Daedra quests (final version). Skyrim Quest: House of Horrors

Job ID: DA10

Note: the task is very inhumane, and if you are playing the role of a good guy, it is better not to take it on at all.

The quest begins in the city of Markarth. At night, walking near an abandoned house, you will meet a sentinel Turan, who will say that he wants to inspect the house and could use some help. We agree and follow him.

Entering the house, after a while strange events will begin in it - dishes will begin to fly, everything will be as if in fog, and the room will begin to shake like an earthquake. You will hear the voice of Molag Bal, who will order to kill Turan.

Even if you don't attack first, Turan will. Kill him, after which the surrounding space will “normalize”. Now the voice of Molag Bal will order you to go lower, to his altar:

We use the altar and find ourselves locked in a cage. After a short dialogue (in which, regardless of the choice, the outcome will be the same), the cage will open, and the next task will be to free the priest of Boethiah, who is located in the Broken Tower:

We go there, clear the Tower, at the top we find the priest Logrolf the Uncooperative, we free him. Upon release, you can threaten to say that you are from Molag Bal, or lie that you were sent by Boethiah, or even give money so that he does not ask unnecessary questions. Choosing an option will not affect this quest in any way (but it is not a fact that it does not affect other quests, for example, the quest “Call of Boethiah”).

Once free, the priest will run to that same abandoned house in Markarth. We go there, and at the altar we find a priest locked in a cage.

After which, Molag Bal will give you his mace (still rusty) and tell you to kill Logrolf with it (kill, they say, not necessarily with the given mace).

We kill him for the first time - he doesn’t give up. Molag Bal resurrects him and we kill him again. After his second death, he gives up and renounces Boethiah, giving his soul to Molag Bal. And after that he died completely.

This is where this rather inhumane task ends, and we receive the Mace of Molag Bal.

An abandoned house is not as simple and safe as it seems at first glance

Journal Entries:

  • Turan, Stendarr's watchman, is interested in an old abandoned house in Markarth. He believes that the Daedra were once worshiped there.
  • Molag Bal, the lord of obedience, appeared to me. He demanded the cleansing of his altar in an abandoned house in Markarth, luring the priest of Boethiah there

Brief walkthrough

  1. Enter the Abandoned House.
  2. Kill Turan the Watcher.
  3. Talk to the Daedric Prince Molag Bal.
  4. Bring the priest of Boethiah-Logrolf the Uncooperative.
  5. Kill Logrolf.
  6. Receive Molag Bal's Mace.


  • Talk to Turan on the street of Markarth, who is asking all passers-by about an abandoned house nearby. Having introduced himself, he will tell you about his suspicions: in his opinion, Daedra worshipers are gathering in the house. Unfortunately, you know nothing about the house itself, but you can offer it your help.
  • Enter the house with the watchman and look around with him. Soon Turan will notice a locked door and invite you to try to open it.
  • Go to the door in the back room and activate it. The door, of course, will not open, but absolute chaos will begin in the house - the torches will go out, and cups and plates will fly at the uninvited guests.
  • Turan, screaming about “not an ordinary Daedra,” will run to call for help, but the inhospitable owner of the mansion will lock the door and invite you to crush each other. If you do not attack first, but try to open the front door, Turan, believing that only one of you will leave the house, will attack himself.
  • Having dealt with the cowardly watchman, follow the voice's prompting to the locked door and further down into the bowels of the rock under the house.
  • Your reward - a mace - is waiting for you... But you didn’t seriously think that everything would end so quickly and simply?
  • Molag Bal, who has captivated you, and it turns out he is the Daedra who lived in the house, will tell you that his altar was desecrated by the priest of Boethiah. He will report that the priest has disappeared and will demand that you find this priest and bring him to the altar.
  • You can agree, or you can refuse - the Daedra will let you go in any case, and the quest will move to the next stage in any case.
  • Find the priest in the Broken Tower and free him.
  • Unfortunately, the quest does not involve a moral choice - intimidate the priest by telling him that Molag Bal himself sent you, reassure him by lying that you are Boethiah's envoy, or just give him money so he doesn't ask questions - the priest will still go to Markarth to repeat his ritual.
  • After freeing the priest, follow him back to Markarth, to the Shrine of Molag Bal in an abandoned house.
  • No matter what you say to Logrolf in the Broken Tower, he will still be surprised by your cooperation with the Daedra, having fallen into a trap.
  • Molag Bal will give you a mace and offer to break the priest's spirit into submission. It is not at all necessary to beat the priest with a mace. Having fallen twice at your hand (under Molag Bal's malicious chuckles about the weakness of mortal bodies), Logrolf will agree to renounce Boethiah and entrust his life to Molag Bal.
  • Kill Logrolf and receive your true reward - Molag Bal's mace, imbued with his true power.

