Standards for hot water supply in an apartment building. Determining the normal temperature of hot water in an apartment building

Utility services provided to consumers must be of high quality. Their proper implementation ensures the normal functioning and safety of consumers. This also applies to supplying the population hot water(DHW). The water supplied to apartments and houses must meet the regulatory requirements for its composition, color, smell, and temperature.

We will tell you in this article what the hot water temperature should be according to SanPiN standards.

What standards are established in SanPiN? Photo No. 1

This mysterious abbreviation is deciphered quite simply. We are talking about sanitary standards and standards. These regulations are mandatory for everyone and are designed to ensure the safety (harmlessness) of the resources supplied to the end consumer.

The requirements concern various fields human activities and must create an environment favorable for his life.

The legislation establishes standards for the quality of water, air, various goods, the operation of enterprises, educational institutions, medical institutions. These rules are adopted by acts of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the country. Violation of established regulations requires the application of certain penalties.

Where are they used?

Where are they used? sanitary standards submissions hot water? Photo No. 2

Hygienic and sanitary standards have a fairly wide range of use. They operate in trade, education, medicine, provision utilities. Their own rules have also been adopted in the field of hot water supply to consumers (SanPiN They relate to the quality of the supplied water, its temperature conditions, and the operation of centralized hot water systems.

The water supplied to consumers must have a harmless composition, the absence of infections and harmful bacteria. In addition, when supplying it, the level of contamination and chlorination must be ensured.

The requirements established by this standard must be observed by all organizations, entrepreneurs, institutions and bodies related to hot water supply without exception. They extend their effect to various types of hot water systems

About the requirements for the center

What are the requirements for the Center for Civil Wars? Photo No. 3

The requirements stipulated by SaiPiN apply not only to the quality of the water itself, but also to their supply systems as a whole. Cleaning and water supply must be done specialized organizations using safe, proven materials, equipment, and active chemicals.

When designing a water supply system, the type of system is selected based on the indicators of the initially supplied water.

There are three types of systems in total:

  • connected to closed heat supply systems;
  • to open heat supply systems;
  • STsGV with separate networks.

In case of CVS, the standards established for the safety and normal functioning of the system must also be taken into account. When operating them, the required water temperature must be observed. In places for water intake, it should not fall below +60° Celsius.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of supplied water, including preventive measures. DHW systems must undergo washing and disinfection procedures. Interruptions in water supply in such cases should not last more than fourteen days.

Requirements for DHW quality and temperature

What quality and what temperature should be served in residential apartments hot water? Photo No. 4

Provisions of SanPiN entitled “ Hygienic requirements to ensure the safety of hot water supply systems” they say the following. The consumer must receive water from the tap that has passed all levels of purification and meets all safety and hygiene requirements and rules. These standards are designed to ensure its harmless composition, normal color and smell.

Hot food must be supplied at a certain temperature to avoid the development of various infections and bacteria. According to SanPiN, incoming water cannot be colder than sixty degrees and hotter than seventy-five degrees. Hazardous untested substances cannot be used when purifying water. Its quality should allow it to avoid infection and skin problems.

Recalculation if the temperature does not meet the standards

Despite the existence of standards establishing the required water temperature, their violation is sometimes omitted. If the water does not meet the standard temperature specified for it, you should not ignore it. All housing and communal services must be of high quality and meet established requirements. Their violation entails certain consequences.

It should be borne in mind that the legislator provides for the possibility of minimal deviations from the norm that do not entail negative consequences. Permissible deviations, depending on the day, can range from three to five degrees. If a larger difference is detected, the consumer has the right to demand elimination of the violations.

In addition, it is possible to recalculate payment for the entire time the water does not meet the prescribed temperature regime. if the temperature was below the standard, then it is worth paying for hot water at the rates for cold water. According to the existing recalculation formula, the amount of payment is reduced by 0.1 percent for every three degrees of deviation from the norm.

Features of measurements

How to measure hot water for compliance with quality and temperature? Photo No. 5

It makes no sense to say that the hot water temperature does not correspond to the norm. This fact must be established using special measurements. They must be produced by specialists using certain techniques and equipment. These measurements are taken at several water collection points.

