Installation of spotlights in the ceiling: planning, connection, fixing. Installation of lamps in a suspended ceiling - analysis of errors Installation of spotlights for suspended ceilings

Arranging the ceiling is a whole range of works, which includes choosing the type of surface, determining the light source option, arranging electrical wiring and much more.

At the same time, there is a misconception that with tension structures everything is simpler - you just need to decide on the type of fabric you are interested in, the light source and that’s it. But that's not true.

If you want to organize an unusual and different interior design, then you can’t do without spotlights.

Let's figure out how to choose them, calculate the number and mount them on the ceiling.

Requirements for selecting and installing luminaires

Based on the type of fastening, lamps are divided into internal and external (external). In the first case, the light bulb is located inside ceiling structure(“hidden” in it).

Lamps outdoor installation are located at a level below the canvas with the obligatory installation of a special platform. Overhead devices are mounted in the same way as chandeliers.

As for recessed lamps, the body and bulb are located in the inner part of the panel. Outside there is only protective glass and a ring for decorative decoration.

Unlike external ones, internal lamps are more susceptible to heating. This is especially dangerous if the light source is an incandescent or halogen lamp. On the other hand, visually they look more interesting.

Detailed video lesson on installing lamps in suspended ceilings

Today the following lamp options are used:

  • the main option is the use of lamps with halogen lamps of the MR16 series, as well as products with a simple lamp - R63;
  • rare option - energy-saving lamps, which are almost never used when installing tension structures. Reason – big sizes light sources. This means that the distance between the main ceiling and the installed canvas should be maximum. If the room has low ceilings, then this option is unacceptable;
  • LED lights - great option. Their disadvantage is weak light, so lamps cannot be used as the main lighting;
  • LED strip is an excellent option when you need to create stress-free lighting.

When choosing and installing spotlights, it is worth considering the following parameters:

1. Appearance. It is important that the product has a round shape. If you use products with a square or rectangular base, then install the lamp in stretch fabric will not work. In this case, the inside of the product body must be equipped with a flange for landing. Also pay attention to the distance between the diameters of the housing (outside and inside). The permissible distance is from 10 mm. It is important that after installation the luminaire trim overlaps the thermal insulation ring. If you do not take this recommendation into account, then appearance the ceiling will be damaged. Light bulbs used in lamps must have a special coating.

2. Power. When purchasing products and subsequent installation planning, consider the power of the product. This is important given the potential for product heating and surface damage. If the PVC film heats up above 60 degrees Celsius, this can lead to deformation of the expensive structure. To avoid such problems power ordinary lamps should not be more than 60, and halogen - 35 W. If additional thermal insulation is provided, then the use of lamps of higher power is allowed.

3. Installation. Please note that when installing spotlights, a certain margin of distance is required between the base and suspended ceilings. On average, products with halogen lamps take 10-12 centimeters, and with incandescent lamps - 5-7 centimeters. It is prohibited for the tension fabric body and the light source body to touch each other. You can see this nuance in the editing video. As for the diameter for mounting the lamp, it should not be more than 15 centimeters. If the products are installed in rooms with high humidity, then it would be prudent to install products with protection from moisture and dust (IP65 series). When using halogen lamps, remember that they can be powered by different voltages (220 or 12 Volts). In the latter case, the use of a transformer is mandatory.

Which lamps are better for a stretch ceiling?

What to consider when installing lamps?

Depending on the functionality of the room where you plan to install the lamps, select a suitable device.

The following lamp options are possible:

  • halogen;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • incandescent;
  • gimbals;
  • Spotlights.

When choosing, you should also focus on the permissible power of the product. So, the maximum power of built-in lamps should be 40 W, halogen light bulbs - 20-40 Watt, and conventional lamps - 60 W.

Of all the options listed, spotlights are the most popular. It's not difficult to explain. They provide the expected effect of light and allow you to properly illuminate or zone a room.

In this case, spotlights must meet a number of requirements:

  • the built-in part must be round. TO outside special requirements not presented - here you are allowed to show a flight of fancy;
  • diameter seat– from one centimeter or more. This is a key point, because the installed light source must reliably cover the heat-insulating ring (the latter is fixed to the tension fabric);
  • the presence of a massive side that hides a special ring is mandatory.

Before carrying out work, it is worth carrying out a number of preparatory measures:

  • conduct wiring to the installation site (this will be mentioned below);
  • install step-down transformers (relevant if lamps powered by 12 Volts are installed);
  • mount in in the right places fastenings;
  • calculate the required number of lamps. Here it is worth considering two points - the amount of electricity consumed and the quality of lighting. To avoid problems, a diagram for installing lighting sources should be drawn and analyzed in advance. As for the calculation itself, it is recommended to install one lamp per 1.5-2 meters of area. Please note that exceeding or reducing the permissible number of lamps will look unsightly.
  • Carry out all installation work after turning off the lights. When doing this, use dielectric gloves that can protect against household voltage. It is not recommended to carry out wiring installation work without appropriate experience;
  • During the installation process, it may be necessary to install holes in the ceiling. To avoid damage to existing wiring, it would be a good idea to find an installation plan. As a last resort, it is worth finding a place to install the wiring using a special device;
    When working with halogen lamps, it is worth working in rubber gloves. If you touch the surface of the lamp with your fingers, clouding may occur and subsequent failure of the device;
  • When choosing, keep in mind that light can shine through the stretch fabric. To avoid this problem, give preference to special lamps. Their peculiarity is that only the mounting elements go into the ceiling. In this case, the light source itself (light bulb) must be mounted in decorative product. A product option with a special protective casing is possible;
  • When installing halogen lamps, it is recommended to buy a device for soft starting, which guarantees maximum service life for the product and no consequences in the event of power surges.

