Summer kitchen with veranda projects. Summer kitchen in the country: options for organizing space

Projects for summer kitchens appeared during the Soviet Union. Many people associate childhood with being small wooden house, where in summer you can sit in a cozy small kitchen. Today, the fashion for a summer kitchen with a veranda has returned. Accordingly, everyone is interested in how to build it. To do this, you need to use the instructions and useful recommendations.

It is in the summer kitchen that vegetables, berries and fruits are processed. This is where food is prepared and enjoyed at fresh air. Summer cuisine can perform others household functions. Also, thanks to the gazebo, an additional sleeping place can be arranged.

There are a great many options for interior design of such a room. Therefore, we will consider the most interesting projects.

Summer kitchen and outdoor veranda

This project implies:

  • meeting guests;
  • holding family holidays;
  • performing basic work.

At the same time, this project looks just like a small house. People only settle in it on warm summer days.

Such a room is built with low material costs and is quite simple. In this house, in addition to the kitchen itself, there is only one more room. The continuation of the house is the terrace. The main furniture is taken out onto the veranda and guests and family meals are held in the fresh air.

The roof is being made one piece the house and the veranda itself.

Summer kitchen with access to the veranda

Lately it has become fashionable to lengthen the porch. Because of this, it becomes possible to make an extension-terrace. To implement this project, you will need to install special support beams and install partitions. When the main work is completed, all that remains is to make a slanting canopy from the wall of the house.

Each person will be able to exit onto the veranda through the doorway. The downside of this kitchen is that this design is only suitable for a certain type of room.

Summer kitchen projects with a gazebo

The summer kitchen can also be equipped with a gazebo. You can make preparations for the winter in it or cook barbecue. The advantages of a summer kitchen with a gazebo are:

  1. when rearranging dishes, no unnecessary sounds disturb anyone;
  2. odors do not disturb the residents of the house;
  3. comfort, space and constant ventilation.

Options for summer kitchens with a veranda (video)


A summer house cannot do without a foundation. You can easily make it yourself. This design obliged have features such as:

  • strength,
  • reliability.

At the same time, there are no serious requirements for the foundation. For this building, for example, ordinary slabs will do.

Monolithic foundation is impossible would be better suited for summer kitchen projects. Additional plates placed in corners. This gives the house reliability and strength.

Frame project

The construction of the frame should begin when the foundation has already been poured. Metal corners should be used to secure the beams for better reliability. This will guarantee that the house will not collapse during strong gusts of wind.

Phased construction the frame looks like this:

  • before installing the walls, the beams are coated with paint or varnish;
  • beams load-bearing structure connected to each other into a tongue and groove;
  • additional fastenings are provided to the beams using screws;
  • The corners should be secured with metal bolts;
  • wooden edging beams are attached to the foundation using corners;
  • for electrical wiring and water pipes It is imperative to provide openings for communications.

Once the frame design is completed, the summer kitchen is equipped with water and electricity.

Roof and gable projects

When building a summer kitchen that has a veranda, the configuration of the pediment must be taken into account. It depends directly on the slope of the roof. The nodes that connect the pediment are worked out with special care.

Beams with rectangular cross-sectionthe best choice for this design. Metal anchors the rigidity of the fastening is ensured.

3D projects of summer kitchens with a veranda (video)


A summer house with a kitchen can be equipped with both a veranda and a gazebo. Which projects you prefer is up to you to decide. It’s not difficult to build them, just follow the written recommendations.

Summer kitchen projects with a veranda (photo)

Well, in what other place can you gain so much strength and improve your health so well, if not on your own, albeit sometimes modest, but undoubtedly beloved country plot? A special source of pride for summer residents is the summer kitchen, designs and photos of which can be found on various websites on this topic.

What could be better than organizing a barbecue or barbecue in the fresh air filled with the smell of herbs. Only Vacation home or a dacha provides an opportunity to enjoy eating in nature. If you approach this task on a large scale, then a nice country kitchen will probably grow on the site. In this case, preparing country delicacies will become a real pleasure.

