Beautiful fairytale house. Fairytale houses (photo) - nikolgrig — livejournal

These houses seem to have been created by real dreamers and fantasy lovers. All these buildings are real, made from real building materials. But it’s simply impossible to pass by such a building without taking out a camera and capturing it in a photo or video. In today’s selection I offer you 50 photos of ideas for country houses like from a fairy tale.

By choosing the scale of the building, you can build such a fairy-tale castle on your site.

A country house can be like that - a monastery in a medieval style.

A house with its entire appearance reminiscent of Vikings and harsh men living behind strong walls.

One more angle closer. Houses like those in fairy tales really do exist!

German half-timbered country house in a fairytale style - irregular geometry makes the structure cute and graceful.

Conceptual country house made of cement. Clay can also be used as a building material, but cement is better, as it is more durable.

A small house made of cement, suitable for a warehouse for storing household equipment.

The idea of ​​a house for a summer residence is, of course, one floor, with a residential attic. I was attracted by the shape of the building and the overall concept.

It may be an ordinary house, but there is something about it! It must feel like a fairy tale!

Houses with sloping walls and thatched roofs have always given me sincere joy and the feeling of a fairy-tale film.

A typical English cottage with red brick and a strictly neat garden. What a fairy tale!

A pleasant house with a fireplace made of flagstone. The idea is very good, I think!

Fairy roof design idea. Everything is sharp, high, and comfortable in winter - the snow will roll off without stopping.

Another original idea for a fairy-tale house is a cottage. A thatched roof is like a multi-layered skirt.

The concept of this house is extremely close to me - floor-length windows overlooking your garden. Sitting in a chair in the morning and contemplating your possessions is a lovely thing!

A house covered with siding, with its own neat garden, overlooking the water.

The idea of ​​a fairytale house from Antoni Gaudi from Park Guell in Barcelona.

A cute shoe house can be made for children's games.

Delicious, even a marshmallow house!

Ideas for the design of the roof and attic elements.

By creating such buildings, you give space to your own creativity, imagination and open the door from a fairy tale to our world.

Each such country house will be unique, original, will go viral on social networks, and will evoke a lot of positive emotions.

At the dacha you can challenge stereotypes and uniformity of buildings.

If not the main one, then at least a guest or children’s playhouse can be made unusual.

I want everything! Each house is good and unusual in its own way. And how to build everything?

All that remains is to lick your lips and dream!

So many ideas, so much beauty and inspiration!

The walls are covered with ivy and wild grapes.

Another house from Park Guell.

The hobbit's house is in the hill. I saw a film about how such a house was created; it is a very complex system, where many factors are taken into account, such as the groundwater level, drainage, antifungal treatment of walls and materials.

Even simply painting the walls of the house in bright colors will make it special and, to some extent, fabulous.

Well, if you decide to build a real fairy-tale mansion, then call me with a camera - I won’t miss the opportunity to take bright pictures!

Originality always attracts attention! Before you is an ordinary residential building, the owners of which decided to stand out among similar buildings in this way.

Hidden in the silence of the forest is the ice cream maker's house! From here every morning a man drives out in his van, delivering ice cream through the streets and treating children.

The house is like a fairy tale, the roof is in the shape of mushrooms.

An ideal thatched roof - it keeps you cool inside in hot weather and reliably protects from precipitation in rainy weather.

Of course, turrets are not as relevant now as they were in the early 90s, but they look very romantic!

Idea for a fairytale gnome house. Why not take this into account when building a playhouse?

A very stylish “fairytale” residential building.

When building a fairy tale on your site, be prepared for the fact that there will be people who want to take a closer look at your structure. Give them this opportunity - make a small entrance fee and your hobby will begin to generate some income. This is often done in the West.

Each owner of an unusual house makes money from his building. And this is either an entrance ticket or the opportunity to live for a day or more in such a house. I think the idea is very good, especially if your site is located in a picturesque location.

Ecology of life. Have you been dreaming of your own home for a long time? Or maybe there is enough space on your site for a small extension in which you would be happy

Have you been dreaming of your own home for a long time? Or maybe there is enough space on your site for a small extension in which you would happily engage in your favorite hobby or just relax alone from the everyday hustle and bustle? It is not at all necessary to take out loans or save every ruble from your salary; there are many people who have built their dream home without having significant funds. As you know, the main thing is desire!

1. Hobbit's house

Simon Dale from Great Britain has always dreamed of having his own home. But with modern real estate prices I couldn’t afford it. He did not take out a mortgage, but built a summer residence for his wife and two children with his own hands on a small plot of land in Wales.

