My profession is programmer. A programmer is a specialist who develops algorithms and computer programs based on special mathematical models

When you finish school, you realize that it is time to choose a profession for the future. It is very difficult to decide which profession to choose. I have long known that finishing school would be the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of more serious tests of my abilities and character.

I'm interested in programming and want to become a programmer. I have a computer at home and can work on it for hours. This is a completely new world. Computers greatly simplify our daily lives. It is much easier to perform certain tasks on a computer. In a matter of seconds, he solves problems that would take entire generations of mathematicians months or years to solve.

I think that being a programmer will provide me with many opportunities. Computers are an area of ​​modern technology that changes faster. We live in the information age. Today, it is even difficult to say what use computers will have in the future. In our country they have been used only recently. But in England or the US, people can work, shop and socialize while sitting at their computers.

And now I would like to talk about the history of the programmer profession

The emergence of programming as an occupation and, especially, as a professional activity is difficult to date unambiguously. Often considered the first programmable device, the jacquard loom was built in 1804 by Joseph Marie Jacquard, which revolutionized the weaving industry by providing the ability to program patterns on fabrics using punched cards. The first programmable computing device, the Analytical Engine, was designed by Charles Babbage (but was unable to build it). On July 19, 1843, Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace, daughter of the great English poet George Byron, is believed to have written the first program in human history for the Analytical Engine. This program solved the Bernoulli equation, which expresses the law of conservation of energy of a moving fluid. In her first and, unfortunately, only scientific work, Ada Lovelace examined a large number of issues. A number of general principles expressed by her (the principle of saving working memory cells, the connection of recurrent formulas with cyclic computation processes) have retained their fundamental importance for modern programming. Babbage's materials and Lovelace's comments outlined concepts such as subroutine and subroutine library, instruction modification, and index register, which began to be used only in the 1950s. However, none of the programs written by Ada Lovelace were ever launched. Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace, is generally considered to be the honorary first programmer (although, of course, writing a single program, by modern standards, cannot be considered an occupation or professional activity). History has preserved her name in the name of the universal programming language "Ada".

The first working programmable computer (1941), the first programs for it, and also (with certain reservations) the first high-level programming language Plankalküll were created by the German engineer Konrad Zuse. History has not preserved the names of the people who first began to professionally carry out the work of programming itself (in isolation from setting up computer equipment), since at first programming was viewed as a secondary setup operation.

Later, higher-level algorithmic languages ​​(special programming languages) are created, which makes it possible to reduce the process of compiling a program to writing an algorithm in a special symbolic form in accordance with the rules of a given language. Special programs have also been created that convert algorithmic language into machine language. Numerous developments are currently underway in the field of computing and programming, and incredible advances have already been made. There is lively debate among scientists about the future of computerization, but undoubtedly, the results of progress in this area will exceed all our expectations.

A programmer is a specialist who develops software for personal, embedded, industrial and other types of computers, that is, programming. This can be either the manager of large software development projects or a “loner” writing the code for a specific program. Most enterprises and organizations sooner or later face the issue of automation, and many managers strive to use the achievements of modern information technologies, so the programmer is a kind of consultant, performing an intermediary function between what the manager wants to receive and what the world of high technologies. In those developments where, first of all, a search for creative solutions is needed, Russian professionals are considered the most powerful in the whole world. There are system and application programmers. An application specialist is a specialist who develops and debugs programs to solve various problems. System specialist - a specialist involved in the development, operation and maintenance of system software. programming professional career work

Programmers can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • - Application programmers develop software necessary for the operation of an organization. For example, this includes 1C programmers.
  • - System programmers develop operating systems, interfaces to distributed databases, and work with networks. Specialists in this category are the rarest and highest paid.
  • - Web programmers deal with networks, but, as a rule, with global ones, such as the Internet. They write web interfaces to databases, create dynamic web pages, etc.

Job responsibilities:

Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving scientific, technical and production problems, he develops programs for performing computational work.

