Cool cheat sheet on color combinations. Yellow color in the interior (64 photos): sunny palette for the home

Golden yellow color

The next color with which the poet skillfully colored his poetic work is yellow-gold: “The moon under the roof is like a golden hillock,” “I dreamed of rivers of golden valleys,” “Coniferous gilding.” For the poet, this is not the color of autumn and withering - by the way, the poet even painted his self-portrait with a yellow palette: “I took this hair from the rye.” However, in some verses, the color yellow becomes the color of bitterness and hopelessness. And every time the motif of the “lost soul” sounds in the early, still cheerful and light verses, the bitter yellow color bursts in:

Spring and sun on the meadow

The yellow road is entwined

And she whose name I cherish,

It will drive me away from the threshold.

“Yellow Road” is a road to nowhere.

Later, gray will appear, instead of golden - lemon yellow. This is how the author imagines a soulless city, with skeletal buildings and “stone cave” streets. There is no harmony in the surrounding world, and dissonance is heard in the poetics: “the horns are screeching,” “the cow’s roar of shadows is moaning”... The poet sees something completely different in his native expanses; he feels joy traveling around his father's land.

The dug-up road sleeps.

Today she dreamed

Which is very, very little

We have to wait for the gray winter.

Oh, and I myself am in the ringing thicket

I saw this in the fog yesterday:

Red moon as a foal

He harnessed himself to our sleigh.

Yesenin's poetic spirit is directly related to the poet's mood and the general state of the world around him. He associates crimson-red and golden-orange tones with maturity and wisdom.

The golden grove dissuaded me,

Birch, cheerful language,

And the cranes, sadly flying,

They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Rowan berry brushes will not stain,

The yellowness will not make the grass disappear,

Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,

So I drop sad words.

Reality sobered up the poet, showed different sides life. Serene youth was replaced by maturity, experience and the first bitter disappointments. And from now on, his poems are dominated by red-burgundy shades, colors watered with golden rain sun rays or autumn leaf fall.


When it is necessary to give the landscape sonority, Yesenin uses crimson paint:

“Oh Rus' - raspberry field

And the blue that fell into the river.”

“Blue sky, colored arc,

Quietly the steppe banks flow,

Smoke is smoldering near the crimson villages.”

True, he uses this paint rarely and sparingly. The bowl replaces the crimson “lands” with less refined colors:

“On azure fabrics

The gentleman spilled his fingers”

Scarlet darkness in the heavenly mob

The line was drawn by fire

Where the cabbage beds are

Sunrise waters with red water

Maple tree for the little womb

Green udder sucks

They wove the scarlet light of dawn on the lake.

The female appearance merges with the “scarlet” ones:

“With scarlet berry juice on the skin,

She was tender and beautiful.

You look like a pink sunset

And like a sword it’s radiant and bright.”

The crimson color bursts into S. Yesenin's poetry with a bright stroke, although this rich, rich color is not inherent in his poetry, and the poet mainly uses other colors.

Do you want to stand out from the crowd? A simple way is to use yellow in clothes, because each of us knows from our own experience that yellow clothes are not very common on city streets. Yellow clothes are often worn by creative individuals who are not afraid to be the center of attention.

Symbolism of yellow

If from time immemorial the red color has been a symbol of fire, then the yellow color is the personification of the sun, the golden rays of the sun. Bright shades of yellow evoke exceptional positive emotions, attract attention and have a tonic effect on the body. Scientists have proven that contemplating festive yellow colors improves cerebral circulation, increases concentration and memory. And at the same time, muted, dull shades of yellow have a depressing effect, cause a feeling of anxiety, and give the brain a signal of danger. It is not for nothing that the color yellow was chosen as the traffic light signal “Stop, be careful.” Yellow flowers (roses, tulips) in a bouquet mean an upcoming separation and will even say parting instead of words. Chrysanthemums lemon color indicate sincere friendship and appreciation. If your spouse gives you such a bouquet, you shouldn’t think that he cheated on you. It will just mean that he is grateful for your love and devotion. But yellow tulips should alert you. Although these are superstitions, they are still considered harbingers of separation. However, brides, despite all superstitions, often choose yellow flowers for their bouquets.

