Combine the hallway with the kitchen in the apartment. Combined kitchen and hallway: proper zoning of the room

In such a layout, when the hallway is combined with the kitchen, there is nothing surprising or unimaginable, because other rooms, for example, the kitchen and the living room, have been successfully combined for a long time. In villages it is still practiced to have " summer kitchen", which is located on the terrace, so why not move it interesting layout to the apartment?

Of course, the layout is different apartments varies greatly. Experts will help you develop the right way to combine rooms - if the communications are moved incorrectly, the consequences can be catastrophic. If you treat the kitchen exclusively as a place for preparing food, then combining the kitchen with the hallway, especially in a one-room apartment, will become excellent option. In the process of such redevelopment, the bathroom may end up in the middle of one large room. Alas, communications will have to be transferred.

In what cases is it worth doing this combination:

  • If the kitchen is small and the hallway is large, or vice versa;
  • If you want to end up with a studio apartment;
  • To fill all parts of the apartment with natural light.

Of course, the hallways leading into the kitchen have a very serious drawback, which will become obvious in the wet season - dirt. And is it needed in the kitchen? That is why such a layout requires careful consideration of the storage system. Moreover, not only clothes and shoes, but also all items that are in the kitchen.

What is needed for a hallway to become a kitchen?

The advantage of this technique is that it is very suitable for small, if not tiny, kitchens. Such an interior makes the apartment truly multifunctional.

And to justify their purpose, designers recommend several techniques:

  • It is better to equip the entrance to the apartment with grates that remove dirt and put rugs that absorb moisture well;
  • Add a mobile partition to sliding mechanisms or like a screen to separate the kitchen area;
  • Avoid carpets and rugs with pile;
  • Warm floors finished with linoleum will not get too dirty, and they are also extremely easy to clean;
  • work surface and hob It’s worth moving deeper into the hallway.

There is no need to be afraid to use the space - built-in wardrobes can take up all the available space from ceiling to floor.

Using walls as storage spaces is very convenient. For example, hanging clothes, scarves or even bicycles. Divide kitchen area and the hallway can be furnished. In a home where space is limited, corners are a must. You can put a stroller or a comfortable bench there, or replace the usual corner furniture to create more work space and storage space.

What a kitchen in the hallway could be like: a passing border

For a combined space, the correct arrangement of furniture is very important.

She may be:

  • L-shaped;
  • With an island in the middle;
  • U-shaped.

In the first case, there will be a great opportunity for visual zoning space, besides, in the resulting corner a dining table can fit perfectly, because this corner has created a wonderful niche. The island in the middle can also be a very advantageous option, but do not forget that similar design makes the visual perception of space very difficult, so if the room is small, it is better to avoid islands.

The U-shaped design is very convenient. For example, you can separate the room and the exit using a bar counter, a work surface, or just a table with flowers.

If possible, it is better to move the dining table to the living room, leaving the kitchen hallways compact. Porcelain tiles, like flooring It will be very appropriate - it is easy to care for, but quite difficult to spoil. It is not afraid of dirt, water and has increased wear resistance.

Kitchen in the hallway in a one-room apartment

After the redevelopment, you will get a single space: a studio apartment without walls. Natural light and free space will allow you to look at the room in a completely new way.

But in order for the combined apartment to become visually whole, it is worth using some design solutions:

  • Avoid sharp contrasts, such as red and green;
  • Add a decorative element that will tie the whole design together;
  • To add dynamism, the tiles should not be laid out in an absolutely even manner;
  • The style of the kitchen and hallway should be similar, the same or successfully combined.

A kitchen made in a dark style will look fresh and interesting longer - there is no need to avoid such shades. The only thing worth considering is that dark room requires massive furniture. What can be achieved by combining such premises with different purposes? First of all, this is an increase in space. Even if you just cook in the kitchen, you need a workplace so that the hostess or owner can feel comfortable without squeezing between pieces of furniture.

The problem is that when moving the kitchen into the hallway you will have to run around to various authorities - you need permission to transfer communications. To get the work done, it is better to contact specialists who will do everything as quickly as possible and select the best project.

