Coming to bed. Extra and necessary things in the bedroom

The bedroom is the quietest and most peaceful place where we relax. In order to achieve high level coziness and comfort, it is important to know how to arrange furniture in the bedroom, and how to arrange everything in general. There are no rules as such in this event, but you can come up with the most original and convenient configurations.

You need to furnish the bedroom taking into account its dimensions. It is clear that in the case of a large space, no problems will arise. What to do if the room is small, but you want to make its interior harmonious? This is why it is so important to know how to properly arrange furniture in the bedroom. There are many things to consider in this matter important points- from the number of furniture elements to their arrangement depending on the location of doors, windows and other niches.

Proper space planning involves the following approaches:

  1. Timely consideration of furniture placement. You can do this using special programs that are easy to operate, or mobile applications. Here it is enough to enter the parameters of the room, the quantity and size of furniture, and then move it from place to place until the optimal option is selected.
  2. With a room drawing that illustrates what your dream bedroom should be like. True, with this approach you need to know not the approximate dimensions of the furniture, but the specific ones.

In any case, you need to proceed from the rules of ergonomics, since the bedroom is a place of relaxation, and it should be pleasant to be here.

Where to put the bed?

The most important piece of furniture in the bedroom is the bed. She is responsible for a convenient and comfortable sleeping place. This is why it is so important to understand how the bed should stand. There are a number of rules according to which you need to place it in the room:

  • The head of the bed should be against the wall, as this position gives a sense of protection. If such planning is not possible, it is recommended to choose a bed with a high headboard or move it towards the tallest furniture in the room.
  • If the bed is double, you need to think about how you can approach it from both sides. Minimum width the passage must be at least 70 cm.

  • It is easier to find a place in the room, but still its side should be against the wall, which will make the interior more harmonious.
  • You should not place your bed near a window, as it may interfere with sleep cold air from the street. And it will be difficult to approach him again. You can only place a bed by a window if there are two of them in the room - in this case, the furniture will look good between the openings.
  • How to properly arrange furniture in the bedroom to make the room as comfortable as possible? In the case of a bed, you should not place it directly opposite the door. This is not very comfortable, especially if you do not live alone.

If you want original solutions, the bed can be placed in a corner and diagonally. This solution allows you to think about the placement of a cabinet next to it, for example, or shelves.

Let's sort out the closet: compartment or corner?

Another large and massive piece of furniture is a wardrobe, which you cannot do without in the bedroom. Moreover, it can be a traditional wardrobe, a compartment, or a corner one. And in most cases, such items are placed against the wall - it becomes possible to rationally use the available space. But still, the ordinary wardrobe with hinged doors is gradually becoming a thing of the past, and its place is taken by a comfortable and spacious compartment version. Most often it is performed individually, which significantly increases its functionality and aesthetics. The following points speak in favor of choosing coupe models:

  1. Sliding doors that do not eat up space when opened.
  2. Convenient storage system when you can do without additional shelves, dressers.
  3. If the closet is equipped with mirrored doors, you can visually make the area of ​​the room larger.

Corner wardrobes for the bedroom are the most suitable option due to their compactness and convenient location. It may seem that such furniture is presented in a minimal number of designs. In fact corner cabinets can be triangular, radius, trapezoidal or L-shaped.

Location rules

Designers emphasize that wardrobes purchased for a bedroom should not be placed against the wall where there is a window. It’s good if it stands against the wall opposite the window or to the side of it. You can visually harmonize your bedroom by placing the bed on one side of the room and the closet on the other. Moreover, it is good if other pieces of furniture are located between these pieces of furniture - a chest of drawers or an armchair. This will make it more harmonious

Furniture can be successfully selected and arranged in a small room. In this case, you need to proceed from the main rule: the cabinet should be located as far as possible from the window.

How to properly arrange furniture in the bedroom, such as a closet, if the space is large? IN in this case You can use partition cabinets that can open from all sides. They allow, but it is important to provide for the presence of a narrow passage to create two rooms. The basic rules for installing a closet in the bedroom include:

  • there should be at least 15 cm from the cabinet to the ceiling;
  • do not place it near the radiator, as the wood will begin to dry out due to heat, and the wood will delaminate;
  • the farther the cabinet is from the window, the more harmonious the room;
  • You shouldn’t put a single cabinet in the middle of the wall unless it’s large.

