Window fans. Exhaust window fan


In the process of arranging their own living space, window ventilation is not provided for by every owner. At first glance, this issue is not of primary importance, but after some time it becomes clear that without a system window ventilation It is difficult to imagine a comfortable stay in a residential area.

The problem of air exchange has always been relevant for buildings with windows located everywhere. Every experienced builder realizes how important it is to equip a competent ventilation system in the windows. But most unenlightened people do not even imagine why such an air exchange system is needed.

Main factors for installing window ventilation

As you know, ventilation helps to ventilate a room, releasing recycled air outside and simultaneously filling the home with oxygen. This process is designed to ensure a healthy lifestyle for any person; it has important sanitary and hygienic significance in the living environment.

In addition to the impact on health, proper air exchange helps save electrical and thermal energy in the house. In many old houses, the window frames have many gaps and lack the necessary sealing. On the one hand, this helps to ensure natural air exchange, allowing the entire house to be ventilated. Air passes through all rooms where windows are installed. On the other hand, this causes heat to pass into cold period year, which ultimately leads to unnecessary cash costs aimed at providing the required heating of the living space.

Modern models windows made of PVC, aluminum and wood with high-quality thermal insulation and sealing solve this problem, but at the same time create another. Natural ventilation is completely lost, and recycled air is not removed from the room. Without supply of fresh air, functioning is impaired exhaust system. A family of 3-4 people produces up to 10-15 liters of wet deposits per day (sweat, breathing, cooking, cleaning the room, etc.). Normal quantity fresh air decreases. At the same time, the level is increasing carbon dioxide, as well as others harmful substances, allocated from environment(this can include household appliances).

Thus, the house becomes stuffy, condensation forms on the glass, walls and arched openings, which creates a favorable environment for the appearance of fungus, mold and harmful bacteria. Today all houses are saturated various types household appliances. Few people know that it is one of the sources of allergenic substances. If you stay in an unventilated area for a long time with household appliances, then your head starts to hurt (attacks of suffocation and allergies are less common). To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to ensure proper air exchange inside the room.

Of course, the simplest way to ventilate a room is by opening a window. But in this case, dust, poplar fluff, strong wind, and in winter period- also cold air. For this reason the best solution Intake window ventilation will be installed.

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Supply window ventilation system

Tools for installing ventilation: knife, tape measure, perforator, spatula.

The main task of such ventilation is to supply a continuous flow of clean air into the room. The formation of clean air is due to the presence of a special filter in the supply ventilation, in addition to which there is a special mesh against insects.

Such an air exchange system in no way violates the tightness and sound insulation of windows, that is, modern technological solutions will not lose their main advantages.

  1. The main advantages of supply ventilation:
  2. Absolute safety for the child.
  3. The mechanism does not require power supply.
  4. Convenient operation (manual control).
  5. There are sound insulation properties.
  6. The system is equipped with a mosquito net.
  7. There is an integrated system of protection against penetration from the outside, which allows for air exchange even during the absence of the owner.
  8. The functioning of the mechanism does not depend on atmospheric and natural conditions.
  9. There is a control system that prevents drafts.
  10. The device has a compact size, it is almost invisible to the naked eye.
  11. The clean air filter is capable of purifying the incoming air from harmful smoke.
  12. Installation is carried out in any types of windows.
  13. The device does not require window dismantling or reinstallation.

Low cost.

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The principle of operation of supply ventilation

The supply window ventilation system operates on the basis of two parts: the outer panel (installed with outside) and internal (mounted from the inside). Both parts are united by a small opening through which fresh air enters. External panel equipped with an automated valve that floats in a stream of clean air. When the difference in pressure increases, the valve rises and closes the opening. Accordingly, as the difference decreases, the valve lowers. According to this scheme, the system supplies the living space with fresh air, regardless of natural phenomena.

The outer panel provides protection from rain entering the opening. It has a built-in mosquito net. Interior equipped with a sloped panel designed to control air flow, which is carried out using a special cord.

