Setting up plastic windows for the winter. DIY adjustment

Modern fittings for plastic windows provide the ability to adjust the sash pressure. The operating mode is determined by the clamping force. There are three modes in total: weak (summer), strong (winter) and medium (standard). They need to be used wisely, taking into account the current state of the structure and the level of comfort in the room. If there is a need to switch the shutters to winter mode, you should determine the type of eccentrics and study the instructions below for adjusting them.

Changing the mode on PVC windows: unnecessary or necessary

By default, the wizard who installs the windows sets the mode at his discretion; he can be guided by the time of year or his own experience. Therefore, during installation, it is advisable to find out what clamping force will be installed.

The mode directly affects the wear rate of the structure:

  • At summer The sealing rubber does not experience pressure. The sash fits without a gap, but does not squeeze the seal. This mode is the most preferable, since the service life of the rubber is maximum. Plastic structures expand and contract freely as the temperature outside the window changes, which puts less stress on the welds.
  • Standard The operating mode already slightly compresses the seal. It perfectly protects against dust, noise and drafts. It can be used all year round, but the wear rate of the rubber will be higher.
  • At winter mode, the sash fits as tightly as possible, the seal is compressed, this can be felt by the tight turn of the handle. With constant use of this mode, the rubber wears out over several seasons, it loses its shape and is no longer able to restore it. When switching to summer mode after prolonged use of winter mode, blowing may occur.

The ideal operating mode for PVC windows is summer. If there is no discomfort for residents, the windows provide good insulation from cold air, dust and street noise, then it can be used constantly.

Switching the sashes to strong pressure is necessary in the following cases:

  • There is a blowing air, and cold air can be felt around the perimeter of the sash.
  • The seal has worn out, lost elasticity or dried out.
  • In case of heat loss, in order to save on space heating.

Not all types of fittings are equipped with a mechanism for switching modes; as a rule, the cheapest options do not have this capability. Kits from the middle and expensive segments are most often equipped with movable pins (eccentrics), by changing the position of which you can adjust the clamping force. These are fittings from the brands Roto, Maco, Siegenia Aubi.

Rules for using modes:

  • The period of use of the sash in winter mode should be shorter than in summer. It is recommended to switch the mechanism to a tighter fit in late autumn, and return it to its original position in early spring.
  • For the first year or two after installation, it is advisable to use only summer mode. There is no need to convert to winter.
  • You cannot use strong pressure in the warm season - this can lead to serious damage to the fittings and increased load on the welded seams of the sash, since the structure expands when heated.

A simple method will help you determine that the sash does not fit well to the frame and you need to switch the clamp to a tighter one: you need to hold the edge of a notebook sheet between the sash and the frame and turn the handle to the “closed” position, then try to remove the paper. If the sheet comes free easily, the seal is loose. If it is difficult to pull out or is torn, then the pressure is sufficient for the winter season and there is no need to tighten the trunnions.

What do trunnions look like and where are they located?

Trunnions or eccentrics are part of the locking mechanism of the fittings. They are located at the end of the sash on the handle side. They are easy to spot if you open the window. By changing the position of the eccentrics you can adjust the clamping force. Standard size window sashes are equipped with 3 trunnions: at the bottom, in the center and at the top. Depending on the dimensions of the sash, there may be more.

Eccentrics vary in shape, which determines how they are adjusted:

● Some round eccentrics have an offset center; you can find several points on them or one mark that goes through the entire trunnion. In this case, the largest point or the longest part of the mark serves as a guide. If these marks are directed closer to the room, then the mode is winter, closer to the street - summer. You can also focus on the center of the eccentric; the closer it is to the street, the stronger the rebate.

Trunnion positions with an offset center and a long notch.
Multi-point trunnion

Which tool to use to switch plastic windows to winter mode or return them to summer mode also depends on the shape of the eccentrics. If they have holes, use the appropriate tool (hexagon, sprocket or screwdriver). The position of trunnions without special holes (oval) is adjusted with pliers.