It is worth abandoning massive lighting sources, such as a heavy and long chandelier. Would be an excellent replacement LED Strip Light. You can mount lamps in the ceiling, hang stylish sconces on the wall: combining the kitchen and hallway will add natural light into all rooms, so there is no need to overload the interior with lighting sources.

If the kitchen is equipped gas stove, then permission is also required to transfer it. If the resulting space allows, then it is better to leave the stove in place, moving other parts closer to the hallway kitchen interior. The kitchen, even a combined one, is a place where dozens of different smells live. This means that they will certainly be absorbed into clothing. And it is extremely difficult to avoid such an effect, but not if the owners thought out the ventilation system well when the renovation was carried out. In the kitchen-hallway you can’t do without a hood, otherwise your clothes will constantly smell.

Cozy furniture in the hallway-kitchen (video)

There is no need to be afraid to use different techniques to create a kitchen with a transition to the hallway. In big and open space It’s even easier to breathe, it’s convenient to receive guests, and there’s no feeling of oppressive walls. Good luck in bringing your idea to life!

Design of a kitchen and hallway in one room (interior photo)

Combining the living room and hallway is done to increase usable area apartments. Modern design solutions allow us to solve this problem not only from a functional point of view, but also from an aesthetic one. A typical hallway is a cramped, elongated room that can hardly accommodate several people. In combined options, guests are given the opportunity not to crowd at the entrance, but to disperse throughout the room and calmly get ready before leaving or undress/take off their shoes after visiting. The hallway is usually considered an intermediate area between the street and the house. Dirt accumulates here and it can also draw cold from the front door. The hallway combined with the living room becomes quite risky option, because both rooms have different functional purpose. the main task the designer will not only smooth out these differences, but also select a universal interior design that will unite them into a kind of hall.

Advantages and disadvantages

TO obvious advantages This combination includes the following features:

  • Increasing usable area. If earlier design ideas It was impossible to solve within the framework of one room, but now options for their implementation appear on an increased square footage.
  • Possibility to install large furniture. Removing the partition allows you to install one closet (usually built-in) or a dressing room for two rooms. In this way, the problem of storing things in two rooms at once, which usually involves installing such furniture separately, will be solved.
  • In a dark and “blind” corridor, natural light will appear from the living room window. Of course, the room will not bathe in the rays of the sun, but its illumination will improve significantly. This will not only create a cozy environment, but will also save on energy costs.

It has similar option and a number of disadvantages, all of which are related to the proximity of the hallway to the entrance:

  • Possible noise from neighbors causing disturbances or quarrels in the landing. The problem of “strangers” in hallways is now being solved with the help of intercoms and concierges, but there are still houses where the residents themselves organize get-togethers or noisy fights outside their personal apartments.
  • Cold that can “pull” from the door. If a previously low temperature in winter period lingered in the hallway, now cool air from the entrance will freely flow into the room for receiving guests.
  • Smoking room on the staircase, from which smoke and the smell of nicotine spread.
  • Street dirt that will be drawn into the living space. This problem can be partially solved by placing a rug in the hallway. Households and guests must be taught to constantly wipe their feet.
    Most of the shortcomings are eliminated by installing a high-quality entrance door. In private houses, the only downside is street dirt.

Zoning methods

Combining two rooms is only half the battle. To create psychological comfort and facilitate the perception of a two-in-one room set, it is necessary to competent zoning space. Its main goal: not to delimit two rooms, but to smooth out the difference between them, to ensure smooth transition from one room to another in such a way that together they become a single composition, and individually retain their characteristics. There are several ways to accomplish this task:

  • Color separation. The design of both rooms in this case is based on a single concept, but has obvious differences in the palette of shades. The technique is classified as “soft”, which is easily perceived visually.
  • Relief of the ceiling and floor. They create frame protrusions in the border zone; such “steps” are referred to as obvious zoning.
  • Using a similar principle, additional elements are created on the walls, most often arches.
  • Light composition. Refers to the "ghost" zoning system. It looks more impressive in combination with other methods.
  • Furniture and decor. Zoning with cabinets, sofas and shelving is recommended to be done in rooms of identical size. In the situation with the hallway and living room, it is better to resort to the use of decor. These can be two symmetrical figurines, flower pots or soft ottomans, which are located on both sides of the conditional line.