The color yellow is often associated with gold, which in turn is a symbol of power. Thus, the gold color as a symbol of the Triumph of Orthodoxy is used in the vestments of priests during Sunday services, as well as on the days of remembrance of the Apostles. Buddhist monks use yellow headdresses during meditation. Some Buddha statues are made in golden color as a symbol of power. If the players violated the rules of the game during the match, it is enough to raise a yellow card and the game stops.
As for people who prefer yellow in clothes, they are optimists at heart, self-confident and friendly to others. Lovers of sunny shades are endowed with a rich imagination, creative, natural aesthetes and fashion connoisseurs. These are ambitious people who always strive to be first and advance. career ladder, and they do it very well.

Shades of yellow

The range of yellow shades is wide and rich, and also has a cold and warm range, so any color type can find a shade that suits their appearance. Neutral yellow does not have a clearly defined direction: it is neither cold nor warm. In this regard, this shade is suitable for any color type and harmonizes with almost any color. It will significantly enliven dark, rich shades of blue, green, brown, and black. But neutral yellow becomes special in tandem with purple-red shades. He will be filled with the warmth he lacks, gain strength and positivity. Neutral yellow is suitable for both summer and winter wardrobes.

Citrus shades yellow is classified as the coldest, so in itself it can cause anxiety and depression. But in combination with bright colors(red, blue) lemon yellow shade will emphasize saturation and contrast. It should not be worn by blondes, both pale-skinned and tanned. The citrus shade will play a cruel joke on them: blonde hair will take on a grayish or even greenish tone, the complexion will become earthy, and the overall image, consisting of even the most expensive things, will leave a feeling of simplicity and cheapness. But brunettes and brown-haired women will seem bright and stylish thanks to cool lemon shades.

Under corn color imply pastel shades of yellow. This is a warm shade, so girls of autumn and spring color types can safely use it in their wardrobe. It can be used with the same warm shades - brick, tomato, marsh, light brown.

Soft and warm sand shade universal and democratic. It is with it that bright colors harmonize perfectly: black, brown, blue, as well as the same delicate shades, for example, beige or coral. Sand-colored clothes are chosen when you don’t need to stand out particularly, but you still need to look neat and formal. This is why grooms choose sand suits: after all, the star of the evening should be the bride herself. If you have pale skin with a bluish tint, you shouldn't go for sandy tones. If you have a similar item, use a bright accessory with it.

Curry color- This is a rich, very warm autumn shade, similar to the color of a turmeric-based spice mixture. This is a true autumn shade that can warm you with its warmth on cold days. It also matches with the same warm tones– brown, yellow-green, mustard. Girls should use it warm color type, because it doesn’t suit cold beauties.

Golden yellow shades Almost every summer they become trendy. They are very bright, so there can be no other accent in the wardrobe than the golden yellow detail. If you choose a golden yellow top, then the rest of your items should be neutral in tone. The warm and cozy shade will be relevant both in summer and early autumn, when yellow foliage rustles under your feet. In the first case, it will set off a golden tan, and in the second, it will give others a feeling of warmth and comfort.

Mimosa shade quite insidious, despite its lightness and tenderness. It's pretty cool shade, and he can turn a blonde with a spring color type into a tired, haggard lady who looks older than her years. But dark-skinned brunettes and white-skinned “summer” blondes will look like summer queens in a mimosa-colored dress. This shade will transform them for the better.

Yellow Chartreuse is a mixture of yellow and green flowers. The shade received its unusual name from the name of the liqueur drink of the same name, obtained from nuts, rhizomes and medicinal herbs. Chartreuse comes in green and yellow, and the differences between them are in the percentage composition. green tone. Yellow chartreuse, accordingly, has a greater expression towards the yellow pigment. Unlike classic yellow, chartreuse in a special way influences the subconscious: this shade brings a feeling of calm and trust. PR agencies take advantage of this, luring customers with signs with a background of a calm yellow tone with noble green. If you want to produce good impression on anyone, wear chartreuse-colored items.

Fawn color is intermediate between pale yellow and pink. It imitates color human skin or light color hair, therefore perceived as neutral. He will literally merge with girls of the spring color type, but in the “autumn” he will be lost. A winter girl with a bright appearance can afford to wear fawn clothes in pure form, but in general they are used as background or as accessories.

Who suits yellow in clothes?

In principle, a girl of each color type will be able to emphasize her natural colors with the help of the yellow type. But still follow certain rules so as not to ruin everything.

