Do-it-yourself mattress from scrap materials. How to make a mattress softer

Bought a new one orthopedic mattress, but instead of the expected comfort, do you experience discomfort during rest and sleep poorly? Or has the old mattress worn out and begun to cause discomfort?

Perhaps your sleeping place does not have the required degree rigidity. Is there any way to fix this?

Increasing the firmness of the mattress - is it suitable for everyone?

In what cases should the rigidity of the mattress be increased and is it necessary to do so? Increasing the hardness is recommended:

  • in the presence of excess weight, impressive build;
  • if you have a habit of sleeping on your back or stomach;
  • for health problems in the upper spine, stoop;
  • in adolescence, when the correct anatomical position of the spinal column and eliminating the possibility of its curvature are very important;
  • at the age of 25-45 years, even in the absence of health complaints.

How to change the hardness of a sleeping place

It is impossible to make the mattress itself more rigid. But change the hardness sleeping place by using additional funds is quite real. To do this, you can buy a thin mattress with orthopedic properties, or an orthopedic mattress cover.

The product may have different heights (3-10 cm) and have varying degrees of rigidity. To prevent slipping, it is attached to the main mattress using special elastic bands.

Coconut mattress cover (topper) is the best solution

One of the most effective ways To increase the rigidity of a sleeping place, purchase an orthopedic mattress cover (topper) with a layer of coconut coir - long fibers growing on the coconut shell that prevent the nut from splitting if it falls. Coconut coir is an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic product.

Topper fillers are produced in two versions:

Important! Orthopedic mattress covers with a layer of coconut coir cannot be bent or twisted - this can lead to breakage of the natural fibers.

Benefits of coconut coir toppers

Coconut mattress covers not only improve the orthopedic effect of the mattress, but also have whole line other benefits. They are well ventilated, waterproof, not subject to rotting, and have antibacterial effect, microorganisms do not multiply in them.

They have a high degree of strength and durability, smooth out unevenness. At correct use are not deformed. A coconut topper extends the life of the main mattress, as it protects it from various contaminants and dust, and hides existing defects.

While sleeping on a mattress with a mattress pad made of coconut coir, the human body takes a comfortable position, in which the load is evenly distributed over the entire body, muscles relax, correct location spine.

Attention: orthopedic toppers made of coconut fibers must be stored strictly horizontally!

Making the right choice of topper

When choosing a topper, you should pay attention to the color of the coconut fibers. High-quality, ripe coir is dark brown, with elastic and strong fibers. Inexpensive mattress covers are often made from unripe coir.

The thickness of the filler affects the orthopedic properties of the mattress cover. If the filler contains 100% coconut fibers, the topper should have a thickness of 3-8 cm. If the layer of coconut fibers is less than three cm, the composition should include additional fillers.

When choosing, you should also take into account the weight of the person for whom the mattress cover is purchased. With weight, not exceeding 90 kg, just have a topper 3 cm thick. If weight more than 90 kg, then you need a thick mattress cover 6–8 cm.

Advice: To increase the service life of a coconut coir mattress cover, you need to turn it over periodically.

However, not all people are recommended to use hard mattresses. Contraindications here are diseases lumbar region spine, age over 50 years. In these cases, the opposite effect may occur - increased existing pain, a feeling of discomfort, bad dream. Therefore, people who fall into these categories need to choose a mattress with great care.

Increasing the rigidity of the mattress with the help of an orthopedic (topper) made of coconut coir will allow you to get a comfortable sleeping place that can give you a feeling of comfort, sound sleep, a healthy spine and eliminate the need to purchase a new, more expensive mattress.

Comfort and convenience while sleeping is important aspects, which allow the body to gain strength at night. The bed and mattress must be comfortable, the purchase of which often causes financial difficulties. Making a mattress with your own hands is an opportunity to save money, use necessary materials and interesting work.

We create a comfortable mattress ourselves

This interesting process has a number of advantages. It is simple and does not require additional study of implementation technology. The materials are available options. You can choose the size, height, and softness of the product yourself.

Creating a sleeping area depends on personal preference. It is important to understand that with my own hands The following products can be manufactured:

  • Orthopedic mattress;
  • Foam;
  • Using pillows.

These are the most common options that do not require special tools and materials that cannot be purchased in the store.

Foam rubber is a common filler on modern market. It is accessible and can be purchased by each of us. The second name of the synthetic material is polyurethane foam. Exists a large number of types of this filler, they all differ in their performance properties:

  • Elasticity;
  • Stiffness;
  • Densities.