Draws up a computational scheme for problem solving methods, translates solution algorithms into formalized machine language. Determines the information entered into the machine, its volume, methods for monitoring operations performed by the machine, the form and content of source documents and calculation results. Develops layouts and schemes for input, processing, storage and output of information, conducts desk checks of programs. Defines a set of data that provides a solution to the maximum number of conditions included in a given program. Conducts debugging of developed programs, determines the possibility of using ready-made programs developed by other organizations.

Develops and implements programming automation methods, standard and standard programs, programming programs, translators, input algorithmic languages. Performs work on the unification and typification of computing processes, participates in the creation of catalogs and cards of standard programs, in the development of forms of documents subject to machine processing, in design work to expand the scope of application of computer technology.

In most cases, a programmer must know several programming languages, such as C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, PHP, Java, Perl, etc. First of all, a programmer must have patience and endurance. These are absolutely irreplaceable qualities in his work. Programming is a rapidly developing field, so you need to be able to adapt quickly and constantly learn something new. Otherwise, in a few years your value as a specialist may significantly decrease.

The ability to objectively assess the capabilities of technologies and their use in each specific case. So that it doesn’t turn out that the firewood is cut using the latest laser developments. Qualification requirements: higher technical or engineering-economic education.

But having a higher education is not mandatory, although it is an advantage. Just a few years ago, it was not uncommon among programmers for a self-taught programmer to be more professional. However, this trend is now on the wane

Pros and cons of the profession

The advantages of the profession include the ever-increasing demand for its representatives. The information technology sector in Russia is developing rapidly, and its growth rate, amounting to about 25% per year, is far ahead of similar indicators in Europe and the USA. In addition, the demand for specialists constantly exceeds supply, so even a novice programmer does not have much difficulty finding a job. Another advantage of being a programmer is the opportunity to work not only in our country, but also abroad, where Russian IT specialists are highly valued. The demand for specialists constantly exceeds supply, so even a novice programmer does not have much difficulty finding a job. But still, despite the assertion of professionals that programming is akin to creativity, the work of a programmer requires high concentration and a lot of labor. The disadvantages of the profession include the so-called “scapegoat” complex. For example, if you get a job in a company engaged in direct software production, then keep in mind that the number of companies capable of acting as customers is small, so managers try to grab any “monetary” order, without really thinking about what means and within what time frame it can be completed. And programmers-developers usually have to pay for such “planning” through evening and night “vigils” in the office and work on weekends. However, the various disadvantages of the profession are largely balanced by the considerable salary, good career prospects and the opportunity to realize one’s creative ideas.

So, let's summarize:

Pros of the profession:

  • 1. High demand in the market,
  • 2. High wages,
  • 3. You can work without higher education,
  • 4. Predominantly creative profession.

Disadvantages of the profession:

What is clear to the programmer is not always clear to the user; a lot has to be explained,

It happens to work in emergency mode,

Working on a computer is bad for your health

And here is the place for routine,

Profession leaves its mark on character.


The computer has become so firmly established in our lives that it is no longer possible to imagine it without this achievement of technical progress. One thing is striking: how did we all manage without this technology before? Despite the fact that today there is a computer in almost every home, few people can call themselves a professional in working with it. One of the most popular and, one might say, absolutely necessary professions directly related to a computer is a programmer. What does a future specialist in this field need to know? How are programmers trained? And why is such a professional, even today, in the 21st century, worth his weight in gold?

