Homemade mousetrap from a plastic bottle. Humane mousetrap SWISSINNO Mouse House

Small cute animals only look harmless and fragile, but in fact, the presence of mice in the house means a lot of trouble. They carry diseases that are potentially dangerous to humans, destroy food supplies, damage furniture and books, and are also so small that they can penetrate holes no more than six to seven millimeters wide. Catching mice usually involves setting traps in areas where animals move, but you can get rid of annoying guests without the use of special equipment.

How to catch a mouse

To check whether there really are mice in the house, you just need to sprinkle a little flour in the “suspicious” areas where the animals supposedly live, and see if traces appear the next morning. Depending on personal preferences, you can choose different ways catching mice - from harmless to quite cruel. It should be kept in mind that these rodents rarely leave their nests during the day, so you need to set traps at night.

Interesting fact. Mice's incisors grow throughout their lives, so animals are forced to constantly grind them down, gnawing on everything. With the help of its teeth, the animal can destroy structures made of wood, concrete and even metal.

The mouse is dangerous to humans because it can cause infection dangerous infection, especially if she gets to food products

Killer Mousetrap

Old, tried and true, but not always in an effective way To catch a mouse is to use a mousetrap. The latter can be industrially manufactured and vary in designs. The principle of operation of such a device is to lure a rodent and then kill or injure it through a special mechanism.

Table: traps that kill rodents

Traps made of steel and (or) woodA reliable and proven product that often kills the pest outright. You can use lard, raisins, peanut butter, and smoked meats as bait.
Mouse trapsBetter and more reliable than similar mechanisms made of wood and metal, due to greater efficiency, less risk of injury to humans, simplified design and versatility.
MousetrapA simple but not very effective design. The principle of operation is to lure the animal and suffocate it with a steel loop.
Electric mousetrapThe principle of operation is based on luring and shocking the rodent electric current. A relatively humane tool for killing mice.

Photo gallery: types of mousetraps

A classic mousetrap consists of wooden plank and a metal spring On sale you can find an improved version of the classic mousetrap An electric mousetrap electrocutes the mouse

Humane traps

Not everyone will enjoy killing or maiming a living creature, even a very harmful one. Manufacturers specializing in the production of rat and mouse traps have developed a large number of humane mousetraps that do not harm animals. As a rule, the operating principle of such products is based on luring the animal using bait into a cage (box, container) with an automatically closing door. The caught troublemaker can then be released. It is recommended to do this at least one kilometer from home.

A mouse caught in a cage mousetrap remains alive

Table: traps that do not harm the animal

How to make a mousetrap with your own hands

You can get rid of mice in your home by purchasing one (or several for greater effectiveness) of the industrial-made traps listed above. But what should you do if rodents surprise you late in the evening, or store-bought traps and live traps don’t work properly? Make a mousetrap for a quick fix using improvised means is not as difficult as it seems, you just need a little patience and ingenuity.

There is an improved version of the cage mousetrap: the so-called live trap

Making a mousetrap using a plastic bottle

There are many options for catching mice using plastic bottle. Depending on the location of objects in the house, the habitats of rodents and other factors, you can modify and vary the method of making and installing traps, you just need a little imagination.

How to catch a mouse right in a bottle

The easiest way:

  1. Take a plastic bottle.
  2. For reliability, you can lubricate the walls inside the container with vegetable oil.
  3. Place bait.
  4. Secure the bottle at an angle so that the mouse can climb into it from the floor or another surface.

A simple and reliable mousetrap can be made from a plastic bottle

Plastic design for catching mice

Complicated way:

  1. Take the bottle.
  2. Cut it in half.
  3. Lubricate both parts with oil on the inside.
  4. Place bait.
  5. Place the upper part in the lower part with the neck down, securing the structure with paper clips.

A mouse trap can be made from a cut plastic bottle

Trap from a bottle and string

For this method you will need a thin but strong rope.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Take a plastic bottle.
  2. Tie a rope up to 50 cm long to the neck.
    The length of the rope should not exceed 50 cm
  3. Place bait in the container.
    The bait is placed inside the bottle
  4. Attach the other end of the rope to the table with tape.
    One end of the rope is attached to the table
  5. Place the bottle on the edge of the table in a horizontal position, and it is important to balance it correctly.
    You need to place the bottle so that it doesn’t roll anywhere.