During the installation of an air exchange system, certain rules must be followed. For example, supply air should be supplied in smaller quantities than exhaust air.

Usually, when choosing a mechanism, a qualified specialist takes into account all the nuances of the living space, but you can estimate them yourself.

Installation must be carried out according to a certain scheme: 1 or 2 devices are placed at points that are located in the most distant places from the exhaust duct of the kitchen and bathroom. This will ensure optimal levels of ventilation in all areas of the house. When installing, you should pay attention to the fact that one device is intended for 2-3 hoods. Otherwise, air exchange will not occur correctly.

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Other types of window ventilation

If the hood is not functioning well, condensation most often appears on the windows and walls in the house, and mold often forms in the corners of the profiles. Under such conditions, it is better not to install a powerful supply ventilation. It is necessary to select special micro-ventilation devices such as Fresh Air, which help reduce the level of condensation in window openings.

If you live in multi-storey building, where the hood is equipped correctly (this can be checked using a paper sheet held close to ventilation grille: it will not slide), it is advisable to equip the apartment with an Aerovent ventilation system. It is not recommended to install systems that are more powerful than this, since there is a possibility of a reverse flow of air coming from the hood.

In the case of selecting window ventilation for an apartment or house large sizes There is no way to do it without a qualified specialist. Only he will be able to correctly calculate the power of the air exchange system and mark the locations of ventilation equipment.

For special rooms where constantly maintained high level humidity, it is customary to use ventilation systems designed for winter gardens.

Duct fans are usually installed as part of a general ventilation system buildings, they are used by cafes, restaurants, other catering establishments, and they are also used to create professional ventilation in residential buildings- both throughout the house and in a separate apartment.
Duct fans require impressive ventilation shafts; they are usually mounted to walls or ceilings and covered with decorative boxes. Before installing such a device, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the entire air exchange system in the building, install outlets on the roof or integrate private duct ventilation into common system ventilation in the house, and the fan itself is sensitive to foreign objects and needs protection from them.

Who is it suitable for?
Duct fans are best suited for residents of private homes, townhouses or multi-level apartments where there is enough space for a ducted system.

When to install?
It is best to install duct fans during the construction phase or overhaul to immediately integrate the system into the rest of the building’s communications.

What is the price?
From 3,000 to 130,000 rubles excluding installation, creation of ventilation shafts and an exhaust fan.

A window fan is installed in a hole in the glass of a window. Usually, the most stuffy, warm and wet room, so that the temperature difference between the incoming air and the air inside stimulates air exchange, but there are also “self-sufficient” models with power supply and constant air supply. The clear advantages of such a fan include its compactness and ease of use, but for the most part such systems, along with fresh air, supply precipitation, noise and cold into the room. Also quite widespread supply and exhaust fan window type, such devices combine the functions of supply and exhaust, which affects both the size and price of the device. Window supply fan with a filter - an extremely rare occurrence; in the vast majority, only a protective mesh is provided to prevent large debris.

Who is it suitable for?
Residents small apartments V apartment buildings, residents of private houses without the opportunity to do so.

When to install?
We recommend that work be carried out in summer period, since during installation the window swings open and the room may freeze.

What is the price?
From 1,200 to 13,000 rubles.

Vent fan

The vent fan is perhaps the simplest and most famous on the market. Also in Soviet time These not very attractive devices were installed in window vents and provided air flow. The vent fan is selected according to the size and shape of the vent and is easy to install. At the moment, manufacturers do not separate window and vent fans, and most window fans can be installed in a vent and vice versa.

Who is it suitable for?
Residents of small apartments in apartment buildings, residents of private houses without the possibility of supply ventilation through the wall.

When to install?
In any season.

What is the price?
From 1,000 to 12,000 rubles.

Smart supply fans

Smart supply fans include complete systems for continuous air supply and purification of the type. This intelligent device is a supply fan with air heating to the temperature you choose, a multi-level filtration system from dust, allergens and unpleasant odors and opportunity automatic control in the MagicAir smart microclimate system. The functionality of the breather and the absence of street noise, dirt and precipitation make it similar to duct devices, and the noise level of the device and its compactness are similar to window and vent fans.