Programming is a complex process that is not easy to learn. A professional programmer is a person who is fanatically devoted to his work, ready to create the most complex algorithms for days, literally without leaving the computer. Do you love PC that much? Then be sure to try your hand at mastering the profession of a programmer. Another quality that this specialist must have, in addition to a technical and mathematical mindset, is non-standard thinking. Of course, you won’t get it in the same way as HDD WD on Arbatskaya, but you can develop it with the help of special exercises and logical problems. Thinking outside the box helps a programmer find a new, original way to write an algorithm, which may well lead to the development of a new computer program. Many programmers know the computer like the back of their hand, know how to fix it and can easily find the best priced HP cartridges on Avtozavodskaya or hard drives on Arbatskaya. A thorough knowledge of PCs for this specialist is desirable, but not at all necessary. Having trained as a programmer, you can become a web programmer (create websites), an application programmer (develop games, PC programs, instant messengers, various software) or a system programmer. System programming is the most complex specialty, which involves creating complex software systems that control a computer system. Such a specialist will always find a highly paid job. A programmer often works with huge amounts of information that need to be “transferred” from one computer to another. Therefore, future professionals cannot do without purchasing devices such as external hard drives on Babushkinskaya or the already mentioned Arbatskaya, there are a lot of them. Although, of course, purchasing a HDD will not make you a professional, for this you will have to study for a long time, treating your education with all possible responsibility. Please note that it is quite difficult to enter the appropriate university for the IT department, so you need to prepare yourself as much as possible for the exams. It’s great if you graduated from a school with a physics and mathematics focus, a specialized lyceum or special preparatory courses. This way you won’t have to worry much before admission; you will be chosen, not you. Graduating from a specialized university that trains programmers provides incomparable prospects, so if you have chosen programming as a future profession, you can only be envied.

To work in the IT field, you need to have developed logical thinking, good mathematical training, know English (the universal language of the computer community) and be comfortable with a computer. There are no problems with the last point: now many families have computers, and children have the opportunity to master them during their school years. But good knowledge in mathematics is a matter of diligent study at school. It will be good if the school is not simple, but physical and mathematical. It’s even better if a young programmer takes part in mathematical Olympiads and has the appropriate certificates. After school - there are options. You can enter a Russian technical university, preferably an old and prestigious one, like Moscow State University (Mechanics and Mathematics), Baumanka, MIPT, MIREA, etc. You can find a suitable option among new non-state universities. In the Russian version, it will take four years to study for a bachelor's degree, 5 years for a specialist degree, and 6 years for a master's degree. If finances allow, you can go to study abroad (the corresponding programs there are called Computer Science or Computing). Abroad, the bachelor's program in this area is designed for 3-4 years of study. Then you can enroll in a 1-2 year master's program. Both here and there, students study the same thing: the architecture and design of computer systems, programming languages, organization of information systems and other subjects. The advantage of studying abroad is a more modern material and technical base: newer computers, better equipped laboratories, the Internet is everywhere and works faster. But in Russia they teach theory more thoroughly, especially mathematics, on which the algorithms of all programs are based. And it is easier to master such complex subjects in your native language than in a foreign language.

Experts have differing opinions on where to study for a bachelor's degree. For example, the head of the Parta Center for International Contacts, Irina Mochalova, believes that it is worth going to the West with a Russian diploma in your pocket. “It is still believed, and not without reason, that the natural sciences - mathematics, physics, etc. - are still best taught here in Russia. If you want to get a programmer’s diploma and at the same time save money that will be spent on 4 -year course of study, it is better to do this in their homeland. Physicists, mathematicians, and programmers should go abroad after receiving higher education - for an internship, advanced training courses or graduate school,” she believes. Heads of other educational agencies point out that in domestic educational institutions the educational base is hopelessly outdated, and, they say, according to the posters, you cannot learn to work with a computer without proper practice. At the same time, graduates of Russian schools, famous for their strong mathematical preparation, are readily accepted into information technology departments in many countries. But you will have to study all your life. New versions of programs are constantly released, and equipment specifications are updated. All this needs to be closely monitored; it is not for nothing that short courses leading to obtaining certificates of proficiency in certain programs are so common in this area.

