Beautiful house project 1st floor. One-story or two-story house

For those who are looking for designs for one-story residential buildings, this article can be very useful. I have collected here 24 projects with layouts and dimensions, according to which you can already make a working draft and draw up an estimate. Here are the houses different sizes- from very small to spacious, designed for a large family.

Project No. 1

The first project is a house 6 x 10 meters in plan - its overall dimensions are very modest. This small house with two bedrooms, such a house can comfortably accommodate a family of three. At the entrance the house has no large terrace under the roof.

In the house separate kitchen with its own bathroom and a large living-dining room measuring 21 square meters. The kitchen in this house measures 3 x 4.5 meters.

Project No. 2

The next house is larger than the previous one - with a length of 10 meters, it also has an overall width of 10 meters, although in plan it is not rectangular, but has a more complex outline.

The house has three bedrooms, it has two bathrooms, one of which is equipped with a bath. In the center of the house there is a living room 25 square meters, from which there is access to the terrace. The kitchen measures 3 x 4 meters. The disadvantage of this project is that the living room is a walk-through and from it there is an entrance to the bedrooms. It can be improved by moving the wall between the kitchen and living room, creating a single kitchen-dining-living room space and highlighting a corridor from which there will be doors to the bedrooms.

Project No. 3

This is a house project 9 x 11 meters, quite spacious, but not huge. Moreover, adjacent to the wall of the house is a car parking area with a canopy. If desired, the parking lot can be turned into a garage by laying down the walls. The house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The total area is 70 meters without a balcony, terrace and garage.

The disadvantage of this project is the same as the previous one. The plan can be refined by adding a walk-through living room to one of the bedrooms. Thus, by sacrificing the latter, we get a large living room measuring 3.5 x 6 meters.

Project No. 4

This house is quite spacious, its dimensions are 8.5 by 12 meters. The house has three bedrooms, one of which is very large - measuring 4 x 4.5 meters. The other two bedrooms are smaller, 9 square meters each.

The house has two entrances - from the street and from the courtyard. There is a covered porch at each entrance. The layout of the house requires clarification; the living room can be combined with the kitchen, and the guest bathroom can be moved closer to the main entrance. Also on this large area you can fence off technical rooms: laundry, ironing, etc.

Project No. 5

This is a large house for a large family. Dimensions in plan: 12 x 12.5 meters. On such huge area You can place three bedrooms, a kitchen-dining room, a living room, an office and a number of technical rooms.

The designers who created this project, in my opinion, handled the distribution of areas unreasonably. I would remove the right bathroom and make a large kitchen-living room measuring 6.5 by 7 meters, zone it correctly, and designate the remaining rooms for bedrooms and children’s rooms. There would also be room for a study.

Project No. 6

A one-story house measuring 15.5 by 10 meters. This project is very big house. The house has a carport designed for two cars, which can be turned into a full-fledged built-in garage.

Such a large area can accommodate a large family requiring three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Project No. 7

Nice house project 10 x 9 meters. The house compactly houses three bedrooms, a large living room measuring 6 x 3.5 meters and a separate kitchen measuring 9 meters.

The living room has a beautiful bay window that creates interesting plastic facade.

Project No. 8

Project one storey building 6 x 6 meters in overall dimensions. The house has two bedrooms and one large kitchen-living area.

At the entrance there is a small terrace with a canopy. The bathroom has an entrance from the kitchen area.

The house has access to courtyard. The bedrooms are quite modest in size, 3 x 3 meters. Sliding wardrobes and the presence of two windows in each of them save the situation.

Project No. 9

Nice house project with a high roof. Dimensions are 8 x 9 meters, the walls in plan have a complex geometry. This is a chalet style house that will look very picturesque.

The layout, in my opinion, needs some improvement.

Project No. 10

Project of a one-story house 9 x 8 meters with two bedrooms. The house has a large roof terrace.

One bedroom is large 5 x 3.5 meters, the second is smaller - 4 x 3 meters. The kitchen is fenced off in separate room, living-dining room walk-through. The layout can be adjusted to suit your needs.

Project No. 11

A one-story house 9 x 9 meters with a measured plan. Inside the house there is a winter garden, two bedrooms and a kitchen-living room.

Good option for country house for a family of three. Instead of winter garden you can arrange an office or a small guest room.