The impeller is made of galvanized steel or aluminum, the housing is made of steel with polymer coating. Specifications vary depending on the model. Air supply speed – from 450 to 2400 m3/h, power from 10 to 34 W. An important advantage of window axial fan VO 220V has a low noise level, which makes the series preferable for installation in shops, restaurants, computer stores, workshops

In our catalog you can also choose VO 220V fans:

  • VO-F 220V – series with controlled rotation speed. Designed for technological and general ventilation systems of retail and public catering establishments, workshops, small warehouses, etc. It has an attractively low cost. The requirements for circulating air and transported gases and vapors are non-aggressiveness, low dust content. The steel body has a special flange for wall mounting, Working wheel made of aluminum.
  • Tunnel VO - end fan for ventilation at agricultural (industrial) complex facilities. Mainly to ensure massive air exchange in poultry houses. Effectively removes excess waste in a timely manner warm air V summer time. The high speed of movement of air masses along the object creates a tunnel effect, as a result of which the temperature of the poultry during the hot season is reduced to a comfortable value.

Every person strives for comfort, which begins with the arrangement own home. Clean air, optimal level of humidity in the room, normal air circulation - the necessary conditions human life activity. These indicators are health and comfortable conditions work and rest. Window exhaust fans are increasingly being used to ventilate rooms. Window fans promote continuous air renewal, which guarantees comfortable living conditions in the house.

Exhaust window fan improves quality of life

Household window fans, types, characteristics

Window exhaust fan is a special device used for domestic purposes for cleaning, extracting air from rooms, stabilizing the optimal level of humidity and circulation. An analogue of a window fan is a window fan installed directly into the window, which is where its name comes from.

Due to the similar operating principle, characteristics and dimensions, these devices are interchangeable. The window model is mounted directly into the window, on the window, the window, its dimensions determine the choice of the device model, the diameter of the device, the size of the hole in the window frame for installation. The power of the model is selected according to the area of ​​the room. A window fan lasts a long time, up to 11-14 years, the operating temperature of window fans varies from - 40°C to + 40°C.

Window Fan Features

Household window fans have a number of characteristics that clearly distinguish them from other ventilation devices:

  • minimal energy consumption;
  • low noise level;
  • blinds are equipped, which helps maintain their tightness;
  • the built-in outer cover protects against precipitation;
  • small sizes;
  • affordable prices for devices;
  • easy installation;
  • Possibility of speed control using the remote control.

There are many factors to consider when choosing an exhaust window fan

When purchasing a fan, you must consider the following characteristics:

  • noise level of the model;
  • the power of the device must correspond to the living space;
  • equipping the device with devices that eliminate the effect of backdraft insures the device against insects and
  • dusty air.

A window exhaust fan works like an extractor hood; the exhaust characteristics of this type are optimal. Air flow or a stream of air is directed outward, from the room to the street. Main goals:

  • drawing out excess heat;
  • excess moisture;
  • various gases;
  • dust.

Such models consume up to 10–20 W, and perform up to 4 thousand rpm. Household fans, manufactured in Italy, are adapted for work in rooms where there is a significant temperature difference between the house and the street, such a room is the vestibule. The temperature difference in the vestibule of a living space reaches its maximum during the heated period.

Peculiarity of this premises- This sharp drop temperatures with formation large quantity condensate

In the vestibule, it is better to install an exhaust window fan made with special blinds; such a device retains heat. The fan shutters close when disconnected from the mains, in this device there is no reverse draft, due to which heat is lost. And fans with a cover are also used, their operating principle is the same as that of a fan with blinds.

Window fans are made of plastic

Window exhaust fans are made of plastic, this material It is heat-resistant, impact-resistant, and immune to ultraviolet radiation. Plastic fan elements undergo special laboratory testing; the plastic must withstand temperature changes from +50°C to -50°C.

Types of window fan

There are many types of window fans. The most common are: window exhaust, window reversible supply.