Selection of foam rubber for a mattress (foam rubber density)

The material selected as a filling element meets certain requirements that contribute to obtaining good result. Foam rubber must be elastic and soft, and quickly return to its original form after use. Quality assessment is determined by the density of the product, for a mattress ideal options values ​​in the range of 25-40 kg/m3 are considered. The selection of filler begins with taking into account its labeling.

Preparation of materials and tools

The purchase of the required materials depends on the choice of purpose of the finished product. For stationary model, purchased additionally spring blocks. For the portable version, you only need polyurethane foam. Design using the following materials and tools:

  • Dense foam rubber - required to create a frame;
  • Filler, which is designated by the markings EL, HR and VE;
  • It is possible to supplement the structure with coconut coir or other materials;
  • Glue for fixing the product, purchased specifically for foam rubber;
  • Fabric (natural materials are great).

As additional tools You will need a tape measure, a knife, scissors, and a machine for sewing a cover.

Before manufacturing the product, you need to measure the sleeping area. Next, the frame itself is assembled; for this, a body is made of dense polyurethane foam, the thickness of which should be at least 5 cm. The bars of the material must be laid out on a flat surface, then they are glued together.

Foam rubber in the form of scraps will not become good filler, the base must be solid.

How to sew a mattress cover?

This is the next step in making a mattress, for which you will need fabric, a sewing machine and threads matched to the color. The filled frame is measured and the parts are cut out, leaving three cm on each side for the seam. The cover must fit snugly to the product and it is stretched with outside help. It is necessary to have a zipper for comfortable cleaning of the mattress.

It is necessary to select natural fabric as a material, since it is not allergenic.

To keep your homemade mattress clean, you need to sew a mattress cover.

This type of product can also be made at home yourself. Only spring blocks will be required, and as a filler you need to purchase felt and coconut coir. First, the springs are tied together for alignment, then several layers of felt are applied, which are glued together. The next stage is laying out the coir.

The coconut filling should be no thicker than two centimeters.

Additionally you can add artificial latex, which can be replaced with foam rubber. Alternating layers depends on personal needs.

And for a complete understanding of how to make a mattress at home yourself, you can watch this video:

DIY pillow mattress

This is the most interesting and a budget option portable mattress. It sews quickly and easily. To do this, you need to purchase several pillowcases, the number is determined by the person. Then sew them together and insert soft, cheap pillows. This great option, suitable for children.

How to sew a mattress cover?

This part perfectly protects the mattress from dirt and reduces wear. You can make the model in the form of a regular bag; all you need to do is take the fabric and wrap the mattress, and then sew the seams. More difficult option- this is a sheet with an elastic band; for this you need to sew it along the edge of the cut fabric. The material for the product is selected to be wear-resistant and easy to clean.

How to make a mattress smaller at home?

Alteration of the product may be required if a mattress is purchased or manufactured without preliminary measurements of the bed. It is important to understand that this must be done carefully. If there are no springs in the product, then the seams are simply ripped out and excess filler is removed. In the opposite case, you need to remove the excess spring block. Next, the seams are carefully sealed and the mattress is ready for use.

How to make a mattress harder or softer?

It is important to understand that if you feel discomfort in your sleep due to an uncomfortable mattress, you need to make adjustments to it. It is possible to make the mattress softer or harder. This is done using a mattress pad. To increase rigidity, coconut coir is used as a filler, and for additional softness, foam rubber can be added. The thickness of the product should not exceed 10 cm, otherwise discomfort will occur.

Considering the possibilities modern man who is not limited in purchasing materials for his experiments, then sewing a mattress and its accessories is a simple task that requires only perseverance. The main thing is to choose the right insides of the product, purchase high-quality fabric for finishing and do the work carefully and carefully. The process itself will not cause difficulties, and even children can participate in some processes. It's important to remember that ready product needs to be thoroughly dried in the fresh air.

Making a foam mattress with your own hands is great idea for those who want to provide themselves with a comfortable sleeping place, but at the same time spend a minimum Money. Depending on the materials used, you can save up to 50% of the cost of the finished product.

Types of structures

Most often, cotton wool and foam mattresses. The advantage of the first of them is the naturalness of the materials, and the main advantages of the second are that foam rubber:

The disadvantages of this material are sensitivity to moisture, deformation (punching) during prolonged use.

