Features of construction and design: two-level stretch ceilings. How to make a two-level stretch ceiling with your own hands? How to assemble a two-level stretch ceiling

If you want to hide the defects of your main ceiling and at the same time add a “zest” to own interior, two-level suspended ceiling- exactly what is needed.

This original and unique decorative design you can install it yourself. First you will need to develop a sketch that serves as a guide, which serves as a guide during the work, fortunately it is plastic and flexible PVC film allows you to realize any design idea.

The sketch must be functional and practical. So, in a room whose interior is laconic, it will be completely unnecessary complex shape ceiling structure. The dimensions, boundaries and location of each ceiling level must be clearly defined. What level will be the main one? Which one will perform? And, of course, you cannot do without measuring the diagonal and perimeter of the room, determining its area, and, in addition, the location of lighting fixtures.

Next steps - immediate preparation ceiling surface to work: the previous finishing and exfoliated areas of the previous plaster are removed from it. The floor slab is also cleaned of cement chips. If your ceiling has too serious defects, then read the article -.

Installation of supporting structure

It begins with defining the level interface. To apply it to the surface of the main ceiling, a thick marker is enough. Then the aluminum profile is attached along the marked line using a hammer drill and dowels.

Moreover, if the profile is fixed along a curve, it is cut with metal scissors at intervals of 3-4 cm. A strip of plastic covers the end surface between the upper and lower levels. In this case, its thickness should be approximately 10 cm: a smaller thickness will deprive the entire structure of rigidity, and a larger thickness will deprive it of flexibility and elasticity, which will complicate the construction of curved sections of the frame. Its width will be affected by the planned height of the second level. In addition, such a strip, when attached to an aluminum profile, requires additional reinforcement.

To make a curved shape, the metal profile is cut with metal scissors or wire cutters

Otherwise, if the material is stretched, the loose section of the strip is screwed into the space of the second level.

This problem can be solved by installing wooden blocks along the strip, not exceeding the width of the strip in height. In this case, the number of bars is determined:

  • Configuration - the more complex the shape of the outline of the protruding ceiling level, the more bars will be needed,
  • The length of the dividing line - its value is directly proportional to the number of bars being installed, the optimal distance between them is 50 cm.

The strip is fastened to the bars using self-tapping screws. And so that the heads of the screws do not stand out under the ceiling, leaving dark spots, it is recommended to cover them with epoxy mastic and clean them. There is another option for simplifying assembly: using not a whole plastic strip, but pieces of it, with the obligatory fixation of them with wooden plates or self-tapping screws. In this case, the plate should not exceed the width of the strip, but the joints will have to be overlapped by about 5 cm in both directions.

In this article we will not dwell on the construction of a frame for two-level ceiling, because we have already written everything about the construction of the frame and covering the ceiling with plasterboard - you can see this on our website, but below, be sure to pay attention to what the frame is and how the frame is covered with plasterboard.

Installation of baguettes - brackets fixing the ceiling sheet

  1. At the main level, starting from the walls, in the lowest corner it is necessary to retreat approximately 4 cm from the ceiling and put a mark. Next, using a water level, this mark is transferred to other walls;
  2. If you need to install internal lighting under a stretched ceiling sheet, the ceiling drops even lower, because you need to take into account the height of the lighting fixtures used;
  3. With the second level, starting from the wall, marking the position of the baguette depends on the height of this level.

The material for the baguette is aluminum or plastic profile. At large area For stretch ceilings, it is better to use aluminum brackets: they are more rigid and reliable. The optimal interval between screws is approximately 10 cm, but in the corners it decreases to 5 cm.

Mounting brackets are installed along all sides of the room. Each level of the stretch ceiling needs its own row of baguettes, and the arrangement of the second level baguettes should be such that plastic construction completely covered with the material of the additional ceiling surface.

Installation of ceiling canvas

Here everything depends primarily on the material used:

  • Polyvinyl chloride fabric is taken at 10% smaller size premises. However, taking into account the fact that this material it is necessary to heat it up to 70 0 C using a heat gun; installing it yourself is highly undesirable;
  • When choosing a polyvinyl chloride fabric on a fabric basis, you need to take care of the allowances - 15 cm on each side. However, in this case, heating is not required, and the excess is cut off upon completion of the tension, which can be done with your own hands. It's easy to do. First, attention is paid to the first level.

When installing a two-level ceiling, work begins with the first level and is carried out from any corner. A construction spatula is taken, and with its help the ceiling sheet is tucked into the baguette. A similar action is performed in the opposite corner. After this, the material is attached to the center of each side of the wall. And in each case, between a pair of fixed places, the canvas is stretched in the center. Gradually, the tensioning process continues, and the interval between the points of fastening the canvas decreases. Finally, the canvas is fixed in a baguette using special plates, and the second level of the ceiling surface is stretched in a similar way.