Where should I place the chest of drawers?

What to put in the bedroom, if its size allows? Among mandatory elements Let's note a chest of drawers or which can be placed anywhere in the room. If small bedside tables are located next to the bed, then the chest of drawers can be placed in the area where there is an armchair. If you plan to arrange a study in the bedroom, a table can be used among additional pieces of furniture small size and chairs. It is better to place them closer to the window, where there is natural light.

If the bedroom is small...

How to arrange furniture in the bedroom if its size is small, but you want comfortable space? To truly create harmonious interior in a small room, you will have to work hard:

  1. In no large bedroom You need to pay attention to storage areas, using the space that is least in demand. You can surround the bed with shelving, store things under it, or choose a compact but spacious closet.
  2. A good solution for a miniature bedroom is transformable furniture that can be moved out and put away as needed. It is better to choose modular designs, the arrangement of elements of which can be varied.
  3. Narrow bedrooms should be arranged as follows: place the bed perpendicular to the long wall - this way you can minimize the emphasis on the shortcomings of the room.

If the bedroom is large...

A large room opens up a lot of opportunities for creating beautiful interior solutions. Popular stylistic directions are classics, modern style, Provence or exotic. In any case, the design must be thought out to the smallest detail, practicality while maintaining individuality.

If you have large bedroom, this does not mean that you need to clutter everything with furniture: the less it is in the room, the more spacious it is. Depending on the style solution you will need to take care of lighting, convenient arrangement of all items, use of textiles, and so on. Essentially for the bedroom important role every little thing matters.

Room with different functions

Very often the bedroom is combined with the living room, and in this case you will have to work hard to think through the interior of this space. How to arrange furniture in the bedroom in this case? Indoors, space zoning plays an important role; most often it is divided into work area and a relaxation area. If there are differences in styles, they must be executed in a holistic composition. In most cases, partitions are used for zoning - solid, partial, lightweight plasterboard or solid brick. It is advisable to use screens.

In some cases, zoning can be done with a regular sofa: its back will be a kind of partition that separates the sleeping area from the living room itself. No less popular is the use of a headset upholstered furniture. To somehow hide the bed from prying eyes, you can arrange a podium. In some cases, a simple division of the tint solution based on contrasting colors is sufficient. The basic rules for arranging a combined bedroom-living room include:

  • the far part of the room is allocated to the sleeping area - this way you can make the atmosphere cozy;
  • If you can’t separate two zones, the sofa in the room will serve as both a sleeping place and an area for family gatherings.

Eastern wisdom

How to arrange furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui? Here you need to proceed from three rules:

  1. There should be no old or broken things in the room; it is important to keep the space clean.
  2. Furniture should be positioned correctly, especially the bed.
  3. Color schemes, symbols and accessories are selected especially carefully.

According to Feng Shui, it is furniture that promotes the movement of Qi energy in the apartment, and the center of the bedroom should be the bed. That is, the most important thing is peace and tranquility, so the sleeping place should not be massive or too heavy. When it comes to color, it is important to consider the size of the room. For example, a small room is best furnished with furniture in muted colors that will expand the space, while in a large bedroom you can choose bright colors.

How to place a bed according to Feng Shui?

It is important that the bed is spacious and comfortable; it should be placed with its back to the wall so that there are no sharp corners. The approach to it must be ensured from two sides - this indicates the equality of two people in a relationship. You cannot place a bed near a window - it is believed that not only people will come into the house through this opening. sunlight, but also a lot of unwanted things from the street. Bedside tables must be empty on top, and most importantly, clean. Also, they should not be higher than the mattress on the bed.

You can enhance the romance of the recreation area with the help of fumigation and dream catchers. In general, according to Feng Shui, a bedroom should be equipped based on the following rules:

  • the room should ideally be square or rectangular;
  • no furniture with sharp corners;
  • massive furniture should be placed against the wall;
  • The whole room should be illuminated, even the corners;
  • bed with legs - optimal solution, since positive energy will circulate better;
  • a minimum of mirrors is the key to harmonious space.