How to convert eccentrics to strong pressure with your own hands

Switching mode is a simple operation. You can handle it yourself without involving a specialist. Before adjusting the eccentrics, it is necessary to prepare plastic windows for winter operation. This is the normal maintenance procedure for plastic profile products:

  • Clean the surface of the frame from dust and debris.
  • Wipe all metal parts of the fittings with a dry and soft cloth.
  • Apply special lubricant or industrial petroleum jelly to the moving parts of the fitting mechanism.
  • Open and close the sash several times to ensure that the lubricant is evenly distributed.
  • Remove excess compound with a dry cloth.

It is better to clean and lubricate the fittings before making adjustments, as debris and sand can accumulate on them; during movements, the protective coating on the metal will be damaged by abrasive particles, which will lead to corrosion.

Instructions for adjusting windows for the winter:

  1. Find all the eccentrics on the open sash. Everything needs to be translated at once. Some models of fittings are equipped with recessed trunnions; before starting work, they need to be pulled towards you.
  2. Find the mark on the trunnion indicating the clamping force. The closer the mark is to the street side, the stronger the fit. For trunnions with an offset center, another rule applies - the closer the center is to the street, the tighter the vestibule.
  3. Using a window wrench, an asterisk or pliers, turn the eccentric: oval to a horizontal position; round - with a point (point) towards the street; round with an offset center - the wide side into the room.
  4. The eccentrics do not have an extreme point; they scroll around their axis. The maximum rotation when switching from summer to winter mode is 180°. From standard to winter or summer - 90°.
  5. You can check the result using a piece of paper.

In the spring it is necessary to return the sashes to their original position.

If the sash does not fit well enough to the frame on the hinge side or sagging is detected, you will need to adjust the hinges and scissors using a hex key. To do this, you need to remove the decorative plugs, find the holes on the hinges for the hex key to enter and align the position of the sash vertically and horizontally. If the fittings provide adjustment for pressure on the hinge side, you can make the fit tighter around the entire perimeter. The clamp is adjusted on the bottom loop or scissors.

Diagram for adjusting the sash horizontally, vertically and for clamping.

The ability to adjust the clamping force is a useful feature of the fittings. This allows you to reduce heat loss in winter and extend the service life of sealing rubber and plastic by loosening the pressure in the warm season. But in order for the windows to serve as long as possible, you should not abuse this function.

With the onset of cold weather, the issue of home insulation becomes more relevant than ever. Windows are the first thing that needs to be insulated, and for this, as it turns out, there is no need to reinvent the wheel.

Did you know that there is such a thing as summer and winter mode of plastic windows? If not, then the editor "So simple!" will tell you this small but very important secret!

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode

This little secret also helps you save a lot in winter. This is especially true in houses where there is no central heating, or at a time when it is already cold outside, but heat has not yet been brought into the house. Yes and saving money there won't be any redundancy. And this secret is that the seasonal regime in plastic windows can be changed.

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The seasonal mode of windows is an extremely useful thing, because in the summer this option allows you to relieve the pressure between the outer part of the frame and the rubber gasket, which allows air to circulate more freely. But in winter mode it works exactly the opposite - the pressure increases, the heat is retained inside.

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This is all good, but first you need to find out if your windows have the ability to change the seasonal mode. To do this, you need to look at the so-called eccentrics, in other words, the bolts on the side of the sash. If they have a hole for a hex key or they are oval-shaped, then these windows can be seasonally adjusted.

Overall the trick is extremely simple. You just need to turn the bolt to the right or left 90 degrees, depending on what mode you want to switch the windows to. Do all this carefully and carefully. First, find all the bolts on the sash; their number may vary depending on the size of the window or who the manufacturer is. You need to translate every eccentric, because otherwise you won’t get the result.

