Gardeners' experience: how to plant an apple tree in summer? At what time should trees be planted? What trees can be planted in the summer in July.

In many dachas there are often plantings of apple trees. The popularity of this type of tree is explained by the fact that caring for it is simple, and the harvest collected at the end of the season allows you to provide the family with a supply of vitamins for the entire winter. Usually, young apple trees are planted in autumn and spring, but sometimes growers replenish their garden with new varieties in the summer, using ready-made planting material. Summer planting is not much different from autumn or spring, but is characterized by some features on which the growth and formation of the tree depends.

Selection of seedlings

Planting apple trees in summer, as in any other period, begins with the correct selection and acquisition of seedlings. They should have a strong, light green stem with a closed root system and no signs of damage. To check, just pick the bark a little with your fingernail - if it is moist and elastic, then the tree is healthy. It is not advisable to buy large specimens, since their roots are fully formed. Such an apple tree will find it difficult to take root and will often get sick, requiring more careful care. In addition, before purchasing, you should consider the following criteria:

  1. Landing place. Often seedlings grown in the southern regions are sold on the market. They have a beautiful appearance, but when they are planted in the northern or central regions of the country, you cannot count on a good harvest. After the first winter, such specimens may die. Therefore, you need to purchase apple trees that grew in the same climatic zone where you plan to transplant them.
  2. Fruiting period. Winter varieties are usually chosen for long-term storage of fruits, autumn varieties are ideal for harvesting, and summer varieties are planted when the apples are planned to be consumed fresh from the tree.
  3. Age of the seedling. It is best to buy apple trees that are no more than 1-2 years old. Their crown usually consists of only one main trunk; two-year-old trees may have several branches.
  4. Apple tree growth. The taller the tree, the deeper its roots will have to go. In summer cottages where clay soil predominates and groundwater flows close, it is necessary to choose dwarf or medium-sized varieties. You can also land on artificial hills.
  5. Quality of samples. Each seedling must have a graft, and the main root must have small white shoots without signs of rot or drying out.


The choice of location where you plan to grow apple trees also plays a huge role. Due to the fact that it will be permanent, you should think about the layout of the future garden in advance. It is recommended to give preference to open and sunny areas located away from tall trees and buildings, as they will shade the seedlings and interfere with their normal development. In addition, the site must be protected from strong winds. You cannot plant apple trees next to a garage or house at a distance of up to 3 meters, because the roots will not have enough space to form. This also applies to laid underground communications - the electrical cable and pipeline can be damaged by the root system of the tree, so you should retreat 3 m from them.

When there is already a garden on the site, and the summer resident simply plans to supplement it with apple trees, it is important to maintain a distance of 2 m between the plantings. Thus, the trees will not shade each other, and they will have enough space for normal growth and fruiting. As for the distance between the apple trees themselves, according to GOST, it varies from 2.5 to 5 m. It is also necessary to take into account what level of shading the new plantings will create, and whether it will then be comfortable for other shrubs, berries and flowers to grow in the garden.

After choosing a location, the next stage will be preparatory work for its improvement.

It is not recommended to plant apple trees if the soil has a marshy structure and has a crushed stone or rocky base. Clay soil, through which air and moisture does not pass well, is also not suitable. It is also important that the passage of groundwater is no more than 200 cm deep.

Pit preparation is carried out as follows:

  • A month before the planned planting, a rounded hole is dug, 100 cm in diameter and 70 cm in depth. The walls of the hole are made vertical, the fertile top layer is removed and set aside, it will be used later. A stake with a diameter of 5 cm is driven into the center of the recess. Its length should be such that it protrudes freely from the hole. The lower part of the peg is burned in advance to protect it from rotting.
  • Then the fertile soil is thoroughly mixed with compost, humus and peat. For summer planting, it is also necessary to add fertilizers in the form of potassium sulfate, ash and superphosphate. In clayey areas, a depression is made more than 70 cm, the soil is mixed with sand and drainage is created from layers of crushed stones and stones. Thanks to the drainage system, the roots of the apple tree will be able to access air and nutrition. Then the earthen mixture is poured into the bottom of the hole, forming a small hill, and filled with plenty of water.
  • The final stage in preparation will be an inspection of the root system of the seedling. If there are diseased and damaged shoots in it, they are cut off. If the root is dry, then the apple tree should be placed in warm water for several days, and before planting itself, soaked for several hours in a special solution made from clay and mullein.

When using dwarf varieties, planting must be done without delay, otherwise the roots will quickly dry out and the seedling will not take root well.

Summer planting rules

Apple tree seedlings should be planted correctly in the fall, but if there is a unique chance to purchase quality specimens in the summer, then they can be planted in June or July. Depending on whether young trees have a closed or open root system, the following types of plantings are used:

  1. Transshipment. This method allows you to place apple trees in holes without destroying the earthen ball on the roots. In this case, the planting site is completely covered with soil and a small hole is made in it, corresponding in size to the roots of the plant. The tree is brought to the hole, carefully holding the trunk, then the walls of the container are crushed, and the plant is placed in the hole. The apple tree is covered with a fertile layer to the level at which it was previously grown in a container, and the earth is well compacted. At the end of the process, a vertical stake is attached next to the planting for support.
  2. With open roots. To plant an apple tree using this technology, another step-by-step instruction is used. A day before transplanting, the seedling is soaked in a special root-forming solution. If the roots are slightly rotten or dried out, they must be trimmed. A layer of fertile soil is poured inside the hole and the plant is placed in it, carefully straightening the roots. The young tree is filled up so that its root collar is visible 5 cm from the ground. The soil around the planting site is compacted and the seedling is tied to a wooden peg.

In order for the seedling to take root faster in the summer, it is necessary to form a mound 15 cm high at a distance of 80 cm from its trunk and gradually water it with three buckets of water. You should expect the soil to settle between waterings. When it stops “waking up,” watering is stopped and the circle around the trunk is covered with a small layer of humus, compost or vermicompost. Mulching is considered the main component of the summer planting of young apple trees.


Fruit trees planted in summer require more care compared to seedlings planted in spring or autumn. They need time to settle down and get used to the climatic conditions. To further protect trees from cold weather and rodents, they are dug in for the winter and placed near the plantings with blackberry or rose hip branches. In addition, apple trees must be pruned in a timely manner, otherwise they will lose their shape and begin to grow in breadth and height. After this, fruits and leaves will predominate in the upper periphery of the crown, and the central part will become smaller, and the tree will become bare over time. Unpruned seedlings will also experience excessive shading, causing photosynthesis to slow down, which will negatively affect the future harvest.