Winter beauties should stick to cool shades of yellow, for example, lemon or chartreuse. Their beauty will become even brighter thanks to these frosty tones. It is better for them to choose warm shades of yellow as accessories.

Radiant warm shades of yellow will suit gentle spring beauties. They can choose sand, corn, and golden tones. They will turn girls with little contrast in appearance into Hollywood film stars, so much will their appearance shine.

Cool summer beauties should pay attention to cool light tones: mimosa, fawn, vanilla colors.

The autumn color type assumes the presence of the same warm warming shades - curry, golden yellow, corn. They can safely combine them with other shades from the warm color palette.

Table of combinations of yellow with other colors in clothing

By using various shades yellow, you can create various images that personify one or another state of mind. It is beautiful both on its own and in combination with other shades: black, blue, red, pink.

Yellow and black

Yellow color is a symbol of cheerfulness and warmth, black is the personification of sadness, darkness and sorrow. However, in tandem they look harmonious, complementing and enhancing the impact on each other.

Yellow and blue

A blue jacket will be a great addition to a chartreuse dress, dark blue trousers and a mustard shirt will be a great pairing. The duo of blue and yellow is as elegant as the combination of yellow and black, but it does not look as formal.

Yellow and white

The combination of yellow and white looks gentle, cute and very summery. The look is airy, light, and does not involve heavy jewelry or massive bags.

Yellow and brown

In nature, this combination occurs quite often: leopard print, chocolate cake and egg cream, yellow-brown fallen leaves. The combinations can be anything. Tie a chocolate-colored dress with a lemon-colored belt, tie a yellow scarf over a brown coat. In any case, you will become the standard of elegance.

Yellow and gray

With this combination, you need to remember the rule: cold shades are combined with cold ones, and warm ones with warm ones. Then the effect will be incomparable. Otherwise, the warmer color will block the cold background.

Yellow and purple

A tandem of yellow and purple will be an excellent evening or cocktail option. It is bright, but at the same time noble and elegant.

Yellow and red

In nature, the combination of red and yellow is quite common. In clothing, such a duet is not so common due to the brightness of the image. But for summer, parties or holidays it will become best choice. Want to look elegant in a yellow and red dress? Match it with a black or white accessory.

Yellow and green

Delicate translucent shades of young greenery and sun rays will give an unforgettable, exciting summer look. But with the help of more saturated shades you can create an expressive combination of outfits in the chartreuse style. It all depends on the tastes and preferences of the fashionista.

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Scheme No. 1. Complementary combination

Complementary, or complementary, contrasting colors are colors that are located on opposite sides of the Itten color wheel. Their combination looks very lively and energetic, especially with maximum color saturation.

Scheme No. 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors

A combination of 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. This composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors.

Scheme No. 3. Similar combination

A combination of 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on color wheel(ideally 2–3 colors). Impression: calm, inviting. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme No. 4. Separate-complementary combination

A variant of a complementary color combination, but instead of the opposite color, neighboring colors are used. A combination of the main color and two additional ones. This scheme looks almost as contrasting, but not so intense. If you are not sure that you can use complementary combinations correctly, use separate-complementary ones.

Scheme No. 5. Tetrad - combination of 4 colors

A color scheme where one color is the main color, two are complementary, and another one highlights the accents. Example: blue-green, blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme No. 6. Square

Combinations of individual colors

  • White: goes with everything. Best combination with blue, red and black.
  • Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
  • Grey: with fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.
  • Pink: with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, baby blue.
  • Fuchsia (deep pink): with grey, tan, lime, mint green, brown.
  • Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
  • Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray.
  • Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sand, pale yellow, beige.
  • Raspberry red: white, black, damask rose color.
  • Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
  • Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.
  • Dark brown: lemon yellow, blue, mint green, purple pink, lime.
  • Tan: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.
  • Orange: blue, blue, lilac, violet, white, black.
  • Light orange: gray, brown, olive.
  • Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.
  • Yellow: blue, lilac, light blue, violet, gray, black.
  • Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, gray.
  • Pale yellow: fuchsia, grey, brown, shades of red, tan, blue, purple.
  • Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.
  • Olive: orange, light brown, brown.
  • Green: golden brown, orange, light green, yellow, brown, gray, cream, black, creamy white.
  • Salad color: brown, tan, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.
  • Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
  • Electric blue is beautiful when paired with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver.
  • Blue: red, gray, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.
  • Dark blue: light purple, light blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
  • Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, gray, yellow, white.
  • Dark Purple: Golden Brown, Pale Yellow, Grey, Turquoise, Mint Green, Light Orange.
  • Black is universal, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, light green, white, red, lilac or yellow.

