Muslim rosary how to use. How to make Muslim rosary

What are rosary beads and what are they used for (a photo of them is presented to your attention in this article)? After all, we all know only that they are most often used in Islam. You will learn about their purpose by reading this article.

What are rosary beads?

It can be assumed that each of us has an idea about this subject, although often very distant. Outwardly, they resemble a necklace with many beads (grains) strung on a thread. They can be round or oval - the shape is not limited to a couple of options.

The thread that connects the beads together forms a circle when fastened together. The place of fastening itself can also be decorated with beads, as well as a tassel made of threads, chains or other materials, depending on the religion of the owner.

The rosary has long become the embodiment of the flow of life.

Application area

It is not difficult to guess from the name that this item was originally a religious attribute. It is used when counting prayers read. If prayer is continuous, then the rosary, photos of which you can see in the article, help to avoid drowsiness, enter a certain rhythm of reading and not lose concentration.

There is an interpretation of the rosary as the embodiment of the flow of life. A separate bead represents a lived moment or day, and, going through them one after another, we accept the idea that life flows, and the allotted moments must be let go calmly until the very end of the thread.

Islam is not the only religion that uses this attribute. It may be Buddhism or Christianity, but each of them has a certain form. There are several names for Muslim rosaries: subha, misbaha, tasbih.

Number of beads

What do Muslim rosaries look like and how many beads should be strung on their thread? Traditionally, rosary beads in Islam contain 99 beads, according to the number of names of Allah. They can also have 33 and 11 beads (grains), fastened with a special brush or lock bead.

Mostly the rosary consists of 11 grains, which are separated by a flat circle, a separator bead, after which the quantity is repeated until required.

Making rosaries

As in any other business, there are professionals who are known for their skillful carving of beads. They know how to make proper rosary beads (Muslim). At the same time, one of the most important and responsible processes is drilling that same hole in the bead. For particularly small holes, the master needs all his experience. By the way, craftsmen often make a machine for work on their own.

Making rosaries is a long process and first, holes are drilled in selected pieces of material. After this, they are made oval, faceted, flattened, pear-shaped or spherical. They always make more beads: for a product with 99 grains, the master prepares 110-120 beads. This is explained by the fact that before threading, the most suitable ones will be selected for each other. Unused beads will be used to make a 33-grain rosary.

But the work doesn't end there yet. Beads are only the basis for a future product. Now you need to make the remaining elements of the rosary:

  • Nissan - a flat separator bead, which is placed every 33 grains;
  • pool - a small bead indicating the seventh position;
  • imam - a long component indicating the beginning of the thread.

After the imam, the Tepelik is made - the part that is located at its end. A recess is made in the imam to mask the knot of thread.

It is equally important that all the above elements are in harmony with each other in the same way as the selected beads. Traditionally, all beads should be the same size, but it happens that beads differ in size, and they are strung on a thread in descending order, starting with the largest.

Previously, the thread for rosaries was certainly silk, but now nylon threads of different colors are also used.

After all the components are ready, they are strung on a thread in the required order, decorated and engraved with inscriptions. Then they pull it together and add a decorative brush.

Material for rosary

There are quite a lot of materials, and their choice is unlimited. Wood, rope, semi-precious and precious stones and minerals are used to make the product. There is also simpler material - seeds of various fruits, peas and beans, shells, corn seeds.

The last one listed is a natural and healing material. In the process of friction, the rosary becomes electrified, and the person receives a small charge of electricity - the effect of electrophysiotherapy.

Muslim rosary beads made of wood help relieve headaches and improve sleep. If the material for the product was fragrant wood, for example, juniper, then they are stored in a closed box in order to preserve the smell.

Once upon a time, the Turkish nobility preferred rosary beads made of natural stones. Products made from beads were the most popular; they were cool, and the faceted grains created small rainbows of sunlight. The craftsmen crowned them with silver tassels, each of which was a work of jewelry.

Today, Muslim rosaries are made from synthetic materials. Their production has long been on an industrial scale, and they are sold at a fairly low price. The rosary brought from Turkey is a worthy and memorable gift.

More about the medical functions of rosaries

Rosaries have become an attribute not only of religious services, but also in everyday life. They help maintain human health. Some of the medicinal properties of the product have already been mentioned above, but their list is long.