The optimal parameters for the crown of an apple tree are considered to be a height of up to 4 m and a width of 2.5 m. When pruning, unproductive and puny branches are removed. This should be done correctly, trying not to cause deep wounds to the plant. All cut areas must be painted over to protect against infection.

Before and after flowering, seedlings often suffer from a lack of nutrients, so they need to be looked after with special responsibility, feeding them with fertilizers. Not only the healthy condition of the tree, but also its fertility will depend on this. As a rule, apple trees are fed several times a year: in the spring during flowering, during the ripening period of apples and after harvesting. But since in this case the planting material was planted in the summer, it needs to be fertilized as much as possible immediately after planting and in the fall. To do this, first of all, the feeding area is determined; it is usually selected along the circumference of the hole at a distance of 70 cm from the trunk.

The first feeding is carried out using folk humus. It is scattered around the plantings. You can also use urea, spending 400-500 g of solution per apple tree. For greater effect, 2 tbsp. spoons of urea are dissolved in 10 liters of water and sprayed onto the trunk, branches and leaves. It is recommended to repeat this procedure after 20 days. The next feeding is carried out with a special composition of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate, while urea can be replaced with bird droppings. The prepared mineral mixture is stirred well and applied under the tree, watering it generously with water both before and after fertilizing.

Subsequent feedings are carried out using solutions of nitrophoska, sodium humate and nitrogen-phosphorus additives. It is worth noting that All nutrients must not only be poured into the ground, but also the seedling must be sprayed with them. This increases the viability of the apple tree and its resistance to disease. The last feeding is required for seedlings at the end of autumn. Then the most important thing is to keep the planting area clean and regularly update the layer of mulching material.

As for watering, apple tree seedlings especially need moisture in the summer. A young tree will need at least two buckets of water per watering, and this regime must be observed during the first 2 months after planting. In hot weather, it is recommended to water the seedlings often, but in small portions. Water consumption per 1 m2 is usually 4 buckets. All soil under the tree should be filled, maintaining an interval of 15-20 days.

Loosening the soil around the trunk will help improve the hydration of the root system. It is advisable to do this before watering. A three-year-old apple tree does not require intensive moisture, as it may reduce yield. For her, it is enough to carry out “water procedures” once a month, in this case no more than 40 liters are spent on one tree. If the summer is dry and hot, then the watering rate is increased, and if there is frequent rain, you can do without it altogether. To find out whether the seedling is sufficiently moistened, you need to make a small hole in the mulch layer. Dry soil underneath will indicate that watering is needed.

Plants planted in summer are often exposed to the negative effects of scorching sun. To protect them, you should organize partial shade, this is especially important in the middle of the day. A lightweight, light-colored material is perfect for this.

To summarize, it should be noted that apple trees can be planted both in the autumn-spring period and in the summer. At the same time, summer plantings require special care because they adapt and grow more slowly. But if you make every effort, the young tree will eventually thank the gardener not only with a quick growing season, but also with many useful fruits.

An apple orchard is considered an essential part of a plot of land - in the spring it delights with lush colors, in the summer it provides shade, and in the fall it gives fragrant apples. To grow healthy and fertile trees, you need to work hard. The following recommendations from experienced gardeners will help beginning gardeners with this.

First of all, planting material must be purchased from specialized nurseries. Thus, you can be sure of the “purity” of the variety and that the future apple tree is grafted.

It is also advisable to prepare the planting hole in advance. Thanks to this, its bottom and side walls will be well moistened, and the soil will be compacted before planting. The dimensions of the recesses are selected depending on the dimensions of the root system. For tall varieties, dig a hole 100x120 cm deep, for dwarf and low-growing varieties 100x50 cm.

It is important to consider that their protection from rodents plays a huge role in caring for seedlings. Young trees over 4 years old are whitened with lime mortar. Their rough bark will not be damaged during processing. To do this, 6 kg of slaked lime and 2 kg of white clay are diluted in 20 liters of water. For greater effect, you can also add wood glue and copper sulfate to the mixture. For very young summer apple trees, it is best to whitewash them with a solution of chalk and water.

It is recommended to water apple trees planted in summer and feed them with organic ingredients. This will help them “get over the disease” faster and begin normal development. At the same time, you should be careful with fertilizing with humus, since in hot weather it can “burn” the root system of the plantings.

To learn how to care for apple tree seedlings, watch the following video.

Flowering and ornamental shrubs make your garden beautiful and visible throughout the year. Which ones should you plant? Choose, and you will always enjoy the aroma, flowers and extraordinary berries of these plants:

  1. Potentilla bush (Kuril tea, five-leafed plant)
  2. Japanese quince (chaenomeles)
  3. vesicular carp
  4. euonymus
  5. barberry

Cinquefoil bush (Kuril tea, cinquefoil)

Cinquefoil shrub is a wonderful, unpretentious and winter-hardy plant. Flowering: a large number of large flowers of various colors (yellow, white, pink, orange). There are terry forms. Flowering lasts from May to August, some varieties bloom until October.

The height of the bush is from 0.5-0.7m to 1.5m. The crown is dense, highly branched, and has the shape of a ball. It lends itself well to cutting and shaping. Cinquefoil is light-loving and drought-resistant. However, in bright sun the flowers may fade.

Cinquefoil is perfect for creating hedge, flower garden and alpine slide design. Goes great with conifers. It is often planted in the foreground of plants with bare bottoms.

Popular varieties:

  • Goldstar- flowers are bright yellow up to 5cm, blooms from June to October
  • Abbotswood- flowers are pure white, simple, 2.5 cm in diameter. Flowering: June - October
  • Snowbird- white, terry
  • Annette– low-growing shrub 0.5 m, orange flowers
  • Pink Beauty - dark pink flowers up to 3cm in diameter. Blooms from June until frost
  • Pink Queen - pink flowers. Flowering from May to October
  • Princess syn. Blink- pale pink flowers 2.5 cm

Chaenomeles is a deciduous or semi-evergreen, beautifully flowering shrub, slow growing and rather prickly. Under favorable conditions it can reach 3m in height and live up to 80 years. Japanese quince blooms with wonderful, large scarlet flowers in May. Quince thrives in sunny areas, blooms and bears fruit profusely. The yellow fruits of Chaenomeles resemble small apples in appearance and are rich in vitamin C.

Chaenomeles can be planted either singly against the background of a lawn, or in a group of plants, in a rocky garden, or used as a hedge. Low-growing species of Japanese quince are suitable for decorating an alpine hill or border in a flower garden.