In some cases they use mobile partitions or curtains. By the way, these elements can additionally protect the living room from interference from the “street”.


“To rejoice” at the realization of what is possible old dream many owners begin to actively fill the room with furniture elements, thereby negating the effect of the combined option. Rational arrangement interior decoration rooms can further increase the space. A well-developed design will eliminate possible inconveniences: furniture placed out of place will not only interfere with the passage, but will also force you to make a number of unnecessary movements. The furnishings of the hallway-living room are developed even before connecting both rooms. Designers recommend main problem, which forced the owners to combine (lack of space), strike a double blow. Including from the placement of furniture. Replace the chest of drawers or cabinet in the hallway with a narrow and compact storage system. Here, leave only an open hanger that does not “clutter” the space. You can store it on it minimum required. The rest of the things that are not needed this season are moved to the built-in dressing room. It will become the main storage system for two rooms at once. The furnishings of the hall, as a rule, are designed in best traditions living room: sofa, coffee table, a couple of armchairs, a place for a TV, a shelf with books.

IN in this case the combined option is used “in the interests” of the hallway, and the living room “goes” towards it. For this reason, in the second room the furnishings remain standard with small additions that will help “unload” the cramped corridor.

Wall color

You should not decorate both rooms in the same color. This will create a canvas effect that will narrow the space and make the room look dull and dull. Use the same principle of combining tones. For this purpose, take one main color, which prevails, and two of its shades. As an additional revitalization, a fourth contrasting accent is used. Bright details are dispersed throughout the room in small quantities, but in no case do they decorate the transition zone. Such a mistake will once again emphasize the “artificiality” of the unification, as if one room was stuck to another.


If you decide to combine two rooms, then you should pay attention to the decor Special attention. In this case, it is assigned two functions at once:

  • Interior decoration;
  • Smooth and soft zoning.

A vertical collage of photographs on the wall will roughly break up two rooms. Tall vases in the area of ​​the former doorway will unobtrusively show that a completely different room begins in this place.


A well-designed lighting system allows not only to create warm comfort in the room, but also to emphasize the differences between its main zones. For these purposes, complex combinations of light sources located at different levels are used. Ceiling chandeliers there may be two or only one in the living room (the other is replaced with spotlights). The result should be a complex composition that will separate the zones from each other and emphasize the advantages of the decoration and interior.


The first thing a person unconsciously pays attention to in an apartment is its floors. The expression “watch your step” in this case implies not so much the presence of obstacles as a comfortable covering that gives a feeling of reliability (you can step here without losing your balance). Playing on the contrast of colors and textures will further separate functional areas. Such a distinction will not be noticeable; here there will be an impact at the subconscious level. A person will notice the differences, but will not attach much importance to them, and the information will be stored in the head. The habit of wearing shoes at home is found only among soap opera characters, in harsh reality There are plumes of dirt stretching from the street, which will have to be systematically removed from the hallway. For this reason, it uses a durable and washable coating. In the living room, it is allowed to use materials in which the decorative function comes first (cork, varnished parquet).


Ceilings, like floors, play an important role in zoning and can serve a decorative function. Just a small change in its level will already serve as the point where the gaze will “catch”, and the person will understand the unobtrusive hint: here lies a conventional border. The advantage of ceiling zoning is that it is easy to notice both from the living room and from the threshold. Also for finishing they use materials that have a special texture, decorative ceiling beams, tension and suspended structures. Using any of these options, you can not only stylishly decorate the room, but also gently show which part of it belongs to the hallway and which part belongs to the guest room.