Project No. 12

House project in modern style With flat roof. The dimensions of the house in plan are 8 x 8 meters. A carport has been installed. Alone in the house large bedroom 16 square meters and a single kitchen-living room space.

Instead of a carport, it would be more correct to arrange another bedroom, in my opinion.

Project No. 13

Large house 9 x 13 meters. The plan has complex shape. Three bedrooms, kitchen, living room and dining room.

There is immediately space for a car under the roof canopy.

Project No. 14

A large house with dimensions of 9 x 14 meters. The facade is very interesting, the house is one-story.

Beautiful stained glass glazing at the entrance. First we find ourselves in the living-dining room, then into the corridor, from which there is an entrance to the kitchen and three bedrooms.

Along the house there is a narrow terrace, which will be pleasant to use for relaxation.

Project No. 15

Project of a one-story house measuring 11 x 11 meters in plan.

The house can have four bedrooms, although in the presented project there are three. One bedroom is very large - almost 20 square meters. It can be divided into two bedrooms of 10 m2 each.

Project No. 16

Dimensions of the house are 6 x 9 meters. The house has three bedrooms and a small living room.

The kitchen is, as it were, separately attached to the house along with a terrace leading out to the courtyard.

Project No. 17

An interesting project for a narrow house for a long plot.

The house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one of which has a bath.

At individual development One-story private houses and buildings of other heights are arguing among themselves. If back in the early 2000s the principle “the higher the house, the better” prevailed, then today a rethinking of values ​​is taking place in favor of the first option.

The erected two- and three-story colossuses look very impressive and expensive, however, their operation costs a pretty penny. While one-story houses, even with equal area, are quite economical to operate and much more convenient. And if desired, they can look no less impressive, especially if you carefully develop a design project at the planning stage.

One-story houses are time-tested housing. The history of private development goes back more than one century, and the lion's share of man-made buildings have only one floor. There were, of course, exceptions when among all outbuildings The master's house rose one and a half (+ floor or floor +) two floors. But this only confirms the rule.

Large one-story house with an attic in an old style

Projects one-story houses have a number of advantages that force modern builders to increasingly opt for such solutions.

  1. The light weight of the structure due to the absence of the second and third floors allows you to avoid spending money on pouring a powerful foundation. It becomes possible to use almost: monolithic slab, columnar, strip, pile. At the same time, make it not very massive and recessed. The video talks about the technology of installing a foundation for a house.
  2. Projects of one-story houses are simpler to develop and detail, which means that design engineers will not have to overpay for their work.
  3. Building a one-story house is much easier than building high design. There is virtually no need to manufacture scaffolding, external or internal, or to rent special equipment for high-altitude work. In the process, you can make do with available materials and tools: sawhorses, stepladders.
  4. Carry out construction and finishing work several people can do it at the same time. There is no need to wait until the first floor is ready, and only then start working on the second and third. The time for .
  5. Further operation and maintenance a one-story house is many times easier than the same area divided into several floors.
  6. IN one-story houses There is no such mandatory element for other cottages as a staircase. This allows you to carry out any layout of premises without any spatial restrictions and save space. It is quite expensive and takes up a lot of space. And not all types interfloor stairs allow efficient use of under-staircase space.
  7. Living on one floor is much more comfortable than constantly running up the stairs. Even a competent multi-story approach does not completely solve this problem.

And, of course, such structures are much cheaper than their high-rise counterparts. Therefore, projects of one-story economy class houses are found on the market much more often and are much more convenient to use than.

Project of a European one-story house

The video shows the development of a one-story house project in a graphic editor

Who is suitable for one-story houses?

Despite its practicality, not every family will feel comfortable in a one-story house. And not every plot can have such a house built. You need to understand that a one-story house has a very large building area. For example, it can occupy an area of ​​10 by 10 meters.

The video shows the development of a one-story house project in a graphic editor

Layout options for one-story houses

The apparent simplicity of a one-story house is a deceptive impression. If desired, it can easily be turned into an externally interesting object and convenient housing from the point of view of use. However, the materials used can be completely different.

Classic one-story house with a small area

Project of a small one-story house
Layout of a large one-story wooden house with sauna

Such a house will look organic only on a very spacious plot. Standard plots of 8-10 acres will be too small for him. But this great solution for a large family.