To change the windowed mode, you will need a suitable tool - a screwdriver or a hex key. Pliers can also work, but we do not recommend using them, as this can damage the fragile adjustment mechanism. It’s important to understand one thing here: you don’t need to turn the bolt all the way, it simply doesn’t have it. The bolt will scroll constantly, and you need to turn it exactly 90 degrees, guided by the mark.

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If you did everything correctly, the window handle should move more tightly, because the fittings now press the sash harder. If this does not happen, something went wrong, check that you have found and turned all the bolts.

To check how hard the window is pressed, you will need a piece of paper. Press it with the flap and try to remove it. If the leaf comes out difficult, the window is switched to winter mode. Well done!

This video contains visual instructions on how to switch windows to winter mode.

Plastic windows are a very convenient and practical thing, but they also require maintenance and adjustment. Now you know how to change the seasonal window mode, but that's not all. At least once a year you need to lubricate all moving parts of the window frame with a small amount of oil. And also check how tightly the bolts are tightened. This check will take you a couple of hours, but the windows will always be like new.

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The design of plastic windows assumes the ability to adjust the degree of pressing of the window sash; this function is intended to transfer the system to seasonal winter-summer modes.

Plastic windows are installed in almost every third apartment or private house, but not all users are aware of the operational capabilities that metal-plastic windows provide.

One of the functional features is the transfer of the plastic window mode from winter to summer mode, and vice versa. This ability is determined by the type of fittings used. Of course, this property is not inherent to all PVC windows, but only to those on which more modern fittings are installed.

Modes of plastic windows - what are they and what is it?

  1. Winter mode of plastic windows- this mode allows for a tighter fit of the window sash frame to the window frame and, accordingly, helps save heat in the winter;
  2. Summer mode of plastic windows- characterized by a less tight fit of the sash, which ensures constant air circulation between the room and the environment, i.e. allows you to implement micro-ventilation mode.
  3. Standard position(the mode of average pressing of the sash to the frame - the eccentric is in the middle), as a rule, a window with a double-glazed window in this mode works equally well in both winter and summer, providing optimal pressing of the seal.

Why do you need to adjust the modes of plastic windows?

Setting the modes makes it possible to extend the service life of the window. The adjustment allows you to change the degree of fit of the sash to the frame. After all, in winter the material contracts, and in summer it expands. Adjusting the PVC window fittings makes it possible to reduce wear on the seal and fasteners.

In addition, reasons to change modes include:

  • blows from the window. Cold air in winter or dust in summer is what one strives to avoid when installing a new window;
  • The door opens/closes poorly. For example, if a plastic window is jammed in the ventilation mode, then one of the reasons may be an incorrectly set mode;
  • sagging window sash. It is a consequence of wear on the hinges and can be eliminated by switching to winter mode or replacing fittings.

The ability to switch between modes is implemented in fittings from well-known manufacturers, such as: Maco, Roto, Siegenia Aubi, GU. However, today, setting up fittings is the rule rather than the exception for all fittings of a class higher than the budget one.

How to determine whether it is possible to switch the windows to winter mode?

Often during installation, the user does not receive information about the capabilities of window fittings. To understand whether transfer to different modes is provided for a particular PVC window, you need to study the appearance (labeling) of the fittings, in particular the trunnion.

A trunnion or eccentric is a fitting element that allows you to adjust the degree of pressure of the sash to the window frame. It is located on the side of the sash.

If the surface of the trunnion has holes for a key (in the form of an asterisk, screwdriver, hexagon) or the trunnion has an oval shape, this indicates that this hardware allows the window to be used in different seasonal modes.

Do I need to switch the windows to winter mode?

In autumn, with the approach of cold weather, it is recommended to switch the fittings to winter mode. Otherwise, there is a high probability of blowing from the side of the sash. If the seal is in good condition, you can leave the window on summer mode. During the warming period, switching the fittings to summer mode helps reduce the pressure (load) on the seal and is a prerequisite for its long-term operation.

How to determine what mode plastic windows are in?