Installation of spotlights in a suspended ceiling

Installation of spotlights: positive and negative

Installing spotlights has a number of advantages:

1. Convenience of lighting. If necessary, it is possible to highlight a specific part of the room, which is very useful when zoning.

2. Guarantee of uniformity in lighting. The compactness of the device allows it to be installed in any part of the room.

This means that there are no more unlit areas in the room.

Many people believe that installing a chandelier with a large number of lamps is guaranteed to solve the lighting issue.

But that's not true.

Even the most powerful light source may not be able to illuminate remote areas.

In addition, there is always the problem of the appearance of your own shadow in a certain corner.

3. Cost-effective. One of the main advantages of spotlights is minimal energy consumption. As a result, your electricity bill will be lower.

4. Compactness of spotlights allows you to successfully save space. Thanks to this, it is possible to organize even the most intricate design.

5. Light is scattered at an angle of 30-40 degrees. Thanks to this, it is possible to qualitatively illuminate objects that are on the floor. This feature is useful when organizing a workplace where high-quality lighting is needed.

6. Great resource. On average, spotlights can last longer than a conventional chandelier.

7. Minimal risk. Most of these light sources are powered by 12 Volts, which increases the level of safety of the point system and also saves the owner money. In addition, any type of lamp (even LED) can be installed in spot devices.

8. Wide range of colors. Thanks to the variety of lamps, you can create the interior of your dreams.

9. Affordable price. When compared with the costs of purchasing the same chandelier, compact light sources are more profitable.


1. High requirements for knowledge at the design stage. In order to properly build lighting using spotlights, it is worth considering a number of factors - wiring rules, features of using a power supply, installation nuances, and so on. A beginner without skills cannot cope with such work.

2. Many spotlights require a certain space for installation, which is unacceptable for rooms with low ceilings.

3. Such products are too close to the tension fabric. This creates certain risks of overheating and damage to the surface.

In this video you will see the entire process of installing a spotlight

Installation of spotlights: nuances and secrets

The process of installing point-type light sources is organized in two important stages– preparation for fastening and installation itself.

The preparation process follows the following algorithm:

  • determine in advance the attachment points where the products will be installed;
    Pull conductors to the installation site, which will subsequently be connected to the light source. Please note that it is worth connecting separate wires to each product, after which they should be combined in a box;
  • check that the wiring and connections are done correctly. Do the job using a multimeter. At the same stage, make sure how well the racks and frame are fastened, whether the number of lighting points meets the current requirements;
  • install structures intended for subsequent installation of lamps. Here you will need to supply elements for fastening and subsequent installation of the canvas;
    The light sources are fastened to special fittings or to fixing devices intended for these purposes (as a rule, it is on them that the power cable and protection device are installed);
  • mount the ceiling and, after completing the work, make cuts to install the ring and wiring. Glue the ring on the marked place. The latter performs two functions - it helps the tension fabric to withstand the load, and also provides a hole required diameter for connection (output of wires). Before attaching lamps to a suspended ceiling, make sure that the restrictive ring is glued correctly and correctly. Otherwise, when performing work, the fabric or film sheet may be damaged;
  • use plastic rings for work (specially designed for lamps). As an alternative, the use of universal products is allowed;
  • remove the wires laid at the previous stage from the cut part.

The next stage is the installation of spotlights in suspended ceiling.

Correct and incorrect installation of spotlights

Here the sequence is as follows:

  • below the surface tension structure find plastic clips for lamps. It is on this place that you attach a special circle. Please note that the diameter of the hole in the clamp must be covered by the mounted light source;
  • connect the lamps to the wiring and secure them to the base. If you want to decorate the surface, it is recommended to make an edging from a decorative profile. Press the spring fasteners of the lamp against the body part and install them in the already prepared opening. Try not to twist. Perfect option– use of terminal blocks for connecting wires. Otherwise, the risk of overheating of the wiring or short circuit, which in the case of a suspended ceiling can lead to a number of problems.
    adjust the position of the lamps (higher or lower). Please note here that the springs on the side allow you to return the device to its original position;
  • Install the remaining lamps using the same principle. To prevent overheating of the canvas and its deformation, special rings are put on the lamps (one or two are enough). On last stage the lamp is adjusted taking into account the ceiling level;
  • After completing the work, evaluate the location of the lamps on the suspended ceiling, the installation level, and the angle of refraction of the light.

The material, which is extremely sensitive to heat, must be maintained in the most careful manner, therefore such a thing as installing lamps in a suspended ceiling must be done as competently and competently as possible. It is important to choose lamps suitable for the canvas that meet all the requirements of the standard (appearance, power, etc.), install them correctly and only then enjoy ready-made updated interior.

Most often, spotlights are mounted in suspended ceilings. In order to attach them, you must act carefully, otherwise you may damage the coating.

Installation steps:

  1. The first step is to install the mounting profile;
  2. On required height install boxes with lamps, each of them must have a nut for subsequent height adjustment;
  3. Marks are made on the floor with a laser to know where the lamps will be located;
  4. The fabric is tensioned;
  5. A hole is cut for each lighting fixture;
  6. The center of each lamp is marked on the canvas material, then an adhesive base is dripped onto this place, on which a reinforcing ring is placed;
  7. A hole is made in the middle, through which the height of the acrylic box is adjusted;
  8. The structure is connected to the power supply;
  9. The light source is placed in a box.

Before you perform these actions, you need to ask yourself: what rules should be followed to avoid complications?