This quote from K. Chukovsky in the title of the article was not used by chance. Indeed, in the human subconscious, the yellow color in the interior of an apartment has always been closely associated with sunlight, warmth, comfort and positivity. Do you want laughter to always be heard in your house and optimism to be in full swing? Add some yellow interesting touches.

All of them, as if chosen, are beautiful and “tasty”:

  • dilute yellow with white, get creamy, sandy, golden, ivory, vanilla, lemon, corn, etc.;
  • mix with red and you will see peach, tea rose, saffron, terracotta;
  • when combined with green, mustard and olive shades are obtained;
  • drop some yellow into brown paint and enjoy a variety of wood tones, as well as amber, brass, copper and bronze shades.

2. In which room can you use yellow?

Psychologists say that yellow has an invigorating effect on a person, improves the functioning of the digestive, nervous and endocrine systems. Too much color in a room can even lead to increased irritability and overexcitement. But this only applies to bright yellow, but soft pastel or deep shades of yellow will help create memorable interiors of a living room, children's room, study, bathroom and even kitchen. In the office, the walls of old gold will make you cheer up and work well. And the bathroom, together with well-designed lighting, will visually become lighter and more spacious. If you are not afraid of the increased appetite of your household, then feel free to order a yellow and black kitchen. Contrary to popular belief, a bedroom in peach shades improves sleep and mood without interfering with sleep at all. And children are simply the most ardent fans of hot yellow shades. And the best decision is to use yellow in the interior of a room facing north.

3. How exactly to introduce yellow into the interior of a room?

There is one simple rule: than brighter shade yellow, the less there is in the room. It's rare to see photos of rooms with yellow ceilings or floors, so experiment with walls, furniture and accessories. Those. You can cover all the walls with lemon-colored wallpaper, but if you choose classic yellow, you should limit yourself to one wall and a few pieces of furniture to balance it out (for example, a fluffy rug and a floor lamp). By the way, if you decide to paint all the walls, then buy paint in the store two shades lighter or darker than the chosen shade: on large surfaces yellow looks much brighter. And don't make a small one dark room in pale yellow tones, if you do not want to get a clear greenish tint. A yellow sofa, which can be supported with curtains of a similar shade, will also look very interesting. Only it needs to be balanced with another color: blue, green, red. The lightest and safe way To introduce yellow color into the interior is to use yellow accessories: vases, lamps, paintings.

4. How can you use yellow to adjust the size of a room?

To visually increase the height of the walls, stick wallpaper with white and yellow vertical stripes. To make it wider narrow room– use wallpaper with a wide horizontal yellow stripe. Remember that yellow is like any other bright color, makes objects appear larger than they are. Therefore, there is no need to overuse piercing yellow shades when decorating a small room. Yellow walls make the lighting softer and the room itself more comfortable.

5. In what interior styles is yellow found?

If you use yellow exclusively as accents, then this solution will suit all styles. In all other cases, you need to look at the shade of yellow: gold, olive and beige are often used in classic interiors, and glossy bright yellow - in a high-tech interior (this color goes well with chrome and matte metal surfaces, glass and wood). An abundance of yellow shades can be seen in rooms decorated in the style of minimalism, 80s, elegant chinoiserie and modern chinese style, Moroccan, Mediterranean and retro.

6. What are the best color schemes using yellow?

Yellow goes well with everything natural flowers: green, brown, blue, muted red. Only they also need a third, neutral or diluting color: white, brown, beige, gray, pink, shades of wood and stone. Looks great and white and yellow interior, but white and its shades should prevail here. And a room in golden shades is simply a symbol of luxury, where the main emphasis is on the rich texture of materials: embossed wallpaper, soft fur, brass lamps, etc. Add a little black to yellow and white and you’ll get an interesting, daring living room interior. We do not recommend decorating the room in bright yellow-violet and yellow-red tones; the interior will be too shocking and irritating (better stick to delicate lavender and deep purple shades).

