How to choose hot water taps. Which ball valves are better

The heating system requires periodic maintenance. For this purpose, shut-off valves are installed, including a ball valve for heating. What types exist, the principle of operation and reviews - we will consider all these issues in more detail.

Design features

For heating, the design is not complicated. Due to this, it became widespread. The shut-off valve kit includes:

As you can see, the ball valve for heating has a simple design. Replacement may be necessary over time. Removable composite models make this easy. Polypropylene soldered ones will have to be dismantled by a specialist.

Features of work

A ball valve for heating can only be used as a shut-off valve. Some are also used as a control device. But if you set the middle position, the ball itself in the tap will lose its surface smoothness over time, and this will significantly shorten its service life.

It should be understood that the heating system involves not only shut-off valves, but also a bypass and air vent. Only such a kit will ensure uninterrupted heating operation.

Advantages of the device

The popularity of shut-off valves of this type is achieved due to the following advantages:

  • Possibility to completely shut off the coolant supply. This allows you to repair radiators without completely turning off the heating.
  • Simplicity of design and installation.
  • A wide range of.
  • Low price.
  • Reliability and durability. If purchased quality equipment and properly operated, the service life of these devices is at least 10 years. The body is resistant to corrosion.


According to classifications, there are the following types of heating:

Let's take a closer look at the latest classification.

Types of ball valves for installation

Each model has its own device and connection features:

Each device has its own installation nuances. Therefore, you should carefully consider the selection of devices.


Ball valves for heating systems have a numerical and letter designation:

  • KSh - ball valve.
  • Letter designations: M (coupling), F (flange), Ш (fitting), P (through).
  • Letter designation: E (electric drive), Pn (pneumatic drive), if there is no designation - manual control.
  • DN XXX - passage diameter. For example, DN 1 (1/2) inch.
  • PN XXX - working pressure.
  • XX - characterizes the model in terms of resistance to the working and environmental conditions.

After reading the label, you can easily select the required option.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Passage diameter. The peculiarity is that the taps are marked internal size. If the parameter is 1 (1/2) inch, then a pipe with a passage of 40 mm or an outer diameter of 46 mm will fit it.
  • Operating pressure. For heating systems, a parameter with a margin is always selected. Recommended value from 20 bar.
  • Manufacturer. It is recommended to give preference to Russian or European manufacturers. Chinese production uses silumin for such devices, which is not reliable and resistant to aggressive environments.
  • Case material. Brass products are considered the most reliable. They are recommended for heating systems. There are many fakes on the market, so you should request a certificate for the product. And also study the appearance of the product. If there are sagging or other visible defects on it, this should alert you.
  • In internal space consider the check ball. If it has a smooth mirror surface without defects, then this is a guarantee of long service.
  • Price. Ball valves for heating, the price of which is significantly lower than the market average, will most likely also turn out to be a low-quality fake. Their cost starts from 500 rubles.
  • Handle material. It is advisable to choose metal. Plastic is a fragile material and becomes unusable over time.
  • Check the locking mechanism. He must without special effort close and open.

Ball valve- this is a type of constipation pipeline fittings with an internal spherical regulating part. Products of this type have long been very popular in the market due to the reliability and durability of their designs.

Ball valves are successfully used in pipelines for various purposes, transporting water, natural gas, oil and other substances. Of course, such progressive locking elements have found wide application in citywide and intra-house communications, providing safe work water supply and heating systems. In the process of installing new and reconstructing existing networks of this type, shut-off valves are necessarily installed in different sections of pipelines, which are necessary not only for ease of maintenance of plumbing, but also to prevent flooding and more. In the event of an accident or other need to quickly stop the flow of liquid, a ball valve becomes an important guarantee of instantly shutting off any flow.

Every good owner of a private house, apartment or any other building wants all the most important engineering systems in his building to always be reliable and safe. To achieve this result, it is necessary to correctly design water supply, heating and sewerage networks, as well as construct them using high-quality pipelines and other elements, including special place occupied by shut-off and control valves. When choosing these irreplaceable products, every person is necessarily faced with the question - how to choose a high-quality ball valve? We will try to give an expanded answer to this in this review. But before moving on to the many nuances of choosing a ball valve, for a better understanding of the operating principle of such products, it is worth considering their design features.

Design of ball valves for water

The structure of the products under consideration cannot be called a modern development, since their first prototypes appeared more than a century ago. But, despite the obvious ease of use, the first ball valves did not go into mass production due to the inability to tightly shut off flows. The reason for this was the lack, at that time of technology development, of materials that would fit tightly enough to the movable central element of a spherical shape. Cranes ball type began to be mass produced and widely used only after the invention of such innovative materials, like fluoroplastic and synthetic rubber. With their help, tight closure of these reinforcing elements was ensured, and the effort required to control the valves was reduced. This is how the era of ball pipeline valves began, which soon ousted all other analogues from the market.

One of the keys to the success of these products is the simplicity of their design. As you know, everything ingenious is simple, which is why this structure of ball valves ensures reliability and durability. As you can guess from the name, their main element is a movable and smooth spherical shutter. It is a sphere, along the axis of which a through round hole, serving to pass the flow of matter. It's almost perfect shape created using diamond polishing and chrome plating. In a simplified way, the design of a ball valve can be described as follows. The spherical valve is located in the central part of the product body between two sealing rings called “seats”. They are made from various types plastics, most often fluoroplastic. The bolt, in turn, is mounted on a rotating rod with a cantilever handle (lever) or a butterfly handle (“butterfly”).

To fully open or close the ball valve, you need to turn the shutter using this handle 90˚ until it stops in one direction or the other. In the closed position, the axial hole in the sphere is located perpendicular to the axis of the housing and the pipeline. Accordingly, when the valve is turned, the hole in it takes a position along the axis of the pipe, resulting in a free passage through the valve body. It is important that the position of its handle allows you to immediately understand whether it is open or closed. A nuance - the design feature of the ball valve assumes that it contains a small amount of liquid that remains inside even after its supply has completely stopped. When installing such fittings in an external pipeline, it is necessary to take into account that in all products of this type there is a cavity between the body and the shut-off ball itself. Next, numerous types of ball valves will be discussed.

Classification of ball valves

The prevalence of these shut-off devices has led to the emergence of various types of ball valves, differing in their areas of use and some design features. Therefore, their classification is quite extensive. Depending on the diameter of the bore and the resistance to the flow of the medium, ball valves are divided into the following types:

  • Standard bore- a round hole in the spherical valve of such a product is one size smaller than the internal diameter of the pipeline. In this case, the throughput of the ball valve is from 70 to 90% of the flow. This type of fittings is installed on communications in which partial pressure loss does not play a significant role;
  • Partial bore- the round hole in the spherical valve of such a product is significantly smaller than the internal diameter of the pipeline. In this case, the throughput of the ball valve ranges from 40 to 70% of the flow. This type of fittings is installed on communications in which the pressure of the medium is specially limited.

Depending on the method of attachment to the pipe, ball valves are divided into:

  • Coupling- are connected to pipes using internal conical or cylindrical threads. Often, they are used in intra-apartment and intra-house communications of small diameters - up to 50 mm;
  • Welded- are connected to pipes by welding. It ensures maximum tightness of joints and is used in critical and hard-to-reach areas of long external highways. This type of fittings also includes plastic ball valves, which are soldered to communications made of a similar material. These plumbing products are used only in the domestic sphere - in apartments and houses;
  • Flanged- are connected to pipes using flanges. Their body can be disassembled into several parts or be non-separable, and they are used on communications with a diameter of 50 mm. Flange fasteners are indispensable for pipelines, the design of which provides for their partial connection and disconnection, as well as in rooms where welding work is prohibited;
  • Combined- connected to pipes different ways. Products of this type are versatile and are used in various communication systems with connections - thread/welding, flange/welding and more.