There are two ways to check what mode the window is running in:

  • Assess the degree of pressure of the window sash to the frame. Take a sheet of paper and place it between the sash and the frame. If, after closing the window, the clamped sheet is pulled out with minimal force, then the window is set to summer mode; if it does not pull out (breaks), then it’s set to winter mode.
  • Look at the position of the trunnion (eccentric). There is a dash (dot, asterisk) on the round pin by which you can evaluate the mode. If the line is oriented towards the room, this is winter mode, if towards the street - summer mode.

For oval trunnions, a different rule applies. If it is located vertically, the sash is weakly pressed against the window frame, which allows us to say that the window is set to summer mode. If horizontal - strong pressure, i.e. winter mode.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode or summer mode

Transferring between modes is simple, but each step must be given attention, otherwise the fittings will fail and will require replacement or major window repairs. Some users prefer to seek services from the company that installed the windows.

However, the translation process is not complicated and it is quite possible to complete it yourself, spending no more than half an hour on everything.

How to adjust plastic windows for winter mode with your own hands

Adjusting trunnions on plastic windows - step-by-step instructions:

  1. determine the location of the trunnions. The number of eccentrics depends on the size of the sash. As a rule, there are three of them on the handle side and one on the opposite side (where the hinges, awnings, and also on the top and bottom of the sash). You need to find all the trunnions, because... when changing modes, you need to change the position of each of them;
  2. wipe all window elements and thoroughly clean the fittings. This will prevent dust from entering when turning the trunnions and protect them from mechanical damage;
  3. clean lubricated elements. After the transition, it is better to reapply the lubricant;
  4. consider the trunnions. Find stripes or other markings on their surface indicating the operating mode of the window. If the trunnions are oval, pay attention to their position relative to the horizontal;
  5. Rotate each of the trunnions to the required position. You need to turn it either using a hexagon (or other suitable tool) or pliers (for oval journals).
  6. check the accuracy of the translation by placing and then removing a sheet of paper from a closed window.

Note. Some manufacturers of plastic windows make the trunnions “recessed” into the sash. Before turning them, you need to pull them out, then set them in the desired position and push them in again. The turning procedure is similar to the procedure for moving the hands on a mechanical wristwatch.

Please note - when switching to winter mode, the long line (or dot) should be directed towards the room (i.e. towards the sealing rubber), and in the case of an oval trunnion it is located horizontally.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode - video

For your information, the winter ventilation mode for plastic windows works as standard and the window opens in the usual way.

The transition to summer mode is carried out similarly, in reverse order. Knowing the sequence of transition to winter mode, it is easy to set the window fittings to summer mode.

Features of setting up window fittings - rules

  • Despite the fact that the fittings provide the possibility of switching between modes, it is not recommended to do this in the first year of operation of the window. The window is still functioning optimally;
  • translation is carried out once every six months. Moreover, the duration of the winter period is shorter than the summer period;
  • It is undesirable to operate the window in winter mode in summer, as this increases the rate of wear of the seal.

Is it worth switching plastic windows to winter mode?

Constant change of modes leads to the fact that the seal loses its properties. This happens especially quickly in winter mode, because... the pressure of the trunnion on it increases. In addition to the impact of the trunnion, the seal is affected by low temperature and high humidity. This leads to destruction of the seal (it starts to blow, there is a need for), the worn rubber seal requires replacement. In summer mode, the seal will last at least twice as long.


Despite the possibilities that modern window fittings provide, you need to evaluate the feasibility of each option. On the one hand, switching to winter/summer mode provides a more comfortable temperature in the room and reduces heat loss through the window opening. On the other hand, translation contributes to rapid wear of the seal, which necessitates its replacement and additional costs. Therefore, whether to switch windows for winter or not is up to each user based on his personal preferences.

Seasonal cold is approaching, and you feel that, despite the fact that you have replaced the old frames with modern plastic ones, the wind is blowing through the apartment. Usually in such cases, not at all flattering words are addressed to manufacturers and craftsmen.