Mousetrap made from a bucket and a plastic bottle

To make it you need to do the following:

  1. Take a small plastic bottle.
  2. Use an awl to make holes in the lid and at the end.
  3. Insert a knitting needle or a straight piece of wire 1–2 mm in diameter into the holes.
  4. Attach bait to the bottle.
  5. Grease a bucket with oil or fill it halfway with water.
  6. Place the bottle on top of the knitting needle (wire).
  7. Place a piece of board against the bucket.
When caught in a trap, the mouse ends up in a bucket of water

Trap from a cut bottle

Another option self-made traps:

  1. Take the bottle.
  2. On the side where the bottom is located, cut strips 3 cm wide and half its circumference long.
  3. Sharpen them and bend them inside the bottle. This way, the animal that gets inside will not be able to get out.
  4. Place a piece of chocolate or a loaf soaked in sunflower oil in the trap.

Video: how to make a trap from a plastic bottle

An easy way to catch a mouse in a bucket

A very simple but effective “trap” can be made from an ordinary bucket:

  1. Fill it halfway with water.
  2. Place it at the edge of a table or chair.
  3. Place a school ruler with bait on the edge of the surface above the container, maintaining balance so that the structure does not fall into the bucket.

Before the mouse reaches the bait, it will fall into a bucket of water

How to catch a mouse with a jar

The design is very unstable, but nevertheless can be very effective. You need to do the following: Instead of a jar, you can use a wide glass or any other container with smooth edges. The trap is made with glue designed specifically for catching mice.

What is the best bait to use?

Contrary to popular belief, cheese is not very attractive to mice. Given a choice, they will most likely choose other favorite products.

Table: TOP 10 goodies for mice

Smoked lardA very small piece is enough, because you don’t need to feed, but to catch the rodent.
Sunflower oil It is best to use unrefined, more aromatic.
White bread To increase the effect, you can drop a little sunflower oil on a piece.
Roasted seeds, especially pumpkin seedsThree or four pieces are enough to attract rodents. Better clear them for more strong odor. In principle, mice love almost all types of seeds and nuts, but some of them attract rodents more, and some less. Pumpkin seeds belong to the first category.
PeanutIt is also better to use it fried. A couple of pieces are enough.
Smoked sausageA small piece can drive a mouse crazy and forget about caution. Best results can be achieved with a product prepared naturally, without the use of dyes, preservatives or flavor enhancers.
Cold smoked fishSmoked fish attracts many animals like a magnet, and mice are no exception. It must be kept in mind that the product must be fresh and natural.
CookieYou can use flavored, for example, vanilla scented.
Salted bacon with garlicSalty lard itself attracts mice, and the aroma of garlic enhances the effect.

To combat rodents, a lot of drugs and devices are produced: poisons with an attractive odor, spring and electric mousetraps, ultrasonic repellers. As a rule, purchasing these funds costs a pretty penny. A DIY mousetrap is practically free and does an excellent job of catching rodents.

For people who are unable to kill an animal, such traps are the only way out: most of them lure a mouse into a trap without causing it the slightest harm. Let's figure out how to make a mousetrap at home simply and without much effort.

Disposable traps

Disposable mousetraps will have to be reinstalled after each rodent caught. To make them, improvised materials (ropes, bowls, plastic bottles) and simple tools (scissors and an awl) are used.

1 option

The classic mousetrap is a slamming lid, it’s quick and easy to make. You need a small container: a 0.5-1 liter jar, soup plate, disposable plastic cup. You will also need a coin or a nut; the bait is tied to them on a short string. The coin is placed on the edge and the edge of the container rests on it. The mouse pulls the rope while climbing into the jar, and it falls, preventing the pest from escaping.

This elementary mousetrap from a jar can be improved: instead of a coin, you can cut out a rectangle about 2 cm wide from thick cardboard or plastic and sharpen it on one side to make it convenient to place the bait on it.