It's no secret that women like the yellow color in the interior of a room more than men. Probably, strong representatives of the fairer sex want to get “a little more sun in cold water” at any time of the year.

The first thing that is associated with yellow, - This sunlight, so welcome after a long winter. Revitalization, spring, sociability, joy, fussiness - these are the main characteristics of yellow. This article is devoted to shades of this color. Yellow is the color of fertility, ripening, flowering. And that's exactly it female color- he personified a woman in Ancient Egypt, and in Greek mythology belonged to Athena and Aphrodite. What makes a woman different? First of all, the famous and incomprehensible female logic, similar to incoherent replicas of the subconscious. Having studied all the colors and shades, the researchers found that yellow is closely connected with the subconscious.


This is the color of intuition, an objective perception of the world, but at the same time good frivolity, the desire for intellectual adventure. The color of the birth of an idea, insight. It is no coincidence that Buddha appeared to people wearing yellow robes. Buddhism is generally built on self-knowledge, which is what yellow represents. But in Christianity, on the contrary, it is the color of lies, deceit, betrayal, betrayal, madness - just remember the meaning of the phrases “yellow press”, “yellow house”. Christians condemn self-knowledge because they believe not in themselves, but in God.

Did you know that yellow light in the atmosphere has minimal scattering? This is true, which is why it is used in many areas of life as a warning and signal. For example, traffic lights are red, green, yellow. The first two are unambiguous: one prohibits travel, and the second allows it. Yellow acts as an intermediate one, warning that red or green will soon turn on, and you need to prepare for this.

In the interior

It has been proven that walls painted in shades of yellow are less likely to be stained by children. Therefore, it is often used in kindergartens, rooms, and playgrounds. In such rooms, children are obedient and cheerful. Are you wondering what colors and shades to choose to decorate your office? Be sure to use yellow - it increases efficiency, promotes rapid recovery strength and serves as an optimal catalyst for intellectual activity. Also, this color can be generously used in street and home interior. It has a good effect on the psyche, supports people in good mood, affects perception, making the surrounding “picture” more saturated and clear. Shades of yellow are often used in the interiors of recreation centers and sanatoriums, as they dispel boredom, inspire new ideas for leisure activities, and simply maintain a good mood. But it is not worth using this color in the design of hospitals - not only will it not reassure patients, but on the contrary, due to their unstable psyche, it will only irritate them, which will complicate treatment. Bright yellow color Pregnant women, alcoholics, and all those who experience nervousness reject it.

In clothes

The yellow tone in clothing attracts attention, but at the same time does not rivet it. It is unobtrusive and easy to understand; like all light and warm colors, it visually expands the volume, however, with a well-chosen cut and combination of shades, this property can be negated. Yellow is not suitable for everyone; for example, for people with a cool skin tone, it will highlight all existing imperfections. But in clothes of representatives of a contrasting type of appearance it looks just great. Keep in mind that wearing a yellow outfit can irritate bosses or teachers, as tired people reject such tones. For the same reason, you should not wear yellow clothes to business meetings; moreover, you may be considered a frivolous person, quite possibly even deceitful.

Shades of yellow: names, meanings, applications

Pearl, fawn, olive, lemon, mustard, sand... The names of shades of yellow can be listed for a long time, but in the article we will focus on describing the most commonly used ones.

Let's start with yellow-green

This shade is created when a little green is added to bright yellow. When compared to pure yellow or warm colors, it appears as a gentle lime green, but when compared to pure green or cool colors, it appears decidedly yellow. Perhaps this quality influenced its interpretation - this color is associated with betrayal, lies, betrayal, and men perceive it as a dirty trick. And how else, if the already “suspicious” yellow is combined with the “pragmatic” green? In the minds of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity, when they see a woman in yellow-green clothes, they immediately picture a temptress, prudently choosing a partner, and immediately jealousy arises towards her opponent, who turned out to be more successful. But if you look at this shade from a woman’s point of view, it is quite favorable: fresh, gentle, mischievous. The combination will give a feeling of soft charm and meekness, changing the mood to carefree, relaxed and good-natured. A similar effect will be produced by combining yellow-green with light brown. These shades seem to dissolve into each other, generating life-affirming stability. The combination can be complemented with sand, raspberry, and golden yellow tones. With the help of such a palette, among other things, you can make a good emphasis on interesting interior items.

