Insects and flowers presentation for a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic. World of flowers and insects

The purpose of the thematic week: to form and expand children’s basic understanding of insects and flowering plants, the features of their structure, characteristic features and methods of caring for them. Develop gross and manual motor skills, visual and auditory attention. Foster a desire to protect the environment. From an early age, we introduce children to the nature around us, which gives us beauty and delights us at any time of the year. While walking and relaxing in nature, we never cease to admire what we see and pass on our feelings and thoughts to our children. We introduce all natural phenomena and its constituent parts. First of all, it is worth drawing the children’s attention to flowers and insects from the “immediate environment.” These are flowers: dandelions, daisies, calendula, tulip; insects: ladybugs, caterpillars, butterflies, grasshoppers. By observing flowers and insects, children will not only acquire new knowledge, but also learn to think, analyze, compare, and reason.

Both in kindergarten and at home, the child needs to be shown various types of insects and flowers, talk about their living conditions and habitats, about the dangers and benefits of certain species for humans. All this not only develops children’s cognitive interest, but also expands their active vocabulary, and also forms imaginative thinking. The manifestation of cognitive interest in children from a very early age and the maintenance of this interest by adults can have far-reaching and very important consequences. Children will develop memory, speech, emotionality and sensuality, kindness, responsiveness and a desire to treat the surrounding nature with care. A lot depends on us, adults. Can we teach our children to love and care about nature? Will we answer the thousands of questions from our why girls?

The easiest and most convenient way for children to study insects and flowers are cards with their images. All stories, poems about flowers and insects for children must be accompanied by a demonstration of illustrations. While studying insects and flowers, we tell children where flowers grow, where insects live, to find similarities and differences, how they can be useful for humans and other species of living beings. In our work, we tried to give children the concept that insects cannot exist without flowers, and flowers cannot exist without insects. Flowers provide insects with food. Insects, collecting nectar, pollinate plants and thanks to this, fruits and seeds appear.

Nature gives us beauty, which we help our children appreciate and comprehend. By telling and showing interesting facts from the life of plants and insects, we help children learn a lot of new and interesting things. We expand children's horizons and form a holistic picture of the world. We cultivate a love for nature and a caring attitude towards it! For children, this is a whole small world living in harmony with the big world of living nature. We adults need to support the child's sincere interest in the world around him. Dear adults, watch wildlife with your children. After all, it is observation that allows us to show children nature in natural conditions. Everything good about people from childhood! How to awaken the drains of goodness? Touch nature with all your heart: Be surprised, learn, love! /N.Lukonin./

Presentation on the topic “INSECTS”

Completed by the teacher of the MDOU nursery-kindergarten No. 180

Donetsk teacher Dzherina Irina Borisovna


Insects live everywhere. In deserts and tropics, in the taiga and Antarctica.

The main signs of an insect

six legs

Three parts of the body - head, chest, abdomen

In most cases, insects have wings




Insect feeding

What insects don't eat! Butterflies - nectar from flowers, cockroaches - bread, flies - meat, mosquitoes - blood.

Insects defend themselves

To escape from enemies, insects have developed defense mechanisms.

Camouflage uniform

Repellent coloring

Camouflage painting

Use of poison


A blue airplane landed on a yellow dandelion?


Flying over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey.

The bee brings nectar into the hive, from which it makes honey. And as a building material it uses wax secreted by glands on the abdomen, and propolis (bee glue), which insects extract from plant buds.

Domestic bees live in hives

Wild bees build nests in trees


From a branch to a path, From a blade of grass to a blade of grass A spring jumps - A green back.

They “sing” using their wings and all have “ears” on their front legs. All grasshoppers jump well, pushing off with their legs, and descend slowly with the help of their wings.

In the forest near the stump there is bustle and bustle: The working people are busy all day long.

Ants live everywhere, from city apartments to Antarctica. Ants are practically omnivorous.


Not the sun, not fire, but shining.

Like a tiger: mustache, striped, And the sting is sharper than a dagger. Buzzing, soared into the skies Sweet lover -...

Unlike bees, wasps do not store honey. Wasps often build nests in the ground.

P crawling around the corners,

It makes it difficult to sleep at night,

Hasn't eaten for weeks

What is the name of the pest?

Cockroaches eat almost everything. Regular food, books, leather clothes, even homemade flowers. Surprisingly hardy and tenacious. A cockroach may not eat anything for a whole month.