Depending on the body material, ball valves are divided into:

  • Brass- also called metal, they are built into steel and plastic pipelines;
  • Plastic- are built exclusively into pipelines made of the same sanitary plastic;
  • Silumin- are made from a cheaper and lower quality analogue of brass. Such products are fragile and require careful installation, and it is recommended to use them only in cold water pipelines.

Depending on the design of the shut-off element, ball valves are:

  • With floating ball- in such products the spherical plug is not firmly connected to the spindle and can move in relation to it. Experiencing the influence of the flow pressure exerted from the inlet side, the valve is pressed against the sealing ring on the outlet side, thus closing the valve. This fittings are used in pipelines with a diameter of no more than 200 mm, since in large-diameter communications with high pressure, the ball creates too high a load on the sealing rings, as a result of which the operation of the valve becomes difficult;
  • With a ball in supports- in such products the spherical plug is mounted and rotated in special supports. At the same time, it is equipped with an axial protrusion, called a trunnion, in the lower part, which fits into a special recess. In turn, the seats are pressed against the surface of the ball under pressure. The advantages of this design include a significant reduction in the effort required to operate the crane, which allows the use of less powerful drive units than in the case of floating ball cranes. But due to more complex design Devices of this type are an order of magnitude more expensive than simpler analogues.

In addition to all the other modifications discussed, there are also products designed to perform specific tasks. For example, to bleed air from the communications of heating systems, a Mayevsky ball valve with a valve is used, and to provide clean water household appliances There are ball valves with a filter. Having understood the classification of these useful devices, it is also worth familiarizing yourself with the extensive list of their advantages and a couple of disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of ball valves

As mentioned earlier, the locking products in question very quickly conquered a significant part of the market, thanks to many advantages. Their full list includes the following characteristics:

As for the disadvantages of ball valves, there are only two of them:

  • Restriction in use - such products can be used for environments whose temperature does not exceed 200˚C;
  • “Dead zone” for turning - the need for its presence is manifested in products with a cantilever handle. But this small disadvantage can be easily compensated for by installing a faucet with a butterfly handle.

Having read all of the above useful information, you can move on to the main part of our review, searching for the answer to the question - how to choose a ball valve for water? To do this, you must first study several characteristics of these products.

Since the type of fittings in question is very popular among buyers, it is obvious that the plumbing market could not help but react to this trend. The result was the appearance on sale of a huge number of ball valves of various modifications, among which choosing a high-quality one is not so easy. Especially considering that in the assortment of such products there are many fakes. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of characteristics that affect the functioning of these products. All of them will be listed below. Well, you need to start the process of selecting a ball valve by studying the location of its future installation. In this case, it is necessary to determine the diameter of the pipe and the type of suitable threaded connection, which can be internal and external. Let us immediately note that you should trust the safety of your own engineering systems only to ball valves for water that have an official guarantee from the manufacturer, indicated in the passport of a particular product. All other important selection factors are:

1. Material and appearance of the ball valve body

One of the main differences between truly high-quality products and their short-lived counterparts is the metal from which the shell is made. The best ball valves are made from brass, the strength of which has been proven over time. It can even be distinguished visually by the light yellow color of the metal, which can be seen by scratching part of the surface coating. Therefore, this is the first factor that you need to pay attention to when purchasing shut-off valves of this type. The problem is that to reduce the cost of ball valves, some manufacturers make them from silumin - a cheaper and lighter material. In some cases, it is also used for the manufacture of branded products from famous manufacturers. But when buying a ball valve made of silumin, you need to know that this metal is quite fragile and requires careful installation. Otherwise, microcracks may appear in the body of the product, leading to leaks over time. Silumin ball valves are most suitable for installation on cold water pipelines.

Concerning special type, which are plastic ball valves, they are most often supplied complete with pipes and fittings made of the same material. In order to purchase high-quality fittings of this type, you should first of all first select reliable plastic pipes from a reputable manufacturer. And along with them, you need to buy ball valves made of plastic from the same company and brand. In addition to the material of the product body, you also need to consider how well it is made. This can be easily determined visually. Inspection of all surfaces allows you to determine whether there are cracks on the tap, large chips of the protective coating, unevenness or peeling paint on the swing arm. The presence of such characteristics often indicates a fake. Another indicator is that for a high-quality ball valve, the thickness of the body walls on all sides should be the same, and all elements should be as symmetrical as possible. In addition, a well-thought-out product will have at least 5-6 threads for secure connection to pipes.

2. Ball valve valve sphere material

Choosing a good ball valve also Special attention It is worth paying attention to its central part - the locking element. The sphere should shine like a mirror and be absolutely smooth. For branded ball valves, the valve is made of brass and is necessarily coated with an expensive coating, often made of nickel or chromium. All of the above confirms the high quality of the product. If the faucet is a fake, its shutter ball will have a dull shine, a matte finish, or even certain defects. However, even if the locking part looks good, it can be additionally easily checked with a magnet. If it is attracted to the ball, then the latter is made of steel intended for electrical use. This material rusts quite quickly and does not withstand prolonged use in a humid environment. In turn, the magnet will not be attracted to brass.

3. Marking on the ball valve body

Manufacturers must mark the external parts of such products with markings indicating their purpose. Moreover, on good ball valves all markings are always as clear as possible. Vague designations may indicate that the casting molds are worn out or that the buyer is looking at a cheap fake. As for the mandatory presence of marking information, the ball valve must, at a minimum, indicate:

  • Manufacturing company emblem- a mandatory attribute of a quality product;
  • DN- nominal diameter, which can be specified in millimeters (15, 20, 25, 32, 40 and 50), or in inches (½, ¾, 1, 1 ¼, 1 ½ and 2). In parentheses are given standard sizes for common household products;
  • PN— operating pressure, which is indicated in bars. Depending on the diameter and design features specific product, this value can range from 15 to 40 bar.

In addition to all of the above, some manufacturers additionally indicate on their products the country of origin, date of manufacture, and more.

4. Maximum allowable pressure of ball valve

Working pressure is most important factor the right choice any pipeline fittings. Its value is selected taking into account the characteristics engineering system, on the communications of which locking products will be installed. Experts recommend using taps with a pressure of 10 bar or more for cold water pipes, and for hot water- from 20 bar. In addition, ball valves with a higher maximum permissible operating pressure than that used in communications should always be installed on pipelines. They will serve as a kind of insurance against problems that may arise as a result of sudden water hammer. And water hammer, as you know, are not uncommon in domestic centralized water supply and heating systems.

5. Ball valve weight

In some reviews you can find a recommendation according to which you should buy only heavy locking products of this type - and this is one of the most important selection criteria. It is justified by the fact that high-quality brass ball valves for water are not lightweight, unlike their steel and silumin counterparts. In principle, these arguments are true, but only partly. The fact is that two brass products of the same diameter can have different weights, both due to savings in material by one of the manufacturers, and due to the lower nominal pressure of one of the devices. All this is not critical at all and is quite normal. Therefore, in terms of weight, it is possible to compare household ball valves only with absolutely identical characteristics. Accordingly, it is not necessary to purchase the heaviest product. For example, on the main pipe through which water is supplied to a house or apartment, it is worth installing a ball valve with the highest operating pressure, since it is especially important. And for less important areas of communications, products with a much lower PN are quite suitable.

