One-story house made of aerated concrete with an attic. Projects of aerated concrete houses with an attic

Modern technologies are focused on making materials as strong as possible and meeting all requirements for thermal conductivity, hardness, durability and moisture resistance. Reducing specific gravity products, manufacturers increase the size of the block, which helps reduce the time for building a house.

IN in this case We are talking about aerated concrete, which has all the above characteristics, as well as a perfectly flat surface on all sides. Finishing walls from this material is quite simple; even a novice master can handle the job in the most short time.

If you decide to build a private house, then the density of aerated concrete should be D 500, and should be equivalent to 380 millimeters (if you do not plan to provide insulation). However, external finishing work will have to be carried out.

Construction of the foundation

Before you start building a residential building, you should definitely consider the designs of houses made of aerated concrete. They will describe everything down to the smallest detail, including the type of foundation. The type of foundation must be chosen depending on many factors and aspects, among which soil can be distinguished.

Aerated concrete is a fairly lightweight material, so you can save on building a heavy foundation. You can refuse heavy buried strip foundation or a pile foundation, using since the load-bearing slab has a huge supporting area and will be able to endure structural loads. There will be no need to deepen it, which will reduce the labor intensity and volume of excavation work.

Foundation construction technology


If you are interested inexpensive houses from aerated concrete, prices for which can vary from 10,000 to 13,000 rubles per square meter, then you can ask which companies on modern market are constructing similar buildings. If you decide to do the work yourself, then after assembling the frame you need to begin installing the rafters. For this purpose, the timber is cut to the required length, and a groove is cut at the base for installation on the Mauerlat. The next step is to fix the upper rafters; the difficulty lies in the need to maintain a certain angle.

As you can see, you can easily build a house with an attic made of aerated concrete yourself.

General information about the project.

1. Initial data on the design of a house made of aerated blocks with drawings free of charge 92/80

1.1. Working project "Cottage "Sentence"
- Architectural and planning assignment;
- Regulatory documents on design and construction of buildings and structures.
1.2. The house building is supposed to be equipped with lighting, heating networks, water supply and sewerage networks, and a ventilation system. 1.3. It is planned to improve the area around the house with the planting of green spaces, the installation of pedestrian paths and benches. 1.4. The construction of the house is supposed to be carried out in one phase. 1.5. The project was completed without engineering surveys.
1.6. The designed area has a flat topography.
2.Climate data ( Leningrad region; Saint Petersburg)
2.1. average temperature the coldest five-day period with a probability of 0.92 1 cold, five-day period = -26 °C;
2.2. Duration heating season ZOT, lane = 220 days;
2.3. Design outdoor temperature TOT, perm = -1.8 °C;
2.4. Duration of the period with negative average monthly outside air temperature ZO = 152 days;
2.5. Duration of the period with negative average monthly outside air temperature Zl = 2 months;
2.6. Duration spring-autumn period Z2 = 5 months;The greatest depth of soil freezing is assumed to be 2.0 m.
2.7. Duration summer period Z3 = 5 months;
2.8. Average temperature of the period with negative average monthly outside air temperature TO = -5 ° C;
2.9. average temperature winter period Tl = -7.8 °C;
2.10. Average temperature of the spring-autumn period T2 = -0.2 °C;
2.11. Average summer temperature T3 = 13.9 °C;
2.12. The terrain of the site is flat (calm) according to the Architectural and planning specifications.
2.13. The greatest depth of soil freezing is assumed to be 1.8 m.

3. The general part of the project of a house made of aerated blocks with drawings is free.

3.1. This project involves the construction of a house from aerated blocks and wooden floors along the beams.
3.2. The designed building belongs to residential buildings and structures.
3.3. The building belongs to the 111th degree of fire resistance.

4. General plan for the project of a house made of aerated blocks with drawings for free.

4.1. No topographical or design materials were used in the design.
5. External engineering networks of the project from aerated blocks with drawings for free.
5.1. Project utility networks on-site see Album NVK, ES.

6. Landscaping of a house project made from aerated blocks with drawings is free.

6.1. This project does not include landscaping of the site.
7. Organization of relief and drainage of rainwater.
7.1. A project for organizing the relief and drainage of rainwater for the site is not being developed.
8.Space-planning solutions for a house project made of aerated blocks with drawings for free.
8.1. Space-planning and design decisions of the building are made based on the conditions of provision convenient operation building.
8.2. The building has the correct rectangular shape in respect of.
8.3. Technical and economic indicators:
8.3.1. Construction area - 98.71 sq.m.,
8.3.2. Construction volume - 911 sq.m.,
8.3.3.Total area - 186.45 sq.m.
8.4. The building is built on three main levels. The height of the first floor is 3.3 m, the second floor is 3.0 m. The actual height of the premises from floor to ceiling of the first floor is 3.0 m, the second floor is 2.7 m, the attic is 2.5 m (1.5 m minimum).
8.5. The level of the finished floor of the first floor is taken as the 0.000 mark.

9.Constructive solution for a house project made of aerated concrete blocks with drawings for free.