Option 2

If food spoiled by rodents is found on the table, a disposable bottle mousetrap is most convenient. To make it you will need a bottle of 1.5 liters, a rope about a meter long, an awl and strong scissors. We cut off the neck of the bottle at a distance of about 5 cm from the cork, pierce a hole at the top with an awl and tie a rope through it to the bottle. The second end of the rope needs to be secured to the table, for example, tied to the handle of a pan.

To catch a mouse in such a bottle, it is placed on the edge of the table so that the bottom with the bait hangs in the air. The mouse, having climbed inside, overhangs it, the entire structure falls down and hangs on the rope. All that remains is to drown the rodent or take it outside the house.

Option 3

The simplest mousetrap, but at the same time quite effective, is made from a plastic bottle as follows: using a stationery knife, you need to cut the bottle into 2 parts at the place where it begins to narrow.

Turn the neck over and insert it into the main part, the sections must be placed at the same level and secured with tape or glued together. Bait is placed at the bottom of the bottle, the neck is lubricated with any edible oil. The mouse, once inside, slides down and cannot get out.

The only difficulty is that this plastic bottle mousetrap must be positioned so that the mouse can easily reach the neck, for example, near the shelves. You can make paths for mice to make it easier for them to climb. Then the bottles will have to be weighed down by adding some stones or sand to the bottom.

Reusable traps

Making a reusable mousetrap is not much more complicated; the designs of most of them are elementary and do not require special skills. Such traps can be checked every few days, throwing away the caught rodents. True, they cannot be left for more than a week, otherwise the room will become saturated with the smell of decomposition.

The swing principle

The design of the first reusable mousetrap, which is easy to make yourself, is based on the principle of a swing. It will require any container with a volume of 5 liters or more. wide throat: bucket, pan, plastic containers. A rigid wire, knitting needle or wooden twig is secured across the edge of the bucket using tape.

You also need a board several centimeters wide and slightly shorter than the diameter of the bucket. For example, a ruler or a rectangle cut from thick cardboard, plastic, or metal will do.

We place this board so that it rests on the knitting needle, one edge lies on the edge of the bucket, and the other with the bait placed on it is in the air. In order for the mouse to climb onto the board, a homemade mousetrap is installed on a stool at the edge of the table. You can make a ramp from a board and attach it to the trap.

To make the trap reusable, the balancing board must be attached to the spoke and positioned in such a way that it returns to its original state on its own.

Spinning drum

The basis of this trap is the same as the previous one: a bucket and a bridge leading to it. A rotating cylinder is used to drop the rodent into the container. To make it, you can take a small plastic bottle or tin can. In the bottom of the bottle they make small hole, and then put it on the knitting needle. The knitting needle is placed on the bucket as an extension of the bridge and secured.

A bucket mousetrap will work for a long time if the bait is placed around the entire circumference of the bottle. You can spread it or attach it with a rubber band. The mouse, attracted by the smell, climbs onto the drum, it turns, and the rodent ends up in the bucket. If you do not plan to release the mouse outside the house, pour water into the bottom of the bucket so that it will choke.


Mousetraps work like traps, easily letting a rodent in and preventing them from getting back out. A simple option can be made from the same plastic bottle: cut off the top and cut the edge of the main part into narrow triangles 5-7 cm long. The resulting teeth are bent inside the bottle, and the bait is placed there. The mouse easily squeezes into the trap between the elastic plastic strips, but can no longer get out.

A more complex reusable version of this design can be made yourself from wooden box. A round hole is cut out in one of its walls at a distance of no more than 5 cm from the bottom. Along its perimeter, at a distance of 1 cm from each other, steel wires 5-7 cm long are inserted so that they are inside the box. The mouse, having climbed into the hole, falls through the wires and remains inside the box. Rat traps are made in the same way, you just need to increase the diameter of the hole.

Glue trap

When catching mice, you can also use special rodent glue. It is sold in hardware stores and supermarkets in the pest control section. According to the instructions, this glue is spread on cardboard, and bait is placed in the center. A mouse, even if it gets into it with one paw, is glued tightly. This is far from a humane mousetrap; the rodent in it dies long and painfully.