In fact, most often they are not guilty, or they are only guilty of forgetting to tell

Winter and summer window mode

Many owners of double-glazed windows do not even suspect that the windows of modern manufacturers have seasonal adjustment.

In the summer, for normal air circulation, a larger gap is required between the window sash and the frame so that air can pass through it, which will prevent the glass from fogging up and ensure air exchange in the room even when the window is closed. If the glass unit fittings are in summer mode, the window handle turns easily.

In winter, if even a slight blowing is felt, it is necessary to adjust the fittings. To do this, the gap between the sash and the frame must be minimized to ensure tightness and retain heat in the apartment. If there is no draft, then the windows can be left in summer mode. How to switch your windows to winter mode yourself ? Is it really possible to do this without qualified help?

Signs of presence of winter and summer mode adjustment

Open the frame and see if there are trunnions at the end - these are special eccentrics that can be used to make adjustments. Winter and summer window mode depends on the position of these trunnions.

Owners of plastic windows often ask the question: “Is it possible to adjust and leave the frame forever in the winter mode position?” Manufacturers do not recommend doing this, as this will cause the seal to fail much faster. That is, the window will need repairs. In addition, the windows will “cry” in the summer due to the lack of normal heat exchange, and this will also shorten their service life.

How to adjust a window

The technician should explain to you how to switch the windows to winter mode during the installation of double-glazed windows. If this does not happen, we will try to figure it out together.

So, the trunnions have been discovered. By the way, they need to be viewed from both ends of the window sash. In the middle of the eccentric there should be a hole for a hexagon, Phillips screwdriver or regular screwdriver. It happens that the hole is simply round, then pliers will help you cope with the adjustment.

We take the tool and use it to turn the trunnion clockwise until it stops. This must be done very carefully, without exerting much effort, otherwise your actions may lead to damage to expensive parts of the structure.

If you are not sure of the correctness of your actions, you should initially seek help from a specialist who will show you on the spot how to switch windows to winter mode. Instructions, given by him during adjustment, and will be your support in the future.

Budget option for double glazed windows

Not all windows have functional adjustment mechanisms. If you have a budget version of a double-glazed window, then usually the simplest window fittings are used, and accordingly, seasonal changes in modes cannot be carried out.

Step-by-step instruction

How to set windows to winter mode:

1. The best place to start is by cleaning the entire moving frame structure. This can be done conveniently using a hard brush and a soft damp cloth.

2. Carefully inspect the frame and find all the axles. The larger the opening sash, the more eccentrics it will have. Prepare the necessary tool: hexagon, sprocket, screwdriver or pliers.

3. Using the tool, carefully turn each pin clockwise a few millimeters until they are all in the same position.

4. You can check the result in two ways:

Turning the window handle will require great force. This indicates that the fittings are adjusted correctly.

You can take a regular sheet of paper, insert it between the sash and the frame and close the window. If the window is closed tightly, then pulling the sheet will tear it; if you can pull the sheet out, it means that the sash and frame are not pressed against each other tightly enough.

How to prepare plastic windows for winter

It’s not enough to know how to switch windows to winter mode , it is also necessary to perform a few simple manipulations to extend the service of double-glazed windows.

- If you have a mosquito net, it is better to remove it, clean it from dust with a vacuum cleaner, wash it with warm water and soap, and pack it away for the winter.

- Wash the window frame and glass unit using special products or dishwashing detergent. The procedure should be carried out with a soft cloth.

- Lubricate all moving parts of the frame with special products or machine oil, starting from the top. After treatment, close and open the window several times so that the lubricant is distributed evenly.

- Adjust the fittings. You already know how to switch windows to winter mode.

- Carefully inspect the rubber seal to see if there are any cracks or damage on it. If any are found, replacement is required. Also, a hardened seal will not cope with its function. If it is safe and sound, it is recommended to lubricate it with silicone or glycerin grease, after washing it with dishwashing detergent or soap.

I would like to believe that now, having learned, how to set windows to winter mode , you will no longer freeze even in the coldest winter.

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