One of the main ones is getting rid of neuroses and depression. Everyone knows the power and impact on the brain that lies in the fingertips. Psychotherapy uses rosary beads to distract attention from negative thoughts and provide calm.

How rosary beads affect the body

Muslim rosary can have a healing effect on the body, depending on which finger receives the greatest impact:

  • index finger - headache disappears and difficulty breathing stabilizes;
  • middle finger - anger is measured;
  • ring finger - blood pressure is normalized and magnetic storms are tolerated favorably;
  • the center of the palm affects the nervous system and relieves stress.

Touching smooth beads will give you the opportunity to concentrate or relax. Rosary beads are also used to restore motor functions of the fingers after injuries and operations on them or for arthritis of the phalanges. For people suffering from it, fingering the rosary relieves pain in the hands. Regular use of beads promotes balance and tranquility in a person.

Practical and pleasant rosary function

When a person is noticeably nervous and doesn’t know where to put his hands, then rosary beads are a great help in such a situation. If you hold them in your hands, people will definitely pay attention to you, because this is not an everyday accessory.

This is an additional topic for conversation, since although the product relates primarily to religion, the manufacturing process itself and the scope of application of the rosary can be of interest to any interlocutor. By the way, moving his attention to his hands will distract him from hidden flaws in his appearance.

Silver rosary (Muslim) or from other expensive materials - valuable metals, precious stones - will emphasize the status of their owner. There are collectors of these products, whose treasures number many examples and are in no way inferior to other works of art.

When choosing, remember that the product, first of all, should fit comfortably in your hand. High-quality beads should be elastic and pleasant to move. It is worth paying attention to the distance between the grains, the quality of the material from which the beads are made, and the condition of the thread.

Consider what the rosary is for: large items will not be suitable if you plan to carry them with you all the time. If you like rosary beads and are interested in using them, then it is better to have products of different shapes, colors and sizes on hand.

Rosaries are beads strung on a ribbon/cord. As a rule, they are fastened to each other, which is why the accessory resembles a decorative ornament. Beads or grains are made from a variety of materials: wood (cypress, date, juniper, etc.), natural stones, ceramics, seeds, berries, etc.

The rosary is a special item that helps maintain the concentration and attention of a praying person. India is considered the birthplace of this popular religious attribute. Since ancient times, sorting beads has helped to distract oneself from worldly worries and pay attention to one’s inner, spiritual world. Beads in rosaries most often symbolize the number of prayers said.

It is worth noting that fingering beads is characteristic not only of religious adherents, but also, for example, shamans of Central Asia. With the help of the accessory, they tell fortunes: they predict troubles or blessings.

Today they are used in many religions. They can be found in Christianity, Old Believers, etc. The rosary of one faith can be distinguished from another by the number of beads and decoration.

How many beads are there in rosaries of different religions?

The number of beads in a rosary varies depending on the religion. For Orthodoxy, this number must be a multiple of 10. The most common beads are 100 beads + 3 from the central knot downwards. The accessory used in Orthodoxy ends with a thread tassel or cross. It should be noted that the number of beads may vary. According to the rules, there can be from one to sixteen pieces of 10 pieces.

In another Christian teaching - Catholicism - a different number of beads is accepted. Catholic rosaries have 33 or 50 grains. The first number symbolizes the earthly years of Jesus, and the second - the number of years from the day of his death until the writing of the first book about his life. Later, rosaries containing 150 beads (or 15 dozen) appeared in Catholicism. Every ten is a tribute to the memory of the main event in the life of Christ and his Mother.

The basic rosary in Buddhism has 108 beads. This figure symbolizes the number of brahmins present at the birth of Buddha. Such rosaries are equipped with separators - larger beads. Also in Buddhism, accessories with 18 (the number of Buddha's disciples), 21 (the number of forms of the goddess Tara) and 32 grains (signs/virtues of the Buddha) are often found.

In Buddhism there are also rosaries with 27 and 54 beads. This attribute is represented by ½ and ¼ parts of the classic 108-grain tape.

There are two types of beads in Hinduism. The first ones “belong” to Shiva and contain 64 or 32 beads made from rudraksha berries. The second ones symbolize the Divine Absolute and have 108 grains. According to the rules, beads with a sacred number of links must be made of tulsi wood.

