Making a mattress with your own hands is an interesting and exciting process. How to make a mattress with your own hands with foam filling

Homemade mattress - sewing, use natural materials

None of us can imagine how one can indulge in sleep and rest on bare ground or a hard wooden bed. Modern man accustomed to the fact that his body should lie on a soft base of one kind or another.

Most often we sleep on a mattress. Today we will reveal the secret of how you can make a mattress using various natural or artificial materials with your own hands.

If in the last century the basis of this product was mainly made up of various fillers of plant or animal origin, then modern mattress main component– spring. It is she who provides comfort and convenience.

What types of this wire element can you find in modern beds. Each manufacturer constantly strives to prove that it is their development that most fully takes into account the characteristics of the human form and allows the body to take the most advantageous position from the point of view of rest.

And the enterprises that produce these products modern market, is getting bigger. The most responsible of them really spend a lot of money on studying the peculiarities of how springs work. various forms, pick them up optimal ratio per unit area, experiment with various artificial and natural fillers.

Making a mattress using natural materials

At the same time, one of the main negative aspects associated with limiting the consumption of new generation mattresses is their fairly high price. We present to your attention a budget option products that can be made with your own hands for a private home or cottage, using both traditional and not quite traditional, or materials forgotten over time.

We begin the process of making a mattress with a fabric base - a cover of a certain size, which we will subsequently stuff. To sew the shell, you need to prepare a sufficiently strong fabric. Moreover, it can be as traditional white, and any other, since the operation of the mattress is often carried out using bed linen.

From the prepared fabric, make a pattern for the details of the future homemade product. It will consist of two completely identical rectangular parts, the dimensions of which will depend both on the dimensions of the people who will use the product and on the type of bed. Let us remember that the width modern boxes are divided into single, one-and-a-half and double. Based on this, cut out the upper and lower halves of the mattress. In addition to them, prepare one or more narrow strips, the width of which will determine the height of the product, and the total length should not be less than the perimeter (the sum of the lengths of the sides) of the rectangular parts.

The cut parts must be connected to each other. To do this, first grind them down with pins,

Baste and sew with high strength threads. It is best to first perform this operation manually, securely fixing the parts together to avoid their mutual displacement.

I'll have to cook following materials and tools: foam rubber, padding polyester (batting), fabric, sewing machine, thread, spring blocks, cord, wooden slats, nails, stapler, hammer.

Before you begin the process, it is important to decide what will be inside the mattress. If you plan to fold it and put it away, then it is better to take foam rubber or padding polyester. For a stationary bed, you can use springs.

Foam mattress. The foam needs to be marked. If the mattress is going to be folded, it is made from several pieces of foam rubber. If this is a stationary bed, the mattress is made of 1-2 longitudinal parts. It is recommended to cut the foam rubber together with an assistant: one stretches the halves, and the other cuts the material into 2 halves with a sharp knife, and exactly along the intended line.

Now move on to the fabric. A few centimeters are added to the mattress thickness parameters for the seams. The cover can be made with an overlap (+20cm), then it can be removed and washed. The cover is sewn on sewing machine: first across, then along the length. All seams are processed with overlock or zigzag. The foam rubber is threaded into the cover.

If you decide to make a mattress from batting or padding polyester, start not with the mattress, but with the cover. Once you measure your bed, consider the width of the mattress when creating your pattern. Next, sew a fabric cover the right size with zipper or overlap. Then they carefully stuff the cover, taking into account that the stuffing will soon become thinner. In several places the mattress is stitched through and through so that there are no lumps later.

For the manufacture of spring mattress You will need spring blocks. They are purchased in the right quantity depending on the size of the bed. Insert them vertically in order, their ends should be at the same level. The lower parts of the spring are fixed wooden slats 6 cm wide.

Next, they tie the springs, driving large nails into the ends of the bed and bending them away from the springs. Using a strong cord, all the springs are tied first along, and then across, and then diagonally. Burlap and a layer of batting or padding polyester are placed on top of the springs.

The mattress is tightened upholstery fabric and secured with a stapler.

DIY mattress

DIY air mattress

How often in the process of cleaning do we find some things that we don’t use, but it’s still a pity to throw them away, every time we think, what if they come in handy, because from this we can make, for example, a hammock, a ski suit, or instill in a child an interest in creating cars , airplanes, hand-made soldiers. The abundance on store shelves discourages us from creating, but this is so important for our development and growth. And if this thing also turned out no worse than the one in the store, remember how much pleasure we get from it. We would never experience such joy if the same ski suit or toy car Let's just buy it.

When going to the dacha, to the river, or on a hike, we, caring about our comfort, immediately run to the store to buy sleeping bag, inflatable chair or inflatable mattress, but you can do it yourself, the main thing is that there is a desire. Perhaps you, accustomed to abundance, will be surprised how you can make an air mattress with your own hands, because there high tech and so on. Yes, it’s easy, you just need to show a little imagination. Remember how Winnie the Pooh got honey in a balloon? So, you ask, what's the point here? air balloons- everything is very simple - this is the basis of our air mattress!