These are the rules:

  • Design lighting fixture should not look like a plate, otherwise its base will heat up;
  • If you do the installation yourself, it is better to choose simple models lamps;
  • To avoid the formation of stains on the canvas, you should choose models that have a lampshade and an internal light bulb;
  • If you don’t want to choose a design with a lampshade, you should choose one with a mirror reflector;
  • Choosing energy-saving light bulbs will be ideal.

For a chandelier the most suitable option installation is fastening with a hook. This does not require extra tools or any additional material.

Installation of spotlights will not take away large quantities time, so for self-installation this is the most the best option.

What lamps can be installed in a suspended ceiling?

Almost any type of lamp is suitable for such a ceiling. If it is “deep” from the inside, where the wires are connected, you will need to lower the stretch ceiling so that the lamp is between the two ceilings. The place for the lamp should be round; for rectangular and square ones, a special design will be needed, which will cost more. Spotlights are very easy to install; standard metal pendants are used during installation.

To prevent the plastic ring from being visible, the visible part of the lighting fixture must be larger in diameter than the recessed mounting one.

The halogen lamp in the lamps should not be too powerful; for its durability, there is also the option of installing a protection unit. It must be secured next to the lamp itself behind the ceiling sheet, so that in case of replacement the entire ceiling is not dismantled.

To prevent a halo of light from appearing near the lamp (wiring and embedded parts will be visible), you need to know some options for combating this effect:

  • Use an energy-saving or LED light bulb whose base is not transparent;
  • Use light bulbs that have an aluminum reflector;
  • Hang lamps that have an external bulb.

The most convenient option there will be a chandelier in the center of the room and several lamps in the right areas.

How to make a suspended ceiling with LED lighting

Lighting adds coziness to the room and makes the interior complete. It is installed around the perimeter of the room, placed behind the eaves; it can also be hung on the boundaries of levels and inside a stretch ceiling.

You can place an LED strip on a suspended ceiling:

  • Mounting it on the box;
  • Installing around the perimeter of the room. Thus, the light rays themselves will pass through the film.

How best to do this using a box:

  1. Have to take plasterboard box, in which there is a niche that stands out towards the center of the room;
  2. The box should be mounted around the perimeter of the ceiling. The niche of the box hides the lighting, power supply and transformers with wires. The box retreats from the ceiling by at least 20 cm; this space is necessary for correct installation stretch ceiling;
  3. The installation of the box must be done before the ceiling fabric is stretched. The edge of the box is bent upward, creating the same niche.

It must be remembered that light light will reflect, and dark light will absorb. So if the room is located on the side with minimal sun, the lighting should be kept light.

Repair of suspended LED ceilings

Stretch ceilings suffer greatly from sharp objects and overheating, so if a puncture occurs, it is better to seal it as soon as possible.

What can you do in case of a rupture or damage to the ceiling:

  • Additional lamps are attached to the place where the rupture occurred;
  • It is advisable to mask the melted area and then strengthen it with a heat-resistant ring;
  • If the cut occurs close to the edge, it is removed. The material is removed from the baguette, its entire length is cut off along with the area where there is a cut. Then the canvas is stretched and tucked back;
  • Flooding is not a problem for an LED strip; it is usually waterproof or sealed. In the event of such an unpleasant incident, you will need to call a specialist who will pump out the water and replace the canvas.

In case of flooding, there is an option to try to drain the water yourself. You need to turn off two phases on the meter, disconnect the pendant lighting elements (chandelier) and release the water through the hole in the place where they were attached. The main thing is that water does not get on the wires. Then you need to remove the coating and dry it with warm air.

Installation of lamps in a suspended ceiling (video)

You can always try to install the ceiling yourself or insert lamps into the canvas. This is not an easy task, but the pleasure from the result will exceed all expectations. If you take into account all the interior features when choosing ceiling lamps, choosing shades of light, watching training videos, the room will literally be transformed.

Features of the selection, placement and installation of spotlights cause a number of problems for beginners and require separate delving into the topic and study key points. But such work seems difficult only at first glance.

If you know the main points, then problems with purchasing a suitable lamp and its installation are eliminated.

How to choose lamps?

The first thing you need to start with is choosing a lamp (light source) for the tension structure. At this stage, it is necessary to remember that most lamps (in particular, halogen and incandescent) tend to heat up and warm the surrounding things.

As a result, heat reaches the tension fabric. If such an effect is not critical for the fabric, then the PVC film may be damaged by heat - the polyvinyl chloride loses its elasticity and becomes deformed.

The destruction process begins at 60-70 degrees Celsius, and if heated to 110 degrees, the film no longer restores its previous shape.

So mistakes in choosing lamps can cause cracks, unevenness and other defects. But even this is not the worst thing. The action of heat leads to the appearance of a substance hazardous to health - hydrogen chloride.

Based on the temperature requirements, it is worth choosing the lamps themselves:

1. Halogen light bulbs (halogen). Today there are dozens of various types such light sources. Their feature is illumination of the room with uniform light.

One cannot fail to note the low power consumption (when compared with a classic light source). The main advantage of halogen lamps (from a design perspective) is the creation of a directional beam of light, which allows you to illuminate certain areas of the room from different angles.

But it is worth considering that to install such lamps, the niche between the tension structure and the base ceiling should not be less than seven centimeters. So when choosing halogen lamps, consider the available supply.

2. Energy saving light bulbs. The difference between such lamps is the almost complete absence of heat during operation. This feature is a big plus for tensile structures.

