Feeding chickens with nettles. Nettle - a new forage crop

Broilers, compared to ordinary breeds of chickens, are very gentle creatures that are susceptible to changes in living conditions. The slightest deviations from the established diet or an unbalanced diet can lead to the bird becoming seriously ill. Therefore, every farmer needs to know how to feed meat-oriented birds in order to avoid adverse consequences. This article will discuss the question of whether it is possible to give broilers grass, and what kind of grass.

Among inexperienced poultry farmers, there is an opinion that it is impossible to raise large birds on natural food and vitamin supplements. Height and weight should be ensured with hormonal bait, and treatment should be carried out using various antibiotics. However, such a statement is erroneous. It is quite possible to raise healthy, large birds on natural grain and green feed. After all, these products contain all the microelements and beneficial substances that are so necessary for the intensive growth of livestock.

When creating a menu of what to feed small broilers, you must remember that grass and greens are an irreplaceable source of various vitamins.

These products must be present in the diet. Therefore, when thinking about whether it is possible to feed broilers with grass, the answer is clear - not only is it possible, but even necessary. The main thing is to know what greens to give and when. After all, not every plant benefits chickens.

At what age should you start giving grass?

Usually, meat birds are given a ready-made food mixture, which is sold in any pet store. This food consists of grains and microelements. It is allowed to include shells and gravel in the chalk feed to enrich the body with calcium. In the first days of life, chicks are not given greens.

The third day after birth is the age at which grass can be given to broilers as a vitamin supplement. But only tender greens are suitable. It is especially useful to include fresh. Therefore, it is better to mow the grass immediately before feeding. For example, radish leaves, plantain, nettle. Add them to the feed mixture, after thoroughly crushing them. The proportions are as follows: 6 grams of greens per adult per day. It is allowed to include greens in a mash of barley or oatmeal, wheat bran and yogurt.

Summer is the time when broilers can be given fresh grass. But what to do in winter and autumn, when there are no plants in the fields and meadows? There is a solution: babies are fed sprouted grain. Barley is most suitable. Herbal flour is also actively used. You either prepare it yourself or buy it ready-made in a specialized store.

Grass crushed into flour for broilers is included in the diet from the age of 5 days. They give it at the rate of 3 grams per chicken per day. After a few days, the norm is increased to 5 grams. It is not recommended to give more than this volume. Because herbal flour contains a lot of fiber, which is poorly absorbed by the chickens’ body.

What kind of grass can be given to broilers after a month is of interest to many novice breeders. In fact, at this age, birds are already less demanding in their diet. Therefore, it is allowed to include different greens. But radish leaves, clover and nettle are especially useful.

What greens to give to broilers and what not?

Before you start accustoming your kids to green food, you need to find out which grass can be fed to broiler chickens, and which is strictly prohibited. There are many different plants that are edible for birds. But the body of meat-oriented birds is very delicate. Therefore, he immediately reacts sharply to inappropriate food. Let's look at herbs that are beneficial and poisonous for broilers.

Healthy food

Freshly cut greens, grains and legumes (for example, oats) are what strengthen and improve the functioning of the bird's body. Nettle is very useful for those who have recently been born. Because it contains carotene, vitamins A, B, E, and ascorbic acid.
It improves digestion and accelerates growth. Before feeding, it must be scalded with boiling water. Crushed nettle leaves can be mixed with bran. It is better to use this plant within 6 hours after mowing. With longer storage, nettle begins to lose its beneficial properties. Meadow grasses will also be beneficial. For example, clover, it contains a lot of protein.

Chickens should not be denied vegetables and garden grass. They really love carrots, zucchini, cabbage, and cucumbers. Many poultry farmers feed their farms with weeds from the garden. Dill leaves, beet tops - all this is suitable as food. Even celandine is allowed to be given. True, in limited quantities.