Now let's get down to business. Take a dense material, maybe multi-colored - it will be even more interesting, and sew a shell for the future mattress, dividing it into four identical compartments, about 80 cm wide and 170 cm long. Attach the leftmost and rightmost compartments, as well as the compartments at the bottom, with lacing or a zipper to allow access to them, and then take inflated regular balloons. Just don’t inflate them completely, otherwise they will quickly burst, and put an average of 5 balloons in each compartment, look at the size of the mattress. You can make such a wonderful air mattress with your own hands, and successfully use it for outdoor recreation - unusual, comfortable, and most importantly, no one will have such a mattress!

If you are not yet ready for such feats, start small. Don't be too quick to say goodbye to things that can be fixed. Take, for example, the same old air mattress that every second person has, lying somewhere in a closet or in the country. Breathe into it new life, take it out, check where it allows air to pass through, apply a patch - and it will again serve you faithfully, because sealing an ordinary air mattress with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears - glue, scissors, patch - and you're done! So fantasize, create and remember that everything new is well forgotten old.

DIY mattress

I haven’t done it myself, but I would like to too. I saved this note on the topic, and if you try it, write how it is:

During haymaking in the village, the most pleasant smell is the mown grass. Sleeping in the hayloft filled the body with lightness, the head with clarity, and the body with health. It would seem that if you fill your mattresses with fresh hay, then in winter you will feel like you’re in a hayloft. However, literally after a few days, one part of the hay cakes, turning into a hard, lumpy layer, and the other is ground into the smallest dust. It is enough to just shake the mattress slightly, and clouds of hay dust immediately rise above it, which is not at all good for health. That is why mattresses and pillows were stuffed not with grass, but with sedge leaves.

Sedge was harvested in early summer, before it bloomed. There are two main types of plants - with large and small leaves. Mattress stuffed with sedge small leaves, will be softer, but less elastic, which means it will cake faster. Large-leaved sedge leaves are wider and coarser, but they are highly elastic. Knowledgeable people placed two thin mattresses on the bed - on top with small ones, and below with large leaves. As a rule, such a mattress lasts for a year.

Pillows are stuffed with plant fluff from cattail, thistle and thistle. Cattail is harvested in August and September, when its ears turn dark brown. They are cut and laid to dry in the sun, and in wet weather under a canopy. As soon as the tips of the cobs become fluffy, they are placed in a pillowcase, which is immediately sewn up, leaving a small tear. The pillowcase with the cobs is dried by placing it on the stove or hanging next to it. When the cobs are completely dry and the blossoming fluff fills the pillowcase, the cattail stems are carefully removed one by one through the hole. After making sure that there is only fluff left in the pillowcase, the hole is sewn up, and the pillow is ready. She can serve long years. Previously, in some places even feather beds were stuffed with cattail fluff. Cattail fluff should not be harvested in the spring if its cobs are well preserved. In each of them, insect larvae made their home for the winter. Once inside the pillow along with the fluff, after a while they will gnaw through the fabric and come out, leaving hundreds of small holes on the pillowcase.

In other places, they preferred to collect plant fluff from fireweed, or narrow-leaved fireweed. The down collectors tried to collect the boxes before they opened. Bags of prepared raw materials were placed in a warm, dry place, for example on a stove, or hung in the sun. When the boxes dried out and burst, light and elastic fluff filled the bag. The bag was beaten with the lungs wooden mallets and shook it from time to time. From the shaking, the fluff in the bag rose up, and the heavier flaps of the bolls and seeds fell down, where the bag knot was located. The knot was then untied and the accumulated waste was poured out.

Fillers for orthopedic springless mattress

DIY mattress 2014-12-05T18:59:19+00:00 admin Construction do-it-yourself mattress, do-it-yourself mattress, you can make it, air mattress, do-it-yourself air mattress, do-it-yourself

what you dream about: a mattress made of natural fabric, with natural filler, and, apparently, with a cover for easy washing. not spring, not “orthopedic”, but the most ordinary one - a la the old Soviet one with stripes - sleeping on the floor. only I need suitable sizes and, naturally, a little thicker.

What’s not to like about “there’s such a choice everywhere right now!”:
1. “I don’t believe” in synthetics and all these fashionable fillers like “very breathable” yet another foam-poly-ultra-propylene-cellophane, coconut flakes and other heresies.
2. the mattress must be the “original” size: if you are 185 cm tall, according to preliminary estimates, the length of the mattress should be at least 220-240 cm, so that you can sleep comfortably on your stomach, and so that the pillow does not fall off. In the same old Ikea, floor mattresses are 200 cm maximum. This is only suitable for not very tall girls, 160-170cm tall. Well, again, I don’t need a monster like 240x240 either - I want to sleep on it, not play football.

