Decoration of buns. Cutting dough for pastries.

I want to cook something special for the holiday. And offer a new interpretation of already known and beloved dishes. So it's time to check out some new food design ideas!

Our review today is dedicated to creative cutting of dough - from the simplest to real masterpieces of flour production.

Putting ideas in the piggy bank!

Buns made from strips and layers of dough without filling

From "sausages" yeast dough You can make beautiful buns. To prevent the strips from sticking together, the sausage must first be greased with egg. And then wrap it with an ornate line according to the pattern you like.

From a small rolled strip you can make a flower bun, a bow bun, or a leaf bun.

For children, we definitely make baked goods in the shape of animals.

From a layer of puff pastry you can make a stylish bun with a large bow.

Baking based on rolls

Original spikelets, buns and bread can be made on the basis of rolls. Apply here various schemes cutting the dough with scissors.

We make the spikelet as follows: sprinkle the dough “sausage” with poppy seeds. Then we make cuts in the roll at an angle of 45 degrees, and lay them out in a “pigtail”.

Similarly, we make spikelets stuffed with poppy seeds or cinnamon and sugar.

You can make a rosy wreath from a roll with sugar and cinnamon.

If you cut the roll into pieces and place it on a baking sheet, you can make cinnamon rolls. When ready, fill the buns with chocolate glaze, concentrated syrup, nuts with sugar or other delicious decoration.

Decorating the edge of the pie

Open pies and pizza can be decorated in a special way by decorating the edge in advance and filling it with filling.

Original filled pies

Adults and children love pies. You can surprise and delight your loved ones by making them in the shape of roses, animals, curls, apples and other fruits and vegetables. Thus, you can make themed pies for a specific event or for a specific person.

Stuffed pies

Large stuffed pies can be decorated in the shape of a funny turtle. The relief on the shell can be made using imprints of cups or dumplings.

Stuffed flower pie can be made with any fairly thick filling or with a combination of two fillings. Place the filling on the bottom layer and form a center and a ring. Then cover with a second layer of dough and fix the center with a plate. We fasten the ring around the edge and make cuts, unfolding the dough like flower petals.

We make a stuffed ring pie with the filling peeking out using special cuts in the center of the dough layer and fold it towards the edge.

Stuffed pie in the shape of a fish is made from puff pastry or yeast dough.

Country pie with minced meat and eggs is also quite beautiful and colorful. This dish will surely delight your guests!

From small round pies with filling we form bunch of grapes, decorate carved leaves and vine. Here is the finished culinary masterpiece!

The stuffed pie can be perforated. For such a pie, a thick filling made from pieces of meat, cabbage, and apples is suitable.

Two-color pies

Pies and buns made from two-color dough are very original. We make them according to the principle of the well-known Zebra pie, coloring half of the dough with cocoa powder. And then everything depends on your imagination. You can put snow-white balls of dough into a baking dish and fill them with the dark part of the dough, you can bake multi-colored cakes and make a cake out of them, or you can connect two layers of light and dark dough, make two rolls and use them to make colored butterflies.

Decorative bread

It is our custom to greet guests with bread and salt. But where can you get beautiful decorative bread? It turns out that you can bake it yourself. There are a lot of worthy options. Let's get to know them:

Open pies and pies

Open pies and pies can be decorated not only with an original edge.

We make puff pastry pies with the effect of an opening flower from two square layers, cutting the top one.

We now make charlotte with apples in a new format. We spread a curd filling with the consistency of thick sour cream onto the shortbread dough, and decorate the top with apple roses.

We decorate pies with berries and jam filling with decorative pieces of dough.

We make open puff pastry pies with meat filling.

We decorate pies and pies with a border of dough and sausages. To do this, place a sausage between two layers, secure it, make cuts and unfold it.

You can make rose pies with pieces of boiled sausage.

Open pie with pear and cottage cheese is very healthy. We fill the shortcrust pastry base with pears, cut into rings, without separating them. We lay them out in the shape of a flower and fill them with liquid curd filling. Bake.