Here are some other greens you can give to broiler chickens:

Regarding whether broilers can be given alfalfa, opinions are divided. Some inexperienced farmers believe that this plant is not suitable as feed. But professional breeders claim that alfalfa must be present in the diet. After all, it contains a lot of useful substances that are simply necessary for a young, growing body.

Poisonous food

When thinking about what kind of grass can be given to broiler chickens, one must take into account that there are some varieties of plants that are deadly poison for birds. For example, cherry, hemlock, cockle cause severe poisoning. There are also a number of other harmful greens.

Thus, prohibited products include the following:

  • Potato inflorescences and leaves.
  • Green part of tomatoes.
  • Pear leaves and seeds.
  • Burdock.
  • Horse chestnut.
  • White acacia.
  • Juniper.
  • Elder.

It is important to know the entire list of harmful products. But if the birds are free-range, the situation becomes simpler. The problem regarding what grass can be given to broilers disappears.

Birds themselves choose food suitable for themselves, knowing perfectly well which greens to eat and which ones it is better not to even touch.

How to introduce greens into your diet?

Having decided what grass to give to broilers, you need to start feeding. But you need to start with small portions. Plants should only be used when washed. It is advisable to scald them with boiling water. It is allowed to give greens in their pure form. But sometimes it is added to mash. For example, crushed nettle is mixed with an egg. This is an excellent vitamin mixture for young animals. For older individuals, the plants are no longer chopped, but given as a whole bunch.

However, we must remember that there are standards for plant consumption for chickens that have not reached 1.5 months. So, for babies from 0 to 5 days old, 1 gram per day is enough. From days 6 to 10, 3 grams of greens are given. Then from 11 to 20 days the norm is increased to 7 grams. From the third week to a month, 10 grams of greens are included in the daily diet. From days 31 to 40, the optimal dose is 15 grams. And from 41 days to 50 days it is allowed to give 17 grams of herbal treats.

Grass and green plants have a beneficial effect on the condition of the livestock. Babies' feathers grow faster. Birds that regularly consume this food look vigorous and healthy. Therefore, you don’t even need to think about whether broilers can be given grass and vegetables. It is recommended to place fresh plants in bowls of water. This way they won't wither for a long time. But it is important to ensure that the birds peck the greens within half an hour. All dirty and trampled food must be removed from the cage.

Experts advise harvesting greens for the next season in spring. An excellent vitamin supplement is weed that grows in the garden, fields and meadows. The collected herbs are tied into sheaves and dried thoroughly. This is how the food is stored. Before adding the resulting hay to food, it is thoroughly chopped. If the chickens are small, the dried plants are sifted through a sieve.

What questions do poultry farmers ask most often?

Farmers often ask whether duckweed can be given to broilers and in what form. In fact, duckweed is an excellent, affordable food that is available in sufficient quantities in ponds. Usually they do not feed pure duckweed. It is added fresh to mash or commercial feed.

For meat-producing birds, duckweed is a valuable source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is also rich in vitamins B, A, C, PP, E. It also contains fiber and amino acids. By including such a healthy product in the diet, the owner will quickly see the results: the chickens will grow rapidly and gain weight, feel healthy and vigorous.

Some breeders do not know whether it is possible to give spurge to broiler chickens and whether it is beneficial for birds. Euphorbia is a very poisonous plant. When consumed, birds experience severe poisoning, which often ends in death. This herb usually grows in large quantities in vegetable gardens. Therefore, you need to remember that you should never give it.

Hello, dear readers! Every poultry farmer understands the importance of a balanced diet for chickens. Today we will talk about feeding chickens with nettles. There are a huge number of products that can be useful for the feathered family. Therefore, it is worth using all the available wealth of nature to make the chickens’ diet as balanced as possible.

We will talk about one of these useful products that black lice love very much in today’s article. Consider feeding laying hens with nettles in winter and summer.

Nettle is an excellent product for feeding birds. Firstly, it costs nothing, and secondly, it is rich in nutrients that chickens need for good health.