Simon had no previous experience in construction. He was helped by relatives and friends, the whole process took 4 months. It was decided to build the house on a hillside. For this purpose, a pit was dug at the site; the soil and stone extracted from it were used for the foundation and supporting walls.

Both wood waste and wood from the nearby forest were used. The roof, floor and walls were covered with thatch, which provided thermal insulation, after which the walls were covered with lime plaster, allowing the house to “breathe”.

Insulation was also laid on the roof, with turf and grass on top. The original roof design with a hatch at the top provided natural light during the day.

The house is heated by a fireplace; the chimney passes through a stone, which retains heat for a long time.

The frame was made of oak; During construction, the simplest tools were used. As Simon himself says, they found some materials (for example, windows, plumbing, sockets, wires) in landfills. The house uses solar energy and uses a cellar instead of a refrigerator.

Such a house is not only simple, cheap and environmentally friendly - it is a reflection of individuality, the opportunity to live in harmony with nature, freedom from the cliches of the modern construction industry.

Simon claims that he did not intentionally build the home to look like a “hobbit house.” The family uses it as a summer residence, and Simon has since received many orders for similar buildings. Here, for example, is another house he built:

2. Eco-house made from earth

Yes, you heard right! From the most ordinary land, which, as you know, is free. Or, more precisely, from bags of earth.

As experts say, it is better to use clay-containing soil - it will harden after molding, which will give the structure additional strength. A foundation for such a house is not needed, it can be built directly on the ground, you just need to level the site.

The geometry of the building can be arbitrary - from a small house with a dome in a fairytale style to a full-fledged large building of any shape, even the most bizarre.

Bags of earth are stacked on top of each other; For molding, it is convenient to use a plate that is placed under the bag: the soil in the bag is compacted, and then the plate is removed. For additional binding, wire, mesh or boards are laid through the rows of bags.

Dome-shaped structures eliminate the need to make ceilings. You can use regular film as insulation.

An interesting element is the bags themselves. They are very cheap; They can be found in landfills or in stores, where they remain after packaging of goods. If a large construction project is planned, it is convenient to use rolls of sack fabric - this will allow you to build the house as a single ring.

The material of the bags is quite durable, it allows you to form more stable blocks: lime mortar is poured into the bags, after which they are placed in molds to obtain ready-made building elements. You can also mold blocks from clay and straw.

The walls made of sacks are plastered, whitewashed and painted.

3. Bottles for home

When constructing walls, bottles are also used - these can be either plastic or glass containers. The thermal resistance of a wall made of one layer of glass bottles is equal to a brick wall 0.55 m thick! At the same time, it is 2.5-3.5 lighter and thinner.

For one square meter of such a wall you will need about 200 bottles and approximately 150 liters of solution (depending on the width of the seam).

Such a structure will not only be cheap, warm and durable, but also environmentally friendly - collecting bottles in the area will help clean up the area and help the environment.

A house made from plastic bottles is also easy to build, but you will need patience: each bottle will need to be filled with sand or soil.

After the bottles are laid in a cement-sand mortar, the walls are reinforced with a chain-link mesh (you can simply wrap the necks with rope) and then plastered. The finished structure is practically no different in appearance from a house built from familiar materials:

Bottles can also be used to create a floating house. And the very first building in the world made of such material was erected in 1902 and looked like this:

Well, what to do if all of the above for some reason does not suit you, and you are limited in funds?..

Well, it's time to remember the classics. Let me introduce...

4. Her Majesty Zemlyanka

This type of housing has been known since Neolithic times; it is one of the oldest and widespread throughout the world. If you are planning a large construction project, the dugout will serve you not only as the first temporary structure on the site, but also as a cellar or additional utility room in the future.

However, its advantages cannot be diminished in the role of the main residence or additional residential building! The main advantages of the dugout are the optimal temperature inside; ease of construction (it can be built very quickly and even alone) and low cost. And also - invisibility: as soon as grass grows on the roof, your house will no longer stand out from the surrounding landscape.

To some, such a project will not seem very attractive - the stereotype about the dugout as a relic of history remains in the minds. In extreme cases, it is perceived as a cellar for storing workpieces. But modern dugouts look no less worthy than traditional houses. Cozy, lined inside and outside with boards, with small round windows - they are pleasing to the eye and are gaining popularity throughout Europe. Time itself seems to be intertwined in them - past and present, nature and man...

Their newfound popularity sometimes makes it difficult to understand what it is: a dugout or a modern cottage sunk into the ground?