6. Ball valve handle shape

The most popular household ball valves are manufactured with the two types of manual turning devices already mentioned earlier. The first modification is called a cantilever handle and has the shape of a lever, and the second is called a butterfly or “butterfly” handle. From an aesthetic point of view, the butterfly is more neat, but the lever is more practical. If a ball valve has not been used for a long time, it often requires considerable force to turn it. In such cases, a lever handle turns out to be much more convenient. As for the colors of the rotary devices, they are traditionally produced in blue for cold water pipelines, in red for hot water, and in yellow for gas pipelines. In addition to them, you can find products with aesthetic handles on sale. white, which are produced specifically for installation on radiators and heated towel rails.

7. Ball valve cost

Price is traditionally one of the determining factors in the choice of shut-off valves. As practice shows, the cost of ball valves for water can differ by 2-3 times, taking into account the very large range of products from different manufacturers. But, as is the case with other types of plumbing fixtures and more, the price of such things reflects their quality quite well. It is obvious that reliable and durable products made from durable materials, cannot be cheap. The best ball valves are made by European manufacturers such as Bugatti, Giacomini, Danfoss and Tiemme. They are, accordingly, the most expensive. Good quality and average price category- these are ball valves from well-known brands made in Turkey and China, for example - Valtec and Fado. If we take the cheapest products, they are also traditionally produced in China, but often these are low-quality fakes of well-known brands. As for Ukrainian ball valves, at a low price they have important advantage- adaptation to domestic working conditions.

These are the basic tips for choosing quality ball valves for household use. In addition to taking into account all the listed characteristics, when purchasing this fittings, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its certificates of conformity and registration documents confirming the possibility of use in domestic pipeline systems. It is extremely important that the foreign manufacturer adapts its products to the rather harsh domestic conditions of use, otherwise the crane will not last long. After all, for example, the temperature in Ukrainian heating systems is higher than in many European ones. Therefore, O-rings must be made of heat-resistant Teflon or other comparable material. And in order to be guaranteed to buy a good ball valve with a guarantee, it is best to contact the official distributors of products from reputable global manufacturers.

Troubleshooting ball valves

Despite the simplicity of the design and significant service life, ball-type shut-off valves, like any other, do not last forever. IN certain moment ball valves stop shutting off the water hermetically or begin to turn with great difficulty. These are the first signs of wear and tear on such products, the service life of which, unfortunately, is often reduced due to extremely low quality water and coolant supplied to homes through centralized pipelines. In the last part of our review, we will try to give answers to frequently asked questions - “what to do if a ball valve leaks?” and “what to do if the ball valve does not close?” But first it is necessary to understand the reasons why such fittings fail prematurely. As you know, it is better to prevent problems than to fix them later.

The service life of a ball valve depends not only on its quality, but also on the degree of calcination of the water, that is, the amount of salts it contains. Over time, they are deposited on the internal parts of the product, including on the locking sphere, and when it is turned, they begin to scratch the sealing rings. Therefore, the classic household ball valve is not suitable for regulating flows and must be operated either in a fully open or fully closed state. But even if this recommendation is followed, the surface of the shutter sphere will gradually become covered with a coating that has the same effect on the sealing rings as sandpaper. This process occurs faster in pipelines of hot water supply and heating systems. Especially in centralized urban networks, where the quality of the heated liquid leaves much to be desired.

Taking into account domestic operating conditions, to protect ball valves during installation, it is recommended to install a filter in front of them (in the direction of flow). rough cleaning water. Of course, it will not be able to eliminate the formation of salt deposits, but it will protect the shut-off element from the negative effects of small particles and pieces of rust. It is possible to protect ball valves from plaque only through high-quality pre-treatment of water entering heating and water supply systems. And it can only be cleaned in a private house with an autonomous boiler room and a personal pump, as well as other related equipment. In centralized city networks, it is unfortunately impossible to ensure good cleaning. Therefore, the ball valves in their communications will inevitably not last too long in comparison with the pipelines of country houses.

After installation is complete, the new product must be in a fully open or closed state. At the same time, as a preventative measure, once a quarter, or better yet, once a month, it must be turned several times. Thanks to this, deposits will not be able to block the operation of the valve. If the ball valve suddenly stopped working altogether, then the issue may not be due to internal faults, but to a banal breakdown of its handle, the mounting hole of which also sometimes becomes unusable from regular use. To make sure that it is working properly, you need to unscrew the fastening screw, remove the handle and try to turn the rod of the product. To do this, you can use an adjustable wrench or pliers. If everything is in order with the stem, then all that remains is to replace the faucet handle. If the rod is blocked, the reinforcing element must be changed.

Having dealt with the reasons why a household ball valve does not shut off the water, let’s move on to methods for troubleshooting its malfunctions. If, when you turn the handle, water continues to flow out of the mixer, and it becomes very difficult to turn the handle itself, this indicates that salts are sticking to the shutter sphere. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that due to the monolithic body of the ball valve, clean it inner part and it will no longer be possible to return it to its former performance. The product will still have to be replaced, so in this case we are talking about restoring only partial functionality. To do this, you need to turn the handle several times until the tap is completely open and closed, if necessary, using pliers. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to break the product. As practice shows, after such manipulations, some of the deposits fall off the ball and the water begins to shut off better.

Now let's look at what to do if the ball valve leaks. Such a nuisance can occur if the rotary rod seals, which are rubber rings, become unusable. Over time, they lose their sealing properties and then their elasticity, resulting in leakage. This problem can be corrected only on one of two types of ball valves - with a packing nut. To do this, you just need to tighten it, after first removing the handle of the product. If the faucet is not equipped with a packing nut, it will again have to be replaced with a new one. In addition, a leak can also occur due to a crack in the housing. Such malfunctions are typical for cheap models made of silumin - a rather fragile material. Obviously, such a tap needs to be replaced as quickly as possible, and as an emergency and temporary measure, you can try to cover the gap with the so-called “cold welding”.


We reviewed a detailed description of ball valves, their modifications and selection principles. These reliable and practical products are obviously indispensable for any home. At the end of our review, it is only worth emphasizing that the selection of ball valves, their installation and operation must be done with great responsibility. Because only high-quality products of this type will effectively ensure the safety of pipeline systems.

Modeler-constructor No. 2’2004

Water pipes in apartments, both in systems with cold and with hot water, there are so-called shut-off valves - valves that shut off the flow of water to the taps. The design of such fittings can be different.

Until recently, the choice of such valves was small: mainly screw valves, with a body made of malleable cast iron or brass. And if the latter have a fairly significant resource of performance, then the former do not stand up to criticism.

And only the low cost of cast iron locking devices attracted buyers. In apartments of mass buildings and standard estates residential buildings they found widespread use.

In fact, it should be noted that they rarely resort to tightening the valves, only when it is necessary to turn off the water due to the need to repair or replace pipes, taps, or install plumbing fixtures.

But it is precisely this circumstance (of rest) that contributes to the fact that over time, inside such a valve, the steel valve stem, rusting, “grows together” with the cast-iron head of the housing to such an extent that it is not possible to shut off the water at the right time.

Which ball valves are best for plumbing

When they start using force, most often the rod breaks.