A modern manor combines almost all possible decorative elements and additional functionality. Such a house is usually built with. On the outside, one or two terraces give a unique appearance; there may also be one, including a covered one. The presence is not uncommon.

Project of a large one-story house with a two-car garage

The interior layout is thought out to the smallest detail. The presence of large areas allows you to realize the most daring design solutions.

  • Both entrances - the main one and from the garage - lead to the hallway. In front of each of them there is a small vestibule. It does not allow cold air to penetrate directly into the room.
  • Additional exits may lead to terraces. As a rule, they are not equipped with transition zones, since they are used mainly in the warm season.
  • The house has a spacious living room. Often it is combined with a fireplace room or simply serves as an anchor decorative element in it.
  • The kitchen in a manor house should be spacious, since it will be used by several people at the same time. It can be separated into a separate room, or it can be combined with the living room.
  • The bathrooms are located in such a way that one small one is within walking distance from the living room, and the second - the main one - is located closer to the bedrooms. Moreover, the bathrooms can be completely separated. One is a toilet, the second is a bath. Or they can duplicate each other’s functions. For example, the small one has a toilet and shower, and the second one has a bathtub, toilet and bidet.
  • The number of bedrooms varies, but usually there are at least three. All of them are occupied either by households or one of them is reserved for a guest room.
  • In a large area there will certainly be room to place built-in storage rooms and a wardrobe. Moreover, these ideas can be implemented both in common areas and in each bedroom. This will free up the space of the rooms themselves, without cluttering them with furniture.

One significant disadvantage of large one-story houses is the system of large unused corridors. Space connecting different rooms, as a rule, is not used, but usable area it just disappears. Whatever one may say, it is almost impossible to avoid these losses. Long, elongated passages with broken lines, or round-square rooms with many doors are an inevitable solution for manor houses.

What type of house to choose for construction is an entirely individual decision. Only after weighing all the pros and cons of buildings various types, having assessed the existing site and correlating this with the needs of residents, you can make right choice. Each house, whether single-story or multi-story, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Something will have to be sacrificed in any case.

A one-story house with an area of ​​10x10 meters provides some freedom of action. Of course, this is not a two-story mansion, where each family member will have their own spacious room, but also not a house with an area of ​​50 square meters, which accommodates not only a utility area, but also two, or even three or four rooms.

The number of rooms, their sizes, and purpose are much easier to vary when the area of ​​the house is 100 square meters. And there are many more projects with such a square footage. Consider the most optimal projects For comfortable stay large or small family to make it easier for you to choose the appropriate option.

A one-story house on the site occupies more space than a building of the same area, but on two floors. However, for a family with children or elderly or disabled relatives, this option is more preferable - it is safer and more convenient.

And a staircase that would lead to the second floor would take up useful space.

But there are other advantages of such a building.

  • The usable area is enough to accommodate a family of 4 or even 5 people.
  • The level of injuries is reduced due to the absence of stairs.
  • Makes house cleaning easier.
  • The design of all rooms of the house can be done in the same style.
  • The house warms up faster and retains heat longer.
  • The house is square in shape, the number of solutions is large.
  • The foundation does not need additional reinforcement, since it only needs to support one floor.

A one-story 10×10 house can be comfortable and spacious. The layout of the rooms and their location depends on the size of the family. So everyone will feel comfortable in it, including guests who, no, no, and even want to stay overnight.

Important: Please note that the stated area of ​​10×10 does not mean that its living or total area will be so. 10-20 sq.m. will be taken over external walls and interior partitions used for zoning.

That's why usable space, with which you will operate, there will be 80-90 m 2 left. And this is quite enough - see for yourself.

The presented version of the house has total area 76.55 sq.m., of which 48.25 – living area. And only one room (living room) is a walk-through room.

  • 2 children's rooms of 9.32 sq.m.
  • Bedroom 11.58 sq.m.
  • Hall 18.03 sq.m.
  • Kitchen 7.32 sq.m.

The remaining area was able to accommodate a boiler room, a bathroom, a vestibule or dressing room and a hall.

If you don’t need 2 children’s rooms, one room can be used as an office or guest room. If the house is heated by a double-circuit boiler and a boiler room is not needed, the bathroom can be made separate or the freed-up space can be used for a wardrobe, pantry, or dryer.

Important: if you want to learn how to create interior plans, read our article: 25 best programs, applications and services for an interior designer. This skill is useful for everyone, not just professional designers.