Let's look at what this weed contains.

  1. Carbohydrates and protein. Moreover, 75% are carbohydrates, and the remaining 25% are protein. This combination is very successful, because protein helps maintain and gain muscle mass, and carbohydrates provide the necessary energy.
  2. Among the macroelements that this tasty herb contains are potassium in large quantities, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. This is all that every laying hen needs to form testicles.
  3. Among the microelements present, the most beneficial are iodine and iron. These are the components that are responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system and promote growth.
  4. And of course, this plant contains. Most of all it contains vitamins A, C, PP, as well as several from group B.

Feeding an adult flock

Adult flocks are fed fresh during the “green” season. If the chickens have the opportunity to graze in green thickets. But, it is much more effective to give the black-billed plant a plucked plant, or rather its leaves. Here are the basic feeding rules.

  1. As for the quantity, you can feed nettles to chickens in such quantities as your flock can eat. There are no restrictions. In some farms, birds are kept on almost nothing but green food in warm weather, and they are healthy.
  2. It is important to understand that the bird only eats the leaves of the plant - it is not interested in the stems. But, picking leaves separately, especially if you need a lot of them, is not very convenient. Therefore, a practical solution can be applied - tying the plants in bunches. In this form, the black choughs will peck off the green part, and it will be easier for you to dispose of the stems.
  3. You can make a vitamin cocktail - grind fresh leaves and add to a wet mash. But it is important to understand that during heat treatment most of the beneficial substances are destroyed.

Feeding nettles to chickens

Grass in the diet of chickens. It is not only nutritious, but also versatile. It can be used with equal success in the diet of both adult flocks and chickens. This is one of the few types of greens that they are allowed to eat.

But, it is necessary to give greens to children only in washed form. Considering that babies still have weak beaks, all their food is served crushed to make it easier to eat.

How to prepare nettles for chickens for the winter

How to prepare nettles for the winter? Feeding chickens with nettles is a very profitable and convenient way, because such a product can be used all year round. It is necessary to prepare for the most difficult season in the life of birds in warm weather. In winter, the feathered flock requires increased attention, which, unfortunately, is much more difficult to achieve in our climatic conditions.
But if you try, it is possible. Experienced poultry farmers prepare vitamin feed throughout the summer. How to prepare greens for future use?

  • The first method is the most convenient, but it will require special equipment. Fresh and juicy nettle bushes are picked in advance, thoroughly dried, crushed and sent to the granulator. After this, ready-made granules are obtained from dried grass, which must be stored in a dry and cool place. Moisture is unacceptable, because it can cause all the food to become moldy and become unsuitable for food. In winter, the finished granules are steamed with hot broth, and a moist mash is prepared with them, which laying hens eat with great pleasure.

  • The second method is a little simpler, and it is the most popular in poultry circles. At the height of the season, the plant is mowed in large quantities, allowed to dry completely and ground into a fine powder, resulting in grass meal - rich in vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown that during the harvesting process through natural drying, raw materials lose only 5% of nutrients, so they remain just as healthy throughout the year. But such flour can also lose its properties and even become dangerous if storage conditions are violated and the humidity in the room where it is located increases.

Product benefits

  1. Firstly, it is worth noting that such food goes to poultry farmers absolutely free. Thanks to this, you can significantly reduce the costs associated with maintaining a feathered flock.
  2. Thanks to this vitamin supplement, they can show the highest productivity indicators. It is especially good to feed laying hens in winter so that they lay eggs more actively.
  3. Nettle helps chickens grow and develop faster, and also promotes the formation of the immune system.
  4. And the most important advantage is that it can be used all year round, both fresh, dried or concentrated. It perfectly retains all its properties, so it brings maximum benefits to birds.

Adding the product in question to the diet of the winged family has many advantages and not a single contraindication or disadvantage. Irreplaceable greens are available to every poultry farmer, and do not cost anything, and besides this, they can be prepared for future use. That's all that can be said about this wonderful herb!