The standard Chaenomeles tree will become a real decoration of the garden. To do this, cuttings of Japanese quince are grafted onto wild pear or rowan.

chaenomeles japonica(flowers are bright red, large up to 5cm, height up to 3m)

chaenomeles maulea(flowers 2-3cm red-brown, height up to 1m)

  • Nivalis(red)
  • Brilliant(bright red)
  • Hollandia(salmon)
  • Vesuvius(red)
  • Pink Lady(pink)

beautiful quince Nakai(large red flowers, height up to 1m)

  • Nakai Nivalis - white flowers
  • Nakai Phylis Moore - salmon pink flowers
  • Nakai Boule de Feu - blooms bright red
  • Nakai Simonii - semi-double red

Bladderwort viburnum

The viburnum leaf has beautiful, bright foliage in different shades from yellow-green to wine red. The leaves are large, corrugated, located on the spreading branches of the vesicular carp. The crown of the bush is lush, spherical, easy to trim and shape.

Bladderwort is ideal for hedges. A hedge of several varieties with different leaf colors and bright red fruits at the moment of ripening looks interesting.

  • Dart's Gold- height up to 1.5 meters. Young foliage is orange-yellow, turns green in summer, and turns yellow-bronze in autumn.
  • Luteus- height up to 3 meters. Yellow-leaved variety. In open areas - bright yellow, in the shade - yellow-green
  • Red Baron- reaches 1.5-2 meters in height. Distinguished by pink blooms and red berries
  • Coppertina- height of the bush is 1.5–2.5 m, the foliage is orange in the spring, acquiring red tones in the summer. The flowers are white, turning pink after blooming.
  • Summer Wine- bush up to 2 meters in height. Young bushes are distinguished by beautiful red wine-colored foliage. Gradually the color changes to green
  • Diabolo- tall bush up to 3 meters in height. The foliage color is purplish-red, in the shade it becomes green with a slight purple tint.
  • Аurea– bright yellow foliage with an orange tint.

Unpretentious, easily tolerates air pollution, grows well in shade and partial shade. There are quite a few species of euonymus, so among them you can find both low shrubs and large trees with a fluffy crown.

Euonymus blooms in May - June, but these flowers do not attract attention, but the most spectacular thing about this plant is, of course, the foliage! In spring it has the usual green color, but closer to autumn it flashes with all sorts of colors: white, yellow, purple, crimson, red, violet, orange.

The fruits of the euonymus are also interesting - bright boxes on long stems of bright, contrasting colors. They not only decorate the autumn and winter gardens, but also attract birds there. Attention! Euonymus fruits are poisonous!

Euonymus is used as ground cover shrubs, planted in flower arrangements, in paving windows, in rockeries and alpine slides. A good contrasting combination of euonymus with conifers: thujas, junipers, boxwoods.

Fortune's euonymus- low, variegated shrub up to 0.5 meters in height. Valuable for the bright colors of emerald foliage with a white or golden-yellow border

  • Vegetus
  • Minimus
  • Emerald newspaper
  • Emerald Gold
  • SunSpot
  • Sheridangold
  • SilverQueen

Japanese euonymus(Euonymus japonicus)

European euonymus Albus

Euonymus warty(Euonymus verrucosus) - reaches 1.5 meters, frost-resistant, very decorative

dwarf euonymus

Koopmann's euonymus- creeping species without a trunk with arched branches

When is it better to plant fruit tree seedlings in spring or autumn?

Transplanting a plant is a traumatic operation, which is best performed during a period of natural dormancy, then it occurs practically “under anesthesia.” This especially applies to seedlings with bare roots.

Most fruit trees are best planted in a permanent place after the completion of the growing season - in the fall. Approximately, this is a month before the top layer of soil freezes. Some trees are best planted in the spring. Let's talk in more detail about the timing of planting fruit tree seedlings, how to fertilize and properly care for them.

When is it better to plant fruit trees - in spring or autumn?

Determining that a tree is ready for transplanting is very simple. The main criterion is that the tree has dropped half of its leaves.. They are used as a guide when planting winter-hardy varieties of pears and apple trees, as well as all berry bushes.

Varieties of apple and pear trees with insufficient frost resistance, as well as all stone fruits(cherry, sweet cherry, plum, apricot and peach), it is better to plant in the spring. Moreover, it is necessary to do this as early as possible - before the moisture has left and the buds have not yet opened.

Planting fruit tree seedlings in spring

In any case, planting holes are prepared in advance - for spring planting, for example, in the fall (August - September). The minimum deadline for preparing pits is 2 weeks .

How to choose a seedling for planting in the Moscow region and other regions

In order not to throw money away and grow a truly productive fruit tree, you should approach the choice of seedlings with understanding and responsibility.

Selecting a seedling with an open root system

Wrap the roots in several layers of damp burlap or newspaper. If the seedling does dry out, immerse it in water for a day or two until the bark regains its fresh appearance.

You can treat the roots with stimulants before planting.(Kornevin or Heteroauxin) according to the instructions.

Make sure that the roots are not damaged. These areas will probably rot - they must be carefully removed to the healthy part.

Selecting a seedling in a container

Such planting material is more expensive. If you choose it correctly, you can plant it at any time convenient for you. Survival is guaranteed...

How not to make a mistake

The easiest way to check how long a tree has been growing in a container is to carefully lift the plant by the root part. If the earthen ball is removed along with the roots, you need to buy it - the seedling “lives” in the container for a long time.

Fruit tree seedlings grown in a container

Additionally, it will help you make sure you make the right choice. root growing through a hole in the bottom of the container.

The tree is installed in a prepared planting hole without disturbing the integrity of the earth clod. Water and cover with prepared soil mixture without burying the seedling.

Rules for planting seedlings in a garden plot at different times of the year?

Choosing a place to plant a fruit tree is done once and for all; success or disappointment depends on this choice. If the place turns out to be unsuitable for a fruit tree, after a few years it will be impossible to correct the mistake.

Choose a sunny place for planting, protected from the wind.. The proximity of groundwater is unacceptable - a tree can develop successfully for 5-7 years, and when its roots reach the aquifer, it will die from decay. At this age, replanting a tree is already incredibly difficult.

Preparatory activities

Even the choice of soil is not such a critical condition for planting a fruit tree. By improving the soil structure and proper fertilizing, almost any area is suitable for gardening.