Water strider

Lives on the surface of the water in the summer, under the bark, without fuss, whiles away the winter. The course of her long legs is a measure of the water surface. Who else could slide like that? Only…

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GBDOU No. 37, St. Petersburg, Nevsky district, teacher Natalya Nikolaevna Mashoshina

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To form a realistic idea of ​​the nature around us, the desire to become a friend of nature, to preserve and protect it. To form in children elementary ideas about insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper), their structure, and methods of movement. Cultivate a caring attitude towards living things. Develop emotional responsiveness Build research skills.

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There is a very wide variety of butterflies on Earth. Their wings are covered with small scales, which contain dyes and provide the butterflies with wonderful coloration. Butterflies feed on the nectar of flowers.

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Peacock eye
The peacock's eye is perhaps the most recognizable member of the nymphalid family. Four bright spots are a good protective coloring to scare off enemies. Few people want to risk their own health by having breakfast with a strange four-eyed person.

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Tiger sailboat
The tiger swallowtail is a resident of North America and, for its proud beauty, has received the honor of being the symbol of four states. It feeds on nectar, and its larvae feed on the foliage of aspen and poplar trees. Thick and clumsy, they are very resourceful and know how to stand up for themselves: in case of danger, they spray liquid with an unpleasant odor.

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At the very shore of an overgrown reservoir, among reeds, reeds and horsetails, dragonflies quickly scurry in pursuit of smaller insects. These creatures have an elongated body, a head with large compound eyes, each of which consists of more than 30,000 individual lenses, and two pairs of transparent, elongated wings. Dragonflies are diurnal predatory insects. More than 3 thousand species are known. Dragonflies lay their larvae in water. The larvae of these insects are terrible underwater predators, attacking even small fish. After 1-3 years, the larvae will develop into adult dragonflies capable of living on land.

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Hiding among the thick grass, this insect makes itself known with a peculiar sound. The grasshopper has a special vein on its wings, which it moves, like a bow, across the membrane in the form of a round mirror and makes chirping sounds. The color of the grasshopper harmonizes well with the background of the grass, so you won’t notice it right away. The insect jumps well, complementing its movement with flight using its wings. Grasshoppers feed exclusively on animal food.

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The bee is a “great worker.” It can often be seen in meadows and gardens. She lives with a family. The bee family includes up to 80 thousand bees, the main part of which are worker bees. In a family there is always one female queen, capable of laying eggs, and several hundred males - drones. Worker bees build honeycombs from wax in which they contain larvae. In spring, summer and autumn, bees intensively store honey. Honey, propolis, bee venom and other products of the bee family are of great importance in human life.

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We know the ladybug as a small red bug with black dots. In fact, this insect has a very diverse coloration. At first glance, these bugs seem peaceful, but most of them are active and voracious predators. They destroy a lot of different garden and field pests - aphids, scale insects, small larvae and pupae. This predator destroys from 50 to 270 aphids per day, which brings great benefits to the human economy. The ladybug itself is inedible for most birds and animals.

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A caterpillar is a butterfly larva that hatches from an egg. She, unlike her parent, has a very unattractive appearance. Caterpillars have a soft, elongated body. They don't have wings. Many have bright colors and beautiful pubescence or outgrowths. Most species have silk glands with which they create a cocoon. They feed mainly on plant foods. The caterpillar is a nasty pest. She has many enemies. It is a special treat for birds, but with the help of various tricks they manage to escape death. Some caterpillars look like bird droppings, others look like branches and twigs, and still others camouflage themselves with the color of leaves. The caterpillar of the crustacean moth can even spray the enemy with acid. Having reached a certain age, the caterpillars pupate and soon turn into a beautiful creature - a butterfly.

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Ants are familiar to every person. They are distributed everywhere except Antarctica and the Far North. About 10 thousand species of these insects are known. Their body sizes range from 8 to 30 mm. Color ranges from light yellow to black. Most species have developed poisonous glands that secrete formic acid. Their communities are more complex than those of bees; families number up to 1 million individuals in an anthill. They also have their own pastures. They hatch aphids and milk them. These insects feed on invertebrate animals, flower nectar, mushrooms, plant seeds and aphids.

Ekaterina Vanina
Presentation "Insects"

Lesson topic:"Insects".

Program content. Introduce children to the diverse world of insects. Learn to identify the characteristic features of insects. Develop curiosity. Foster a desire to preserve the diversity of the surrounding world.