Installation of lighting elements

There are two options here:

  1. The elements are removed inside, and then they will have to be installed before tension occurs;
  2. The elements are brought out, and then you have to carefully cut through the ceiling and stick plastic inserts in the places where the lamp is supposed to be mounted.

When installing a two-level stretch ceiling yourself, you must take into account that in this case all responsibility is removed from the ceiling fabric manufacturers. The installation itself will have to be carried out very carefully, taking into account the smallest details, otherwise it may be necessary to completely remove the structure and carry out the work again.

Video - installation of a two-level ceiling

With the advent of suspended ceilings, many repair issues can be resolved quickly and easily. A special PVC film protects from water from above, gives a smooth surface to the ceiling and is very attractive in appearance.

But last years There are more and more supporters of installing suspended ceilings with two levels, which look more impressive and will allow the bold plans of owners and designers to be realized.

Sequence of actions during installation: step by step using video

The common belief about the difficulty of installing a ceiling with several levels is wrong. If you know the algorithm of actions and follow the instructions in the training video, then everyone can understand the secrets of the installation.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • ceiling markings. This work is done using laser level. the main task at this stage - find the lower level and draw a line from it;
  • sawing the baguette. A baguette is cut at an angle of 45 degrees, with the help of which a base for fastening is prepared tension fabric. Next, the master brings together the corners where the wall and the lower level meet. There may be several such places (depending on the ceiling configuration);
  • fastening of consoles. The next stage of installation of tension multi-level ceilings– fastening consoles to floor slabs and hanging profiles. This design allows you to lower the level of future tension structure. At this stage, the required shape of the ceiling is set, thanks to the flexibility of the perforated aluminum profile and several points of its attachment;
  • fixation of the entire perimeter of the profile. If the consoles have excess components left, they are bent;
  • installation of reflective material. To achieve best quality lighting, craftsmen install special reflective material in the areas of the ceiling where it is planned to install lighting devices. At the same time, there is no need for an additional base for installation;
  • installation of a mortgage. One of the main problems for beginners is attaching a fixture for lamps. But there are no difficulties here if you undergo training in installing suspended ceilings using the video tutorial provided. The craftsmen clearly show how the mortgage is attached and what elements may be useful for this;
  • wiring preparation. After installing the embed, power wires are supplied to the place where the lamp is attached. All that remains is to connect the light source after completion of the work;
  • grinding. Special attention is paid to joints and corners of profiles that need to be processed sandpaper and seal with tape. This is necessary to avoid damage to the ceiling;
  • preparation of tools for installation of the canvas;
  • filling the lower level (work is done starting from the corners). In this case, the film is heated by a heat gun. Once the corners are tucked in, the entire perimeter is tightened;
  • installation of lamps and testing of lighting;
  • filling the upper part of the ceiling (second level).

Interest in stretch ceilings is growing every day. Today they are at the peak of their popularity. And this is no coincidence, because thanks to modern technologies materials with new properties appear. Designers use them to create amazing projects. One such material is polyvinyl chloride film. The use of this material allows you to create a perfectly flat, smooth, seamless surface of any size without using paint or putty. It, for example, can be beautiful matte or have the appearance of a mirror gloss. Polyvinyl chloride film is a very plastic material, which makes it possible to use it for mounting surfaces of any shape. And a huge range of colors helps in solving any problem. Simple installation technology and good aesthetic properties enable many people to independently use PVC film in personal projects. A strong deterrent that prevents the independent implementation of the project is the lack of understanding of the technology for installing two-level suspended ceilings. Therefore, let's carefully and step by step examine how you can install two-level stretch ceilings with your own hands. And how beautiful two-tier stretch ceilings can be can be seen in the video and photos presented below.

Installation of a two-level stretch ceiling

The design of a two-level stretch ceiling consists of a pair of levels of stretched PVC film with some offset relative to each other. The first or upper level serves to level out all the unevenness of the main ceiling and serves as a base for installation of the next level. The lower or second level achieves various design solutions and fantasies. A special configuration baguette is used for installation. It is mounted under the ceiling in the form of a rigid frame. The material for covering the ceiling is polyvinyl chloride film.

On a note: You can choose any color and texture: matte or glossy. The effect of a ceiling divided into two parts is created. The lower part can be made in the form of any geometric shape and size.

Installation of a two-level stretch ceiling

As with any other matter, the assembly of two-level suspended ceilings begins with preparatory work. You can take care of the tools and materials used at all stages of work. We will need:

  • tape measure, ruler, pencil, marker, marking paper, calculator;
  • construction and hydraulic levels;
  • chockline;
  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • hammer;
  • dowels, screws;
  • heat gun;
  • PVC film, baguette.