Bedroom shape

If you have rectangular bedroom how to arrange furniture? There will not be any particular difficulties here, since arranging objects will not cause any trouble, as will the layout of the room. There are three ways to arrange furniture:

  1. In this case, around a certain place - a fireplace, a window, a painting - paired furniture is placed at an equal distance from the established point. A fireplace can act as a centerpiece. But the symmetrical method, with its simplicity, is suitable for rooms of regular shape.
  2. Asymmetry. This method is good because you can arrange the furniture in long bedroom it becomes easier and more convenient. This is good if the furniture is unpaired and also of different sizes. An asymmetrical composition will look harmonious in a bedroom of any shape.
  3. Round. The circular arrangement is performed around the center - a chandelier or a pattern on the floor. Furniture is placed at the same distance from it. The advantage of the circular method is that it can be used in any room. But you need to approach the design of the room wisely - not every room looks good with a circular arrangement of furniture.

Wardrobes in rectangular and elongated rooms should be placed lengthwise narrow wall. To correct the proportions of the room, it is better to choose furniture of non-standard design.

Other details

The appearance of the bedroom will be solid and complete if you not only arrange the furniture correctly, but also select decorative elements, including textiles. In any case, it is important that everything in the bedroom breathes unity of style and design.

Get rid of it immediately! Five things that don't belong in the bedroom

Flowers. According to Feng Shui, flowers should not be kept in the bedroom. Their energy can negatively affect both your well-being and the relationship as a couple. For skeptics there will also be a reason to remove flowering plants from the bedroom: pollen causes allergies in some people, and strong smell- headache.

TV. Do you have trouble sleeping because you watch TV until late at night? Maybe movie passions are preventing passions from flaring up in your couple? To solve these problems, simply remove the blue screen from the bedroom.

Mirror. In many cultures there is a belief that a mirror should not be placed opposite the bed - it accumulates energy, including negative energy. According to another version, the reflection of a couple attracts new people into their lives, infidelity and relationship problems. Well, in the end, when you wake up at night, you can simply get scared when you see your silhouette in the mirror and mistake it for another person.

Paintings depicting nudes. The bedroom is for two people only. A nude painting creates an imaginary feeling of being a “third wheel” and can even attract a real rival to your relationship with your loved one. It is believed that single people should also not place such paintings on their bedroom walls if they dream of finding a soul mate and starting a family. At least this applies to feng shui adherents. Are there objective reasons to avoid explicit paintings in the interior? No, except that the painting depicts your husband’s ex-passion...

Storage of things under the bed. Very often we send it there for storage. Old clothes and shoes, sports equipment, boxes of souvenirs, archives of magazines and newspapers... Because of this, according to Feng Shui, energy stagnates in the bedroom, which leads to apathy and loss of interest in life. Storing things under the bed is also wrong from a practical point of view, since the “treasures” become a real dust collector and interfere with cleaning.

Think about purchasing! Five things you need in the bedroom

Air conditioning equipment. The air at home is several times dirtier and drier than outside. In addition to exhaust gases coming from outside, in the apartment we breathe a large accumulation of dust and allergens, fumes and formaldehyde from building materials and furniture. Needless to say, all this has a negative impact on health? Cleaners and conditioners, ionizers and other air conditioning equipment They make the weather in the house more comfortable and your sleep better.

Thick curtains. A good night's sleep gives you energy for the entire day ahead. So that you don't have to get up at dawn because of the bright sun, hang it in your bedroom blackout curtains. Especially if the windows face east. At the same time, the curtains do not have to be dark - pay attention to blackout curtains. They protect the room from light and summer heat, and the shade of the fabric is easy to match to the interior.

Orthopedic mattress. During sleep, our body is relaxed and needs reliable support - quality mattress. Those who like to sleep on their side or have back problems cannot do without it. is not cheap, but the money spent on it will pay off with interest: after comfortable sleep you will feel invigorated and truly rested. What else is needed for good start day?

Subdued light source. The atmosphere of the room is determined by the lighting. Since the bedroom involves relaxation, appropriate light is needed - intimate and subdued. Relax after have a hard day A night light, a starry sky projector, candles and even a simple table lamp with adjustable brightness will help. Soft light is also useful if you often have to get up at night, for example, to see a small child.

Pouf or armchair. To avoid insomnia, experts do not recommend watching TV, reading books, and especially not working at the computer while lying in bed. Make sure that there is a place for sitting in the bedroom: a pouf, an armchair or a banquette. If the room is small, choose furniture with additional function: for example, a pouf with a storage box or an armchair that converts into an extra bed.