Preparing the planting pit

Even in the case of fertile black soil, It is necessary to start planting a tree by preparing a planting hole. It must be dug up at least a month before planting the seedling. During this time, the dug up soil will have time to compact. This is a factor of extraordinary importance - there will be no problems with the correct deepening of the root collar of the seedling.

Root collar - where is it?

It would be useful to clarify what this “root collar” is. Often, inexperienced gardeners mistake the grafting site for the root collar, and as a result, bury the seedling an extra 10 centimeters. In fact, this is the area where the trunk meets the root. At this point, the dark color of the root turns into the lighter bark of the trunk.

After planting, the seedling should not experience a lack of nutrients, at least until it takes root. At this stage, very often, with the best of intentions, gardeners “overfeed” seedlings with fertilizers.

It is especially dangerous for young plants to add fresh organic matter and too much mineral fertilizer to the pit. These two extremes act equally depressing on soil microorganisms, namely they help the roots of the seedling to absorb nutrients from the soil and air.

  1. For a standard 1-2 year old seedling it is necessary dig a hole approximately 80x80 centimeters in size and the same depth. When digging a hole, fold the upper, more fertile layer separately from the lower one. Remove all stones and roots of perennial weeds. The bottom of the hole must be dug up using the bayonet of a shovel.
  2. At the bottom of the pit to improve water balance it is advisable sprinkle last year's leaves, house debris, wood ash. This will not only be good drainage, but also excellent additional feeding for the tree.
  3. Into the pit add 2 buckets of compost or humus, and proceed as follows.
  4. One bucket is mixed with the more fertile soil of the upper layer and poured into the bottom of the hole. You plant a seedling on this mound, straighten its roots and pour the second part of the compost directly onto the roots. At the same time, shake the seedling so that there are no air voids left unfilled with soil.
  5. I water it well t (minimum 2 buckets of water).
  6. The pit is filled to the top. For this, only the top fertile layer is used.
  7. From the bottom layer of the earth form a root hole around the tree trunk circle.
  8. Water again into the formed hole and cover it with mulch(peat, rotten sawdust, leaves, wood chips), this will not only retain water, but will also prevent the formation of a dense crust.

Scheme for planting fruit trees and shrubs

Tree planting density depends not only on the species, but also on:

  • type of seedling rootstock,
  • method of further formation,
  • features of the site layout.

The most common mistake novice gardeners make is planting too tightly.. It is very difficult to discern trees of at least 2.5 meters in height in the twigs of one-year-old seedlings after 10 years. The recommended planting scheme for shrubs and trees is given below.

Plan for planting fruit and berry trees at the dacha

Apple and pear seedlings on vigorous rootstocks are placed at a distance of 5 meters, medium-growing ones - 3.5-4 meters, dwarf ones - 2.5-3 meters. Columnar forms can be planted even after 0.5 meters in a row.

No less distance should be laid when planting seedlings near the house, this especially applies to tall forms of fruit trees, and especially pay close attention to the location of the walnut— over time it will be a 10-meter spreading tree.

Caring for a newly planted tree in spring and autumn

After planting a young tree, in addition to feeding the seedling, it must be given proper follow-up care. The first time after planting, seedlings most need watering. Among experienced old-school gardeners, there is an opinion that seedlings need watering for 2 years, even if they have taken root successfully. Even trees planted in autumn need to be watered until frost.. Only then will the tree grow strong and healthy.

No matter how great the desire is to try the harvest from a young tree, the first flowers must be removed. This especially applies to the first year after planting, otherwise the tree will devote all its strength to the first few fruits, and will not be able to grow a root system and a developed crown.

In addition to watering, a young tree requires preventive measures to protect against pests and fungal diseases. Do not ignore them during each garden treatment. Loss of branches and leaves from pests or disease can be critical for a young tree.

Preparing young trees for winter includes:

  • mulching trunk circle,
  • whitewashing the trunk for the prevention of sun and frosty winter burns,
  • protection against rodents and hares.

Protecting young trees from rodents and hares

A mulch layer must cover the tree trunk circle not only in summer to preserve moisture in the root zone. Mulch is especially necessary in the autumn-winter period. Even in the conditions of the central zone and the Moscow region, the roots of a tree or shrub seedling may suffer from freezing, especially if the snow cover is insignificant.

READ ALSO: How to properly transplant Kalanchoe at home

Fertilizers and top dressing for fruit trees

A well-filled planting hole provides nutrition to the planted tree for 2 years. In practice, it only needs watering.

Fertilizing the garden is carried out according to the established rule:

Fertilizers are usually applied to tree trunks in early spring (1) or autumn (2).

Fertilizers are applied to the root zone at the rate of 1 hectare of garden:

  • organic 300-500 kg (every 2-3 years),
  • inorganic N:P:K in proportions 1.5:1:0.6 (calculated per kg of chemically pure substance).

Fruit trees should be fertilized in spring and autumn

In addition to root fertilizing, gardeners often practice foliar fertilizing. In this case, so-called “tank mixtures” are used - combined solutions of chemicals, for example, against pests and a complex of foliar fertilizers.

Another “plus” of this processing— fertilizer consumption is minimal. For example, for nitrogen fertilizing, prepare a solution of 1 tablespoon of nitrate per 1 bucket of water.

The only inconvenience is that it cannot be processed immediately before rain.


The optimal time for planting fruit trees depends on many factors:

  • Depending on the climatic conditions of your region.
  • From the winter hardiness of the seedling.
  • Depending on the type of seedling - container or bare root.

In order not to get confused, Ukrainian gardeners have an old rule, which is all the more mandatory for colder regions- All stone fruits are planted in the spring, pome fruits - in the fall.


Gardeners' experience: how to plant an apple tree in summer?

Gardening experts recommend planting fruit trees when they are dormant.

Depending on the age of the tree, the best dates are considered to be early spring and mid-autumn.

You can plant young apple trees in the summer.

Knowing how to plant an apple tree in the summer, considering the most common mistakes, you can help the tree survive planting without any problems.

And proper care after planting will allow your apple trees to take root well before the onset of cold weather.

Why are gardeners afraid of summer planting apple trees?

Planting in spring and autumn has a number of advantages over summer planting.

  • sap flow in the body of the young tree has not yet begun, the apple tree is just beginning to wake up, so the process of root restoration takes place more organically;
  • after winter, the soil is sufficiently moist and nutritious, which facilitates rapid establishment of the seedling;
  • The young tree will have almost six months of the warm season to take root.
  • warm soil has a positive effect on the injured root system;
  • violent growth of shoots and foliage has ended, the fruits are full, the apple tree does not need to spend a lot of energy feeding the crown, you can direct the energy to restoring the roots;
  • the autumn seedling will not be pampered - frosts await it ahead: such hardening stimulates the development of healthy immunity and lays a good foundation for further growth.