We make a pear pie from a puff pastry and half a pear. Original and simple!

Pie "Santa Claus"

For New Year's holiday It's worth baking a cake with one of its symbols. We suggest making a pie with the image of Grandfather Frost.


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We all enjoy eating different buns. We see that they come in different shapes. And every time we want to know baking and shapes. How to create or weave dough like this delicious buns? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Now you will learn how easily you can create buns of different configurations. Yeast dough allows you to create different interweavings of dough pieces to create sometimes even complex shapes.

Bun Dough Recipe

Cooking time 40 minutes. The dough rise time is 2 hours.

Products for 1 kg of dough:

  • 1.5 tablespoons milk powder
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanillin
  • 130 grams butter
  • 1 glass of water
  • 750 grams flour
  • 25 grams of dry (pressed) yeast
  • 2 eggs

Preparation of yeast dough:

  1. Take 1/4 cup of water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and crumble the yeast. Stir and leave until the mass rises.
  2. In a large bowl, sift the flour, remaining sugar, vanillin, powdered milk and mix well. Pour warm boiled water, warm melted butter and suitable yeast into the resulting mass, beat the eggs (Photo 1).

Knead the dough (Photo 2).

At first it sticks a lot to your hands, but you don’t need to add extra flour, you just need to knead it well - at least 10 - 15 minutes.

3. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and keep warm until risen (Photo 3).

When the dough has risen, punch it down, knead it a little, and you are ready to make buns.

Yeast dough buns: “Spindle” shaped buns with sugar

Weaving time is 1.5 minutes for 1 bun.

Products for 20 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

How to make dough buns step by step:

  1. Roll the dough into a sausage, divide it into pieces and roll each into a log. Roll out the buns into flat cakes with a diameter of approximately 10 - 12 cm. Brush each flat cake with beaten egg and sprinkle sugar on top (Photo 1).

2. Roll the tortillas into rolls (Photo 2).

3. Cut the roll in half, not reaching the end by 1 - 1.5 cm (Photo 3).

4. Twist the resulting two strips together as in (Photo 4). Seal the ends.

When the buns are woven, they need to be placed on a baking sheet, left to rise for 20 minutes, then coat the top with beaten egg. Bake in an oven heated to 180 degrees C until golden brown.

Spindle-shaped buns with sugar are ready.

Beautiful buns made from yeast dough “Flowers”

Weaving time is 1 minute for 1 bun.

Products for 15 - 20 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

Modeling the shape of “Flowers” ​​buns:

  1. Divide the dough into small koloboks (about the size of a child's fist), and make a sausage from each kolobka (Photo 1).

2. Tie the sausage in a knot (not too tight), without pulling it all the way (Photo 2) and so that one end of the dough is longer than the other.

3. Take the short end of the dough and braid it around the knot. Next, in the other direction, braid the long end of the dough around the knot (Photo 3).

4. Fasten one end to the side, and thread the other into the middle (Photo 4).

The top of the buns can be sprinkled with sesame seeds, sugar or crushed nuts. But first cover it with whipped raw egg. You can pour melted chocolate over the buns, but then you need to bake them first and cool them a little.

Flower-shaped buns in the oven - ready.

How to make buns in the shape of “Pigtails”

The weaving time for one bun is 1 minute.

Products for 15 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

Modeling buns in the shape of “Pigtails”

  1. Divide the dough into koloboks, from which you make a sausage (Photo 1).

2. Place the sausage as in photo 1: end B should be extended slightly in contrast to end A.

3. Place end A into the loop (you can see it in Photo 1) and secure it at the back (Photo 2). Only end B remains free.

4. Twist the oval that has formed (visible in Photo 2) once with a figure eight (Photo 3).

End B remains at the top of the figure eight. Bring it back behind the product and thread it into the free hole of the figure eight (Photo 4).

All that remains is to transfer the buns to a baking sheet, let them rise for 20 minutes and brush with beaten egg. Then into the preheated oven, just like the other buns above.