In summary, what seems to me at the preliminary investigation stage:
a cloth I don't think it's that hard to find a suitable one. It’s obvious that you still need 100% cotton of decent density (and it’s possible that you also need... what do you call it - like a “napkin” or... so that the fibers from the cotton wool don’t get through the cotton, in short). - sew? and what is special to sew there - top, bottom - two rectangles with slightly rounded edges. and plus "sides". Well, it’s obvious that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to put a thin, longer zipper in the “side” (by the way, where can you buy a really long, fairly thin one, and so that it’s good quality- didn’t it fall apart right there?) - so that it would be possible to access the filler just in case of fire. Well, you also need a “cover”, which will be on top - so that it can be periodically removed and in washing machine wash. The cover can also be with a zipper, or perhaps with buttons...

filler This is where I’m not really into the subject yet; Well, apparently, it’s still the same cotton wool, or cotton with... wool? In theory, there must be offices somewhere that sell such nonsense (by weight?).

Well main question : how to fill it so that it looks like the real thing??? complexities and subtleties are quite possible here, but I still believe that this too can be done... well, plus, again, these are the kind of end-to-end “firmware” that were used all my life on memorable mattresses from the times of the USSR - so that it’s all there it “stood” better and didn’t move too much from the center to the edges.

so these are the pies. Does anyone have any experience or some useful tips, considerations, cautions, etc.? well, in principle, you can even express doubts, like “do you know, good man, what’s the deal with this cotton wool, the stuffing process and everything else?!”...

If you don’t yet know how to make a mattress with your own hands, decide what type of filling you need and what the product will be used for: for a bed with a slatted bottom, or a lightweight version made of synthetic padding for a folding bed, a foam mattress to replace the old one that has sagged and lost its shape.

To make it you will need:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Fabric from which the cover can be made (cotton or jacquard);
  • Sharp scissors for cutting filler materials;
  • Roulette;
  • Special glue for gluing filler materials;
  • Filler.

If you want to make a mattress from foam rubber with your own hands, this is perhaps the most economical and simplest option, since foam rubber can be easily purchased at any construction market or repair store. It is important to pay attention to such an indicator as the density of foam rubber for a mattress.

As a rule, foam rubber has a density from 25 to 40 kg/cub.m. The density indicator is indicated by numbers in the marking, and hardness is also indicated here, which directly depends on the density. There are standard inexpensive brands of SL foam rubber, with a higher density EL, which can withstand weights of up to 100 kg, and elite brands HR and VE, which designate latex foam rubber, or artificial latex. The choice depends on your weight and budget.

Foam rubber is used in the production of most models of leading brands, but in the description of the filler the material is called polyurethane foam (PPU), in fact it is the same thing. The foam mattress itself does not have orthopedic properties, so in addition to polyurethane foam, spring blocks or a layer of coconut coir are used in the filler.

In addition to foam rubber, latex is also used as a filler.

Its individual areas are independent, which is very suitable for double beds. However, the cost of the material is much higher than the price of foam rubber.

To make orthopedic mattress with your own hands, spring blocks, coconut coir, padding polyester, natural latex, felt, which is used as a layer separating the spring block and foam rubber, can be purchased in specialized stores offering materials for upholstery.

How to make a foam mattress? Perhaps this is the simplest option that you can implement with your own hands. For the manufacture of of this product required:

  • Foam blanks.
  • Sintepon or felt for stuffing.
  • Mattress cover material.
  • Spring blocks.
  • Wooden boards or slats.
  • Glue for foam rubber.

Materials you will need for work

It is worth taking care to find not only free time to make a mattress, but also to prepare materials for its implementation; before making a mattress with your own hands, you will need certain materials.

The main ones are:

  • Sheathing. Thick fabric that can be used to wrap the frame and other parts;
  • Threads. They must be very durable;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Foam rubber.

You will definitely need a hard foam rubber cover that can be used endlessly. The density of foam rubber for a mattress is a relative indicator. The denser it is, the better. Otherwise, he will quickly wash out.

Such products have a certain classification. There are those that are used only for upholstery. They are soft and porous. Those that are useful for a mattress are elastic, almost non-porous. Soft foam is only suitable for sound insulation.

Polyurethane is often called foam rubber. This is right. If you can find latex-type polyurethane, which is used specifically for upholstery, then you can consider yourself lucky. This is exactly the material you will need to make your own mattress. Latex-based items are classified as “orthopedic”.

It is important to choose a particularly durable case. Spring mattresses are the most difficult to make. But it makes the effort worth it. Given that there is a reliable cover, and felt as protection on all sides, you can get an excellent mattress model without overpaying. After all, branded products are very expensive.

You only need to pay for the materials. For the rest, a person will not spend a penny, but only his efforts. However, you will also need some more details to help make the mattress:

  • Springs;
  • Slats made of wood;
  • Long, wide nails;
  • Hammer;
  • Stapler.