Purpose and benefits

A summer kitchen at the dacha is an area for cooking in the heat, when you don’t want to be in the house, and even fill it with the aromas of boiled or fried food. The summer kitchen in the photo is a kind of platform where there is space for preparing and eating food. Stove, dining table, chairs, benches, cabinets, shelving and everything that is in a regular kitchen. If at your dacha you want to achieve maximum comfort and fully enjoy family vacation, it makes sense to think through a kitchen facility on a summer cottage well and comprehensively and then begin construction.


Summer kitchens can be open or closed.


A lightweight canopy or durable roof will protect you even from heavy rain, and replaceable bulkheads will save you from the wind, roller blinds or sliding wall structures. If you are building a summer kitchen with your own hands, then the easiest way is to cover pitched roof. When the owner of a dacha entrusts this work to professionals, then there is no limit to imagination.

To build a summer kitchen in your country house with your own hands, you will need a stone for the foundation and wood for cladding the walls. For the construction of the roof use:

  • metal tiles;
  • slate;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • polycarbonate;
  • bitumen shingles.


  1. Low construction costs.
  2. An easy way construction and the least number of calculations.
  3. Cooking dinner in the fresh air is a pleasure.
  4. The act of eating in nature can be a very enjoyable experience.
  5. The open kitchen in the country house in the photo below is quite suitable for receiving guests.
  6. In the gazebo there is no fear of crumbs falling on the floor or spilled soup.


  1. It is impossible to use the premises in winter.
  2. There is no protection from winds and insects.
  3. Moisture gets in from outside.


Those whose summer season is not limited to the warm season need to take care of a more solid structure that will be comfortable in all weather conditions. Summer kitchens in the country closed type, photos of which you will see below, can become a multifunctional object. Sometimes it’s not a sin to place guests in them for the night, if necessary. As for building materials, everything depends on the budget of the owners and the service life of the kitchen house. Materials that may be useful are plasterboard, lining or plywood, and if construction is planned on long years, then it is better to use foam blocks, brick or stone.


  1. Reliable shelter from rain and wind.
  2. Temporary shelter for guests.
  3. Absolute safety of things and products.


  1. An enclosed outdoor kitchen in a country house will cost more, since more material will be needed for construction.
  2. A summer kitchen project of this type will require additional calculations.

Choice places

An outdoor kitchen can take up both large and small space on a site. Therefore, a place for it must be selected immediately along with drawing up a construction plan.

If you are thinking about how to make a summer kitchen, here is what you should focus on when designing:

  1. Consider the remoteness of the object relative to the house, garden, or farm yard.
  2. It is allowed to build a kitchen in the shade of trees, but so that the garden kitchen is warmed by the sun for at least a few hours.
  3. You need to study the terrain where you intend to build, the level groundwater in the country, vegetation, distance from neighbors and others landscape features.
  4. The proximity of communications should be taken into account, because water and lighting will need to be installed. Therefore, it is best if the summer kitchen at the dacha is not far from the house.
  5. You cannot choose a place for a veranda in a low area - the floors here will become saturated with moisture.

Material selection

Will fit organically into the design of a kitchen in the country natural materials- stone, wood. Light and durable materials are also supplied to the markets, which have won the approval of consumers for their durability and practicality - PVC, aluminum, polycarbonate, polystyrene foam, etc.


The floor and walls can be faced with stone - marble, slate, granite, limestone. A genuine stone-covered (or stone-stylized) authentic or decorative fireplace. A tile that will perfectly withstand not only bad weather, but also ordinary of this premises pollution, litter We invite you to see what a brick summer kitchen looks like, the photo of which is below.


Wood is much more economical than stone. It is easier to process wood, and buildings made from it look lightweight, beautiful, and have a pleasant smell. However, without specific treatment it is subject to decay, deterioration, and fungal infection.

Other materials

This can be lining, plywood, drywall. Parquet, laminate, and linoleum are used for flooring. The interior decoration of the summer kitchen is tiles, wallpaper different types. Siding can be used for exterior finishing; corrugated sheeting and metal tiles for roofing.

Design selection

The basic rule is that the design of a summer kitchen must fit harmoniously into the concept of the entire site. When designing a veranda made of stone, details made of wood or compositions with other natural materials are applicable and even necessary.