In this case, several minutes should pass after opening the tap. It is not recommended to take measurements right away.

A specialist is called upon request from residents (owners) of apartments (houses). Based on the results of the inspection, a report on violation of the temperature norm must be drawn up. Based on this, it will be possible to demand elimination and recalculation.

Why do we need a standard water temperature?

The standard for permissible DHW temperature limits is set for a reason. Its lower limit makes it possible to rid the water supplied to consumers of various infections and harmful bacteria. At lower temperatures, they can develop and multiply, causing harm to humans.

Too much heat water may cause a risk of burns. Therefore, experts have established the optimal temperature that meets all the listed requirements.


Hot water supplied to consumers must comply with established standards. This is not only comfort, but also safety for human health and life. If there are violations of its temperature regime, housing and communal services workers should be notified about this. Deviations determined through measurements will serve as the basis for eliminating violations and recalculating payments for hot water supply.

You can find out about Rospotrebnadzor’s plans to reduce the temperature of hot water by watching the video:

The presence of a hot water supply system is a prerequisite for any modern comfortable housing. For this reason, it is important for every owner of residential property to know what temperature the hot water in the tap should be in the tap according to the 2016 SNP standard.

It should be noted that hot water supply plays a vital role for consumers. With its help, the likelihood of the formation of viruses and infections, the development of pandemics and epidemiological diseases is reduced. Hot water is also a convenience that allows you to keep your apartment clean and not experience discomfort while living in it.

Each person can measure the temperature of incoming water using a regular thermometer. Therefore, it is important to know the standard indicators for hot water approved by government regulations:

  • closed systems - from 50 degrees;
  • open systems – from 60 degrees;
  • joint systems – from 75 degrees.

Having figured out what temperature the hot water should be in the apartment according to the law, you can safely defend your rights to public utilities. At the same time, it is important that there are no deviations in both directions: insufficient temperature will not kill harmful bacteria, and excessively heated water can cause a burn.

It should be noted that the standard hot water temperature in apartment building in some cases may differ from the actual situation. Utilities have the right to reduce the temperature of the water supplied to the water supply for the following reasons:

  • emergency situations occurring on the highway or pumping station;
  • failure of housing communications;
  • carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance.

These reasons may lead to a interruption in the supply of hot water. However, current regulations also describe the duration of the period of interruption of water supply to apartment buildings:

  • up to 4 hours in a row;
  • up to 8 hours per month;
  • up to 24 hours in case of accidents.

In practice, utility services quite often violate the established time. Homeowners themselves are not able to influence this situation, but they may require a recalculation of the tariff used for water heating. Economists have calculated that when hot water is turned off, the price should be reduced by 0.15%.

It will not be possible to immediately attract specialists to measure the temperature of water in a hot tap, since there is a clear verification algorithm. Only compliance with it will allow drawing up an act that will be recognized by public utilities and other authorities.

If the hot water temperature in the apartment does not comply with the 2016 standard, then this fact can be proven by performing the following sequence of actions:

  • open the hot water tap for 2-3 minutes to drain the liquid that has stagnated in the pipes;
  • place a special glass under the stream to fill it to a certain level;
  • immerse a thermometer into the glass, which measures temperatures up to 100 degrees;
  • record the results obtained.

It must be taken into account that a certain deviation in both directions from the standard temperature indicators is allowed:

  • 00.01-05.00 – up to 5 degrees;
  • 05.00-00.00 – up to 3 degrees.
  • explain the reason for the refusal to carry out any work on the water supply system;
  • take measures to eliminate identified deviations.

If no practical measures are taken to correct the situation within a week, you should contact local authorities or the judiciary.

Many users are faced with the problem that the hot water that should come out of the tap is not as expected and it is barely warm. In such a situation, it is necessary to protect your interests and write a complaint.
We will tell you further what the requirements for hot water are, what temperature is optimal, and how to write a claim for poor-quality service.

Standards for hot water temperature in an apartment building

Current standards establish that the temperature of indoor water supplied to the homes of Russians living in apartment buildings must be at least 60 C.

In this case, the legislator sets a limit. Thus, the standard is valid for those citizens whose homes are connected to a centralized hot water supply (DHW) system. The law also defines permissible deviations from the minimum standard. They depend on the time of day.