In addition, the lamps are not demanding on the space between the ceilings and do not provide illumination during operation. All that is required for installation is a two-centimeter niche. It should be noted that consumption is low, which saves the overall budget.

But there are also disadvantages that limit the use of such lamps in certain rooms. In particular, the products are sensitive to high level humidity. That is why it is not advisable to use lamps in such a room.

There is another irritating factor - a prolonged increase in brightness (the lamp “lights up” with a delay). Although, in some models of energy-saving lamps this drawback has been eliminated.

Which lamps are better for a stretch ceiling?

3. Light bulbs with LEDs– the most expensive, but at the same time the most preferable option (primarily when installed in PVC film). Such products can operate up to 50 thousand hours, which makes them virtually eternal under normal operating conditions.

It should also be noted that the products are economical. For example, a 12 W LED bulb will produce the same light as a 100 W incandescent bulb. At the same time, the heating level will be minimal.

There are no problems with finding fittings for such lamps, which guarantees the purchase and installation of a lamp suitable for the design of the room. But even this is not all.

Such light sources are easy to install, guarantee uniform light and sufficient brightness. The only difficulty is that their use is possible only as additional light (they are rarely used as the main source).

4. Incandescent lamps. Despite the fact that such lamps for suspended ceilings are already outdated, they continue to be actively used in practice. The most popular models are E-14 and a power of 40-60 Watts (no more).

On average, one lamp of this type is enough to illuminate 2-3 square meters of living space. Installation more lamps in such an area is prohibited, because this can cause damage to the film (we talked about this above).

To avoid overheating, it is advisable to buy lamps with shades that are directed to the sides or to the floor. As for incandescent lamps in small (built-in) lamps, their efficiency is minimal.

So what lamps are most often used for installation in tension structures? There are several options here:

  • classic - installing a chandelier;
  • more modern - installation of built-in lamps according to a special scheme (can be combined with a chandelier).

When purchasing a chandelier, consider several criteria - the interior and area of ​​the room, the design of the product with the lamp, and the type of socket.

If the model has a flat shape, then it is better not to use it on a stretched fabric - there is a high risk of heating. In this case, the distance between the lamps should not be less than 15 centimeters (we will talk about this below).

Installation of built-in lamps – great alternative for cases when you want to get rid of an annoying chandelier.

In this case, there are two possible options for the location of the light bulb:

  • outdoor location. Experienced designers It is recommended to give preference to this type. The reason is the high-quality cooling of the light source, which is located outside the housing. Another plus is that the tension fabric is separated by a platform, which reliably protects against overheating and extends the life of the fabric. This type of lighting guarantees high-quality light and an optimal dispersion angle. As for the type of light bulbs used, there are no restrictions. The use of LEDs, halogens and even incandescent lamps is allowed. The main requirement is a power of no more than 60 W. For designers, such lamps are a real salvation, because you can do without lowering the ceiling height;
  • internal location. Despite the visual beauty of suspended ceilings, this arrangement is far from the best option. The reason is that the lamp is located slightly above the canvas, and its cooling is difficult. Even installed rings to protect against heating do not always help. In addition, there may be problems with installing such products - this will require certain tools and skills. In addition, it is possible to lower the ceiling by 5-6 centimeters, which in most cases is also prohibited.
  • If you give preference to such lamps, then you should take into account their design features. There are two options here - cast and stamped. It is better not to install the first type of products in suspended ceilings (there is a high risk of overheating). As for stamped models, their installation is allowed, but subject to the installation of additional thermal rings. In addition, there are power restrictions: for halogen lamps - 35 W, and for light bulbs with tungsten filament - 60.

How to place lamps: popular installation schemes

Once the selection of the luminaire is completed, it is worth moving on to the next step - determining the type of placement of the device. Today designers have developed dozens different schemes, allowing you to turn many interior ideas into reality.

The only question is which option will be more preferable for your home.

To the most popular schemes placements should include:

1. Lamps in the corners. Such products are installed in rooms with a small area. Wherein work zone illuminated by light sources installed, for example, at the bottom of wall cabinets.
2. Lamps located in a straight line.
3. Light sources are located opposite each other, on opposite walls.
4. Lamps are divided into several groups and installed in the corners.
5. Spotlights are mounted only near one of the walls.
6. Light sources are attached around the perimeter of the room.
7. Creating a smooth zigzag of lamps on the ceiling.
8. Installation point devices on adjacent walls.
9. Installation in a circle, in the central part of the room.
10. Fastening lamps in the corners and in the center in the shape of a square.

Ten basic lamp placement patterns are discussed above.

But each room has its own requirements:

Watch the video: How to arrange spotlights and a chandelier

1. Living room. For quality lighting This room should use a classic design. An ordinary chandelier is installed in the central part, and spotlights are installed in the corners of the room (to avoid the appearance of “dead zones”).

It is important that the light sources are turned on separately. When necessary better lighting, the chandelier turns on, and when there is enough dim light, spotlights are enough.

Please note that placing the chandelier near PVC film is prohibited (especially for a room with low ceiling). In such cases, it is better to add several lamps or install LED strips around the perimeter.

2. Bedroom. Unlike the room discussed above, the bedroom does not need too much light. As a result, avenues for experimentation open up.

Most often, several lamps that are mounted behind the curtains are enough. The result is a double effect - obtaining an invisibility ray and creating comfortable (unobtrusive) lighting.

If the ceiling is made in light shade, then this is only a plus. Original design solution– installation of lamps in the ceiling space. The only downside is that the canvas will have to be lowered a little lower to avoid accidental overheating.

3. Hallway. One of the main difficulties when organizing an interior is the choice of lamps for the hallway. Here the main task designer - to visually expand the room, make it more voluminous.