In this case, you can try to unscrew the rod by first moistening the “fused” parts with a special liquid or kerosene, heating the head with a blowtorch or gas burner.

But such events do not always help.

Of course, it would be possible to replace the steel valve stem with a brass one. However, it is better to solve the problem radically - install a new valve, but not a cast iron one. Brass? It's worth thinking about here. Yes, a brass valve will not rust. But it is not without other disadvantages: water leakage through the stuffing box; rubber wear

gaskets and, as a result, possible damage to the valve seat or damage to the threaded part of the stem when tightened.

Recently, ball shut-off devices (in everyday life they are often called ball valves), both imported and domestically produced, have appeared on sale.

They are much simpler in design (and therefore more reliable) than their listed predecessors, and are comparable in cost to brass ones.

The body and main parts of ball valves are made of stainless steel.

The locking element is a polished ball with a through hole, the diameter of which corresponds to the nominal diameter of the supply pipeline or is less than it. In this regard, valves are divided into full bore and semi bore. The latter are usually installed where large water flows are not required, for example, in front of toilet flush tanks.

The ball inside the housing is placed in a fluoroplastic sealing shell with corresponding through holes, in which it can rotate.

At the top of the ball there is a socket into which the end of the rod is inserted. The other end of the rod comes out through the holes in the seal and body and a handle is attached to it, with the help of which the ball is rotated (opening and closing the valve) by 90°. To limit the rotation of the handle, a collar is cast on the valve body (or the handle itself).

Ball valves have a number of advantages over valve valves, both structural and consumer.

The main thing is that the complete opening and closing of the ball valve is carried out only by a slight rotation of the stem (and ball), only 90°.

This ensures the speed of the operation, does not require space for the rod to exit the body when opening the locking device, and virtually eliminates wear of the latter.

It is also important that the abrasion of the sealing shell of the ball valve is several orders of magnitude less than that of the rubber gasket of the valve shut-off device.

The range of ball valves is truly amazing.

At the same time, their various connections to pipelines are provided: a drive-coupling connection, as with conventional valves, a coupling connection, as well as a fitting connection, and others. This design allows them to be connected not only to pipes, but also to hoses and modern flexible hose pipes.

Among other things, ball valves are very compact. They are available with short and long rods (or special extension brackets), various handles or without them at all - with a special key to prevent unauthorized opening and closing.

To the listed advantages it is worth adding that with the help of ball valves you can quite accurately regulate the water supply.

In addition, for this purpose, special valves are produced with an additional flywheel on the body, which, using a friction transmission, very “subtly” regulates the rotation of the ball valve rod.

Replacing a brass valve with a ball valve is not difficult at all, since their length is approximately the same and no modifications to the pipeline are required.

A cast iron valve is longer than a ball valve, so after dismantling it, you will have to lengthen the pipeline by this amount.

This expansion is possible in two ways: screw a pipe insert of appropriate length into the tap with threads at both ends, or replace the old pipe with another, longer one.

Depending on the design of the threaded parts of the valves (external, internal or a combination of both), the fittings are connected to the shut-off devices either directly or using a coupling and nut.


Ball valve design:

1 - body ( stainless steel); 2 — ball valve (stainless steel); 3 — passage hole; 4- threaded part; 5 - handle; 6 — seal (fluoroplastic); 7 — handle fastening nut; 8 — rod (stainless steel); 9 - restrictive collar

Connection to a ball valve with a flexible connection:

1 - flexible pipe; 2 — washer (brass); 3 — union nut(brass); 4 — rubber gasket; 5 - ball valve; 6 - input pipe, or drive.

Connecting the squeegee to the ball valve:

a - directly; b - using a coupling and nut;

1 - outlet pipe; 2 - ball valve; 3 - sweep; 4 - nut; 5 - coupling; 6 — input pipe; 7 - seal.

Valve taps and their features
Features of spindle heads
Features of cone plugs
Features of faucets with ceramic discs
Shut-off valves for water supply
Drain taps for water supply

The atmosphere prevailing in any bathhouse is traditionally attributed to a variety of properties, but all opinions agree that bathing procedures are extremely useful and pleasant.

Considering the possibility individual creation bath atmosphere, you can safely take such statements as an axiom.

How to choose a ball valve for a residential water supply system

Since we're talking about individual approach to comfort, then you must definitely remember the need to supply water to the bathhouse, which is directly involved in washing and creating the “correct” steam.

Of course, you can always bring water manually or heat it in a tank, but it is much more convenient to use a normal water supply with a tap. How to install a faucet in a bathhouse will be discussed in this article.

The faucet is a very old invention that was used to supply water long before the advent of full-fledged plumbing systems.

However, even today in many villages and holiday villages the main pipeline is known only by hearsay. However, you have to deal with taps in similar situations - various washstands, bath fixtures and even samovars are equipped with these mechanisms.

The operating principle of any crane is quite simple:

  • A plug or spool is installed inside to ensure the passage or cessation of water movement;
  • The locking elements are conical or spherical shape with a hole located along the horizontal axis;
  • A faucet handle is attached to them, when rotated 90 degrees, the hole is aligned with the inlet and outlet of the pipeline, due to which the water moves;
  • Returning the handle to initial position stops the water, and to control the amount of flowing water you need to vary the angle of rotation.

Speaking about taps, there are several requirements that all such devices must meet:

  • Adjusting the degree of fluid passage;
  • Convenient opening and shutting off of water;
  • Reliable retention of water under pressure in the water supply system.

If we are talking about the use of taps in a bathhouse, then we can highlight a couple of factors in favor of these devices:

  • In the absence of a main pipeline, the bath faucet will provide a comfortable supply of water without excessive consumption and the risk of getting burned;
  • In the presence of autonomous water supply in any case, you will need various shut-off valves, to which it is worth adding a faucet for the bath.

Water intake, shut-off, safety and mixing taps are used for the bath.

True, the visible part of the mechanism is often called a faucet, but structurally this device a little more complicated. Be that as it may, water supply cannot work in the absence of at least one species necessary devices, so you will have to install all the elements of the system. To understand where and how to use them, you need to understand the main types of shut-off valves.

The most common type of mechanism is water intake fittings, which most often have to be interacted with directly.

Due to constant use, these elements of the water supply system fail much more often than others, so maintainability is an extremely important property for them (read also: “How to make a water supply for a bathhouse with your own hands and what you need to consider”).

The most common types of taps include valve, spindle, disk and plug mechanisms.

They are classified depending on the main working element - the valve head. The bodies of all presented taps are cast from metal. The resulting workpiece has a double-sided thread, to one side of which the head is attached, and to the second - the supply pipe.

In addition to the head, which is an interchangeable element of the water intake fittings, any faucet has a spout that determines the direction of the water stream.

Often, when choosing, attention is paid to the features of the spout, since the ease of use of the faucet and its visual compatibility with the design of the room depend on this. The role of these factors should not be underestimated, but functionality still comes first.

Valve taps and their features

Valve taps (another name is taps with a retractable spindle) are designed quite simply - the head, which has external and internal threads, can be twisted and unscrewed.

The external thread allows the head to be mounted in the faucet, and the internal thread ensures that the rod on which the valve is mounted moves along a spiral path.

As a result of such manipulations, the valve, rigidly fixed to the lower edge of the stem, opens and closes the seat - the hole for the passage of water.

From the outside, the rod is controlled by a familiar handle.

For reliability, the saddle is equipped with a gasket - this design ensures the tightest possible fit of the working element of the crane to the saddle. To prevent water from passing through the tap when it is in the closed position, the head body is filled with a special packing.