Homemade mattresses come in two types:

  1. Springless mattress. His optimal thickness is 10 cm. Such a product is extremely easy to manufacture: it is enough to cut out the previously prepared material, process its edges, cover it with fabric, and put on a cover.
  2. Mattress with springs. Similar design looks like a factory orthopedic mattress. The most beneficial for health are spring bases with independent springs, but if such a design cannot be found, you can use a standard spring block. The manufacturing process consists of two stages. On the first of them, a box is assembled, acting as a base, and on the second, a filler is placed in the box. For the top and bottom parts of the box, foam rubber with a thickness of at least 5 cm is used, and for the side edges, material with a thickness of 3 cm is suitable.

When making any of these structures, the craftsman will need thick fabric for sheathing, strong threads.

Manufacturing a springless product

Let's try to figure out how to make a mattress with your own hands without using spring blocks. To work you will need:

  • dense polyurethane that will support the structure on the sides (its thickness should vary from 5 to 10 cm);
  • main filler (at least 14-15 cm thick);
  • thick fabric for sewing a cover.

It is advisable to use a single piece of foam rubber of a suitable size as a filler. If you couldn’t find a sheet of the required dimensions, you can take several pieces of material and glue them together. To make a sleeping place with increased rigidity, it is recommended to purchase coconut coir and place it between layers of foam rubber. You can also make a structure with different rigidity of the sides; in this case, coconut fiber is placed on one side of the filler, and polyurethane foam is placed on the other.

In addition to materials, the master will need tools, namely: a sewing machine, sharp knife, scissors, tape measure. It is necessary to purchase a special glue with which the elements of the product will be connected. It is important that the glue is safe for health, does not emit toxins, and does not have unpleasant odors.

Step-by-step assembly begins with the manufacture of the frame. When it is ready, you need to measure the length and width of the free space inside it, and then adjust the piece of foam rubber to size and place it in the frame. It is recommended to cut the material using a sharp shoemaker's or stationery knife.

Then you should sew the cover. First, the mattress is measured, and after that two pieces of fabric are measured. When cutting fabric, it is important to leave reserves for the thickness of the side parts and seams. The seams should be left approximately 3 cm on each side. It is desirable that the cover is dense and fits onto the frame with some difficulty. In this case, the finished product will be quite elastic and durable (the foam rubber will not “walk” inside the case).

It is better to sew a cover from natural fabrics, this will reduce the risk of developing allergies, in addition to natural fabric much more pleasant to sleep. The threads used must be strong, since the durability of the product largely depends on them. The finished cover must be placed on the mattress and sewn up on the free side. This cover is non-removable, but if desired, you can make another one, removable cover, equipped with zippers or buttons. The finished mattress needs to be placed on Fresh air(on the balcony or loggia) to ventilate unpleasant odors.

Assembling the structure with springs

Now let's take a step-by-step look at the manufacturing process of a product with springs. First of all, you need to cut out all the elements of the future product, and then put a layer of foam rubber on a horizontal surface, on top of it - a layer of felt, a spring base, another layer of felt and a layer of foam rubber. Felt is necessary so that the springs do not damage the foam. The sides of the structure are covered with foam inserts.

To connect all the elements with each other, a special glue is used; if necessary, it can be replaced with ordinary PVA. Some craftsmen use liquid nails, but a hard crust forms in the places where they are used, which can crack during use of the product.

To make a cover you will need thick fabric and batting. Parts need to be cut out of them. suitable sizes, and then sew the batting to the fabric, and stitch the resulting rectangle in several places. This is necessary to ensure that the batting does not move during use.

Then the protruding edges of the batting are trimmed, and the rectangle is stitched around the perimeter with a blanket stitch. After this, the parts of the cover are connected to each other using decorative braid. First, it is sewn to large parts (to the top, bottom of the future mattress), and then narrow parts are applied and sewn to it. At the request of the master, the cover is equipped with zippers, allowing it to be removed from the mattress for washing.

The store has different kinds mattresses. Most often, people make a foam mattress with their own hands using available materials. This option is the most common and convenient. How to make a mattress with your own hands? You can get an economical option (spring, feather), but very acceptable for use.

Materials you will need for work

It is worth taking care to find not only free time to make a mattress, but also to prepare materials for its implementation; before making a mattress with your own hands, you will need certain materials.

The main ones are:

  • Sheathing. A dense type of canvas that can be used to wrap the frame and other parts;
  • Threads. They must be very durable;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Foam rubber.

You will definitely need a hard foam rubber cover that can be used endlessly. The density of foam rubber for a mattress is a relative indicator. The denser it is, the better. Otherwise, he will quickly wash out.