A small family does not need additional living rooms. And if necessary, guests can be accommodated in the living room for the night.

Please note that the total area of ​​this house includes the area of ​​external walls and partitions.

  • A corridor (8 sq.m.) leads from the entrance deep into the house.
  • To the left and right hand from it there are doors to bedrooms of 16 sq.m.
  • The corridor turns into a hall, at the end of which a room for technical and utility needs with an area of ​​5.4 sq.m. is fenced off. The area of ​​the spacious hall is 18.6 sq.m.
  • The house has a spacious combined unit (12 sq.m.) and a kitchen combined with a living room.

If desired, the kitchen can be moved to technical room, and make two zones from the living room: a guest room and a relaxation area, or equip a cool home office.

If you do not touch the layout, then in a fenced-off room you can arrange a boiler room, a dryer, an additional bathroom or a closet.

The advantage of this project is that each of the rooms, be it residential or utility, is not a walk-through room.

Rooms should be located in the house not only so that everyone is spacious and comfortable. The orientation of the house to the cardinal points should also be taken into account. So, a bathroom, kitchen, pantry, boiler room will completely survive the lack of light. But bedrooms, children's rooms and the living room need long-lasting and sufficient natural light.

This project has a total area of ​​almost 80.96 sq.m, with a living area of ​​53.96 sq.m, and the living area consists of 2 bedrooms and a living room.

  • Bedroom 1 – 14.37 sq.m. It can be a guest room, an office or a nursery.
  • Bedroom 2 – 16.07 sq.m.
  • Living room – 23.52 sq.m.
  • Kitchen-dining room – 10.91 sq.m.
  • Combined bathroom – 6.06 sq.m.

A vestibule leads into the house, at the end of which there is a boiler room or storage room with an area of ​​3.28 sq.m.

The area of ​​the house is 10x10 by 2.3 meters. These premises can be sacrificed if the size of the site does not allow them to remain. And make the entrance from the street directly into the hall, fencing it off, for example, plasterboard wall with a door.

The advantage of this option is that, having accommodated 3 living rooms in the house area, it was possible to make each of them separate.

In a house with an area of ​​100 square meters, it is quite possible to plan not only the living area and kitchen and technical premises. It is possible to arrange open terrace, which is the dream of everyone who buys a country private one-story house 10x10. The layout of the rooms will be practical and comfortable.

Take a look at the proposed project for yourself. It has three bedrooms of 11.9; 12.2 and 12.5 sq.m. and living room 20.2 sq.m. The space between the rooms is a kitchen, which also serves as a dining room with an area of ​​13.1 sq.m. Toilet room combined, located next to the entrance to the house.

The living room has four windows and sliding door. The room receives a lot of natural light. Therefore, you can make a glass veranda behind it. And go to it almost straight from home. If this solution seems inconvenient to you, install a door instead of one window. And the window can be moved to the place of the existing sliding doors.

The same terrace, but smaller in size, can be made in front of the entrance to the house.

Any of the presented options can be changed. For example, moving a wall to make a room or terrace larger. Demolish interior partitions, which are not load-bearing, to make the rooms more spacious (loft style). And changing the purpose of the room will not be as difficult as it seems. After all, this private house, and not an apartment in a high-rise building.

One-story house 10×10: room layout and its basics

A 10x10 house is considered a medium sized house. Moreover, it is a one-room apartment. And, despite all its advantages, its external walls cannot be moved apart to separate one room.

Therefore, it is worth initially deciding which rooms in the house are necessary and which you can do without.

  • We need a living room. This is not a master bedroom, but a gathering place for the whole family. This room should not be neglected. We give him the most spacious room.
  • The number of bedrooms depends on the size of the family. A young family may soon expand, so there should be at least 2 bedrooms.
  • The kitchen, if its space allows, can also be a dining room. Even an area of ​​10-13 sq.m can accommodate both a cooking area and a dining set.
  • The bathroom is one of the most necessary technical rooms.
  • Pantry. If you have space, great. Otherwise, supplies are stored in outbuildings in the yard. But you can allocate a space of 1.5-2.5 sq.m. for it in any way in the kitchen or in the hall.
  • Wardrobe. You can do without a separate room for it. Install wardrobes from floor to ceiling. This will solve the problem of placing things. Useful ideas and tips can be gleaned from our article on decorating a small dressing room.
  • A dryer is optional.
  • A boiler room is only needed if the house has a stove and steam heating is installed. But most families use double-circuit boilers, gas heating and install heated floors. Therefore, the need for this room disappears and additional square footage is freed up. And just right for a storage room or bathroom.
  • Terrace. You can refuse, but you don’t want to.