Islamic rosaries have 99 beads. This number is cyclic and corresponds to the Divine names. As a rule, the rosary is divided into three equal parts. There is also a shortened version of the attribute, called “tasbih” and consisting of 33 beads.

Why do Muslims use rosaries? What types of Muslim rosary are there and what are they made of?

The purpose of rosaries has always been associated with religion and was more of a ritual nature. In any religion, rosary beads are a tool for not losing track of the number of prayers read. The Muslim religion is no exception in this matter. In addition, Muslim rosary beads are an excellent attribute for concentrating your attention on the process of religious ritual, and not being distracted by something not so important and distant. The rosary of any religion is similar in purpose, they only may differ in shape and color.

The use of rosary beads is not mandatory in Islam. If a Muslim thinks that their use is obligatory, then this is an innovation. A Muslim should know that the use of rosary beads is not obligatory in religion. They are used for convenience: so as not to make a mistake in the amount of dhikr. The most important thing is to remember Allah sincerely!

Use of Muslim rosary

In the Muslim religion, rosaries are often used; they always help believers remember Allah when they make dhikr to Allah. The rosary beads used in Islam are called tasbih, subha, misbaha. The generally accepted number of beads in a rosary is 11 pieces according to the number of parts in the prayer, but in addition to the main beads, they have certain separators that alternate with the main elongated beads. Also, in Islam, rosaries with 33 beads are often found, and rosaries with 99 beads, characterized by 99 names of Allah, are very popular. Muslims should try to constantly praise Allah. Such famous scholars and clerics as Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, Sheikh Muhammad ibn ‘Illan al-Siddiqi, Imam Abu al-Hasanat al-Laknawi wrote their books about the need for rosaries in Islam.

This concerns the religious use of Muslim rosaries. But there are other aspects of their application. For example, rosary beads are often used in a medical sense; they stabilize a person’s health quite well and perfectly improve people’s emotional background. Since ancient times, all religions, not only religions, have used rosaries to combat disturbances in the psychological state of people.

Even ancestors, fingering this simple ring with beads, relaxed, improved the nervous system, stabilized the moral and emotional background, and fought against insomnia. It has long been scientifically proven that the fingers contain thousands of nerve endings that are responsible for many organs of the human body. And therefore, by fingering the rosary, a person automatically massages these endings, thereby improving his overall condition.

Psychologists, as well as psychotherapists and psychiatrists, often conduct a relaxation session using rosary beads. Often, when a person is nervous and upset, he does not know where to put his hands or what to do. In this case, the rosary is a unique way to occupy the patient. He goes through the attribute, calming his nerves and keeping his hands busy. A person gains balance, he develops patience and perseverance. The most important thing is that you can have this wonderful tool with you everywhere.

The rosary is very light and small, you can simply carry it in your purse, pocket, around your neck, or on your hand. When sorting the rosary, memory also develops well and improves, because the process of sorting must occur in a certain sequence when reading a certain prayer. All fingers are involved in fingering the rosary. Each finger has certain nerve endings that are responsible for individual human organs. It turns out that by fingering the rosary, a person improves the condition of the entire body: head, lungs, spine, stomach, liver, joints, heart, intestines and many other organs. The pain goes away, some medical assistance occurs in the prevention of many diseases, stress and tension are relieved, blood pressure and blood flow stabilize, tone increases, mood improves, joints are trained, and vigor appears. Without noticing it, a person becomes energetic and spiritual.

In addition, since ancient times, rosary beads have been an example of taste and beauty, they emphasize the entire image of a person, highlight religion in his image, indicate the individual character of a person, and create aesthetics in the image. Depending on what material the rosary is made of, one can determine the status of a person. Rosaries can be made from natural stones, semi-precious stones, wood, ceramics, or artificial components. With ease, rosary beads can be called not only an attribute for religious rituals, but also a stylish accessory. Thus, there are three purposes for rosaries: it is an attribute for reading prayers, it is a medical tool in the fight against many diseases, and it is a fashion accessory.

What are these rosary beads made of?

What materials are used in production? The answer is simple. Some of them have already been mentioned above. In general, the main thing in a rosary is the beads. It depends on them how the rosary will look in its final form. It is customary to make beads from minerals, natural stones, semi-precious stones, leather and six, ceramics, unusual materials, and plastic.