The desecrated mace of Molag Bal does not evoke sacred awe by its appearance.

Mace of Molag Bal


  • When first entering Markarth, Vigilant Tyranus will not be present due to the Forsworn Conspiracy in the market. After the scene, exit and enter Markarth and he will spawn.
  • If you wish to loot Vigilant Tyranus’s body, do it right after killing him. His body will disappear from the game when you return with Logrolf.
  • If you get Bulwark of Druadach after helping Madanach escape from Cidhna Mine, it is not necessary to clear the area of ​​Forsworn.
  • If you kill Logrolf while he is being held captive, the quest immediately fails and you will miss out on the Oblivion Walker achievement. The shrine in the Abandoned House becomes inactive and you receive no rewards.
  • You can use the abandoned house as a home as the containers do not respawn and the bed is free to sleep in.
  • If you like, you can keep the Rusty Mace by storing it on a weapons rack. You are not forced to use it to kill Logrolf, and you will automatically gain Molag Bal's Mace once the deed is done.
  • The entire killing of Logrolf sequence is a scripted event and doesn't count as a murder.


  • If you save after taking the mace but before finishing the quest, there is no way to finish the quest by talking to Molag Bal. A waypoint will appear inside a wall and the quest will remain unfinished in your journal.
  • If you are experiencing the crafting/object interaction bug, wherein you are unable to interact with any crafting objects, avoid this quest. The altar is affected by this bug, leaving you trapped in the house if you are unable to interact with it.
  • If you also have the Heart of Dibella quest active, and the location of Logrolf is The Broken Tower, he will be in the same prison cell as Fjotra.
  • Depending on your choices during the quest No One Escapes Sidna, when the prisoners attack the city, Vigilant Tyranus may show up and be killed by the prisoners. This makes the quest impossible to start. You open the console and type completequest DA10 and player.additem 233E3 1 to get the Mace. You can then enter the Abandoned House using the console command unlock after clicking on the closed doors, and you can even speak to and eventually kill Logrolf with the commands prid 000198F3 , then moveto player , and finally enable .
  • If you engage in the initial conversation with Vigilant Tyranus, but don"t immediately follow him into the Abandoned House, the door may become locked again, making the quest impossible to complete.
  • If you enter Markarth for the first time while completing the A Night to Remember quest and it is nighttime, the incident in the marketplace which initiates The Forsworn Conspiracy will not have happened. This prevents Vigilant Tyranus from spawning, thus preventing you from starting this quest.

Quest stages

House of Horrors (DA10)
Stage Status Journal entries
10 Tyranus, a Vigilant of Stendarr, is investigating an old, abandoned house in Markarth. He believes it was once a site of Daedric worship.

(Objective is assigned) : Search the abandoned house

20 (Objective is assigned) : Find your reward
30 (Objective is assigned) : Find the priest of Boethiah
35 (Objective is assigned) : Free Logrolf
40 (Objective is assigned) : Go to the abandoned house
50 (Objective is assigned) : Beat Logrolf into submission
60 (Objective is assigned) : Kill Logrolf
70 (Objective is assigned) : Speak to Molag Bal
80 I have met Molag Bal, the Lord of Domination. He has asked me to cleanse his altar in the abandoned house in Markarth by luring a priest of Boethiah to him.
200 Logrolf is dead, and the Mace of Molag Bal is mine.
500 Tyranus is dead. Whatever investigation he had in mind ended with him.
550 Logrolf is dead. Whatever plans Molag Bal had for him are over now.
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 3, 15, 17, 25, 32, 36, 37, 38, 45, 65, 72, 74, 76, 85, 90, 92, 95, 100, 110 , 120, 130, 140


