Arrangement of niches in separate rooms, or how to effectively use a bay window for your needs. What is a bay window in an apartment

Today the topic of our discussion will be a cozy room in the house - a bay window. What is this, some readers may ask. This is the part of the room that protrudes from the main space. Typically, it has one or more windows. Glazing around the entire perimeter is possible.

Translated from German, this word means “protrusion in the wall.” The main part of them has a regular geometric shape - rectangular, round, triangular, etc. However, there are designs of houses with a bay window more complex shape. Typically, such designs are made according to individual orders. Such premises are designed to improve the interior and improve natural lighting.

Today, many owners of private houses prefer to have a bay window. It is unlikely that anyone will argue that this significantly improves the appearance. The façade of the building becomes more original. If the bay window is decorated correctly, then this is a great place to relax and unwind. It is perfect for meeting a friend or if you want to be alone with yourself.

What types of bay windows are there?

Conventionally, these structures can be divided into two groups:

  • extension to the house from the facade;
  • structure made to cover the entire height of the building.

The second option is more expensive, but it differs from the first in its unsurpassed beauty.

What is a bay window made of?

Any of the many materials presented on the modern construction market are suitable for this purpose. Naturally, they must be selected in accordance with overall design your house. It is important to take into account the climatic characteristics of the materials. For example, it is more advisable to glaze a bay window facing the south or east with tinted glass. On the windward side more suitable Wooden will give the room coziness, and windows made of metal-plastic will make the structure more durable.

Many people ask what a bay window is, what kind of room it is and how to use it. Most of all it is suitable for relaxation. Therefore, its design is of considerable importance.

Bay window design

First you need to decide how the window sill will be located. A small rocking chair or another favorite chair would look good in the corner. If the window sill runs along the entire perimeter of the bay window, then closed cabinets or open shelves. IN country house they can be covered with colorful, non-fading curtains. It is quite obvious that without curtains it is impossible to decorate a bay window. What it will be - Austrian, curtains or traditional blinds - is, of course, up to you to decide. It is important that they fit well with the main interior. It is equally important that your room with a bay window is reliably protected from sun rays. In this case, even on the brightest and sunny day you will be quite comfortable in this room.

Winter Garden

Very often this room is used to create winter garden. In this case, it is better if the bay window is completely glazed. Place rooms, preferably flowering plants on the windowsill and floor. We are sure that it will be pleasant to spend your free time in such a room.

Bay window in the living room

It can be used in different ways. Young and active people it is suitable for arranging a dance floor. For some, a home theater is more suitable. In this case, it is better to decorate the windows with soft, flowing curtains.

Bay window in the kitchen

It can be converted into a dining room. To do this, it is enough to place a small dining area on the podium, and decorate the windows with “airy”, thin curtains. You can organize a tea room in this room. To do this, you can put a coffee or Coffee table and two armchairs, turning them towards the window.

Cornices for bay window

It is better to entrust this interior detail to professionals. Such cornices are usually made from metal profiles, which are curved in a special way under the right angle. They can be equipped with one or more electric drives to make it more convenient to control the curtains. After all, if their length is 10 meters or more, manually closing and opening them is not very convenient.

Window decoration

There are several ways to make bay windows original and sophisticated. Most often, a three-step design is used. This applies to a standard three-part bay window. In this case, each part of the curtain is decorated separately. Tiebacks are often used.

The elongated curtains, which are called the “Egyptian sleeve,” look luxurious. They either lie on the floor or are tacked on with an overlap. And of course, not a single bay window is complete without lambrequins, garlands, and cascades.

It is convenient to use roller blinds. This option is easy to install and quite affordable in price. Using them you can easily control the light level. This model does not touch heating radiators and does not cover flowers and furniture. True, they are not suitable for semicircular bay windows. In this case it is better to use long curtains with lambrequin.

A bay window is a kind of niche, made in the form of an oval or half a polygon, with glazing along the entire perimeter. Most often, this architectural technique is found in country cottages, being a kind of decoration of the facade and giving uniqueness to the interior.

IN last years similar projections began to be made in apartment buildings.

Along with its original appearance, such a structure also has a number of useful qualities:

  1. An increase in living space, which is most pleasing in rooms with a small area.
  2. Daylight penetrates indoors more effectively.
  3. Adds style and solemnity to the interior.
  4. Makes the exterior more attractive.
  5. Appears extra bed for storing things.

How the space will be used depends on where it is located. For example, in the kitchen it could be a dining area, and in the living room it could be an area for work or relaxation. But regardless of the option, the presence of such architectural sophistication guarantees an abundance of natural light in the area where it is located.