The first thing you need is to give preference to light glossy ceiling. Second important point– placement of bright spotlights in the corners or along the perimeter of the ceiling (following the recommendations in terms of permissible distance).

4. Bathroom. When organizing the design of this room, the key emphasis is on brightness, so that the light from mirrors or chrome units is noticeable to the eye.

It’s worth recalling right away that energy saving light bulbs in conditions high humidity use is prohibited. The best option– incandescent lamps or LED bulbs. As for the installation location, the main attention should be paid to the area near the mirror.

At what distance should spotlights be installed?

An equally important and difficult point is determining the appropriate number of lamps for a specific ceiling area. However, not everyone knows at what distance the lamps should be located. Despite the fact that these parameters are taken into account separately, they are directly dependent on each other.

In the selection process, it is worth considering the following:

  • type of lamps installed in the room;
  • power of the light source (calculated in kilowatts);
  • area of ​​the room where installation is carried out.

If you have the above parameters at hand, you can easily make calculations and determine the required number of light sources. Afterwards, it remains to perform a number of arithmetic operations to determine the number of devices in the room.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • check the power of the light bulb (marked on the box or the base itself);
  • Accurately measure the area of ​​the room where the lighting will be installed. All that is required is to measure the width and length of the room. If the room has an unusual shape, then use special formulas;
  • multiply the light bulb power parameter by the calculated area of ​​the room;
  • calculate the light power (must be indicated in the passport for the device);
  • divide the light emission power by the previously calculated parameter (the multiplied parameter of the power of the light bulb and the area of ​​the room).

The resulting parameter accurately indicates the required number of lamps that should be installed in the room. As for the distance between light sources, there are no strict standards here. The main thing is to adhere to the principle of uniformity.

In addition to the calculated data, you can use the following recommendations:

  • the distance from the chandelier to the ceiling should not be less than 0.15 meters. As for the distance from the seam to the near lamp, then minimum distance 0.2 meters;
  • the use of external spotlights is the best option for tension structures;
  • when installing external light sources, the distance between the coating (film or ceiling fabric) and the lamp should be greater, the higher the lamp power;
  • installing halogen or incandescent lamps inevitably leads to heating of the ceiling - this must be taken into account;
  • When calculating the optimal number of lamps, consider whether a chandelier is installed in the central part of the room.

Acceptable power density for different rooms:

  • for the kitchen – 4-5 W/sq.m;
  • for the hall – 1-2 W/sq.m;
  • for a child’s bedroom – 8-10 W/sq.m;
  • for the room where food is eaten – 4-6 W/sq.m;
  • for a loggia – 3-5 W/sq.m;
  • for the living room - 4-6 W/sq.m.

Rules for installing light sources:

  • there should be 0.2 meters from the lamps to the wall;
  • if there is a seam on the PVC film, it is worth making a reserve of 0.15 meters from it;
  • heating of the tension structure should not exceed 80 degrees Celsius;
  • the main source of light always remains the chandelier;
  • The power of spotlights should not exceed 70 W.

Installation of spotlights: the secrets of the master

An equally important point is the installation of spotlights.

This work consists of several stages:

1. Markings. Here you will need a tape measure, a pencil, a cord for marking and a baguette whip. As mentioned, there are many options for installing lamps - in the shape of a circle, oval, rectangle, line, and so on.

At this stage it is important to mark where the lamps will be located. To solve this problem, mark the location of the extreme light sources, and then measure the distance from them. Maintain 50-70 centimeters between lamps. If necessary, create more complex design use a marking cord.

2. Assembling the platform for installation. Here you will need a screwdriver, screws (short), drywall hangers (a couple) and a platform for installation.

The platforms themselves come in two types – universal or fixed. Based on this parameter, it is worth choosing the diameter of the thermal insulating ring. Secure the hangers with screws (two on each side). In this case, the number of hangers depends on the distance between the suspended and base ceilings.

Installation of the lamp in an installed suspended ceiling

3. Fastening the platform. For these works you need a dowel, a hammer, a hammer drill and a screwdriver. Here, at the base fastening points, you need to make a hole for the dowel.

If the ceiling is made of wood, then ordinary self-tapping screws up to 5-6 centimeters long will suffice. A suspension is used for installation on the ceiling. Here, prepare the terminal blocks with rated current up to five amperes.

The cable cross-section for connection is 1.5 “squares”. If the number of lamps exceeds 20, then it is worth using a thicker wire - 2.5 “squares”.

4. Cutting a hole in the ceiling. Here you will need glue, a screwdriver, a heat-protective ring and a knife. Please note that the thermal ring must be of high quality (do not skimp).

It is important to choose the correct diameter, otherwise the product will fall into the hole. To secure the thermal ring, use cyanoacrylate-based glue, such as Cosmofen.

When applying the composition to the ceiling, be careful not to smear nearby areas. If the glue comes out beyond the ring, it must be wiped off immediately.

As soon as the composition dries completely, it remains to check how well the ring holds. Check the product again for glue residues. Finally, trim the film to install the lamp.

5. To install the light source, fittings are required, light bulb, screwdriver for screwing terminal blocks. The installation process is simple. The main thing is that the springs fall into the place provided for them.

If you act carelessly, there is a risk of damaging the canvas. Fix the wires and install the lamp. The presence of a small gap between the body and the lamp is normal, but the spotlight should not stick out too much.

How much does it cost to install a spotlight?

The last thing I would like to note is the cost of installing spot products.

