video talks about which lamps you can choose to illuminate your yard:

Expert advice

Electric installation work

We have already discussed with you how to organize, where we dwelled in detail on the important aspects of electrical wiring. To install light into the yard yourself, we recommend considering the following practical tips:

  1. Before arranging your yard area, be sure to plan the layout of the lamps and the route of laying wires to each of them. It is better to immediately run the cable to the connection points, so as not to tear apart the decorated garden and not do double work.
  2. It is best to conduct wiring in the soil so that it does not spoil the design of the site. We talked about this in the corresponding article. The only thing we can add is that under ponds and flower beds it is recommended to lay the cable at a depth of 1 meter, and not 80 cm.
  3. It is best to install light switches in the hallway so that they are not affected by bad weather conditions and the control of outdoor lighting is convenient.

Otherwise there shouldn't be any problems. If you have any questions and you do not fully understand how to make lighting in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands, we recommend that you describe the situation in the “” category so that our specialists can help you with advice!

Facade lighting of a country house has several main functions. If, first of all, it was created to illuminate the local area and safely move around it in dark time day, then today it is also a way to gracefully highlight the beauty of your home...

Professionally designed façade lighting for a home is multifunctional element lighting design, which has a number of aesthetic and operational advantages. With its help you can highlight architectural forms, focus on interesting details. With the right approach, it is easy to obtain a practical and economical system that increases both the beauty of the house and the ease of movement around the local area.

Soft light favorably highlights the volumetric texture of the brick, allowing you to focus on the rigor of the lines and the practicality of the project

Functions of façade lighting

Ordering from specialized companies similar projects, owners country houses entrust specialists with the implementation of the following elements:

    technical. In this case, the lamps should highlight the most frequently used areas - paths, gates, doors and window openings, gates;

    accompanying. The lamps are activated only when driving in the serviced area. Their main function is to create safe conditions;

    decorative. They emphasize the style of the facade and focus attention on landscape design objects.

Spotlights placed along the contour are the most easy option decoration of the house and surrounding area

Correct placement of devices increases the comfort of living in the house; thoughtful lighting of the facade of a country house embodies the excellent taste of the owners.

Features of lighting the facade of a private house

When designing a system and calculating the configuration of devices, not only the scale of the house and the features of the surrounding area are taken into account, but also the functional prerequisites, available methods installation, priority types of lamps. Devices used for facade lighting of country houses must be sealed, safe, and resistant to mechanical stress.

White glow emitted halogen lamps, does not disturb the natural perception of colors, it is pleasant to the eyes, and allows you to clearly see the surrounding objects. Typically, such lighting elements become components of floodlight systems.

Here the emphasis is on brightness - the lamps create intense lighting, thanks to which the landscape design is visible as clearly as in daytime conditions

On our website you can find contacts construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Metal halide lamps produce very bright beams, making them ideal for design additions to facades. The devices have a rich color scheme In addition to exterior lighting, they are used for deep decoration of water bodies and illumination of crowns.

Luminescent products are quite economical in terms of energy consumption; miniature samples do not have the disadvantages characteristic of large lamps, such as blinking and flickering. Compact devices are convenient in terms of uniform light distribution.

When designing exterior lighting for a home, specialists usually rely on LED bulbs– they are ideally suited for use in open landscape design. They have small dimensions and optimal light transmission, and use electricity economically. When designing a façade lighting system great importance has also the fact that LEDs do not emit rays in the ultraviolet and infrared spectra. Long service life and interchangeability make such lamps favorites in the field of facade decoration.

Colored illumination looks beautiful on the facades of buildings with non-standard architecture. In this case, multi-colored lamps smooth out the utilitarian outlines

The safest devices are those enclosed in aluminum cases. budget alternatives– polycarbonate, acrylic. To play up the bulges on the façade, it is advisable to use a multi-colored fill. The system must have a transformer.

Types of Exterior Lighting Supplements

Accent lighting facade of the house - a convenient method of fragmentary selection. Local lighting usually draws attention to authentic architectural elements - stucco molding, statues, family coats of arms, niches, columns. If desired, you can introduce color variations.

Contour modifications are based on cords and tubes with LEDs, they decorate big houses. The technology allows you to emphasize the facade design as a whole or is used to highlight functional components - roofing, columns, stair railings, bay windows, balustrades, balcony railings.

Hidden backlight suitable for decorating protruding areas. In particular, this technology used to decorate the lower part of balcony slabs and cornices. With its help, they achieve greater expressiveness of the outlines of the house, detail the design features of the facade, and the texture of the exterior cladding used. The hidden technique gives the mansion a soft glow, this effect is achieved through the use of neon and LED strips.