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Do you have anything from our list in your interior? Tell us in the comments what you can’t imagine your ideal bedroom without.

Photo: taringa, remobtbp, you-journal, hgtv, stroyday, arcticaoy, myhomedesign, pinterest

Organizing a bedroom space is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, therefore, when arranging the interior, many make mistakes that in the future affect not only the image of the room, but also your personal comfort.

Let's look at the most common mistakes made when decorating a bedroom and find out how they can be avoided.

1. The chandelier is too large

Unless you own studio apartment, and the bedroom in it also serves as a living room and kitchen - installing a large lamp under the ceiling may be unnecessary.

Intense flood light is most often not justified in a bedroom interior; moreover, it makes the room look like a reception hall, but not a relaxation room.


In the bedroom, the main light is not overhead light at all, but additional light, in the form of floor lamps, sconces and table lamps. It is these devices that should illuminate the room, but it is better to hang a neat lamp under the ceiling - a pendant, or a chandelier ceiling type for two or three medium-power lamps.


2. Library near the lodge

A passion for reading will always distinguish you as an intelligent, culturally developed and well-read person. And your own library is a current trend at all times. And yet, it is not recommended to place a large number of printed publications in the bedroom, especially in the bedside area.

Due to the dust that constantly settles on books, a sleeping person may have difficulty breathing and develop allergic reactions.



If possible, minimize the number of books in the bedroom; however, they should be placed away from the bed, for example, on a rack or shelves on the opposite wall.


3. Mirror along the bed

One of the obvious mistakes in bedroom design is a mirror installed in close proximity to the bed. Your reflection, at first, will amuse and interest, but soon you will feel that it instills anxiety and prevents you from falling asleep peacefully.

Such mirrors include those installed in wardrobes, the structures of which are placed parallel along the bed, or large floor mirrors installed opposite.


The mirror in the bedroom interior should be positioned in such a way that you, lying on the bed, cannot see your reflection in it. For example, place a floor mirror against the wall at the foot of the bed, place two identical ones above the bedside tables, or use a mobile mirror in a frame on wheels that can be turned in any direction.


4. Empty walls

Even though the bedroom is a room for relaxation, it would be a mistake to make it a space intended solely for sleeping. Ascetic furnishings, undecorated walls, boring furniture and bed sheets, - all this does not improve the mood at all, but on the contrary, creates a gloomy mood.


The walls in the bedroom are a blank slate that you can transform into something original, beautiful and unique to your own taste. Even if you just paint one of the walls in contrasting color, and decorate the other with a few photos from the Internet, printed out, and inserted into frames - you can really transform the atmosphere of the room as a whole.


5. Too dark interior

One should not be deluded by the beauty of thick dark tones interior paint, because the rich color of the walls may not take root in the bedroom. It has long been known that it is better not to use dark blue, burgundy, blueberry, chocolate and black for the bedroom. large quantities, since such an environment will have a noticeable impact and interfere with a vigorous awakening in the morning.


If you like a rich palette, try choosing derived shades that are several tones lighter, for example, instead of black or graphite, choose taupe or gray for the walls, and blue can be replaced with cornflower blue or azure.

Don't forget to combine dark colors With big amount white, cream, complemented with shimmering accessories and bright decor.


6. Massive structure above the headboard

When planning a system for storing things in the bedroom, it is important to correctly distribute the load, including the visual one. For example, if you install part of the wardrobe cabinets above the bed, it will be uneasy for a person to fall asleep or just lie down under them.


If the room does not have a better area for installing a storage system, you should still leave the area above the head of the bed free. It is better to install the main part of the cabinets on the sides of the bed, and one or two light shelves can be hung above it, but nothing more.


7. Incorrect bed position

The center of the composition in any bedroom is the bed, around which the rest of the furnishings are installed. But it happens that so little attention is paid to the sleeping place that it proper organization They don’t do anything at all, caring primarily about the wardrobe, curtain textiles or wall decoration.

In particular, experts in the field of planning call it a mistake to place the bed incorrectly: at the entrance to the bedroom, with the headboard towards the window, in the corner, etc.