The seal is pressed tightly by a bushing located on the side of the faucet handle.

Among the most common problems associated with valve taps, the following stand out:

  • Wear of the gaskets, as a result of which water begins to actively leak through a loosely closed hole, and the water supply itself becomes very rattling;
  • Wear of the stuffing box, which is determined by the flow of water in the gap between the bushing and the spindle;
  • Deformation of the seats, due to which water constantly flows out of the tap, regardless of the position of the handle.

Such problems are quite unpleasant, but their prevalence has allowed us to develop several simple solutions to eliminate the problems that arise.

In addition, valve taps are quite simple and reliable - it is almost impossible to break them irrevocably even with self-repair.

The repair process comes down to next steps, directly dependent on the previously diagnosed problem:

  1. Replacing the gasket. First, the stem is removed from the tap, from which the worn gasket must be removed. A new one is installed in its place, which is slightly larger in size than the hole in the socket.

    To achieve maximum tightness, it is worth chamfering the outside of the new gasket before installation. It is also worth considering that for cold water they are used rubber gaskets, and for hot ones - leather.

  2. Replacing the stuffing box. Before work, you need to remove the flywheel and bushing. When these operations are completed, the worn seal is removed, after which the new oil seal is filled with foam or fluoroplastic. The material must be laid in accordance with the direction of the thread.

    The spindle is wrapped with twine or thin twine for maximum density. To make the job a little easier, you can do without removing the old packing. In any case, fresh material should be treated with oil - this will increase its resistance to moisture.

  3. Repair of deformed saddles. The first step is to disassemble the faucet and dry it thoroughly. Circles cut from sandpaper. Next, you need to use a rod to scroll the paper in all directions until the surface becomes ground in.

The simplicity of valve taps is important advantage, which is highly appreciated by amateurs, because it is very easy to install and repair such a system.

The only difficulty that can be encountered when using such mechanisms is damage to the threads. If the thread breaks, it would be better to replace the faucet with a new one in order to avoid the rather delicate work of creating a new thread.

You also need to remember that the scope is limited to systems operating at pressure levels exceeding 0.3 kgf/cm2.

Features of spindle heads

By and large, these mechanisms are a modification of those described above, only in in this case the rod remains motionless.

The operation of the valve is carried out by a thread cut in the internal cavity of a fixed rod. The advantages of this design are debatable: there are no qualitative differences, and there is no particular convenience either.

The whole difference lies precisely in the movement of the valve inside the fixed stem. It is because of this that, in the case of spindle heads, the spindle thread very often breaks off - and this serious problem, which cannot be eliminated without special tools and experience in performing such operations.

However, you can extend the service life of the mechanism by following this recommendation:

  • The tap is first disassembled, the spindle is unscrewed from the stem;
  • Next, the valve is disconnected from the spindle;
  • A small ring of 2 mm copper wire is placed on the upper edge of the valve.

Due to the installed ring, the gap between the valve and the spindle is filled with an additional element that compensates for the lack of thread.

Sometimes one ring is not enough, so you have to make another one or select wire of a different diameter. The work is very delicate, so it will be much easier to simply replace the head.

Otherwise, typical problems with spindle heads do not differ from the characteristic “diseases” of valve taps.

Features of cone plugs

Cone (another name is plug) taps have a very primitive design. It was this simple device that gave impetus to the use of plug taps in bathhouses. Structurally, the system looks like this: the spindle is a cone-shaped plug with a cut horizontal hole through which water passes.

Turning the handle aligns both pipes of the pipeline, and water begins to flow. The reverse process, accordingly, blocks the flow of water.

The requirements for plug valves are: special requirements, taking into account the scope of application of these devices:

  • Only cast iron can be used to make the valve body;
  • In the manufacture of working elements of the mechanism, you can use steel alloys, malleable cast iron or bronze;
  • The handle should be made of wood or plastic - these materials are practically not subject to heat.

The only available form of repair of plug valves is tightening the tension nut.

If this does not have the desired effect, then the plug will have to be replaced so that the tap wooden handle for a bath could function normally.

Features of faucets with ceramic discs

Disc mechanisms are extremely close in design to plug valves. The difference lies in the ceramic module that replaces the cork. This module fits tightly onto a fixed ceramic disc.

When you move the handle, the moving part of the faucet aligns the holes in the pipeline, causing water to rush to the outlet.

Distinctive features of such taps are the reduced stroke of the handle and its high sensitivity, which makes it possible to set the intensity of the jet in a fairly wide range. The main disadvantage is the requirement for water purity. If there is the slightest contamination, the faucet will stop working in the near future, and to eliminate the problem, the mobile module will need to be replaced.

Here you can summarize a little about water intake taps. You need to choose a faucet for a sauna and bathhouse individually each time, based on the requirements for it and personal preferences. After looking at the characteristics and figuring out which design looks most preferable, you can make the final choice.

Shut-off valves for water supply

The use of shut-off elements allows you to shut off the flow of water in the event that you need to remove part of the pipeline or plumbing fixture.

The rest of the time the valves are in open position and let water through.

Shut-off valves are installed:

  • At the very beginning of the pipeline;
  • In the area directly adjacent to the bathhouse;
  • On all pipeline branches;
  • On vertical risers (if any);
  • Before every plumbing fixture.

Structurally, water supply valves are to a large extent similar to spindle mechanisms - shut-off valves can have either a movable or a fixed rod.

The valve is often connected to the stem using ball fittings. Water supply valves can be straight-through, angled or direct-flow.

Considering that shut-off valves rarely need to be used, they rarely require repairs.

When a valve malfunction occurs, it is usually corrected in the same way as in the case of valve taps. True, these devices are demanding on maintenance - without maintenance, the valves often fail and have to be replaced.

Drain taps for water supply

Drain taps are installed in water supply systems, with the help of which the entire pipeline can be emptied. In summer, the water is drained when the summer season ends, and in winter, any unused system must be drained.

Drain mechanisms are installed:

  • At the beginning of an autonomous water supply system;
  • Before each plumbing fixture;
  • Before the pipeline enters the building.

Instead of conventional drain taps, solenoid valves are often used, which are more convenient due to remote control.


After studying this article, you can choose the optimal faucet for baths and saunas. The choice depends on many factors, but the final decision is always made individually, depending on personal preferences.

What types of water taps are there?