A reversible window fan simultaneously performs two tasks:

  • elimination of polluted air;
  • influx of clean air stream.

Ventilation in windows using a reversible fan is reliable and efficient. Such a fan changes the direction of the moving air stream, works as an exhaust hood, in the mode of removing exhaust air, and in the mode of influxing clean air from the atmosphere. The operating mode is set automatically or using the control panel. Advantages of a reversible window fan:

  • simple installation: the equipment can be installed in the window opening and secured with bolts;
  • installation of the fan does not require an air duct system;
  • fans are small-sized;
  • have a convenient operation adjustment mode.

When installing window fans, the question often arises, which fan to choose for a certain room? The fan is selected according to the type of room in which it is planned to be installed. For bathrooms rooms will do installation of exhaust or reversible fans, for kitchens - only exhaust fans, for living rooms - installation of supply units. Practice has shown that the most functional and most reliable models are supplied to the market by Italy.

A reliable method of ventilation in PVC windows is a supply valve

It is difficult to imagine modern housing without metal-plastic windows. The popularity enjoyed by PVC windows is great; they have long replaced ordinary wooden windows because they have a number of advantages:

  • high tightness;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • easy installation;
  • long service life;
  • shock resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • drainage holes in the profile structure.
  • PVC windows have for a long time services

    Plastic window profiles are well protected from destruction, they are reliable and easy to use. Each plastic window has drainage holes that protect the structure from moisture that can accumulate in it from the outside. Drainage holes are in the profile window frame, they must be present in all PVC windows. Drainage holes protect the profile from water and prevent the formation of frost inside the window frame, extending the service life to unlimited.

    By assessment characteristics, PVC windows have no equal, but there is one drawback: plastic windows are not equipped with built-in ventilation ducts, so there is no ventilation system in PVC windows. The old way The solution to this problem is ventilation. In rooms where they are installed plastic profiles, it can be carried out by general ventilation of the room or by opening the windows in the rooms, but this option is fraught with drafts, dust, and disruption of sound insulation. All properties PVC windows, with normal ventilation, are reduced to nothing.

    How to ensure ventilation in an apartment with sealed plastic windows

    Owners often wonder: how to make ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows? Right choice– installing a supply valve on a window profile. Supply valve- this is a special device that is mounted horizontally on the top sash window profile, the main task of the valve is to restore natural ventilation in room. The supply valve facilitates the flow of fresh air from the atmosphere. There are several important advantages devices:

    The supply valve is necessary for the flow of fresh air from the atmosphere

      • the valve does not close the window opening;
      • the valve facilitates the supply of fresh air;
      • ventilation occurs without loss of warm air;
      • the valve does not affect the level of sound insulation of the profile;
      • ventilation without harm to health (no draft);
      • autonomy from the window profile;
      • installation of valves does not violate the integrity of the window frame.

      There are inlet valves different types: Made from wood, plastic and metal. The valves can be controlled automatically or manually. Automatic adjustment is effective and convenient, since the need to close and open the ventilation duct is determined independently, without human intervention. The valve is adjusted according to changes in pressure and changes in air humidity in the room.

      It is better to install the valve directly with plastic windows, in plastic windows, on plastic windows, with this type of installation, there is no need to use the wall near the window, changing its appearance. When choosing a valve, it is necessary to study its characteristics regarding sound insulation; the metal-plastic profile must have similar characteristics. It should be remembered that the valve needs to be looked after - periodically cleaning the outer visor grille from dirt, and wiping the valve body with a damp sponge.

      Effective home ventilation means maintaining health and a comfortable pastime.

      A variety of ventilation devices helps you choose the best option for your home. It is important to remember that any ventilation device has both positive and negative characteristics, so its choice should be made carefully and thoughtfully.

    Before you install a window fan, you need to evaluate it technical specifications and capabilities, as well as the dimensions of the room where installation is expected. Modern systems have a reduced noise level (25-30 dBA) and will not cause any unpleasant sensations. Expending a small amount of electricity, they at the same time provide significant air exchange that meets sanitary standards.