Regardless of the size and shape of the room in plan, you can find the optimal area for placing the bed in it, ideally this is a wall perpendicular to the window, or a partition between the windows.

Also, it is better to install the sleeping place as far as possible from the doors, so that while lying on the bed, you feel comfortable, and sounds from the outside do not interfere with your full rest.


8. Cold floor

In pursuit of the beauty of the floor, we often neglect some of its characteristics, such as practicality and durability. In addition, installing cheap tile floors is contraindicated for the bedroom. laminated board, or from a self-leveling mixture.

Unless such materials are equipped with a “warm floor” system, other types of coatings should be used.


The ideal option, practical, durable, aesthetic and warm, is, of course, a coating made of natural wood. But due to its high cost, not many people can use it. As an alternative, it is recommended to lay on the floor parquet board, cork, or soft and warm carpet.


9. Monotonous design

Several years ago, the use of a single fabric for sewing curtains, bedspreads and upholstery of upholstered furniture for the bedroom became fashionable. Today, design using the same type of textures is considered bad manners, and the interior of the bedroom is tasteless and insipid.


Don’t be afraid to mix materials, shades and textures of fabrics and accessories. Just remember that combining them in one interior looks the most stylish and expensive. natural materials: velvet and silk, wool and cotton, knitted and jacquard products. In addition, decorative items in the color of precious metals will add a unique charm to the design of the bedroom.


10. Lack of proper storage system

For small bedrooms it can be easy to choose nice closet, which would not only accommodate your entire wardrobe, but also would not take up extra space, hiding usable area rooms.

But other than bad organized zone wardrobe can only be its absence, which at the same time affects the cleanliness and functionality of the bedroom.


A simple design consisting of shelves with brackets, rods and drawers that slide out on guides will help organize the space small bedroom. We recommend, at the same time, to focus on sections for hangers, which will provide excellent appearance your clothes.


Who among us does not dream of a beautiful bedroom in which one could relax from everyday worries and enjoy peace? To create not only stylish and beautiful, but also comfortable and functional bedroom There are a few key details you need to know. It is these ideas and items that allow you to create a comfortable, luxurious and personalized bedroom that we will talk about today.

#1. Cozy carpet.

Nothing ruins a happy morning (or makes us irritable) like stepping out of bed onto a cold, hard floor. Do yourself a favor and make sure your first step of the day feels warm and cozy. Not enough carpet in the bedroom? Add a soft hide and a small long-pile rug over it.

#2. Subject.

This is the first thing a child thinks about when decorating his first bedroom, but for some reason adults often shy away from choosing any theme in decorating. It doesn't have to be anything obvious or too specific, just creating an atmosphere. A few unifying elements will help create a relaxing environment. Always works well in the bedroom Marine theme or a slight hint of the East, but the main thing is that the theme reflects your personality.

#3. The right amount pillows

How to determine this quantity? A bed with lots of pillows looks luxurious and invites you to plunge into this heap of softness, but on the other hand, turning into a digger every time you go to bed is not the most pleasant experience. Golden mean Typically between two and six pillows depending on the size of your bed.

#4. Seating area.

The bedroom must have a place to sit on, and this is not a bed. Sit down with a book and not fall asleep, talk with your husband/wife - this is best done not in bed, on a cozy sofa and armchair. A soft bench at the foot of the bed is also perfect for these purposes.

#5. No technology in sight.

The bedroom is for sleeping. What do you need to sleep comfortably? Definitely not your smartphone. The same goes for TV. Despite the fact that we can no longer imagine life without technology that surrounds us always and everywhere, the bedroom is still a place created for relaxation, including from technology. Even if you are used to falling asleep watching the TV, try to hide it from view, or better yet, try to leave all the technology behind the bedroom door.

#6. A collection of things you love.

You don't have to dedicate entire shelves to display your collection, and the collection itself doesn't have to have a theme, as long as it reflects your personality. These can be things from travel, gifts from friends and acquaintances, or family items with history. Plus, this is a great excuse to combine items you bought with last years and don't know where to put them.

#7. Well organized bedside tables.