In addition, you will be able to admire the landscape opening from the windows. Next we will present various options designing niches in the house, by studying which you can figure out how to arrange the same ledge in your own place.

Bay window in the bedroom

If the window polyhedron is located in a sleeping area, there is a good reason to create comfortable spot for spending leisure time on an improvised bench. To do this, you just need to put a couple of pillows or buy a special mattress, or just cover this place with a fluffy blanket.

If you make sure that the window sill is folding, then an additional niche will appear, which is well suited for storing various linens or bulky clothes. If there is sufficient area, the arrangement of the relief ledge can be completed with a stand for magazines or an armchair placed there.

Niche in the living room

If original window ended up in the reception room, then good idea will make an additional sofa out of it. If you place a tea table nearby, you will have a comfortable place to relax.

You can also place a couple of armchairs near the bay window - the effect will be the same as with the previous idea. Best used for decoration beautiful curtains. In general, it is advisable not to force this place, especially when the view from the windows is pleasing to the eye.

We arrange a ledge in the kitchen and dining room

The first thing that comes to mind in this state of affairs is the device small garden. It will decorate the room, and the flowers themselves will enjoy abundant light. If you make a podium nearby, it will turn out to be a good dining area.

Very often the window niche has an oval or multifaceted shape, then it will suit round table, with chairs placed around it. And to make the place look harmonious, you can make a kind of sofa along the wall instead of stools.

In addition, the bay window can also become work area. It’s enough to put a laptop there or place some handicraft supplies and you can do your favorite hobby without being distracted from cooking.

Improvised office

Organization of a work zone is perfect option for any room in the house. In this case, the role of the table will be played by the window sill, and under it will be conveniently placed various shelves and drawers for stationery. Place a computer in the center of the structure and comfortable chair. This workplace will be well lit throughout the day.

Selecting curtains

What the window will be decorated with plays an important role, especially when it is not correct form. In this case, you should carefully select the cornice and curtains.

Most often profile curtains are chosen for bay windows because of their ability to adapt to irregular shapes. In addition to them, sculptural cornices with a hinge-type adapter will also look good.

Mainly used during niche design different types curtains For example, curtains and Roman ones. And for decoration they use original tie-backs. You should also not forget that the glass should not be completely covered with fabric, so it is best to take a curtain made of translucent material.

And in order to allow daylight to enter the room, you can use types of curtains such as cafe, Austrian or London, which are known for covering only half of the opening.

The bay window itself is quite useful, regardless of its placement; it is only important to choose the right one for what it will be used and its design.

What is the difference between a house with a bay window? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

What are the features of this structure? Is it possible to design a house with both a bay window and an attic? The answers to these questions and photos of houses with a bay window are in this article.

What is a bay window?

It seems that the German word “bay window” has only recently entered our language. However, houses with a bay window are not so rare in the vastness of the former Soviet Union.

A bay window is a protrusion from the facade of a building. Almost the entire area of ​​its walls is occupied by windows, so daylight rooms with a bay window significantly exceed the lighting of ordinary rooms.

Basic distinctive features rooms with a bay window:

  • panoramic view from the window;
  • increasing the duration of natural light in the room;
  • elegance of construction;
  • increase in usable area.

The history of the construction of bay windows goes deep into the Middle Ages. The original purpose of such a protrusion was to provide an overview of the area adjacent to the building.

Bay windows were made with narrow loopholes instead of windows in castles and fortresses for the convenience of their defense. The protruding part of the fortress not only provided a large viewing angle, but also made it possible to fire in different directions.

Epochs change, but bay windows still remain an important link in the architecture of many countries around the world. People paid attention to others useful features such a layout.

The bay window not only provides a panoramic view, but also facilitates entry into the room more Sveta. Unlike a conventional window opening, light enters the bay window from three sides at once.

This not only increases the level of illumination in the room, but also increases the duration of light exposure.

A room with a bay window located with south side buildings will be illuminated from dawn to dusk.

The building design, which includes a bay window, departs from the usual rectangular shape.

Thanks to this, the structure acquires an exquisite graceful style. A rounded or prismatic projection gives the house an original and elegant look.

The bay window, unlike the balcony, increases living space premises. For this reason, bay windows began to be often used in the middle of the last century.

In Russia in those years, many houses with projections were built. The reason for this was not only saving energy resources, but also increasing living space.

At the end of the twentieth century, economical projects began to be approved more often rapid construction, and bay windows began to be used less and less.

Instead of beautiful functional houses the Khrushchevs arrived. The uniformity of buildings significantly accelerated their construction.