Place of work and career

Basically, in Belarus, “applied” programmers are required: almost any company today needs automation of its business, the ability to work on an internal computer network and quickly exchange information electronically between divisions and departments, keep records of products, purchases, and goods sold. They adapt, and if necessary, develop a package of special programs, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s business: it is one thing to automate the activities of a publishing house, another thing - a trading company or restaurant. However, many enterprises require not only business automation, but also constant monitoring of an established system and its changes. in case of company expansion, therefore, employers are ready to hire programmers to their staff. However, some organizations prefer to order the automation of their business from specialized IT companies that provide such services. The ability to self-learn is one of the main skills that a programmer must have. 1C programmers are in particular demand in the labor market - the same “application specialists”, but adapting a ready-made software package from 1C to the needs of a specific enterprise, mainly accounting. Analyzing customer requirements, they install programs that facilitate calculations, optimize staff work, and improve document flow. Another area of ​​activity for a programmer is web programming: development, modernization and support of websites. This area requires many specific knowledge - PHP, MYSQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML. Moreover, very often employers want to get a “two in one” professional - a web designer and a web programmer, so that he not only solves technical issues (fast loading of the site, work of links, search engine), but also deals with the design of the site, and sometimes even its information content. You can start your own business, which could potentially be very profitable (just remember that Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation, became the richest man in the world thanks to his brainchild). However, in order to successfully manage such a business, it is not enough to be able to create good computer programs; This requires thorough knowledge in the field of economics, law, and management.

Places of work:

  • - Research centers,
  • - IT companies,
  • - Organizations that in their structure imply departments of programmers (or staff units).

The profession is in high demand on the market and is well paid. There is always the opportunity for career growth.

Profession programmer

A programmer is a person who knows how to develop software. This is not the only skill that an IT professional must master; you also need to troubleshoot equipment (since it breaks down at the most inopportune moment) and be a little crazy. Constantly burning with work, inventing - this is the choice of creative people.

Programming arose when the first electronic computer appeared, or maybe a little earlier. In 1944, the Mark-1, the most powerful computer at that time, was developed, and already in the 70s of the twentieth century this profession became prestigious and well-paid, despite the fact that the development of programming in different countries evolved in completely different ways. .…

It’s hard to imagine our current life without programmers. The Internet plays an important role in business development and more. If we need to find information, we search through a search engine for suitable web resources. Your own website helps in your work and is the business card of the company. If it were not for the ability of programmers to create something unique, then the Internet would be scary to look at.

A specialist in this field needs to know programming languages, be able to create web pages, speak a foreign language (English at least) and constantly improve his knowledge, since in a few years this may not be his destiny. Not all programmers create websites. There are those who develop programs specifically for the work of a specific enterprise (application programmers).

Programmers earn high salaries. In our country, they are among the most paid specialists for whom there is a stable demand. This is creative work, although there are routine pitfalls. For example, a website needs not only to be created, but also to update the content monthly, eliminate errors, and this is already a routine. This option is not the only possible one. If the programmer has good organizational skills, then it is quite possible that he will soon become the project manager, and all the routine work will be done by his subordinates.


While girls dream of being movie stars, guys dream of “real male professions”... And here’s what I thought: my future profession - and I want to become a programmer - fully corresponds to this concept. While outstanding commanders are the first to rush into battle, scientists, no matter in what field, in my case - in the field of information technology, are the first to rush into battle with ignorance and inability, the first to pave the way to new opportunities! To be “at the forefront” of the technological development of mankind is an entirely male ambition! But these are still metaphors; my profession, in addition to beautiful words, attracts me entirely with real advantages.

Sociologists and economists have long argued that the industrial society is being replaced by an information society. Information becomes the main resource. And that information needs to be organized, protected, and its circulation managed. Many people, perhaps even most, have personal computers. And they become truly necessary and irreplaceable: email correspondence, music and films, texts, books - all this is transferred from various devices to one universal device - the computer. Therefore, this profession seems very promising to me.

Since I have already made some progress on the path to my future profession, I can confidently say that the concept of “programmer” or “information technology specialist” is incredibly broad. This particular word is almost never used among specialists, but is used only to explain to the “uninitiated” that I am “somehow connected with computers”... That is. to say “I want to be a programmer” is to say nothing. Of all the possible areas of activity, I am most interested in web design and programming - this is the creation of Internet sites. The need for a profession is very high: the number of people, companies, organizations who want to “settle” in the web space is increasing every day! My future profession combines all the qualities that are important to me: it is necessary; it is both “precise” and creative; it is certainly promising from a financial point of view (since it would be hypocritical to say that money does not matter to me). And this profession fully corresponds to my gambling character: you can either become a high-level professional, or you will remain one of millions... This is probably the case in any profession, but here everything depends only on you: on your own abilities, knowledge, aspirations. Raise your level, perseverance and desire to become a winner, to become the best. And this is not enough in me!..