What happens to the seedling in the summer?

Planting an apple tree in summer

When planting an apple tree, you must take into account that summer is different. Therefore we must try choose days when the weather will not oppress a young, fragile tree.

In June, two periods can be distinguished when conditions allow for successful planting of apple trees:

  1. Beginning of the month if the spring was cold and protracted.

Sometimes spring does not come into its own for a long time; return frosts are possible even in mid-May. Under such conditions, the beginning of June can be quite cool. Fruit trees begin to vegetate late. If summer began this way, the conditions for planting apple trees will be close to spring.

  • The end of the month.

    This time is due physiological processes that occur in the body of a tree. This period marks the start of shoot maturation.

    Young green shoots begin to become coarse and woody. The apple tree has not yet expended a lot of energy on ripening the fruits, and the main leaf mass has already been formed. The process of regeneration of the root system in such conditions will be less painful for the tree.

  • Planting should be done before the green shoots become stiff.

    Don't count on any day being rainy or cloudy. The heat will return much faster than the roots of the tree will begin to actively work. The branches and leaves of a young apple tree will dry out quickly; the injured root system will not be able to cope with such a load. The tree is likely to die.

    The only time when planting an apple tree is possible is in July. the very beginning of the month, literally the first 5-7 days. At this time, the period of woodiness of young growths, which began in June, had not yet ended.

    The earlier the planting is done from the beginning of the month, the better for the apple tree.

    A tree planted during this period is guaranteed to be very sick.. Even if it takes root before frost, do not delude yourself. The plant is unlikely to survive until spring.

    It is for this reason that when purchasing autumn planting material, it is not recommended to buy seedlings from nurseries that were dug up before October.

    U of a young tree, the wood on annual growths must mature properly, otherwise the very first severe frost will damage the branches.

    If you plant an apple tree in August, then before the onset of cold weather the seedling will not be able to stock up on enough nutrients to survive the winter.

    Apple trees planted in summer will most likely suffer for a long time.

    How to plant an apple tree in summer: step-by-step instructions

    In order for the process of forming a young tree to be successful, when planting you need to adhere to several simple rules:

    Step one: select seedlings

    In order for your apple orchard to enjoy a good harvest, you need to choose the right planting material.

    In the central and northern regions, seedlings grown in southern latitudes are often sold. They look beautiful and are well leafed. However, harvests may not be expected from them at all. There is a high probability that they will be gone after the first winter. Choose apple tree seedlings that have grown in your region. At the time of purchase, pay attention to the level of vegetation of trees in nature. If the seedlings are much ahead of them in development, it is worth looking for other planting material.

    Pay attention to the vaccination site.

  • Fruiting dates.

    If you plan to eat fresh apples, choose summer varieties. Autumn varieties are well suited for processing. Winter - for storage.

  • Age.

    The taller the tree, the deeper its roots go into the ground. If the groundwater level in your area is high, you should give preference to medium-sized and dwarf rootstocks. You can also plant apple trees on artificial hills.

  • Quality of planting material.

    The bark of the seedling should not be damaged. The main root and white sucking roots should not be rotten or dried out. The vaccination site should be clearly visible. It is better if it is located at a level of 10-15 cm from the root collar of the seedling.

  • Watch a video about planting an apple tree:

    Step two: choose a landing site.

    It is important to choose the place where the apple tree will grow once and for all. Ideal when you have thoughtful garden layout. If there is no general plan, it is worth assessing the capabilities of your site and the planting location.

    Selected location it should be sunny or semi-shaded, buildings and tall trees should not interfere with the normal development of the seedling. It is advisable that the place be windless, especially protected from northern winds.

    Particular attention should be paid on what distance from buildings and other plants to plant an apple tree.

    The roots of an apple tree require a lot of space, not only in depth, but also in diameter.

    If you don’t want to constantly repair the foundation of your house or garage, you need to plant the apple tree no closer than 3 meters so that the roots have enough room to grow.

    Underground communications

    Underground sewer pipes, gas and water supply lines, wires and cables may also be damaged by apple tree roots.

    You also need to retreat 3 meters from them.

    Other plants

    When planting apple trees at intervals of less than two meters, the trees will interfere with each other.

    The leaves will not have enough light, the fruits will not have enough vitamins for ripening. Besides, Crowding creates conditions for fungal infections and pests.

    Opinions about the distance between apple trees are different, and range from 2.5 to 5 meters. Previously, this indicator for gardeners was regulated by GOST, which advised planting apple trees at a distance of 5 m from each other. Then, even when they grew, the trees did not crowd each other.

    Today apple trees are grown on different rootstocks., and it depends on them at what distance to plant apple trees.

    • So for columnar varieties, half a meter is enough.
    • For apple trees on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks - 2-3 m.
    • Medium-sized and tall apple trees should be planted, leaving an interval of 4-5 m.

    When choosing a landing site, you should imagine in advance how the crown will grow.

    Rules for planting vigorous trees.

    This way you can assess whether the new apple tree will shade other plants: flowers, vegetables, shrubs. This analysis will allow you to correctly position the tree.

    Step three: preparing the landing hole

    Having decided on the location of the apple tree, you can begin preparing it.

    A planting hole should be made for a new seedling. Since fertilizers are added to it, the pit for planting an apple tree in summer must be prepared in advance so that the roots of the young apple tree do not burn.

    • for summer planting of a young apple tree, they usually dig a hole about half a meter in diameter, 60 cm deep;
    • soil is being prepared for backfilling.

    Watch a video about preparing the pit:

    As an organic fertilizer You can use humus, peat, rotted straw, hay, compost or vermicompost.

    You don't have to choose just one. Can be used a mixture of available organic samples.

    From mineral fertilizers When planting an apple tree in summer, in addition to organic matter, phosphorus and potassium are needed.

    There are a large number of complex mineral fertilizers on sale.

    Planting an apple tree in the ground.

    If a ready-made composition is chosen as a mineral fertilizer, it dosed according to instructions.

    For summer planting, you can use a mixture of superphosphate (200g), ash (0.5l) and potassium sulfate (100g) as a fertilizer.

    • part of the soil is poured into the hole, filling it about a third;
    • a 1.5 meter stake is driven into the center, a meter of which goes underground, half a meter remains above the ground;
    • the hole is spilled with plenty of water, you will need to water the hole again before planting.