So, in the period from 00-00 to 05-00 it is allowed that the water temperature in the apartment may be 5 C less, while in the remaining time the deviation should not exceed 3 C.

Therefore, based on the current rules, during the daytime the temperature of hot water can be 57 C, and at night - at least 55 degrees.

Standard 2019 SNIP and GOST

When talking about hot water supply in a private house (apartment), the first thing that comes to mind is the existing regulations related to this topic. The fundamental one is SNiP 2.04.01-85. In 2013, the Ministry of Regional Development determined adjustments to this standard, which were included in it under the name SP 30.13330.2012.

Note that the indicated act is expanded, has sanitary installations, and affects not only the issues of hot water supply, but also internal water supply and sewer systems, used for apartment buildings. Rusty and poor quality water is also mentioned here.

This standard specifies that in matters permissible temperature DHW must be guided by the provisions of GOST 2874-82. The following rules are outlined here:

  • in centralized hot water systems connected to open heat supply systems at the point of intake, the optimal water temperature does not fall below 60 C;
  • for centralized hot water supply systems connected to closed heat supply systems, the minimum norm is 50 C;
  • The maximum water heating temperature for all heating systems is 75 C.

Standard 2019 SanPin

One of the key legislative acts establishing the rules regarding hot water supply is the current SanPin 2.1.2496-09. The standard was approved by Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia No. 20 of 04/07/2009. It has deep connections with other regulations.

The specified regulatory framework determines the maximum and minimum limits of permissible water temperature in an apartment building. Thus, the maximum value is 75 C, and the minimum is 60 C. At the same time, the legislator establishes some acceptable standards deviations, which, depending on the time of day, are 3-5 degrees.

At the entrance to the house, the temperature of the supplied water may, accordingly, be slightly higher. This is logical, because in the pipeline networks of the house it can cool down!

Measuring hot water temperature in an apartment: rules

If the user intends to check the quality of the hot water supply service provided, he can measure the water temperature. Based on the data received, a citizen has the right to file a claim with the service provider if the temperature does not comply with current standards.

There are certain rules for measuring hot water temperature. Consumers need to take mandatory actions.

The results obtained should be recorded and compared with current regulatory recommendations.

Problems with hot water supply often affect consumers. Many users do not know how to protect their interests in such a situation, and continue to pay the established tariffs of management companies.

If we talk about the causes of the problem, they can be divided into several categories:

  1. Circumstances that have a legislative explanation. The law allows the temperature of hot water in taps to be lowered if new heating systems are being tested, or suppliers are introducing new requirements for technical equipment plumbing system. When introducing new equipment, the state will not impose sanctions against violators.
  2. Repair operations. Hot water supply systems periodically require repair and reconstruction, which can cause water supply problems. If this happens, the temperature of the warm water may drop or the water will disappear altogether. However, the management company must inform consumers about this in advance.
  3. Deception and fraud against consumers. The management or resource supply company deliberately lowers the water temperature, providing a service of inadequate quality, trying to reduce the cost of heating it. By doing so, they violate existing laws and will be held accountable.

What to do if the temperature of hot water in the apartment is below normal, where to go?

If the water temperature does not meet the established standards, if it is not hot enough, the consumer may apply for a recalculation. In this situation, you need to pay attention to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011. Here the further actions of the dissatisfied consumer are prescribed.

So, according to the document, the user will have to act as follows:

  1. If the consumer discovers that the temperature of the water in his tap does not meet the requirements and has significant deviations, he must notify representatives of the supplier company about the problem and management company. The notification may be either oral or written.
  2. The dispatcher receiving the request records the fact of dissatisfaction. Let us note that he is obliged to do several actions, in particular, introduce himself and name his position. The request is recorded, after which the user is informed of the number of his complaint.
  3. The consumer must clearly state the essence of the complaint to the dispatcher (lack of water in the pipes, low temperature, etc.), indicate his personal data, and also indicate the contacts through which he can be contacted to clarify the situation.
  4. If the dispatcher knows about the existing problems, he will give preliminary justifications. If he does not have accurate information, the employee will inform the applicant about the upcoming measurement procedure, which is agreed upon with the consumer.
  5. Based on the results of verification operations (measurements take place in the presence of the consumer), a report is drawn up in 2 copies. One of them is given to the applicant, and the second remains with the company receiving the application. If the measurement results do not meet the consumer’s requirements, he has the right to insist on measurements being carried out by independent experts.