Often such houses were built from standard reinforced concrete blocks. In a small area there was maximum amount apartments

By creating a house project with one or several bay windows, you can not only increase the area and save energy resources, but also emphasize individuality. Each such house is unusual and beautiful in its own way.

A project can be created with a combination of different architectural styles, which expands the scope for the designer's eye. Doing individual project, you can easily achieve a unique structure.

What types of bay windows are there?

House designs with bay windows are very diverse. Layout modern houses allows you to harmoniously fit into the design different kinds protrusions

The most commonly used types are:

  • rectangular;
  • semicircular;
  • polygonal;

Due to the ease of implementation, rectangular or square protrusions are the most common.

The easiest way to make such a bay window is in wooden house, buildings made of brick or concrete blocks. The layout of a rectangular overhang does not require any special knowledge.

Despite the simplicity in design and construction, such projections are no less practical and functional than other types.

Number of windows in in this case depends on the depth of the protrusion. If it has the shape of a rectangle with short sides, then there is one wide window. There may be no windows on the side walls, or they may be narrow.

Venetian bay window - this is what semicircular or oval shaped protrusions are called. Without any doubt, this is the most elegant and stylish option.

Such a protrusion can be placed not only in the center of the wall, but also replace one of the corners of the building with it.

Such a design move can transform the whole appearance buildings, making it original and unique.

Round structures are easiest to fit into a house made of brick or aerated concrete. In buildings made of wood or other materials, such bay windows will also look great, but achieving the correct shape when using wooden beam It's hard enough.

The polygonal shape of the structure allows this type to be used when designing buildings made of any materials.

A frame house with a polyhedron bay window looks very interesting. In buildings made of timber, this option can also be easily implemented.

The ledge can be made part of not only a country house or one-story house. Houses with an attic and a bay window look original.

You can use a protruding structure during construction multi-storey building. Two-storey house with two different bay windows, it looks like a real Gothic castle.

Often such a combination: a full-fledged bay window on the ground floor with open terrace or a balcony on the upper floors.

In a house with an attic, on the platform formed by the ledge, you can arrange a closed greenhouse. An option with a high open terrace is also possible.

The design of a house with a protrusion along the entire plane of one of the walls also looks interesting. In this case, the bay window can form both parts different rooms, and a separate room with exits to different rooms.

Technically, you can place the ledge on any side of the building, but it will be much more practical to use it if it faces south. You can use stained glass glazing on the second floor of the building.

Interior design features

Planning a small country house or a permanent house with an attic, it is important to remember that any protruding structure complicates construction.

You need to be more demanding about the quality of building materials in order to avoid weakening the building frame.

The ledge can be attached to an already finished structure, but it is much better to build from scratch on a common foundation.

In this case, the design will be more reliable. This is especially true for houses with two floors, buildings with an attic, frame buildings any type.

If there is a second floor, it is especially difficult to create a monolithic interfloor ceiling in the area of ​​the projection.

All these nuances must be taken into account at the design stage, even if you plan to build a small country house.

From a protruding structure interior interior rooms only wins.

This gives not only an increase in the area of ​​the room and additional illumination, but also an original shape of the room. This approach allows you to use any design for decoration.

It is most convenient to use a protruding structure in the interior of the following rooms:

  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • children's;
  • kitchen.

Romantic bedroom with round panoramic window, living room with open balcony or a children's room on the top floor of the tower - there is room for your designer's imagination to run wild. The main thing is to decorate the interior with a creative approach.

Design elements such as false columns or decorative arched passages will help make the interior of the room even more unique.

This approach will help not only to stylize the interior, but also to delimit the space of the room.

When decorating the second floor in modern style It is recommended to use cool shades.

In combination with an abundance of natural light, this will not only emphasize the individuality of the room, but also give a feeling of the limitlessness of the space.

Often, a two-story bay window is glazed to its full height. However, this option is not very convenient for the first floor, since in this case there is a view not only from the house, but also from the outside. Not everyone wants to live in such a “glass” house.

Successful design and construction of your dream home!

Whatever new trends appear in architecture, previously developed building designs “pop up” here and there in modern construction. The tribute to tradition is largely due to the convenience in everyday life and the nobility of the buildings. Recently in private and construction apartment buildings architects are increasingly designing unusual rectangular shapes buildings, but projects with beautiful round or rectangular glazed projections along one or more walls. This architectural technique on the facade of a house is called a bay window. What does this solution provide?

On the one hand, for the average person in our country, this is not entirely usual and a house with a bay window looks completely non-standard, but at the same time it gives the impression of high cost and nobility. On the other hand, a bay window in the interior can raise a lot of questions about what to place in it and how to decorate it? We will try to answer all these and the questions posed above in this article.