RUB including VAT for 1 piece.
Ball valve DN-15 STANDARD 220 VxV RUB 91.00
Ball valve DN-15 STANDARD 221 VkhN RUB 107.00
Ball valve DN-15 STANDARD 230 butterfly VxB RUB 91.00
Ball valve DN-15 STANDARD 230 butterfly VxV nickel 96.00 RUR
Ball valve DN-15 STANDARD 231 butterfly VxN RUB 107.00
Ball valve DN-15 STANDARD 231 butterfly VxN nickel RUB 112.00
Ball valve DN-15 STANDARD 232 butterfly with extension RUB 118.00
Ball valve DN-15 STANDARD 232 butterfly with extension nickel RUB 124.00
Ball valve DN-20 STANDARD 220 VxV RUB 144.00
Ball valve DN-20 STANDARD 221 VkhN RUR 165.00
Ball valve DN-20 STANDARD 230 butterfly VxB RUB 144.00
Ball valve DN-20 STANDARD 230 butterfly VxV nickel RUB 152.00
Ball valve DN-20 STANDARD 231 butterfly VxN RUR 165.00
Ball valve DN-20 STANDARD 232 butterfly with extension RUB 192.00
Ball valve DN-20 STANDARD 232 butterfly with extension nickel RUB 202.00
Ball valve DN-20 STANDARD 231 butterfly VxN nickel RUB 173.00
Ball valve DN-25 STANDARD 220 VxV RUB 272.00
Ball valve DN-25 STANDARD 220 VxV nickel RUB 282.00
Ball valve DN-25 STANDARD 221 VkhN RUB 301.00
Ball valve DN-25 STANDARD 221 VxN nickel RUB 311.00
Ball valve DN-25 STANDARD 222 VkhN with extension RUR 399.00
Ball valve DN-25 STANDARD 222 VkhN with extension nickel RUB 410.00
Ball valve DN-32 STANDARD 220 VxV RUR 445.00
Ball valve DN-32 STANDARD 221 VkhN RUB 495.00
Ball valve DN-40 STANDARD 220 VxV RUB 656.00
Ball valve DN-40 STANDARD 221 VkhN RUB 712.00
Ball valve DN-50 STANDARD 220 VxV RUB 943.00
Ball valve DN-50 STANDARD 221 VkhN 1064.00 RUR
Ball valve DN-15 KREPISH 320 VxV RUB 124.00
Ball valve DN-15 KREPISH 321 VkhN RUB 140.00
Ball valve DN-15 KREPISH 330 VxV butterfly RUB 124.00
Ball valve DN-15 KREPISH 330 VxV nickel butterfly RUB 131.00
Ball valve DN-15 KREPISH 331 VkhN butterfly RUB 140.00
Ball valve DN-15 KREPISH 331 VxN butterfly nickel RUB 146.00
Ball valve DN-15 KREPISH 332 VxN butterfly with extension RUB 160.00
Ball valve DN-15 KREPISH 332 VxN butterfly with extension nickel RUB 168.00
Ball valve DN-20 KREPISH 320 VxV RUB 180.00
Ball valve DN-20 KREPISH 321 VkhN RUB 200.00
Ball valve DN-20 KREPISH 330 VxV butterfly RUB 180.00
Ball valve DN-20 KREPISH 330 VxV nickel butterfly RUB 187.00
Ball valve DN-20 KREPISH 331 VkhN butterfly RUB 200.00
Ball valve DN-20 KREPISH 331 VxN butterfly nickel RUR 208.00
Ball valve DN-20 strong 332 VxN butterfly with extension RUB 240.00
Ball valve DN-20 KREPISH 332 VxN butterfly with extension nickel RUB 249.00

The faucet on the riser needs to be replaced. Who should do this work? Who pays for this? If this is a private house, then such questions do not arise. With apartment buildings, things are not so simple.

Installation of riser taps: whose responsibility?

In practice it turns out differently. In the best case, after contacting, they may offer to buy a faucet.

This is the best case scenario. Most often, the management company asks to pay for turning off the riser, and the plumber asks for the work. This is a money scam. It is illegal.

We pay for maintenance monthly management company. Consequently, they are obliged to replace the valve on the riser at their own expense.

Purchase a valve and carry out the work.

If the tap on the riser is leaking, and the plumbers and their bosses shrug their shoulders and look at your wallet, act.

1. Write two copies of the application. Request yours to be stamped with receipt and date. In the application, describe the essence of the problem in detail (samples should be offered).

2. If there is no response, write a complaint to higher authorities (GZHI, district administration).

Don’t forget to notify the head of the management company in advance about point 2.

You may not have to complain anywhere.

This is a direct way to get what you want. The most thorny and nervous. There are also roundabout paths. For example,

1. Turn off the faucet in the bathroom or kitchen and call the emergency line. Say that you can’t turn off the water because... the valve on the riser does not work. Within half an hour or an hour the problem will be resolved.

2. Call private organization, which will do all the work without noise and dust for an additional fee.

Replace the faucet on the riser yourself.

Replacing a riser tap with water shutoff

Which faucet should I put on the riser? You can purchase an old-style valve, or you can install a ball valve.

1. In conventional stem valves, an elastic band is screwed at the bottom.

The rod presses it, due to which the water is blocked.

2. Ball valve on the riser it looks more attractive than the stock one.

The water is blocked by a ball-sphere. But if the water contains a lot of salts, the faucet quickly clogs and stops working.

To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically tighten and unscrew the valve.

Rules for choosing a ball valve:

  • the diameter of the tap must correspond to the diameter of the riser on which it will be installed;
  • the direction of the arrow on the ball valve marking must coincide with the movement of the medium;
  • the model must have a suitable thread.

Types of threads on valve flanges:

  • external on both sides;
  • internal on both sides;
  • on the one hand - external or American, on the other - internal.

Work order:

Shut off the water supply to the riser, drain the water from the pipeline system (in agreement with the management company).

2. Wrap fum tape or flax with a sealant around the threads of the faucet. You need to wind it in the direction of screwing the tap onto the pipe.

Which ball valve is better and how to choose?

Screw the product onto the pipe. If the twisting goes without effort, you need to add more fum tape. You shouldn’t lean too hard, because...

the product will burst. The tap must be tightened with some effort.

How to change a tap on a riser without shutting off?

This should never be practiced

Work order:

Prepare buckets, a bunch of rags and invite an assistant.

2. Purchase new faucet ik, seal its thread and open it.

3. Unscrew the non-working tap.

4. Run water through the new tap.

5. Tighten it approximately two turns.

Now you can turn off the new tap and tighten it completely.

To minimize water flow, you can put a hose on the new faucet and lower one end into a large basin. It is recommended that only people who are confident in their abilities and physical strength take on such work.

The water pressure can be serious. We need to prepare for this.

Among the wide variety of shut-off equipment, ball valves are especially popular due to their reliability and convenience.

This type of tap was invented more than a century ago, but gained popularity relatively recently, with the advent of polymer materials. They are used in everyday life and in industrial enterprises.

Ball valves for water supply: features of design and operation

Let's take a closer look at the design of a ball valve for water and figure out how to choose a truly reliable and durable option.

The ball valve is used as a shut-off (shut-off) valve on water supply pipelines, including hot water, as well as in heating systems. The simple operating principle ensures long service life and ease of use.

Increasingly, ball valves are being used instead of conventional valves, since the latter are more reliable, require less repair and are very easy to use.

But like any device, it can break. Without knowing its structure, you should not undertake repairs. So first you need to understand how it works.


Ball valves can be divided into two types:

  • plumbing;
  • mixer.

Taps can be installed between water supply elements and also serve as an end point. In the first case, they will be shut-off; in the second, they serve as water collection points; they are also installed in residential buildings and apartments - in kitchens and bathrooms.

The second option is most often represented by mixers.

A mixer is a mechanism that is used to mix two streams of water - cold and hot. Thus, the mixer is used to regulate not only the water supply pressure, but also to regulate the flow temperature. Shut-off ball valves are divided into:

  • walkthroughs installed on straight sections of the pipeline;
  • angular, mounted at a pipeline turn at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • three-way, used to divide the flow into two parts.

    The separated flows are sent to different branches of the pipeline.

Design features

Like any water tap, the product has a body with a spout and a movable element. The body can have different shapes, depending on the design of the product and its purpose. The moving element is the same for all models.

This is a ball, hollow inside and cut off on two opposite sides.

The ball is secured in sealing rings. Water passes through the hole in the ball, while in household taps the size of the hole corresponds to the size of the pipe, which is why they are called full bore.