In general, in the design of rooms, yellow-green color allows you to create an oriental atmosphere, cozy and colorful. Sofas, carpets, and fabrics may include elements of this color scheme. With the same success, you can carry out an industrial design, placing the main emphasis in yellow-green, light brown and peach shades on soft things: rugs, furniture, pillows, toys. In such rooms it is better to use curtains from gas material, and make the shelves forged and decorate with figurines.

In clothing, the yellow-green tone - due to its restraint - can be used every day, but it is most suitable for summer season, when it highlights freshness and gives special tenderness. In this case, the fabric should be soft - thin cotton, angora, silk are ideal options.

Affectionate light yellow

This shade is obtained by mixing yellow with white. If we interpret white as the color of maternal care, then, taking on some of its properties, light yellow becomes “loving” and gentle, it loses light shade its deafening brightness and sharpness, acquires smoothness. At sunset or dawn there is a lot of light yellow in the sky: at this time the sunlight is at its softest. The evening sun calms you down, and the morning sun makes you feel positive. It is interesting that in Tantrism this color is used to depict the third eye - a symbol of providence. And yet light yellow remains yellow - symbolizes intelligence and intuition. The feeling of tenderness and unobtrusiveness is enhanced by combining this tone with orange-pink or oak color - this combination will not catch the eye, but will quietly create the appropriate mood. You can also combine light yellow with purple, light pink, and brass color.

Due to the lack of yellow paint, pure shades of yellow were not available to interior designers in the first half of the 19th century. Basically they made do with the color of raw sienna, ocher - softer and light colors, which did not enhance the light in the room. When it became known how to get yellow paint, new trend, remembered as the imperial style. Light yellow shades are also used in modern styles. An interior made in such colors seems filled with light, regardless of the time of day, as a result of which it is especially recommended for use in rooms with low lighting: bathrooms, basements, corridors. However, in well-lit rooms it will also be appropriate - it will seem that the room consists entirely of light, the mood will rise, and productivity will increase.

As for the use of light yellow color in clothing, it should be noted that it is more suitable for representatives of the “winter” and “summer” color types. He will bring tenderness and kindness to the image of such people. As part of a formal suit, it can be used for business meetings, and the suitable fabric is cotton, satin, silk.

Calm gray-yellow

It is a hazy, faint shade of yellow that symbolizes relaxation. Just remember: gray-yellow sand on the beach, gray-yellow clay walls in the shadow of the midday sun... If you consider it as a combination of two colors, you will notice that it combines simplicity, stability, the nebulosity of gray and the sunshine of yellow. Here it comes - the midday heat, foggy heads, but providing salvation in the shade. The gray-yellow shade is combined with coral, creating a bright contrast in saturation and lightness. Coral compensates for all the pallor of gray-yellow, resulting in an association of proximity to the sea, southern exoticism. Also, the gray-yellow tone is compatible with dark beige - here a contrast of light and dark arises, due to which the combination acquires volume. Dark beige maintains the restraint and softness of light yellow, enhancing intermediate, glare shades. A combination with the color of wormwood, green-blue, gray-bronze is also possible.

The gray-yellow tone is considered sophisticated and relaxing, it looks great in a pattern of horizontal stripes and textured wallpaper. Although in general this shade is more suitable for the fabric structure, it can be used in fabric suspended ceilings, bedspreads, pillows, rugs in a variety of bright patterns. In such interiors, furniture can be either elegant or ordinary, the main thing is that it is not massive. You can complement the design by installing open shelves, decorated with jewelry, oriental souvenirs, candles.

The gray-yellow shade suits people of the “summer” color type. Dim, intricate, it sets off the appearance well, and when combined with coral, it gives the image uniqueness and special sophistication. The color can be used in both summer and winter clothes, so the textures of fabrics for it can be of different densities: light cotton, silk, angora, wool. In a gray-yellow outfit you will radiate calm, it will allow you to quickly pull yourself together even in case of strong excitement. Due to these qualities, clothes of this tone are perfect for both office work and leisure.