A typical example of hidden lighting of the under-roof space

Flooding Light- one of basic techniques designed to present the overall architectural appearance of a country house. It is most beneficial from an aesthetic point of view for mansions made of stone or concrete slabs. Point equipment is placed on the ground, in roof elements and roofs of neighboring buildings.

When designing flood lighting, you need to take into account the structure of the house - it is undesirable for the windows to fall into the active zone, in which case it may be too bright in the bedrooms at night. In addition, directional lighting is installed, allowing the “highlights” of the building to be highlighted in places. Compared to floodlights, directional luminaires should be clearly smaller in size and power; they are mounted around the perimeter of the building.

Dynamic architectural lightingnew trend in the industry under consideration, it is based on the play of light and shadow, the combination of palette, depth and brightness of radiation.

Video description

Video example of dynamic architectural facade lighting:

How to make lighting for the facade of a house: rules for placing equipment

The simplest solution is to introduce floodlights that will flood the building with light around the perimeter. But experts emphasize that the results of point placement of devices look much more advantageous.

It is worth choosing downlight lamps for the walls - they can change the lighting angle. To attract attention to sophisticated architectural delights, professionals use neon and LED surface-mounted directional lamps. The porch and blind areas are detailed using devices with reflectors that can evenly illuminate the selected area. To make the building look attractive during daylight hours, you need to be careful with lamps on long arms - without a night setting they look out of place.

Facade lighting of a country house should not only be convenient to use, but also expedient in terms of energy consumption. If the goal is to save electricity, the main cluster of lamps should be observed at the entrances to the home (if there are several of them); local devices are used to decorate secondary areas that have only an aesthetic meaning.

Video description

Video about successful Christmas illumination of a private estate:

Harmonious solutions for landscape design

Exterior illumination and illumination of the surrounding area will look holistic if stick to a few rules:

    year-round façade lighting of a country house should be based on equipment capable of functioning under severe weather conditions and significant temperature changes;

    the design of the site should be based on light balance, so that in addition to the house itself and paths, small architectural forms, plantings, and reservoirs are visible;

    the starting point and the most striking element in the composition should always be the cottage;

    In order for a walk in the dark to be psychologically comfortable, at the design stage care should be taken to ensure that the boundaries of the property are fully illuminated.

Lighting the facade of a country house and the adjacent area can be done using solar-powered equipment. Mobile solutions are sold in a variety of designs, their batteries accumulate throughout the day solar energy, then when darkness falls, the LEDs are automatically activated. Depending on the battery capacity, such devices can operate continuously throughout the night or turn on when a person approaches.

A harmonious combination of deep illumination of ponds and lamps with soft radiation built into the tiles

Paths, recreation areas, outbuildings often decorated with marking lighting. It fills the space with soft light and illustrates the direction of movement. Glowing stones, used in the design along with paving stones and paving slabs, thanks to the built-in LEDs, unobtrusively outline comfortable walking boundaries.


When calculating the quantity and choosing the appearance of lighting fixtures, experts are guided by the existing landscape design: the more prominent and complex the design of the adjacent area, the simpler and more concise the lamps should be. Therefore, when designing illumination, it is always a priority professional approach: only experienced professionals will be able to find the optimal equipment and implement it correctly.

A country house is a place where you want to escape from a noisy and dirty city, a place peace of mind, unity with nature and, of course, family comfort. Moreover, this comfort should affect not only the interior of the house, but also its facade. But how can you decorate a house so that it doesn’t look like a Christmas tree and blends harmoniously into the surrounding landscape? Here only proper lighting exterior, namely lighting design.

Home lighting

Looking through pictures in magazines and the Internet, we come to the conclusion that architectural facade lighting is an art. Whatever the exterior of the house, properly played with light, it becomes unique in its kind, bright or mysterious, modern or with a touch of the Middle Ages. To achieve such seemingly complex tasks There are several techniques in the lighting design arsenal that are used when developing a lighting concept.

The second no less interesting technique is the effect accent lighting. It is often used to fragmentarily highlight some façade objects with light. For example, thanks to this technique, you can focus attention not on the entire house, but only on its individual decorative elements: stucco molding, niches, statues, columns, family coats of arms. In this case, thanks to special color filters and light, you can change the color of the illuminated objects.

  • Contour lighting building is achieved thanks to LED tubes and cords, which are ideal for this kind of cottage lighting. Using this technology, you can outline the architectural appearance of the house or even highlight its individual parts - roof elements, bay windows, columns, balustrades, stair railings and balcony railings.
  • Hidden backlight facade elements - a type of external lighting that does not illuminate the surface of the building, but illuminates the protruding elements of the facade, emphasizing the architecture of the facade and organically fitting into it. This technique can highlight the roof eaves or the lower plane. balcony slab, mounting LED tubes or flexible neon under them.

What is important to know?