Focus on interior and exterior details that will help you change your friends' perception of the dugout as a dull cellar. Fancy windows, a decorative fence at the entrance - and now you are Snow White in your quiet forest shelter...

It is also worth remembering the bunded house (it is also called a fox hole). Such a house can be slightly recessed, be completely above ground, or combine above-ground and bunded parts.

Such a structure is suitable for any terrain and any relief, adapting to it, repeating its contours. Such houses interact perfectly with the environment, and the earth seems to cover them with a blanket, protecting them from cold and wind.

Unlike a dugout, a bunded house should rather be called an earthen hill (it can even be attached to a hill, which will serve as a natural fence). Actually, it’s logical to consider “the hobbit’s house” a variation on this theme.

A diked house does not take up much space, and the land nearby and on it can be used for planting strawberries, raspberries and flowers, turning your home into a real flowering bed.

Perhaps, with a dugout or a “fox hole” you will not be afraid of an increase in average annual temperatures - in such a house you can forget about the heat and the need to install an air conditioner. It will maintain a positive temperature, which will reduce heating costs in winter. The walls of such a house always breathe; from year to year it becomes stronger due to the fact that the earth is compacted, and its top layer is held together by the roots and rhizomes of grasses. If you do ventilation correctly, you can also forget about dampness.
In fact, there are hundreds of ideas on how to build a small house cheaply and quickly! You just need time and desire to figure it out and choose the appropriate method. And then call your friends and acquaintances and start construction. After all, if you think about it, people used to build their houses without construction companies, loans and catalogs.
The terrain itself suggests what is best to build on the site: contaminated territory - go ahead for bottles; hilly terrain - “hobbit house” or “fox hole”; a lot of clay soil - a house made of earth...

It’s easy to find like-minded people on the Internet; By helping each other build, you will gain experience and make new interesting friends. And don’t forget: you can always transform a planned house or even one already under construction with the help of original ideas. It is not at all necessary to spend millions on construction - sometimes just a few details from projects you like (for example, an unusual shape of windows and doors) can inspire creativity, introduce something new that will change the appearance of the building. published

If you understand that your need is charitable assistance, then pay attention to this article.
Those who, without your participation, may lose an exciting business have turned to you for help.
Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track.
They attend classes where, under the guidance of an experienced trainer, they learn high-speed driving techniques.
Only constant exercises allow you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose speed.
Winning on the track is based on good qualification. And, of course, a professional kart.
Children who participate in clubs are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken spare parts do not allow them to participate in competitions.
How much pleasure and new sensations children experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving the car.
Maybe it is in such a circle that not only Russian champions grow up, but even future world champions in this sport?!
You can help the children's karting section, which is located in the city of Syzran. They are in a really bad situation right now. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergei Krasnov.
Read my letter and look at the photos. Pay attention to the passion with which my students work.
They love this developmental sport and really want to continue learning.
I am asking you to help the karting section in the city of Syzran survive.
Previously, there were TWO young technician stations in the city, and each had a karting section. There was also karting at the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. They closed it - it’s hard to say, they simply destroyed it!
We fought, wrote letters, and everywhere they had the same answer. About five years ago I went to the governor of the Samara region for a reception. He didn’t accept me, but my deputy accepted me.
After that, we were given premises where we were based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but very poor material conditions do not allow us to recruit children.
And most of the karts require repairs. This is the situation our circle is in.
We also turned to the mayor of the city of Syzran for help. This is the second year we have been waiting for help. We decided to turn to you via the Internet for help.
You can contact me, parcels at the address, 446012 Samara region, Syzran, Novosibirskaya street 47, through social networks SERGEY KRASNOV. or write to the mail [email protected] YouTube channel Always, being on the wave of success, you need to do works of mercy, give alms. And if the Lord helps in difficult circumstances, then do not forget about gratitude afterwards. Then He will not forget about your needs.

A fairy garden or house is an ideal craft if you want to decorate your home or garden without significant changes in decor. The most attractive thing about such works is that they are small in size, but at the same time have many details and small details. In order to make them, you don’t have to be a jeweler or “Left-handed”.

Due to handmade work, unusual materials and a large number of small details, each house is unique. You won't find two alike. The mysterious appeal of these cute objects may lie in childhood., because in everyone is hidden that little boy or girl who believed in fairy tales and loved them. It's like a garden for little creatures.

We invite you on a fabulous journey. Several video lessons await you.