In this case, they do not mean monumental walls, but lightweight structures. Their role can be decorative “barriers” made of glass, plastic or carved wood, as well as mobile options. If necessary, the partitions are folded and put away in a special place for storage. The rest of the time, they act as a boundary “pillar” that does not clutter up the space, but, on the contrary, adds airiness to it. Most often, partitions mean folding screens, on the textile surface of which thematic designs are depicted.

Corners, supports, passages

Those who decide to combine the hallway with the hall do not necessarily have to destroy all the elements that previously served as part of the dismantled wall. You can even leave some area of ​​it and adapt this natural protrusion under a tabletop, support for a stand or shelf. A similar situation occurs with corners and passages. Owners can emphasize the features of the layout by artificially extending the corner that “looks” towards the living room.

Built-in storage

Using a lightweight, pass-through shelving unit with open shelves, you can create an obvious separation between two rooms. By installing this furniture against the wall or perpendicular to it, the owners will receive a new area for storing small items and an original interior partition. To emphasize its “airiness”, the colors of the cabinet are chosen from light shades.

Entrance door

The entrance door must have good heat and sound insulation. In addition, the element will “loom” constantly before your eyes, because the wall that previously separated it from the recreation area no longer exists. For this reason, avoid using unnecessarily bright colors in design, since something like this quickly becomes boring. Also, you shouldn’t make the door as neutral and inconspicuous as possible; you shouldn’t let it blend in with the wall decoration. Designers advise finding golden mean in colors that will not irritate and at the same time emphasize the presence of a way out of the room.

The idea of ​​combining premises first came to the minds of apartment owners. It is these people who are forced to huddle in boxes that cannot be expanded. And since it is impossible to enlarge, it means that the generally accepted planning framework will have to be demolished, and along with them the walls. In apartments, popular options are combining kitchens and living rooms with dining rooms, offices with libraries, hallways with halls. This creates an imitation of the now fashionable studios, where everything is in “one bottle.” The combination of an entrance hall and a living room in an apartment is more a necessity than a whim of its owners. This real way transform the familiar interior beyond recognition and place everything that you previously wanted, but couldn’t do.

In private houses, the combination process is usually thought through at the design stage. This is a pre-informed decision, which is more of a design nature, a desire to stand out among the standard layouts in other private houses, rather than a necessity.

The staircase in this room is more often found in private buildings and less often in luxury two-story apartments apartment buildings. This interior element is played out in such a way that from a functional platform for moving from one floor to another, it turns into stylish element situation, its conditional center, from which they “dance” when creating overall composition. In combined rooms, the staircase will act as the main “candle on the cake”, drawing attention from the transition zone to itself. Or, with a good location, it itself will become a natural delimiter between two rooms.


The hallway is conventionally the “face” of the house, the very first room, by the appearance of which guests can already judge the neatness and taste preferences of the owners. Expanding its space allows you to take a deep breath in the once cramped room, which is usually neglected by the owners. A neat appearance and well-executed combination will allow you to judge the owners as extraordinary individuals who are not afraid of risky experiments.

For a person who lives in a small one-room apartment, it is important to find a compromise between functionality and style when planning the design of the hallway kitchen. It is necessary to save every centimeter of these premises. It's better to choose Scandinavian style, loft or minimalism - you won’t have enough space for lush decorations in the Baroque style.

Design of a kitchen and corridor in the interior of a small apartment

Combining the kitchen with the hallway is serious, but at the same time correct solution for a small city apartment. However, when planning such an interior, you will have problems, because the hallway is the first room that a person sees when entering the apartment. At correct placement furniture and choice required lighting And color palette, it will turn out stylish, and at the same time functional.


Before and corridor, consider two cases where this is actually appropriate. It is important not to make a mistake with the decision, since returning everything back will be very problematic:

  1. When both the hallway and the kitchen have such small areas that both rooms cannot be used for their intended purpose.
  2. If a person rarely cooks at home and often has lunch and dinner outside the home.
  3. The desire to change the design of the apartment and expand the space.

Look for other layout solutions. Arranging your kitchen furniture differently can change its appearance and free up space. If the exit to the loggia is in the kitchen, then these two rooms can be combined by first insulating the loggia. However, more often, combined with a hallway, it will be the only solution to expand the space in a city apartment.