The price depends on a number of parameters:

  • type of lamp and their quantity;
  • ceiling features;
  • installation company prices;
  • special customer requirements;
  • the presence of additional difficulties when performing work.

The average cost of installing a spotlight in the ceiling is 250-400 rubles (per point). If you want to save money, you can do this work personally. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions in the article.

This short article will primarily be about how NOT to install lamps in a suspended ceiling. That is, about errors during installation.

LED spotlight in a suspended ceiling made of two parts. Stylish, comfortable, practical!

This is what it looks like correct installation lamps in suspended ceilings.

The lamp is installed

The result will be a ceiling like this (this is a corridor):

Did you feel like one of the lights wasn't on? This is a motion sensor; there are models that, like lamps, are built into the ceiling:

Motion sensor in a suspended ceiling

This is a built-in R+C motion sensor, this company has far surpassed Feron in quality recently. Sensor model – ST41, operating angle – 360 degrees.

A standard hole with a diameter of 60-62 mm is cut for such a sensor.

Let me remind you that holes with a diameter of 60 and 75 mm are usually cut for spotlights.

How to connect such a sensor, . And how is it structured?

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Actually, the ring:

Mortgage ring for suspended ceiling

Old wires and a hook are visible at the top. A hole is made along this ring in the ceiling sheet, and a chandelier is attached to the ring. Self-tapping screws.

When I decided to renovate the hallway, one of the first questions that arose was the question of choosing the type of ceiling finish and which ceiling lights to install. Having many years of experience in using PVC stretch ceilings in the bathroom and living room, it didn’t take long to choose the type of ceiling. I decided to install a PVC suspended ceiling due to its many advantages compared to other types of ceiling finishing.

The ceiling lights took some thought. On the one hand, I wanted to install modern LED spotlights, and on the other hand, in the hallway there was a homemade set of chandeliers and sconces, made with my own hands. I liked them, and I didn’t want to part with either the chandelier or the sconce.

Ultimately, a compromise solution was found: the chandelier and sconce at the entrance to the hallway should be left hanging in their original places, and in the hallway corridor, where a single-lamp lamp hung on the wall, spotlights built into the suspended ceiling should be installed.

Before installing a suspended ceiling, it is necessary to lay electrical wiring, and in order to lay the wires it is necessary to develop electrical diagram, based on the type and number of lamps, the type of light bulbs and their power.

Selecting the type of light bulb for a recessed ceiling light

Before purchasing a built-in suspended ceiling lamp, you need to select the type of light bulbs and determine the required number of them to ensure sufficient illumination of the room. Currently, four types of lamps are used for installation in recessed ceiling lamps: incandescent, halogen, compact (they are also called energy-saving or fluorescent lamps) and LED. Each type of light bulb has its own advantages and disadvantages; in addition, it affects the minimum distance between the installation horizon of a suspended ceiling and a fixed one, which is a determining factor in rooms with low ceilings.

Using the table below, you can easily do optimal choice type of lamps for suspended ceilings, based on your requirements and boundary conditions.

Table for selecting the type of light bulbs for recessed ceiling luminaires
Technical specifications Lamp type
IncandescentHalogenEnergy savingLED
Minimum distance between main and suspended ceilings*, cm10-12 5-6 10-12 5-6
Supply voltage, V220 12, 220 220 12, 220
Luminous flux*, Lm/W10-15 15-20 50-70 80-120
Maximum power*, W40 40 40 7
Color temperature, °K2700 3000 2700, 3300, 4200, 5100, 6400 2700, 3300, 4200, 5100
Service life*, hour1000 4000 8000 70000
PriceVery lowLowAverageHigh

Technical parameters marked * may differ up or down depending on the design of the lamp and light bulb, the power of the light bulb, the manufacturer, and the type of suspended ceiling. For example, PVC stretch ceilings are afraid of heating above 60°C, and this limits the permissible power of light bulbs in recessed luminaires.

It should be noted that halogen lamps, designed for a supply voltage of 12 V and 220 V, are very sensitive to excess supply voltage and often burn out as a result. For 12 V halogen lamps, a step-down transformer or power supply (adapter) is required, for which you must remember, in case of installing a suspended ceiling without access to the interceiling space, to provide a special place on the wall.

More detailed information You can learn about incandescent and halogen lamps, energy-saving lamps, and LED lamps by visiting the website pages specifically dedicated to them.

Calculation of power and number of lamps

The power of the lamps depends on the size of the room (area, height and shape), the color of the walls and furniture, the purpose of the room and the preferences of the owner. Some people like bright light, while others like warm light, diffuse light low brightness.

It is almost impossible to accurately calculate the power and number of luminaires, taking into account all factors. For an estimated calculation, you can use the illumination data presented in the table, thanks to which, taking into account luminous flux, depending on the type of light bulb, you can determine how many and what power you need to install lamps in the room, depending on its type.

Table for calculating the power and number of lamps depending on the type of room
Type of room Power required to illuminate 1m2 of room area
depending on the type of lamp
IncandescentHalogenEnergy savingLED
Children's40 30 10 5
Kitchen30 25 7 4
Living room, bathroom, toilet25 20 6 3
Bedroom, hallway, corridor20 15 5 2
Utility rooms10 7 2 1

Let's look at an example of a calculation that I did for the hallway corridor. It was planned to install LED ceiling spotlights. The shape of the corridor is the letter T with areas of 2.8 m2 and 4.5 m2. total area corridor was 7.3 m2. Let's calculate required power lamps 7.3×2=15.6 W. Since the ceiling height was 2.75 m and the walls were planned to be painted in creme brulee color, taking into account complex shape corridor, then the optimal solution would be to install four ceiling spotlights with LED lamps installed in them with a small margin, power 5.5 W, supply voltage 220 V with a GU5.3 pin base. The pin plinth for suspended ceilings is good because it has small dimensions, which is important when the inter-ceiling space is small in height.