Who is responsible for hot water in the apartment

Current principles affecting the problems of inconsistency of water temperature in hot water supply in residential buildings, establish that management companies and homeowners associations, who are the actual subscribers and recipients, will be responsible in this situation DHW services. Also included in the area of ​​responsibility are direct service providers – resource supply organizations.

If any complaints arise regarding the quality of the supplied hot water in the water supply system, a dissatisfied consumer has the right to file a complaint with representatives of the management company, or directly with the supplier.

How to write a complaint

The legislator establishes a number of mandatory requirements that must be taken into account when filing a complaint by a dissatisfied consumer in the housing and communal services segment. So, if a citizen is not satisfied with the quality of the hot water service, and believes that the water temperature is low and does not meet the standards, he will have to pay attention to the following points:

  • the application can be written manually or printed on a computer;
  • in the upper left corner you must indicate the applicant’s current information, including full name, residential address and contact information;
  • You must indicate the name of the organization to which the complaint is being sent and which is found to be non-compliant with current requirements. If the user knows an official involved in solving problems of this type, it will be necessary to indicate that the complaint is being sent to a specific specialist (for example, the city of Moscow, I.I. Ivanov, chief specialist in housing and communal services of the company “Your Everything”);
  • in the main part of the appeal, you must indicate the reasons that prompted you to file a claim (unprovided hot water supply services), inform about the essence of the problem and attempts to solve it. The consumer must indicate when and where he applied to demand attention to the problem, and what answer the representatives of the management company or the resource supply structure gave him. It is advisable to make references to actual standards;
  • after writing the main part of the claim, you must indicate all the attached documents, including the results of measurements made by independent experts or employees of the management company, witness testimony, information defining the epidemiological threshold for water safety, etc.;
  • the date of writing the complaint is indicated, and the applicant leaves a personal signature with a transcript.

The application receives a personal code by which the user can track its further progress

Application for recalculation of payment for hot water of inadequate quality

The application for recalculation has the form established by law; you can study the current sample document and download it. ⇐

Recalculation for hot water deviation from the norm, degrees, formula

If the consumer owns up-to-date information regarding actual water temperature standards, he has the right to file a claim with public utilities, trying to protect his interests.

Note that the legislator establishes a number of penalties for violators.
According to the provisions of Article 7.23 of Federal Law No. 195, officials will be punished with a fine of 500-1000 rubles, legal entities– 5-10 thousand rubles.

In the future, it is planned to establish more serious penalties. Recalculation is made using a specific formula. Thus, the legislator established that during the period when hot water did not reach optimal temperature , the consumer will pay at the rate characteristic of cold water

(recalculation method). At the same time, the formula establishes recalculation taking into account 0.1% for every 3 degrees of deviation from the norm.

Recalculation example To analyze the situation, let's give an example of the following type.

The hot water temperature is 53 degrees (the hot water system is open) and this value was observed during the calendar month. Therefore, for this period, payment should have been calculated at the rate for cold water. The consumer consumed 3 cubic meters of hot water at a rate of 100 rubles per cubic meter. At the same time, the cold water tariff is 30 rubles per cubic meter. Consequently, instead of the required 30*3=90 rubles, the payment amount was 100*3=300 rubles. They must return him 300-90=210 rubles. The 2019 standards that determine the temperature of hot water supplied to the premises are established by a special document - the SanPin order. Just like last year, this indicator remained unchanged, which means that all Russians living in multi-storey buildings have the right to demand full provision from the service organization in apartments, including hot water supply.

It should be noted that the problem is not even that the water has a temperature that is not quite suitable for use. The problem is related to the danger posed by water supplies that are treated contrary to accepted technology. Today we will talk about what standards are in force in Russia and what rights are given to residents of apartment buildings.

Not every owner knows that the water temperature is determined by the water supply system. For each type of water supply device, a different indicator is set, such as:

  • for an open system – from 60 degrees Celsius;
  • V closed system– from 50 degrees Celsius.