When the tap is fully opened, there is no hydraulic resistance to the movement of water. If the ball is rotated 90 degrees, the water passage will be completely blocked.


Ball valves have gained wide popularity due to their design features.

Among the main advantages:

  • Long service life;
  • High degree of tightness;
  • Aesthetics;
  • Ease of use and ease of installation.

In addition, ball valves rarely require repairs; as a rule, the trouble-free service life of these devices is several decades.

However, collapsible models can be repaired if problems arise. You can do the repairs yourself, since their design is simple.

Otherwise, the fluoroplastic gaskets may be damaged and the faucet will require repair.

Faucet materials

Today, the industry produces ball valves from various materials.

Most often used:

  • Different grades of steel (carbon, stainless, with modifying additives, etc.).
  • Brass and other copper alloys.
  • Polymer materials.


Plastic taps are a relatively new type of shut-off valve. Polypropylene and polyethylene are used to manufacture products. Their main advantage is resistance to corrosion, including when transporting aggressive agents.

However, they are not suitable for installation on pipelines that transport hot liquids.

When exposed high temperature possible deformation individual elements and, as a result, loss of tightness.


Cranes with steel elements are used, as a rule, in production and for equipment of main pipelines. This type of product can be used when it is necessary to transport hot liquids, as well as liquids under pressure.

Made of brass

Brass taps are the most common type; they are widely used both in everyday life and in production.

They are made using two technologies - using casting or forging. Typically, a more reliable option is Forged Products, since during the casting process, areas with a non-uniform metal structure may form.

Since the alloy contains lead and zinc - materials that are highly susceptible to corrosion, a layer of protective coating is applied to the products by galvanic means.

Otherwise, the metal is “washed out” and the material becomes porous.

How to choose a quality faucet?

When purchasing, you need to carefully consider your choice so as not to accidentally purchase a fake.

It must be said that ball valves are in great demand, so products from well-known companies are often counterfeited at home. Naturally, fake faucets will not last long, so you need to carefully inspect the product before purchasing. Useful tips:

  • First, you should look at information about taps and mixers on the Internet. Having chosen the appropriate model, you should remember the size and weight of the product, as well as the marking features.
  • When you arrive at the store, you will need to carefully examine the model and check that the markings match the original.

    All information must be presented clearly, without distortion in the inscriptions.

  • Next, you will need to inspect the body of the product to identify cracks, irregularities, sagging and other defects. The thickness of the walls of the housing must be the same.
  • Now you need to use a small magnet to check what the body is made of - steel or brass.

    Because steel cranes are for household use is not produced, then availability magnetic properties If the case is metal, you should be wary.

  • Of course, to determine “by eye” the quality of the material from which the body is made, this will require at least cutting the faucet, but sellers naturally will not allow this to be done.

    Therefore, when choosing, you will have to focus on price. An excessively low price should alert the buyer, since a high-quality mixer cannot be cheap.

So, ball valves are a fairly popular model of shut-off valves. This type of product is used both in everyday life when equipping an apartment or house, and in industry, for example, in the construction of main pipelines.

One of the most necessary devices in any private or multi-storey house is heating radiators. They warm up rooms during the cold season, creating comfortable microclimate in each room. When replacing a battery, it is necessary to determine not only its type, installation method and connection to pipes, but also the installation of additional technical elements. Such elements include valves, valves and specialized taps for heating radiators.

Why are shut-off and control devices needed?

More recently, batteries were connected to the rest of the heating system without any additional elements. Today, the installation of almost every radiator automatically involves the installation of taps. The reason for such changes is related to savings and the possibility of unplanned situations.

If the seal of the radiator is broken, it leaks, or becomes clogged, you can simply turn the valve, blocking the access of water, and remove the battery for repair or cleaning. To do this, you don’t even have to drain the water from the entire system. Such taps are called shut-off taps. They are installed on pipes through which fluid is supplied and discharged. In open mode, they do not interfere with the free flow of water, but in closed mode, they completely block its supply.

The tap is necessary to remove air accumulated in the heating system. Usually it is called "Maevsky".

Some taps allow you to adjust the heating temperature of the heating system. With their help, you can save on heating by lowering the heating temperature of the radiators or turning them off if it’s warm outside. This is true for both private houses and apartment buildings.

Types of taps and materials from which they are made

There is no clear answer to the question of which taps are best installed on heating radiators. They differ from each other not only in price, but also in the material of manufacture, method of fastening and functions performed.

All cranes are divided into two groups:

  1. Shut-off or adjusting.
  2. Thermoregulating.

Shut-off devices are designed to control water flow. The shape of control valves for heating radiators can be angular or straight. With their help, you can repair or clean any battery without shutting down the entire system.

The most important thing when choosing the material from which the device is made is to pay attention to its resistance to corrosion. The method of fastening also depends on the type of material. Most often, taps are made of synthetic brass. Such products are attached to metal or plastic pipes through a thread or plumbing fitting.

Devices made from high-quality polypropylene are very popular. They can be coated with metal coating on top. How to install such a tap on a radiator? To do this you will have to use welding. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of replacing the valve without cutting out part of the system.

In plumbing stores you sometimes come across cheap fakes made from silumin (an alloy of aluminum and silicon). Externally, this material is similar to brass, but is susceptible to corrosion and quickly rots.

Ball Valves

This type of device is the simplest and most common. It is designed to shut off and open the heat supply. It can only be in two positions - open and closed. If desired, it can be installed in an intermediate position. In this case, its wear will increase many times.

The flow of liquid is blocked by a metal ball, which changes its position by moving the handle. The components of this tap are usually made of bronze (steel, brass). To seal the connections, fluoroplastic gaskets are used. If desired, you can replace them yourself. The valve is connected to the radiator using a nut or an “American” (a quick-release connection consisting of two mating threaded ends and a union nut).

“American” for valve mounting

Modern ball valves are manufactured using the latest technologies. Metal balls carefully polished. The smoother the ball, the less likely it is that hot water will leak through it. In addition, a smooth ball is easier to turn, which means it is more convenient to use.

By capacity, ball devices are divided into:

  • standard (pass 70-80% of the water flow);
  • full bore (pass the entire fluid flow).

In order not to reduce operating efficiency, it is recommended to install a full bore valve on the heating radiator.

Ball valves are divided into flanged, coupling and welded. Radiators use exclusively coupling models. The remaining two types are not suitable for use in private houses and apartments. Flange devices, for example, are installed on pipelines. They are strong, durable, and can withstand high pressure.

When purchasing a ball device, you need to take into account the type of pipes with which the connection will take place, their diameter (in millimeters or inches) and operating pressure. Valves come with internal and external threads, with crimp and union nuts.

If you plan to install only ball valves, then they are mounted on two pipes (supplying water and draining it) right at the inlet (outlet) of the radiator.

Cone valves

Such devices operate smoothly, unlike ball-type ones. With their help you can regulate the flow of hot water. The cone valve consists of a handle and a cone threaded rod. When you turn the handle, the rod begins to move along the thread, gradually opening or closing the access of the liquid. In the lowest position, the rod completely blocks the flow of water. Elastic pads located in the annular grooves of the rod ensure tightness.

Typically, plug valves are made from brass or bronze. But budget models are made of polypropylene. They are not durable, so they are used in systems where some of the pipes are made of plastic.