Such products have a certain classification. There are those that are used only for upholstery. They are soft and porous. Those that are useful for a mattress are elastic, almost non-porous. Soft foam is only suitable for sound insulation.

Polyurethane is often called foam rubber. This is right. If you can find latex-type polyurethane, which is used specifically for upholstery, then you can consider yourself lucky. This is the material you will need to make your own mattress. Latex-based items are classified as “orthopedic”. So, without overpaying, you can get an excellent, soft substrate. It is known that the orthopedic type model is very expensive big money, especially branded ones.

It is important to choose a particularly durable case. Spring mattresses are the most difficult to make. But it makes the effort worth it. Given that there is a reliable cover, and felt as protection on all sides, you can get an excellent mattress model without overpaying.

After all, branded products are very expensive.

  • You only need to pay for the materials. For the rest, a person will not spend a penny, but only his efforts. However, you will also need some more details to help make the mattress:
  • Springs;
  • Slats made of wood;
  • Long, wide nails;
  • Hammer;


Rivalry is strong Cotton or foam? Or maybe orthopedic? In terms of market value, the first 2 positions are at the same price level. But orthopedic is beyond competition. To make it you will need foam rubber, the density of which is quite high. You also need a cover. Choose this material V modern conditions

won't be difficult. Cotton has the advantage of being natural. Cotton wool is made from cotton. Although this material has a low density, it is safe for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. And here synthetic filler

It is better to use if there are no people in the house who are prone to allergies.

  • Cotton is a priority because of the excellent property of cotton to retain heat longer than its competitors. But cotton wool has a number of disadvantages:
  • Short service life; Environment for "settlement" various kinds


How to make a mattress with your own hands if you use foam rubber? You will need a good case; you don’t have to buy a ready-made one. You can make it yourself without overpaying. At the same time, it is very convenient to provide the cover with a zipper to create the possibility of washing.

Foam rubber is a material made from a liquid that is poured into a special mold.
When using things that contain foam, it is important to avoid contact with water. It spoils this material, regardless of its density. The foam rubber may become soft or even fall apart. This filler should only be used in a dry room. If this product ends up in a damp shed, you can say goodbye to it.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

How to make a mattress? You need to decide what parameters the thing will be. Next, measure and cut the required piece of foam rubber. The higher its density, the more difficult it is to use scissors. It is better to use a sharp knife for these purposes. If you managed to cut beautifully along the marks, then things will go easier.

Now the cover. It is important to use the dimensions of a ready-made piece of foam rubber. It is worth taking seam allowances into account.

If the case has a zipper, you should cut an even larger piece of material in order to successfully embed the zipper.
You need to sew the cover crosswise, and then make longitudinal seams on the remaining sides. Then you need to process the edges for inserting the zipper. It is advisable to choose a non-stretch material that will tightly fit the workpiece.

When you need to make a more rigid option, it is recommended to use felt. This material will protect the foam from rapid penetration of moisture. The felt is dense and natural. It is made from wool. This filler must be placed on the foam rubber on each side in one layer before placing the workpiece in the case.

Another option is to first prepare a cover to match the furniture according to the size of the bed, and then place the material in it. Filling: padding polyester, pieces of holofiber, felt. You can use foam rubber. To prevent the filler from matting, it is advisable to stitch the product with a thick thread.

Products using springs

Spring models are easy to make. It is worth using purchased springs. It’s easy to choose them by asking in the store special materials for making furniture. If you do everything correctly, you will get an orthopedic mattress with your own hands. Sometimes it is enough to use springs from an old mattress or sofa and make new upholstery. It is recommended to use foam rubber. It’s easier to create an orthopedic mattress with your own hands if you have:

  • Spring mechanisms;
  • Dense material;
  • Foam rubber.

To make your own mattress you will also need twine. They need to tie the springs tightly together. Afterwards, display your structure and place it under the bottom of the slats. Pin. Spring structures add density to the product. Afterwards you need to use filler. Pull the cover on top. Do-it-yourself orthopedic mattress is ready.

So, to make a mattress with your own hands, you don’t need to make a huge effort. But it is important to be able to cut the material by making the correct measurements. The density of the foam rubber needs to be high. Popular and spring structures, but their manufacture will require more time, skill and material. An orthopedic option that is suitable for any person will be more convenient.