The disadvantage of this product is the ability of the glue to stick to curious pets and smear everything around. You can avoid this by building reusable homemade mousetraps. In a shoe box, a hole is made on the side for the rodent, under it inside the box there is a sheet of paper with glue applied, and in the depths there is a tasty-smelling bait. After that, all that remains is to replace the paper.

Bait selection

World cinema has long convinced everyone that rodents love cheese more than anything else. In fact, catching a mouse on any dairy product is quite difficult. The most effective way to attract them to traps is to use:

  • lard, especially smoked lard,
  • smoked sausage,
  • white bread croutons,
  • unrefined sunflower oil,
  • Sesame oil,
  • roasted sunflower seeds and peanuts.

Bread soaked in sesame oil is most attractive to rodents.

Baits need to be changed periodically, because mice, sensing danger, stop reacting to the smell of the treat.

A mousetrap made from improvised means will not require special forces and financial costs, and the result from its use is often better than from industrial products. And in some cases there is nothing left to do but make a mousetrap with your own hands. It will take much less time than looking for a working store late at night or dragging yourself into town from your dacha. Having decided what materials are in the house, you can always find suitable option from a huge selection of homemade traps.

For many centuries, small rodents have lived side by side with people. Despite the fact that this neighborhood is very profitable for the latter, people come up with various devices to catch these uninvited guests.

Can also be used chemicals to get rid of mice, but their use in the house is not always justified, since they harm not only rodents, but also pets and apartment owners.

There are spring mousetraps on sale, but their disadvantage is that they require “recharging,” which is not always convenient. And the sound of a slamming mechanism, especially at night, can be quite frightening. And besides, these mousetraps are not humane.

There are many options for making mousetraps with your own hands. Let's look at the most popular of them.

DIY mousetraps from a plastic bottle

Quite a large number of options for mousetraps made from plastic bottles have already been invented. Their production does not require much time or any Additional materials. These traps are in a humane way fight against gray tenants. Once caught, they can be taken somewhere away from home and released.

The simplest mousetraps made from a plastic bottle:

Take the usual 1.5 - 2 liter bottle without a lid and pour a little oil into it, in which something was fried. You also need to lubricate the neck of the container. Place the bottle itself at an angle with the neck up on a board or some other improvised means and hold it on the sides so it doesn't fall. Once a mouse gets into a bottle and wets its paws in oil, it will slide along the walls, but will not get out.

Place a plastic bottle with an open neck and bait inside on the edge of a flat surface (for example, on a table) so that half of the bottle at the bottom is unsupported. There, at the bottom, there should be bait. At the same time, tie the neck of the bottle to something so that when the trap is triggered, it does not fall to the floor, but remains hanging. The mouse, sensing the bait, will climb into the mousetrap through the neck or a hole specially cut at the top, approach the bait, the bottle will lose its balance and hang with the captive inside on the rope.

With this method of catching mice, one must take into account their ability to jump well. There is a possibility that a series of jumps will end in success, and the slave will “jump” to freedom.

With this method of making a trap, you will need sharp knife and a plastic bottle. You need to cut off its upper tapering part. On the bottle itself, make cuts in the form of petals, which then carefully bend inward. Throw a piece of lard, cheese, bread or other treat for mice to the bottom and place the resulting trap in the rodents’ habitat.

Having smelled the food, the mouse will be able to climb into the bottle, but will not be able to get back out. Sharp “petals” will not allow her to get out.

But there are also more ingenious mousetraps, made with your own hands from a plastic bottle.

Instructions on how to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle with your own hands

To make a more “advanced” trap from a plastic bottle with your own hands, you need the following components:

Plastic bottle
sharp scissors or knife
2 sticks made of wood or other material
2 rubber bands
paper clip

Step by step guide

1. Cut 1/3 of the bottle at the top, but not all the way, but to create a rising structure.

2. Make 2 holes on the sides of the top of the bottle opposite each other, and insert a stick through them so that its ends stick out.

3. Do the same with the bottom of the bottle.

4. Fasten the rope to the neck of the bottle, pulling it so that the upper notched part of the container rises up from a horizontal position, that is, the trap opens.