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How is nettle beneficial for broiler chickens?

Today, almost every person thinks about the importance of healthy and high-quality nutrition. Most products bought in modern supermarkets contain various food additives. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to raise livestock yourself, and it is best to raise broilers. Because they grow very quickly and produce a lot of meat. Many people talk about the benefits of nettle for broilers, since it contains a lot of microelements that have a positive effect on the growth and development of their body.

Useful properties of the plant

Many people who are just starting to farm do not fully understand how nettle is useful for broilers. So, first of all, it should be said that it is considered one of the very first early herbs that grow in the spring. This herb contains microelements such as:

  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • tannins.

And also, it contains a huge amount of vitamin C. And due to the content of a special vegetable protein, it becomes as nutritious as possible, since in this parameter it stands very close to legumes. As for the level of keratin content, nettles contain even more of this microelement than carrots. And in terms of ascorbic acid content, it surpassed even black currants. Due to the huge amount of mineral components, nettle is superior to other forage plants. For example, this plant contains five times more copper and zinc than alfalfa.

People who are unsure about whether broilers need nettle should know that this herb has special immune-modulating properties that ensure chickens receive maximum developmental benefits.

Watch a video about harvesting nettles for chickens.

How to properly feed chickens grass

Before you start feeding nettle to broilers, you need to know exactly when and how to start feeding this plant to your birds. Experienced housekeepers claim that small chickens can start feeding nettles on the second or third day after their birth. To ensure that birds receive even more vitamins, nettle can be additionally mixed with herbs such as:

  • alfalfa;
  • dandelions;
  • clover.

A mixture of such plants ensures good growth and development of poultry. And also, before using such a herb, you need to know exactly when nettle grows.

Most experienced housekeepers argue that crushed nettles should be immediately given to birds to eat. Because otherwise, or rather if the nettle sits for more than six hours, it will lose about 50% of its beneficial microelements. Some owners spread nettles for broiler chickens in the box in which the birds are kept. The thing is that such a hot plant will burn the paws of small chickens, and thereby stimulate the process of blood movement, providing a warming effect.

A characteristic advantage of this plant for poultry farmers is that nettle grows in every area completely free of charge. Thus, you can save significant money on purchasing various nutritional supplements.

Nettles should be given to chickens only in washed form. And also, you need to take into account that chickens still have weak beaks, that is, their food needs to be crushed as much as possible so that it is convenient for them to eat.

This plant, as an excellent option for feeding broiler chickens, can be used in various variations. So, the most popular options are:

  1. Decoction.
  2. Preparation for the winter.

Special decoctions. People who doubt whether nettle is beneficial for broilers should know that such grass can be used not only in fresh or dried form, but it is very good if it is given to birds as a decoction. To do this, you will need to pour boiling water over the leaves and leave them like that for several hours. After this, the liquid must be filtered and subsequently given to the chickens instead of ordinary water. Experts assure that this kind of infusion has an excellent effect on the body of young chickens and ensures good weight gain.

Preparation for the winter. To prepare nettles for winter, you need to collect them before flowering. The leaves need to be dried for several days, always in a dark place so that the sun's rays do not fall (an attic is ideal). Dried leaves can be stored for up to two years in a dark and dry place. And already in the winter, the dried leaves are crushed, and it is advisable to steam them when giving them to the bird. You can also make flour from dried grass, which can later be added to special mixtures of different cereals for chickens that were born in winter.

Another equally effective option for using this plant is a recipe using a granulator. To do this, you will need to collect nettles, then chop them finely and pass them through a grass cutter. At the end, the chopped herb must be dried and put into a granulator. As a result, you get a kind of vitamin granule that can be used not only for feeding chickens, but also for adult chickens. Nettle prepared in this way can be used at any time of the year. If desired, various natural additives, such as fish oil or chalk, can be added to such granules. These additives will saturate the granules with even more vitamins, which are necessary for the normal development of broilers. And also, we can say with confidence that nettle and vitamins are two inseparable concepts.