The needle valve (Mayevsky valve) is responsible for removing air from the system, which gets there along with water (antifreeze). Air lock reduces heating efficiency. The accumulated air rises and collects at the highest point of the radiator. That is why the Mayevsky tap is located on the top of the battery on the opposite side of the inlet pipe.

Mayevsky crane

Mayevsky's device opens and closes by turning a screwdriver or a specialized key. It is recommended to choose a model that can be turned with a screwdriver: the key is easily lost. To open, turn the valve on the radiator counterclockwise until the hiss of escaping air is heard. After the hissing stops, screw the valve back on.

Mayevsky's crane is small throughput, so it is only suitable for modern radiators made of steel or aluminum. To get rid of air accumulated in a cast iron battery, you need a valve that allows you to drain a large number of liquids.

Attention! To remove the pump from the system to which the pumping equipment is connected, you must first turn off the pump. Otherwise, water will flow out of the hole under pressure, which can lead to a flood.

The classic Mayevsky faucet is a mechanical air vent. Automatic ones are also available for sale. Among them are both large-sized models designed for installation in autonomous heating systems, and compact ones suitable for small room radiators. They work without human intervention, open themselves if air accumulates, and close.

Thermostatic taps

Faucets of this type are capable of automatically controlling the flow of liquid and maintaining comfortable temperature. Basic structural component device - a siphon located in the handle. It is a container with gas or liquid. When the temperature rises, the gas (liquid) in the siphon expands, puts pressure on the rod, which lowers and gradually blocks the access of water to the battery. As the temperature drops, the rod rises, increasing fluid flow.

Although the price of thermostatic valves filled with gas and liquid is almost the same. They are slightly different in their functioning. Gas models are distinguished by their rapid response to temperature changes, while liquid models act more accurately on hot flow.

Depending on the type of thermostatic valve, the initial setting of parameters occurs: by rotating a mechanical knob or by setting the required values ​​on a more visual digital screen.

Which taps for heating radiators are best? When choosing shut-off and control valves, it is first necessary to take into account the conditions under which the battery is operated:

  1. In a central heating system.
  2. In private houses with autonomous heating.
  3. IN apartment buildings with an individual boiler room.

You need to understand that any valve on the radiator can only reduce the flow of liquid and, therefore, reduce the heating temperature. If there is initially little thermal energy, then the valve can only turn off the flow and not regulate it.

In rooms with central heating on radiators, it makes sense to install taps exclusively made of steel and brass. The quality of hot water flowing through the pipes is very low, so there is no point in installing control valves on the heating radiator. They will become clogged very quickly and will not be able to perform their function.

When an apartment is being repaired or replaced with water supply and heating systems, there is a need to purchase and install various taps and valves. Not only the ease of use, but also the safety of neighbors living below depends on how high-quality the choice of these elements is, because there is always the possibility of flooding.

To avoid mistakes and unnecessary costs, you first need to understand the design of these plumbing devices. They all perform a specific function, for example, ball valves for water supply systems are responsible for the supply of water and its regulation in the kitchen and bathroom.

Features of ball valves

Today, ball valves are considered the most reliable and widespread type, used to regulate water supply. This explains their widespread use. They are also used in oil pipelines, gas pipelines and water pipelines for various purposes. Due to their versatility, they are gradually replacing types of valves such as cylindrical and conical valves, as well as wedge-shaped valves.

The base of the ball valve consists of a rotating element with a 90-degree rotation, and the ball itself acts as a fitting that cuts off the flow of water. If you turn the handle, the working mechanism will move. Accordingly, the hole will shift, as a result, the water supply will stop. This device has found application in mixers for supplying hot and cold water, as well as in the heating system of multi-storey buildings.

Modern ball valves provide reliable operation for many years, especially if these are branded products. Thanks to the emergence of new technologies, modern materials and alloys, ball devices, combining simplicity and reliability, have become the most popular.

Types of cranes

When buying a faucet, a consumer can become confused by the wide variety of these devices. So it’s not easy to choose the right one suitable product. For greater clarity, these plumbing fixtures divided into three groups:

Ball valve design

Main details such a plumbing device are:

  • unscrewing housing part;
  • rubber seals rod;
  • swing arm;
  • galvanized steel screw;
  • swivel ball made of chromed brass;
  • Teflon seal of the ball part;
  • stock.

The simplest in design are household ball valves designed for cold water. Coupling types can withstand quite a heavy load, so they are used for hot water. These products have a lot in common, only the shape of the tap can be different, which depends on their purpose. The water flow in types of ball valves is carried out through a hole, and it is blocked by turning the lever 90 degrees.

Advantages of ball valves for water pipes

This device has become popular not only because of its ergonomic design and ease of use. He has a lot of other advantages:

Disadvantages of the device

A ball valve for water supply, unfortunately, also has disadvantages.

In case of poor water quality the ball begins to slagging. If the tap long time do not turn, especially if it is used for hot water, then after a while the device begins to act up, and then it becomes impossible to open it. Therefore, for prevention, it is recommended to turn it once every two months to remove all salt deposits from it.

If the water passing through the tap contains rust, then when opening and closing the device, its surface is damaged by scale and sand. All this leads to the fact that in the closed position the ball valve begins to etch.

If the plumbing fixture average quality, then in some cases a leak occurs from under the oil seal. In this situation, the tap can be tightened, but often the nut that tightens the oil seal begins to rotate along with the lever and the leak cannot be stopped. And in some models there is no oil seal at all, and therefore, if a leak occurs, the faucet is simply thrown out and a new one is installed.

Another drawback is that the ball valve should be installed only in a room where the temperature does not drop below zero degrees. Otherwise, the water freezes and ruptures the device.

How to choose a quality product

Before visiting a store to purchase a plumbing fixture, measure the dimensions water pipe . This is important because its cross-section and the dimensions of the ball holes must match.

It is best to study prices for such devices in advance in any online store. All information should be obtained directly from a hardware store from a sales consultant. The product must be visually assessed from all sides, because it is impossible to qualitatively evaluate the product from the picture on the website.

Quality products must have trademark, certificate, detailed instructions and labeling. The main instructions must have a translation into Russian - this is typical for licensed imported goods. Illegal products usually have sloppy translations, distortions in logos and inscriptions, and the name of the country of origin and release date are missing. No one will be responsible for such a product.

It is necessary to carefully inspect the product for the presence of sagging, cracks, chips, unevenness, and peeling paint on the swing arm. High-quality products have the same body wall thickness.

Ideally, the ball should be made of brass, but the fake one is made of steel. In addition, low-quality goods mirror surface dim.

The body must also be made of brass, the exception is chrome-plated ball mixers. The fake is usually made of silumin or galvanized steel. The protective coating is often scratched. The inner metal should be light yellow.

When purchasing a faucet, you should not pay attention to a product with a low price. A high-quality licensed product is never cheap. When making a purchase, the seller is obliged to issue a receipt giving the right to an exchange in the event of purchasing a crane with a defect. It would be better if there is a warranty card. It is never given for counterfeit goods. You also need to check for detailed instructions.

Increased demand for quality ball valves gave rise to the production of counterfeits, outwardly very similar, but spoiling the reputation of trusted manufacturers. They quickly begin to break or leak. There have been cases when a plumbing fixture purchased on the market cracked and fell apart during installation. It is best to purchase proven products from official distributors.


A ball valve for water supply systems should be made only from high-quality material from a reliable manufacturer with a mandatory warranty card. Installing a fake can lead to adverse consequences. Despite the fact that the product has minor disadvantages, it has quite significant advantages.

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