We increase functionality without expanding the walls

You can make your living area more spacious by making adjustments to the layout.

Sending the "family ship" sailing on the ocean called individual construction you should study well the “pilot” - objective factors influencing the cost and comfort of the future cottage.

Dangerous shallows and underwater rocks await beginners along this path. One of the main stumbling blocks is the question of which house is better to build: one-story or two-story.

Not only objective, but also far-fetched arguments are given in favor of each option. Getting to know them, it is difficult for the developer to navigate correctly. Not understanding who to trust, he begins to act at his own peril and risk.

As a result, the budget allocated for creating a family nest suffers, and living conditions turn out to be worse than expected.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the main factors that need to be taken into account: the cost of construction and convenience of living. We have taken individual tastes and preferences, which are “innumerable,” out of the scope of discussion. To begin with, let us remember the first myth, which says that a two-story cottage is more profitable and convenient than a one-story one. Upon closer examination, you will see that this is not entirely true.

To correctly compare the cost of one and two-story buildings, it is necessary to bring them to “ common denominator": same area, common structural elements and construction technologies. Without this, the analysis becomes meaningless, since different options The price for each stage will be different.

In popular videos on this topic, the authors admit one serious mistake. In their tables, they compare not the average cost of building a cottage, but the volume of basic work. As a result, it is concluded that it is more profitable to build a one-story or two-story house. We propose a more accurate estimation methodology based on the total amount of expected expenses.

So, let’s compare the costs of building two cottages of the same area (160 m2): a one-story one measuring 10x16m and a two-story one measuring 10x8m. The foundations are monolithic reinforced concrete strip foundations of the same height (from the base to the top mark of the base 1.6 meters, width 0.5 m).

Walls (height 3 m, thickness 0.43 m) - aerated concrete blocks+ facing brick.

Floors of the first and second floors – wooden beams. The roof is a hipped gable metal tile (inclination angle 30 degrees).

To carry out our calculations, average current prices for 2017 are taken. In each specific case the numbers will be different. However, the calculations we have made will clearly show you an objective calculation algorithm and allow you to compare one- and two-story houses with other parameters.


  • Foundation perimeter one-story building(10 + 16 m) x 2 = 52 pm;
  • For a cottage with a height of 2 floors of the same area, the length of the foundation strip will be less: (10+8 m) x 2 = 36 pm.

The volume of concrete to be poured in the first case is 52 x 0.5 x 1.6 = 41.60 m3. In the second option, we need 36 x 0.5 x 1.6 = 28.80 m3. Concrete savings for a 2-story house will be: 41.60 – 28.80 = 12.80 m3. On pouring the blind area (width 1 meter, thickness 0.1 m) we will save (52-36) x 1.0 x 0.1 = 1.6 m3.

The difference in concrete and reinforcement work, taking into account the price of materials, will be equal to (12.80 + 1.6 = 14.40 m3) x 5,000 rubles. = 72,000 rub. in favor of the “two-story building”. If we add to this amount the insulation of the foundation with foam plastic (RUB 8,000), the result will increase up to 80,000 rub..


This will be news to some, but the wall area of ​​a one-story building is smaller than that of a two-story building:

  • 52 pm x 3m height = 156 m2;
  • 36 pm x 6 m height = 216 m2.

The difference is 60 m2. Savings on masonry (face brick + aerated concrete), taking into account work and materials, will be equal to 60 m2 x 3,400 rubles/m2 = 204,000 rubles.

To this amount you need to add the increase in cost due to high-rise work on the 2nd floor (scaffolding + complexity factor). It is at least 15% (204,000 x 1.15 = 234,600 rubles)

As we see, at the laying stage, savings on the foundation are completely “eaten up” by the walls. Therefore, on a two-story building we go into the minus by 154,600 rubles (234,600 – 80,000 rubles).

Ceilings and roof

In single-level and two-level options buildings, the floor areas are the same (160 m2 each). Therefore, in a dispute about what is cheaper to build, this point does not cause disagreement.