Thus, even for feeding newborn chickens, you can and should use fresh nettle. Because this particular plant contains a lot of useful microelements that can improve digestion and also accelerate the growth of poultry.

Share your experience of using nettles for household use in

Nettle is widely used not only in cooking, but also for feeding livestock and poultry. At the same time, many owners use greens only to reduce financial costs for feed, not knowing about all the benefits of grass. Let's consider the composition and valuable qualities of nettle, as well as how to properly use it for feeding broiler chickens.

Chemical composition

100 g of greens contains 33 kcal.

The nutritional value of the same amount of product is:

  • proteins - 2.6 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.2 g.

Did you know? In Great Britain, wine is made from nettle leaves. At the same time, only 67 kg of raw materials are enough to produce 5 thousand liters.

The plant contains many vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, K, H. Mineral composition: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese , zinc, selenium.

Greens also contain phytoncides, tannins, phenolic acids, and essential oils.

The balanced composition, the presence of phytoncides, a large amount of vitamins and minerals allow the plant to be used to combat pathogenic flora and radiation.

Benefits of nettle

Greens allow you not only to diversify the diet of broiler chickens, but also to save on expensive mineral and vitamin supplements.

It contains a whole complex of substances that have a positive effect on both the immune system and digestion.

Important! The younger the nettle, the more vitamins it contains. Therefore, be careful when collecting raw materials.

Broiler chicken is characterized by problems with bones, since weight gain occurs several times faster than the formation of bones and tendons. Because of this, every 2-3 chickens suffer from problems with the musculoskeletal system.

The plant contains calcium, phosphorus and potassium, which strengthen the bones and also contribute to its full development.

It also contains a relatively large amount of protein, while there is practically no fat. This allows not only to saturate the chickens’ body with vitamins and minerals, but also to increase the total calorie content of the diet.

How and in what form should it be given

Greens begin to be given to young animals from the age of three days. In this case, the leaves are not fed in their pure form, but the product is mixed evenly with liquid porridge. The leaves are first finely chopped by hand immediately before feeding, since the nettle loses its beneficial substances along with the liquid.

It is not recommended to use a blender or similar equipment when slicing.

Important! 6-7 hours after cutting, the greens lose half of their vitamin composition.

In order for the food of young animals to be not only nutritious, but also healthy, the proportion of nettles should not exceed 20%. For example, if you give the bird 100 g of porridge, then only 25 g of nettle should be added to it.

To avoid mistakes with the standards, use the table.


Nettle is given to both young and older birds (always in crushed form). This is primarily due to the presence of formic acid in the plant. It is she who has a burning effect.

When used in a mixture with other food, the crushed leaves quickly pass through sensitive areas. If you feed the greens without first chopping them, the bird may choke, or the mucous membranes of the bird's digestive tract may become very swollen.

How to prepare for the winter

If you have a large freezer on your farm, then the best option would be to freeze valuable greens for the winter. In this case, the nettle will retain most of all the beneficial substances. However, if this option is not suitable, then you can use one of the procurement methods described below.

Granulation. During the warm period, large volumes of nettles are collected, after which they are finely chopped and the raw materials are passed through a grass cutter. The result is a finely ground mass. Next, they use a granulator, which can be purchased in specialized stores or made at home.

After pelleting, you receive valuable food that can be stored for a long time, and will become a salvation in winter, when the bird feels a lack of vitamins. Also, during granulation, you can add chalk, fish oil, or other food to the mixture. This way you get a complete nutritional mix.

. The collected greens are washed, dried, and then stored in bags. To save space and also to correctly calculate the dose, dry grass is ground into flour, which later serves as an excellent additive to any food.

Did you know? Nettle greens can be used to store food in the absence of a refrigerator. It is enough to wrap meat or fish in leaves, and they will not spoil even in the heat.