Since lighting design is a rather complicated matter, it is necessary to order its design and installation from companies that have proven themselves in the market for these types of services. Such a company must have a license for such services. Naturally, the selection of lighting equipment is made by the customer himself, based on the expected results.

Therefore, in order to avoid breakdowns and additional expenses for their elimination, you should contact a company with high-quality and certified products, whose specialists are obliged to advise you on all issues and select the safest and most profitable options in accordance with your wishes. Thus, you will save not only your nerves and time, but also money, and a lot of it. Remember that street lighting equipment should also meet energy saving objectives.

For your information

Spotlights for artistic illumination of facades must have modern design at small overall dimensions. All luminaires for external lighting must have a degree of moisture and dust resistance of at least IP65. Optimal material The housings of outdoor lamps are aluminum, because it is a lightweight metal and is not affected by precipitation; the manufacturing method is also important - cast housings are more reliable.

What to look for when purchasing outdoor lights:

  1. Safety certificates must be included with the product.
  2. The degree of protection of lighting devices indicated in the documents must be at least IP44 - make sure that this designation is present in the certificate.
  3. Find out what warranty the manufacturer provides for their product.
  4. Pay attention to the material from which the lamp body is made. Remember that the lamp will be actively affected by moisture and sun. If the vertical leg of the lamps is made of steel pipe, you need to check whether it is painted from the inside - then the lamps will not rust. Lamps made of stainless steel (painted), aluminum alloy and cast iron have proven themselves well.

Good to know

The lighting network is routed externally using rubber-insulated cable KR, which is placed in a flexible metal sleeve. Metal sleeves are laid in such a way that moisture cannot accumulate in them. The design of distribution boards for use outside the building must provide a sufficient level of moisture and dust protection.

Illumination of private properties ensures safety and comfort. Therefore, first of all, the main points of the route are illuminated - gates, main paths, porch, perimeter of the site. Secondly, there are recreation areas: a gazebo, a barbecue area. Landscape lighting also needs to be given special attention.


A special case of landscape lighting is the use of light without it. visible source. From this point of view, most garden lamps cannot be used for landscape lighting, since in the dark they attract attention to themselves, darkening the surrounding area.

This does not mean that functional lighting should not be used in a suburban area, since lighting paths and utility areas of the property ensures the safety of people’s movement in the dark. But the main task of the designer, which is to ensure that the functional lighting of the site becomes part of the landscape lighting, must be maintained.

It is believed that if you correctly combine the three main types of lighting for an area, it will be as comfortable and pleasant to perceive as possible. In the entrance area to a house or garage, uniformly flood lighting is used. It is better not to use spotlights in this case due to their utilitarian appearance. Ideal choice in this case there will be lanterns designed in the general style of the house and the entire site. They will be both a source of light and a decorative element.

In conditions Russian winter light output of compact fluorescent lamps decreases significantly. But practice has shown that such lamps are quite viable in winter. White snow In winter, it perfectly reflects light, so the loss of lamp brightness has virtually no effect on the lighting of the area. Therefore, they are successfully used in architectural lighting of garden plots, providing ease of use (replacing incandescent or halogen lamps under the roof of a house can become a serious problem).

In Primorye, low solar-powered landscape lights built into the ground are increasingly being used to mark the edges of the path. But their work is unstable, and the light leaves much to be desired. As an alternative for better lighting site, we recommend using lamps from the mains, and not autonomous ones with solar batteries.

If you use LED lamps, you can achieve good illumination with significant energy savings. The market offers a wide variety of lamp models. For example, there are models that are equipped with an overhead diffuser that draws rays on the surface of the earth.

This will complement your landscape lighting with linear patterns, such as on a walkway. In this case, the fence along the path will also be involved in the play of light. Just imagine the patterns of light on the paths, smoothly transitioning to the fences - a fabulous view!

Or, for example, lamps built into a stone wall. They are designed to illuminate the surface of the earth from a low height. And how natural it looks! The same lamps can be mounted on a special concrete sculpture or on a stone fence along the edges of the main entrance to the house. Sometimes they can be placed directly on the ground. Then the illumination of plants will also be added to the function of path lighting.

First of all, lighting of stairs is necessary for your safety, so you should pay special attention to their lighting. If the problem is solved decorative design staircase space with the help of lamps, then ground lamps installed on special racks can play a huge role here. Such lamps will decorate the stairs even during the day, when there is no need for lighting. The lamps can also be mounted directly into the steps.

Don't forget the switches. In this case, it is better to use a special ladder switch instead of the usual one. It will allow you to turn on the lights downstairs and turn them off upstairs at the other end of the stairs.