But the roof of the “one-story building” in question is 91 m2 larger (taking into account the slope of the slopes of 30 degrees). The increase in installation cost taking into account materials will be: 91 m2 x 2,300 rubles/m2 = RUB 209,300.


You can’t do without it in a two-level house. The price of a staircase varies widely (on average from 50 to 200 thousand rubles). The costs for it are minus the “two-story building”. For comparative calculations, we will take the average cost - 120 thousand rubles.

Second bathroom, heating and electrical wiring

The need to equip a toilet and shower in a two-story building is beyond doubt. Going up and down from the bedroom to the first floor, especially at night, is a dubious pleasure. Expenses for plumbing, finishing materials and work in budget option amount to at least 50,000 rubles. In a one-story cottage, a second bathroom is not needed.

The perimeter of the walls of the one-story building we are considering is 52 linear meters. U two-story building this figure is 36 x 2 = 72 pm. According to the length of the heating pipes, we get a difference (20 m x 2 = 40 m) plus 8 meters for the heated water supply pipes and the “return” from the boiler to the upper level. The price of installation and materials for this additional section of communications: 48 rm x 400 rubles/rm = 19,200 rubles.

The increase in the cost of electrical networks in a 2-story cottage due to the longer length of the external walls will be at least 15,000 rubles.

In total, in terms of “bathroom, heating and electrical”, the construction of a one-story building is more profitable than a two-story building. The savings will be (50,000 + 19,200 + 15,000 = RUB 84,200.)

Price total

Comparing the cost of structures, equipment and construction work for two-story and one-story cottages in our example, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • The foundation and blind area of ​​the two-story building turned out cheaper by 80,000 rubles;
  • Its external walls are 154,600 rubles more expensive;
  • Savings on the roof amount to RUB 236,600;
  • The staircase will increase the cost of construction by 120 thousand rubles;
  • The second bathroom, together with heating and electrical networks, increases costs by 79,200 rubles.

As a result we get: 80 000 – 154 600 + 209 300 – 120 000 – 84 200 = 69,500 rubles increase in construction costs two-story house.

Concluding the money topic, we note that a two-level cottage saves area. In those regions of Russia where land is expensive, the construction of a high-rise building allows you to “win” a very significant amount.

Pros and cons of living

The second part of the questions does not concern your wallet, but their significance is not at all smaller size financial investments. By saving on construction, you may face serious living inconveniences. Therefore, we will consider in more detail what advantages and disadvantages the compared buildings have.

The layout of rooms that are not divided by height into two levels is more convenient for residents. With a well-designed plan for a one-story building, there is no need for corridors that take up a considerable part of the area.

In a two-level house, the main planning problem is the staircase. If you make it comfortable (wide and not steep), then it will take up at least 15 m2. The desire to save on size makes it inconvenient and traumatic for the elderly and children. Partial loss of usable space can be compensated by placing a dressing room or storage room under the stairs.

The second floor is a desirable corner of silence and relaxation for the family. Therefore, bedrooms are usually located here. Noise from household and living rooms The first floor practically does not reach here.

If the building will be built in a picturesque area, then you need to take into account the visibility factor. Two-story cottage in this regard, there is no competition. By making an open terrace or loggia at the top, you can enjoy the surrounding landscapes every day. On the ground floor you can only admire beautiful area and a fence.

From an architectural point of view, a high facade is more expressive and promising than a low one. There is enough space for external decoration (columns, pilasters, cornices, belts). In addition, supporters and opponents of tall buildings agree on one thing: appearance Such buildings are more solid and richer than those of low ones.

If we talk about the cost of maintenance, then a one-story house has more advantages. Any work related to the restoration or replacement of finishing, drainage system here you can do it with an ordinary ladder. For repair work needed on a tall building scaffolding, self-assembly or the rent of which “will cost a pretty penny.”

When deciding what kind of house to build, do not forget to correlate its area with the size of the plot:

  • on 5-6 acres, a residential building with an area of ​​120 m2 (one- or two-story) for a family of 4 people is optimally located;
  • plots of 10-12 acres are best suited for cottages up to 200 m2;
  • a house with an area of ​​350 - 400 m2 requires at least 15 acres of free territory.