Yes, a bedside table filled with everything you need looks very cute, but that's not the only reason why you see the same carafe and glass of water combination in magazines and fashion blogs so often. great book, plant or flower and lamp. There is one for that natural cause- in essence, this is a set that will provide everything you need for a comfortable sleep (before, after and in case you wake up). You create your own "kit" that doesn't have to be pretty to be perfect. The more personalized it is, the more comfortable you will feel in your own bedroom, and the more it will begin to be a statement of your personal style.

#8. Good mattress.

You can have all the items on this list, no bedroom would be complete without good mattress. After all, if you don't sleep enough comfortable conditions, you will simply not be able to enjoy all the beauty of the bedroom. About how to choose the right mattress you can read it.

#9. Photos - but not family ones.

Of course, you can have as many family photos as you want, but it's best to save them for other rooms and make the bedroom less emotional. Fill your room with elegant and soothing photos that will evoke good feelings in you, but won't remind you of specific people when you fall asleep.

#10. Drama!

Even the brightest and most cheerful bedrooms need a dark element with sensual charm. Accents of deep rich color such as purple, black or even red, dramatic lamps or headboards, distinctive prints and patterns - all these details will help add drama to the interior, the main thing is to maintain balance and turn the bedroom into a collection of theatrical scenery.

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Are planning!

The layout of the bedroom depends primarily on the size and shape of the room, as well as the number of people sleeping in it. Of course, the personal preferences of the owners also play a role. Well, someone relies on the teachings of Feng Shui and furnishes their bedroom in accordance with its tenets. Be that as it may, the main goal should be maximum convenience bedrooms. Not style, not concept, not showiness, not compliance with the rules of Feng Shui, but convenience and comfort! How to achieve the goal?

Bedroom layout taking into account ergonomics

In advance, before purchasing and arranging furniture in the bedroom, you need to draw up a plan for this room, making sure that there is a minimum acceptable distance between objects. At all small room You can, of course, shorten these distances by accepting the need to endure the inconvenience. However, if you approach drawing up a plan seriously and thoughtfully, you can even arrange furniture in a tiny room so that there is as little inconvenience as possible.

Bedroom ergonomic rules

1. The distance from the side of the bed to the wall or to a piece of furniture (excluding, of course, a bedside table or its equivalent) must be at least 70 cm.

This passage to the bed will allow you to undress and lie down comfortably. If the bed is double, it is highly advisable to leave such passages on both sides. Making the bed and changing the bed will also be easier in this case.

If there is no other way, a double bed can be placed with one of the sides against the wall, but in this case free place should be at the foot, so that the person sleeping against the wall does not have to climb over his partner, disturbing his sleep.

2. If it stands, then there should be at least 70 cm from its front edge to another piece of furniture. This is provided that this gap will not be a passage. Exactly enough is needed to comfortably use the table while sitting on a chair, armchair or pouf. If there is a passage to a window or bed in this place, you need to leave more space- from 1 meter.

3. To make it convenient to use the chest of drawers and closet, you need to calculate the free space in front of it as follows: open chest of drawers or open closet door + 30 cm.

4. Covering the space in front of the window with furniture, complicating the approach to it, is only worthwhile in the very last case, when other options for the location of a bed, table or chest of drawers cannot be used. If you decide to ignore this warning, then one day you yourself will feel how annoying it is to constantly have to climb over something or climb something in order to simply straighten the curtains, open the window, and even more so to wash it.

However, exceptions are possible to the rules, right? Covering the window with a massive dressing table or a bed, placing it against it with a high headboard, is sometimes decided if the view outside the window leaves much to be desired. In this case, the curtains are given rigid form, only a free area is left for the possibility of opening the window. For this purpose (to be able to place furniture near the window), plastic or wooden windows with a window on the side flap. But the option of closing the window is, of course, not for everyone. Fortunately, the view from the window is not hopeless for everyone.

Bedroom layout: necessary furniture

The main piece of furniture in the bedroom is, of course, the bed. She is given a central place. And it is selected most carefully, taking into account that it is comfortable to pass through, and does not blow, and does not overheat, and does not hit the door.

All other pieces of furniture “rotate” around the bed. Therefore, when planning your bedroom, first of all choose a place for the bed.

Buy the largest bed your room can accommodate - including, of course, room for other furniture. It is better to take a smaller wardrobe and a more compact chest of drawers than to huddle on a narrow bed.