    Step four: planting an apple tree

    The technology for planting a seedling depends on whether it has an open or closed root system.

    Transshipment – planting method, in which the earthen lump is not destroyed:

    • the planting hole is completely filled with soil, a hole is made in it, slightly larger than an earthen lump of an apple tree;
    • the seedling is brought to the planting hole;
    • You need to take the apple tree by the trunk, do not turn it over;
    • knead the walls of the container slightly;
    • remove the container above the planting hole by gently pulling it down;
    • place the seedling in the hole;
    • the apple tree must be filled with fertile soil to the same level to which it was filled while growing in the container;
    • gently compact the soil;
    • secure verticality with a stake.

    How to plant an apple tree in the summer with an open root system

    • The seedling must be soaked in root former(Kornevin, Heteroauxin, etc.) for a day;
    • if the roots are dry or rotten, the damaged areas must be trimmed;
    • pour a mound of fertile soil inside the planting hole;
    • place the plant on its top, straighten the roots;
    • fill the seedling so that the root collar is 5 cm above ground level;
    • lightly compact the soil around the roots;
    • tie the tree to the stake.

    Watch the video on how to plant an apple tree correctly:

    To trim or not

    There is a way by which you can restrain the growth of the vegetative part and free up strength for better root formation. This pinching - shortening growth.

    In late spring - early summer, green shoots begin to grow on the apple tree.

    If the summer planting of an apple tree is carried out in early June, the thin ends of such shoots need to be shortened by carefully pinching them off with two fingers. This can only be done while they are still green and the process of wood formation has not begun.

    Later, before the onset of cold weather, there is no need to trim or pinch the new apple tree.

    Watch a detailed video on how to properly pinch a shoot:

    After the apple tree is planted, a mound 10-15 cm high is created around it, at a distance of 70-80 cm from the trunk. This technique sets borders of the tree trunk circle, inside of which you can later apply fertilizers and water.

    When planting in summer, you must carefully pour at least 3 buckets of water inside the circle. This must be done gradually. After each bucket, the earth will settle.

    It is necessary to add soil to ground level each time. Before adding soil, you must wait for the top layer of soil to dry.

    As soon as the soil stops sinking, watering can be stopped.

    An important component of summer planting is mulching. circumventricular circle. For the first layer you can use compost, vermicompost, humus. When backfilling, you need to step back from the trunk by 5-7cm. The second layer is hay, straw, or mown grass.

    Apple tree planted. It's time to help the tree overcome the risks of summer planting.

    Caring for apple trees planted in summer

    For lack of nutrients and weakness during planting, the following procedures were carried out: soaking the seedling in a root former and filling the planting hole with additional fertilizers.

    Until next year, the planted plant does not need fertilizer. It is important to keep the tree trunk area clean and periodically add a layer of mulching material.

    Mulching was done to replenish soil moisture. Until the end of the season, you should carefully monitor soil moisture.

    On average, an apple tree planted in summer needs water thoroughly once a week. A young apple tree will need one or two buckets per watering. In this mode, abundant watering should be continued for 1.5-2 months after planting.

    To understand when to water a young tree, you need to dig a small hole in the mulch layer. If the ground located under the mulching material is wet, watering should be postponed. If the soil under the mulch is dry, it needs to be watered.

    The scorching rays of the sun cause great harm to apple trees planted in summer. To protect young trees, it is necessary to shade them, especially in the middle of the day (from 11:00 to 16:00), when the sun's rays are the hottest, scorching.

    Light covering material is suitable for shading.

    Considering the peculiarities of planting apple trees in summer, you can successfully plant apple trees at this time of year.

    A real gardener needs to know how to plant an apple tree in the summer.

    But It is better to plant apple trees in time: early spring and mid-autumn. And knowledge should be used in exceptional cases.

    A young apple tree will tolerate spring or autumn planting much easier, and will thank you with its health, rapid growth and many tasty fruits.

    It always seemed to me that it doesn’t matter when to plant a tree, especially apple trees. They are not picky. Or are there nuances at different times of the year?

    Irina, you are wrong. Compliance with planting deadlines is very important. Indeed, apple trees can be planted both in spring and autumn. The most important thing here is in the spring, before the start of sap flow, and in the fall, when the seedling has entered the dormant stage, but weather conditions still allow the roots of the seedling to grow.

    You know. The time of planting apple trees largely depends on the climate. For example, in the southern regions you can plant trees in the fall without fear that the plants will freeze. In the northern regions, it would be better to do this in the spring. In general, from my own experience I will say that you need to keep a guide to the weather. After all, you must admit that any time of the year is full of surprises.

    Good afternoon I am very interested in the issue of watering. We are leaving now for a vacation. There is no one to water the apple tree. Can it dry out in three weeks? According to the forecast, there is no rain at all or little rain at this time. Please tell me!

    Ekaterina, don’t worry, nothing will happen to your apple trees in three weeks. Water them thoroughly before leaving. In general, apple trees need to be watered at least four times during the summer. The first watering is carried out in the spring before the buds open, the second - two to three weeks after the start of flowering, the third - before the start of fruit harvesting, the fourth - in the fall.

    Ekaterina, if we are talking about newly planted apple trees, then there is no need to worry that the apple trees will dry out without watering. As a rule, seedlings are watered deeply after planting and about a month after planting during spring planting.

    Garden tree seedlings do not require “casting” like cabbage. Watering garden trees every day is simply harmful. It is best to water the trees several times a season, but very abundantly. So that moisture would saturate the root layer. And the roots of apple trees are located at a depth of at least 1 meter.

    Every year gardeners ask themselves: When is the best time to plant fruit trees and berry bushes?, autumn or spring. Each season has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    Let's take a closer look why is it better to plant trees in autumn when and how to plant on your summer cottage.

    Each plant has its own favorable time for transplanting and planting in a new place.

    Let's figure it out what fruit trees can be planted in autumn and why.

    When all the harvest has been harvested from the garden bed, it’s time to start planting seedlings. This is an important time, the main thing is to plant the plants on time.

    The main advantage of autumn planting is the reasonable price of seedlings. It is more profitable to buy seedlings in autumn: a large selection of freshly dug seedlings, affordable price, high-quality material is easy to distinguish.

    Plants are often sold with leftover leaves and fresh roots (which indicate a healthy plant). In the fall, some gardeners, along with seedlings, often display the fruits inherent in this variety, which is very important for buyers.