Finished design from floor to ceiling


Having planned a complex redevelopment in the apartment, namely deciding to combine the kitchen with the hallway, you will have to face some difficulties:

  • Zoning. It is important to think through every detail, otherwise the interior will look thoughtless and unfinished. It is required that the room has a visual division into an entrance hall and a cooking area.
  • Choosing the right color palette. This task only seems at first glance, but in reality it is not so. It is important to think over a color scheme for two rooms at once. In this case, you can visually divide the room with color or, conversely, choose one neutral shade with several bright accents.
  • Technical problems. This may be due to the fact that the wall simply will not be allowed to be demolished. In this case, redevelopment will not be possible.


To obtain permission to redevelop an apartment and demolish a wall, select suitable project or come up with a new one, and then collect a package of all necessary documents and make a plan. These papers are sent to the following authorities:

  • City Housing Inspectorate.
  • Gas service, if you need to move gas appliances.

Beautiful interior small apartment

This will take time and money, so take care of all the paperwork in advance. Sometimes, in order to obtain permission to demolish a wall, you need to redo the project several times.


The kitchen hallway design is the main part when drawing up a plan. The overall appearance of the room will depend on this point. When planning, it is important to consider several key points:

  • If you want to visually expand the space, then for the hallway and kitchen it is best to choose wallpaper of the same color. In this case, you can separate the zones using ceilings at different levels. The design of the ceilings can be the most original and unusual.
  • Take care of the right artificial lighting, since hallways usually have no windows. Light plays an important role in design, as it can significantly expand the space. If all the light comes from kitchen window, then redevelopment will practically not solve the problem, since the twilight will “eat up” the entire area.

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  • It is important to keep the food preparation work area private. If the place is too open, the hostess may not like it. It is best to take care to install a sliding screen or leave a half-wall in advance. Even the most simple partition between the kitchen and the hallway will help eliminate psychological discomfort.
  • Take care of the cabinets and shelves on which dishes and clothes from the hallway will be stored. This point is very important, since failure to comply with this point can negate all the advantages of combining the kitchen with the hallway.

Consider the placement of neat cabinets under the ceiling for storing things. Such furniture does not take up space and looks stylish. Allocate storage space on the balcony or loggia, if possible.


To make the living room with kitchen and hallway look stylish and modern, you need to take care of separating the zones:

Bright hues visually expand the space

  • If the space is large and you want bright design, then choose wallpaper different colors for the hallway and kitchen. However, designers read that it is better to give preference to one color. To make your kitchen stand out work area, choose kitchen sets bright colors or with interesting patterns. This solution will not only be stylish, but will also visually separate the cooking area from the hallway.
  • An original solution is multi-level ceilings above the zones. Do stretch ceiling, and highlight the hallway area with spotlights. If the choice fell on ceilings different levels, then you shouldn’t touch the floor, since it’s not functional.
  • Stylish kitchen hallways differ from other interiors in that they have a minimal number of details. An overloaded design looks untidy and sloppy and does not meet modern requirements.


Advice: doing it yourself will, of course, cost less. But it is best to entrust this to professionals who have experience and the necessary knowledge. Otherwise, there is a risk that the result will not be what you would like.

The designers decided to abandon standard solutions when remodeling an apartment for a small family with an active life position. They tried to bring lightness and liven up the kitchen space by adding a bright fuchsia color and a snake design. At the same time, it was combined with a corridor, which made it possible to expand the space and create a special coziness in the apartment.

Photo of the kitchen and hallway before the remodel:

Walls and floors in the hallway and kitchen

To pour screed onto the floor and level the walls, first of all, the craftsmen took care of dismantling old decoration. Using tile adhesive, large-format (30x60 cm) porcelain tiles were laid, the rough surface of which resembles a cement slab. This material has excellent characteristics strength and resistance to high humidity, temperature changes. For this reason, it is also used for outdoor installation of floor coverings.