Butterfly. There are many types of butterflies in nature: cabbage white, wren, admiral, day peacock, etc. The color and shape of some makes them almost invisible among plants. Others, on the contrary, have bright markings that scare away enemies. The flowers of many plants are especially attractive to butterflies due to their bright color and aroma. Adult butterflies feed on nectar, which they suck from flowers with their long proboscis. And some butterflies do not feed at all, since they live for a very short time. They use the energy from food eaten when they were still caterpillars. The lifespan of adult butterflies ranges from several hours to 11 months.

Spider. Spiders are interesting garden inhabitants. To catch insects, most spiders weave webs. Spiders accurately predict the weather. Folk signs: “If the web is long and viscous, the weather is good”, “The web spreads over the plants - it means warmth.”

Ladybug. In the midst of spring, when many voracious lovers of greenery appear in the world of insects, ladybugs come to the rescue. They were named so because in case of danger, droplets of a caustic liquid of a whitish-yellowish color, reminiscent of milk, appear on the bends of the legs. Ladybug eats aphids - the worst enemy of plants. The red coloring of the cow's wings is a warning; birds do not touch it.

Chafer. This beetle appears in May, which is why it got the name May beetle. Like all beetles, the cockchafer's wings are covered on top by hard elytra. When preparing to fly, the beetle raises its elytra and begins to intensively breathe air through its respiratory tubes. Having “pumped up” with air, the beetle spreads its wings and, setting them into rapid motion, rises into the air. The rigid elytra are motionless and raised high during flight. May beetles usually fly in the evening, at dusk, with a strong buzzing sound and land mainly on deciduous trees, from which they eat the leaves. The cockchafer is a harmful insect for human agriculture.

Ant. Ants see poorly; they are helped by their antennae, with which they feel everything they encounter along the way. The vast majority of ants are predators. They feed their larvae with animal food, mainly insects. Ants love to eat birch or maple sap. Ants carry weights up to 10 times their own body weight.

Grasshopper. Grasshoppers are green and brown. They cleverly camouflage themselves: green - in green grass, brown - closer to the roadsides. All grasshoppers are similar to each other - they have long, strong legs, characteristic straight wings, females have “swords” or sabers at the back - ovipositors, with the help of which they lay eggs in the ground, in plant stems or in leaves. All grasshoppers “sing” with the help of their wings, have “ears” on their front legs, and jump well.

Publications on the topic:

In a park, in a square or in the yard, together with your child, find and examine insects: a bee, an ant, a grasshopper, a dragonfly, a butterfly, a ladybug.

I present to your attention a didactic manual - a laptop on the topic “Insects”. In this folder I tried to summarize and systematize.

Presentation game on the topic "insects" in the first junior group "The Fourth Odd One" Didactic games are a method of teaching children in uniform.

And again about the laptop. I have been convinced more than once that a lapbook is an excellent assistant in the work of a teacher. Everything you need is collected in one folder.

Good evening dear colleagues. I would like to present to your attention my first work, a lapbook “insects.” Goal: to continue to introduce children to different.

The collection of lapbooks in our middle group has been replenished with a new topic - “Insects”. The advantage of a laptop is that it can be stored in a small folder.

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Slide captions:

Beautiful pictures with insects and flowers Flowers and insects are very often connected by an organic chain of mutually beneficial relationships. Many flowers need pollinators to survive. And pollinating insects are attracted to the sweet nectar inside the calyxes. We can admire beautiful pictures of the natural tandem, where everyone has their own role, and as a result, the kingdom of Flora lives and prospers.

Insects and flowers

Bumblebee on a flower.

The spring variegated wing sat down with pleasure on the golden dandelion-sun.

White butterflies could not fly past the fragrant thorn thistle.

The opened clover charmed a flying butterfly.

Like a real climber, a dexterous bug masters the peduncle of a lilac aster.

A pair of ladybugs are located in the yellow flower center.

The bee will not leave the hospitable pink immortelle for a long time, unable to refuse the offered treat.

Locusts peek out from behind the terry baskets of an azalea.

A green grasshopper rests inside a dazzling white anemone.

A honey bee collects nectar inside a golden dahlia.

Photo of white flowers with insects flying above them.

A busy bee explores a red dahlia.

A large striped bumblebee is attracted by the delicate aroma of opening buds.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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