Often, verandas at the dacha look like fairy-tale towers or gazebos. This design of a summer kitchen is very easy to organize: you just need to hang lanterns, decorate it with carvings and decorate it climbing plants.

Filling and furniture

Country furniture Now it's easy to buy in every furniture store. It is possible to purchase ready-made sets or order a kitchen interior professional designer. The furniture and the entire design of a summer kitchen in the country, photos of which can be seen in the article, look extremely beautiful, your eyes run wild with ideas and projects, but you need to equip your own kitchen.

When thinking about furniture, it’s a good idea to come up with an image of your particular kitchen: a major one or a simple portable one. In the first case, all furniture objects are fixed to the right points and cannot be moved around the perimeter. This version may be relevant for a completely open plan.

The countertop should have such dimensions that it can comfortably accommodate the utensils and food products necessary during food preparation - this is at least 90x60 cm. A cabinet under the countertop will also add ergonomics. It is good to arrange pots, plates, pans and necessary cutlery.


Wooden decor looks great on the veranda, but it must be treated with high-quality varnish that can protect the wood from rain and sun if the room is open. Summer kitchen in the country - projects, photos of which can be found in abundance on the Internet, will surprise you with the variety of decor and filling.

Don’t forget about accessories in the interior. On the hanging shelves you can beautifully arrange decorative dishes, vases with bouquets of summer flowers, and various containers with the necessary spices.

Popular ideas

Let's move on to the main thing - a kitchen in the country: ideas and tips for their implementation.


Gazebos are convenient for setting up a grill, barbecue or oven.

Frame racks made of timber, brick, stone are placed in the corners, and the entire structure is secured with a roof made of simple roofing material(ondulin, bitumen sheets).

Gaps between the racks are left or sheathed on one of the walls in order to hang shelves or kitchen cabinets.

Openings can be decorated with curtains, openwork wood panels, which can subsequently weave around weaving plants. To make the room comfortable in any weather, you need to install retractable, replaceable fences or roller blinds.


A country kitchen in the form of a house looks like a real home. But building it will require much more work, be it laying a base (preferably monolithic) or installing windows and doors.

Most functional gable roof. Heavy downpours and snow caps will not be a problem with such a roof. A good cellar wouldn’t hurt at all; in this case, construction should begin with digging a pit. It is in the house that a summer kitchen with a veranda as a dining area will look beautiful.


If you decide to equip a summer kitchen on the veranda, then remember, it should be in good harmony with the whole house. Construction begins with a foundation, the depth of which should be commensurate with the depth of the foundation of the house.

It's better if country house and the veranda have one thing in common roof covering. To make the room bright, install large casement windows or glaze the entire wall.


The project of a summer kitchen with a terrace is shown in our article. Support beams are placed along the walls of the house, covered with a tilted roof. On a well-leveled area where water does not accumulate, the floor can be simply laid on the ground. Excellent material it will be for him paving slabs.

Summer kitchen in the country - projects, photos of which are also presented in the article, will help you decide on the final look future construction. When developing a construction plan, you need to take care of the paths that will connect it to the main house. Sandstone, pebbles, decorative tiles or stone. As a rule, the paths are made the same as the flooring of the gazebo.

Photo gallery

We invite you to look at 29 more photos of ways to decorate a summer kitchen.

Cooking in the kitchen small size- not a pleasant task. Hot air, cramped conditions, constant absence free space, make the cooking process difficult and sometimes unbearable. There is only one way out - to build a separate spacious summer kitchen at the dacha, where there is enough space not only to accommodate a working area, but also a dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. About what kind of summer kitchen is most in demand today, and is it possible to build it yourself using standard projects And regular photo, later in our article.

What is a summer kitchen?

A summer kitchen in a country house is a structure attached to the house or a separate structure designed for cooking and relaxing. Depending on the choice of materials and method of insulation, it can be used both during the warm season and constantly.

The type of summer kitchen design can be open or closed. In the first case, the walls of the building are missing completely or partially. They can be replaced by light curtains or. The closed type has solid walls and windows that reliably shelter the kitchen from rain and wind.

For an experienced carpenter, it will not be difficult to build a rain shelter over the summer kitchen yourself.