When purchasing a film, take into account the color and whether the surface should be matte or glossy.


The entire result can depend on the markup future work. Therefore, we approach the point with special attention. What to do:

  • measure the height of all corners of the room and find the lowest corner. We retreat about 5 cm from it and put a control mark. Horizontal level We transfer the mark to all corners of the room and connect them together using a chokeline. We create the perimeter of the upper level of the ceiling;
  • Next, we apply the markings of the lower level in accordance with the drawn up project. It is convenient to create a project on checkered paper;
  • mark the transition line between levels. All marked contours should be clearly visible. If everything has been provided for, the marking is ready;
  • we count exact dimensions PVC fabrics.

Frame installation

  1. Installation of the frame begins with the installation of a profile or baguette along the entire perimeter of both the upper and lower levels. The baguette is attached to the walls with screws into holes prepared in advance using a hammer drill. Thus, a rigid frame is formed along the entire perimeter of the ceiling, which will hold the PVC sheet.
  2. The canvas is hung on ropes from the corners of the room and heated to 60-70. A heat gun is used for heating. At this temperature, the polyvinyl chloride film becomes elastic and soft.
  3. At the next stage of installation, the PVC sheet is stretched along the perimeter of the ceiling. This will require the help of several people. The heated fabric stretches well. Using a construction spatula, the edges of the canvas are inserted into the baguette and fixed in a certain way. The top level is installed first. After carefully laying the canvas, a second one is installed. The excess is removed. Allow the room to cool until room temperature. As the film cools, it acquires elastic properties and stretches.

Of course, a professional team will complete the installation work quickly and efficiently. But as we understand, a description of the installation of 2-level suspended ceilings, accompanied by a video, will make this work quite a feasible task. You just need to get necessary tool, the main and most expensive of which is the heat gun. It also requires diligence, time and some construction skills.

Video about two-level assembly of a stretch ceiling frame

Attention, TODAY only!

Two-level ceilings can be constructed independently based on various materials: gypsum fiber, wood-building boards or plasterboard.

To carry out quick and high-quality installation you need to thoroughly prepare for work, acquire the necessary tools and materials.

Features of the technology for creating a two-level ceiling

The installation of such a ceiling is in many ways similar to the installation of gypsum structures: first, a rigid structure of the required shape is assembled, after which it is attached to the main ceiling.

Perhaps the only difference is the need to use for installing ceilings expensive materials, which allow you to assemble a frame of excellent quality in a very short time.

One of the features of two-level stretch ceilings is their low cost. Therefore, compared to other models, their installation is a relatively inexpensive process.

Work order

  1. The first step is marking. The ceiling should be divided into two tiers. The construction of the tiers is carried out separately. The top level is standard ceiling, while the lower one is only a complement to the upper one. However, the lower one is also an independent one developed by designers single-level ceiling different configuration.
  2. First, the upper tier is marked. For this purpose, an exact outline must be drawn along the entire perimeter of the room. It is necessary to define the surface created ceiling. To obtain an absolutely horizontal plane, it is recommended to use a special laser level.
  3. The next step is to install guide metal profiles under the main ceiling along the perimeter, in exact accordance with the intended line. Regular self-tapping screws are used to secure them.
  4. After this, using special fasteners, ceiling profiles, or suspensions, are installed and secured. Using adjustable hangers, you can easily level profiles.
  5. The suspensions are fastened along the ceiling profiles, at a distance of 0.5 m from one another. As for the profiles, a 30-centimeter gap should be maintained between them.
  6. At large sizes rooms use spacers based on the same profile to fasten ceiling profiles to each other.
  7. The last step in installing the upper tier is laying plasterboard sheets and securing them to the frame using self-tapping screws.

After this, you can proceed to the installation of the lower level.

Stretch ceiling is one of the varieties suspended structures, we suggest you familiarize yourself with them.

Setting the lower level

When installing the second level, you should focus on the location of the top one.

Installing straight frame parts is not difficult, but when installing curved elements, certain problems may arise. The main task is the need to correctly trim the profiles so that these parts can be easily bent and given the required shapes.