I have another professional dream. I almost forgot to write about her! Artificial intelligence has been being developed for a long time, and scientists have already made great progress on this path. Perhaps for most people the phrase “artificial intelligence” is associated primarily with the scary robots that have taken over the world, but I hasten to reassure everyone: these developments would incredibly help us in all areas - from medicine to consumer services! So this is another area in which I would really like to realize myself. Maybe I outlined my plans for my future professional life in a somewhat chaotic manner, but in fact I have a pretty clear idea of ​​how and what I will do. And most importantly, I have a goal and the desire to achieve it. Isn't that the main thing?

I want to be a programmer. I'm interested in computers. It's a whole new world.

Many people follow in the footsteps of their parents or grandparents, but for me it's the opposite. My mother is a teacher, and my father is a doctor. But I don't want to be either a teacher or a doctor.

My favorite subjects at school are mathematics, physics and, of course, programming. I am not interested in subjects such as geography, biology or chemistry. My hobbies are computer games and programming.

I have a computer at home and I can work on it for hours. It is much easier to do different things on a computer, for example, write essays. You can change the text as many times as you need, and you won't have to rewrite the entire text again if you change something in it.

I think being a programmer provides a lot of opportunities. Computers are the most rapidly changing area of ​​modern technology. Today we live in the information age. And I think the future belongs to computers.

Today, in England or the United States, people can work, shop, and even go on dates while sitting in front of their computer. In our country, computers have only recently been used.

So after I finish school I want to go to university and study programming.

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While girls dream of being movie stars, guys dream of “real male professions”... And here’s what I thought: my future profession - and I want to become a programmer - fully corresponds to this concept. While outstanding commanders are the first to rush into battle, scientists, no matter in what field, in my case - in the field of information technology, are the first to rush into battle with ignorance and inability, the first to pave the way to new opportunities! To be “at the forefront” of the technological development of mankind is an entirely male ambition! But these are still metaphors; my profession, in addition to beautiful words, attracts me entirely with real advantages. Sociologists and economists have long argued that the industrial society is being replaced by an information society. Information becomes the main resource. And that information needs to be organized, protected, and its circulation managed. Many people, perhaps even most, have personal computers. And they become truly necessary and irreplaceable: email correspondence, music and films, texts, books - all this is transferred from various devices to one universal device - the computer. Therefore, this profession seems very promising to me. Since I have already made some progress on the path to my future profession, I can confidently say that the concept of “programmer” or “information technology specialist” is incredibly broad. This particular word is almost never used among specialists, but is used only to explain to the “uninitiated” that I am “somehow connected with computers”... That is. to say “I want to be a programmer” is to say nothing. Of all the possible areas of activity, I am most interested in web design and programming - this is the creation of Internet sites. The demand for the profession is very high: the number of people, companies, organizations who want to “settle” in the web space is increasing every day! My future profession combines all the qualities that are important to me: it is necessary; it is both “precise” and creative; it is certainly promising from a financial point of view (since it would be hypocritical to say that money does not matter to me). And this profession fully corresponds to my gambling character: you can either become a high-level professional, or you will remain one of millions... This is probably the case in any profession, but here everything depends only on you: on your own abilities, knowledge, aspirations. Raise your level, perseverance and desire to become a winner, to become the best. And I have a lot of this in me!.. I have another professional dream. I almost forgot to write about her! Artificial intelligence has been being developed for a long time, and scientists have already made great progress on this path. Perhaps for most people the phrase “artificial intelligence” is associated primarily with the scary robots that have taken over the world, but I hasten to reassure everyone: these developments would incredibly help us in all areas - from medicine to consumer services! So this is another area in which I would really like to realize myself. Maybe I outlined my plans for my future professional life in a somewhat chaotic manner, but in fact I have a pretty clear idea of ​​how and what I will do. And most importantly, I have a goal and the desire to achieve it. Isn't that the main thing?

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