Execution technology

To begin the task, you need to determine what the product should be as a result. If you need a portable mattress for your summer house, it can be made from foam rubber or synthetic padding. If you need to build a stationary model for a bed with your own hands, you should use springs. In any case, you need to prepare pieces of foam rubber.

Next, you need to prepare the fabric for sewing the mattress cover. The dimensions of the product must correspond to the piece of foam rubber. Don’t forget that the fabric needs to be sewn, which means that when cutting, we make seam allowances. Convenient option The mattress cover will be a product with an overlap. This will allow you to remove the cover for washing if necessary. To sew a mattress cover with an overlap, add another 25 cm to the required length. Having sewn the cover, you need to insert a prepared piece of foam rubber into it.

To ready product was softer or harder, it can be supplemented with padding polyester or coconut coir. The latter material will make the mattress firmer.

Rivalry is strong

Cotton or foam? Or maybe orthopedic? In terms of market value, the first 2 positions are at the same price level. But orthopedic is beyond competition. To make it you will need foam rubber, the density of which is quite high. You also need a cover. Choose this material V modern conditions won't be difficult.

Cotton has the advantage of being natural. Cotton wool is made from cotton. Although this material has a low density, it is safe for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. But it is better to use synthetic filler if there are no people in the house who are prone to allergies.

Cotton is a priority due to excellent quality cotton retains heat longer than its competitors. But cotton wool has a number of disadvantages:

  • Short service life;
  • Environment for "settlement" various kinds insects

The required density and rigidity by combining several types of material is justified. Can be used simultaneously synthetic holofiber, whose density is high, or polyurethane.

How to make a mattress with your own hands if you use foam rubber? You will need a good case; you don’t have to buy a ready-made one. You can make it yourself without overpaying. At the same time, it is very convenient to provide the cover with a zipper to create the possibility of washing.

When using things that contain foam, it is important to avoid contact with water. It spoils this material, regardless of its density. The foam rubber may become soft or even fall apart. This filler should only be used in a dry room. If this product ends up in a damp shed, you can say goodbye to it.

Orthopedic product

Today, there are a huge number of manufacturers on the market for sleep products, offering all kinds of orthopedic models, options with memory effect, children's models, spring and springless. Among this variety, you can choose the most suitable one both in terms of quality and price.

However, even taking into account all kinds of promotions and discounts, the price of the simplest orthopedic mattress in the store is higher than the cost of the materials that serve as filling. If you are willing to spend your time and make an orthopedic mattress with your own hands, you will be able to save a lot. In addition, the advantages of such a product will be:

  • Natural materials (you will know exactly what is included in the filler and what glue was used in production);
  • A removable cover made of pleasant fabric that can be washed or replaced (not all mattresses have removable cover By creating a product yourself, you can provide everything necessary for ease of use and maintenance);
  • The ability to choose any combination of fillers depending on your preferences for softness; you can also make an orthopedic mattress double-sided with a soft and hard side; such models in stores are usually expensive.

Spring models are easy to make. It is worth using purchased springs. It’s easy to choose them by asking in the store special materials for making furniture. If you do everything correctly, you will get an orthopedic mattress with your own hands. Sometimes it is enough to use springs from an old mattress or sofa and make new upholstery. It is recommended to use foam rubber. It’s easier to create an orthopedic mattress with your own hands if you have:

  • Spring mechanisms;
  • Dense material;
  • Foam rubber.

To make your own mattress you will also need twine. They need to tie the springs tightly together. Afterwards, display your structure and place it under the bottom of the slats. Pin. Spring structures add density to the product. Afterwards you need to use filler. Pull the cover on top. Do-it-yourself orthopedic mattress is ready.

So, to make a mattress with your own hands, you don’t need to make a huge effort. But it is important to be able to cut the material by making correct measurements. The density of the foam rubber needs to be high. Popular and spring structures, but their manufacture will require more time, skill and material. An orthopedic option that is suitable for any person will be more convenient.

Making a mattress for any bed is quite easy, especially if you have certain cutting and sewing skills. IN in this case The main question remains: “Which filler should I choose?”

The choice is relatively small. One of the main and current options is foam rubber. It is more accessible and has a comfortable texture. Elastic polyurethane foam, popularly foam rubber, is also used in the manufacture of orthopedic mattresses.

Products made from this material can often be found in cribs or strollers. Since the main advantages are:

  • hypoallergenicity is one of important criteria in use, especially when it comes to children's health;
  • hygroscopicity, foam rubber is able to absorb moisture and not create condensation. Perhaps this is the main advantage of the material;
  • antibacterial - prevents the development and reproduction of various bacteria and mites. It is precisely because of this property that products made from this material are so relevant in medical institutions;
  • good ventilation: the structure of foam rubber is highly porous, this facilitates the rapid removal of moisture from the product and prevents its accumulation;
  • polyurethane has good orthopedic properties, it is quite elastic and provides the necessary fixation of the body on the surface.