The “Pigtail” shaped buns are ready.

How to make chrysanthemum shaped buns

The weaving time for one bun is 1.5 - 2 minutes.

Products for 15 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

Weaving Chrysanthemum buns - step by step:

  1. Divide the dough into koloboks, roll out an oval from each. Cut the oval into thin strips (Photo 1).

Roll the oval cut into strips into a roll, but roll it obliquely rather than straight (Photo 1 and Photo 2).

Do everything carefully, the weaves should not be tight.

2. Twist the resulting roll into a snail (Photo 3),

secure the end to the back of the product (Photo 4). Then place them on a baking sheet, let them rise, brush with beaten egg and bake in a preheated oven.

“Chrysanthemums” will turn out more interesting if the ovals, before cutting, are greased with egg and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar.

Chrysanthemum-shaped buns made from yeast dough are ready.

Weaving the simplest forms of buns - video tutorial

Happy baking with beautiful shapes buns.

Cutting buns from yeast dough. Photo

 10:10 April 15, 2017

Today we will get acquainted with interesting examples very beautiful and original baked goods. It only takes a little work with the dough before sending the bun or pie into the oven - and we get real culinary masterpieces! There can be countless options for such “scenery”, so the main thing here is to understand the basic principles and get a little practice, and then you yourself will be surprised at what beauty you can create. Not to mention how you can please your family and amaze your guests.

Decorative cutting of baked goods, photo

This is what it looks like, either a sun or a sunflower. Individual segments are twisted from strips of dough, and then the entire structure is brushed with beaten egg (or egg white) and sprinkled with sugar, sesame seeds, poppy seeds or other seeds.

And this is such a cute envelope with strawberry jam. Or raspberry. Or maybe cherry. In general, you can put any filling, even cheese or chocolate.

We knit knots. The authors of the photograph called this product “The Path to Love.” Presumably - thorny and winding? Or just “through the stomach”?

Another option for knots.

And here is an original tube with cheese. Or a roll, if you like. In the Western version, cream cheese is used here. But you can put a slice of regular cheese or processed cheese. Curd cream will also work.

And this is such an original twisted braid. Similar options with preliminary cutting or slicing of dough are widely used in the manufacture of pies with a variety of with different fillings.

This unusual star in the shape of a cross is made from narrow strips, like dough straps. In fact, the preparation for baking is woven. You can weave anything you want if you want.

A very large and beautifully decorated cheesecake. As a filler - cottage cheese, cream cheese, curd dessert, etc.

This braid-shaped pie can be made with a variety of fillings, and not only sweet ones. Options with mushrooms, minced meat or fish will turn out great. By the way, on the basis of such a braid you can easily prepare baked goods in the form of fish, crocodile and other semi-aquatic animals.

Here the cake is divided into fragments, each of which is decoratively twisted. There are quite a few similar options for cutting dough.

Here's one of them. Here the manufacturing principle is the same as in the previous version.

And here is another bun made from pre-cut dough. This time - with apple jam.

Figured rolls and filled pies

Now we’ll show you several options for the promised pies in the shape of animals. Here your imagination is not limited by anything, so you just need to set the right direction.

March 31, 2017 5520

Many people want to diversify their menu, including dessert treats. Of course, you don’t have to think about what to make for tea, but go to the store and buy various sweets and confectionery there, but still, baked goods made yourself will be much tastier.

Buns would be a good addition for dessert. Baking is not that difficult, but the main thing in this matter is the beautiful design.

After all, not everyone can make beautiful twisted buns with various braided patterns. But you can find out how to make them below from the recipes with photos.

From yeast dough

  • a glass of milk;
  • sugar – 100 grams;
  • 2 yolks;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • dry yeast – 25 grams or a packet of “quick” yeast;
  • kilogram of flour;
  • yolk and 30 ml of milk - for greasing the top of the baked goods.