The slabs of light and dark shades are laid chaotically. This decision by the designers allows us to remove excessive orderliness from the kitchen with a standard layout. In addition, the designers decided to abandon the door, leaving only a high, comfortable opening.

To paint the carefully leveled and plastered walls, we chose two colors: bright fuchsia, which acts as an explosive accent, and calm gray shade. British made paint water based has a rather optimistic title: “Don’t Delay!” These products are specially created for finishing rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms, since they are completely resistant to the influence of water, condensation and steam.

A glass apron with a dynamic pattern from the artist Leonid Fursov harmoniously combined all the colors present in the kitchen. The image, applied to glass using photo printing, contains gray and white tints, as well as a remarkable fuchsia. The author’s work is also embodied in such a mandatory attribute of the hallway as a mirror. General concept alterations are entirely supported by this object of complex geometric shape.

Kitchen ceiling and lighting

To construct an architectural snake with slits for lighting, the ceiling was equipped with a plasterboard structure. For its decoration, we used natural reconstructed cardboard, which is flexible wallpaper. The material is created from thin tropical abashi wood, imitating teak, and a paper backing of the same shade. To extend the service life, the wallpaper was treated with transparent protective oil and wax.

After careful leveling and putty, the ceiling was covered with the same British-made white paint that was used for the walls.

An LED strip enclosed in the ceiling was used as architectural lighting for the ceiling. aluminum profile and covered with matte light-diffusing plastic. With the help of such an element, which can be used as a main and additional light source, the boundaries of functional zones were emphasized.

The kitchen ceiling is topped with an economical LED lamp, made from frosted glass and a black round body. The same devices of a smaller diameter, five in number, were installed to illuminate the corridor. As an additional source of lighting, bidirectional sconces were used, mounted on the walls at an angle of 45 ̊.

The kitchen work surface is illuminated using devices controlled by an external switch. For the cabinets, lighting was used, equipped with infrared sensors movements. When the facades are opened, it simply lights up.

Windows and doors in the kitchen

A window installed in the kitchen provides protection from external noise and cold. This is facilitated by a thermoblock located between inner wall profile and reinforcement. This air chamber allows the system to easily tolerate temperature changes above 60 °C.

Instead of the old entrance door, a new stylish frame was installed with a door leaf made of metal, a decorative protective panel and satin glass in a high-tech style. Overlaid threshold ensuring perfection appearance doors complemented its basic design.

The doorways of the toilet and bathroom have also been transformed. Monoblock boxes combined with platbands were installed here. This design is highly durable and reliable. For cladding door leaves Brushed veneer was used in the color " White ash» with a pronounced wood texture. The inserts are made of white matte high-strength triplex glass.

Italian fittings with a matte chrome finish complete the door composition. Collectible pens from the architect Mario Mazzera attract attention by being equipped with thin square rosettes and drops of rock crystal.

The entrance to the rooms is equipped with an interior partition that hides the private part of the apartment. Frosted glass sheet white not only does it not overload the space, but also visually raises the ceiling.

Furniture for a new kitchen

To comfortably accommodate the family and its guests, the kitchen has a dining area with a cozy sofa. Ten people can comfortably sit on a spacious modular ottoman. At the same time, in its lower part there is space for storing various things, closed with lids with closers. Above the stylish bar counter with drawers and chrome holders for glasses and wine glasses hang over the bottle compartments.

Sliding design dining table comprises wooden table top white color and steel base. Plastic transparent chairs on wooden legs They are a 1950 model. The authors of this replica, which is still popular today, are American designers Ray and Charles Eames.

See all photos of the renovation and design of the kitchen combined with the corridor:

The convenience of cooking is due to the open work surfaces installed along the side wall of the kitchen. Spacious wardrobes with built-in appliances and storage systems installed in the border area between the corridor and the kitchen. The stone work surface around the sink is made of strong and durable natural quartz.

Upper tier kitchen furniture presented with cabinets for storing dishes, supplies and kitchen utensils. The material used was chipboard, finished with golden oak veneer.