Before the renovation, there were paintings by artists on the walls in the corridor, which were planned to be left in their original places after the renovation was completed. Therefore, for undistorted color rendition, white light LED lamps with a color temperature of 4000 K were chosen. If you need warm light, then you should choose a lamp with a color temperature of 2700 K.

It should be noted that it is not always advisable to use recessed ceiling lamps in rooms as the only source of lighting. Much best result can be achieved by using additional wall lamps or table lamps in a work or rest area. In this case, the power of the lamps in the ceiling lamps can be reduced.

If there are lamps local lighting It is quite possible to completely abandon the lamps built into the suspended ceiling, replacing them with LED strip ceiling lighting.

Selecting a wire for wiring spotlights

For wiring the power supply of four selected luminaires total power 22 W is suitable for any electrical wire, double insulated, designed for laying electrical wiring. A copper stranded double connecting wire, for example type PVA 2×0.75, is best suited. You don’t have to think about the cross-section of the wire cores, since the maximum current will not exceed 0.1 A.

When using 12 V halogen lamps in ceiling lamps, the wire cross-section must be calculated. One such 60 W light bulb consumes a current of 5 A. And if ten light bulbs are needed for lighting, then the current consumption will be 50 A.

Selection and installation of a recessed ceiling spotlight

The range of recessed ceiling lamps in any lighting store is huge, but they are all designed the same and differ only in the type of body finishing and additional decorations. Some models of recessed luminaires provide the ability to change the direction of the light flux within small limits.

Since I needed to illuminate the corridor, the choice fell on the simplest type of recessed lamp, which also included a base socket.

Any recessed ceiling lamp consists of a body, which is a shaped profile ring with areas for attaching two springs with ears. Depending on the type and power of light bulbs, lamp housings can be different diameters and they may be missing, like the lamp in the photo above, or they may have an electric cartridge installed, usually E14.

A special place is occupied by LED ceiling spotlights, in which the LEDs are installed directly in the housing on a printed circuit board.

The light bulb in such a lamp cannot be replaced, and if it fails, you will have to change the entire lamp or look for replacement LEDs. Such lamps are expensive.

For lamps without sockets, a spring in the form of a cut ring is used to secure the light bulb in the body.

The light bulb is inserted into the lamp body and is fixed due to the fact that the spring ring, unclenching, fits into a specially made groove in the body. This lamp is suitable for installing both halogen and LED bulbs. When replacing halogen bulbs with LED bulbs or vice versa, you must remember to check what supply voltage they are designed for.

To secure a ceiling spotlight in a suspended ceiling, regardless of its type, a hole is cut in a given location on the ceiling, slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the flange of the lamp body.

The ears of the springs are brought together by hand to such an extent that they pass into the hole in the ceiling. The ears are inserted into the ceiling hole and released. Relying on inner surface suspended ceiling ears, pull the lamp all the way into the flange bottom surface suspended ceiling and thus fix the lamp.

Such simple design Mounting the ceiling lamp allows you to hide the elements of its fastening and easily remove the lamp if necessary. Simply grab the base of the lamp and pull it down.

After installing the lamp body on the suspended ceiling, a wire is threaded through it and connected to the socket using a terminal block. The socket is placed on the base of the light bulb, the light bulb is inserted into the lamp body and secured with an expansion spring.

Electrical wiring diagram
for spotlights

Before installing a suspended ceiling, after choosing the type of light bulbs, calculating their power, the number of lamps and their installation points, an electrical wiring diagram is developed. When developing an electrical circuit, it is necessary to take into account the points and methods of connecting the wires to each other and to the lamps.

Since the wires to which it was previously connected were already coming out of the wall Wall Light, then it was decided to connect the ceiling lights to these wires. It was planned to install a suspended stretch ceiling made of PVC, and the wires came out above the level of the stretch ceiling, and, therefore, there would be no access to the connection points of the wires after installing the ceiling. Therefore, it was decided to make all wire connections in the most reliable way, twisting followed by soldering with tin-lead solder. The soldering points were marked on the electrical diagram.

When choosing a place to install lamps and chandeliers in rooms where there is a TV or computer, you must not forget that the angle of incidence of the light beam equal to angle reflections. Taking into account this rule, lamps must be installed in places that exclude their reflection on the monitor screen, therefore, to select installation points for lamps, it is necessary to think about how the furniture will be arranged, in what place the TV or computer monitor will be installed.

When choosing light bulbs for a supply voltage of 220 V, installation of additional devices is not required. In the case of using light bulbs with a supply voltage of 12 V, it is necessary to provide space for installing transformers or adapters, taking into account their overall dimensions and possible access to them for Maintenance or repair.

Attention! Before connecting spotlights, to avoid damage electric shock, it is necessary to de-energize the electrical wiring. To do this, turn off the corresponding circuit breaker in the distribution panel and check the reliability of the disconnection using the phase indicator.

Electrical wiring installation
for connecting spotlights

After purchasing lamps, determining their installation locations, purchasing materials and equipment, you can begin installing electrical wiring.

Installation of electrical wiring for connecting lamps can be carried out at any stage of the renovation of the room, right up to the installation of suspended ceilings. But when repairing the walls in the corridor, it turned out that the light from the existing lamp was not enough. Therefore, the installation of electrical wiring had to be done first, and temporary sockets with energy-saving light bulbs had to be connected to the electrical wiring for lighting.