5. Connect the sticks with rubber bands on both sides of the bottle.

6. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle and stick a straightened paper clip into it. Secure with paper clips outside a rope from the neck of the bottle in a taut state, and inside the bottle put a bait on a paper clip that will fix

7. Place the made trap horizontally in the open state.

By getting into the trap and removing the bait from the paperclip, the mouse activates a mechanism in which the paperclip flies out, the tension is broken and the trap slams shut.

DIY mouse trap at home

You can make a device for catching rodents with your own hands, not only from a plastic bottle. There are many improvised means in the house that, if necessary, can be turned into a mouse trap.

Conventionally, mousetraps can be divided into 2 types:
1. Humane. When used, mice remain alive.
2. Destructive action. In this case, the animals die.

What to make a mousetrap from?

A very simple trap can be made from an upside down jar (glass or tin), a saucepan, or even a cake lid.

First, using tape, you need to attach the bait to the wall of the container as high as possible. Place the inverted container on a flat surface, and lift one edge and support it with a washer, coin, or button placed on the edge.
A mouse can easily crawl inside the trap and, while getting food, will disturb the balance of the structure, the support will fall, and the animal will be trapped.

It should be noted that the container should be quite heavy, so if necessary, you need to put a load on top of it.

In a similar way you can even use chessboard. To do this, you need to put it on one sash, and open the other slightly, securing it with something unstable. The animal will easily crawl inside and, taking out the bait, will upset the balance and the doors will slam shut.

Mousetrap made from a bucket of water

You can also use a bucket as a mousetrap. If you feel sorry for the mice, you don’t have to pour water into it, but in this case escape is possible. If the war is already merciless and without prisoners, then water is necessary.

You can make several types of traps with your own hands using a bucket.
For example, place a bucket at the edge of a table or other surface, and place a ruler with bait on the edge of the table. The animal will go for food, overweight and fall into the bucket. You can only catch one mouse this way.

1. Pour water into a bucket, and loosely cover it with a lid so that when you press the edge of the lid, it turns over. Glue the bait with tape. The rodent, taking out the treat, will turn over and end up inside, and the lid will return to its original position.

2. Place a tin can or plastic bottle on the rod so that it rotates freely around its axis. Place the rod itself or secure it in the upper part of a bucket of water. Attach a treat for the mouse to the jar using tape or glue. Attach a board to the bucket for a more comfortable trip. Having reached the edge of the bucket, the mice go to the bait, the rod turns over, and the mice fall into the water.

Electronic mousetrap

If you have sufficient funds, you can buy an electronic mousetrap, which provides guaranteed and, to some extent, humane destruction of rodents.
The same products are used as bait here as in a regular mousetrap. The mouse, attracted by the smell of food, falls into a trap and is no longer able to get out. In a trap, the rodent dies instantly from an electric shock.

Craftsmen who understand electrical circuits can make a similar mousetrap with their own hands by finding diagrams on the Internet or coming up with their own version of a trap.

What to put in a mousetrap as bait

Mice are omnivorous pests. You need to hide all the food in the house from them. But to catch them in short time, you should use your favorite mouse treats as bait.

  • 1. Lard. Mice love the smell of lard (especially smoked lard). Even a small piece is enough for the mouse to smell it and come running to the smell.
  • 2. Sunflower oil. Mice love unrefined oil, and if something was fried in it, then mice from all corners of the house will come running to this smell.
  • 3. White bread. And with sunflower oil it’s even better.
  • 4. Seeds and peanuts. Be sure to be fried, in this case only 3-4 pieces are enough.
  • 5. Sausage, preferably smoked. It is more oily and smelly.

Contrary to popular belief, mice are calm about cheese. You can use it as bait if there is nothing else tasty.
If there are a lot of mice in the house, you need to change the bait and choose your favorite products. Or put different food in several mousetraps.

Mice have long and firmly established themselves next to people both in private houses and in high-rise apartments, especially with garbage chutes. And entire colonies of rodents live in basements with communications, from where they spread throughout the house.

But, if you tirelessly use all your knowledge and skills in the field of fighting gray animals, then it is quite possible to defend your home. Mice are cunning and tenacious pests, but man is still the “crown of nature,” which means that with a certain persistence, victory will be his.