Trees are illuminated with spotlights or garlands on individual branches, on trunks, and also from the ground. There are a lot of options for playing light, it all depends on the specific task, for example, dense tree crowns are flooded with light from one or two sides, the crown is lonely standing tree are illuminated from below, and the bush is illuminated from the inside, which provides an unusual decorative look.

At decorative lighting trees use a wide range of lighting elements, differing in modification and color palette: spotlights of different types, LED lamps, multi-colored garlands. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not turn the tree into a Christmas tree.

good to know

One of latest trends in decorative garden lighting is the desire for “light without lamps,” when any landscape element is used as a support or mount for low-voltage LED light sources. Lamps are placed in the crowns of trees and bushes, hidden in the flower garden. LED lights do not require robust housings and reflectors, providing more more possibilities for garden lighting design.

Illuminating water at night creates amazingly beautiful effects. For example, thanks to the right light, an ordinary pond can be given a truly fabulous look by combining different types backlight. Designers recommend illuminating muddy bodies of water with warm white-yellow light, and if the water is absolutely transparent - with blue light: it will emphasize the purity of the water.

If you have an outdoor pool in your yard and it still doesn’t please you with the play of water and light at night, you can decorate it with moisture-proof surfaces LED strips or even illuminate it from the inside with special sealed lamps that work under water.

Even if you don’t have a Christmas tree in your yard, the upcoming New Year and Christmas can be celebrated in a truly festive manner if you prepare in advance. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about holiday lighting now. Pay special attention New Year's decoration your home so that the holiday atmosphere does not leave you throughout the New Year holidays.

But nothing makes you as happy as the original New Year's illumination, which includes all the colors of the rainbow, turning your home, facade or site into a New Year's fairy-tale extravaganza. There are not many companies in Vladivostok that offer similar services, but they do exist. For safety reasons, contact only stable, trusted companies that specialize directly in lighting.

Things to remember when creating garden lighting:

  1. Thanks to lighting and a competent specialist, you can easily divide into zones big garden, and in small things, on the contrary, visually expand the boundaries. It is also important to remember that cold light will move the object of illumination away, while warm light will, on the contrary, bring it closer.
  2. In a recreation area, for example on a terrace, it is better to use soft, diffused light warm colors. And if you add to it the dim light of lamps with “live” fire, this will give the atmosphere more comfort.
  3. You shouldn’t mix all the lighting colors at once, they should complement each other. In the landscape, it is better to abandon the dazzling white color; it will make the area boring and lifeless.
  4. With or without a reason, you can create festive lighting around your home by illuminating trees and other landscape objects using LEDs or garlands of miniature flickering light bulbs.

Thanks to their unique lighting characteristics, LEDs today are becoming the most popular light sources and are especially suitable for lighting both landscapes and architectural lighting, because the main disadvantage - low brightness - turns out to be an advantage here. Other advantages of LEDs: unprecedented compactness, efficiency and incredible service life.

1. Landscape lamp with LEDs “Stolbik”:
— Voltage: 220 volts.
— Power consumption: 2 W.

2. Full color RGB LED flood light.
Used for architectural illumination of facades and contours of buildings, columns, bridges; lighting of shop windows, billboards of buildings, monuments. Lighting angle 45?.
Light source: super bright LEDs. Projection distance: 20 meters.
- Alternating function: alternating colors one after another.
- Change function: constant change of one color.

3. Flexible neon - LED-based light cord, made in a PVC shell, the glow effect is identical to a traditional glass neon tube.
The light cord is shock-resistant and can withstand loads
up to 100 kg, waterproof.
Service life 100,000 hours.

distributed tori
Spotlights directed
Lanterns Garden lamps


LED lights
building or landscape
Selecting individual
building or landscape
Landscape flood lighting Local lighting elements
facade, gazebos, paths,
plants, water bodies
Local illumination
buildings and landscape
Selecting elements
or contours
Selecting elements
or contours
buildings and landscape
Reliability. Protected
from external influences
xia different
new types of lamps. Gromozd-
tions, the appearance is not decorated.
Can not use
for illumination of residential buildings.
Reliability. Protected
ity from external influences. Apply
different kinds lamps Mounted
using brackets that spoil
object perception.
Reliability. Protected
ity from appearance
they are influenced
Viy. Wide choose option
Commodity decor-
device. Installed
and on supports
and on the walls of the building
and fences. They blind the viewer's eyes.
Relative reliability
and protected-
from external influences.
functions. Big
selection of models
for different
lighting objects.
in operation. Protection from external influences. Large selection of types for different
give neon
lamp any shape. Uniform
glow. Service life - 100-1000 hours. More than 130 shades
glow. High energy consumption.
Difficult installation of devices. High
Easy to install. Economical. Service life - 100 thousand hours. Big
maintenance interval
The color range includes more
16 million shades. Large selection of devices, including tapes, tubes, cords.

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