From an energy efficiency point of view, a two-story building could be considered the best option. Heat from the premises on the first level does not go to cold attic, and the second floor heats. However, in a two-story house there is a larger area of ​​external walls and, accordingly, heat loss through them is greater than in a one-story house.


Having weighed the pros and cons, we can conclude that, in financial terms, construction one-story cottage more profitable. Practice shows that this advantage remains in most cases, however, such a conclusion, of course, is not an axiom. In terms of living comfort, cost of repairs and maintenance, a “one-story” building also outperforms a two-level building.

As an asset of a two-story house, you can write down the savings in the area of ​​the plot. In addition, its advantages include a more expressive appearance of the facade and good visibility.

Video “FOR” one-story buildings:

Video “FOR” the two-story building:

When thinking about their own mansion, owners often spend a lot of time selecting materials, choosing technological features construction, while forgetting about the project. After all, this is where any construction begins. Designing a house is a complex and painstaking job, combining the skills of a builder, designer, technologist and many other works. Therefore, it is much easier and more practical to look finished projects one-story houses to ensure the perfect match between desires and possibilities.

Advantages and disadvantages of one-story residential buildings

Why one-story? Because such houses combine many indicators:

  • Comfort;
  • Inexpensive cost;
  • The ability to create an economically viable home that requires minimal investment for maintenance;
  • Build a house even on a small piece of land.

It should be taken into account that private houses on one floor can be supplemented not only good base, but also a residential attic, a garage and a terrace, and this is a big plus to the usable area and an excellent opportunity to expand your own space. In addition, it is much easier to create your own type of one-story house than a two or more storey building; just look at the “tested” projects of one-story houses from development companies and choose the most aesthetic, practical and attractive one.

But one-story buildings have their own characteristics, the main of which is clear space planning. It is necessary to place rooms and premises “on paper” before the start of construction, since during the construction process it will no longer be possible to adjust the building. Even the slightest adjustments will lead to the fact that buildings that are beautiful on paper will end up unsightly, so take as a basis such indicators of the future home as:

  1. Cost-effectiveness in the construction and operation of the finished structure;
  2. Functionality, comfort of the future home.

Of course, one of the fundamental factors influencing the number of floors of a house is the size of the plot. For a one-story house, both small and medium-sized plots of land are equally ideal, large plot such a structure may not look entirely ideal.

The advantages of one-story buildings include the following indicators:

  1. Aesthetics . Two or more storey buildings do not always rise “proudly”, striking others with their beauty. In fact, designs of one-story houses can be so unusual and attractive that no other building can compete with them. If a good architect worked on drawing up the plan, selected the right materials for finishing and embodied all the customer’s wishes in form and aesthetics, the structure will truly turn out to be unique and incredibly beautiful. And by the way, don’t forget about exterior decoration, there is a wide choice of materials, so it all depends on the budget and preferences of the developer.
  2. Saving . Less load on the supporting base allows you to equip inexpensive foundation, which will help you invest in finishing and the most efficient design of your future home.
  3. Budgeting is not only about money, but also about time. Any one-story houses are built in one season. In addition, to maintain a one-story building you will need less funds than to ensure the warmth and comfort of a multi-story building.
  4. Versatility- another plus of the house. It can be built on any soil, used as a main house, and then, when expanding needs, as an insulated country house.
  5. Convenience. Ease of repair and cleaning - these are the main factors that concern every reasonable developer. Travel safety ensures that your elderly relatives and people with disabilities disabilities will not experience inconvenience in front of stairs. In addition, the location of all rooms on the same level significantly reduces the risk of injury if there are small children in the family.
  6. Construction savings is also achieved by reducing funding for the arrangement of the second or more floors.
  7. Simplicity of engineering schemes and communications connections also play a role, as does the simplification of construction schemes.

Psychologists often say that each family member needs their own space, but they also argue that in one-story houses unity and a sense of cohesion, the so-called “family spirit,” are preserved. This is also why one-story buildings, even if supplemented with a terrace or a residential attic, are considered more cozy and comfortable for living.

Advice! To build a one-story house, you do not need special equipment, which means that the landscape of the site will retain its original shape.

Such houses also have disadvantages:

  • Limited sizes. If you need large rooms, but the plot is small, give preference to a two-story house or a project with a residential attic.
  • Sufficient insulation and insulation will be required, since the living quarters will be located close to the ground.
  • Dependence on relief. However, here you can beat the disadvantage by building a house on pile foundation, with this technology the soil, it bearing capacity, the presence of ascents and descents does not matter.