In this world, unfortunately, nothing is eternal. The same applies to mattresses, which over time begin to lose their original characteristics. They sag or bulge in some places. Sleeping on such mattresses is no longer very comfortable. So you decide to buy a new one.

What should those whose financial situation does not allow them to purchase another mattress do? Or for those who love original and unusual things? There is a way out - make a mattress with your own hands.

It is clear that you will not be able to build an orthopedic mattress on your own. But you will definitely be able to reconstruct the old one and make it more convenient.

Before you begin this peculiar procedure, you need to prepare. First, set aside free time for work. And secondly - stock up necessary material. You will need:

  • padding - your choice;
  • strong threads
  • sewing machine

If you are planning to reconstruct stationary mattress, then plus everything else you need to prepare:

  • wooden slats,
  • springs,
  • arm yourself with big nails,
  • hammer,
  • and of course, with a stapler.

First you need to decide on the padding, that is, what kind of material you want to use.

To do this, you need to know exactly how you will use your mattress in the future - whether it will be removable or stationary. As a rule, for removable models they use soft padding (foam rubber, synthetic padding), which allows them to be easily folded during operation.

Step-by-step process of working with a removable mattress

So, spread the foam rubber on the work surface and apply the markings you need. You can use two options: cut the foam rubber lengthwise into two parts or leave it as a whole piece, and also cut the foam rubber into 2-3 squares. This way, it will be easier to fold it, pack it and put it in a secluded place if you do not intend to use it constantly.

This option is very convenient as a spare, for example, for guests. For the procedure of cutting foam rubber, it is better for you to use the help of a friend who will help you stretch the material, and at that time you can carefully cut it according to the markings.

So, the foam rubber is prepared, all that remains is to correctly cut out the blank for the cover. Remember to allow allowance for the seams as well as the thickness of the padding itself. Do correct measurement foam blanks and lower them a few centimeters on each side.

A good alternative is a removable cover, which can be easily removed for washing during use. To do this, you still need to leave 20 cm along the length of the pattern, which in the future will act as an overlap. You can sew Velcro tape or a zipper to the overlap area - at your discretion.

Let's start sewing the cover. The process must begin with cross sections. After this, sew the cover lengthwise, placing the corners in the middle. Unfold it with the seams in the middle and put it on the prepared foam rubber. If yours is not removable, sew the raw edge with a sewing machine or by hand.

If you prefer soft padding or synthetic padding, then first you need to sew a cover.

In this case, you need to carefully measure the size of the bed and add to this the thickness of the future mattress. Make the pattern according to your measurements, leaving seam allowances. Sew the seams on sewing machine and the case is ready.

Fill it up soft upholstery taking into account that it will soon begin to nail down and become thinner. To prevent it from getting into lumps, it is recommended to stitch the mattress in several places with strong thread, attaching dense pieces of fabric to both sides. Such mattresses are softer, and their service life is much shorter than their foam counterparts.

How to reconstruct a stationary mattress with your own hands?

Now let’s consider the option of creating a stationary mattress with springs with your own hands. Let's say your old mattress has worn out. Here and there, the springs are sticking out, the cover has already acquired an untidy appearance, and you have decided to make drastic changes - to reconstruct the mattress.

Here you can do two things - tighten the old springs with strong twine, replace some of them, change the padding and, if possible, the cover. But you can radically reconstruct your mattress, and ultimately, find a completely new product - one that you made yourself. Such things are most valuable!

To do this, prepare spring blocks, the number of which must correspond to the required size. Place them in a vertical position. Make sure that the outer level of the springs is level. You need to attach their lower part to 2-centimeter slats, the width and thickness of which are no more than 7 cm. Prepare nails and drive them into the end side of your sleeping pad at the level of all spring rows. Start tying the springs.

First of all, the transverse row. Then along the row and finally diagonally. Check the upper level of the springs again - it should be level! At this stage, lay the material prepared in advance on top. Almost any thick fabric will do. Place padding, such as padding polyester. AND, last layer– upholstery. It is better to fix it with a furniture stapler.

The mattress is ready!

That's all - your homemade mattress is ready! The best part is that you were able to do it yourself, spending a little time on the process, while saving a lot from a financial point of view. In addition, you sewed a mattress cover from a fabric whose colors you and your family like.

You no longer need to run around the shops looking for the color you need - this also has its advantages. And don’t despair if on the first try you didn’t manage to do everything the way you would like. Any business requires practice, and you have already passed the first stage. Now you can offer your help in reconstructing mattresses with your own hands to your loved ones, relatives and friends. Enjoy your holiday.

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