However, this material is short-lived and tends to tear and deteriorate. But with proper treatment and production from quality materials, the product can last quite a long time, performing its functions.

Another filler, less popular today, is cotton wool.

Previously, it was more relevant in use, especially as a filler for mattresses, blankets and other textiles. However, it is not very good option for these purposes. Cotton wool has fairly good primary porosity, but it is almost impossible to maintain it in this form. Cotton fibers quickly lose their elasticity, and it becomes lumpy and hard.

You can make an orthopedic mattress in the photo yourself. To do this, initially cut out 2 pieces of foam rubber of the required dimensions. Then, using similar measurements, cut out 2 pieces of felt. After this, we cut out a spring block that is a couple of centimeters shorter and narrower than the original blanks. Step-by-step instruction creating an orthopedic mattress is simple:

  • We lay out foam rubber on the floor and cover it with felt.
  • We put springs on top.
  • On the sides we glue long pieces of foam rubber, 12 cm wide and equal to the length of the future mattress. For gluing, it is recommended to use a special adhesive composition for foam rubber.
  • After the glue has dried, cover the structure on top with a second piece of felt and foam rubber. We close the remaining short “windows” along the width of the product by gluing two pieces of foam rubber.
  • To ensure that all parts of the structure are securely glued together, wooden blocks can be placed on top.
  • Once the glue has dried, the orthopedic structure can be placed in the case.

Homemade mattress sewing, using natural materials

None of us can imagine how one can indulge in sleep and rest on bare ground or a hard wooden bed. Modern man is accustomed to the fact that his body should lie on a soft base of one kind or another.

Most often we sleep on a mattress. Today we will reveal the secret of how you can make a mattress using various natural or artificial materials with your own hands.

If in the last century the basis of this product was mainly made up of various fillers of plant or animal origin, then in a modern mattress the main component is a spring. It is she who provides comfort and convenience.

You won’t find many types of this wire element in modern beds. Each manufacturer constantly strives to prove that it is their development that most fully takes into account the characteristics of the human form and allows the body to take the most advantageous position from the point of view of rest.

And there are more and more enterprises producing these products on the modern market. The most responsible of them really spend a lot of money on studying the operating features of springs of various shapes, selecting their optimal ratio per unit area, and experimenting with various artificial and natural fillers.

Making a mattress using natural materials

At the same time, one of the main negative aspects associated with limiting the consumption of new generation mattresses is their fairly high price. We bring to your attention a budget version of a product that you can make with your own hands for a private home or cottage, using both traditional and not quite traditional, or materials forgotten over time.

We begin the process of making a mattress with a fabric base - a cover of a certain size, which we will subsequently stuff. To sew the shell, you need to prepare a sufficiently strong fabric. Moreover, it can be either traditional white or any other color, since the use of the mattress is often carried out using bed linen.

From the prepared fabric, make a pattern for the details of the future homemade product. It will consist of two completely identical rectangular parts, the dimensions of which will depend both on the dimensions of the people who will use the product and on the type of bed. Let us remind you that according to the width, modern stocks are divided into single, one-and-a-half and double.

The cut parts must be connected to each other. To do this, first grind them down with pins,

Baste and sew with high strength threads. It is best to first perform this operation manually, securely fixing the parts together to avoid their mutual displacement.

This is necessary to achieve High Quality work. A strong thread will help achieve maximum wear resistance of the joints of the fabric and the entire product as a whole. Of the most commonly used, it is recommended to use a linen seam for these purposes.

Don't try to put all the pieces together. Remember to leave one short side unstitched. You will need it to fill the mattress. It is best to make a neckline in this part that is closed with a zipper or buttons.

Traditionally, a mattress is designed to be as curvy as possible. To achieve this goal, we can recommend using a large list various materials. Remembering the fairy tale about the princess and the pea, try filling our product with down or feathers. Considering him required amount and the price of such materials, the cost of such a product will be many times higher than the cost of the most expensive factory product.

Instead of poultry products, you can use other natural material– livestock product – sheep wool. It is also capable of retaining volume and has very high heat-retaining properties. Such a product can only be made for winter cold period and if there is enough wool.

We suggest you pay attention to one, perhaps the cheapest, but not the most worst material for stuffing a homemade mattress - hay. It consists of high-quality dried young herbs with an unforgettable natural aroma. And if you add 5-10% of dried mint, hop cones and other soothing plants to its composition, sleeping on such a product will bring you an unforgettable rest.

Selecting mattress filler

To fill the cover, we recommend using a large piece of clean polyethylene film, on which we lay the future mattress and gradually compact dried herbs into it. Using straw or mature grass for these purposes is not advisable, as hard stems can ruin the overall feeling of relaxation.