  • Any text within angle brackets (for example, ) is a parameter set by the Radiant Quest engine that will be assigned a value when a quest is received.
  • Not all of the specified entries may appear in the game log: which entries appear and which do not depend on how the task is completed.
  • The stages are not always listed in the order in which the task is completed. This typically occurs with tasks that have multiple possible outcomes or where certain tasks can be completed in a random order.
  • If an entry is marked as " Completing the task", this means that the task is removed from the list of active ones, but new records of the stages of execution of this task can continue to be added to the log.
  • When playing on a personal computer, you can use the console to progress through a quest by entering the command setstage (((ID))) stage, where quest is the in-game identifier of the quest, and stage is the number of the stage to which you want to go. However, it is not possible to move on to uncompleted (i.e., skipped) quest stages. However, using the console command resetquest (((ID))) you can reset the quest stage.

For the quest to begin, you need to appear in Markarth a second time.

Mace of Molag Bal

It is worth noting right away that the artifact that you will receive upon completion of this task is of great value at the beginning of the game. Molag Bal's Mace allows you to capture the souls of monsters and people in , without using special spells to do this - you just have to hit the target with the mace. Considering that the task itself is quite simple, we recommend completing it as soon as possible.

Along the canal leading up to the Understone Keep, you will meet one of Stendarr's guards named Turan. He will tell you about an abandoned house, which was chosen by vile Daedra worshipers. Sentinel Turan will invite you to follow him inside - agree.

When you enter, it turns out that the abandoned house is not abandoned at all: there are traces of human presence everywhere. Further inspection of the room will lead you to a closed door. After this, the picture will float in your eyes, and you will hear the voice of the Daedric prince Molag Bal. He will call on you to remove your holy companion. Whether you agree to this or not does not matter. After Turan finds the front door locked, he will attack you himself, and you will have to deal with him in any case. Molag Bal will only be pleased with the incident, and he will invite you for a reward.

In the wall of the room you will find a gap leading to a small dungeon. In it you will see a rusty mace mounted on an ornate altar. Try to grab it and you will find yourself trapped: the cage will close around you, and Molag Bal will speak to you. He will say that you have not worked enough yet and must try harder to receive a reward.

The essence of his request is simple: you must bring to the altar the servant of Boethiah, Logrolf the Intractable, who desecrated the sanctuary. This will need to be done in such a way that he himself gives his soul to Molag Bal.

Go to a random location marked on the map, and after clearing it you will find Logrolf tied up. Don't kill him, otherwise you will fail the mission. There are several ways to persuade this gentleman to return to the altar:

  • Deception. Say that Boethiah sent you to rescue Logrolf;
  • Threat. Intimidate him with the name of Molag Bal;
  • Bribe. Make Logrolf rich.

Black Star

When traveling around Skyrim, ask innkeepers about rumors in city taverns (for example, Hulda in the Prancing Mare, in Whiterun). You will learn that after fleeing Morrowind, the dark elves built a sanctuary of Azura in Skyrim. A marker will appear on the map indicating its location, and the first goal will be to visit this temple.

At the top of a snowy mountain near Winterhold, you will find a lonely priestess named Aranea Ienith, spending her time praying to Azura. Seeing you, Aranya will say that your appearance was destined by fate. Talk to the Dunmer woman and agree to help her find the elven magician from her visions - the one who is “able to make the brightest star blacker than the night.” She will suggest that the magician should be looked for in Winterhold.

Call of Boethiah

The first thing you have to do to start is to reach level 30. Most likely, after this, on the road you will be attacked by a cultist who will have the book “The Test of Boethiah” with him. Reading this volume begins the quest by adding a marker to the map marking the Shrine of Boethiah. The book can be obtained in several other places: this is the post of Septimius Segonius (location accessible through the main plot and the Hermaeus Mora quest), an abandoned house in Markarth (Molag Bal's quest), and if you missed the book in the abandoned house, you can also pick it up from the corpse of the priest Boethiah, having advanced further on the same task. However, the easiest thing would be not to fool around with the book, but to go straight to the sanctuary of Boethiah in the snow-capped mountains east of Windhelm. However, don’t bother doing this until level 30 - there won’t be a single living soul in the location.

walking nightmare

The inhabitants of Dawnstar have lost peace at night - they are overcome by nightmares. Both here and there you can hear whispers about an unknown curse that has fallen on the city. Both the jarl and the guards are worried, but no one has any idea what is happening. More precisely, there is one Dunmer, a priest of the good Mara, who knows everything and is looking for a hero who can help him. Travel to Windpeak Inn and find Erandur. It turns out that the nightmares are nothing more than the tricks of Vaermina, and all this is connected with what is happening in the Night Callers temple. You have to go there and find out what kind of obscenity is going on there.