Beads made from precious natural stones and minerals are considered especially valuable, since they have healing properties on the body through their composition and have a certain price, giving a special status to a person. The most popular stones from which rosaries are made among Muslims are agate, malachite, hematite, moonstone, rock crystal, amber, jasper, carnelian, onyx, jade, serpentine, quartz, coral, lapis lazuli. In general, there are rosary beads for every taste. For example, rosaries made of wood are chosen by the older generation of Muslims because they are confident in their healing properties and the unusual medicinal properties of trees. Often people who use such rosary note how pain in their head and heart disappears and their blood pressure improves. The trees from which such rosaries are made are alder, walnut, juniper, apricot tree, and fir. You can choose rosary beads not only by the material from which they are made, but also by color, size, and length. The choice is very wide. There are rosaries that have scriptures and prayers on them, there are rosaries without a prayer, there are rosaries with a tassel at the end, there are rosaries with certain pendants. For every taste and color!

If there are errors in the text, I ask you and Allah to forgive me, since I haven’t had time to edit the content yet or suddenly I don’t have time.

Every person who has embarked on the path of worshiping the Lord should know why rosaries are needed. This attribute is mandatory in every religion and is of enormous importance in spiritual practice. Outwardly, they look like a thread with beads closed in a ring. A variety of materials are used for production: wood, glass or amber. There are Buddhist, Hindu, Christian and Muslim rosaries. Christian rosary beads are common in Russia, particularly Orthodox ones. But not even all believers, not to mention the laity, know what they are needed for and how to correctly touch the rosary.

Prayer is a common practice of all faiths. It is customary to pronounce sacred words many times, which requires the believer to concentrate and often count repetitions. By sorting through the rosary, it is easy to keep track of the number of petitions spoken.

Another important point regarding rosary beads is how many beads should be in them. Their number varies depending on the religious tradition. Christians most often use rosaries with 100 main beads and three additional ones. The latter are placed under the place where the cross is attached. Such rosaries are sometimes used as decoration, for example among Catholics: they are hung on statues of saints. In Orthodoxy, it is more common to use 33 beads, symbolizing the number of years of life on Earth of Jesus Christ.

Types in Christianity

There are two types of rosary which are used in Christianity for prayer.

The term “lestovka” is translated as “ladder” and symbolizes the ascent to the abode of the Almighty. This variety has the shape not of beads, but of a leather belt, along the length of which wide loops (“steps”) are created. The arrangement of the latter is based on an extraordinary system, and in their structure there is a paper roller, in which sacred prayers were written from ancient times. The ends of the ladders are sewn together with “paws”(fastened by triangles). Today this ancient attribute is not actually used.

The Rosary is the name given to ordinary Catholic rosaries, which are also used in Orthodox circles. They are easier to use and more laconic to manufacture than ladders. Their origin is connected with the name of the holy ascetic Dominic. Traditions claim that the Mother of God appeared to him, handed him a rosary and ordered him to say prayers for the victory of Western Christianity over heretics.

There is another version: the rosary comes from the tradition of daily reading of 150 sacred psalms . Modern classification These rosaries were found in the 14th century, and in the 19th they spread throughout the Russian Empire. The Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, being a great ascetic and admirer of the Mother of God, introduced the practice of praying at the rosary into his own communities. This procedure was called the Theotokos rule. Saint Seraphim left the reading schemes, but replaced the church text with a similar Church Slavonic one.

Based on this, it can be argued that both the ladders and the rosaries are Orthodox rosaries.

How to use the attribute

Before starting regular practice, the believer is recommended to obtain a blessing from the clergy of the church. A prayer call is a simple ritual where one bead symbolizes one prayer.


The attribute does not have to be purchased; it can be woven independently, with the blessing of a priest and prayer in the soul, consecrated in the church and used as purchased ones. There is a very simple diagram of how to weave Orthodox rosaries. For weaving you will need a long thread and beads of different sizes and shapes. Next, they are strung on a thread according to the following principle:

  • 9 small (5−10 mm) beads;
  • 9 medium (10−15 mm) size;
  • 1 small (5-10 mm) bead;
  • The sequence ends with the largest (15-20 mm) bead.

There should be 30 beads in the chain, they need to be closed by passing the ends through the last bead, and string three more additional ones (oblong, small and medium). The ends of the thread are secured, then cut or cauterized; a cross can also be attached to them. Instead of beads, you can weave knots, for example, from soutache ribbon. In Orthodox rosaries the number of beads can be not only 33, but also another - a multiple of 10 or 12, or 103.