What materials are required for manufacturing

Making a product with your own hands involves several stages of work:

  • It is necessary to measure the old mattress and determine the parameters of the product, purchase materials for the filler and the fabric from which the cover will be sewn, of the required size, and cut off the excess using sharp scissors;
  • If you are making a removable orthopedic mattress that will be stored in a closet during the day, it is better to make a model divided into several parts, a folding version. To do this, the foam rubber is cut into 2-3 pieces across;
  • To sew the cover, cut out the two main parts and the side along the width of the mattress, leaving allowances for sewing the parts together. It is better to make a cotton cover with a zipper or overlapping buttons. The width of the cover depends on the number of layers and the sum of their widths;
  • If you are making a thin, removable option from synthetic padding, you first need to sew a cover like a duvet cover and insert filler instead. The product can be made quilted;
  • If your future product consists of several layers, you need to assemble this “pie” by gluing the layers with special furniture glue, you need to choose environmentally friendly and safe glue;
  • Using the Bonnel spring layer, you need to make layers of felt on each side, then use a layer of foam rubber on top and bottom; you can choose polyurethane foam with different hardness for the top and bottom layers to make a double-sided option. It is better to add a layer of padding polyester to one side.

How to make a mattress? You need to decide what parameters the thing will be. Next, measure and cut the required piece of foam rubber. The higher its density, the more difficult it is to use scissors. It is better to use for these purposes sharp knife. If you managed to cut beautifully along the marks, then things will go easier.

Now the cover. It is important to use the dimensions of a ready-made piece of foam rubber. It is worth taking seam allowances into account.

You need to sew the cover crosswise, and then make longitudinal seams on the remaining sides. Then you need to process the edges for inserting the zipper. It is advisable to choose a non-stretch material that will tightly fit the workpiece.

When you need to make a more rigid option, it is recommended to use felt. This material will protect the foam from rapid penetration of moisture. The felt is dense and natural. It is made from wool. This filler must be placed on the foam rubber on each side in one layer before placing the workpiece in the case.

Another option is to first prepare a cover to match the furniture according to the size of the bed, and then place the material in it. Filling: padding polyester, pieces of holofiber, felt. You can use foam rubber. To prevent the filler from matting, it is advisable to stitch the product with a thick thread.

It turns out that building the air mattress in the photo yourself is very simple. To do this, you need to take dense material. It can be monochromatic or multi-colored - at the user’s request. From it we sew a shell for the future product. Then we divide it into four equal compartments, measuring 80*170cm. It is recommended to equip the side compartments with lacing.

This is necessary to ensure access to them. Next, step by step, we take ordinary balloons, pre-inflated. Just don’t inflate them all the way, otherwise they will quickly burst. We place an average of 5-7 balls in each compartment, which depends on the size of the product. Having laced the side parts, you can safely use the inflatable product.

How to make a bed with your own hands

TOTAL: 8805 rub.

Board processing

Sawing out the bed components

We calculate the dimensions taking into account the pre-purchased mattress, its dimensions are 1600 * 2000 mm.

2 boards of 2080 mm each (note, this is the width of the board, because the box inside should be 1600 * 2000 mm);

1 board 1600 mm long (the back board is placed between the side boards so that the wood cuts go to the wall);

1 board 1680 mm long (front the board is coming taking into account angular cuts Fig. 1.);

4 legs, 30 cm each.

We make the bevel on the front panel 45 degrees along the square. We mark and cut out evenly with a hacksaw. If it turns out crooked, level it with a plane (a hand plane is more convenient).

So, the frame is ready - the hardest part is ahead! The bed, according to all the rules, is made on the corners to get a perfectly square shape. In our design, the role of corners is played by the legs.

We saw the block into 4 legs of 30 cm each. Then we make markings, mark the middle on each leg, using a corner! It turns out the visible side of the leg (15 cm) and the invisible side (15 cm).

Sanding wood

Next comes the stage of sanding the wood. We take a flat sander, put on a mesh size 8 and start sanding. I advise you to sand thoroughly sharp corners, for your comfort. Don't forget to wear a respirator or protective bandage; as a rule, when sanding, there is a cloud of fine sawdust in the air.

Assembly of the structure

Let's move on to assembling the bed. We twist the structure with self-tapping screws. Flush with the legs from the inside, we attach a block to support the slatted bottom (the so-called stiffeners under the mattress).

We attach two iron plates to support the middle rail, do not forget to mark the middle exactly.


We attach the fiberboard backrest to the rear beam of the bed, secure it at the bottom with screws so that it is possible to slightly bend the beam and insert the leatherette fabric. We lay the foam rubber: it needs to be attached from the bottom edge (it is not necessary to clamp it between the board and the fiberboard, the mattress will stick out and cover the bottom of the backrest), leaving a little for the folding.

Then we cover the back side of the back with a smaller sheet of plywood. It is attached to short self-tapping screws with a wide head.


We cover wooden structure stain, in two layers, and each layer must dry for at least 5 hours.

If you want a “blacker” bed, you can cover it with 3 layers of stain! Don't forget to paint all the cracks.

Then we treat the bed with varnish (in two layers), each layer dries for at least 6-10 hours.