A summer kitchen with a simple design can be easily erected in just one summer. This will require basic skills construction work, necessary material and tools. Well, to be on the safe side, it is advisable to have one or two assistants, since some types of work will be performed at height.

Important! Before starting construction of an object, you should select for it appropriate place. Not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side question.

We select a place for construction

When choosing a suitable place, first of all you need to take into account that the kitchen should not be too far away from the house. And the point is not even that it will be easier and cheaper to connect communications, but that it should be within walking distance from the main building. After all, you must admit that going to the opposite side of the site every day to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner is not very convenient.

In addition, there should be no sources with an unpleasant odor near the summer kitchen. These include barns and cages with animals, pits with fertilizers, compost heaps, sewer wells, septic tanks, etc.

Have own kitchen outdoors is the dream of every housewife

If there is a tree on the site, it is advisable to plan a summer kitchen in close proximity to it. On hot days, you can place a table and chairs under its thick crown. It’s no secret that having breakfast in the fresh air is doubly pleasant.

However, getting carried away by planning the future structure, do not forget about the rules fire safety, neglect of which can lead to not the best consequences.

The presence of an open flame in a summer kitchen is allowed if it is at least 8-10 meters away from flammable buildings.

Deciding on a kitchen project (photo)

To ensure that the cooking annex is practical, functional and comfortable, as well as attractive appearance- it is important to choose for her correct project, in which all the nuances and design features will be described down to the smallest detail.

In addition, it is important that the kitchen fits organically into the overall development and does not disturb the surrounding landscape, so it is advisable to choose the same materials for its construction as for the house itself. This way you will achieve perfect harmony between the two buildings.

As you may have already noticed, many summer kitchen projects, photos of which are posted in the article, have original and custom design. This suggests that today the aesthetic component is no less important than the functional one.

Constructing a building on your own

When the place and design for the summer kitchen have been chosen, you can safely begin its construction. Like any building, the construction of a summer kitchen is carried out in four stages:

  1. Marking the site and pouring the foundation.
  2. Construction of walls (if provided for by the project) or support pillars.
  3. Construction of the roof.
  4. Interior and exterior finishing.


Since this structure is relatively light, there is no need to pour a capital foundation. It is quite possible to do without it or, most importantly, it should be carried out in compliance with technology.

Important! For those who subsequently do not want to bother with the installation of the floor, it is perfect, the upper base of which will be the floor.

To build a summer kitchen made of glass, a foundation may not be required at all.

  • Strip foundation. First, a marking is made on the site, which is marked on the plane with fixed pegs with a rope stretched between them. Next, a pit is dug (depth 40-60 cm), along the perimeter of which formwork made of boards or moisture-resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, to avoid heaving of the soil, a backfill is made of compacted seeded sand and crushed stone. Before pouring concrete, reinforcement is lowered into the trench and tied with wire using a special hook. The foundation must stand for at least 30 days. If you are lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
  • Monolithic foundation. Having previously marked the site, a pit is dug to a depth of 15-20 cm. To strengthen the soil and protect the slab from groundwater, geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the pit, on top of which a sand cushion is made. Next, the sand is well leveled and compacted tightly with a tamping machine. All that remains is to install the formwork, tie reinforcement cage, pour concrete solution. After complete drying, a reliable and high-quality base for a summer kitchen is ready.

Important! If you plan to use an open type of summer kitchen, a stove made of monolithic foundation it is recommended to do it with a slight slope of 1.5º-2º, so that along it rainwater could flow down on its own.

Walls and roof

If the walls of the summer kitchen are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame, which is made of metal or wooden blocks.

  1. Large (support) posts are installed in the corners - measuring 200x200 mm, and between them additional ones - measuring 150x150 mm.
  2. The upper strapping beams are placed on the support bars, which will also serve as the basis for installing the rafters.
  3. After the rafters are installed, from bars measuring 50x50 mm. lathing and counter-lattice are made.
  4. Next, the entire structure is processed special composition from fungus and mold, after which installation is carried out.

Often, rounded logs, bricks or stones are used as wall materials, which are ideal for this type of construction. With such walls, the building can be used all year round, the main thing is to make them of high quality.