Nettle is an excellent vitamin supplement not only for green soup, but also for the daily diet of poultry. It allows you to abandon antibiotics and vitamin mixtures in the warm season, significantly reducing the cost of maintaining broilers. And raw materials prepared in time in the summer will help enrich the poultry’s more meager winter diet.

Today, many farmers are engaged in breeding domestic animals. The most important thing is to know how to do it correctly. Any poultry farmer knows that proper feeding plays an important role when raising chickens. Only if the chickens receive a balanced, healthy diet will the farmer be able to obtain quality products. In this article we will try to figure out what you should not feed chickens, how to improve their egg production through nutrition, and whether it is possible to give flour products to birds.

What is best to give to pets?

So what do you need to know about it? Many novice farmers are interested in what they can and cannot feed domestic chickens. Typically, garden and kitchen waste is used for this purpose. Poultry can be given potatoes that are unsuitable for use. Green, too small or sprouted tubers are suitable. Chickens are also given potato peelings. One bird can eat 50-100 grams of such food per day.

It is also advisable to give chickens bread in dry or soaked form. You can also include ground bones, leftover meat, and fish offal in your diet. Beet and carrot tops, leftover berries and fruits are great for laying hens. You can make a mash from these ingredients.

Protein nutrition

What makes it special? What can and cannot be fed to chickens? Advice from experienced farmers often contains references to protein foods.

These include:

  • buttermilk;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • serum;
  • curdled milk;
  • fish or meat waste;
  • small fish;
  • shellfish

To prepare chicken mash, cake and meal from agricultural crops are often taken. Small amphibians, chafers and worms can be used as a source of protein in the diet.

Application of compound feeds

Is it worth it or not? Owners of large farms talk about the convenience of using compound feed. It is recommended to select specific feeds designed for your type of poultry. For example, there are certain foods on sale today that increase egg production. If you are raising meat breeds, then the food should not contain components that reduce weight gain.

In terms of nutritional value and composition, ready-made food is in no way inferior to natural food. From 60 to 70% of the composition is oats, bran, millet and barley. 20-30% are corn and legumes. The food also includes berries, vegetables, vitamins and minerals, bone meal, milk powder and dried herbs.

What should you not give to poultry?

If you want to run a successful farm, you definitely need to know what you should absolutely not feed your chickens. These birds are practically omnivorous. Many breeders use this. They use stale and spoiled food as food. This can lead to disease and eating disorders in birds. With such feeding there is also a high risk of infection with fungal diseases of the respiratory system.

How to prepare food?

Proper feeding of chickens requires careful grinding of all components. Carrots, beets and other root vegetables should be given to birds in grated raw form. The potatoes must first be boiled. This will get rid of excess starch. Eating green potatoes often leads to food poisoning. Also make sure that vegetables, grains and herbs are free of dirt and debris.

Prohibited Products

What can and cannot be fed to chickens? The advice of experienced farmers prescribes not to include baked goods and sweets in the diet of chickens. It is permissible to give grain bread to chickens in small quantities. In addition, food should not contain excess salts. If you want to flavor your food with fish oil, then choose only the highest quality product. Poor raw materials can cause an unpleasant odor from chicken products.

Consuming large amounts of whole milk can cause the development of dysbiosis in birds. The list of prohibited products also includes sausages, smoked meats, mushrooms, sausages, cheese, butter, spices, semi-finished fish products, confectionery and jam.

Greens for laying hens

What is its use? In the warm season, half of the diet of poultry can consist of fresh greens. This approach will help provide chickens with all the necessary components and microelements. In addition, such fresh nutrition can significantly improve productivity. The advantage of feeding grass is also its cost-effectiveness. Green food helps improve the taste of eggs. The yolk from such feeding will be brighter. Grass is easily digested by birds and is easier to digest than artificial feed.