WITH obaka - friend of the Daedra

It's hard to pass up this task. Already at the entrance to Falkreath, the guard will ask if you have met a dog in the area. Having tried to find out the details, it turns out that the blacksmith Lod is engaged in the search, who promised a reward to anyone who brings him some special dog. Laud will repeat approximately the same thing to us, with the difference that he will also give the approximate location of the dog. The map marker, however, will point to it not approximately, but very accurately.

ABOUT pieces of former glory

Upon reaching level 20, you will receive a letter by courier (in any city in Skyrim) about the opening of a museum in Dawnstar.

Syl Vesul, the museum's curator, is a descendant of members of the Mythic Dawn cult and is amassing a collection of artifacts from that long-defunct organization. He will meet you on the threshold of his house-museum, and for a more detailed conversation he will invite you to go inside.

D believe that whispers

This quest will become available upon reaching level 20 and completing the main storyline quest “Dragon in the Sky” in Whiterun. Ask Hulda, the innkeeper from The Prancing Mare, about the rumors, and she will tell you that Jarl Balgruuf the Elder is having problems with his children. As if “one of them became cruel, and the other two had the evil eye.”

Go to Balgruuf in Dragonsreach and talk to him about children. The jarl will say that his youngest son Nelkir has recently become too gloomy, cruel and has stopped communicating with his own father. Balgruuf is worried that he might have offended his son in some way, and asks you to find out from Nelkir what exactly the matter is.

House of Horror

To start the task, you just need to appear in Markarth for the second time. As you ascend into the city along the canal, it will be difficult to pass by Turan the Watcher, the guardian of Stendarr. The priest will contact you himself and tell you about an abandoned house in which Daedra worshipers supposedly gather. This issue can only be clarified by examining the house, so agree to help and go inside with Turan.

Taste of Death

This story begins in the city of Markarth, namely, in the Silver Blood tavern. From the innkeeper Klepp you can learn that by order of the Jarl, access to the Hall of the Dead, the place where the Nords communicated with their departed ancestors, was closed.

Travel to the Understone Fortress in the western part of Markarth and find Brother Verelius, the local priest of Arkay. You can talk to a priest in three ways that are already familiar to us: persuasion, bribery with gold coins, or intimidation. Brother Verelius, with a shudder in his voice, will tell you that someone got into the habit of coming to the Hall of the Dead and feasting on carrion. If you want to know more, here’s the key, go and deal with the unknown evil, and the priests of Arkay will be very grateful to you for this.


You can enter the Hall of the Dead yourself by opening the “Adept” level lock on the door.

In the tomb, almost from the threshold you will hear the voice of Namira, the lady of decay. There's nothing wrong with the sight of dead flesh making your mouth water and your stomach growl, she'll say. Don't be shy about your secret desires and eat to your health! After the monologue of the Daedric mistress, a living human woman named Eola will emerge from the greenish fog. She will assure you of her friendly disposition and suggest that you find a better place to serve Namira. The cliff cave, Eola will say, is perfectly suitable for this, if not for the draugr that filled it. You have to go there and deal with them.

Before heading to the Cliff Cave, tell Brother Verelius that the Hall of the Dead is now in order. The priest will thank you and give you Arkay's amulet.

Eola will be waiting for you at the entrance to the cave. You can ask her to stay outside or take her as your partner - decide for yourself. There will be many Draugr, including high-ranking ones, and they will all rise from their graves with the sole purpose of destroying you. After clearing the caves, find the hanging ring on the chain and open the entrance to Namira's sanctuary. Here you will have to fight the last draugr, who will also be the strongest. Kill them all and talk to Eola.