Also watch a video about remodeling a snake kitchen:

Kitchen combined with hallway

Few people will be surprised by the unusual layout today. Not only architects and designers, but also ordinary citizens often combine the kitchen with the dining room or the hallway with the living room. This non-standard solution, how a combined kitchen with an entrance hall in a private house is sometimes found, especially old building. This is rare in apartments. But it is precisely this that often allows you to make your home more comfortable and spacious.

How to combine what is initially incompatible and get a decent result? Let's get a look.

What will such a combination give?

Combining two premises with such different purposes into small apartment brings a lot of benefits:

  • Significant increase in free space, making it more comfortable to move around the kitchen while preparing food and seating eaters.
  • More visually pleasing large space , getting rid of the feeling of cramped space.

However, such a combination is also fraught with some disadvantages, which not everyone wants to put up with. In particular:

  • Smell. Things in the hallway, if there is no door to the kitchen, can become saturated with the aromas of cooking food. That's why powerful hood and well-closing cabinets become mandatory when arranging such a room. Fragrances installed in the wardrobe will also help to cope with the problem.
  • Dirt and dust from a nearby entrance area can enter the cooking area, since there will be no barrier in the form of a wall or door between them. But this problem can also be solved by laying special rugs under the door and behind it. Still, you will have to do wet cleaning with your own hands more often.
  • The need for clearly visible zoning of space. Agree, cooking or eating in the hallway is still uncomfortable. A bar counter, arch or podium will visually highlight different zones, at the same time, without eating up space.
  • Viewability dining area from the entrance. Many people feel uncomfortable while eating if there is no way to hide from prying eyes.

Therefore, before thinking about how to combine these two rooms, carefully weigh the pros and cons.

The main nuances of combining the hallway and kitchen

Let's see what needs to be done so that the idea of ​​​​combining a kitchen with a corridor takes tangible forms and leads to a digestible result.


The first thing you will need to do is obtain permission for redevelopment. Especially if you decide to demolish load-bearing walls. This is not easy to do in most cases, since the instructions do not allow you to violate the integrity load-bearing structures without high-quality reinforcement of the elements remaining in place.

However, this problem can be solved. But we need a project drawn up by a competent architect and agreed upon by the BTI and the local department of architecture.

Selection of materials

The purpose of such a room dictates its own rules when choosing finishing materials. They can be different for each zone, but they must be practical, durable, and resistant to frequent cleaning.

  • Cooking area It is best to finish with moisture-resistant, washable materials. These are tiles, linoleum, plastic, stainless steel, strained glass, dye, decorative plaster with a smooth surface.
  • In the entrance area The same materials will be appropriate, but you can add wood, laminate, vinyl wallpapers, fake diamond.
  • For the dining area you can make an exception using MDF panels, leather and even paper wallpaper.

But it is better to refuse textiles and carpets. They will collect dust, absorb soot and odors.

Zone separation

In fact, the hallway is the dirtiest place in the house, connecting it to the street or a common entrance. And the kitchen is the cleanest; food is stored and prepared here.

On an intuitive level, their combination is perceived negatively. To prevent such a feeling from arising, zoning of space is necessary. This can be done in different ways.

For example:

  • Physical zoning involves the construction of certain objects limiting each zone. These could be wide arches instead of doors between rooms, low partitions, a bar counter or kitchen island, through shelving or sliding panels.
  • Contrasting zoning- this is used in different parts rooms of different composition, color or texture of materials. For example, in work area In the kitchen, you can lay tiles on the floor, and laminate or parquet on the rest of the area. The transition of the tile to another coating will be visually perceived as the border of two zones. Various types also cope well with this task. color solutions when using similar materials. The main thing is that all the colors match each other.
  • Light zoning- this is the use of different scenarios when choosing lighting. Hanging chandelier in the dining area, furniture or Spotlights in the work room, sconces, lighting for mirrors and wardrobes in the hallway. It is advisable to choose one style of lamp design.

To make the kitchen combined with the hallway comfortable and cozy, use the following practical tips:

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