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Before you start creating your own fairy garden, you should have a general idea of ​​what it will look like in the end, the shape and size that you would like. You can then make a list of the materials you will need. You can use everything! Twigs, artificial flowers, moss, flower pots, pine cones, pebbles, etc.

For example, in this example, a pine cone was used to create a roof.

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And here, popsicle sticks make great doors.

Cora as a small bridge.

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As we said, a fairy garden can be very small. It can fit into a cup. For example, as in the photo below. The little ladder is adorable, it’s easy to make yourself from sushi sticks or ordinary branches. Creating such a garden won't take much time; you could populate it with tiny cacti or succulents.

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Not all fairy gardens are tiny... at least not small enough to fit in a cup. Many are quite large in comparison. Instead of a cup, you can use a plant pot or bucket. Coming up with ideas for these types of projects is a lot of fun.

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Where for one it is just a broken pot, another sees the ideal basis for a fairy garden. The shards can be used to create a miniature staircase or to form a garden.

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Even children's toys, figurines, souvenirs, and pebbles are suitable as decoration.

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Don't be in a hurry to overcomplicate your project. It's better to start with simple projects. Gather the materials you would like to use, get the children involved. They will be very interested in figuring out how to use this or that item.

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If you are excited about the idea of ​​​​creating your own fairy garden, but there is no room in the house for new interior items, you can use one of the existing potted plants. It is desirable that he still has plenty of space in the pot. You can add the same succulents or other miniature plants, as well as rocks or pebbles, and finally add the finishing touch: a tiny bench like the one shown here.

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You can set a specific theme for your garden. For example, “The circus has arrived.” There is a miniature Ferris wheel, a clown and colorful garlands. It turned out fun and colorful.

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You don't have to put the entire magical garden in a pot. In the example below, we added a door, some moss and stones, and it already creates the feeling that this is a door to a fairy-tale world.

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There is something cute and mysterious about tiny doors. Look: you go out into the yard, look at the roots of the trees and are surprised to discover under one of them there is a small door similar to the entrance to the trunk. This is such a charming idea.

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Fairytale houses differ from our houses in that they can be funny and unusual, colorful, crooked, very small and huge, and sometimes even edible, or, on the contrary, poisonous. Let's try it together draw a fairy house, in which gnomes could live, and we also find out how to draw a house in the shape of a Christmas gingerbread. What do you think of the idea? Like? Then let's go!

I have prepared several options for fairy-tale houses for you. One of them is in the video.

How to draw a house for gnomes step by step

You can also lightly mark where the walls end and the roof begins.

2. Let's draw the walls and roof. The most interesting thing in the process of creating a drawing of a fairy-tale house is that you can draw walls and roofs of any shape, the main thing is to fantasize as much as possible and make the house original.

3. If the main elements of the house are ready, it’s time to take care of the windows and doors, because a fairy-tale house should not only be funny and original, but also serve as a cozy home for the gnomes. Windows and doors can also be of various shapes: curved, round, oval, square. In a word, fantasize!

4. Now you can move on to the details. Let's designate patterns on the roof that will remind us of tiles, and draw brick walls.

5. Let’s add a few more details to the drawing of the house: a chimney, as well as a flashlight, so that the gnomes will not be afraid to return home at night. Now let’s draw the background elements: bushes, trees, flowers, clouds.

6. Congratulations! The fairytale house is ready! Color it with bright colors using pencils or paints. You can use color to make your house design even more fantastic and original.

How to draw a house in the form of a Christmas gingerbread

1. First of all, let's think about placing the house on paper. Let us mark the extreme upper and lower points of the drawing and align them with a central line. It will help us maintain symmetry.

Also mark on the center line where the walls will end and the roof will begin. For convenience, you can draw a horizontal line through the marks.

2. This house will be a little more similar to the houses in which people live, so let's try to start by building it from geometric shapes that are familiar to us. A rectangle is for the walls, a triangle is for the roof. Also mark doors and windows. Now this house has become like an ordinary one, but we will add a fabulous touch to it.

3. Let’s add two caramel columns on the sides to the walls, and make the roof in the form of icing flowing down onto a small window. Also at this stage we will draw the windows and doors in detail.

4. All the main elements are ready, let's move on to the sweet details? Decorate the drawing of the house as you wish. For example, I decorated my house with garlands with various sweets. And I added caramel stones to the bottom for decoration.

At this stage, you also need to complete the background elements. Our house is Christmas, so the background should be winter: snow, a festive tree and the like.

5. Congratulations! Sweet Christmas house is ready! Color it with pencils or paints, as desired. Success in creative work!

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