    Planting in the fall requires a minimum of care for seedlings at their summer cottage. Sometimes one watering is enough, then autumn weather and rains will create favorable conditions for the seedlings.

    The root system continues to grow, despite the fact that a dormant period has begun. Root growth continues until the soil temperature drops to +4 degrees.

    The main thing is to plant the seedlings in time so that young roots have time to form before the onset of stable frosts. These new roots will begin to grow with the onset of spring, even 2-3 weeks earlier than the seedlings planted in the spring.

    A significant plus of autumn planting of trees and shrubs in autumn– lack of other work in the garden and in the garden; in the spring there will be a lot of them.

    In regions with warm winters, it is better to plant in the fall; the ground does not freeze to the depth of the roots, and young trees are not at risk of freezing and hypothermia.

    Disadvantages of autumn planting

    Ice, strong winds, snowfall and other weather conditions can damage young seedlings.

    Main disadvantages:
    -- severe frosts can harm fragile trees.
    -- rodents can damage seedlings in late autumn and winter.
    -- young seedlings can simply be stolen while you are away from the dacha.

    Video - Compatibility of fruit trees

    Which trees and shrubs take root well when planted in the fall?

    From fruit trees we can distinguish winter-hardy varieties of pears and apple trees.

    Also take root well:

    Chokeberry, currant, raspberry, gooseberry, honeysuckle, walnut, chestnut, birch, coniferous trees.

    Avoid planting non-winter-hardy varieties of trees and shrubs.

    Apple trees, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries, cherries, almonds.

    Do not plant seedlings in the southern regions that were grown in the northern regions; they will not tolerate frosts that are not typical of their homeland.

    The optimal period for planting trees and shrubs is the end of September and all of October. In warm weather it can last until mid-November (southern regions).

    Every year the weather is changeable and planting dates in autumn depend largely on weather conditions.

    Important to remember: The guideline for planting and transplanting seedlings is the dormant period of plants, which occurs after the end of leaf fall.

    Video - When is the best time to plant seedlings of fruit and berry trees?

    It happens that it was not possible to plant in the fall. Do you still have seedlings or purchased seedlings that are not suitable for autumn planting - what to do in this case?

    Storage in a cool and damp room (basement).
    - Digging into the ground.
    - Snowmaking

    Digging into the ground - Properly buried trees will be well preserved and will survive the winter. Dig a ditch 30-40 cm deep and wide in the direction from west to east. The northern side of the groove is vertical, and the southern side is inclined at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Place the seedlings at a distance of 15-25 cm from each other, the roots are directed to the north, and the crown to the south. Fill the ditch with soil, stamp it down and pour plenty of water. Before frost, sprinkle with dry soil, sawdust or fallen leaves.

    Snowmaking – seedlings are stored outside. Well-packed young trees overwinter under a sufficient layer of snow, which does not allow the temperature to drop for normal plant storage.

    Basement storage

    At low basement temperatures from 0 to 10 degrees, seedlings are stored well until spring if well-moistened roots are dipped in sand, peat or sawdust. The relative humidity in the basement should be 87-90%. When stored in the basement, seedlings must be watered once every 10 days.

    Video - How to preserve seedlings until spring

    When purchasing seedlings, pay attention to their external condition. Seedlings may have immature shoots if they were dug up before natural leaf fall.

    Trees with numerous leaves may be unripe and overdried, since the main loss of moisture occurs through the leaves.

    Fruit trees require light, so choose southern areas for planting seedlings. You can plant trees in stages - tall ones to the north, low-growing ones to the south, and there will be enough light for everyone.

    Also take into account the distance to buildings and communications from trees; it should be at least 4.5 m. When planting, you must know the size of the crown and root system. The roots of mature trees can cause damage even to the foundation.

    Combine trees on the site correctly: Cherries grow well next to apricots. The nut oppresses all the trees that grow next to it. Do not plant apple and peach trees together. For more information about the compatibility of fruit trees, see .

    Depending on the age of the tree The best dates are considered to be early spring and mid-autumn.

    You can plant young apple trees in the summer. Knowing how to plant an apple tree in the summer, considering the most common mistakes, you can help the tree survive planting without any problems.


    ATTENTION! Planting an apple tree in August is unlikely to be successful. The air is still too hot. The leaves of a young apple seedling have to evaporate a lot of moisture to the detriment of root restoration.

    A tree planted during this period is guaranteed to be very sick.. Even if it takes root before frost, do not delude yourself. The plant is unlikely to survive until spring.

    It is for this reason that when purchasing autumn planting material, it is not recommended to buy seedlings from nurseries that were dug up before October.

    U of a young tree, the wood on annual growths must mature properly, otherwise the very first severe frost will damage the branches.

    If you plant an apple tree in August, then before the onset of cold weather the seedling will not be able to stock up on enough nutrients to survive the winter.

    Apple trees planted in summer will most likely suffer for a long time.

    How to plant an apple tree in summer: step-by-step instructions

    In order for the process of forming a young tree to be successful, when planting you need to adhere to several simple rules:

    Step one: select seedlings

    In order for your apple orchard to enjoy a good harvest, you need to choose the right planting material.

    Selection criteria:

    Watch a video about planting an apple tree:

    ADVICE! A correctly selected seedling is the first step towards obtaining a bountiful and healthy harvest.

    Step two: choose a landing site.

    It is important to choose the place where the apple tree will grow once and for all. Ideal when you have thoughtful garden layout. If there is no general plan, it is worth assessing the capabilities of your site and the planting location.

    Selected location it should be sunny or semi-shaded, buildings and tall trees should not interfere with the normal development of the seedling. It is advisable that the place be windless, especially protected from northern winds.

    Particular attention should be paid on which buildings and other plants to plant the apple tree on.

    The buildings

    The roots of an apple tree require a lot of space, not only in depth, but also in diameter.

    If you don’t want to constantly repair the foundation of your house or garage, you need to plant the apple tree no closer than 3 meters so that the roots have enough room to grow.

    Underground communications

    Underground sewer pipes, gas and water supply lines, wires and cables may also be damaged by apple tree roots.

    You also need to retreat 3 meters from them.

    Other plants

    When planting apple trees at intervals of less than two meters, the trees will interfere with each other. The leaves will not have enough light, the fruits will not have enough vitamins for ripening. Besides, Crowding creates conditions for fungal infections and pests.

    Opinions about the distance between apple trees are different, and range from 2.5 to 5 meters. Previously, this indicator for gardeners was regulated by GOST, which advised planting apple trees at a distance of 5 m from each other. Then, even when they grew, the trees did not crowd each other.