A typical set of furniture for comfortable bedroom, complementing the bed, is as follows:

  • bedside tables (or bedside tables)
  • pouf, mini-sofa or soft bench at the foot of the bed
  • dressing table with seat
  • dresser
  • wardrobe

Much (if not all) of this can be avoided. But if the space allows, it is better to include all of the above in the bedroom set if you think that you will be more comfortable with this furniture.

Bedside tables or tables - it is very comfortable. There is somewhere to put and place a book, cream, alarm clock, glass of water, mobile phone and so on. Without a bedside table, you have to put things on the floor (and occasionally accidentally step on them) or on the chest of drawers (you have to constantly get out of bed to, for example, drink water). In a word, from bedside tables It is worth refusing only in the “strictest space saving mode”.

Pouf or bench at the foot - this is no longer a necessity, but the level of comfort will be higher. After straightening the bed, place a blanket on this object. After undressing before going to bed, things are left on it.

In the chests of drawers storing bed linen is also convenient so you don’t have to walk too far.

Closet You don’t have to put it in the bedroom if there is a separate large dressing room.

Dressing table needed by ladies who are accustomed to using this piece of furniture in the bedroom.

Additional furniture

In the large bedroom you can organize a relaxation area. It is better to equip it in a free corner. To set it up you will need comfortable armchair- possible with an ottoman or footstool, as well as a small table and. This convenient solution for those who like to read or, for example, knit in the bedroom.

If you're dressing in the bedroom, you might find a design like a cische mirror useful. Its advantage is its ease of use (you can see yourself at full height) and mobility (this item can be carried both within the bedroom and throughout the house).

Bedroom layout: furniture arrangement

How to place the bed?

IN spacious bedroom the bed is placed with its head against one of the walls (preferably one that has no doors or window openings), and so that the bed is approximately in the middle of the room. This is both the beauty of symmetry and convenience (the same distance to any other piece of furniture, window and exit).

What you should avoid in a large bedroom is placing all the furniture strictly around the perimeter, otherwise the effect of a corridor or “box” will be ensured.

IN small room You need to place the double bed so as to provide passage to both beds and leave free space at the foot of the bed.

It’s easier with a single and half-size bed: just create free access to one of the sides. In this case, the bed can be placed with both the side and the foot against the wall.

IN elongated bedroom the bed should be positioned as best as possible across the room. However, if there is too little space between the foot of the bed and the wall (less than 70 cm), it is better to place the bed along long walls. Provided that near everyone sleeping place 70 cm or more remains.

If the bedroom is small in size and narrow, you can consider the option diagonal bed arrangement. The diagonal arrangement of the double bed aims, firstly, to provide the possibility of a comfortable approach to both sleeping places. And secondly, diagonal placement redraws the space, visually changing the geometry of the room.

Single beds are also placed diagonally to, for example, free up passage to the window.

If possible, you should place the bed so that it is not completely visible from the entrance - this makes the bedroom more intimate.

The location of the rest of the furniture in the bedroom

It is better to place a cabinet with solid, non-mirror doors in the most dark corner- there it is less noticeable.

If the layout allows, it is better to build a wardrobe in the bedroom. To do this, it is not even necessary to build any complex designs- it is enough to order a cabinet whose width is equal to the length of the smaller wall. If the closet is from wall to wall, then it will look like a wall, and not like a bulky appendage.

It is better to install the dressing table perpendicular to the wall with a window, and not far from the window. If this piece of furniture is used by a right-handed person, it is better to place the table so that the light from the window falls on the left. For lefties it's the other way around.

If you dress in the room, taking things out of the closet and examining yourself in a free-standing (hanging) mirror, provide a clear path from the closet to the mirror. Stepping over a low ottoman or round the foot of your bed every morning as you get ready for work will inevitably increase your stress levels.

Bedroom layout: how to save space

What can you give up and what can you replace with? Firstly, instead of bedside tables, you can install bedside shelves. The lamps can be placed on these or hung on the wall. This will greatly lighten the interior.

Secondly, you can forego a separate chest of drawers by purchasing a wardrobe with a chest of drawers.

It’s easy to refuse dressing table, making do with a wall mirror and a shelf under it. In this case, it is worth buying a pouf on wheels that is suitable in height and sliding it, for example, under a bedside shelf, and when you need to sit in front of a mirror, roll it out. This will help free up a significant amount of space in the room.

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