Before installing the wires, it is necessary to mark on the ceiling the installation locations of the lamps (circled in the photo) and the points where the wires are attached. To avoid sagging, the wires, depending on their rigidity, are fixed in increments of 40-50 cm.

To secure wires to the ceiling and walls, there are special dowel clamps (in the photo on the left) and nail brackets (in the photo on the right) different sizes. To secure the wire with a dowel clamp on the wall, you need to drill a hole, put the dowel clamp on the wire and hammer the dowel into the hole. To secure a wire with a nail clip, you need to press the wire against the wall with it and hammer in the nail. Suitable for installing wires and cables on wood, plastic, plaster.

Nail staples driven into a concrete plastered ceiling may fall out and remain on the PVC canvas. Therefore, this type of fastening was discarded. It turned out that I didn’t have dowel clamps at hand, so I used simple and reliable way securing the wires to the wall using a vinyl chloride tube clamp. A hole is drilled in the ceiling, a dowel is driven into it, and a self-tapping screw is screwed into the dowel through the hole made in the clamp. Since the weight of the wire is negligible, any self-tapping screw and dowel of the smallest standard size will do.

Making a wiring harness
ceiling spotlights

Since the electrical wiring for ceiling lamps after installing a stretch ceiling will be inaccessible for maintenance and repair, all wire connections in the inter-ceiling space must be made extremely reliably. Connections are usually made using terminal blocks, such as Wago. But the most reliable type of connecting wires is soldering, and this is the method I used.

To minimize the amount of work at heights near the ceiling, a harness was made in advance, which will only need to be fixed to the ceiling and connected to household electrical wiring.

To determine the length of the harness wires and soldering points, using previously made markings on the ceiling, the distances between the wires for connection and the installation locations of the lamps were measured. The measurement results were immediately applied to the electrical circuit, which was also an electrical circuit.

The harness was made of copper stranded wire with double insulation (the core is entwined with silk thread and covered with polyvinyl chloride). For convenience, the wires were twisted together into a pigtail.

After removing the insulation from the wires, they were tinned with solder. In the second section of the corridor, the wires had to branch out. Therefore, the wires were twisted in pairs and soldered with solder. Please note that to increase the reliability of the insulation, the connection points of the wires were made offset relative to each other.

Before the connection, the wires were covered with insulating tubes, which, after soldering was completed, were moved to the connection points. To prevent displacement of the insulating tubes, they were fixed on both sides with cambrics tightly fitting on the wires. Together with the displacement of the connection points, this insulation method guaranteed the reliability of the electrical wiring. Insulating the wires could also be done using ordinary insulating tape. To avoid confusion, the cambrics were marked.

A small section of wire harness when bent cross beam passed below the level of the suspended ceiling. This section of electrical wiring ran under the plaster. To ensure reliable insulation, it was additionally covered with a polyvinyl chloride tube.

After the harness was secured to the ceiling, it was time to connect it to the apartment electrical wiring. To do this, the length of the conductors of the double wire coming out of the wall was trimmed with a shift. Since the wire was old, its insulation became rough and, in order not to damage the wires, it was removed thermally using a soldering iron. The cores were stripped and tinned with solder, and insulating tubes were put on them.

All that remains is to wind the ends of the bundle onto the cores of the network wire, solder it with solder and put on the insulating tubes. Thanks to the technology of shifting the wire connections, tubes are needed practically for human safety and aesthetics. Electrical wires cannot accidentally connect to each other.

The connection point is suspended from the ceiling using a clamp with a self-tapping screw. The electrical wiring for the spotlights has been completed.

Temporary electric sockets in places where spotlights will be installed are connected using terminal blocks, the light bulbs are screwed in and the repair can continue.

LED Ceiling Light Installation
on a PVC stretch ceiling

The technology described above for installing ceiling lamps, including LED ones, on any suspended ceiling of a rigid structure, for example, made of plasterboard, slatted ceiling or Armstrong. When installing a spotlight on a suspended ceiling made of PVC or other plastic material, it is necessary to install additional fasteners, otherwise the ceiling will sag under the weight of the fixtures.

For these purposes, special fittings are produced. The photo shows a universal platform (ramp) for mounting spotlights. The platform has the shape of a cone, the surface of which consists of steps.

To adjust the diameter of the platform mounting hole to a specific type of ceiling lamp, it is enough sharp knife cut off the extra steps from the cone.

The platform is attached to the main ceiling using perforated steel tape. A piece of tape of the required length is unrolled from the roll and cut with metal scissors.

There are two platforms with holes on the platform for fastening the tape with self-tapping screws. If you don’t have a short-length self-tapping screw, you can tighten a long one. The protruding part must be removed with side cutters.

The fittings for spotlights are screwed to the ceiling with self-tapping screws, led light bulbs connected to check. Everything works, you need to remove the light bulbs and you can start installing the stretch ceiling.

After the suspended ceiling is installed, the installation of lamps begins. To ensure that the PVC film does not tear and does not heat up too much, before making a hole in it for the lamp, a special plastic thermal insulation ring is glued to the place of its installation with special glue.

The film is cut out along the inner circumference of the ring with a sharp knife, the cartridge is removed and the platform is centered. The perforated tape is easily deformed, and the ceiling bends, so you can easily adjust the height and location of the platform in the horizontal plane.

Installing a ceiling light on a platform will ensure its reliable operation and will prevent the stretch ceiling from sagging and being damaged due to excessive heating when using halogen light bulbs.

In the photo you see the final result of the work on installing spotlights in a suspended ceiling.

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