    Today apple trees are grown on different rootstocks., and it depends on them at what distance to plant apple trees.

    • So, for columnar varieties, half a meter is enough.
    • For apple trees on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks - 2-3 m.
    • Medium-sized and tall apple trees should be planted, leaving an interval of 4-5 m.

    When choosing a landing site, you should imagine in advance how it will grow.

    Rules for planting vigorous trees.

    This way you can assess whether the new apple tree will shade other plants: flowers, vegetables, shrubs. This analysis will allow you to correctly position the tree.

    Step three: preparing the landing hole

    Having decided on the location of the apple tree, you can begin preparing it.

    A planting hole should be made for a new seedling. Since they are added to it, the pit for planting an apple tree in summer must be prepared in advance so that the roots of the young apple tree do not burn.


    • For summer planting of a young apple tree, a hole is usually dug about half a meter in diameter, 60 cm deep;
    • The soil is being prepared for backfilling.

    Watch a video about preparing the pit:

    IMPORTANT! Nutrient soil for backfilling apple trees in summer consists of top fertile soil layer with the addition of organic fertilizers and mineral additives.

    As an organic fertilizer You can use humus, peat, rotted straw, hay, compost or vermicompost.

    You don't have to choose just one. Can be used a mixture of available organic samples.

    From mineral fertilizers When planting an apple tree in summer, phosphorus and potassium are needed in addition to organic matter.

    There are a large number of complex mineral fertilizers on sale.

    Planting an apple tree in the ground.

    If a ready-made composition is chosen as a mineral fertilizer, it dosed according to instructions.

    For summer planting, you can use a mixture of superphosphate (200g), ash (0.5l) and potassium sulfate (100g) as a fertilizer.

    • Part of the soil is poured into the hole, filling it about a third;
    • A 1.5 meter stake is driven into the center, a meter of which goes underground, half a meter remains above the ground;
    • The pit is spilled with plenty of water, you will need to water the hole again before planting.

    Step four: planting an apple tree

    The technology for planting a seedling depends on whether it has an open or closed root system.

    ADVICE! When choosing between a seedling with an open and a closed root system for summer planting, you should give preference to the latter. The container in which the seedling grows makes it possible not to plant, but to transship the apple tree. This is a procedure that is more gentle on a young plant.


    Transshipment – planting method, in which the earthen lump is not destroyed:

    • it is completely covered with soil, a hole is made in it, slightly larger than an earthen lump of an apple tree;
    • The seedling is brought to the planting hole;
    • You need to take the apple tree by the trunk, do not turn it over;
    • Lightly knead the sides of the container;
    • Remove the container above the planting hole by gently pulling it down;
    • Place the seedling in the hole;
    • It is necessary to fill the apple tree with fertile soil to the same level to which it was filled while growing in the container;
    • Gently compact the soil;
    • Secure verticality with a stake.

    How to plant an apple tree in the summer with an open root system

    • The seedling must be soaked in root former(Kornevin, Heteroauxin, etc.) for a day;
    • If the roots have dried out or rotted, the damaged areas must be trimmed;
    • Place a mound of fertile soil inside the planting hole;
    • Place the plant on its top, straighten the roots;
    • Fill the seedling so that the root collar is 5 cm above ground level;
    • Lightly compact the soil around the roots;
    • Tie the tree to the stake.

    Watch the video on how to plant an apple tree correctly:

    To trim or not?

    There is a way by which you can restrain the growth of the vegetative part and free up strength for better root formation. This pinching - shortening growth.

    In late spring - early summer, green shoots begin to grow on the apple tree. If the summer planting of an apple tree is carried out in early June, the thin ends of such shoots need to be shortened by carefully pinching them off with two fingers. This can only be done while they are still green and the process of wood formation has not begun.

    Later, before the onset of cold weather, there is no need to trim or pinch the new apple tree.

    Watch a detailed video on how to properly pinch a shoot:


    ATTENTION! Plays an important role when planting apple trees in summer. At this time, it is important to cause as little damage to the root system as possible. Do not compact the tree trunk of the seedling too much. The soil compaction that a young tree needs is done by water.

    After the apple tree is planted, a mound 10-15 cm high is created around it at a distance of 70-80 cm from the trunk. This technique sets borders of the tree trunk circle, inside of which you can later apply fertilizers and water.

    When planting in summer, you must carefully pour at least 3 buckets of water inside the circle. This must be done gradually. After each bucket, the earth will settle.

    It is necessary to add soil to ground level each time
    . Before adding soil, you must wait for the top layer of soil to dry.

    As soon as the soil stops sinking, watering can be stopped.

    An important component of summer planting is mulching. circumventricular circle. For the first layer you can use compost, vermicompost, humus. When backfilling, you need to step back from the trunk by 5-7cm. The second layer is hay, straw or mown grass.

    Apple tree planted. It's time to help the tree overcome the risks of summer planting.

    Caring for an apple tree planted in summer

    For lack of nutrients and weakness during planting, the following procedures were carried out: soaking the seedling in a root former and filling the planting hole with additional fertilizers.

    Until next year, the planted plant does not need fertilizer. It is important to keep the tree trunk clean and periodically add a layer of mulching material.

    Mulching was done to replenish soil moisture. Until the end of the season, you should carefully monitor soil moisture.

    On average, an apple tree planted in summer needs water thoroughly once a week. A young apple tree will need one or two buckets per watering. In this mode, abundant watering should be continued for 1.5-2 months after planting.

    ADVICE! If the weather is hot and dry, the number of waterings must be increased. And if the summer is damp and rainy, you don’t have to water it. If it rains heavily, you should wait a couple of days and let the top layer of soil dry out.

    To understand when to water a young tree, you need to dig a small hole in the mulch layer. If the ground located under the mulching material is wet, watering should be postponed. If the soil under the mulch is dry, it needs to be watered.

    The scorching rays of the sun cause great harm to apple trees planted in summer. To protect young trees, it is necessary to shade them, especially in the middle of the day (from 11:00 to 16:00), when the sun's rays are the hottest, scorching.

    Light covering material is suitable for shading.

    Considering the peculiarities of planting apple trees in summer, you can successfully plant apple trees at this time of year.

    A real gardener needs to know how to plant an apple tree in the summer. But It is better to plant apple trees in time: early spring and mid-autumn. And knowledge should be used in exceptional cases.

    A young apple tree will tolerate spring or autumn planting much easier and will thank you with its health, rapid growth and many tasty fruits.

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