Namira's admirer will be very happy and will want to throw a Great Feast in honor of your joining the cult. The main course at the feast will be none other than Brother Verelius (a priest with a taste for the easy life). All that’s left to do is to use the methods known to us and invite the priest Arkay to a feast.

Return to Markarth. Verelius is easiest to find in the Hall of the Dead near the Shrine of Arkay. If he is not there, look under the arches of the Podkamennaya Fortress. Now use all your charm to force the priest to follow you to the Cliff Cave. Act in the most convenient way - bribery, persuasion or threat. As soon as Verelius agrees, hit the road (you can use the fast travel system).

On the streets of Markarth, a certain Turan - one of Stedarr's watchmen - asks the townspeople about an abandoned house nearby. When approaching him, he himself will begin a dialogue. In his opinion, Daedra worshipers gather in the house. The Dragonborn will offer his help to the watchman, after which they will go into the house together. After a quick inspection, Turan will notice a locked door and invite the main character to open it.

After trying to open the door, the house seems to go crazy: household utensils and interior items will fly from all sides, while the screen will shake and change color.

Turan, frightened by the “unusual Daedra,” will run for help, but an unknown force will lock the door, and a mysterious disembodied voice will offer the main character to kill the sentinel. If you ignore the voice's orders and try to open the front door, nothing will work, and the voice will become even more angry. Turan, believing that only one will leave the house, attacks first. You will have to kill him, and then, following the further instructions of the voice, go through the previously locked door into the depths of the house, where there will be a mysterious altar.

The reward may already be waiting for our hero... But you didn’t seriously think that everything would end so quickly and simply? Of course not!

The Dovahkiin will be locked in a makeshift cage, and the hero was imprisoned in it by none other than the Daedric Prince Molag Bal himself. As it turns out, the mysterious altar belongs to him, and the Daedra is furious that the sanctuary was desecrated by the priest of Boethiah Logrolf, who performed his rituals here.

In the form of an ultimatum, the main character will be asked to find the priest and, by cunning or threats, deliver him to the altar, allowing him to perform the ritual one more time... The last time.

You can agree or refuse - the Daedra will let you go in any case, and the quest will move to the next stage. Molag Bal will tell you that the priest was captured by outcasts and will tell you how to find him. The most likely place for Logrolf's capture will be the stronghold of Druadach.

Note:The location of Logrolf's capture was probably chosen at random. In most cases this will be a Druadach stronghold, but other Forsworn camps are also possible. For example, the outcasts have settled at the Divided Towers and keep a prisoner with them.

Having reached the desired location and freed the priest, it turns out that this is not the most friendly type. It’s not for nothing that he was nicknamed the Uncooperative. Instead of thanks for the release, the old, arrogant grumbler will demand that the savior answer how he even knows that the priest was kidnapped and where he is being held. To force him to flee, Dovahkiin will have to either convince the old man by lying that he was sent by Boethiah, or intimidate him by openly declaring that he was sent by Molag Bal. If this does not work, then the obstinate will have to be bribed so as not to ask unnecessary questions. The amount depends on the level of the main character.

In any case, Logrolf will go to Markarth to repeat his ritual. This means that our hero also needs to hurry back to the abandoned house. There is no need to run to Markarth with Logrolf. All you need to do is fast travel. The priest will already be in an abandoned house and, no matter how the hero forces him to come here, he will still, having fallen into a trap, be terribly surprised that Dovahkiin is indulging in the Daedra.

Molag Bal will give the hero a rusty mace and offer to break the spirit of the priest, forcing him to submit. Having fallen twice at the hands of Dovahkiin (under Molag Bal's sarcastic remarks about the weakness of mortal bodies), Logrolf agrees to renounce Boethiah and give his soul to Molag Bal.

After this you will have to kill Logrolf. Only in this case will the Prince of Daerda give out a reward - the real Mace of Molag Bal, filled with his power (when hit, the enemy’s reserve of strength and magic is taken away and transferred to the owner of the mace, and also, if the enemy dies within three seconds, the soul stone is filled).

Important:In the Abandoned House, in the second room, under the cabinet there is a book "The Trials of Boethiah". She gives a quest called Call of Boethiah.

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