9.1. According to the technical specifications, the foundations are developed by local design organizations.
9.2. Walls: load-bearing part - 400 mm aerated concrete blocks, partitions - gypsum fiber board on a metal frame.
9.3. Columns: timber. 9.4. Floors: wooden on beams. 9.5. Staircase: internal - wooden, external - wooden.
9.6. Floors: wooden, floor in bathrooms ceramic tile on a concrete screed.
9.7. Roof: mansard gable, wooden, with slopes of 25 -70°. The rafters are made of timber with a section of 50 x 200 mm. Non-slip roof structure with opi is adoptedcutting the bottom of the rafters onto the walls.
9.8. Roof: bitumen shingles"Shinglas".
9.9. Window: double-glazed windows (triple glazing), frames - wooden profile according to GOST 24700-99 (2001).
9.10. Doors: internal - in accordance with GOST 6629-88(2002), external - in accordance with GOST 24698-81(2002), wooden upon individual order.
9.11. The facades of the house are covered with transparent weather-resistant compounds. The base is lined with natural stone.
9.12. According to the technical specifications, the decoration of the premises and the construction of the floors are developed by local design companies.
10.Utility networks internal project houses made of aerated blocks with drawings for free.
10.1. The technical unit is located in the boiler room in ground floor. Entrances into the building (water supply, gas, electricity) are made into the boiler room. 10.2. Sewage is local.

A house with an attic made of aerated concrete has one very important feature, which consists in the presence attic space, the facade of which is made entirely or partially from one or more roof surfaces.

Aerated concrete is one of the popular materials for building a private house. Even a novice builder can handle it. Moreover, aerated concrete is relatively inexpensive material, characterized by high quality.

The shape of the attic can be triangular, symmetrical, asymmetrical, or broken.

The attic space is usually located on wooden, metal or reinforced concrete structures.

It is advisable to build a house with an attic made of aerated concrete for big family, so it should have 4 or more rooms. An attic space, properly designed, provides additional usable area and allows you to save money material resources, used to pay for light and heat.

In this case, the foundation will also be required to be smaller, therefore, it will cost less money to build it.

Construction is the most popular type of private construction.

This is due to the fact that traditional building materials and construction methods are falling by the wayside due to many factors. This is primarily caused high costs for the construction of a private residential building made of stone or brick.

Aerated concrete has high term service, low thermal conductivity, which will make your home warm and durable.

  • aerated concrete is the most modern building material, which has become popular in a short time;
  • the use of aerated concrete for the construction of a private building (house) is especially appropriate for a novice craftsman, since the material has an increased degree of strength and is not painted during the work;
  • very large, which is very important for the construction of reliable and high-quality housing. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, a house built from it is very warm.

In addition, the construction time, if a house is built from aerated concrete, is noticeably reduced, which is also an important factor. Walls are built much faster than stone or brick.

Aerated concrete can be easily sawed using standard tools—there is no need to purchase expensive specialized equipment.

Aerated concrete blocks are very easy to drill, they are easy to cut, so there is no need to use expensive equipment; ordinary tools are quite suitable.

It should be noted that it contains 40% lime, which is not environmentally friendly pure material. That is why the use of aerated concrete in construction is prohibited throughout Europe. In Russia, aerated concrete is not used for the construction of health centers and children's institutions.

The negative thing is its ability not only to absorb moisture, but also to retain it for a certain time. Ultimately, this can lead to the walls starting to freeze in winter, and interior walls Fungus and mold forms at home.

Start of the construction process

During construction you will need a fairly extensive list of tools:

  • shovel;
  • wheelbarrow;
  • concrete mixer;
  • hammer and nails;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil or marker;
  • plumb line;
  • lacing;
  • trowel;
  • putty knife;
  • stapler and staples;
  • construction knife;
  • a hacksaw or chainsaw and others, the need for which may arise directly during the installation of the structure.

Before building a house from aerated concrete, it is necessary to prepare the site: remove all vegetation and debris.

Construction of a house with an attic made of aerated concrete begins with planning all the necessary work. This is especially true for a site where there are already some buildings, trees, shrubs and fruit plants growing.

Of course, if possible, they should be left, and the location of the house should be planned in accordance with them.

Very important point is the choice of a project for a future home, which can be purchased from an architectural department or from a company dealing with similar issues.

According to the existing project, determine the location of the building (house) on the site, calculate required amount building material. To do this, you need to know the dimensions aerated concrete block and the area of ​​the future building.

The area is multiplied by 30 centimeters (the thickness of the block) and the total cubic capacity is obtained. In addition to aerated concrete, you should purchase bricks for internal load-bearing walls, fillers and cement. The foundation will require sand and crushed stone.

Phased construction

  1. Foundation.
  2. Walls.
  3. Attic.


A house made of aerated concrete does not require a complex foundation. Its depth should be 1.5 meters, and its width should be 40 centimeters. The type of foundation you can choose is strip or monolithic.

A house made of aerated concrete with an attic does not require a complex foundation. Its optimal depth should be 1.5 meters, and its width should be at least 40 centimeters. The type of foundation structure is chosen to be strip, monolithic type.