How to charge a mousetrap without getting hurt?

In the heat of the hunt, you should not forget about your own safety. To effectively install a mousetrap so that it performs its function, precautions must be taken.

When installing a purchased spring mousetrap, you must: the following actions:
first put the bait on the trigger;
After this, carefully cock the clamp;
then place the holder on the clamp;
insert the holder into the trigger.

You should also charge homemade mousetraps very carefully. For example, a trap made from a plastic bottle with curved “petals” must be infested before the petals are bent, otherwise there is a risk of injury from sharp edges yourself.

It’s not uncommon for people’s homes to have such unfriendly neighbors as mice. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind to an ordinary person- this is to get rid of an unwanted guest who causes harm to property and products. Someone will consider it necessary to buy a ready-made mousetrap, because... doesn’t see anything complicated in it, and some people can’t afford it for other reasons.

Benefits of using homemade traps

One of the most attractive advantages of these mousetraps is the price. You can easily acquire such a trap using improvised means, or it is not as expensive as in the case of one purchased in a store.

Rodents are quite smart creatures, so some of them quickly discern the trick of ordinary mousetraps and the degree of their danger, even despite the seductiveness of the bait.

One more advantage can be highlighted - this is humanity, because store mousetraps were originally invented for the complete extermination of pests, because Various toxic substances are added to them.

While homemade ones are much less likely to lead to the death of a rodent. They are safer than store-bought ones, an especially useful advantage if there are small children or pets in the house.

Varieties of homemade mousetraps

Trap made from a jar and paper

A piece is placed over the neck of the jar, which must be wide in order to ensure that the rodent does not get out of the situation. writing paper which creates a visual illusion. The selected bait is placed above the jar, or rather the paper. If a mouse takes the bait, it will definitely try to get to it, leaning its hind legs on the paper, thereby falling into the jar.

Mousetrap made from a jar and lid

The jar, also with a wide neck, is closed with a tin lid. A hole is cut in the center of this cover so that the mouse can get in. And the teeth, which will prevent the mouse from getting out into the wild, are bent inside the can. As a rule, bait is placed at the bottom of the jar. For this mousetrap, it is recommended to choose a special bait, this is necessary so that the smell lures the prey into the jar. Such a bait could be smoked sausage, ordinary seeds, as well as wheat grains.

Mousetrap with bucket and plastic bottle

To catch mice on a large scale, you can make the following trap. If desired, add water if you plan to kill the mice. To make it, stock up on such tools as a bucket, a long knitting needle, or another hard twig, a plastic bottle and bait of course, as well as tape. A knitting needle is inserted along the bottle, in the center of the upper and lower parts. This is done in order to ensure that the bottle moves without interference. The bottle is located in the middle relative to the edges of the knitting needle. Now you will need some tape to secure the bait around the perimeter of the bottle. Scotch tape should be used in moderation so as not to interrupt the smell of the bait. A knitting needle with a bottle is placed on the edges of the bucket.

If the plan was to catch a lot of mice, then it is worth making holes along the edges of the bucket to thread the edges of the knitting needles so that they do not break the prepared structure. The spoke should rotate without interference. Next, a pair of slats are fixed on both sides of the bucket to organize a path for the mouse to the bottle with bait.

Mousetrap using gravity

Here again a plastic bottle comes into use, but using the gravity method.

Mousetrap with bait in the form of a support

Any cup, bowl, deep plate is suitable. Everything is very simple here, the container is secured so that it is suspended, and bait is placed under it for support.

Mousetrap made from a plastic bottle

First, the bottle is cut in half into 2/3 parts, in the end you get the neck of the bottle and the second half of the bottle. Then it all comes together. The smaller half of the bottle is attached with tape or wire, with the neck down, into the larger one. To make it attractive, the neck of the bottle is greased with oil, and the bottom is strewn with seeds or bread crumbs.

Important! Due to its light weight, the bottle can easily fall, so it would be better to attach it to any surface.