Bay window in the interior - landscaping ideas

The presence of a bay window in the interior certainly creates a positive impression. After all, an additional 2-3 sq.m. living space in big city especially valuable. Yes and simply non-standard layout already carries a positive charge of energy. The presence of a bay window for a designer is a real godsend, because it allows you to create some kind of unique cozy corner, which will ultimately be loved by all household members. You can arrange a bay window with a window yourself, because today there are quite a lot of such design projects that have been professionally implemented. They will help you decide what function the bay window will perform in the interior.

But first it’s worth saying that if a bay window is in the living room this is one thing, in the kitchen it’s another, and in the bedroom it’s something else. It is worth choosing an idea for implementation taking into account where it is located.

A kitchen with a bay window is the joy of the housewife

Spacious, cozy, bright kitchen- the dream of every housewife, and if there is a bay window in the layout of this room, then the hostess will definitely be pleasantly pleased. And the decision about how and where the furniture will be located and what the kitchen with a bay window will ultimately include rightfully belongs to her.

We’ll just give you a couple of ideas on what exactly a bay window in the kitchen might include. Based on purpose given space apartment or house, it is quite logical to assume that it is worth placing a zone associated with this room. But it is still worth taking into account whether it is a house or an apartment.

If we are talking about a country house in which there is plenty of space for a dining room and other functional areas, then why not build it into the bay window in the kitchen? kitchen set. It's great if the windows overlook the garden. The hostess of the house will always be in a great mood if she cooks dinner and at the same time sees the beauty of nature in front of her. Yes, and if you plan this at the stage of designing the house, then with engineering networks there will be no difficulties. With an apartment kitchen, everything is much more complicated, although such an idea is also quite feasible if desired.

Another case is if we are talking exclusively about an apartment and the kitchen in it is not large, then the bay window in the kitchen becomes a real lifesaver, because to free up space in the center of the room it can be safely used as a dining area. It is enough to choose a suitable table so that it matches the shape of the bay window, put chairs and a cozy dining room with panoramic view without special effort will be ready. If you have an apartment in a house of the P44T series, in which the bay window has an angular shape, a small round tea table with a pair of chairs will look very impressive. This solution will help get rid of angularity and bring more harmony to the interior.

Bay window in the living room - as a dining room and tea area

A bay window in the interior itself already “hints” that this place is a separate zone and should be placed in it, something that does not fully belong to the room where it is located. Therefore, a spacious living room with a bay window can become not only a place for relaxation, but also a place for holding celebrations and receiving guests.

Photo of living room kitchen with bay window

A table located near the bay window will create the impression of the same separate zone and will not violate the privacy of the sitting area in the living room. And to increase seats Soft benches can be installed along the entire length of the bay window.

In addition, you can build into the bay window in the living room soft sofa and a tea table, thereby creating a place for private conversation. An alternative could be a pair of soft or even wicker chairs. In the latter case, adding wicker furniture beautiful flowers in pots, you can create a real relaxation area. The result will be something like a winter garden. In general, it should be said that the location of light-loving flowers near the bay window will have a beneficial effect on their condition, especially in winter period when they lack lighting.

Bay window with wide window sill

Everyone probably loved to sit on the windowsill as a child and watch what was happening on the street. Why not bring that experience back to the present moment. After all, the bay window sill can be expanded, and to make it comfortable for sitting, it can be unfolded soft mattress or pillows. Then the living room with a bay window will become a favorite place for relaxation for adults and children. On a bay window sill it is not only interesting to watch what is happening on the street, but you can also simply read books in the daytime, because it is well lit by natural light.

Or maybe equip a bay window for an office?

It happens that you can’t do without a home office, and it’s not possible to allocate an entire room for this purpose. Then a window with a bay window in the interior of a living room or bedroom will serve good place for organizing a personal office. The main advantage of this solution is good lighting, because the light will fall on the desktop from three sides at once. This is a good prerequisite for success in business.

You just need to organize it correctly working space. To avoid cluttering the windows desktop shelves for documents, desktop correct design It’s better to order it from a furniture workshop. The ideal one would be one whose tabletop would be located in the shape of a bay window, and under it there would be drawers and racks for documents. Like desk with bedside tables for documents.

A bay window in the living room interior is a free but functional area

IN best traditions In Western countries, it is not customary to place any additional zones on a permanent basis in the living room, as the main room of the house, even if it is a bay window. In this case, the bay window in the living room interior serves as a kind of free zone that is used only a few times a year. For example, for the New Year there is a beautiful Christmas tree in it, for this holiday there is perfect place for her.