An undeniable advantage is that summer kitchen facade from a log, facing bricks or decorative stone does not require additional finishing. Extra costs boil down only to the fact that wood is needed, and stone and brick are needed.

Deciding on the façade design

When choosing a summer kitchen project from photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shape, size, and functional component, but also to the design of the structure. For a dacha, it is very important that the style of the extensions matches general layout the entire area as a whole.

This does not mean at all that the building should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Quite the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic touches.

Special attention in the summer kitchen you should also pay attention to the working and dining areas, where everything should be as rational and convenient as possible. The following will help you organize your space wisely: photos of summer kitchens, where it is clearly demonstrated how to beautifully and correctly design various zones.

Work zone - important element in the interior. Try to make it comfortable and practical

  • Furniture. Use upholstered furniture in an open-type summer kitchen is not a good idea. In most cases, it is made of foam rubber, which absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable cushions. Also fits well into the interior different kinds wicker furniture that goes well with any finishing materials. For example, a rattan chair or a wicker chair will look very beautiful. If a closed type of kitchen is used, then the flight of fancy should not be limited by anything. In this case, you can use any furniture, including upholstered furniture.
  • Lighting. Correct lighting summer kitchen in the country, regardless of its size - important stage repair work. A chandelier or a single lamp suspended in the center cannot always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all areas, it is advisable to use more than one type of lighting. It is appropriate to place it above the work area Spotlights in tandem with, and hang a large chandelier above the table.

We hope that this article will help you wisely approach the issue of choosing suitable project for your summer kitchen. As you can see, sources for inspiration and fresh ideas there is enough to implement the plan. Good luck with your construction.

A summer kitchen in a country house is usually used for seasonal use in the spring. summer period. This is a separate building whose main task is convenient cooking or preserving food. Very often, a summer kitchen is combined with a barbecue, tandoor or barbecue, because dishes prepared in this way are always associated with summer gatherings in a friendly company.

Summer kitchens are divided into open and closed, and therefore, before erecting a building, decide what functions it will perform.

Closed summer kitchens

A summer kitchen in the country is convenient.

In fact a closed summer kitchen is already a full-fledged house, but more compact. Very often, such a summer kitchen also has a recreation room and can gradually turn into a separate home. To build an enclosed summer kitchen, you can use stone, foam block, adobe or brick. Wooden beams are also often used.

Electricity and necessary communications must be supplied. Often A special feature of a closed summer kitchen is the oven. Dishes from the oven have a special taste and aroma, but such ovens have not been used in residential buildings for a long time.

It is important to take care of the water supply and sewerage. Still, it’s more convenient if you don’t have to carry water from a well several times a day. But to find out how to install it, see this article in detail.

Sometimes a summer kitchen is built from less durable materials. For example, boards, plywood or double-glazed windows. In this case, the summer kitchen is used only in the warm season, but in winter it can replace a regular utility unit.

Very often, a closed summer kitchen is combined with a sauna, recreation room or bathroom. In this case, you can save on communications and building materials.


  • The summer kitchen area is protected from the influence of the external environment;
  • Can be used all year round;
  • Food and utensils can be stored right there;
  • Additional beds for guests.

There are not many disadvantages of such a kitchen. The only thing is that building such a kitchen can take a lot of time. In addition, you will need help with the construction of the building.


Interesting open summer kitchen made of brick

It is quite easy to confuse such a kitchen with a gazebo; usually these two functions are combined. Such a building is usually built from lightweight materials. To build a summer kitchen, lining, wood, plywood, and wicker walls are usually used. Brick, adobe or foam blocks can be used in fragments. But what it will look like is described in detail in this article.

Open kitchens usually have the following elements:

  • Wall: one or two;
  • Canopy;
  • Stove or cooking area;
  • Work area (sink, table);
  • Dining area.

Very often, open summer kitchens are equipped with stoves, barbecues or barbecues.


  • Budgeting and low construction cost;
  • Rapidity construction of a kitchen;
  • Close to nature and the opportunity to have dinner outdoors;
  • Great place for a friendly party.