Bucket mousetrap

This method is also suitable for mass catching of mice. A wire is taken, this wire is attached along the bucket, and a bottle is put on the wire. Bait is placed on top of the bottle. A path to the bucket can be constructed using a plank so that the mouse can reach the bottle. The bucket is filled halfway with water. Subsequently, the mouse is led to the bait, making its way along the plank to the bottle, which will have to turn over, in a rotating motion.

Glass jar mousetrap

The jar is placed on its side, on Double-sided tape the bait is placed, all this is installed on the bottom of the jar. For support use 5 ruble coin, which is placed on the edge. As a result, the mouse should touch the can, and it will turn over, blocking the exit to the outside. Ready.

Glue mousetraps

To begin with, accordingly, purchase glue specifically designed for rodents and insects. Next, take a cardboard product; other similar stationery products are also suitable. Glue is applied in strips.

Mousetrap made of wood

In a beam with parameters 180x100x60 mm, holes with a diameter of 3 cm and a depth of 6 cm are drilled, this is done for the entrance intended for mice. The wire loop should attach a noose made of another wire, which will be smaller than the first. Holes are also drilled to install the springs.

The number of loops, nooses and springs is made equal to the number of holes. The rope is taken to secure the spring ready for action. The bait is placed in the holes. So rodents, trying to get to the bait, hit the rope with their teeth. The rope, in turn, contributes to the reaction of the spring and the noose.

Each method discussed in this article is well suited in its own way for effectively catching mice. All you have to do is make sure you have the necessary funds and get down to business.

Shown simple mousetrap from a PET bottle, but, unfortunately, some rodents can escape from it. Several modifications are proposed to improve reliability.

1.Installing the lid on the mousetrap

The mousetrap is made from two identical bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. For the first bottle, only part of the conical part is cut off, and for the second bottle, the conical part is completely cut off. The conical part of the second bottle will be the lid of the trap.

We make two symmetrical holes on the edges of the conical part of the first bottle for attaching a fishing line and hanging a bottle overturned by a rodent on this fishing line. We attach the cap to the top of the first bottle and mark the centers of two holes with a diameter of 5-7 mm coinciding with the centers of the exit holes of the suspension lines. We make holes in the lid. With our own hands we pass the fishing line through the holes in the lid and tie it to the first bottle.

Organizing the removal of the lid from the table

Refinement of the mousetrap

If you install the mousetrap in this form, then when it tips over, the lid will not close the bottle in any way and will most likely remain on the table. A special pusher is required to move the cap behind the bottle. The pusher is made of wire in the form of a cut letter “P” width top shelf should be equal to the distance between the holes for attaching the fishing line. We firmly wrap the pusher at a distance of ~20 cm from the bottle to the fastening lines. When the bottle falls down, the cap placed between the pusher and the bottle will be thrown off the table by the pusher. At the same time, the pusher will optimally straighten the fishing lines for proper lowering of the cap onto the bottle.

The operation of the mousetrap is shown in the video.

You can simplify your homemade project by eliminating the pusher, but to do this you will have to organize the bottle to be suspended outside the plane of the table.

2. Increasing the length of the bottle

We take a plastic PET bottle and cut off a section of the conical part, immediately making a hole in the bottom for the mouse to enter. From the first revision there was a bottle without a neck. We combine the bottles together, try to achieve a tight connection and wrap the joint with tape to secure the fastening. The result was a bottle of increased length, and even with an additional obstacle from the conical part. We tie the bottle, put the bait at the bottom and set it up for fishing.

Tests like this homemade mousetrap shown in the video.

Surely a good design will come from two bottles with cut off bottoms and one neck. The bottles are combined and also connected with tape; the presence of a conical bottom when tipping over will further complicate the rodent’s precise jump to freedom.

An elongated bottle allows you to move the battlefield from buildings to the surrounding area. We bury the combined bottles under the hole for the rodent's entry vertically into the ground (be careful so that the structure does not collapse under the weight of the earth). We put bait inside. We regularly check the results and, if necessary, reinstall such mousetraps.

The topic of constructing mousetraps is very interesting and will be continued.

In the future, we will publish a simple, reliable and very sensitive office floor mousetrap and an automatic reusable mousetrap made from PET bottles.

More material on the topic of mousetraps.

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