  • a trench is dug under the foundation the right size, taking into account the dimensions of the internal wall;
  • 20 centimeters of sand and 15 centimeters of crushed stone are poured onto the bottom of the trench, and then everything is thoroughly compacted;
  • Next, they begin to create a reinforcing frame using a welding machine;
  • After installing the structure, they proceed to pouring the foundation with concrete mortar.

Upon completion of the construction of the foundation, all work stops for approximately 20 days. The next stage will be the construction of a basement, for which any material is suitable, most often rubble stone or brick.


Laying walls made of aerated concrete is similar to brick walls: the laying occurs in a checkerboard pattern.

As soon as the base of the house has dried well, you can begin building the walls of the house. The quality of the masonry of the first row of the wall directly depends on the degree of evenness of the base, for leveling which is carried out cement screed small thickness. Otherwise, the cement will crumble under the weight of the house.

It differs little from working with brick, that is, it is carried out in a checkerboard pattern. The blocks are connected to each other either with cement mortar or special glue.

Using cement mortar inner part the walls are sheathed with foam plastic slabs, and the seams between them are sealed polyurethane foam. This is necessary to increase the thermal insulation performance of the house.


The attic of a house made of aerated concrete can be built from various materials, but most often the attic finishing is made of wood.

The attic room of a house made of aerated concrete can be made of different building materials, but most often it is made of wood.

  • for this purpose, they insert into the ceiling slabs wooden blocks and the rafters are attached to them;
  • The attic frame is also made of wood, from beams, after which logs are laid for further strapping. The binding will serve as the basis for the entire box;
  • a frame for the future walls of the attic is attached to the beams, which is sheathed with boards in two layers, in a checkerboard pattern;
  • triangular voids that formed during the construction of the attic can either become part of the interior, or they are insulated and covered with finishing material;
  • for insulation of internal and outside attic walls and roofs are used mineral wool or other materials most suitable for this purpose.

Final Moments

Most popular material interior decoration the attic is plasterboard. It is inexpensive and easy to install.

The next step will be covering the entire surface of the attic, for example, with plasterboard, which is ideal for further decorative finishing.

  • but, before doing this, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier material that will prevent the drywall from being exposed to moisture and swelling. The gypsum boards are screwed to the wall surface using a screwdriver;
  • installed on the front and rear walls of the attic ventilation holes that will provide inside of this premises stable favorable microclimate and normal humidity level;
  • interior decoration of the attic begins only after everything is completed roofing. The best option For wall decoration there are MDF panels, which are beautiful in appearance, easy to install, use and maintain. The ceiling can be made two-level using plasterboard.


For the roof of a house with an attic made of aerated concrete, it is advisable to use corrugated sheeting, ceramic tiles or slate.

If as roofing material galvanized corrugated sheeting, painted with anti-corrosion paint, is used, then the accompanying elements (valley, ridge, cornices) must be metal.

Installation of corrugated sheets is quite quick and simple. Work starts from the bottom so that the overlap between the materials is correct.

Each sheet is attached in 9 places with screws with a silicone gasket and a head for a hexagonal nozzle. The process of laying roofing material can only be complicated by a rather steep roof slope. Therefore, all work must be done in the mounting belt.

Houses with an attic have been popular at all times. And this is due to a number of reasons:

Firstly, complex pattern pitched roof From an architectural point of view, it looks much more interesting than a flat or even hip roof. The invention of François Mansart, who in time immemorial, with the blessing of Louis XIV, was the first to decide to arrange housing for the poorest segments of the population in attics, still gives the house a European charm.

Secondly, an attic will cost less to build than a full floor. Since the walls and ceiling are the roof slopes, there is no need to build these walls, and this will seriously save money on materials.

Third, the absolute advantage is the abundance planning decisions, which opens up to the owners the unconventional geometry of walls and ceilings. The attic can be considered as a single space, for example, a studio or workshop, or can be divided into several rooms. This will allow you to plan unique interior taking into account all the features of the premises, fit into them designer furniture and, ultimately, create an individual image of your home.

Technical features of houses with an attic

  • The need for additional thermal insulation to avoid heat loss in residential areas.
  • Individual ventilation and heating system.
  • Device of special skylights, more expensive than regular ones.

In addition, it must be taken into account that with a large slope of the roof slopes, lowering the ceiling height may be inconvenient for tall people.

Project characteristics

As a rule, attics become the favorite place of the inhabitants of the house, especially for children. The unusual configuration and abundance of light make these rooms especially attractive and cozy.

Our website presents various options use of attic floors.

First of all, you should decide on the area future construction. And the choice is quite wide - from 65 m2 to 750 m2. To begin with, it is enough to indicate the requirements for attic floor— what would you like: to get a single studio space? or should the volume consist of several rooms, being a children's or sleeping area?..

  • A compact building with a vertical composition, economically using space for construction, 2-3 floors. For example, options that are economical in all respects:, or the bright, stylish “Optima” in various modifications.
  • Either a one-story building - or a cozy, Scandinavian fairy-tale building.

When choosing, also pay attention to the planning drawings, the price of the project and appearance facades.

A variety of filters, combined with the experience of professional architects, will help you choose a project that takes into account everything specifications site and your individual requirements. It is also possible to make changes to the documentation at your request.

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