  • Such a building unsuitable in the cold season;
  • Bad weather can ruin dinner;
  • Food and dishes have to be taken into the house and hidden.

Freestanding summer kitchen with large windows

Before building a summer kitchen, you need to choose comfortable spot for her. There are several parameters to consider here:

  • Ease of construction;
  • Ease of access;
  • Daylighting;
  • Convenient access to communications;
  • Accommodation in a picturesque area;
  • Protection from drafts.

In a small house more convenient kitchen take it outside.

How to arrange it at your summer cottage

There are several options for how to most conveniently place a kitchen in a summer cottage. One of the most popular options is extension to one of the walls of the house.

  1. To do this, in the area that you allocate for the summer kitchen, clear the area and deepen the soil approximately 15 centimeters.
  2. Place crushed stone on top and lay paving or street tiles.
  3. Install the canopy, which should protrude slightly beyond the kitchen area.
  4. Divide the kitchen into working part where food preparation takes place and dining area.

It is advisable to install another wall that will prevent drafts.

The option with an extension will help save money on the construction of a summer kitchen.

Second option - separate building. The advantages of such a summer kitchen are that if you place it in the garden or surrounded by flower beds, it will be one of the most favorite places in your dacha.

An interesting option is an adjacent veranda for the house and summer kitchen.

Decoration Materials

French windows open beautiful view to your site

Materials for building a summer kitchen must be selected based on the style of construction. Three styles are commonly used: hi-tech, country, ethno. But whatever you choose the main and main element will be the stove, grill or barbecue, that is, a place where food will be prepared. And often it depends on its location overall design kitchens.

One of the most convenient options– classic oven, which is often complemented by a modern oven and other kitchen attributes. For convenience, the summer kitchen can be equipped with a variety of shelves for dishes, a sink or a cabinet.

If you have equipped a kitchen on the veranda, complement it with a fireplace - this will become the central element of the room. Especially during late dinner, when it is already dark outside.

Among the general variety of building materials, three main groups can be distinguished:


wood makes the room more comfortable

Wooden walls give a feeling of comfort and harmony. This option can be used for both open and closed kitchens. The option made from beams looks interesting and large windows– the kitchen will be cozy and sunny.

Treat the logs well chemical composition, which will protect against insects and bugs that like to settle in wooden walls.


The stone is often used in fragments

It is considered the most durable material. If you are building a building that will last forever, this material is for you. The stone gives coolness and is perfect for an open summer kitchen. The floor is laid with stones decorative wall, And work area. By the way, keep in mind that not every stone can withstand frost - choose one that has a porous structure.


A tile floor will last no less than a stone floor

Ceramic tiles do not lose their relevance. Modern market offers a wide variety of ceramics from a wide variety of style solutions, sizes and decor.

Using tiles you can recreate any interior, from ethnic rustic style to an ultra-modern high-tech kitchen.


Decorate your summer kitchen with flowering plants

A summer kitchen is an unusual building. Its function is not so much cooking and eating, but rather an aesthetic aspect (although this relates more to open type buildings). That is why a variety of landscape techniques: small pond, fences, or vertical flower beds and climbing vines. Plants in pots. They will make the kitchen more colorful and bring harmony with nature.

  • climbing plants. A very interesting move is a wall of vines or climbing flowering plants.
  • Lighting. Both stationary electricity and lanterns with candles inside are applicable here.
  • Wooden furniture. Chairs made of rattan or wicker look especially good.
  • This kitchen will become your friends' favorite place.

    Summer kitchen with veranda:

    However, a lot depends on the imagination, taste or budget of the owners. Using some tips, design techniques and your wishes, you will receive an interesting, cozy and unusual kitchen.

    The bustle of a noisy metropolis and stressful workdays contribute to the fact that people strive to restore strength in the lap of nature, surrounded by family and friends. Summer kitchen in the country, projects, photos of which can be viewed on the website - perfect place for relaxation and good rest. For most amateur gardeners, such a pastime becomes a lifestyle, so creating comfortable conditions at the dacha becomes the primary task of any project. If the house is small, it is not always possible to create a full-fledged work area for the housewife who is engaged in conservation. Experienced specialists will tell you how to build a summer kitchen in a country house that will meet the requirements of all household members.