Basic requirements for the parameters of a one-story house

To make it easier to decide on the design of your future home, it is better to think through the fundamental requirements for the house in advance. To do this, you need to determine points such as:

  1. House area. Everything is included here: number of rooms, utility rooms, as well as how much of the site you are willing to sacrifice for construction.
  2. Significant changes in relief will require additional waterproofing, especially if the groundwater aquifers are high enough.
  3. The desired number of rooms also requires sufficient sanitary areas.
  4. Extensions such as garages and outdoor storage areas will also require space.

If you encounter any difficulties, photos of one-story buildings will help. practical houses. Such illustrations will clearly demonstrate all the possibilities of constructive placement and the aesthetics of finished buildings. And when all the requirements are taken into account, you can decide on the project.

Advice! If you plan to build by hiring the services of a developer, it makes sense to look at ready-made projects of one-story houses. In this case, construction will be cheaper, and there is also the possibility of making additions.

Interesting design and design solutions

Let's start with the fact that the developer has a car and needs a garage. Often a garage extension is not included in the main plan, and in vain. Parking a car outside the gate is not always convenient, but if you make a house with a garage, and even a heated one, for safety vehicle you can be absolutely calm. Therefore, the construction of a country house permanent residence It’s better to start right away with designing not only the main building, but also the garage.

By the way, the designers propose to fully use the area: either it’s a garage in ground floor, or an additional superstructure over the garage - the premises will not be required large investments and in terms of functionality it is in no way inferior to an ordinary living room.

Advice! The exit from the garage should be double: to the main house and to the street.

If there are children in the family, having a separate bedroom becomes a necessary condition. Three-bedroom solutions are also ideal for hospitable hosts who try to accommodate guests with comfort. The area of ​​a three-bedroom house may not exceed 64 m2, and it will comfortably accommodate both sleeping quarters and common recreation areas.

A very good option from designers - multi-level one-story houses. One of the options has already been considered - this is a superstructure over the garage. small staircase will allow you to climb into the room and at the same time maintain one-story structure. The second option is a habitable attic. To arrange the under-roof space, you do not need to invest money - all communications are started from the first floor, all you need is a “broken” roof and internal insulation. At the same time, the area of ​​the house increases by one and a half to two times.

Advice! A slight increase in the cost of the project is only due to the need to place stairs and insulation wall panels attics.

One-story houses with a terrace – perfect choice owners who prefer to spend as much time as possible in nature. The variety of solutions of size type, shape and area of ​​the terrace allows you to choose own project. And, by the way, it is not at all necessary to make a terrace only at the entrance; let it be a surrounding extension along the entire perimeter of the house from the outside. Excellent ventilation in the summer heat, ease of movement, additional light are provided, as is an increased usable area of ​​the house. You will have to take care of insulating the terrace in winter period, but only if you want to sit here with a cup of tea on frosty evenings.

Very good option one-story house with continuous glazing of one of the walls. Practical implementation will require investment, but the result is a house with natural light and heat due to solar energy. In addition, a photograph of any of these houses clearly shows the aesthetics of the structure, its individuality and unusualness.

The designs of one-story houses are surprisingly varied; designers offer houses with outbuildings built on both sides of the entrance - this option will accommodate and accommodate even a very large family. A large plot area will be required, but the structure will be ideal in terms of living comfort. No less beautiful are houses with “broken” shapes with protruding bedrooms, kitchens or dining rooms. Such formats literally breathe rural pastoral and are indescribably cozy in their appearance.

Compact in shape, but not in area, houses with bay windows, multiple exits and extensions are distinguished not only by convenience, but also increased efficiency. The building can practically accommodate any number of rooms, dressing rooms and bathrooms. Private houses are offered for budget-conscious developers simple shapes and standard sizes.

As for the execution, see the photo; one-story houses are built from brick, aerated concrete, wood, stone and any other materials. Everything depends only on the wishes of the owners. Buildings made from combined materials look very impressive: stone-concrete, concrete-brick.

When planning to build, don’t be afraid to experiment! Even considered one-story high tower, equipped with many stairs - so far there is no interfloor ceilings, it is considered a one-story building, and this is a huge opportunity for the implementation of the most exceptional and fantastic formats.

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