What greens are best to give to chickens? What should you not feed laying hens? Experts recommend using alfalfa in the diet of birds. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which has a great effect on the vision of laying hens. Wheat grains are high in vitamin E. It is responsible for the immunity and productivity of chickens. Eating clover will help meet your protein needs. Sorrel is used to saturate the body of chickens with vitamin C.

What grass should I give to adults?

The feed mixture may contain 15-30% green components. Adults should be given herbs such as plantain, nettle, alfalfa, wood lice, dandelion, wheatgrass, clover, cereals, spurge, and sorrel. You can also include legumes and durum vegetables in your chickens' diet. Cabbage leaves are a good source of vitamins. You can also include green onions, dill, and parsley in the diet for chickens. Amaranth is high in healthy proteins.

How to serve grass?

Birds can either independently peck greens in the place where they grow, or consume them together with the feed mixture. Experts recommend hanging tufts of grass near the feeding area. This way the chickens won't trample them. As a rule, birds independently choose which greens suit them best. You can safely give them herbal mixtures and weeds. The only exceptions are poisonous plants. In winter, when there is not enough greenery, you can feed the birds dried pine flour and wheat.

Herbs unsuitable for feeding

What are they? What to feed laying hens? Prohibited foods include a number of herbs. To eliminate the possibility of poisoning, experienced farmers recommend limiting the place where chickens can walk. Poisonous herbs must be dug up along with the roots, otherwise they will sprout again. What plants are considered dangerous for birds? These are elderberry, spotted hemlock, broom, hemlock, potato inflorescences, henbane, belladonna, hellebore, black nightshade, juniper, and horse chestnut. If a bird eats any of the plants on this list, it may become seriously ill or even die. You definitely need to keep an eye on your chickens. In addition, you need to understand herbs. To completely eliminate the possibility of harmful plants getting into the diet, it is better to keep chickens in closed enclosures and give them greens only with food.

Is it possible to give bread?

The main requirement for a balanced diet for chickens is the presence of nutritional and beneficial elements such as fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. In this regard, a completely logical question arises: “Is it possible to give chickens bread?” Opinions on this matter vary greatly. The type of baking is of great importance here. If you mix bread with bran, cottage cheese, meat, herbs and potatoes, you will get a good complete food for birds. Such food will not harm the health of chickens and will have a good effect on the level of egg production. As for fresh bread, it is not recommended to give it to birds. Such a product can adversely affect the health of the chicken and also reduce immunity.

The fact is that in chicken stomachs, fresh bread swells and turns into a dense lump. This may even lead to the death of the bird. Black varieties of bread are especially dangerous. They contain salt and yeast, and also have a high level of acidity. This composition helps to activate the fermentation mechanism, which reduces egg production.

Many household owners believe that spoiled bread can be given to chickens. However, moldy baked goods can cause serious harm to birds. It can lead to poisoning and metabolic problems. To deprive moldy baked goods of the negative impact, you need to keep them in the oven.

Can any bread be given to birds? What should you not feed chickens? In no case is it recommended to give sweet buns and pastries with various fillings. This type of diet contributes to blood thickening and can lead to digestive disorders. Since white bread is also high in carbohydrates, it can only be given in the form of crackers. But even in this form, you should not be zealous with feeding. In winter, bread can be an excellent source of energy for birds. However, if chickens are kept in cages or small enclosures, it is better not to use such food. This type of food, combined with a lack of exercise, can cause blockages in blood vessels.


The productivity and egg production of chickens primarily depends on their diet. What should you not feed chickens? What to give to laying hens to improve egg quality? How to make a proper diet? The main requirement in this case is nutritional value and the presence of useful components. Chickens are omnivores. They can willingly eat any food, be it feed or leftovers. But to get high productivity rates, you need to choose the right nutrition. Only in this case will the chickens be healthy and able to lay eggs at full strength. A balanced feed for chickens should include grains and legumes, fresh herbs, vegetables, berries, fruits, cottage cheese and meat. To produce eggs well, you can use both ready-made mixtures and homemade mash.

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