    Features of summer kitchens

    Summer kitchens in the country, projects, photos and projects of which can be viewed on the website, come in two types: autonomous and adjacent to the main house. The first option involves separately standing structure not far from the house on the site. Here it is worth thinking about how expedient it would be to sacrifice part of the garden to build a summer kitchen in the country. In addition, you should think about how you can provide all the necessary communications: electricity, drainage, installation of a hood (for a structure with a barbecue, oven or barbecue).

    It is advisable that the building be located close to the house: then the housewife will not have to spend a lot of time moving dishes and necessary items. kitchen utensils. Summer kitchen in the country with a barbecue or grill, according to fire safety standards, should be 7 meters from surrounding structures if the area of ​​the project site is 10 acres. In addition, there should be no flammable buildings nearby, as well as a toilet or roadway. The ideal location is the proximity of the cottage to a pond. It could be a river, lake or small decorative pond. In addition to aesthetic appeal, this guarantees safety.

    The veranda in projects is very often used for arranging summer kitchens in the country. It can be glazed, a good quality front door, additionally insulate the outside - and then neither frost nor precipitation is scary. Such a room is quite suitable for staying at the dacha in winter time years, and the costs are minimal. There is another project option - to build a kitchen with your own hands, attaching it to the main house.

    In this case there will be no special problems with the transfer of communications, in addition, you can make a project with a cellar. During construction, a distance of 3.5 meters from the foundation should be maintained, otherwise the house may sway. For a kitchen with a veranda, it is recommended to choose a blank wall with a side exit. Particular attention in the project should be paid to the location of the light so that the room is not too dark or damp.

    Placing the building deep in the garden is better from an aesthetic point of view, especially if there is a pond or another “attraction” nearby.

    Types of summer kitchens

    When developing a project, you should first of all proceed from family budget, since sometimes the construction of an additional building in a country house can cost more than renovating an apartment.

    Today, there are several design options for kitchens: an open kitchen, a combined or a closed summer kitchen in the country.


    The first project involves a free-standing building with a roof attached to support pillars. The dimensions of the kitchen can be any depending on the area of ​​the site. Here you can set up a comfortable work area with a set, work surface, barbecue or stove. A sink would also be appropriate in the kitchen, but this will require relocating communications. Open summer kitchen in the country - cozy corner for communicating with friends and family, however, it also has its drawbacks. First of all, it is insecurity. In cold, rainy and windy weather it is almost impossible to be in such an open space. In summer you cannot avoid the attacks of mosquitoes and insects. Also, food left outside overnight can be destroyed by stray animals.


    To build an enclosed summer kitchen in the country, photos of the projects can be viewed on the website, you will have to obtain additional permits, otherwise there will be problems big problems when selling and when transferring a dacha as an inheritance. Since this is an autonomous building, the repair costs will be impressive: from laying the foundation to complete interior decoration.

    But the premises are absolutely protected from external factors: bad weather conditions, animals and insects. Very often, such kitchens for summer cottages in projects are combined with other rooms, and an adjacent bathroom or sauna is equipped. An additional room provides sleeping places, so guests can stay overnight. A summer kitchen with a veranda will become very functional if you install a barbecue or fireplace; in addition, a full-fledged set will provide the hostess with all the amenities for preparing preserves.

    Project of a wooden summer kitchen with a dining terrace


    Open kitchen combined type- most best option a project that doesn’t break the bank, and the interior looks quite stylish and modern. Arrangement options can be very diverse: three walls with shortened sides or one blank wall with panoramic glazing On the sides. In any case, the supporting part remains intact. Here you can equip a full-fledged utility unit with a sink, stove, stove, and barbecue. The rest of the space is occupied dinner Zone With big table and chairs. There are practically no disadvantages to such a kitchen, but it is worth taking into account the prevailing wind direction so that the smoke from the grill does not spread into the dining area.

    Lately there has been great demand temporary structures For summer holiday. They are particularly mobile and are erected at the dacha only if necessary, for example, in summer season. This can be a regular tent or a portable gazebo with metal frame and stretched fabric. Modern manufacturers offer complex sets of a folding table, chairs and a dining room structure itself.