Let's start cooking:

  1. The first step is to prepare the dough for the test. To do this, all the milk must be heated;
  2. Add yeast to warm milk and dissolve in it;
  3. Add 2 large spoons of granulated sugar and stir;
  4. As soon as the entire mixture becomes homogeneous, sift 1 large spoon of flour into it and stir;
  5. Cover the top of the dough with a towel and put it in a warm place for 10-15 minutes;
  6. Meanwhile, place the butter in a saucepan, put it on the fire and heat until completely melted;
  7. Add two yolks into the suitable dough and pour in warm melted butter;
  8. Then pour in the rest of the granulated sugar and stir with a whisk;
  9. At the end, vanilla powder, salt are added to the base and flour is sifted;
  10. It is better to add flour in parts so that the dough is fluffy;
  11. After this, everything is thoroughly mixed, first with a spoon and then by hand;
  12. Cover the cup with the dough with a towel and leave to infuse for room temperature. The dough should stand for about 40-60 minutes;
  13. Once the dough has risen, you can begin to form the buns. You can make buns in the form different forms. Let's look at the most popular ones.


Execution scheme:


Execution scheme:


Butterflies are performed according to the following scheme:

The buns should be baked at 200 degrees for 10 minutes, then the temperature is reduced to 180 degrees and the buns should be baked for 15-20 minutes.

How to make beautifully shaped burgers

Buns in the shape of roses

How to make roses with poppy seeds:

Braids or curls

Curls are made according to the following scheme:


The formation of hearts with poppy seeds is done as follows:

With apples

Mini braids

How to make braids with apples:


How to make spirals with an apple:


How to make roses:

With cottage cheese


How to make envelopes:


How to make roses with cottage cheese:


How to make beautiful buns with cottage cheese:

From butter dough

What components are required for the test:

  • 4 cups flour;
  • 1 large spoon of dry yeast;
  • a glass of milk;
  • one egg;
  • two large spoons of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • half a stick of butter;
  • a little vanilla powder.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Pour flour into a cup, add dry yeast, salt and granulated sugar;
  2. You can add vanilla powder and mix everything;
  3. The milk should be slightly warmed and poured into the dry ingredients;
  4. Break the egg and place it in a container with the ingredients;
  5. The butter should first be removed from the refrigerator so that it can stand for a while at room temperature and soften;
  6. Add the oil to the rest of the ingredients;
  7. Mix everything thoroughly, first with a spoon and then with your hands;
  8. Form the dough into a ball and cover with a towel;
  9. Place the bowl in a warm place and leave to stand for about an hour until the dough rises.


Braids are made according to the following scheme:

Christmas trees

How to make Christmas trees from dough:

How to make beautifully shaped buns with jam


From puff pastry

Braid with cottage cheese

How to make a braid with cottage cheese filling:

  1. To begin, roll out a rectangular layer of dough and cut into strips from one edge;
  2. Place a small mound of cottage cheese filling in the center and cut the other edge into strips;
  3. Then, in turn, we braid each section in the form of a braid from right to left;
  4. Place the finished braid on a baking sheet.


How to make rolls:


How to make puff pastry rings:

Beautiful buns made from yeast, butter and puff pastry in the form of hearts, roses, braids, butterflies will be a wonderful table decoration. They can be done even every day, especially since you can see the detailed design from the photo. Therefore, the entire cooking process will not cause any particular difficulties.

Hello, dears!

I miss you) How dizzying and at the same time relaxing summer was! Walks, nature, warmth, barbecue, fresh air, splash warm water. So much so that he doesn’t emerge from it at all)) And I don’t regret it at all!

But there were also rainy, cool days when we were at home and again we wanted hot tea, and with it something baked, warm, aromatic.

One of these days I wanted to bake puff pastries. So that they are beautiful puff pastries, intricate, with different sweet fillings. And away we go))

There is nothing complicated in the process of making puff pastries; all the work is described on the package with the dough.

Ingredients for making beautiful puff pastries:

- ready puff pastry in packages (in the form of rectangular or square layers);

- 1 egg for brushing the puff pastry.