Another case is that the bay window in the living room can be used as a stage, for example, children can give performances for a birthday or any other occasion.

Decoration of a bay window

It is worth saying that before purchasing curtains for a bay window, you should take into account that for this purpose, depending on the size of the bay window, you will need one and a half to two times more fabric. Before you buy ready-made curtains For a bay window, its shape should be taken into account. So, for a “triangle”, traditional two separate curtains are suitable. But for a semicircular one, you should first purchase special oval cornices for the bay window, and then, based on the size, curtains. Today there will be no difficulties with choosing cornices; on sale you can easily find bendable cornices for bay windows designed specifically for these purposes.

Which curtains to choose for a bay window?

Curtains for a window with a bay window should be chosen with an eye to the rest of the interior. the main task, as in all interior design, do not “drop” the bay window from general concept. And of course, you should choose curtains for a bay window with an eye to what exactly is placed in the bay window. If you have this free space, you can get by with classic curtains. Wherein ideal solution It will happen if the curtains do not close even in the evening, and the curtain serves as a transparent light fabric.

If the bay window is functional, then blinds are suitable, roller blinds, Roman blinds and pleated blinds. They take up minimal space on the window, as they are mounted on window frame and at the same time can look modern and classic depending on the model and fabric.

Bay window Photo

When designers develop a project for a large building, their main task is to optimally distribute the areas of future premises, while taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

Or in a house made of a different material, it will be a good solution for increasing the area of ​​rooms, while giving them shape.

The procedure for constructing the foundation remains the same:

  1. First, a trench is dug;
  2. Then they do;
  3. Insulate;
  4. Reinforce;
  5. The last step is pouring concrete.

After the foundation has been poured, it is given time to shrink. Only after this the foundation is treated with waterproofing material.

Construction of the structure

The building substrate must be well protected from moisture. Good decision For wooden house there will be larch boards. Due to this, the house will receive additional support and due to this the structure will be more stable.

At this stage main job is cutting corners. Corners for a semicircular bay window are cut at an angle of 450. Of course, from the correct geometric figure it's easier to get results.

Bay window roof

The most simple option roof for the bay window, there will be a continuation of the roof from the main building.

If the customer wants to make the roof of the bay window separate, then it is best to make it dome-shaped.

Since the amount of work and materials is small, installing a bay window roof will not be difficult and will save your money. When the bay window roof is ready, there is no need to rush to glaze it. It is necessary to wait time for the structure to shrink; after this time, various shortcomings will be visible that could have been made during construction and which will need to be corrected.

Types of bay window roofs can be different, it depends on the complexity of the design of the bay window itself. Eg:

It is used for buildings of oblong structures. Such a roof has a ridge and also has four slopes, various shapes. Two of the ramps are triangular in shape and the other two are trapezoidal in shape;

Bay windows are covered with such a roof small sizes, this type of roof also gives the bay window the appearance of a tower. has many sides and looks like a pyramid;

Such a roof connects the bay window roof with the main roof of the house or the wall of the building.

It is up to the customer to decide which type of roof to choose. But the most important criterion when choosing a roof is that it copes with its functions.

Making a roof on a bay window

When building a roof on a bay window, most often the same materials are used as on the main roof. To cover the roof, materials such as:

  • slate;
  • soft roof.

In the event that the entire building is a combination complex structures, then it is best to cover the bay window with a valley roof. Because the roof of such a building will have many slopes and will therefore be vulnerable to environmental influences.

The first stage of work will be arrangement of a reinforcing belt. This belt serves as a support for the beams and at the same time increases the strength of the masonry. The belt is made of concrete and reinforced mesh. Then comes the preparation. necessary materials for construction.

For roof construction The following materials are needed:

  • galvanized iron;
  • self-tapping screws, screws, nails;
  • knitting wire;
  • beams for ;
  • sub-rafters and rafter beams.

Once all the materials have been prepared, you can begin to assemble and install the rafter beams. In this case, timber or boards are suitable, which are connected using self-tapping screws.

It is not necessary to cut the lumber exactly to size; it is best to leave small gaps. They can be removed after final fastening. Before you need to find out the exact angle of inclination of the future roof.

The fitting of the rafters takes place on the ground, but then they are raised and stitched at the ridge of the roof.

The rafters are attached using metal plates with self-tapping screws.

They are then installed and secured to the rafter beams.

The next step in building a roof for a bay window is the construction of the sheathing, but before starting the construction of the sheathing it is necessary rafter system, protect with waterproofing materials.

After completing the waterproofing work, a sheathing is constructed. The most difficult part in laying a bay window roof is the installation of valleys; this process requires the use of different types of gutters.

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