    Before you make a kitchen with your own hands, you should think about what type of future structure will be: closed or open.

    • A simple summer kitchen looks great when combined with a house or fence. If wood predominates, then the structure can be made similar. Just remember that wood is very susceptible to deformation due to external factors and needs restoration every 5-6 years. The material must be treated with a solution against pests that can destroy it from the inside.
    • Decorative brick makes the interior stylish and elegant, especially in combination with a fence. You can build original columns that will protect from the wind and create an atmosphere of comfort.
    • Designs from natural stone they look royally luxurious and expensive surrounded by trees and bushes. You can also use stone to line a fireplace or barbecue.
    • Forged metal kitchens require special care: They must be treated with an anti-corrosion coating to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time. Also, only furniture of the appropriate design will fit into the interior, so plastic products will be inappropriate here. As flooring You can leave the concrete floor or lay tiles.
    • In the case of a closed kitchen project, a combined finish is used, but glass, stone and brick predominate. Looks stylish brick building with panoramic glazing that can be used in any weather. In summer you can open the windows wide, and in winter you can warm up by the fireplace. The choice of building materials is unlimited: from plywood to foam blocks, so you should pay attention to the design and future interior so as not to make a mistake in choosing. For the flooring of kitchens with verandas, high-quality, environmentally friendly materials are used. clean materials, and if there is a stove, then they are fire resistant.

    Construction of a summer kitchen

    Self-construction is a labor-intensive process, but enjoyable, since you can create an exclusive structure taking into account your personal wishes and the wishes of your household. A do-it-yourself summer kitchen at the dacha will become a real pride for its owner and will delight the eyes of guests and friends. First of all, you should mark the site and draw up a project. You can turn to specialists for help if you plan to erect a closed, high-quality building with a stove, barbecue and supply of all communications. More a budget option- these are small country kitchens open type.

    The area should be cleared of debris and vegetation, and boundaries should be marked. Then you need to dig a pit 15 cm deep around the perimeter, fill it with crushed stone and compact it. Next, you can begin laying the flooring (tiles or boards). Please note that it is advisable to make a slight slope so that the water can drain by gravity. In case of closed kitchen a stronger foundation will be needed, so it needs to be reinforced metal mesh and fill with a 10-centimeter layer of concrete. The depth of the pit should be 50 cm.

    At the corners of the perimeter should be installed wooden bases and fill them with concrete for structural strength. Next, you need to attach the partitions horizontally to metal corners. After this, you can begin sewing up the frame with corrugated sheets, plastic, etc. IN closed structures the walls are mostly made of stone or brick. Experts do not recommend doing it yourself brickwork– it’s better to call builders for help. The same applies to beams and logs, the fixation of which requires certain skills and abilities. The choice of interior decoration depends on whether heating will be installed.

    A metal roof is very massive and bulky, so tiles and slate are more popular. These materials do not heat up so much and are quite easy to install. It is desirable that the roof be pitched, that is, located with a slight slope. This will allow precipitation not to accumulate on the surface, but to go down. To do this, use a structure of two beams of different heights, which are installed on opposite sides. You can also use corrugated sheeting for the roof.

    If you plan to install a stove or fireplace, you should make the masonry from refractory bricks. It is necessary to choose tiles as a floor covering, since laminate or natural wood parquet near an open fire can cause a fire. You also need to think about a good hood. It is advisable to pre-order it from a specialist who will select the necessary model taking into account the parameters of the kitchen. The ventilation system is also important aspect, since in hot weather it can provide the room with fresh air.

    The interior should be light and natural in order to preserve the original rustic flavor. If the kitchen is small, then you should adhere to minimalism and not clutter the room with unnecessary devices. When decorating and purchasing furniture, it is recommended to give preference to materials that are easy to clean and care for, so that grease stains and accumulated dust do not spoil the appearance.

    A dacha is a great place to relax not only in the summer. How pleasant it is to spend a Christmas evening on the veranda, by the fireplace, surrounded by family and friends in a warm, relaxing atmosphere. Take inspiration from the numerous photographs on the site, listen to the advice of experts - and create the kitchen of your dreams.

    Photos of summer kitchens

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