This religious accessory constantly reminds of the importance of saying a prayer, which is a kind of shield from the harmful results of worldly life. By using a rosary, the mind of the supplicant is more easily concentrated on the Supreme Lord, who with great love helps his own creatures.

In the modern world, rosaries can be seen in the hands of not only clergy, but also lay people, who use them more for relaxation (some even), concentration, and solving difficult situations. Touching smooth beads calms the mind and helps to detach from external circumstances. But initially, the function of the rosary was strictly ritual. They were used to read prayers and praise God. In order not to be distracted and not to count each prayer read, a certain number of pebbles, seeds or beads were strung on a thread.

By the appearance of the rosary, you can determine which religious movement () the person to whom this accessory belongs belongs.

How do they look

Rosaries for adherents of Islam have 99, 33 or 11 grains. These numbers are not random:

  • 99 is the number of names (epithets) of Allah. Entire chapters in theological literature are devoted to the interpretation of “beautiful names”, and they can also be found in any collection of prayers for Muslims;
  • - this is one of the three “links” of long rosaries, they are sorted into three circles;
  • 11 is the most common number of beads in rosaries among the laity, as it symbolizes the number of parts in the Muslim prayer.

Every 11 grains are separated from each other for convenience by a smaller bead or a piece of a different size or shape. Both ends close into a circle. In the spiritual world, the circle is considered the “crown of faith” and a symbol of infinity. It accumulates power.

The junction of the thread is decorated with one large oblong bead or pebble. This should remind the one doing the prayer that God is one. Often the bead is decorated with a tassel of silk threads. The natural material from which rosaries for Muslims are made can be different - wood, semi-precious stones, minerals, bone or glass.

In addition to the common ordinary rosary (beads on a string), there are also so-called “rosaries”, which are used by some mountain peoples of the Caucasus (Kabardians, Dagestanis, etc.). Such, and they consist of oblong rectangular parts, between which tiny beads are strung.

How to properly use rosary beads in Islam for Muslims

The direct meaning of the rosary in Islam is the reading of short sayings from the Koran. This is the main reason why Muslims need rosary beads. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of what the correct name for Muslim rosary beads is, since they are called differently among different nationalities professing Islam. For example, the Tatars call the rosary “dispe”, the Arabs – “subbah”, the Turks – “tasbih”. But all these names are based on one root, which came from the Turkic language. This basis is translated as “praise of God”, “praise to the Almighty”.

How to perform rosary beads in Islam

We have already written above that 11 beads symbolize the number of parts in the prayer. Each part is a specific requirement: performing poses and actions, reading formulas, fixed movements. This entire strict order of fulfilling the instructions during the ritual of prayer is called rakat.

Below is the sequence of all parts in strict order:

  • Intention. Before starting the prayer, the person praying must clearly know what words he will pronounce and why he is doing it (getting closer to Allah). You don't have to say this part out loud, you can do it mentally. The main thing is to clear your mind and heart of all pretense.
  • Praise. The beginning of a prayer in which “Allah is great” is said. This part is called “takbir”. During the entire prayer ritual, it is forbidden to speak, laugh, or engage in extraneous activities.
  • Standing on your feet. You need to start the prayer standing, leaning on both legs. There are exceptions for those who are physically unable to stand without support. In these cases, it is allowed to lean on a cane or a wall, or, in extreme cases, to pray while sitting or lying down.
  • Reading surah. The person praying must read from memory, by heart. Special literature states which surahs should be read aloud and which in a whisper. If you make mistakes, the prayer will not be recognized as valid. For beginners, it is better to repeat the sacred texts after the imam until you are sure that you can say all the prayers yourself, from memory.
  • Bow from the waist.
  • Bow to the ground. In this action, you need to make sure that your forehead, palms, knees and big toes touch the ground.
  • Testimony (reading “tashshahuda” while sitting).
  • Greeting (reading "taslim").
  • Execution order
  • Continuity of execution. Reading the prayer from beginning to end without interruption.
  • Prayer-request. Hands must be raised with palms to the face, then one of the prayers-requests is read.

While performing each of these actions, you need to count one of the eleven beads on the rosary. We hope our article helped you find the answer to the question: “Why do Muslims finger their beads?”

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