Options for sweet fillings for puff pastries:

- cinnamon with sugar;

- steamed seedless raisins;

- banana pieces;

- steamed and chopped prunes and dried apricots (separately or in a mixture);

- fresh berries (with sugar if desired): strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cherries;

- fresh apple pieces, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar;

- canned fruit pieces: peaches, apricots, pineapples;

- jam, marmalade, jam;

- boiled condensed milk;

- pieces of chocolate.

Preparation of puff pastries:

U different manufacturers I've come across two types of puff pastry: squares and rectangles. Based on the shape of the layers, we will choose the type for future layers.

Which dough to choose: yeast or yeast-free?

From yeast dough, puff pastries are softer, and from yeast-free dough, they are crispier. Choose according to your taste. I love yeast dough and soft puff pastries.

How to work with ready-made frozen puff pastry?

Separate the frozen layers of dough from each other and place them on a flat surface for 20-30 minutes until they become soft. If necessary, roll out (roll only in one direction so as not to damage the layers of dough!). Shape the dough into any shape, using filling if desired. Place the puff pastries on a baking sheet on baking paper at a distance from each other, cover with a towel and leave at room temperature for 15-20 minutes to proof. For shine ready-made puff pastries brush the dough with beaten egg. Bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 5-7 minutes until golden brown, then reduce the temperature to 175 degrees and bake for another 10-15 minutes until done.

Use your cutting edge to cut the dough. sharp knife! I use ceramic. If your knife has been sharpened for a long time, the dough may stick to it.

Rectangular layers of dough


Cut the dough layers diagonally. Place banana slices on the bases of the resulting triangles and roll them into a bagel. Here for filling Chocolate chunks also work well.


Sprinkle the dough thickly with cinnamon and sugar, leaving one of the narrow edges of the dough free. Roll in the direction of the free edge.

Cut the roll in half. Cut each part in the middle, not reaching a little to the end. Turn the resulting halves out.

"Pies with cuts"

Cut the dough sheet in half along the long side. Make parallel cuts on one half of the resulting rectangles. Place chopped berries on the other half (I used cherries).

Cover the filling with the second half of the dough, slightly stretching the cuts. Press the edges of the puff pastry tightly with your fingers to prevent it from coming apart during baking. Here, bright berries are well suited for the filling: cherries, strawberries, which will be visible through the cuts.

"Curly pies"

Cut the dough sheet in half along the long side. Place jam on one half of the resulting rectangles, cover with the other half of the dough, and press the edges tightly with your fingers.

Then press the edges with a fork to create grooves. Press the dough tightly along the edges so that the filling does not leak out!

Square layers of dough

To make puff pastries, cut each square layer of dough into 4 small squares.


We make cuts in the corners, leaving a distance of approximately 1 cm between them on the sides of the square. Place halves of canned apricots in the center.

Pull the corners of the dough towards the center and press tightly.


Place steamed raisins on the center of the square (first pour boiling water over the raisins for 10 minutes until they become soft, then drain the water). Pull the corners of the dough towards the center and press tightly. Almost any non-liquid filling is suitable here: chopped bananas, berries, fruits, dried apricots, prunes.


My favorite puff shape! There are long cuts on opposite corners of the cases. Transfer the dough from the corners to opposite sides and press lightly.

We put the filling into the resulting “basket” (I used fresh chopped strawberries with sugar). Any filling will do; the color contrasting with the dough looks best.

Place the puff pastries on a baking sheet on baking paper, brush the dough with beaten egg for shine.

Phew, that was all for today! I don’t know who was more pleased - me when I was cooking, or everyone I treated))

Of course, this is not all that can be wrapped in puff pastry. I really want to add more to the article. There are still simple puff “tongues” and “spirals” with sugar, triangular pies, another puff “flowers”...

Help yourself! All the best to you, summer, warm! I sincerely wish you to enjoy the last month of summer!

With love, Elena Nazarenko

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