If after applying the first layer drops appear, we treat the area with sandpaper, very lightly, so as not to damage the stain layer, and apply a second layer of varnish.

We finish assembling the bed by fixing the stiffeners. We fasten only the outer ribs, stretching them when fixing them (since in our case they are fastened together with a cord). If you purchased loose ribs, you need to buy wide construction tape and secure the ribs.

A well-built bed made of strong wood, although heavy, is durable, does not creak and looks very impressive. And most importantly, it is made with your own hands. This bed will delight you for many years!

New life to old things

Perhaps not every housewife will decide to create a mattress with her own hands. But, if the house has old sofa or mattress, they can be put to good use. What can be made from a mattress? In addition to the fact that it can be thrown into the trash, this product can be reanimated. To do this, we remove the inner pillows from the unnecessary sofa.

These can be foam, felt or spring parts. If they are in good condition, they are recommended to be used for repairing an old mattress. To do this, you need to tear it apart, remove the filling, and put pillows from the old sofa in its place. Having added a small layer of felt to the structure, the mattress needs to be wrapped in a new cover. Using felt or coconut coir, you can make the sleeping bed softer or harder.

Instructions on how to make a mattress with your own hands are shown in the video.

In conclusion

If necessary and desired, you can make a new orthopedic, inflatable or foam mattress at home with your own hands. Will help you with your work detailed instructions from professionals. All that is needed to implement the idea is a piece of high-quality foam rubber, a felt backing, and a cover made of durable material. If you plan to build an orthopedic option, you will need spring elements.

Toppers are thin orthopedic mattresses that are placed on top of the main mattress or on a folding sofa. They are often called mattress pads, although this is not entirely true. A mattress cover is a cover that is put on the mattress, and the topper, if necessary, can serve as an independent sleeping place (for example, when guests arrive).

Toppers that reduce the hardness of the mattress are used in the following cases:

  • to soften and smooth the surface of the main mattress;
  • restoration of its orthopedic properties;
  • increasing sleep comfort folding sofa or a folding bed.

Types of soft fillers for toppers

Soft toppers are made from natural latex, polyurethane foam, memory foam, as well as combined materials such as Strutofiber, Ergolatex and others. All of them are characterized by an elastic and elastic structure. It gives them orthopedic properties and the ability to support the spine of a sleeping person in a physiologically correct position.

The degree of softness of these materials varies, so you need to select them individually, based on your own ideas about the comfort of the sleeping place:

Polyurethane foam (PPU)― an improved analogue of foam rubber, the softest of all orthopedic fillers. This material does not evaporate moisture well. In addition, it is short-lived - it quickly cakes and loses elasticity. The popularity of polyurethane foam toppers is explained by their low price.

Suitable for adjusting the firmness of the mattress Strutofiber toppers medium hardness, which, in addition to polyester fiber, includes wool, cotton or linen (but not hard coconut coir). Polyester additives provide elasticity to the strutofiber, and natural additives provide good thermoregulation and moisture exchange.

Memoryform foam is a viscoelastic filler of medium softness that adapts to the contours of the body. It is very comfortable and cozy to sleep on, but due to poor thermoregulation it quickly heats up. In addition, the Memoryform topper is the most expensive of thin orthopedic mattresses.

Latex is a natural or artificial rubber of medium softness. It has good moisture exchange, sufficient thermoregulation, high orthopedic properties, durable and wear-resistant. These properties are more pronounced in natural latex; it is much softer than artificial latex, but it is also not cheap.

You can make a mattress softer not only using a topper, but also mattress covers made of down, wool or synthetic fillers from polyester fibers such as holofiber. But, unlike toppers, they do not have orthopedic effect and do not provide uniform support to the spine.

When buying a topper to reduce the hardness of a mattress, pay attention to its height. It should match your weight. The greater the weight, the thicker the filler layer should be.

For a comfortable “soft” sleep for a person weighing up to 80 kg, a filler with a height of 5 cm is usually sufficient. The thickness of the memory foam layer should be selected to the maximum (for a topper it is 8 cm), otherwise you will not feel the orthopedic effect.

To make a thin mattress last longer, remember to turn it over from time to time and sleep on both sides alternately.

Toppers made from soft fillers can be folded along special folds and rolled into a roll.

Long gone are the days when people slept on mattresses and straw mats. Comfortable today quality mattress became an indispensable attribute each bedroom. Trying to satisfy the growing demands of consumers, textile manufacturers are developing new models and improving old ones, so the question of how to make a mattress with your own hands is becoming less and less common. If there are no products on sale in the appropriate size or color, you don’t want to shell out a significant amount of money for arranging a bed, or you just want to get an exclusive model, you can make a mattress yourself. To do this you just need to purchase required material and study the recommendations of experts.

The most common filling for a homemade mattress is polyurethane foam (PPU), better known as “foam rubber”. There are many varieties of this synthetic material. All of them have different hardness, density, elasticity and are used in different areas production depending on properties and characteristics.