According to 2019 standards, the hot water temperature should not be higher than 75 degrees. The top level no longer depends on the type and configurations of the system.

This standard must be observed very strictly, and there are several well-founded reasons for this. In particular, we are talking about the following important points:

  • Too low a temperature can cause the liquid in the pipes to become viscous, and infectious agents will begin to appear in it. When the temperature threshold is met, harmful bacteria die and do not reach the human body;
  • Excessively hot water can cause severe burns at the user. Even at a temperature of 55 degrees, the risk of getting a burn is very high, so to avoid such a situation, open system water supplies usually also “mix” cold water;
  • An excessive increase in the temperature of the hot water supply can lead to deformation of parts of the water supply system made of plastic. This kind of danger began to increase especially in last years when people are increasingly installing plastic pipes in their apartments.

Finding the culprit here will be very difficult, since no measurements of hot water temperature were initially carried out. This means that you will not be able to receive compensation either.

What deviations from the norms are allowed?

A sharp drop and increase in the temperature of the hot water supply can lead to serious disruptions and failures in the water supply system and even possible injuries to citizens. At the same time, there are a number of permitted deviations from established standards. We are talking about the following points:

  • during the daytime (from 5 am to 24 pm) the water temperature can be lowered by no more than 3 degrees, that is, to 57 degrees Celsius;
  • at night (from midnight to 5 am) maximum possible threshold the reduction is 5 degrees, that is, up to 55 degrees Celsius.

DHW suspension can occur in two situations. In the first case we are talking about an accident. The second option is to carry out planned preventive measures. In any case, residents should not suffer, and the maximum permissible period for turning off hot water is 4 hours.

Ways to find out the temperature of water

To defend your point of view and receive compensation for violation of rights, it is not enough to go or write to the Criminal Code. It is necessary to present to them irrefutable circumstances that there is not much flowing from the tap. warm water, preferably received empirically and beyond doubt.

When an injured tenant wants to seek justice and compensation, they will first need to find out what the current performance of the property is. The procedure is quite simple and short. Moreover, no complex or obscure devices are required for this.

To get the necessary information, you will need to arm yourself with a simple thermometer with a scale of 100 degrees. This device is suitable for measuring the desired indicator. When using the device, you will need to strictly follow the given algorithm. This will allow you to get the most accurate results. The procedure should be as follows:

  1. Open the hot water tap and wait at least 3 minutes. This makes it possible to remove accumulated liquid, the indicators of which are slightly lower.
  2. Place a glass under the stream and hold it so that the water overflows. You can’t just put water in a glass and take it to the table, because during this time it can cool down by a couple of degrees.
  3. It is important to carefully lower the thermometer into the glass closer to the center.
  4. Once the readings stop increasing, you can record the data.

If the resulting temperature is below the permitted temperature, then it will be necessary to file a complaint with the Criminal Code or the housing and communal services department. If there is no reaction, then the next authority for the complaint is the prosecutor’s office and the court.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that if the temperature of hot water drops below 40 degrees Celsius, the tenant will pay for it as for cold water supply. During a violation of current standards, a citizen also has the right to demand a recalculation.

SanPiN regulations strictly establish what the temperature of hot water in an apartment should be - the 2019 standard remained unchanged compared to the previous year. This means that all Russian citizens have the right to use hot water at a certain temperature (for which, by the way, they pay) and to complain when faced with violations of SanPiN regulations. And the point is not at all that along with water the citizen is deprived of basic amenities - if the water flowing from the tap is too cold or too hot, the health of the person who uses it is at risk.

What standards are established?

What temperature should the hot water be? This directly depends on the type of water supply system:

    If the system is open - minimum 60 degrees Celsius.

    In a closed system - minimum 50 degrees Celsius.

According to 2019 standards, the temperature of hot water in the apartment should not exceed 75 degrees. This limit does not depend on the type of water supply system.

Temperature control is extremely important for a number of reasons.

    If the temperature is too low, the fluid becomes contaminated with pathogens infectious diseases and bacteria. At a set minimum temperature threshold, harmful bacteria are doomed to death.