    For a simple device and reliable design Window fans do not require expensive service - it is enough to periodically clean the dust from its parts.


    Installing a window fan is a simple process and will not take much time. The device is lightweight and small in size, which allows it to be installed directly in a window by cutting a hole of the appropriate size in the glass. In order to ensure a tight fit of parts and assemblies at installation sites, special components and fasteners are provided to ensure complete tightness. To eliminate noise, noise-insulating gaskets are used, which are also advisable to use during installation.

    How to choose

    In order to accept correct solution, Particular attention should be paid to power, performance and size– these parameters are of particular importance during installation and further operation. Most popular option is an axial window fan, characterized by its simple design, high efficiency useful action, good aerodynamic characteristics.

    When choosing, the volume (m3) and purpose of the room are taken into account. So, for a bedroom, an air exchange rate (number of air changes per hour) of 2-4 is sufficient, for a living room - 3-6, for a toilet - 6-10, for a kitchen - 10-15. Based on the required air exchange rate, you can calculate the required system performance by multiplying the specified parameters. So, for a kitchen of 10 m2 you will need an appliance with a capacity of at least 100 m3/hour.

    An analogue of window fans is a vent fan, which is installed in vents and performs the same functions. In accordance with the size and shape of the window, you can choose exactly the device that is most suitable in a particular case. A separate, high-tech model of this type is a vented supply and exhaust fan, which provides ideal cleaning capabilities and fresh air supply. To protect against the penetration of outside air in the “off” position, it is recommended to purchase an inexpensive vent fan with a cover.

    The size of the device must correspond to the size of the window or vent, without occupying too large an area and without interfering with penetration sunlight. It is also important that the shape and design of the device fit into the overall interior.

    To ensure the removal (inflow) of air in large volumes, in some cases three-phase window fans can be used. Such fans have increased performance characteristics and are used as auxiliary facilities.


    Depending on the direction of air movement, window fans are divided into:

    • exhaust;
    • inlet;
    • supply and exhaust.

    Exhaust fans, provide extraction of particularly polluted air. This category includes kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, small laboratories and workshops.

    A window supply fan will help solve the issues of fresh air flow into the office, in living rooms, where there is no need to pre-extract contaminated air, but slightly high blood pressure fresh supply air will help refresh the air in the room.

    Particularly effective is the supply and exhaust system, which simultaneously ensures the removal of polluted air and the influx of fresh air. A reversible window supply and exhaust fan can perform these functions. Depending on the need for cleaning or fresh air supply, devices of this type can perform both specified operating modes. For this purpose, the device is equipped with a reversible electric motor powered from a 220 V network.

    Power supply

    Some models of this type are equipped with transformers that reduce the mains voltage to 12V and ensure complete safety for users. Each modern reversible window fan is equipped with a position switch, which allows you to manually switch speeds, operating modes (supply and exhaust), as well as turn the device on or off. If desired, you can order the device with a remote control.

    Innovative reversible DS engine direct current has a speed of up to 3000 rpm and low energy consumption. The DS engine is designed for 12V voltage, operates in two-speed mode and has a reduced noise level thanks to special constructive solutions. A particularly attractive feature is its reliability: the engine is protected against overheating, is designed for a continuous cycle and does not require maintenance.


    Window fans are fully adapted to operate in conditions of temperature differences: change weather conditions, especially in winter, does not affect their effectiveness. A modern household exhaust window fan has a housing and most of the components made of heat-resistant, impact-resistant, thermoplastic ABS plastic, which equally well withstands both high (up to +40°C) and low (up to 30-40°C) temperatures outside the window, and is resistant to exposure to ultraviolet rays.

    Window fan with blinds working to extract exhaust air, equipped with special devices– shutter shutters that automatically close smoothly when the device is turned off, thus preventing reverse draft (air from outside). A simpler design is a window fan with a lid, in which a lid is provided to prevent air from entering from the street, which can be closed manually if necessary.

    Easy to maintain, efficient in operation, innovative technical properties and characteristics ensure the increasing popularity of window fans.

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