Foam rubber for bedding must satisfy two conditions: firstly, to be soft and elastic, and secondly, to quickly restore its shape after load. The main indicator by which the quality of polyurethane foam can be assessed is density. It ranges from 25 to 40 kg/m³ and when marked is indicated by two Latin letters, followed by numbers corresponding to the hardness index.

  • ST - standard, has a density of 25 kg/m³ or more, used in children's products.
  • EL - increased rigidity, withstands loads up to 100 kg. Inexpensive foam rubber brand EL2240 will last no more than 5 years. Filler marked EL2842 is considered more durable and wear-resistant. Products made from such material can last more than 10 years.
  • HR and VE are highly elastic foam rubber used for the manufacture of luxury furniture. This is the brand that experts recommend for manufacturing bedding. Products made from latex polyurethane foam support the body in the correct position, have good breathability, sufficient softness and elasticity.

Before choosing foam rubber for a mattress, you need to check the labeling of the filler and make sure that its characteristics meet the standards.

How to make a foam mattress

When starting work, you need to decide exactly for what needs the finished product will be used. If needed stationary mattress for constant use, in addition to polyurethane foam, you will also have to stock up spring block. When you need easy portable model for guests or for the dacha, you can get by with just one foam rubber.

Materials and tools

For the manufacture of foam mattress You need to prepare the following tools and materials.

  • Dense polyurethane foam - necessary for constructing a frame within which the filler will be placed. This design will allow the product to better retain its shape, increase wear resistance and service life.
  • Foam rubber marked EL, HR or VE- used as a filler. The inside of the box is filled with foam rubber pure form or combine it with layers of coconut coir, struttofiber or other materials to improve the orthopedic properties of the sleeping place. It is better to purchase solid pieces of foam rubber that match the dimensions of the sleeping place. If this was not possible, then to make a foam mattress with your own hands, you can use separate pieces of filler.
  • Glue - will be needed to glue the box and connect the layers of filler to each other. To work, you need to purchase a specific adhesive composition designed specifically for gluing foam rubber, for example Sefox. It is completely safe for health and does not emit unpleasant odors, firmly connects surfaces. To spray it evenly, it is better to use a special gun.
  • Fabric for sewing a cover- preference should be given to dense natural fabrics. Linen, calico, cotton and viscose are perfect for making a cover.

In addition, you will need tools: a tape measure or measuring tape, scissors and a sharp knife for cutting the filler, sewing machine for making a cover.

Execution technology

All materials and tools are prepared, you can begin work. Step-by-step instructions for making a homemade mattress, recommended by Miss Clean magazine, will help you cope with this difficult task.

  1. First of all, you need to carefully measure sleeping area and determine the dimensions of the future product.
  2. At the next stage, the frame is assembled. So that the filler does not move to the side and the product holds its shape well, make a box of dense foam rubber with a thickness of 5 to 10 cm. To do this, the bars, cut in accordance with the dimensions of the future mattress, are laid on a flat surface in the form of a rectangle and glued with a special adhesive composition, spraying it at the docking points.
  3. Now you can start laying the filler. If you managed to purchase a solid sheet of foam rubber 10-15 cm thick, all that remains is to cut out a piece and place it in a previously made frame.
  4. In the event that it is decided to combine different fillers, the task becomes a little more complicated. To prevent the mattress from spreading to the sides and securely holding the sleeper’s body, the layers must be firmly connected to each other using an adhesive composition, spraying it over the surface. For combined product You can use all possible fillers. For example, you can arrange a sleeping place from layers of polyurethane foam with layers of coconut coir, resulting in an excellent orthopedic mattress of increased rigidity. A mattress consisting of two layers of struttofiber and foam rubber between them will be no less comfortable.
  5. It is difficult to find thick foam rubber on sale, but thin foam is common. If you decide to make a mattress with your own hands from polyurethane foam no more than 5 cm thick, then you will need to glue the sheets together.

To make a mattress, you should not take small scraps of polyurethane foam. different sizes. The base of the product must be integral and not consist of prefabricated elements.

Sewing a cover

To sew a cover you will need fabric, thread and a sewing machine. After control measurements of the length and width of the finished frame with filling have been made, you need to cut out the parts of the cover, not forgetting to leave 3 cm for the seams.

The cover should tightly cover the mattress, providing the product with additional strength and elasticity. Therefore, it will not be easy for one person to tighten it and may require outside help. At the end of the work, the open side is sewn up or closed with a zipper built in advance.

Usually such a cover is never removed; it is part of the product. To keep your homemade mattress clean, it is better to sew an additional removable cover or mattress pad.

The finished product is taken out to Fresh air to remove unpleasant odors.

If desired, anyone can make a foam mattress on their own at home. You just need to get a piece of high-quality filler and follow the recommendations of experts. In addition, you can make an orthopedic mattress with a block of independent springs instead of foam rubber, creating with my own hands comfortable and durable sleeping place.

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