Sensual yellow-orange

This is the shade of “summer” countries, hot sun, ripe pulp of exotic fruits, heated sand and turmeric - everything that we miss so much on a snowy evening or rainy morning. In this color, yellow dominates over orange, therefore, enthusiasm, fussiness, intuition and sociability dominate sexuality, the search for adventure and steadfastness. Adding orange to yellow makes it more dreamy, open, and tolerant. If you are attracted to this shade, then most likely you are the life of the party, a person who easily makes new acquaintances, a lover of pimping. In combination with cream it becomes soft, muted, but does not lose its sophistication; with olive - it acquires richness and attractiveness. Can also be combined with turquoise, pale pink, chestnut.

Yellow-orange - very warm color, and bright rooms do not need it, since in such colors they seem stuffy and hot. But for dimly lit people it’s not enough warm rooms the yellow-orange solution is ideal. You can decorate a wall with this color, and all eyes will be drawn to it, and to achieve greater expressiveness, you can hang a turquoise accessory on it. In this case, it would be good to cover the floor with a mat and paint the remaining walls cream. You can furnish the room with a laconic rectangular sofa and simple armchairs yellow-orange color scheme, complementing them with turquoise pillows.

In clothing, this tone will suit representatives of all color types, with the exception of the “summer” color type. This is a cheerful, frivolous shade, so it is not suitable for outfits for business meetings or office work. When traveling, on vacation, during summer holidays - that’s where it is needed. It’s a good idea to have a sundress or swimsuit. Wearing clothes of this tone on a date will make you as attractive as exotic fruit, however, the relationship is likely to be fleeting. The shade is suitable for dense matte fabrics.

Universal pale yellow

This color is considered cold by many. Indeed, it can be seen at sunset or dawn in winter. Pale yellow is yellow, which is greatly diluted with white - the color of snow, cold. It is believed that such a shade means deception, but not obvious, rude, but close to a mirage. Compound white tone, symbolizing female care, memory, and yellow, as a symbol of intuition, joy, is interpreted as a memory of tender and kind maternal care - the illusion of security and tranquility is created, but these are only memories, deception, a mirage. And yet, the pale yellow shade carries positive emotions - is it unpleasant to remember maternal affection and childish carelessness? The winter morning color scheme is created by the combination of this tone with pale lilac - due to the pallor, the drama of the combination is smoothed out opposite colors, and harmony remains. When combined with an amethyst hue, pale yellow acquires brightness, but not

In the interior, a combination of such colors can be seen in the creations of French designers. Luxury and rich color is business card capital of fashion. It is better to decorate cafes, clubs, and salon-type living rooms in these colors, where there are a lot of lights, there are often guests, there is music, and various events are held. The room should be as comfortable as possible: with soft chairs and sofas, paintings on the walls, coffee tables, luxury accessories. It is advisable to lay a carpet or carpet on the floor. If chairs and cabinets are needed, they should be made of light wood, for example, maple. A room like this requires good lighting.

Pale yellow is a universal shade suitable for all skin color types. It is light and airy, close to the holiday, summer, but also applicable to office style in combination with strict tones. As for the use of a pale yellow shade in clothing for a business meeting, it can have the opposite effects: on the one hand, it will set the mood and calm the partner, and on the other hand, it can arouse suspicion. This color is best used in soft, smooth and light fabrics: chiffon, angora, silk, satin.

How to get yellow paint?

Any person who draws and is familiar with the rules knows that it is not possible to highlight yellow using other colors. Along with blue and red, this is one of the three main colors, by mixing which all the others are obtained. Therefore, yellow paint can only be made from a base yellow pigment - natural or artificial. The first option includes, for example, plants such as bearberry, wormwood, waxweed, monoberry, barberry and others, as well as mineral pigments. One of them is yellow ocher, which is a mixture of clay and iron oxide hydrate. It is used in all types of paints: oil, glue and others. People often ask: “What color is ocher?” You should know that the pigment can have shades from light yellow to dark yellow. To obtain yellow paint, you can also use other mineral pigments: jarosite, goethite, orpiment, wulfenite, light limonite.

Yellow colors in nature

  • What gives egg yolk its yellow color is xanthophyll and orange carotenoids found in plant grains that birds eat.
  • In autumn, the leaves turn yellow, again thanks to xanthophyll, which, along with green chlorophyll, participates in photosynthesis.
  • With hepatitis, a symptom such as jaundice develops, manifested by yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. This occurs because the liver is unable to process bilirubin, causing it to accumulate in the blood.

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