  1. As a rule, profiles are cut in several places, and the size of the cuts should be two-thirds of the entire width of the profile. Metallic profile can be easily bent along the cut lines.
  2. In the case where the lower level starts from the wall, the profiles are attached directly to it.
  3. When the level is located in the middle, the profiles are mounted to the plasterboard of the upper tier. To withstand the load placed on it, the frame of the upper tier must be different increased strength.
  4. Upon completion of installation of the frame, it must be sheathed with plasterboard sheets in accordance with the technology used in the first case.
  5. When carrying out the installation yourself, the process of covering the side wall of the space between the levels is particularly difficult. Problems may be associated with the shaped surface of the ceiling. However, if you know some subtleties, the process can be carried out without special labor. It is necessary to cut a strip of the required size from a single sheet of plasterboard and thoroughly moisten this part with a sponge. Having completed the described manipulations, you should wait for the material to dry. The strip will gain the necessary flexibility, as a result it can be easily installed.
  6. Fastening to the frame is done using screws. After final drying plasterboard sheet will be characterized by increased strength. Using the described method, you can arrange almost any uneven surface.
  7. The final stage of work is sealing the joints between the sheets, installing lamps, applying a primer to the surface and finishing surfaces.

Such a ceiling will decorate any room and give it an aesthetically unique look.

Interest in stretch ceilings is growing every day. Today they are at the peak of their popularity. And this is no coincidence, because thanks to modern technologies, materials with new properties appear. Designers use them to create amazing projects. One such material is polyvinyl chloride film. The use of this material allows you to create a perfectly flat, smooth, seamless surface of any size without using paint or putty. It, for example, can be beautiful matte or have the appearance of a mirror gloss. Polyvinyl chloride film is a very plastic material, which makes it possible to use it for mounting surfaces of any shape. And a huge range of colors helps in solving any problem. Simple installation technology and good aesthetic properties enable many people to independently use PVC film in personal projects. A strong limiting factor preventing the independent implementation of the project is the lack of understanding of the technology for installing two-level coatings. Therefore, let's carefully and step by step examine how you can install two-level stretch ceilings with your own hands. And how beautiful two-tiered hanging surfaces can be can be seen in the video and photos presented below.

Installation of a two-level stretch ceiling

The design of a two-level stretch ceiling consists of a pair of levels of stretched PVC film with some offset relative to each other. The first or upper level serves to level out all the unevenness of the main ceiling and serves as the base for the installation of the next level. The lower or second level achieves various design solutions and fantasies. A special configuration baguette is used for installation. It is mounted under the canvas in the form of a rigid frame. The material for covering the surface is polyvinyl chloride film.

On a note: You can choose any color and texture: matte or glossy. It creates the effect of being divided into two parts. The lower part can be made in the form of any geometric shape and size.

Installation of a two-level ceiling

Like any other matter, the assembly of two-level stretch ceilings begins with preparatory work. You can take care of the tools and materials used at all stages of work. We will need:

  • tape measure, ruler, pencil, marker, marking paper, calculator;
  • construction and hydraulic levels;
  • chockline;
  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • hammer;
  • dowels, screws;
  • heat gun;
  • PVC film, baguette.

When purchasing a film, take into account the color and whether the surface should be matte or glossy.


The entire result of future work can depend on the markup. Therefore, we approach this point with special attention. What to do:

  • measure the height of all corners of the room and find the lowest corner. We retreat about 5 cm from it and put a control mark. Using a horizontal level, we transfer the mark to all corners of the room and connect them to each other using a chokeline. We create the perimeter of the upper level of the ceiling;
  • Next, we apply the markings of the lower level in accordance with the drawn up project. It is convenient to create a project on checkered paper;
  • mark the transition line between levels. All marked contours should be clearly visible. If everything has been provided for, the marking is ready;
  • We calculate the exact dimensions of the PVC sheet.

Frame installation

  1. Installation of the frame begins with the installation of a profile or baguette along the entire perimeter of both the upper and lower levels. The baguette is attached to the walls with screws into holes prepared in advance using a hammer drill. Thus, a rigid frame is formed along the entire perimeter of the ceiling, which will hold the PVC sheet.
  2. The canvas is hung on ropes from the corners of the room and heated to 60-70 ℃. A heat gun is used for heating. At this temperature, the polyvinyl chloride film becomes elastic and soft.
  3. At the next stage of installation, the PVC sheet is stretched along the perimeter of the ceiling. This will require the help of several people. The heated fabric stretches well. Using a construction spatula, the edges of the canvas are inserted into the baguette and fixed in a certain way. The top level is installed first. After carefully laying the canvas, a second one is installed. The excess is removed. Allow the room to cool to room temperature. As the film cools, it acquires elastic properties and stretches.

Of course, a professional team will complete the installation work quickly and efficiently. But as we understand, a description of the installation of 2-level suspended ceilings, accompanied by a video, will make this work quite a feasible task. You just need to acquire the necessary tool, the main and most expensive of which is a heat gun. It also requires diligence, time and some construction skills.

Video on the topic

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