    Water that is too hot can cause skin damage (burns). Strictly speaking, even at 55 degrees there is a risk of burns - therefore, citizens connected to open water supply systems are advised to “mix” cold water with hot water.

    Exceeding the temperature threshold leads to damage to the plastic elements of the water supply system - but in most cases modern apartments The water supply is mostly made of plastic. Who should pay for repairs in this case is a big question. The entire time the citizen is looking for the culprit and proving his right to compensation, he will have to sit unwashed.

A temperature drop to 59 degrees or an increase to 76 degrees in an open water supply system is already considered a violation of the Rules for the provision of public utilities (there are such). However, these Rules still allow minor deviations from temperature limits.

    It is allowed to lower the temperature during the day (from 5 am to midnight) by 3° Celsius - that is, to 57°.

    At night (from midnight to 5 am) it is permissible to lower the minimum threshold by 5° - that is, to 55°.

The supply of hot water can be suspended completely in 2 cases: if there is an accident at the pumping station or supply line, or if scheduled maintenance work is carried out. In case of prevention, citizens have no right to be deprived of water supply for more than 4 hours.

How to measure temperature?

Of course, it is useless to go to the management company with unfounded accusations that “what comes out of the tap is a little lukewarm” - provide them with evidence. Therefore, a citizen who considers himself a victim due to violations of SanPiNA regulations and wants to defend justice must first of all learn how to measure the temperature of hot water in an apartment. This procedure is simple, short-term and does not require sophisticated improvised means.

A thermometer with a scale of 100 degrees is how you measure the temperature of hot water in a tap. For measurement, a citizen must prepare this household appliance, then strictly adhere to the algorithm of actions, which, according to management companies, invariably leads to accurate results.

    Open the tap and let the water drain for about 3 minutes. This way they get rid of stagnant water, the temperature of which is traditionally lower.

    Place a glass under the stream and hold it so that the liquid overflows over the edges. You can’t just take a glass from the tap - by the time you bring it to the table where you put the thermometer, the water will have cooled down, and the reliability of the measurement will be questionable

    Lower the thermometer into the container closer to the center.

    Wait until the degrees on the device stop increasing and record the result.

If the thermometer showed a temperature below the minimum level established by SanPiN, this means that it is time for the management company to give a formal thrashing.

Where to contact?

What to do if the hot water is at a low temperature? A citizen needs to complain about this to the Housing and Communal Services (HCS).

Insufficiently high temperature is only one of the grounds for complaint. Housing and communal services should also be concerned if the water has an uncharacteristic color (smell, taste) or is completely absent.

There is no need to personally visit the Farm - you can call. The dispatcher will first check whether the decrease in the temperature of the hot water in the tap is caused by a breakdown in the main line or preventive work. If repairs at the station are to blame, the dispatcher will inform the citizen of the approximate time frame for when normal water supply will be restored. If there are no valid reasons for violating SanPiN regulations, the dispatcher will record the citizen’s request and promise that you won’t have to wait long for a reaction.

In order to be sure that his appeal will not be ignored, the citizen needs to write down the application number, the time of the call to the housing and communal services and the name of the employee with whom he communicated. An employee faced with such meticulousness will definitely make sure that the application he accepts is considered - because he will feel responsible for fulfilling the promises made.

The citizen needs to wait for the visit of the expert - according to Government Resolution No. 354, the expert should appear on the doorstep no more than 2 hours after the citizen files a complaint. The expert will measure the temperature of the tap water himself (of course, no one will take the citizen’s word for it). Then the housing and communal services employee will draw up a report in which he will describe whether a violation actually took place, how and when the measurement was carried out. The consumer of utilities will receive one of the copies of the act in hand - the expert will take the second copy with him.

Having with him a report indicating a violation of hot water temperature standards in an apartment building, a citizen has the right to demand that the management company recalculate the payment for hot water.

For hot water, the temperature of which drops below 40° Celsius, the service consumer pays as for cold water.

Resolution No. 354 states that the period during which a citizen has the right to recalculate ends when people from the management company come to the citizen’s home and carry out a final check, which confirms that the hot water temperature is high enough. If the recalculation is refused, the citizen should file a complaint against the actions of the management company with Rospotrebnadzor or the magistrate’s court.

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